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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The South African inclusionary housing policy

Prinsloo, B. D. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA (Business Management))--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study focuses on the inclusionary housing policy (IHP), a concept introduced to incorporate the private sector in actively contributing to the delivery of affordable housing as a by-product of higher income housing delivery, in an effort to promote socio-economic integration and to eradicate informal housing by 2014. The IHP stipulates that between 0% to 30% of new residential developments, measured in units, need to be inclusionary in nature. This means that a unit may be sold from R50,000 to R350,000 or rented for R600 to R3,000 per month to beneficiaries earning between R1,500 and R7,500 gross income per month. The policy will be implemented in a phased manner with two complimentary strategies, namely the town planning compliant approach and the Voluntary pro-active deal driven approach. To off set financial burdens, the government has made available six incentives and the concepts of off site compliance and inclusionary stock credits. The national government has set the requirements and parameters of the inclusionary elements and based on this a number of the possible effects that this IHP might have on residential developments, when looking at the interactions of supply, demand and price,were discussed as well as the views of industry experts. Inclusionary housing will result in social benefits but unwanted social costs as well. Benefits and costs were discussed and even though this policy is not Pareto efficient, based on the Kaldor-Hicks criterion, it is efficient in that the members of society that are made worse off can be compensated by the beneficiaries due to the fact that surrounding property prices that may rise and developers get incentives they would otherwise not have had access to. This study also looked internationally at the key success factors that were identified in case studies focussing on the United States of America, United Kingdom, Malaysia and China. From this international study, recommendations were made for South Africa's IHP. Because of various cultures and economies, success factors can not purely be copied but the recommendations should add to sustainable inclusionary developments. Ad hoc recommendations, also inferred from international lessons learnt, were discussed briefly and based on the above findings and recommendations, the accusations made by industry experts were readdressed. Although some areas still remain grey, many were found to be questionable. No concrete inferences can be made from this study pertaining to the supply, demand or price of residential developments but the following predictions can be made. The IHP is not necessarily going to drive property prices down and the requirements may be accepted by higher income households and therefore socio-economic integration may be successful in South Africa. This is only if the policy remains in its current form and not become law. This is in order to adapt to changing external variables and to incorporate success factors as they become known; if the IHP gets implemented transparently; if suggestions are incorporated from all stakeholders i.e. beneficiaries, developers, governmental spheres and third parties such as financial institutions and if this policy is phased into the market timeously. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die studie fokus op die insluitende behuising beleid (IBB), 'n konsep wat bekend gestel is om die privaat sektor aktief betrokke te maak by die voorsiening van lae koste behuising as 'n by-produk van die voorsiening van hoër inkomste behuising in 'n poging om sosio-ekonomiese integrasie te bevorder en informele behuising teen 2014 te verwyder. Die IBB bepaal dat tussen 0% en 30% van nuwe residensiële ontwikkelings, gemeet in eenhede, insluitend van aard moet wees wat beteken dat eenhede vir tussen R50,OOO tot R300,000 verkoop en verhuur vir tussen R600 en R3,000 per maand aan begunstigdes wat tussen R1,000 tot R7,000 bruto inkomste per maand verdien. Die beleid sal trapsgewys toegepas word met twee komplimentêre strategieë naamlik 'n vrywillige pro-aktiewe gedrewe benadering en 'n dorpsbeplanning voldoeningsbenadering. Om finansiële belassings te voorkom het die regering ses aansporingsbonusse beskikbaar gestel en die konsepte van lewering op ander land en insluitende handels krediete. Die nasionale regering het die vereistes en limiete van die insluitende elemente bepaal en gegrond op dit is 'n aantal van die moontlike uitkomste, wat die IBB op residensiële ontikkelings mag hê, gegrond op die interaksie tussen aanbod, vraag en prys, bespreek asook die sieninge van sektor deskundiges. Insluitende behuising sal sosiale voordele en ongewenste sosiale nadele tot gevolg het. Voordele en nadele was bespreek en alhoewel die beleid nie Pareto optimaal is nie is dit effektief gegrond op die Kaldor-Hicks kriterium deurdat die lede van die samelewing wat slegter af gemaak word, gekompenseer kan word deur die begunstigdes deur eiendomspryse wat kan styg en ontwikkelaars wat aansporingbonusse ontvang wat hulle andersins nie toegang tot sou gehad het nie. Die studie het ook internasionaal gekyk na sukses faktore wat geidentifiseer was deur te kyk na gevalle studies wat gedoen is in Verenigde State van Amerika, Verenigde Koningkryk, Maleisië en China. Aanbevelings vir Suid-Afrika se ISS, algelei van die internasionale gevalle studies, is gemaak. As gevolg van verskillende kulture en ekonomiese faktore kan sukses faktore nie bloot gedupliseer word nie maar die aanbevelings behoort by te dra tot volhoubare insluitende ontwikkelings.

