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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The impact of IFRS on the analysts' information environment : the role of accounting policies and corporate disclosure

Mylonas, Georgios January 2016 (has links)
The thesis presents the results of a study on the impact of International Financial Reporting Standards on the analysts information environment. The analysis is concentrated on the role of specific IFRSs and corporate disclosure. The effect of IFRS adoption on the information asymmetry between firms and outsiders is examined through properties of analysts earnings forecasts. A contribution to the existing academic literature is made by examining the role of goodwill, intangible assets and acquisitions before and after IFRS adoption in Europe. The results show that the IFRSs for goodwill, acquisitions and intangible assets are related to improvements in the analysts information environment. Another contribution to knowledge is made by investigating the effect of corporate disclosure quantity on the analysts information environment before and after IFRS adoption. For this purpose, a new approach and text analysis technique to assess the impact of corporate disclosure quantity is developed. This involves the creation of a new custom dictionary and the collection of an extensive set of qualitative data. The results show that corporate disclosure quantity under IFRS, is related to improvements in the analysts information environment but that there are differences in this effect across European countries. The results also demonstrate that the improvements in the accuracy of analysts earnings forecasts are related particularly to disclosure concerning financial instruments and operating segments. Overall, the findings of the thesis suggest that the adoption of IFRS resulted in an increase in the quality of reported earnings, which is likely to derive from higher comparability of financial statements, enhanced transparency and an improved analysts information environment. It is also established that fundamental differences across countries remain after IFRS adoption and that the development and harmonisation of financial reporting standards alone are not sufficient to increase the quality of financial information and decrease information asymmetry between market participants.

What determines the amount of reported goodwill impairment? : An investigation of Nasdaq Stockholm OMX (OMXS)

Friberg, Gusten, Åström Johansson, Carl January 2018 (has links)
Background: The question on how to account for goodwill has long been a subject that causes big debates among actors within financial accounting. In 2004, the IASB released a new standard, IFRS 3 – Business Combinations, that changed the accounting for goodwill. The interpretation for goodwill impairments according to IAS 36 has led to findings in studies that show patterns of earnings management and that a possible gap exists between the standard setter’s basic aim of IAS 36 and what actually is done by the practitioners. Purpose: Examine what determines the amount of reported goodwill impairment for firms listed on the Nasdaq OMX Stockholm (OMXS). Method: To fulfil the purpose of the thesis, the authors takes a quantitative research approach by a using a multiple linear regression model. The regression model is based on proxies for economic impairment, earnings management and corporate governance mechanisms from previous literature (Stenheim & Madsen, 2016; AbuGhazaleh, Al-Hares, & Roberts, 2011; Riedl, 2004). The data used for the regression model has been collected from published annual reports of 69 firms listed on the Nasdaq Stockholm OMX (OMXS), between the years 20072016. Conclusion: The findings of the thesis show that the accounting behaviour of “Big Bath” is exercised for firms listed on the Nasdaq Stockholm OMX (OMXS). The proxies for economic impairment have, to some extent, an impact on the amount of reported goodwill impairment, but the majority of the proxies for corporate governance mechanisms does not affect the amount of reported goodwill impairment. These findings might suggest that the standard IAS 36, which regulates the accounting for goodwill, may not entirely fulfil its purpose of creating a more transparent financial reporting.

Mecanismos da Lei do Bem para a inovação tecnológica: um estudo do incentivo à P&D nas grandes empresas do Parque Tecnológico do Rio de Janeiro / Mechanisms of the Goodwill Law for Technological Innovation: a Study of the R&D Incentives in the BigCompanies in Rio de Janeiro Technology Park

