Spelling suggestions: "subject:"brandes"" "subject:"arandes""
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Estudo comparativo entre os modelos LES e DES para simulação de escoamento compressível turbulento. / A comparative study using les and des models for turbulent compressible flow simulation.Pedrão, Nelson 25 May 2010 (has links)
Neste trabalho foi realizado um estudo utilizando os modelos de turbulência Simulação das Grandes Escalas, Large Eddy Simulation (LES), e Simulação dos Vórtices Desprendidos, Detached Eddy Simulation (DES), para simular o escoamento compressível interno em um duto contendo válvulas controladoras na saída dos gases de combustão de um reator de craqueamento catalítico fluido, com o objetivo de comparar o desempenho numérico e computacional de ambas as técnicas. Para isso foi utilizado um programa comercial de dinâmica dos fluidos computacional, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), que possui em seu código os dois modelos de turbulência. / In the present work a study was conducted using Large Eddy Simulation (LES) and Detached Eddy Simulation (DES) turbulence models in order to simulate the internal compressible flow in a duct containing the flue gas discharge control valves of a fluid catalytic cracking reactor so as to compare the numerical and computational behavior of both techniques. A commercial Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) software, which includes these turbulence models in its code, was used.
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Bandagem ajustável do tronco pulmonar: comparação de dois métodos de hipertrofia aguda do ventrículo sub-pulmonar / Adjustable pulmonary trunk banding: comparison of two methods of acute subpulmonary ventricle hypertrophyRodriguez, Miguel Alejandro Quintana 19 September 2006 (has links)
O preparo do ventrículo sub-pulmonar através da bandagem do tronco pulmonar (TP) pode ser aplicado nos pacientes portadores de transposição das grandes artérias (TGA) que perderam a chance da cirurgia no período neonatal ou naqueles já submetidos à correção no plano atrial (Senning ou Mustard) e ainda nos portadores de transposição corrigida das grandes artérias (TCGA), que evoluíram com disfunção do ventrículo direito (sistêmico). Nesses casos, a bandagem do TP poderá induzir a hipertrofia do ventrículo sub-pulmonar (ventrículo esquerdo) na TGA, habilitando-o para o manuseio da circulação sistêmica após a cirurgia de Jatene. Entretanto, durante o preparo do ventrículo esquerdo (VE), observa-se elevada morbimortalidade, provavelmente relacionada a uma sobrecarga aguda de pressão, não tolerada pelo ventrículo. Isto se deve à dificuldade em ajustar o diâmetro da bandagem do TP, realizada em condições não fisiológicas, com o paciente anestesiado e com o tórax aberto. O objetivo deste trabalho foi o de comparar a eficiência de dois protocolos experimentais de sobrecarga pressórica contínua e intermitente do ventrículo direito (VD) para induzir a hipertrofia rápida do ventrículo subpulmonar. Foram utilizados 21 cabritos jovens (30 a 60 dias de idade), divididos em três grupos: controle (n = 7, peso = 7,5 ± 1,9 kg), contínuo (n = 7, peso = 9,3 ± 1,4 kg, sobrecarga sistólica contínua do VD), intermitente (n = 7, peso = 8,1 ± 0,8 kg, 12 horas/dia de sobrecarga sistólica do VD). A sobrecarga sistólica foi obtida através de um manguito hidráulico de silicone implantado no tronco pulmonar. O dispositivo foi insuflado percutaneamente, através de um botão auto selante de silicone, com o objetivo de se atingir uma relação de pressões entre VD e VE de 70%. Avaliações ecocardiográficas e hemodinâmicas foram feitas diariamente. A sobrecarga sistólica do VD foi mantida por 96 horas no grupo contínuo e por quatro períodos de 12 horas, alternados com 12 horas de descanso, no grupo intermitente. Os animais foram então sacrificados para avaliação do conteúdo de água do miocárdio. O grupo intermitente mostrou um aumento significativo (p < 0,05) das massas musculares do VD (1,7 g/kg ± 0,5 g/kg) e do septo (1,4 g/kg ± 0,3 g/kg), quando comparados às massas musculares do grupo controle (VD: 0,9 g/kg ± 0,2 g/kg; septo: 1,0 g/kg ± 0,2 g/kg), enquanto o grupo contínuo apresentou aumento apenas da massa do VD (p < 0,05). Um aumento da espessura da parede livre do VD foi obtido em ambos os grupos (contínuo: de 3,3 ± 0,5 mm para 5,1 ± 0,9 mm e intermitente: de 2,4 ± 0,5 mm para 6,3 ± 1,4 mm, p < 0,05). Entretanto, foi observado um maior volume diastólico do VD ao longo do protocolo no grupo contínuo, quando comparado ao grupo intermitente (p = 0,01). A disfunção do VD durante o protocolo de sobrecarga sistólica foi mais freqüentemente observada no grupo contínuo, com