Spelling suggestions: "subject:"good agricultural charactices"" "subject:"good agricultural andpractices""
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Propuesta de mejora de productividad basado en un Sistema Básico de Gestión por Procesos en las Mypes productoras de granada en el distrito de Santiago en Ica / Proposal to improve productivity based on a Basic Process Management System in the SMEs pomegranate producers in the district of Santiago in IcaCervantes Rivera, Hans Macálisther, Chicle Minchola, Gonzalo Octavio 10 December 2020 (has links)
El presente proyecto está enfocado en analizar el proceso de producción de la granada. Todas las actividades físicas, que intervienen dentro del proceso productivo, determinarán los niveles de producción que se originan en cada campaña. Estas cualidades presentan una gran importancia para elevar el valor del producto dentro de los distintos mercados de exportación, como Holanda, Francia, Ucrania; a los que apuntan los productores de Santiago-Ica.
Se ha identificado que el sector agrícola representa la mayor proporción dentro de los ingresos económicos que percibe el país en temas de exportación. Dentro de este mismo sector, se ha percibido que la Granada ha experimentado un constante crecimiento en sus niveles de exportación debido a que la demanda de esta fruta se ha incrementado considerablemente en países europeos y asiáticos. La presente investigación se enfoca a satisfacer las grandes demandas de otros países, incrementando las capacidades de producción en las MYPES.
Se han realizado evaluaciones del proceso de producción actual que se ejecutan en esta zona geográfica tomando como referencia las buenas prácticas agrícolas que son usadas en otros países con mejores indicadores de productividad. Este análisis ha permitido obtener diferencias significativas entre ambos procesos; es por ello que se ha elaborado un modelo propuesto, que será implementado usando herramientas básicas de la gestión por procesos para estandarizar las actividades a realizar y obtener resultados mejor estructurados que estén alineados a incrementar los niveles de producción y la optimización en el uso de los recursos.
Los resultados obtenidos serán analizados y usados para la generación de indicadores, las cuales han sido seleccionadas con la técnica SMART, que nos permitan comparar la productividad obtenida de un mismo pedazo de terreno antes y después de la propuesta de mejora.
Finalmente, el modelo propuesto será consultado y validado usando la técnica de juicio de expertos para lo cual consultamos con usuarios de las MYPES del sector y con expertos en el manejo de herramientas de gestión por procesos. Estos resultados serán analizados usando la matriz PUGH como herramienta para cuantificar la aprobación de cada uno de los expertos. / This project is focused on analyzing the pomegranate production process. All the physical activities that intervene in the production process will determine the levels of production that originate in each campaign. These qualities are of great importance to raise the value of the product within the different export markets, such as Holland, France, Ukraine; to which the producers of Santiago-Ica are targeting.
It has been identified that the agricultural sector represents the largest proportion within the economic income that the country receives in export issues. Within this same sector, it has been perceived that Granada has experienced a constant growth in its export levels due to the fact that its demand has increased considerably in European and Asian countries. This research is focused on satisfying the great demands of other countries, increasing the production capacities in SMEs.
Evaluations of the current production process that are carried out in this geographical area have been carried out, taking as a reference the good agricultural practices that are used in other countries with better productivity indicators. This analysis has allowed to obtain significant differences between both processes; That is why a proposed model has been developed, which will be implemented using basic tools of process management to standardize the activities to be carried out and obtain better structured results that are aligned to increasing production levels and optimizing the use of means.
The results obtained will be analyzed and used to generate indicators, which have been selected with the SMART technique, which allow us to compare the productivity obtained from the same piece of land before and after the improvement proposal.
