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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Att arbeta som nyutexaminerad sjuksköterska / Working as a graduate nurse

Kjellberg, Hanna, Särman, Martina January 2014 (has links)
I dagens samhälle behöver allt fler personer vård. Sjuksköterskans specialitet är omvårdnad och de nyutexaminerade sjuksköterskorna förväntas ta ett stort ansvar. Syftet med litteraturstudien var att belysa nyutexaminerade sjuksköterskors upplevelser av den första tiden i yrkeslivet. Studien genomfördes som en systematisk litteraturstudie med en induktiv ansats. Resultatet baseras på åtta vetenskapliga artiklar och analysen resulterade i tre huvudkategorier: kunskap har betydelse, stressfull period och betydelsen av stöd. I resultatet framkom det att många nyutexaminerade sjuksköterskor upplever kunskapsbrist på grund av otillräcklig utbildning. Kunskapsbristen resulterade i att sjuksköterskorna upplever det svårt att utföra sina arbetsuppgifter och omvårdnaden blir lidande. Den första tiden som sjuksköterska upplevs som en känslomässig utmaning och en stressig period. En viktig faktor i början av yrket är stöd från arbetsplatsen. Den första tiden som sjuksköterska upplevs som svår, men en bra introduktion och tillgång till stöd kan underlätta övergången till sjuksköterskeyrket. För att förbereda sjuksköterskestudenterna inför yrket är mer verksamhetsförlagd utbildning önskvärt. Vidare forskning kring sjuksköterskeutbildningens utformning och introduktion för nya sjuksköterskor behövs. / In today's society the number of people needing care are increasing. Caring for people is the main role of the nurse and the newly examined nurses are expected to take a big responsibility. The purpose of this study was to elucidate newly graduated nurses' experiences of being new in the profession. The study was conducted as a systematic literature review with an inductive approach. The result is based on eight scientific papers presented in three categories: knowledge has importance, stressful period and the importance of support. The result showed that many newly qualified nurses are experiencing skills shortages due to insufficient training. The lack of knowledge resulted in the nurses finding it difficult to perform their duties and that care then will suffer. The beginning of the nurses' career is experienced as an emotional challenge and a stressful period. An important factor in the beginning of the profession is the support from the workplace. Nurses find this initial time difficult, but a good introduction and access to help can ease the transition to the nursing profession. More clinical training is desirable to prepare nursing students for the profession. Further research is needed in designing nursing education, and the preparation of new nurses.

Sjuksköterska och novis : En litteraturöversikt om upplevelsen av att vara nyutexaminerad sjuksköterska / Nurse and novice : A literature review about the experience of being a newly graduated nurse