tendência a menores valores de fração de ejeção do VD em relação ao grupo Intermitente. Em relação ao perímetro do VD, foi observado um menor valor no grupo intermitente no final do protocolo (96 horas de treinamento), quando comparado ao primeiro dia de treinamento (tempo zero) do grupo contínuo (p < 0,05). O ganho de massa atingido em ambos os grupos provavelmente foi decorrente de síntese protéica aumentada, pois não houve diferença significante no conteúdo de água do miocárdio do VD entre os grupos de estudo e o grupo controle. A bandagem ajustável do TP permitiu uma rápida hipertrofia do VD durante um curto período de sobrecarga sistólica, em ambos os grupos. Entretanto, a sobrecarga sistólica intermitente permitiu um processo hipertrófico mais abrangente do VD que no grupo submetido a sobrecarga sistólica de forma contínua, considerando a maior hipertrofia septal. Este estudo sugere que a preparação do ventrículo sub-pulmonar com a sobrecarga sistólica intermitente, como um programa de condicionamento físico, poderá proporcionar melhor resultado para a cirurgia de Jatene em dois estágios, não apenas para pacientes portadores de TGA, como também para aqueles com ventrículo sistêmico falido na TCGA e ainda após as operações de Senning ou Mustard. / Preparation of the subpulmonary ventricle with pulmonary trunk (PT) banding may be applied not only in patients with transposition of the great arteries (TGA) beyond the neonatal period, but also in those who present with systemic ventricular failure in corrected TGA or after failed atrial baffle operations. PT banding can induce subpulmonary ventricle hypertrophy that must be able to assume the increased work load and support the systemic circulation. However, subpulmonary ventricle training carries a high morbidity and mortality rates, probably related to acute pressure overload, not tolerated by the ventricle. Adjustment of PT banding under non-physiological conditions is hard to achieve. We sought to assess two different programs of systolic overload (continuous and intermittent) on the pulmonary ventricle (RV) of young goats with the aim of inducing rapid ventricular hypertrophy. Twenty one healthy 60-days-old goats were divided in three groups: control (n = 7, wt = 7.5±1.9 kg, no surgical procedure), continuous stimulation (n = 7, wt = 9.3±1.4 kg, continuous RV systolic overload), and intermittent stimulation (n = 7, wt = 8.1 ± 0.8 kg, 12 hours a day RV systolic overload). Pressure load was achieved by an adjustable PT banding device. The device was implanted around the PT and inflated percutaneously so that a 0.7 RV/LV pressure ratio was achieved. Echocardiographic and hemodynamic evaluations were performed every day. Systolic overload was maintained for 96 hours in the continuous group, while the intermittent group had four 12-hour periods of systolic overload, alternated with a resting period of 12 hours. The animals were then killed for water content evaluation. The inttermitent group achieved a significant increase (p<0,05) of RV mass (1,7 g/kg ± 0,5 g/kg) and septum (1,4 g/kg ± 0,3 g/kg), as compared to the ones from control group (RV: 0,9 g/kg ± 0,2 g/kg; septum: 1,0 g/kg ± 0,2 g/kg), while the continuous group showed only an RV mass increase (p < 0,05). A significant increase in the RV wall thickness was observed in both groups (continuous: from 3.3 ± 0.5 mm to 5.1 ± 0.9 mm and intermittent: from 2.4±0.5 mm to 6.3±1.4 mm, p < 0.05). However, a higher RV diastolic volume was observed in the continuous group, when compared to intermittent group (p = 0.01). RV dysfunction was more frequently observed in the continuous group, with a trend for a lower ejection fraction throughout the protocol as compared to the intermittent group. RV perimeter was smaller in intermittent group at the end of the protocol (96 hours training), when compared to the baseline continuous group (p < 0.05). RV mass acquisition was probably related to increased protein synthesis in both groups, since there was no significant difference in RV myocardial water content between the study groups and the control group. Adjustable PT banding has permitted rapid RV hypertrophy during a short period of time in both groups. Nevertheless, intermittent systolic overload has permitted a hypertrophic process more comprising than continuous overload. This study suggests that preparation of the pulmonary ventricle with intermittent systolic overload, similar to a fitness program, might provide better results for 2-stage arterial switch operation not only in patients with TGA beyond the neonatal period but also in those who present with systemic ventricular failure in corrected TGA or after failed atrial baffle operations.
