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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Die Beiträge von Paul Julius Möbius (1853-1907) zu den Konzeptgeschichten der Migräne, Neuroophthalmologie und des Morbus Basedow

Engelmann, Constanze 16 June 2016 (has links)
Der erste Schwerpunkt der vorliegenden Arbeit resümiert den neurologischen Forschungsstand Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts zum Thema Migräne. Vergleichend dazu wird das Wirken des Leipziger Neurologen, Psychiaters und Wissenschaftspublizisten Paul Julius Möbius (1853-1907) zu diesem Krankheitsbild betrachtet. Folglich wird in der ersten Publikation seine 1894 erschienene Monographie „Die Migräne“ mit zeitgenössischen, heute teils als medizinhistorische Standardwerke geltenden, Werken europäischer Kollegen korreliert. Als Ergebnis wird formuliert, dass sich die Ansichten von Möbius und seiner Kollegen in vielen Aspekten gleichen. Möbius‘ Migräne-Konzept zeichnet sich demnach weniger durch Originäres aus, aber mit seiner, das Wissen der Zeit sammelnden Monografie legte er eines der Standardwerke der deutschsprachigen Neurologie um 1890 zur Migräne vor. Der zweite Schwerpunkt trägt Arbeiten Möbius\'' zum heutigen Gebiet der Neuroophthalmologie zusammen. Die Arbeit kommt angesichts des Forschungsstandes seiner Zeit zu der Schlussfolgerung, dass Möbius zu den Entitäten Periodischer Okulomotoriuslähmung, infantilem Kernschwund und Morbus Basedow Pionierarbeiten geleistet hat. Dies war bisher unbekannt. Ein Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, laufende evaluierende Forschungen über die in verschiedene Gebiete einzuordnenden Leistungen des Arztes und Wissenschaftlers Paul Julius Möbius zu fundieren, dessen Leumund durch seine Schrift „Über den pathologischen Schwachsinn des Weibes“ als beschädigt gelten muss. Für die Gebiete der Neurologie und Neuroophthalmologie gilt es festzuhalten, dass er wesentliche fachwissenschaftliche Beiträge geleistet hat.

Radiojodbehandling vid Graves sjukdom: långvarig effekt och påverkan på livskvalitet / Radioiodine therapy for Graves´ disease: long-term effects and impact on quality of life