Finally, the proposed model will be consulted and validated using the expert judgment technique, for which we consult with users of SMEs in the sector and with experts in the management of process management tools. These results will be analyzed using the Pugh matrix as a tool to quantify the approval of each of the experts. / Tesis
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Garlic dry rot: a comprehensive study from field to fork on casual agents and disease managementMONDANI, LETIZIA 31 March 2021 (has links)
L’aglio è coltivato a livello mondiale nelle regioni temperate, secondo la FAO nel 2016 1.5 milioni di ettari sono stati destinati a questa coltura. A partire dal 2002 Fusarium proliferatum è stato segnalato come principale agente causale del marciume secco dell’aglio in post raccolta. I sintomi sono identificabili come macchie necrotiche sui bulbilli e in presenza di forti infezioni è possibile osservare la presenza di micelio bianco. F. proliferatum è un patogeno in grado di produrre Fumonisina B1 e B2, micotossine che potrebbero accumularsi all’interno dei bulbi ed essere tossiche per il consumatore. In Italia nel 2012 il 30% del raccolto è stato perso a causa di questo patogeno. Essendo la Fusariosi una malattia emergente a livello mondiale in letteratura si trovano ancora scarse informazioni sul suo sviluppo a livello di campo e sulle strategie di contenimento.
1. Allo scopo di verificare la quantità di inoculo fungino presente nell’ambiente si è proceduto all’analisi dei suoli in presemina con specifica attenzione alla quantificazione e all’identificazione delle specie fungine presenti. A tale scopo è stata eseguita: la conta delle Unità Formanti Colonia per grammo di terreno (UFC/g) su terreni specifici per l’isolamento del genere Fusarium spp. per grammo di terreno. Le identificazioni sono state eseguite al microscopio ottico e confermate successivamente con metodi molecolari.
2. Per seguire l’avanzamento della malattia durante la stagione colturale, invece, si è proceduto al campionamento in tre fasi fenologiche (inizio formazione dei bulbilli BBCH 15, ingrossamento dei bulbilli BBCH 45, maturazione di raccolta BBCH 49) con caratterizzazione dei sintomi, isolamento e riconoscimento dei funghi associati al marciume.
3. Per verificare la correlazione tra andamento meteo e incidenza delle specie fungine associate al marciume secco, sono stati raccolti i dati di meteorologici relativi al totale delle piogge, ai gradi giorno, all’umidità relativa media e alla temperatura media nei quadrati corrispondenti alle aziende agricole oggetto di studio. I dati sono stati correlati attraverso il coefficiente di correlazione di Pearson con i valori di gravità e incidenza della malattia stimati a fine stagione colturale.
4. Per verificare l’insorgenza dalla malattia nella fase di post raccolta si è proceduto con campionamenti di bulbi in conservazione, posa in piastra di bulbilli sintomatici e asintomatici e calcolo dell’incidenza delle specie fungine associate ai sintomi del marciume.
5. Al fine di verificare la possibile presenza di fumonisine nei campioni analizzati durante la stagione colturale e nel post raccolta, si è proceduto all’analisi attraverso HPLC di estratti di aglio.
6. Per individuare possibili strategie di controllo della malattia durante la stagione colturale sono stati eseguiti test di efficacia di prodotti chimici e biologici in vitro e in campo. I prodotti chimici sono stati provati su PDA modificato inoculato centralmente con F. proliferatum, mentre per gli agenti di biocontrollo sono state allestite prove di coltura duale. La prova in campo, invece, è stata eseguita all’interno di un campo sperimentale a strip plot. L’aglio delle diverse tesi è stato conservato in cella frigorifera per 9 mesi, per valutare la persistenza dei prodotti utilizzati alla concia.
I risultati ottenuti hanno dimostrato che F. proliferatum e F. oxysporum sono le specie maggiormente associate al marciume dell’aglio durante la stagione colturale. L’andamento delle due specie è complementare e varia a seconda dell’andamento meteorologico della stagione colturale. F. proliferatum è correlato positivamente con l’aumento della temperatura e delle piogge, mentre F. oxysporum sembra prevalere nelle stagioni meno piovose ed ha mostrato correlazione positiva con la gravità dei sintomi rilevati in campo sulle corone.
La carica micotica di Fusarium nel terreno rimane costante negli anni di analisi, facendo presupporre un maggiore ruolo del seme nella trasmissione della malattia.