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Análise do processo de adaptação ventricular após bandagem do tronco pulmonar em animais adultos / Study of right ventricles adaptation process following pulmonary artery banding in adult animalsMiana, Leonardo Augusto 06 November 2009 (has links)
Pacientes portadores de transposição das grandes artérias submetidos previamente. Correção cirúrgica no plano atrial ou transposição corrigida das grandes artérias freqüentemente evoluem com disfunção do ventrículo direito morfológico. Para estes casos, tem sido proposta a correção anatômica, chamada cirurgia de Double Switch ou dupla inversão, invariavelmente realizada na adolescência ou na idade adulta. Com isso, grande parte destes pacientes necessita preparar o ventrículo esquerdo, através da bandagem do tronco pulmonar. Várias são as dificuldades no preparo do miocárdio adulto e resultados desapontadores são relatados nestes indivíduos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi promover e analisar o processo de adaptação do ventrículo direito em modelo animal adulto, comparando o método de bandagem fixa, utilizado tradicionalmente na prática clínica, com um novo método de bandagem intermitente, por um período de quatro semanas. Foram utilizadas 18 cabras adultas, divididas Em três grupos: Chama (n = 6, peso = 26,42. 2,63 Kg, bandagem frouxa, sem sobrecarga sistólica), Fixo (n = 6, peso = 26,33 . 2,32 kg, bandagem convencional com sobrecarga sistólica contínua do ventrículo direito), Intermitente (n = 6, peso = 25,17. 2,48 kg, bandagem com dispositivo ajustável e 12 horas diárias de sobrecarga sistólica do ventrículo direito). No grupo fixo, os animais foram submetidos bandagem do tronco pulmonar com fita umbilical, tentando alcançar uma relação pressórica entre ventrículo direito e aorta de 0,7 no momento da cirurgia. Nos animais do grupo Intermitente, a sobrecarga sistólica foi promovida por um dispositivo ajustável calibrado percutaneamente. A mesma relação pressórica foi almejada diariamente através da insuflação do dispositivo por 12 horas, alternada com 12 horas de desinsuflação do dispositivo. Aferições hemodinâmicas foram feitas três vezes por semana no grupo Intermitente e duas vezes por semana nos grupos Fixo e Sham. Exames ecocardiográficos foram realizados semanalmente em todos os animais. Após quatro semanas, os animais foram submetidos à eutanásia para avaliação das massas musculares, do conteúdo de água do miocárdio e estudo histológico. A área de sobrecarga pressórica, medida através do gradiente entre o ventrículo direito e o tronco pulmonar ao longo do estudo, foi maior no grupo Fixo (p<0,001). O estudo ecocardiográfico demonstrou aumento de até 37,2% na espessura da parede livre do ventrículo direito ao longo do protocolo no grupo Intermitente, o que foi significativamente maior que a variação na espessura dos grupos Sham e Fixo (p<0,05). Em relação ao peso do ventrículo direito normalizado para o peso do animal, os grupos Intermitente (1,24 g/Kg ± 0,16 g/Kg) e Fixo (1,08 g/Kg ± 0,17 g/Kg) apresentaram aumento da massa de 55,7% e 36,7% (p<0,05), respectivamente, em comparação ao grupo Sham (0,79 g/Kg ± 0,15 g/Kg). O conteúdo de água não variou entre os grupos estudados. As medidas dos diâmetros dos cardiomiócitos do ventrículo direito do grupo Intermitente apresentaram um incremento de 19,2% (p=0,036), em relação às medidas do grupo Sham. Paralelamente, houve aumento de 22,8% no diâmetro dos núcleos dos cardiomiócitos no ventrículo direito do grupo Intermitente, em comparação com o grupo Sham (p=0,049). Os animais do grupo Fixo exibiram um incremento de 98,0% na porcentagem de área de colágeno no VD, quando comparado ao grupo Sham (p<0,01), e de 69,2% em relação ao grupo Intermitente (p<0,05). A análise de proliferação celular não evidenciou diferença entre os grupos. Este estudo ratifica a necessidade de se buscar uma melhor forma de preparo dos miocárdios maduros, uma vez que o método tradicional de bandagem do tronco pulmonar promoveu maior área de sobrecarga pressórica, sem, no entanto, gerar hipertrofia significativa, além de apresentar maior teor de colágeno no miocárdio. Por outro lado, o método alternativo de preparo intermitente foi capaz de promover hipertrofia miocárdica com menor sobrecarga sistólica do ventrículo direito. Com isso, supõe-se que, com vistas à cirurgia de Double Switch, a bandagem intermitente parece ser uma alternativa promissora para promover o preparo ventricular de forma mais eficiente e menos lesiva que o método de bandagem fixa, nos pacientes adolescentes e adultos portadores de transposiço das grandes artérias ou de transposição corrigida das grandes artérias com falência ventricular direita / One of the late complications of patients with simple or congenitally corrected transposition of the great arteries includes right (systemic) ventricular failure. The policy of anatomic repair (double switch operation) has often been proposed for adolescents and adults. However, a period of reconditioning the left ventricle through pulmonary artery banding is often required. Although it appears to be capable of providing adequate left ventricular training when done at an early age, it is not always suitable for mature myocardium, with disappointing results in older patients. This study sought to assess two different methods of promoting right ventricles hypertrophy in adult animals for a four-week period, by means of fixed and intermittent adjustable pulmonary artery banding system. Eighteen healthy adult goats were distributed into three groups: Sham (n = 6, weight = 26.42 kg 2.63 kg, loose pulmonary artery banding, no systolic pressure overload), Fixed (n = 6, weight = 26.33 kg 2.32 kg, continuous systolic overload with fixed pulmonary artery band) and Intermittent (n = 6, weight = 25.17 kg 2.48 kg, daily 12-hour systolic overload with adjustable pulmonary artery band). Sham group animals received a loose pulmonary band, while in the Fixed group, an umbilical tape was used to band the pulmonary trunk, adjusted during the implantation to achieve a 0.7 right ventricle / aorta pressure ratio. In the Intermittent group, an adjustable pulmonary artery banding device was implanted on the pulmonary trunk and adjusted according to the volume injected percutaneously. The banding system was inflated daily until the 0.7 pressure ratio was achieved. Systolic overload was maintained for 12 hours, alternated with a 12-hour resting period. All animals were submitted to echocardiographic studies on a weekly basis, while hemodynamic evaluations were performed three times a week in the Intermittent group and twice a week in the Fixed and Sham groups. After four weeks, all animals were humanely killed for ventricular masses and water content assessment and histological evaluation. Intermittent group was submitted to a significant smaller systolic overload area, measured by right ventricle / pulmonary artery pressure gradient over time, as compared to Fixed group (p<0.001), and both of them showed a greater systolic overload area when compared to the Sham group (p<0.001). Echocardiographic findings revealed an increase in the right ventricle wall thickness, up to 37.2%, in the Intermittent group during the protocol, and this increase was significantly greater than in Sham and Fixed groups (p<0.05). Regarding the right ventricular mass, both Intermittent (1.24 g/kg ± 0.16 g/kg) and Fixed (1.08 g/Kg ± 0.17 g/kg) groups showed a 55.7% and 36.7% increase respectively (p<0.05) compared to Sham group (0.79 g/Kg ± 0.15 g/kg). No differences in left ventricular and interventricular septum masses were observed among the three groups. Likewise, water content was not significantly different between groups. Intermittent group showed a 19.2% increase in right ventricle myocardial fiber diameter and a 22.8% increase in myocardial fiber nuclei diameter, compared to Sham group (p<0.05). Fixed group showed a 98% increase in right ventricle´s collagen percentage area, when compared to Sham group (p<0.01), and a 69.2% increase compared to Intermittent group (p<0.05). There was no significant cellular proliferation in any groups. This study shows the urgency in seeking for an alternative method of promoting hypertrophy in mature myocardium, since traditional pulmonary artery banding caused increase in collagen area without significant hypertrophy and experimental adjustable intermittent pulmonary artery banding promoted hypertrophy with less systolic overload without increasing collagen area. In conclusion, it suggests that a more effective and less harmful hypertrophy can be achieved with intermittent pulmonary artery banding, as compared to the fixed method, to prepare the left ventricle for the double switch operation in adolescent and adult patients with simple and congenitally corrected transposition of great arteries with failed systemic right ventricle
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Distribuição de autovalores de matrizes aleatórias. / Eigenvalues distribution of random matrices.Silva, Roberto da 18 May 2000 (has links)
Em uma detalhada revisão nós obtemos a lei do semi-círculo para a densidade de estados no ensemble gaussiano de Wigner. Também falamos sobre a analogia eletrostática de Dyson, enxergando os autovalores como cargas que se repelem no círculo unitário, mostrando que nesse caso a densidade de estados é uniforme. Em um contexto mais geral nós obtemos a lei do semicírculo, provando o teorema de Glivenko-Cantelli para variáveis fortemente correlacionadas usando um método combinatorial de contagem de trajetos, o que nos dá subsídios para falar em estabilidade da lei do semi-círculo. Também, nesta dissertação nós estudamos as funções de correlação nos ensembles gaussiano e circular, mostrando que sob um adequado reescalamento elas são idênticas. Outros ensembles nesta dissertação foram investigados usando o Método de Gram para o caso em que os autovalores são limitados em um intervalo. Computamos a densidade de estados para cada um desses ensembles. Mais precisamente no ensemble de Chebychev, os resultados foram obtidos analiticamente e nesse ensemble além da densidade de estados, também traçamos grá
cos da função de correlação truncada. / In a detailed review we obtain a semi-circle law for the density of states in theWigners Gaussian Ensemble. Also we talk about Dysons Analogy, seeing the eigenvalues like charges that repulse themselves in the unitary circle, showing that this case the density of states is uniform. In a more general context we obtain the semi-circle law, proving the Glivenko-Cantelli Theorem to strongly correlated variables, using a combinatorial method of Paths' Counting. Thus we are showing the stability of the semi-circle Law. Also, in this dissertation we study the correlation functions in the Gaussian and Circular ensembles showing that using the Gram's Method in the case that eigenvalues are limited in a interval. In these ensembles we computed the density of states. More precisely, in a Chebychev ensemble the results were obtained analytically. In this ensemble, we also obtain graphics of the truncated correlation function.