The economic impact of tourism in Underberg, Kwazulu-Natal

Theron, Jacobus Danie 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Information on tourism trends and visitor numbers is often lacking at a local level. Municipalities and stakeholders are often unaware of important tourism trends that affect their businesses. This is especially true for the rural town of Underberg in KwaZulu-Natal. To address this lack of information an exploratory study has been conducted to estimate the economic impact of tourism in the district. Surveys and interviews were used to gain insight into the behaviour and expenditure of visitors and into the business of accommodation establishments. The findings of these surveys allow for estimations of tourism impact to be calculated for different levels of occupancy in the district. These provide an indication of the magnitude of the tourism sector in the district. The calculations also take into account the secondary effects of tourism through the use of applicable tourism multipliers that provide an idea of the total effect of tourism on the economy. The study demonstrates that certain segments spend more than others and confirms the notion that nature and adventure tourism activities are the major contributors to the tourism economy. The effect of events, timeshare and the ownership of property is also taken into account in these estimations as they have a tangible impact on the economy. While only an estimation, the results indicate quite clearly that tourism is a significant contributor to the district’s economy. An analysis of employment created by tourism, along with an applicable tourism multiplier, suggests that up to 30 per cent of the employed people in the district are directly or indirectly employed by tourism activities. Key to the development of tourism in the district is the need for proper destination management that will lead to an increase in visitor days as well as an increase in tourism revenue. The information generated here will assist in devising strategies for proper destination management. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Inligting oor toerismetendense en besoekergetalle is gewoonlik gebrekkig op ’n plaaslike vlak. Munisipaliteite en rolspelers is dikwels onbewus van belangrike tendense wat hul ondernemings beïnvloed. Dit geld veral vir die landelike dorp Underberg in KwaZulu-Natal. Om aandag te skenk aan hierdie gebrek aan inligting word ’n verkennende studie onderneem om die ekonomiese impak van toerisme in die distrik te bepaal. Vraelyste en onderhoude is ingespan om insig te verkry in die gedrag en besteding van besoekers, en die ondernemings van akkommodasieverskaffers. Die bevindinge van hierdie opnames maak dit moontlik om die geraamde toerisme-impak vir verskillende vlakke van okkupasie in die gebied te bereken. Dit verskaf ’n aanduiding van die omvang van die toerismesektor in die distrik. Die berekeninge neem ook die sekondêre uitwerking van toerisme in ag en gebruik toepaslike toerismevermenigvuldigers om beter insig in die algehele uitwerking van toerisme op die ekonomie te verkry. Die studie toon aan dat sekere segmente meer as ander spandeer en bevestig die vermoede dat natuur- en avontuur-toerismeaktiwiteite die vernaamste bydrae tot die toerisme-ekonomie lewer. Die uitwerking van spesifieke byeenkomste, deeltitel en die eienaarskap van eiendom word ook in ag geneem omdat dit ’n tasbare uitwerking op die ekonomie het. Hoewel die berekening slegs ’n beraming is, toon die resultate baie duidelik dat toerisme ’n beduidende bydrae tot die distrik se ekonomie lewer. ’n Ontleding van werkskepping deur toerisme tesame met ’n toepaslike toerismevermenigvuldiger dui daarop dat tot 30 persent van die werknemers in die omgewing direk of indirek van toerisme-aktiwiteite vir werk afhanklik is. Die behoefte aan behoorlike bestemmingsbestuur is van deurslaggewende belang vir die ontwikkeling van toerisme, ’n toename in die aantal besoekerdae en ’n toename in inkomste uit toerisme. Die inligting wat uit hierdie navorsingsverslag voortspruit, sal help om strategieë vir behoorlike bestemmingsbestuur te ontwikkel.

