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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Srovnání algoritmů dekódování Reed-Solomonova kódu / Comparison of decoding algorithms of Reed-Solomon code

Šicner, Jiří January 2011 (has links)
The work deals with the encoding and decoding of Reed-Solomon codes. There is generally described algebraic decoding of Reed-Solomon codes, and then described four methods of decoding, namely Massey-Berlekamp algorithm, Euclidean algoritus, Peterson-Gorenstein-Zierler algorithm and the direct method. These methods are then compared, and some of them are implemented in Matlab.

Frobenius categorification of cluster algebras

Pressland, Matthew January 2015 (has links)
Cluster categories, introduced by Buan–Marsh–Reineke–Reiten–Todorov and later generalised by Amiot, are certain 2-Calabi–Yau triangulated categories that model the combinatorics of cluster algebras without frozen variables. When frozen variables do occur, it is natural to try to model the cluster combinatorics via a Frobenius category, with the indecomposable projective-injective objects corresponding to these special variables. Amiot–Iyama–Reiten show how Frobenius categories admitting (d-1)-cluster-tilting objects arise naturally from the data of a Noetherian bimodule d-Calabi–Yau algebra A and an idempotent e of A such that A/< e > is finite dimensional. In this work, we observe that this phenomenon still occurs under the weaker assumption that A and A^op are internally d-Calabi–Yau with respect to e; this new definition allows the d-Calabi–Yau property to fail in a way controlled by e. Under either set of assumptions, the algebra B=eAe is Iwanaga–Gorenstein, and eA is a cluster-tilting object in the Frobenius category GP(B) of Gorenstein projective B-modules. Geiß–Leclerc–Schröer define a class of cluster algebras that are, by construction, modelled by certain Frobenius subcategories Sub(Q_J) of module categories over preprojective algebras. Buan–Iyama–Reiten–Smith prove that the endomorphism algebra of a cluster-tilting object in one of these categories is a frozen Jacobian algebra. Following Keller–Reiten, we observe that such algebras are internally 3-Calabi–Yau with respect to the idempotent corresponding to the frozen vertices, thus obtaining a large class of examples of such algebras. Geiß–Leclerc–Schröer also attach, via an algebraic homogenization procedure, a second cluster algebra to each category Sub(Q_J), by adding more frozen variables. We describe how to compute the quiver of a seed in this cluster algebra via approximation theory in the category Sub(Q_J); our alternative construction has the advantage that arrows between the frozen vertices appear naturally. We write down a potential on this enlarged quiver, and conjecture that the resulting frozen Jacobian algebra A and its opposite are internally 3-Calabi–Yau. If true, the algebra may be realised as the endomorphism algebra of a cluster-tilting object in a Frobenius category GP(B) as above. We further conjecture that GP(B) is stably 2-Calabi–Yau, in which case it would provide a categorification of this second cluster algebra.

Sur les invariants des pinceaux de quintiques binaires

Meulien, Matthias 19 December 2002 (has links) (PDF)
On s'intéresse aux invariants pour l'action naturelle du groupe SL_2<br />sur l'algèbre B des coordonnées homogènes de la Grassmannienne des<br />pinceaux de formes quintiques binaires. La variété quotient<br />Proj(B^SL_2) est un candidat naturel pour la variété de modules des<br />quintiques gauches rationnelles.<br /><br />Un procédé connu établit une correspondance birationnelle et<br />équivariante entre la Grassmannienne des pinceaux de formes binaires<br />de degré d et l'espace projectif des formes binaires de degré 2d-2.<br />Lorsque le degré d est 5, cela suggère de comparer l'algèbre B^SL_2 et<br />l'algèbre des invariants d'une forme octique binaire. Cette algèbre a<br />été décrite en détail par T. Shioda en 1967.<br /><br />Nous établissons pour B^SL_2 un résultat analogue à celui de T.<br />Shioda : l'algèbre B^SL_2 est le quotient de l'algèbre de polynômes à<br />neuf indéterminées R=C[x_1,x_2,x_3,x'_3,x_4,x_5,x'_5,x_6,x_7] (les<br />indices donnent les degrés des indéterminées) par l'idéal des<br />4-Pfaffiens d'une matrice alternée 5x5 ; on identifie (numériquement)<br />la résolution libre minimale du R-module B^SL_2 ; enfin, on obtient<br />une famille génératrice minimale de l'algèbre B^SL_2.<br /><br />Pour y parvenir on commence par étendre la formule de T. Springer<br />(donnant la série de Poincaré de l'algèbre des invariants d'une forme<br />binaire) à l'algèbre des coordonnées homogènes d'une Grassmannienne.<br /><br /><br />Le point clé suivant consiste en l'identification d'un système de<br />paramètres homogènes. C'est possible grâce à une caractérisation, au<br />moyen du morphisme Wronskien, de la stabilité sur la Grassmannienne.<br />Il faut ensuite étudier les covariants d'ordre 4 et degré 2, ce qui<br />donne lieu à quelques énoncés de nature géométrique.<br /><br />Ces techniques permettent également de décrire les algèbres<br />d'invariants des pinceaux de cubiques et quartiques. Par ailleurs<br />l'étude du Wronskien conduit à de nouvelles formules de pléthysme.