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Modélisation et optimisation des préformes du procédé de forgeage par Approche Pseudo Inverse / Modelling and optimization of preform forging process by Pseudo Inverse ApproachHalouani, Ali 30 May 2013 (has links)
Une nouvelle approche appelée “Approche Pseudo Inverse” (API) est développée pour la modélisation du procédé de forgeage à froid des pièces axisymétriques. L'API est basée sur la connaissance de la forme de la pièce finale. Certaines configurations intermédiaires « réalistes » ont été introduites dans l'API pour considérer le chemin de déformations. Elles sont créées géométriquement sans traitement de contact et ensuite corrigées par la méthode de surface libre afin de respecter l'équilibre, les conditions aux limites et la condition d'incompressibilité. Un nouvel algorithme direct de plasticité est développé, conduisant à une méthode d'intégration plastique très rapide, précise et robuste même dans le cas de très grands incréments de déformations. Un modèle d'endommagement en déformation, est couplé à la plasticité et implémenté dans l'API. Les validations numériques montrent que l'API donne des résultats très proches des résultats de l'approche incrémentale mais en utilisant beaucoup moins de temps de calcul.L'API est adoptée comme solveur du forgeage pour la conception et l'optimisation des préformes du forgeage multi-passes. La rapidité et la robustesse de l'API rendent la procédure d'optimisation très performante. Une nouvelle technique est développée pour générer automatiquement le contour initial d'un outil de préforme pour la procédure d'optimisation. Les variables de conception sont les positions verticales des points de contrôle des courbes B-spline définissant les formes des outils de préforme. Notre optimisation multi-objectif consiste à minimiser la variation de la déformation plastique équivalente dans la pièce finale et la force du poinçon au cours du forgeage. Un algorithme génétique et un algorithme de recuit simulé sont utilisés pour trouver les points d'optimum de Pareto. Pour réduire le nombre de simulations de forgeage, un méta-modèle de substitution basé sur la méthode de krigeage est adopté pour établir une surface de réponse approximative. Les résultats obtenus par l'API en utilisant les outils de préforme optimaux issues de l'optimisation sont comparés à ceux obtenus par les approches incrémentales classiques pour montrer l'efficacité et les limites de l'API. La procédure d'optimisation combinée avec l'API peut être un outil numérique rapide et performant pour la conception et l'optimisation des outillages de préforme. / A new method called “Pseudo Inverse Approach” (PIA) is developed for the axi-symmetrical cold forging modelling. The PIA is based on the knowledge of the final part shape. Some « realistic » intermediate configurations are introduced in the PIA to consider the deformation path. They are created geometrically without contact treatment, and then corrected by using a free surface method in order to satisfy the equilibrium, the boundary conditions and the metal incompressibility. A new direct algorithm of plasticity is proposed, leading to a very fast, accurate and robust plastic integration method even in the case of very large strain increments. An isotropic damage model in deformation is coupled with the plasticity and implemented in the PIA. Numerical tests have shown that the Pseudo Inverse Approach gives very close results to those obtained by the incremental approach, but using much less calculation time.The PIA is adopted as forging solver for the design and optimization of preform tools in the multi-stage forging process. The rapidity and robustness of the PIA make the optimization procedure very powerful. A new method is developed to automatically generate the initial preform tool shape for the optimization procedure. The design variables are the vertical positions of the control points of B-spline curves describing the preform tool shape. Our multi-objective optimization is to minimize the equivalent plastic strain in the final part and the punch force during the forging process. The Genetic algorithm and Simulated Annealing algorithm are used to find optimal Pareto points. To reduce the number of forging simulations, a surrogate meta-model based on the kriging method is adopted to build an approximate response surface. The results obtained by the PIA using the optimal preform tools issued from the optimization procedure are compared to those obtained by using the classical incremental approaches to show the effectiveness and limitations of the PIA. The optimization procedure combined with the PIA can be a rapid and powerful tool for the design and optimization of the preform tools.
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Grandes obras no Nordeste: o Projeto de Transposição das Águas do Rio São FranciscoSilva, Flávio José Rocha da 13 August 2015 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2015-08-13 / This research has its focus on the São Francisco River Diversion Project. This megaproject can be classified as the biggest development project in Brazil and follows other megaprojects that promised to develop the Northeast of Brazil. The methodology used in the work was the analysis of the justifications for other megaprojects in the Northeast in the last century and how those projects were appropriated by a few economic and political groups from that region in order to take advantage of public money. We believe that the discourse of "drought victims" used by those groups was successful in demanding money from the federal government to build water reservoirs and irrigation projects along with the creation of many governmental institutions, such as the SUDENE, to develop the Northeast. This discourse collaborated to benefit the Northeastern political elite and some economic groups from other parts of Brazil which profited with the construction of those projects. Our conclusion is that the model of development that has been in place in the last decades does not respect the social and