Vareman, Klara January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: Graves sjukdom är den vanligaste formen av hypertyreos med en incidens på 20 fall per 100 000 individer och år. Graves sjukdom är ett autoimmunt tillstånd där autoantikroppar riktade mot tyreoideastimulerande hormonreceptorer (TSH-R) orsakar okontrollerad syntes och sekretion av tyreoideahormonerna trijodtyronin (T3) och tyroxin (T4). Hur tillståndet uppkommer är inte fullständigt förstått, riskfaktorer inkluderar dock rökning, kvinnligt kön och emotionell stress. Det finns i dagsläget tre etablerade behandlingsmetoder vid Graves sjukdom, dessa är tyreostatikabehandling, radiojodbehandling och tyreoidektomi. Behandling med tyreostatika pågår i regel i 12-18 månader, efter avslutad behandling är risken för recidiv mellan 50-60%. Både tyreoidektomi och radiojodbehandling är definitiva behandlingsmetoder som för majoriteten innebär övergång i hypotyreos med livslångt behov av levotyroxin-(LT4)behandling. Syfte: Syftet med examensarbetet var att undersöka långvarig effekt av radiojodbehandling vid Graves sjukdom och hur radiojodbehandling påverkar livskvalitet. Metod: Arbetet utfördes som en litteraturstudie, en sökning efter kliniska studier gjordes i PubMed med sökorden ”Graves disease” AND ”iodine radioisotopes”. Totalt åtta artiklar som i praktiken baserades på fem studier inkluderades i litteraturstudien. Resultat: Studie 1A, 1B och 1C var uppföljningsstudier av en tidigare utförd randomiserad klinisk studie. I studie 1A sågs det att samtliga individer som behandlats för Graves sjukdom hade sämre livskvalitet än den generella befolkningen 14-21 år efter behandling, ingen skillnad kunde ses beroende på behandlingsmetod. Studie 1B visade att skillnaderna i livskvalitet som funnits i studie 1A inte berodde på tyreoideahormonstatus. Resultaten i studie 1C visade att autoimmun aktivitet i form av tyreoideastimulerande hormonreceptorantikropp(TRAk)-nivåer var förhöjda bland individer som behandlats med radiojod i samtliga fem år som uppföljningen skedde, bland tyreostatika- och kirurgibehandlade individer var TRAk-nivåer normaliserade ett år efter behandling.  Studie 2 visade att tidig insättning av LT4 efter radiojodbehandling kunde förebygga försämring i livskvalitet de sex första månaderna efter radiojodbehandling. I studie 3 sågs det att större andel individer utvecklade oftalmopati efter radiojodbehandling jämfört med tyreostatika, vidare sågs sämre livskvalitet bland individer som utvecklat oftalmopati jämfört med individer utan oftalmopati. Studie 4 eftersökte optimumdosering av radiojod för att uppnå eutyreos bland individer med Graves sjukdom, det fanns att 1,85 MBq/g resulterade i eutyreos hos 72% 12 år efter behandling. I studie 5A sågs det att majoriteten av radiojodbehandlade individer övergick i hypotyreos samt att andelen som upplevde återställning 6-10 år efter diagnostisering var mindre bland de som efter behandling av Graves sjukdom var i behov av LT4-behandling. Studie 5B visade att radiojodbehandlade individer hade sämre livskvalitet jämfört med individer som behandlats med tyreostatika eller kirurgi 6-10 år efter behandling av Graves sjukdom. Vidare hade hela studiepopulationen, oavsett behandlingsmetod, sämre livskvalitet jämfört med den generella populationen. Slutsats: På grund av skillnader i upplägg och utfallsvariabler i de inkluderade studierna kan inga generella slutsatser dras utifrån samtliga studieresultat. Sammantaget sågs dock att individer som behandlats för Graves sjukdom har sämre livskvalitet jämfört med den generella befolkningen många år efter behandling. Det förefaller finnas ökad risk för sämre livskvalitet efter radiojodbehandling av Graves sjukdom jämfört med tyreostatika och tyreoidektomi, det krävs dock fler studier för att säkerställa dessa resultat samt undersöka hur och varför radiojodbehandling påverkar livskvalitet. / Graves´ disease is an autoimmune disease resulting in uncontrolled auto antibody-mediated secretion of the thyroid hormones triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4). Graves´ disease is the most common cause of hyperthyroidism and has an annual incidence of 20 cases per 100 000 inhabitants. The pathogenesis of the disease is not yet fully understood, but risk factors include smoking, female gender and emotional stress. Since thyroid hormones act in almost every cell in the body, an imbalance in thyroid hormone levels can lead to severe consequences and affected quality of life. Symptoms of Graves´ disease include weight loss, tremor, tachycardia, heat intolerance, increased sweating, anxiety, fatigue and loss of libido.  There are three established treatment approaches for Graves´ disease including antithyroid drugs, radioiodine treatment and surgical thyroidectomy. The treatment goal for Graves´ disease is to stop the hyperthyroid state and reduce the risk of complications from the condition. Antithyroid drugs is the treatment modality most frequently used in newly diagnosed Graves´ disease and the duration of treatment is normally 12-18 months. The risk of recurrence after antithyroid drugs is 50-60%. Both radioiodine treatment and surgery are considered definitive treatments for Graves´ disease, the majority of treated individuals become hypothyroid with a life-long need for levothyroxine (LT4) treatment. The three available treatment options have both advantages and disadvantages that should be discussed with the patient in each individual case.  The aim of this study was to evaluate the long-term effects of radioiodine treatment for Graves´ disease and how radioiodine treatment affects the quality of life.  This is a literature study based on eight articles that, in practice, were based on five different clinical trials. The included studies were collected from the database PubMed. Since the included studies were different in both study design and outcome, no general conclusion can be drawn from all of the included studies. Two of the studies examined long-term effects on the quality of life of radioiodine treatment for Graves´ disease. Both studies found that persons diagnosed with Graves´ disease have a lower quality of life many years after treatment compared to the general population. The quality of life in individuals treated for Graves´ disease seems to be lower than the general population regardless of thyroid hormone state and mode of treatment. There seems to be an increased risk for lower quality of life among individuals treated with radioiodine compared to antithyroid drugs and surgery. Early administration of LT4 after radioiodine treatment could prevent worsening of quality of life according to the short form health survey (SF-36), whilst the long-term need for LT4 treatment after treatment of Graves´ disease is associated with a lower chance of feeling fully recovered 6-10 years after diagnosis.  There is a need for future studies to determine the effects of radioiodine treatment, especially regarding the long-term quality of life. There is also a need to determine the pathogenesis of Graves´ disease and to find new treatment options for the disease since the established treatment methods result in chronic illness or risk of recurrence.

US-Doppler colorido da glândula tireoide, em pacientes com doença de Graves, antes e após radioiodoterapia (131I): correlação com quadro clínico-laboratorial / Thyroid US-Doppler in patients with Graves\' disease before and after radioiodine (131I): correlation with clinical and laboratory evidence