Larsson, Emma, Stoltz, Louise January 2018 (has links)
Bakgrund: Sjuksköterskeyrket är en egen profession och det finns ett högt förtroende i samhället för den legitimerade sjuksköterskans kompetens. Sjuksköterskans yrkesroll framställs som komplex och mångdimensionell. Transitionen från student till nyutexaminerad sjuksköterska beskrivs som en central händelse där första tiden inom professionen har stor betydelse för sjuksköterskans utveckling.  Syfte: Syftet var att belysa upplevelsen av att vara nyexaminerad sjuksköterska. Metod: Designen var allmän litteraturöversikt. Litteratursökningen genomfördes i databaserna CINAHL Complete, PubMed och PsycINFO. Elva vetenskapliga artiklar identifierades, kvalitetsgranskades och analyserades.  Resultat: Resultatet illustrerar upplevelsen av att vara nyutexaminerad sjuksköterska. Första tiden speglade känslor av kaos, överväldigande och ansvar. Den nyutexaminerade sjuksköterskan upplevde rädsla att göra fel, säga fel och verka okunnig. Handledning och stöd ansågs som viktiga incitament i transitionen liksom att bli accepterade av kollegor och erkänd för sin kunskap. Professionell yrkesstolthet och självförtroende utvecklades med tid och erfarenhet.  Diskussion: Resultatet diskuteras utifrån omvårdnadsforskaren Patricia Benners teori att gå från novis till expert samt tidigare forskning. Diskussionen belyser hur nyutexaminerade sjuksköterskor ur ett internationellt perspektiv, upplevde ett glapp mellan utbildning och yrkesroll, osäkerhet i förhållande till patientsäkerhet och omvårdnad samt att introduktion och handledning under den första tiden var av stor betydelse. / Background: The profession of nursing has its own dicipline and there is a high level of trust in society for the qualified nurse's skills. The vocational role is presented as complex and multidimensional. The transition from student to newly graduated nurse is described as a central event where the first period in the profession is of great importance for the nurse's development. Aim: The aim was to highlight the experience of beeing a newly graduated nurse.  Method: The design was a general literature review. The literature search was conducted in the databases CINAHL Complete, PubMed and PsycINFO. Eleven scientific articles were identified, quality-reviewed and analyzed. Results: The result illustrated the experience of being a newly graduated nurse. The first period reflected feelings of chaos, overwhelming and responsibility. The newly graduated nurse experienced fear in making mistakes, saying the wrong thing or to appear unskilled. Tutoring and support were considered as an important incentive in the transition, as well as being accepted by colleagues and recognized for their knowledge. Professional pride and self-confidence were developed with time and experience. Discussion: The result is discussed based on Patricia Benner's theory, from novice to expert and previous research. The discussion illustrates how newly graduated nurses from an international perspective, experienced a gap between education and vocational role. Furthermore, insecurity in relation to patient safety and caring, and finally how the introduction and preceptorship initially was of great importance for the nurses.

Vårdenhetschefen sätter agendan : Att stödja nya sjuksköterskor att växa in i yrkesrollen / Nurse Managers setting the agenda : Supporting new nurses to grow into the professional role

Ottosson Högberg, Sara January 2017 (has links)
Bakgrund: Nya sjuksköterskor upplever svårigheter med att möta den nya yrkesrollen. För att stödja nyexaminerade att växa in i sjuksköterskerollen samt för att utveckla sin kompetens och praktiska färdigheter spelar introduktionsprogram så som kliniskt basår samt ledarskapet en viktig roll. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att beskriva vårdenhetschefers erfarenheter av att skapa förutsättningar för nyexaminerade sjuksköterskor att växa in i sin professionella yrkesroll under kliniskt basår. Metod: Studien är baserad på en kvalitativ metod. Med hjälp av semistrukturerade intervjuer samlades data in från nio vårdenhetschefer och analyserades sedan genom kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat: Resultatet baseras på fem kategorier som beskriver hur vårdenhetschefer skapar förutsättningar för de nya sjuksköterskorna på vårdavdelningen: organisera introduktion till vårdarbetet, värna om personalgruppen, skapa tillfälle för lärande, att utöva ett engagerat ledarskap samt ha en stödjande attityd. Slutsats: Resultatet visar på att det är många faktorer som påverkar sjuksköterskornas förutsättningar och att vårdenhetschefernas förhållningssätt är komplext. Genom att visa stöd, genom att delta i sjuksköterskornas socialiseringsprocess och genom att organisera introduktion och vårdarbete efter individuella behov så kan det främja sjuksköterskors lärande och rollbyggande. Det kräver ledare som är aktiva och engagerade och som förstår sin roll i den process det innebär för sjuksköterskor att växa in i yrkesrollen. De förutsättningar som presenteras i resultatet skulle kunna stärka nya sjuksköterskor i att växa in i den professionella yrkesrollen samt bidra till att de stannar kvar i yrket. / Background: New graduate nurses experience difficulties in meeting the expectations of the new professional role. Leadership has been shown to be important when supporting new graduate nurses develop a professional role and develop competence and practical skills. Aim: This study aims to describe nurse managers´ experiences of creating prerequisites for new graduate nurses to grow into the new professional role during an introduction program. Method: A qualitative method was used in this study. Data was collected through semi-structured interviews and analyzed using qualitative content analysis. A total of nine managers were interviewed. Results: The result presents five categories shown to be important when managers support new graduate nurses to grow into the new professional role: organize introduction to the clinical work, care for the group of personnel, create opportunities for learning, exercise a committed leadership and having a supportive attitude. Conclusion: The result suggests that many factors affect nurse's conditions on the ward and that the manager's approach is complex. By showing support, participating in nurse's social process and by organizing the introduction and clinical work, it could promote learning and professional role-building among new graduate nurses. This requires leaders who are active and dedicated, and understand their role in the nursing process of growing into the professional role. The conditions that are presented in this study could strengthen new graduate nurses to grow into the professional role and could promote their intention of remaining in the profession.