Boij-Söderberg Decompositions, Cellular Resolutions, and Polytopes

Sturgeon, Stephen 01 January 2014 (has links)
Boij-Söderberg theory shows that the Betti table of a graded module can be written as a linear combination of pure diagrams with integer coefficients. In chapter 2 using Ferrers hypergraphs and simplicial polytopes, we provide interpretations of these coefficients for ideals with a d-linear resolution, their quotient rings, and for Gorenstein rings whose resolution has essentially at most two linear strands. We also establish a structural result on the decomposition in the case of quasi-Gorenstein modules. These results are published in the Journal of Algebra, see [25]. In chapter 3 we provide some further results about Boij-Söderberg decompositions. We show how truncation of a pure diagram impacts the decomposition. We also prove constructively that every integer multiple of a pure diagram of codimension 2 can be realized as the Betti table of a module. In chapter 4 we introduce the idea of a c-polar self-dual polytope. We prove that in dimension 2 only the odd n-gons have an embedding which is polar self-dual. We also define the family of Ferrers polytopes. We prove that the Ferrers polytope in dimension d is d-polar self-dual hence establishing a nontrivial example of a polar self-dual polytope in all dimension. Finally we prove that the Ferrers polytope in dimension d supports a cellular resolution of the Stanley-Reisner ring of the (d+3)-gon.

Hilbert Functions Of Gorenstein Monomial Curves

(topaloglu) Mete, Pinar 01 July 2005 (has links) (PDF)
The aim of this thesis is to study the Hilbert function of a one-dimensional Gorenstein local ring of embedding dimension four in the case of monomial curves. We show that the Hilbert function is non-decreasing for some families of Gorenstein monomial curves in affine 4-space. In order to prove this result, under some arithmetic assumptions on generators of the defining ideal, we determine the minimal generators of their tangent cones by using the standard basis and check the Cohen-Macaulayness of them. Later, we determine the behavior of the Hilbert function of these curves, and we extend these families to higher dimensions by using a method developed by Morales. In this way, we obtain large families of local rings with non-decreasing Hilbert function.

Birational geometry of Fano fibrations

Krylov, Igor January 2017 (has links)
An algebraic variety is called rationally connected if two generic points can be connected by a curve isomorphic to the projective line. The output of the minimal model program applied to rationally connected variety is variety admitting Mori fiber spaces over a rationally connected base. In this thesis we study the birational geometry of a particular class of rationally connected Mori fiber spaces: Fano fibrations over the projective line. We construct examples of Fano fibrations with a unique Mori fiber space in their birational classes. We prove that these examples are not birational to varieties of Fano type, thus answering the question of Cascini and Gongyo. That is we prove that the classes of rationally connected varieties and varieties of Fano type are not birationally equivalent. To construct the examples we use the techniques of birational rigidity. A Mori fiber space is called birationally rigid if there is a unique Mori fiber space structure in its birational class. The birational rigidity of smooth varieties admitting a del Pezzo fibration of degrees 1 and 2 is a well studied question. Unfortunately it is not enough to study smooth del Pezzo fibrations as there are fibrations which do not have smooth or even smoothable minimal models. In the case of fibrations of degree 2 we know that there is a minimal model with 2-Gorenstein singularities. These singularities are degenerations of the simplest terminal quotient singularity: singular points of the type 1/2(1,1,1). We give first examples of birationally rigid del Pezzo fibrations with 2-Gorenstein singularities. We then apply this result to study finite subgroups of the Cremona group of rank three. We then study the birational geometry of Fano fibrations from a different side. Using the reduction to characteristic 2 method we prove that double covers of Pn-bundles over Pm branched over a divisor of sufficiently high degree are not stably rational. For a del Pezzo fibration Y→P1 of degree 2 such that X is smooth there is a double cover Y→ X, where X is a P2-bundle over P1. In this case a stronger result holds: a very general Y with Pic(Y)≅Z⊕Z is not stably rational. We discuss the proof of this statement.