environmental characteristics of the Northeast by creating a distance between the government megaprojects and the local population, in contrast with the actions developed by some non-governmental organizations since the eighties that prioritize the local environment with its limits and potentialities. The São Francisco River Diversion Project, publicized by the government as a Project that will provide water for more than 12 million people, reproduces the historical way to deal with the problems in the Northeast by affirming a model of development that degrades the environment and does not respect the reality of those who live in the Northeast. This project impacts the São Francisco River, which already suffers from many human actions of exploitation of its resources. It also impacts many indigenous and afro-descendants communities, fisher peoples and peasants who survive from the abundance of the river. In sum, we conclude that the São Francisco River Diversion Project will be added to a long list of megaprojects that brought benefits to a few while the majority will continue disadvantaged land and water concentrations, the real cause of the social inequality in the Northeast of Brazil / Este trabalho de pesquisa tem o seu foco no Projeto de Transposição das Águas do Rio São Francisco PTARSF para os estados do Nordeste Setentrional. O objeto pesquisado pode ser classificado como a maior obra hídrica já realizada no Brasil e está inserida no campo das grandes obras que prometem levar o desenvolvimento para o Nordeste brasileiro. Nossa apreciação metodológica pautou-se primeiramente pela análise das justificativas para os outros grandes projetos naquela mesma região no último século e de como estes foram apropriados por grupos econômicos e/ou políticos locais e de outras partes do país. Para isso, corroborou o discurso de vítimas da seca amplificado pela elite nordestina com o intuito de reivindicar verbas para a açudagem, os perímetros de irrigação, além da criação de vários órgãos que supostamente trariam o desenvolvimento para o Nordeste e principalmente para o Semiárido, a exemplo da SUDENE. Diante de tantas tentativas ao longo de mais de cem anos, o que teria dado errado? A nossa conclusão é que o modelo de desenvolvimento vendido como o propulsor de melhorias para aquela área do país não respeita as características do meio ambiente local, criando uma dissonância entre os megaprojetos e os habitantes daquele lugar, diferentemente dos vários projetos de convivência com o Semiárido, que surgiram a partir dos anos 1980. O PTARSF, vendido pela propaganda governamental como uma obra que levará água para 12 milhões de pessoas e o desenvolvimento para os estados que receberão as águas do São Francisco, está reproduzindo a lógica secular das grandes obras com gastos públicos para lucros privados, além de reproduzir e ampliar um padrão de desenvolvimento em desacordo com a realidade dos que habitam a área de sua realização. Ele afeta sobremaneira o Rio São Francisco, um manancial que já enfrenta problemas por causa de várias ações antrópicas. O PTARSF também atinge várias comunidades de povos indígenas, remanescentes quilombolas, vazanteiros, pescadores artesanais, etc. Em suma, concluímos que esta é mais uma grande obra para entrar na lista daquelas cuja existência trará benefícios para uns poucos em detrimento da grande maioria da população nordestina sem lidar com as estruturas de concentração agrária e hídrica, verdadeiras causas das desigualdades socioeconômicas do Nordeste
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Teatros de um só instante: O vivo e o não-vivo na mise en scène fotográfica de Bernard FauconAndrade, Patrícia Mourão de 10 May 2007 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2007-05-10 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / Between 1976 and 1981 Bernard Faucon staged window mannequins of children
for photographic mise en scènes. These mise en scènes present celluloid dummies with
glass eyes arranged in scenes constructed to appear natural and familiar (such as outdoor
promenades, games and picnics) and belong to the series called Les Grandes Vacances.
In some images, and disturbing the fictions, a living child is seem naked among the
This research focus on the relation between verisimilitude and inverisimilitude as
found between the living child and the non-living ones in this series. It also deals with the
relation between the experience of time and the photographic gaze.
As far as methodology is concerned, our study is based in authors such as Roland
Barthes, Maurice Blanchot e Sigmund Freud, who approach, each of them in his own
field of reaserch, the connections of the gaze with life and death, as well as with
verisimilitude and inverisimilitude.
The conclusions indicate that, in these photographs, life and truth are not to be
searched in reality, for they ermerge from the non-living and the inverisimilitude. It is the
mannequin, rather than the living body, that concentrates the power of guiding the gaze to
places where it can experience true affections and fictionalize possible lifes. The true and
living body is impossible / Entre 1976 e 1981, Bernard Faucon realizou mise en scènes fotográficas com
manequins de vitrine infantis. Reunidas na série que viria a se chamar Les Grandes
Vacances, elas apresentam bonecos de cera e olhos de vidro em cenas construídas para
parecerem naturais e familiares como passeios ao ar livre, jogos e piqueniques. Em
algumas imagens, um menino vivo, de corpo descoberto, aparece em meio aos
manequins, para abalar as ficções.
Esta pesquisa se debruça sobre a questão da verossimilhança e da
inverossimilhança, pautada na relação entre a criança viva e a não-viva nestas imagens.
Também buscamos explorar como nelas se articula a experiência do tempo e o olhar
Metodologicamente, este trabalho parte de um diálogo com um conjunto de autores,
como Roland Barthes, Maurice Blanchot e Sigmund Freud, que tangenciam, cada qual
em seu próprio campo de estudo, a relação do olhar com a vida e a morte, bem como com
a verossimilhança e a inverossimilhança.