Employment, earnings and vulnerability in the South African labour market : an empirical investigation based on official survey data

Bhorat, Haroon 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The welfare challenge that faces South Africa in the post-apartheid period is, at its core, defined by the high levels of poverty and inequality in the society. The labour market, as a provider of wages to individuals and ultimately households, remains the key transmitter of these poverty and inequality outcomes in the society. This specific line of reasoning is the underlying intellectual thrust of this thesis: namely that the state of poverty and inequality in a society is mirrored by, and perhaps more strongly - determined and shaped - by the state of its labour market. The thesis therefore focuses in the first instance on employment trends in South Africa since 1970, across two discrete time periods. The intention is to sketch the changing patterns of labour demand in South Africa, with a particular focus on how these patterns have yielded differential gains for different occupation, race, gender and education cohorts. Ultimately, these uneven employment patterns remain one of the most significant factors shaping South Africa's poverty and inequality challenges. The inequality challenge, so often thought of in terms of households only, is analysed here purely in terms of the employed. The starting point once again, is that it is precisely these earnings that contribute to the extraordinarily high inequality levels in South Africa. This analysis imparts information about the manner in which intra-employed wage inequality is structured and furthermore, how South Africa compares in the international context. A major contribution of the thesis is to, through more formal measures of poverty, apply these to labour market-defined individuals, rather than households, which is the norm in the literature. The point of departure is of course that poverty, or vulnerability, expresses itself through individuals in the labour market, and is thereby transmitted at the household level. Hence a significant component of the dissertation attempts a formal measurement and modelling of the degree of poverty and vulnerability in the South African labour market. These welfare challenges for a society though, should not only be analysed, but rather solved as well. Hence the final two chapters of the dissertation attempts to examine two very recent policy options mooted in South Africa, and through using simulation techniques, attempts to estimate both the costs and benefits of instituting these two alternatives which are explicitly aimed at reducing poverty, vulnerability and inequality in the society. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Suid-Afrika se welvaartsvraagstuk in die na-apartheidsperiode word deur die hoë vlakke van armoede en ongelykheid in die samelewing bepaal. Die arbeidsmark, as voorsiener van lone aan individue en uiteindelik ook huishoudings, is die belangrikste bepaler van die oordrag van armoede- en ongelykheidsuitkomste in die samelewing. Die sleuteluitgangspunt van hierdie proefskrif is dat die stand van armoede en ongelykheid in 'n samelewing in sy arbeidsmark weerspieël en selfs daardeur bepaal en gevorm word. Die proefskrif fokus daarom veralop Suid- Afrikaanse indiensnemingstendense sedert die sewentigerjare, in twee diskrete periodes. Die doel is om die veranderende Suid-Afrikaanse arbeidsvraagpatroon te skets, veral die ongelyke voordele wat hierdie patrone vir verskillende beroeps-, rasse-, gestags- en opvoedkundige groepe meegebring het. Hierdie ongelyke indiensnemingspatrone is uiteindelik belangrike determinante van Suid-Afrika se armoede- en ongelykheidsvraagstuk. Hierdie analise verskaf inligting omtrent die struktuur van loonongelykheid onder werkendes en hoe Suid-Afrika internasionaal vergelyk. 'n Belangrike bydrae is die toepassing van formele armoedemaatstawwe op individue in die arbeidsmark, eerder as die konvensionele toepassing op huishoudings. Die uitgangspunt is natuurlik dat armoede of weerloosheid in die arbeidsmark op die vlak van die individu ervaar word, en dat dit daarna na die huishouding oorgedra word. Daarom is 'n groot deel van die proefskrif op die formele meting en modellering van die omvangvan armoede en weerloosheid in die Suid-Afrikaanse arbeidsmark toegespits. Hierdie welsynsvraagstukke moet natuurlik nie net ontleed word nie, maar ook opgelos word. Daarom poog die laaste twee hoofstukke om die implikasies van twee onlangse beleidsvoorstelle te ontleed. Deur simulasietegnieke word probeer om die kostes en voordele van hierdie twee alternatiewe beleidsvoorstelle gemik op die vermindering van armoede, ongelykheid en weerloosheid in die samelewing te beraam.

International studies in violence prevention : a policy analysis

Morris Gehring, Alison January 2013 (has links)
Violence is a leading cause of death and disability worldwide. Drawing on the disciplines of Political Science and Public Health the purpose of this study is to understand the conditions that determine political traction for the issue of violence and facilitate the adoption of a strategy of prevention. Using multiple-case study methodology, it draws on data collected from 42 in-depth semi-structured interviews, eight weeks of direct observations and more than 200 pieces of documentary evidence to examine violence prevention policy development in the Western Cape Province of South Africa, Jamaica and the Republic of Lithuania. The Shiffman Public Health Policy Priority Framework is applied to identify the factors that influenced the advancement of violence prevention policy in each case and to draw cross-case comparisons. The employment of this public health specific framework in the field of violence prevention allows the study to reach conclusions as to the utility of this framework for broader public health policy analysis and to proffer some refinements. Further findings suggest that bringing together academics, advocates and policy- makers into networks, focused on a shared concept of violence, gains political traction for the issue of violence and a strategy of prevention. It is found that the conceptualisation of violence and perception of prevention are framed in a case specific historical context and that an examination of this context is necessary to understand the conditions that shape the status of violence prevention policy. The results suggest that the development of violence prevention policy in other countries would be expedited by the coalescing and informed engagement of the violence prevention policy community in the web of institutions, interests and ideas that underpin the public health policy process.