The experience of Sultan Qaboos University newly graduated nurses during their first year of practice in the Sultanate of Oman

Al Awaisi, Huda S. January 2012 (has links)
Background: Studies have demonstrated that new graduate nurses' (NGNs) transition experience is complex and often negative leading to dissatisfaction with nursing and increased attrition. Many existing studies of NGNs' transition experience are small, qualitative, concerned with NGNs experiences in the West. No study has been conducted to date examining NGNs' transition experience in any of the developing countries where the cultural context and nursing education and practice are different to those in the West. Aim: To explore the experience of NGNs during their transition period in one of the developing countries, the Sultanate of Oman. Method: Qualitative case study utilising an embedded-single case design was conducted to investigate the transition experience of baccalaureate NGNs graduating from Sultan Qaboos University (SQU) and working at Sultan Qaboos University Hospital (SQUH). Data were collected from the perspective of NGNs and also from the perspective of other key informants using triangulated methods. This includes individual and focus group interviews, observation and documentary analysis. Results: Four over-arching themes are identified from NGNs' transition experience in the Sultanate of Oman. These are 'Studying Experience'; 'Role Transition'; 'Working Conditions' and 'Status of the Nursing Profession'. This study showed that nursing is not an attractive choice for Omani students to study and pursue as a future career because of its low status. During the transition period, NGNs experienced reality shock which mainly resulted from a theory-practice gap. NGNs had limited practical experience but a high level of theoretical knowledge, which they were unable to utilise in practice. They found the working environment to involve many competing priorities resulting in task-orientation and compromised patient care. This study showed that many NGNs resented their involvement in basic nursing care, which they believed should not be part of their role as degree nurses. Despite the challenges of the transition period, many NGNs remarked that nurses play the most important role at the hospital and they are proud being nurses. Conclusion: Omani NGNs' transition experience is complex and similar in many respects to NGNs experience in the West. However, there are distinctive challenges Omani NGNs faced due to the Omani culture, working environment and the status of nursing in Oman.

Nyutexaminerade sjuksköterskors upplevelse av arbetsrelaterad stress : En litteraturöversikt / New graduate nurses’ experiences of work related stress : A literature review

Svedlund, Klara, Karstorp, Lisa January 2016 (has links)
Background: Nurses’ responsibility is complex and primarily aimed at promoting health, prevent disease and patient’s suffering as well as restore health. In addition, nurses are in contact with the patient’s relatives as well as they are team leaders. Stress is a clear element in today's society and common in the caring professions and it can have a negative effect on the care. Psychological illness is common among nursing students and it might be due to concerns about their future profession. Aim: The aim was to describe the newly graduated nurses' experience of work-related stress. Method: A literature review has been conducted in which 14 scientific articles have been analyzed by similarities and differences. The key findings were identified, put under main headings and subheadings and is presented in the result. Results: Newly graduated nurses experienced a lack of clinical and academic knowledge during the first three years of their professional career. These were the most common work related stress factors. Nurses were also stressed about the responsibilities and requirements that follows the professional role. Time management and work overload were two other factors that contributed to work related stress.  Discussion: Nurses felt they have difficulties coping with the demands that followed their professional role. Heavy workload, time constraints and lack of knowledge were factors that contributed to nurse´s experience of not being able to exert control of their work. When the demands are high and there is little ability to exert control, the risk of unhealthy stress will increase. Support from employees and managers can reduce stress in working life.