As conclusões às quais chegamos indicam que em Les Grandes Vacances a vida e a
verdade não são buscadas pelo lado da realidade, mas emergem do não-vivo e do
inverossímil. Percebemos que é o manequim que concentra todas as potências de
conduzir o olhar a experienciar afetos verdadeiros e a fabular vidas possíveis. O corpo
vivo e verdadeiro é impossível
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Apport des méthodes de survie nette dans le pronostic des lymphomes malins non hodgkiniens en population générale / Contribution of net survival methods to the prognosis of Non-Hodgkin lymphoma in population studiesMounier, Morgane 17 September 2015 (has links)
L'étude de la survie nette des patients atteints de cancer en population générale permet d'apprécier l'efficience globale du système de soin d'un pays. La survie nette se définit comme la survie qui serait observée si la seule cause de décès possible était le cancer. Ce concept est fondamental dans les comparaisons entre zones géographiques et/ou périodes de diagnostic dont l'intérêt est d'estimer les variations spécifiques de la mortalité due au cancer. Le concept de survie nette permet de prendre en compte les éventuelles différences de mortalité naturelle entre les groupes comparés. Actuellement, seuls deux outils estiment la survie nette sans biais : l'estimateur non paramétrique de Pohar-Perme et la modélisation paramétrique ajustée sur certaines covariables (essentiellement l'âge). Par ailleurs, les outils paramétriques s'étant perfectionnés, de nouveaux modèles flexibles permettent de modéliser les effets complexes des variables sur la mortalité. Ce travail repose sur la modélisation du taux de mortalité en excès à la suite d'un lymphome malin non hodgkinien, en se basant sur le modèle proposé par Remontet et al. et sur la nécessité de modéliser conjointement les effets complexes des covariables (telles que le temps de suivi, l'année de diagnostic et l'âge) sur la mortalité à l'aide d'une stratégie de modélisation adaptée. L'effet des variables est restitué sur la survie nette mais aussi sur le taux de mortalité en excès ce qui représente un élément nouveau dans les études de survie. Deux applications ont été menées sur des bases de données collaboratives de population : d'une part sur les données françaises du réseau FRANCIM à la suite d'un diagnostic de lymphome folliculaire entre 1995 et 2010 et, d'autre part, sur les données européennes d'EUROCARE-5 après un lymphome folliculaire ou un lymphome B diffus à grandes cellules diagnostiqué entre 1996 et 2004. Les résultats montrent que la dynamique du taux de mortalité en excès au cours du temps de suivi varie en fonction du sous-type de lymphome, de l'âge et de la zone géographique. Les tendances de cette dynamique en fonction de l'année de diagnostic sont également différentes / The net survival of cancer patients in population studies is the most relevant indicator to assess the overall efficiency of the healthcare system of a country. Net survival is defined as the survival that would be observed if the sole cause of death were cancer. This concept is crucial in comparative studies (between geographical areas and/or periods of diagnosis) that estimate specific variations of cancer-related deaths. Net survival takes into account potential differences in mortality patterns between groups. Currently, two methods provide unbiased estimations of net survival: the non-parametric estimator of Pohar-Perme and the parametric model adjusted on specific covariates (mainly, the age at diagnosis). Moreover, new improved parametric tools, such as flexible models, can model the complex covariate effects on mortality. In this work, we modeled the excess mortality rate after a non Hodgkin lymphoma diagnosis, with a model developed by Remontet et al. In addition, we used an appropriate model-building-strategy to model jointly the complex effects of some covariates (such as the time elapsed since diagnosis, the year of diagnosis, and age) on the excess mortality. Finally, this approach allowed for the covariate effects on the net survival and on the excess mortality rate. We applied this method to two different collaborative databases: first on the French database FRANCIM (1995 to 2010) to study the excess mortality after diagnosis of follicular lymphoma, then on the European data of EUROCARE-5 (1996 to 2004) to study the excess mortality after diagnosis of follicular lymphoma and diffuse large B-cell lymphoma. According to the results, the dynamics of the excess mortality rate varies over the time elapsed since diagnosis according to the lymphoma subtype, the age, and the geographical area. The trends of these dynamics over the years of diagnosis are different too
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Etude statistique des corrélations dans la distribution des galaxies - application aux oscillations baryoniques acoustiques / Statistical study of the correlation in the galaxy distribution – application to the baryonic acoustic oscillationsLabatie, Antoine 13 December 2012 (has links)
Les Oscillations Baryoniques Acoustiques (BAOs) correspondent au phénomène d'ondes acoustiques dans le plasma baryon-photon avant la recombinaison. Ces oscillations impriment une échelle standard, correspondant à l'horizon sonique, qui peut être observée dans les grandes structures de l'Univers. De par cette propriété d'étalon standard, les BAOs permettent d'étudier la relation distance-redshift dans les catalogues de galaxies et fournissent un outil très prometteur pour étudier les propriétés de l'énergie sombre. Les BAOs peuvent être étudiés à partir des statistiques du second ordre (la fonction de corrélation ou le spectre de puissance) dans la distribution des galaxies. Dans cette thèse, on se restreint au cas de la fonction de corrélation. Les BAOs apparaissent dans la fonction de corrélation comme un faible pic à l'échelle de l'horizon sonique. Il y a deux applications principales des BAOs: la détection des BAOs et la contraintes des paramètres cosmologiques grâce à la propriété d'étalon standard. La détection du pic BAO à une échelle proche de l'échelle attendue permet de confirmer le modèle cosmologique actuel. Quant à la contrainte des paramètres cosmologiques, permettant d'étudier l'énergie sombre, il s'agit d'un objectif majeur de la cosmologie moderne. Dans cette thèse, on