Factors influence students' resistance to the NSFAS online funding application process at the Tshwane University of Technology

Mochiza, Seipati Peggy. January 2016 (has links)
Organisational Leadership / The purpose of this study is to determine which factors influence the formation of intention to adopt the NSFAS online financial application system at Tshwane University of Technology (TUT), and to identify barriers to adoption experienced by the NSFAS applicants at TUT. To achieve these objectives, the study utilised the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and the Ram & Sheth (1989) concept of barriers to model TUT NSFAS adoption patterns. To test this conceptual framework, a descriptive quantitative research survey approach was conducted. Data was collected through self-completion structured questionnaires from a sample of 644 TUT students in September 2015. SPSS Version 23 and STATA 12 were utilised to conduct descriptive and multivariate analyses including correlations and structural equation modelling respectively.

A mineral regulatory regime proposition to support the sustainable exploitation of South Africa's mineral resources

Mngomezulu, Morake Abiel 15 March 2016 (has links)
A research report submitted to the Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment, University of the Witwatersrand, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Engineering Johannesburg 2015 / Regardless of the strategic role that mining plays in South Africa‟s economic growth and development, there are perceptions that mining benefits are still enjoyed by a few elite individuals. This is partly due to high expectations from lower level workers in the sector and communities where mining takes place. Failures in the implementation of some of the policies that are social in nature are making people question the wisdom of the current mining legislation, the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act (MPRDA). The main question of this research paper is whether the MPRDA, in its current form, is a suitable mining legislative framework that can usher a better dispensation for all or whether there is a need to overhaul it in order to deliver the desired end results that are expected by the majority of South Africans. It is against this background that this research was undertaken, by studying best practice in other mining jurisdictions and conducting a survey of those involved in the South African mining sector. From the research and surveys, recommendations are proposed on what amendments could be effected on the MPRDA to make the South African mining sector more attractive and simultaneously, meet the citizens‟ expectations.

Gambling in the Bophuthatswana Sun: Sun City and the political economy of a Bantustan casino:1965-1994

Van der Merwe, Nicola Sarah January 2017 (has links)
Thesis presented in fulfilment of requirements for the degree of MA at the University of the Witwatersrand, 2017 / This thesis examines the role of the Sun City casino within the context of apartheid homeland policy. The casino was established in the bantustan of Bophuthatswana in 1979, following the abolition of gambling in South Africa, with introduction of the 1965 Gambling Act. This study is motivated by two research questions: (1) the political and economic effects of the casino’s operation in Bophuthatswana; and (2) Sun City’s promotion of Bophuthatswana’s status as an independent state from South Africa. The research for this project was obtained through archival and manuscript materials, oral interviews as well as newspapers archives. The thesis is divided into five chapters which track the trajectory of Sun City’s development. The development and construction of Sun City are explored with regards to the financial contributions by the Bophuthatswana and South African governments. Secondly, the role that the governments of Bophuthatswana and South Africa played in the development of the casino and the political impact thereof. Further, the employment at the casino is investigated, regarding the economic promises made to the both the governments by Southern Sun. The area surrounding Sun City had a high unemployment rate and the resort was promoted as means to curtail this problem. The attractions Sun City offered such as burlesque shows and prostitution are discussed, with specific reference to the casino as a place of racial integration and conspicuous consumption. The sanctions and boycotts are explored regarding the cohort of international sporting and musical entertainers hosted at Sun City and the shifts in the boycott following 1990. Lastly, the fall of bantustan policy is outlined, for the reincorporation of bantustan territories into South Africa highlighted questions of gambling legality. This thesis concludes that Sun City brought exposure and infrastructure to Bophuthatswana, but most of the motivations employed to build the casino, such as high taxation, increased employment and the development of a heritage for the ‘Tswana’ people never materialised. The Sun City casino scheme aimed to further enrich individuals such as Kerzner and Mangope and the marketed benefits were not realised for the Bophuthatswana citizens. / XL2018

Conflict, contradiction and crisis: an analysis of the politics of AIDS policy in post-Apartheid South Africa