Residual Intersections and Their Generators

Yevgeniya Vladimirov Tarasova (13151232) 26 July 2022 (has links)
<p>The goal of this dissertation is to broaden the classes of ideals for which the generators of residual intersections are known. This is split into two main parts.</p> <p>The first part is Chapter 5, where we prove that, for an ideal I in a local Cohen-Macaulay ring R, under suitable technical assumptions, we are able to express s-residual intersections, for s ≥ μ(I) − 2, in terms of (μ(I) − 2)-residual intersections. This result implies that s- residual intersections can be expressed in terms of links, if μ(I) ≤ ht(I) + 3 and some other hypotheses are satisfied. In Chapter 5, we prove our result using two different methods and two different sets of technical assumptions on the depth conditions satisfied by the ideal I. For Section 5.2 and Section 5.3 we use the properties of Fitting ideals and methods developed in [33] to prove our main result. In these sections, we require I to satisfy the Gs condition and be weakly (s − 2)-residually S2. In Section 5.4, we prove analogous results to those in Section 5.2 and Section 5.3 using disguised residual intersections, a notion developed by Bouca and Hassansadeh in [5].</p> <p>The second part is Chapter 6 where we prove that the n-residual intersections of ideals generated by maximal minors of a 2 × n generic matrix for n ≥ 4 are sums of links. To prove this, we require a series of technical results. We begin by proving the main theorem for this chapter in a special case, using the results of Section 6.1 to compute the generators of the relevant links in a our special case, and then using these generators to compute the Gro ̈bner Basis for the sum of links in Section 6.2. The computation of the Gro ̈bner basis, as well as an application of graph theoretic results about binomial edge ideals [17], allow us to show that our main theorem holds in this special case. Lastly, we conclude our proof in Section 6.3, where we show that n-residual intersections of ideals generated by maximal minors of 2 × n generic matrices commute with specialization maps, and use this to show that the generic n-residual intersections of ideals generated by maximal minors of a 2 × n generic matrix for n ≥ 4 are sums of links. This allows us to prove the main theorem of Chapter 6.</p>

BCH kódy / BCH codes

Frolka, Jakub January 2012 (has links)
The work deals with data security using BCH codes. In the work are described BCH codes in binary and non-binary form, and their most important subclass RS codes. Furthermore, this work describes the method of decoding Peterson-Gorenstein-Zierl, Berlekamp- Massey and Euclidean algorithm. For the presentation of encoding and decoding process, the application was created in Matlab, which has two parts – Learning BCH codes and Simulation of BCH codes. Using the generated application performance of BCH codes was compared at the last part of the work.

A characterization of the groups PSLn(q) and PSUn(q) by their 2-fusion systems, q odd

Kaspczyk, Julian 31 May 2024 (has links)
Let q be a nontrivial odd prime power, and let 𝑛 ≥ 2 be a natural number with (𝑛, 𝑞) ≠ (2, 3). We characterize the groups 𝑃𝑆𝐿𝑛(𝑞) and 𝑃𝑆𝑈𝑛(𝑞) by their 2-fusion systems. This contributes to a programme of Aschbacher aiming at a simplified proof of the classification of finite simple groups.

On the Defining Ideals of Rees Rings for Determinantal and Pfaffian Ideals of Generic Height

Edward F Price (9188318) 04 August 2020 (has links)
<div>This dissertation is based on joint work with Monte Cooper and is broken into two main parts, both of which study the defining ideals of the Rees rings of determinantal and Pfaffian ideals of generic height. In both parts, we attempt to place degree bounds on the defining equations.</div><div> </div><div> The first part of the dissertation consists of Chapters 3 to 5. Let $R = K[x_{1},\ldots,x_{d}]$ be a standard graded polynomial ring over a field $K$, and let $I$ be a homogeneous $R$-ideal generated by $s$ elements. Then there exists a polynomial ring $\mathcal{S} = R[T_{1},\ldots,T_{s}]$, which is also equal to $K[x_{1},\ldots,x_{d},T_{1},\ldots,T_{s}]$, of which the defining ideal of $\mathcal{R}(I)$ is an ideal. The polynomial ring $\mathcal{S}$ comes equipped with a natural bigrading given by $\deg x_{i} = (1,0)$ and $\deg T_{j} = (0,1)$. Here, we attempt to use specialization techniques to place bounds on the $x$-degrees (first component of the bidegrees) of the defining equations, i.e., the minimal generators of the defining ideal of $\mathcal{R}(I)$. We obtain degree bounds by using known results in the generic case and specializing. The key tool are the methods developed by Kustin, Polini, and Ulrich to obtain degree bounds from approximate resolutions. We recover known degree bounds for ideals of maximal minors and submaximal Pfaffians of an alternating matrix. Additionally, we obtain $x$-degree bounds for sufficiently large $T$-degrees in other cases of determinantal ideals of a matrix and Pfaffian ideals of an alternating matrix. We are unable to obtain degree bounds for determinantal ideals of symmetric matrices due to a lack of results in the generic case; however, we develop the tools necessary to obtain degree bounds once similar results are proven for generic symmetric matrices.</div><div> </div><div> The second part of this dissertation is Chapter 6, where we attempt to find a bound on the $T$-degrees of the defining equations of $\mathcal{R}(I)$ when $I$ is a nonlinearly presented homogeneous perfect Gorenstein ideal of grade three having second analytic deviation one that is of linear type on the punctured spectrum. We restrict to the case where $\mathcal{R}(I)$ is not Cohen-Macaulay. This is a natural next step following the work of Morey, Johnson, and Kustin-Polini-Ulrich. Based on extensive computation in Macaulay2, we give a conjecture for the relation type of $I$ and provide some evidence for the conjecture. In an attempt to prove the conjecture, we obtain results about the defining ideals of general fibers of rational maps, which may be of independent interest. We end with some examples where the bidegrees of the defining equations exhibit unusual behavior.</div>

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