Flávia de Souza Teixeira da Silva 04 February 2014 (has links)
O objetivo fundamental deste trabalho é identificar os impactos dos incentivos fiscais federais concedidos pelo Governo brasileiro com a publicação da Lei do Bem, sobre os investimentos privados em P&D. A partir de estudo de campo realizado emgrandes empresas estabelecidas em habitats de inovação, especialmente em PqTgerido por universidade, foi analisado como a Lei do Bem auxilia a disseminação da cultura de inovação e aumenta a competitividade empresarial. Especificamente, o estudo tem o intuito de mostrar a importância da inclusão de forma mais abrangente dos gastos com infraestrutura de P&D, no rol das atividades passíveis de recebimento de incentivos fiscais por empresas localizadas em países notadamente carentes neste aspecto, tal qual o Brasil. Ademais, analisar comparativamente os mecanismos de incentivos fiscais utilizados por outros países com a intenção de propor adequações na estrutura da Lei do Bem que minimizem a sua não utilização em virtude da falta de clareza na sua aplicação e consequente adoção de postura conservadora pelas empresas. A metodologia consistiu de um estudo exploratório e qualitativo e revisão bibliográfica onde foram analisados os conceitos teóricos relacionados à inovação, sistemas nacionais, regionais e setoriais de inovação, hélice tríplice, habitats de inovação e políticas públicas, além da coleta de dados realizada por meio de consulta aos relatórios elaborados por entes governamentais, bem como por entrevistas realizadas junto às empresas que instalaram seus centros de P&D no PqT UFRJ, Consultorias especializadas e à ANPEI. Os resultados doestudoforam obtidos a partir da compilação dos dados destas entrevistas e relatórios. Além de outras conclusões, as informações permitiram afirmar que os incentivos fiscais, especialmente aqueles relacionados à redução do Imposto de Renda da Pessoa Jurídica, são importantes na medida em que permitem às grandes empresas, que já realizam atividades de P,D&I, a destinação de um montante maior a essas atividades. Apesar disso, essa política pública carece de aperfeiçoamento em função de haverrestado claro que a mesma não estimula todas as atividades de inovação, mas apenas aquelas relacionadas à P&D, além de não haver incentivos adequados ao crescimento de infraestrutura para inovação. / The primary goal of this paper is to identify the impacts of the federal tax incentives granted by the Brazilian government with the publication of the Goodwill Law, on private investment in R&D. Beginning withthe field study, conducted in large firms in innovation habitats, especially in a technology park managed by a university, it was analyzed how the GoodwillLaw helps spreading the innovation culture and increases business competitiveness. Specifically, the paper aims to show the importance of including in a more comprehensive way theR&D infrastructure expenses in the list ofeligible activities to receive tax incentives by companies particularly located in countries that lack these incentives, such as Brazil. Furthermore, compare the mechanisms of tax incentives used by other countries intending to propose adjustments in the Goodwill Lawstructure in order to minimize its non-use due tonon-understanding in its implementation and consequent adoption of a conservative posture by companies. The methodology consisted of an exploratory qualitative study and literature review which analyzed the theoretical concepts related toinnovation, national, regional and sectorial innovation systems, triple helix, innovation habitats and public policy concepts, in addition to data collected from government agencies reports, as well as interviews with the companies that set up their R&D centers in Rio de Janeiro Technology Park, specialized consulting firms and ANPEI. The study results were obtained from the compilation of these interviews and reports data. Among other conclusions, the information allowed to assert that tax incentives, especially those related to the reduction of Corporate Income Tax, are important insofar as they allow large companies that already carry out R,D&I activities, to allocate a greater amount on these activities. Nevertheless, this policy needs to be improved since it does not stimulate all innovation activities, but only those related to R&D, besides there are no appropriate incentives to promote the growth of innovationinfrastructure.

Earnings Management : En kvantitativ studie om faktorer som påverkar förekomsten av resultatmanipulering i svenska börsnoterade bolag / Earnings Management : A quantitative study of factors that affect the presence of profit manipulation in Swedish listed companies