Fletcher, Haley Kim January 2009 (has links)
Despite the profound impacts of HIV and AIDS on all sectors of South African society, governmental responses to the AIDS epidemic have been inundated with contradiction, conflict and contestation. Though governmental leaders have justified not funding HIV treatment programs because they believe that poverty needs to be dealt with first, social spending has been slashed as part of an adherence to a neo-liberal economic model. Though it would seem that the government would seem to have everything to gain by establishing a cooperative relationship with non-governmental actors regarding the epidemic, the relationship between the government and non-governmental actors has instead been described as nothing short of hostile. Though the government enthusiastically backed Virodene, a supposed treatment for AIDS that turned out to be no more than an industrial solvent, other ‘scientifically backed’ AIDS treatments have been treated with caution and skepticism – to the point where the government even refused to provide funding for programs to prevent mother to child transmission of the virus. And perhaps the most perplexing is that although widely respected for his intellect and cool demeanor, former President Mbeki chose to risk his political career on the AIDS issue by shunning away from the mainstream consensus on the biomedical causes of the epidemic and instead surrounded himself and sought advice from AIDS ‘dissidents’ This thesis will seek explanations for these apparent contradictions. Using Bourdieu’s (1986) typology of capitals, it will build on an argument put forward by Helen Schneider (2002): from the South African government’s perspective, the contestation regarding HIV and AIDS policy and implementation is over symbolic capital, or the right to legitimately hold and exercise political power regarding the epidemic. Though this argument helps explain the conflictual relationship between the government and non-governmental actors regarding the AIDS crisis, in order to understand the perplexing contradictions within the governmental policy response, the political context of policy formation must first be taken into consideration.

The strategic planning process of GCIS (2012-2017)

Matlou, Karabo Hannah January 2016 (has links)
Research is presented for the degree of Masters of Management in Public and Development Management to the Faculty of Commerce, Law and Management of the University of the Witwatersrand , March 2016 / The study examines the GCIS strategic planning process of 2012/13-2016/17 Strategic Plan that failed the requirements of the National Treasury Frameworks (NTF). This is in accordance with the 2012/13 AGSA report (Department of Government Communication and Information System, 2013). Although the strategic plan covers the period of five years, the financial years discussed are from 2012/13-2015/16 because the 2016/17 has not been implemented. A qualitative research approach was followed in identifying challenges in the GCIS strategic planning process; the purpose of the study is to offer recommendations to the GCIS management on improvement of the planning process. The South African public sector introduced an outcome-based planning approach in 2009, and developed the long-term plan which is the National Development Plan: Vision 2030 (NDP). In addition, NTF were drawn up and implemented to support the outcome-based approach. This approach to planning shifted the focus of government from outputs to outcomes and to the impact of service delivery on the lives of South Africans. The GCIS was mandated to ensure that there was a constant flow of information between the government and its citizens. The GCIS is responsible for providing strategic leadership in government communications within national, provincial and local government. In order to do this, it embarks on two planning processes, one to develop the National Communication Strategy and the other to develop the strategic plans of the GCIS. The NCS, in particular, guides communication within the government-wide communication system (GWCS). This study was conducted to answer the primary research question: (1) To what extent does the GCIS meet its strategic planning process? The literature review focuses on strategic planning processes in general and within the public sector in particular. The strategic planning process of the South African public sector gives context to the GCIS strategic planning process. A qualitative research design is followed, with in-depth interviews with the GCIS management, government communicators, members of the oversight bodies and a journalist. The findings from the research illustrate that the GCIS strategic planning process is not effective and does not meet the requirements of the NTF. It is not institutionalised as a management tool to improve the performance of the organisation. The challenges with the GCIS strategic planning process were identified as follows: (1) inadequate application of research to inform the strategic planning process, leading to poor formulation of strategies; (2) failure to set appropriate performance indicators and targets for the organisation as well as within the GWCS; (3) misalignment between the strategic plan and the National Communication Strategy (NCS), causing poor implementation of both documents; (4) prolonged acting leadership within the GCIS, which has caused instability in the organisation and unclear strategic direction; and (5) the need to identify planning approaches that are suited to addressing the dynamic and fluid communications environment. The study concludes with recommendations for the improvement of the GCIS strategic planning process to produce a credible strategic plan to meet the NTF requirements. The implementation of such a plan could enhance the efficient functioning of a GWCS. / MT 2018

The laws regulating the establishment and functions of the office of the pension funds adjudicator

Mashile, Khutso January 2017 (has links)
Thesis (LLM.) -- University of Limpopo, 2017 / This dissertation deals with the inception of the office of the Pension Fund Adjudicator in South Africa with comparison with the United Kingdom and Australia. The challenges faced by the office of the Pension Fund Adjudicator are one element that advised the composition of this dissertation. South Africa is a well developing country that carries well developed laws, including, the laws that deals with the pension fund complaints and this dissertation shall analyse and unpack those laws and principles that deals with the pension fund complaints.

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