Känslor av otillräcklighet : Nyutexaminerade sjuksköterskors upplevelser av stressfaktorer i arbetet / Emotions of inadequacy : Newly graduated nurses' experiences of stressors at work

Hellqvist, Mikaela, Karlsson, Angelica January 2019 (has links)
Sjuksköterskor väljer att lämna yrket på grund av rådande arbetsvillkor. I den kliniska verkligheten är det högt arbetstempo samtidigt som krav och ansvar över patienten måste uppfyllas. Nyutexaminerade sjuksköterskor upplever en hög stressbelastning vilket ger konsekvenser på hälsan och ökar benägenhet att vilja lämna professionen. Sjuksköterskans kärnkompetens handlar om att främja patientens hälsa och lindra lidande samtidigt som den egna hälsan ska skötas så förmågan att ge en god vård inte äventyras. En komplex problematik för den enskilde individen och samhället. Syftet med studien var att undersöka upplevelser av orsaker till stress i arbetet bland nyutexaminerade sjuksköterskor. Metoden som använts är en litteraturöversikt över befintligt forskningsläge där både kvalitativa och kvantitativa studier har sammanställts. I databearbetningen framkom tre teman, Känsla av otillräcklighet, Känsla av utsatthet och utanförskap samt Individen i professionen. Resultatet visar att nyutexaminerade sjuksköterskor upplever ett flertalstressfaktorer och att det verkar vara en allmängiltig upplevelse runt om i världen i denna yrkesgrupp. Upplevelser av orsaker till stress visades i samband med rollanpassning, klinisk kompetens, hantering av palliativ vård, konflikter, brist på stöd, mobbning, arbetsbelastning samt schema. Ålder, yrkeserfarenhet och karaktärsdrag påverkade upplevelsen av arbetsrelaterad stress och det framgick att vissa grupper av nyutexaminerade sjuksköterskor har en ökad sårbarhet. Dessa kunskaper är viktiga för att utveckla strategier som kan minska stressrelaterad ohälsa i denna yrkesgrupp och föra yrket mot en mer hållbar utveckling. / Nurses choose to leave the profession because of prevailing working conditions. In the clinical reality, it is a high workload, while demands and responsibilities over the patient must be fulfilled. Newly graduated nurses experience high rate of stress load, which have consequences on their health and increases the tendency for wanting to leave the profession. The core competence of the nurse’s is about promoting the patient’s health and alleviating suffering while at the same time managing their own health so that the ability to provide good care is not compromised. A complex problem for the individual and society. The purpose of the study was to investigate experiences of causes of stress in the work of newly graduated nurses. The method used is a literature review of the existing research situation where both qualitative and quantitative studies have been compiled. In the data processing, three themes could be revealed, Feeling of inadequacy, Feeling of vulnerability and exclusion and The person in the profession. The result shows that newly graduated nurses experience a number of stress factors and that it seems to be a universal experience around the world in this professional group. Experiences of causes of stress were shown in connection with role adaptation, clinical competence, management of palliative care, conflicts, lack of support, bullying, workload and schedule. Such as age, professional experience and character traits affected the experience of work-related stress and it emerged that certain groups of newly graduated nurses have an increased vulnerability. These insights are important for developing strategies that can reduce stress-related ill-health in this professional group and lead the profession towards a more sustainable development.

Exploration de l’intégration des nouveaux savoirs infirmiers aux savoirs antérieurs chez des infirmières et infirmiers diplômés hors Québec, durant un programme d’intégration professionnelle

Tessier, Anne-Marie 01 1900 (has links)
No description available.

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