Per quanto riguarda il post raccolta, invece, F. proliferatum risulta la specie isolata con maggiore frequenza dai bulbilli e si correla positivamente ai sintomi rilevati sugli spicchi, confermando il suo ruolo come agente causale del marciume secco durante lo stoccaggio. F. oxysporum, invece, colonizza in prevalenza le radici e la parte basale della pianta dividendo il patosistema in due subsistemi: F. proliferatum-bulbi; F. oxysporum-radici. F. proliferatum è stato isolato anche dagli spicchi asintomatici con frequenza del 25%, ed è stato possibile rilevare la presenza di fumonisine con l’avanzare del tempo di stoccaggio in cella. Essendo il fungo presente anche sugli spicchi asintomatici maggiori studi saranno necessari per garantire la sicurezza dei consumatori. Infine, dalle prove di concia in campo è emerso che il principio attivo Tebuconazolo, riduce la comparsa dei sintomi da Fusarium, ma non in modo risolutivo. Ciononostante, una volta che il prodotto viene riportato a temperatura ambiente dopo lo stoccaggio in cella refrigerata, l’incidenza di F. proliferatum aumenta nuovamente con possibilità di sviluppo di danni al prodotto da commercializzare. / Since 2002, Fusarium proliferatum has been reported as the main causal agent of garlic dry rot during the postharvest stage, but information on the development of the disease throughout the production chain was nearly absent. Dry rot has caused huge economic losses in the past few years (up to 30 % of the yield), symptoms are visible on bulbs during storage as necrotic spots and in the most severe attacks, white mycelium may become visible on cloves. Few pest management strategies were tested in the recent past, but none were satisfactory. Due to the economic effect that this pathogen can have on local productions, the thesis aimed to deeply investigate the pathosystem with a field to fork approach and to test new strategies to control fungal infections.
First of all, the work focused on garlic (Allium sativum L.) cropping season, intending to clarify the role of F. proliferatum in bulb infection as well as the impact of crop growing conditions on the development of the pathogen. A 3-year study was conducted in Piacenza (northern Italy) by sampling six garlic farms with different dry rot history (three highly contaminated and three low contaminated). Soil samples were recovered at sowing time for the counting of fungal colony-forming units (CFU). Plant samples were collected at three relevant growth stages, from April to July, for which disease severity assessment and fungi isolations were performed. Fusarium was the most frequently isolated genus, and F. proliferatum and F. oxysporum the dominant species during the garlic cropping season. F. oxysporum was dominant in the first year of the study, but F. proliferatum registered the highest incidence in all the farms tested. F. oxysporum incidence was correlated with dry weather, whereas F. proliferatum was enhanced in rainy years. To conclude, F. proliferatum is confirmed to be associated with garlic bulbs, even at crop’s early growth stages and symptoms are visible mainly on roots and basal plates at the field stage, related to F. oxysporum.
Then, the focus was made in detecting the presence of F. proliferatum on garlic bulbs during prolonged storage, and to identify other fungal species associated with garlic dry rot. Moreover, fumonisin contamination in symptomatic and asymptomatic cloves were detected. Samples of 100 plants were collected over three production seasons in six farms located in Northern Italy at three-time points (at harvest, processing, and 6 months storage at –4° C). Results obtained lead to think that Fusarium–garlic pathosystem is split into two parts: basal plate/root and bulb. F. proliferatum had the highest incidence in infected bulbs and was confirmed as the causal agent of postharvest dry rot in garlic (mean incidence: 35.4%). F. oxysporum co-occurred with F. proliferatum but symptoms were visible only on basal plate/root. Dry rot incidence slightly increased during cold storage (from 14.6% at processing to 18.4% at 6-month storage); although, F. proliferatum incidence was stable during cold storage, fumonisin were produced from harvest through storage. Cloves showing symptoms were more contaminated compared to those asymptomatic, both by the fungus (mean incidence 39% vs 25.3%) and the toxin (287.0 vs 24.4 µg kg-1). Therefore, cold storage limits garlic dry rot, but health concerns related to fumonisin should be seriously considered.