s'intéresse à différents problèmes statistiques concernant l'étude de la fonction de corrélation dans la distribution des galaxies, avec un accent particulier sur l'étude des BAOs. Dans la première partie, on fait une étude à la fois théorique et pratique du biais dû à la contrainte intégrale dans les estimateurs de la fonction de corrélation. On montre que ce biais est très faible pour les relevés de galaxies actuels. Dans la seconde partie, on s'intéresse à la détection des BAOs. On montre les limitations de la méthode de détection classique, et on propose une nouvelle méthode plus rigoureuse. Notre méthode permet notamment de prendre en compte la dépendance de la matrice de la covariance de l'estimateur en fonction du modèle. Enfin dans la troisième partie, on étudie à nouveau la question la dépendance de la matrice de la covariance, cette fois pour la contrainte des paramètres cosmologiques. On estime une matrice de covariance dépendant du modèle et l'on compare nos contraintes avec les contraintes obtenues en faisant l'approximation habituelle d'une matrice de covariance constante. On montre que l'effet de cette approximation est relativement faible et diminue lorsque les relevés de galaxies grandissent. / Baryon Acoustic Oscillations (BAOs) correspond to the acoustic phenomenon in the baryon-photon plasma before recombination. BAOs imprint a particular scale, corresponding to the sound horizon, that can be observed in large-scale structures of the Universe. Using this standard ruler property, BAOs can be used to probe the distance-redshift relation in galaxy catalogues, thus providing a very promising tool to study dark energy properties. BAOs can be studied from the second order statistics (the correlation function or the power spectrum) in the distribution of galaxies. In this thesis we restrict to the case of the correlation function. BAOs appear in the correlation function as a small localized bump at the scale of the sound horizon in comoving coordinates. There are two major applications of BAO study: BAO detection and cosmological parameter constraints using the standard ruler property. The detection of BAOs at the expected scale enables to confirm the current cosmological model. As for cosmological parameter constraints, enabling the study of dark energy, it is a major goal of modern cosmology. In this thesis we tackle different statistical problems concerning the correlation function analysis in the galaxy distribution, with a focus on the study of BAOs. In the first part, we make both a theoretical and practical study of the bias due to the integral constraints in correlation function estimators. We show that this bias is very small for current galaxy surveys. In the second part we study the BAO detection. We show the limitations of the classical detection method and propose a new method, which is more rigorous. In particular our method enables to take into account the model-dependence of the covariance matrix of the estimators. In the third part, we focus again on the model-dependence of the covariance matrix, but this time for parameter constraints. We estimate a model-dependent covariance matrix and compare our constraints with constraints obtained by making the usual approximation of a constant covariance matrix. We show that the effect of this approximation is quite small for current galaxy surveys and decreases with the survey size.
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Simulation aux Grandes Echelles et chimie complexe pour la modélisation de la structure chimique des flammes turbulentes / Large Eddy Simulations and complex chemistry for modeling the chemical structure of turbulent flamesMehl, Cédric 12 June 2018 (has links)
La Simulation aux Grandes Echelles (SGE) est appliquée à des brûleurs industriels pour prédire de nombreux phénomènes physiques complexes, tel que l’allumage ou la formation de polluants. La prise en compte de réactions chimiques détaillées est alors indispensable pour obtenir des résultats précis. L’amélioration des moyens de calculs permet de réaliser des simulations de brûleurs avec une chimie de plus en plus détaillée. La principale problématique est le couplage entre les réactions chimiques et l’écoulement turbulent. Bien que la dynamique de flamme soit souvent bien reproduite avec les modèles actuels, la prédiction de phénomènes complexes comme la formation de polluants reste une tâche difficile. En particulier, des études ont montré que l’influence du plissement de sous-maille sur la structure chimique des flammes n’était pas prise en compte de manière précise. Deux modèles basés sur le filtrage explicite des fronts de flammes sont étudiés dans cette thèse afin d’améliorer la prédiction de polluants en combustion turbulente prémélangée : (i) le premier modèle met en jeu une méthode de déconvolution des variables filtrées ; (ii) le second modèle implique l’optimisation de la chimie pour obtenir des flammes turbulentes filtrées. L’objectif de la thèse est d’obtenir une prédiction précise des polluants à coût de calcul réduit. / Large Eddy Simulation (LES) is applied to industrial burners to predict a wide range of complex physical phenomena, such as flame ignition and pollutants formation. The prediction accuracy is tightly linked to the ability to describe in detail the chemical reactions and thus the flame chemical structure. With the improvement of computational clusters, the simulation of industrial burners with detailed chemistry becomes possible. A major issue is then to couple detailed chemical mechanisms to turbulent flows. While the flame dynamics is often correctly simulated with stateof- the-art models, the prediction of complex phenomena such as pollutants formation remains a difficult task. Several investigations show that, in many models, the impact of flame subgrid scale wrinkling on the chemical flame structure is not accurately taken into account. Two models based on explicit flame front filtering are explored in this thesis to improve pollutants formation in turbulent premixed combustion: (i) a model based on deconvolution of filtered scalars; (ii) a model involving the optimization of chemistry to reproduce filtered turbulent flames. The objective of the work is to achieve high accuracy in pollutants formation prediction at low computational costs.
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