Andreasson, Matilda, Gustafsson, Moa January 2017 (has links)
Earnings Management är ett begrepp som syftar till diskretionär redovisning som innebär manipulering av ett företags resultat. Resultatmanipulering kan ske både uppåt och nedåt. När manipulering sker uppåt syftar det till att höja det redovisade resultatet medan manipulering nedåt syftar till att sänka resultatet vilket benämns Big Bath Accounting. Det finns flera forskare som har studerat detta område över tid och som har kommit fram till motstridiga resultat. Vissa forskare menar att Earnings Management och Big Bath Accounting förekommer i stor utsträckning då företag erbjuder bonusprogram som baseras på företagets resultat samt om VD-byte har skett. Andra forskare är av en annan uppfattning. De finner inga statistiska bevis för att Earnings Management och Big Bath Accounting förekommer vid bonusprogram och VD-byten. Vissa av dessa forskare menar även att Earnings Management har avtagit avsevärt eller till och med försvunnit under de senaste åren. Tidigare forskning visar även motstridiga bevis kring användningen av Earnings Management under finanskriser samt bonusprogram. Studiens syfte var således att undersöka faktorer som ligger till grund för Earnings Management och Big Bath Accounting samt incitament som kan påverka ledningen till resultatmanipulering. Resultat från tidigare forskning ligger till grund för studiens teoretiska referensram som mynnade ut i tre hypoteser. Dessa hypoteser testades via multipel regressionsanalys samt en tidsserieanalys. Studiens urval omfattade företag på den svenska marknaden på OMX Stockholmsbörsen Large Cap under åren 2007-2015. Det ursprungliga urvalet omfattades av 747 observationer men då ett visst bortfall ägde rum kvarstod 547 observationer för hypotesprövning ett och två samt 567 observationer för hypotesprövning 3. Resultatet visade på ett statistiskt samband mellan resultatmanipulering och bonusprogram, dock fann vi inget säkerställt samband mellan resultatsänkande periodiseringar och VD-byten. Däremot fann vi stöd för vår tredje alternativhypotes att finanskrisen påverkade Earnings Management under åren 2008-2009. Vår slutsats blev således att de faktorer som ligger till grund för Earnings Management och Big Bath Accounting samt incitament som kan påverka ledningen till resultatmanipulering är bonusprogram och finanskrisen. / Earnings Management is a term aimed at discretionary accounting which involves manipulation of a company's results. Earnings Management can be done either upwards or downwards. When manipulation occurs downwards with the aim of lowering the result, it´s called Big Bath Accounting. There are several researchers who have studied this area over time and have come up with conflicting results. Some researchers believe that Earnings Management and Big Bath Accounting occur to a large extent when companies offer bonus programs based on company performance and whether CEO turnovers has occurred. Other researchers have a different opinion. They do not find any statistical evidence that Earnings Management and Big Bath Accounting occurs when the CEO has changed and companies have bonus programs. Some of these researchers also believe that Earnings Management has diminished significantly or even disappeared in recent years. Previous research also shows conflicting evidence about the use of Earnings Management during financial crises and bonus programs. The purpose of the study was thus to investigate factors that underlie Earnings Management and Big Bath Accounting as well as incentives that may affect the management of a company to apply the theory. Results from previous research form the basis of the theoretical framework of the study, which emerged in three hypotheses. These hypotheses were tested by multiple regression analysis as well as a time series analysis. The study's selection was limited to companies in the Swedish market on the OMX Stockholm Stock Exchange's Large Cap in 20072015. The original sample was comprised of 747 observations, but when a certain loss occurred, 547 observations remained while testing hypothesis one and two and 567 observations remained while testing hypothesis three. The result showed a statistical correlation between performance manipulation and bonus programs, but we found no statistical correlation between profit-decreasing accruals and CEO turnover. On the other hand, we found support for our third alternative hypothesis that the financial crisis affected Earnings Management during 2008-2009. Our conclusion thus became that the factors underlying Earnings Management and Big Bath Accounting as well as incentives that could affect the management of a company to apply the theory are bonus programs and the financial crisis.

Goodwill při fúzích / Goodwill in mergers

Smejkalová, Eva January 2015 (has links)
The diploma thesis is focused on goodwill, which can occur during mergers of companies in the Czech Republic. The beginning of the theoretical part is devoted to the definition of the term goodwill, summary of the history of that accounting item and explanation of the types of business transformations. It is followed by comprehensive description of recognition and reporting of goodwill and valuation difference on acquired assets in accounting during domestic mergers. The thesis is supplemented by references to specific statutory regulations relating to the manner and timing of the recognition of these items. The whole thesis is focused exclusively on mergers in the Czech Republic. The application part contains information about research and analysis of selected domestic mergers realized in years 2012 and 2013. The most important conclusion of the analysis is that goodwill occurs very rarely during mergers in the Czech Republic.