Regarding disease management, garlic crop is commonly propagated by plant parts (cloves). To protect garlic crop from early growth stages it is important to find commercial products able to control the pathogen growth on seedlings. The experiment aimed to test in vitro and in vivo the efficacy of triazoles and biocontrol agents (BCAs) against F. proliferatum and F. oxysporum. In in vitro trials, the best performance was achieved by propiconazole+prochloraz (100%), followed by tebuconazole (88.9%). BCAs were less effective but still showed great capacity to control the pathogen with maximum growth inhibition of 80% (Trichoderma harzianum +T. gamsii). In both cases, temperature influenced the capacity to control the pathogen with minimum effect at 25°C compared to lower temperatures. In vivo bacterial BCAs showed a similar capacity to control Fusaria compared to chemical products (mean of severity index 18.6% and 11.7%, respectively) and did not show side effects on root length. In vitro and in vivo results are comparable, except for Trichoderma, with the worst performances in terms of disease severity on plants.
Finally, a field trial was designed to verify the efficacy of chemical and biological active ingredients as seed coating both at crop stage and postharvest, simulating the entire production chain, by taking into account visible symptoms and incidence of fungi. All products tested reduced the severity of symptoms on basal plates at the field stage, but none of them was able to reduce Fusarium incidence. A postharvest analysis conducted on bulbs demonstrated the efficacy of Tebuconazole, B. subtilis, and Trichoderma+B. subtilis in reducing the number of cloves showing symptoms per bulb (mean 34.3% vs control 45.8%). Moreover, Tebuconazole was able to reduce the incidence of F. proliferatum by 48% with respect to untreated control. The trial highlighted also that the incidence of F. proliferatum increased by 37% when garlic bulbs were kept for 15 days at room temperature simulating storage at consumers houses. Results obtained in the trial are promising and seed coating had a positive effect on garlic dry rot postharvest; although further studies are needed to test the persistence of seed coating treatments after prolonged storage period, especially when the product is kept outside cold chambers.
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Propuesta de proceso de distribución física mediante la cadena en frio para la conservación y la exportación de frambuesas orgánicas / Proposal for a physical distribution process through the cold chain for the conservation and export of organic raspberrieTorres De La Cruz, Jorge Josué Manuel, Tardillo Mejía, Mijaíl Luis 11 November 2020 (has links)
La gestión de cadena de suministro, cada vez está tomando mayor importancia a nivel mundial, debido ya que es crítico para el logro de un buen producto final.
Esta investigación describe la viabilidad de los procesos en la industria logística de la cadena de frío de la frambuesa en el Perú. El cultivo de frambuesas se encuentra en la etapa de oportunidades potenciales de crecimiento para la agroindustria. La logística de producción es una parte esencial de la gestión de la cadena de suministro de alimentos; esto mejora el rendimiento y la calidad del producto fresco. La cadena de frío y las buenas prácticas agrícolas preservan la calidad y reducen las pérdidas de producción de frambuesa en un 9%. Además, la implementación de una Gestión por procesos, en el tramo de pos cosecha hasta la llegada al aeropuerto, hicieron que este berrie, tenga la posibilidad de exportarse de tipo orgánica y estar al nivel de la competencia. Este modelo se basa en artículos científicos que son los pilares teóricos de la metodología de proceso que desarrolla la competitividad del producto. / Supply chain management is becoming increasingly important worldwide, as it is critical to achieving a good final product.
This research describes the viability of the processes in the logistics industry of the raspberry cold chain in Peru. Raspberry cultivation is in the stage of potential growth opportunities for agribusiness. Production logistics is an essential part of managing the food supply chain; This improves the yield and quality of the fresh product. The cold chain and good agricultural practices preserve quality and reduce raspberry production losses by 9%. In addition, the implementation of a Management by processes, in the post-harvest section until arrival at the airport, made this berrie have the possibility of being exported organically and being at the level of the competition. This model is based on scientific articles that are the theoretical pillars of the process methodology that develops the competitiveness of the product. / Trabajo de suficiencia profesional
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