Le territoire du médecin légiste. Éthique & Épistémologie de l’expertise médico-judiciaire / The Field of Forensic Medicine. Ethics and the Science of Philosophy by Forensic Medical Specialists

Michard, Jean-François 12 December 2014 (has links)
Le rapport d’expertise du médecin légiste a souvent un rôle déterminant dans de nombreux procès criminels pour condamner ou relaxer un mis en cause. En révélant des faits utiles à l’enquête, le médecin légiste a le devoir d’être neutre, d’utiliser les données actuelles de la science et de rechercher la vérité de ce qui s’est passé. Mais la position classique de neutralité axiologique est-elle pertinente? Peut-on évacuer les valeurs de l’expertise ? La vérité est-elle accessible ? Qu’est-ce que la science en médecine légale ? Le médecin légiste n’utiliserait-il pas d’autres outils pour arriver à ses conclusions ? Pour répondre à ces questions, ce travail se propose d’étudier le rapport entre faits et valeurs au sein de l’expertise médico-judiciaire ainsi que d’examiner comment s’élaborent les conclusions du médecin légiste et la manière dont il les exprime. / The expert report composed by a forensic pathologist often plays a key role in many criminal trials in order to either free or convict the defendant. By unearthing useful facts for the inquiry, the forensic pathologist has a duty to be neutral, use up-to-date scientific knowledge and data and to search for the truth in underlying events. But is the usual position of axiological neutrality relevant? Can values be evacuated from the expertise? Can the truth be achieved? What is actually science in the field of forensics? Is the forensic pathologist not using other tools to reach a conclusion? To address these issues, this work proposes to investigate the relationship between facts and values in the field of forensic expertise, as well as to examine the way the forensic scientists draw conclusions and in turn how these are stated.

Dopad vkladu podniku a přeměn obchodních společností na velikost a strukturu vlastního kapitálu / The impact of whole company investment and mergers upon value and structure of equity

Pražáková, Jana January 2009 (has links)
This graduation thesis is concerned with impacts on equity which are caused by some of selected operations with company (whole company investment, merger). The explanation of essence and elements of equity is basis of understanding. Particular operations with company are specified in light of commercial law, accountancy and taxes. Special attention is paid to questions of revaluation. The application of different valuation base has got a fundamental impact upon value and structure of equity.

Účetní problémy při přeměnách obchodních společností / Accounting issues in company transformations

Teissigová, Petra January 2009 (has links)
This thesis focuses on accounting problems that arise in the context of transformation the company. These include the problem of revaluation of assets and liabilities, the difference arising from revaluation and the recognition and reporting of difference from takeovers. To understand the context in thesis is described the Law on transformation of companies and cooperatives, and selected provisions of the Accounting Law.

Změny hodnoty aktiv podle IFRS / Impairment testing of assets according to IFRS

Procházka, Michal January 2014 (has links)
The main object of this thesis is to show measurement of assets and its changes under International Financial Reporting Standards with closer focus on impairment testing according to IAS 36 - Impairment of Assets. The first part of the thesis introduces definition of assets and possible measurement bases used at first time recognition and reporting date. The main part deals with impairment testing of individual assets and cash-generating units. There is described when the impairment testing must be performed, how to determine the size of impairment loss and possibilities of abolishing the impairment loss. At the end of the thesis is analyzed actual impairment test.

Impairment nefinančných aktív podľa IFRS a US GAAP / Accounting for the impairment of non-financial assets IFRS/US GAAP

Kačur, Branislav January 2013 (has links)
This thesis deals with the requirements of how to approach the issue of testing the value of assets in accounting and recognition of an impairment loss under IFRS and U.S. GAAP. The main objective was to create a comprehensive view of this specific area, eventually determine differences in accounting and reporting between IFRS and US GAAP. There is mostly characteristic of IAS 36 Impairment of Assets and SFAS 144 Accounting for the Impairment or Disposal of Long-Lived Assets, which specify when and how to entity test, identify, report impairment loss. The work also describes the basics of valuation of assets, mainly deals with the measurement by using historical cost and fair value.

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