Santos, Thiago Adler Ralho Rodrigues dos 16 May 2017 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: A doença de Graves (DG), juntamente com a tireoidite de Hashimoto, compõe as doenças endócrinas autoimunes mais comuns, atingindo cerca de 5% da população. Entre as opções terapêuticas para o tratamento do hipertireoidismo induzido pela DG, encontram-se as drogas antitireoidianas, o iodo radioativo (131I) e a cirurgia. A ultrassonografia Doppler (US-Doppler) como parâmetro de resposta ao tratamento da DG pode ser muito útil e foi pouco pesquisada no acompanhamento do tratamento por radioiodo. OBJETIVO: O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar a eficácia da US-Doppler no acompanhamento dos pacientes com DG que foram tratados com iodo radioativo, correlacionando com o quadro clínico-laboratorial da doença. MÉTODOS: Estudo prospectivo em que foram avaliados 97 pacientes com diagnóstico confirmado de DG e tratados com o radioiodo. O estudo foi conduzido no Instituto de Radiologia do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo, de junho de 2011 à agosto de 2015. Todos os indivíduos foram submetidos aos testes laboratoriais e à US-Doppler pré e pós-dose terapêutica de 131I, com 1, 3 e 6 meses, quando foram aferidos o volume tireoidiano e a velocidade de pico sistólico (VPS) nas artérias tireóideas inferiores (ATIs). Além disso, procedeu-se uma avaliação subjetiva da ecogenicidade, textura e vascularização difusa do parênquima tireoidiano. RESULTADOS: Nos parâmetros objetivos pós-intervenção, verificou-se correlação estatisticamente significativa (P < 0,001) da normalização do volume tireoidiano e das VPSs das ATIs com os dados laboratoriais. Já os parâmetros subjetivos de ecogenicidade e vascularização do parênquima, embora tenham apresentado melhora estatisticamente significativa, não tiveram correlação significativa com a normalização dos hormônios tireoidianos. A textura não apresentou alteração. CONCLUSÕES: A US-Doppler se mostrou capaz de monitorar a resposta pós-tratamento com radioiodoterapia de pacientes com DG, por meio da avaliação do volume e das VPSs nas ATIs, podendo predizer, precocemente, a boa resposta ao tratamento / INTRODUCTION: Graves\' disease (GD), along with Hashimoto\'s thyroiditis (HT), are the most common autoimmune endocrine disorders, affecting about 5% of the population. Treatment options for hyperthyroidism caused by GD are: antithyroid drugs, radioiodine (131I) and surgery. The use of Doppler ultrasound (US-Doppler) as a response parameter to evaluate the treatment of GD can be very useful and has been poorly researched for monitoring treatment after radioiodine therapy (RIT). AIM: The aim of this study was to assess the effectiveness of US-Doppler for monitoring patients with GD after radioactive iodine therapy, and correlate with the laboratorial diagnosis. METHODS: A prospective study which evaluated 97 patients with confirmed GD who underwent treatment with radioiodine. The study was conducted at the Institute of Radiology of the \"Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo\" from June 2011 to August 2015. All patients were submitted to laboratory tests, a US-Doppler evaluation before RIT and 1, 3 and 6 months after, in which were measured thyroid volume and systolic peak velocity (SPV) in the lower thyroid arteries (LTAs), and a subjective evaluation of echogenicity, texture and diffuse vascularity of the thyroid parenchyma. RESULTS: In the post-intervention objective parameters, a statistically significant correlation was found (P < 0,001) with the normalization of thyroid volume and SPVs of LTAs with laboratory data. Although the subjective parameters of echogenicity and vascularity of the parenchyma were statistically significant, they did not correlate with thyroid hormones normalization. The texture was not affected. CONCLUSIONS: The USDoppler has demonstrated effectiveness for monitoring response treatment after radioiodine therapy with assessment of gland volume and SPVs in the LTAs, being able to predict, in early stages, good response to treatment

US-Doppler colorido da glândula tireoide, em pacientes com doença de Graves, antes e após radioiodoterapia (131I): correlação com quadro clínico-laboratorial / Thyroid US-Doppler in patients with Graves\' disease before and after radioiodine (131I): correlation with clinical and laboratory evidence

Thiago Adler Ralho Rodrigues dos Santos 16 May 2017 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: A doença de Graves (DG), juntamente com a tireoidite de Hashimoto, compõe as doenças endócrinas autoimunes mais comuns, atingindo cerca de 5% da população. Entre as opções terapêuticas para o tratamento do hipertireoidismo induzido pela DG, encontram-se as drogas antitireoidianas, o iodo radioativo (131I) e a cirurgia. A ultrassonografia Doppler (US-Doppler) como parâmetro de resposta ao tratamento da DG pode ser muito útil e foi pouco pesquisada no acompanhamento do tratamento por radioiodo. OBJETIVO: O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar a eficácia da US-Doppler no acompanhamento dos pacientes com DG que foram tratados com iodo radioativo, correlacionando com o quadro clínico-laboratorial da doença. MÉTODOS: Estudo prospectivo em que foram avaliados 97 pacientes com diagnóstico confirmado de DG e tratados com o radioiodo. O estudo foi conduzido no Instituto de Radiologia do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo, de junho de 2011 à agosto de 2015. Todos os indivíduos foram submetidos aos testes laboratoriais e à US-Doppler pré e pós-dose terapêutica de 131I, com 1, 3 e 6 meses, quando foram aferidos o volume tireoidiano e a velocidade de pico sistólico (VPS) nas artérias tireóideas inferiores (ATIs). Além disso, procedeu-se uma avaliação subjetiva da ecogenicidade, textura e vascularização difusa do parênquima tireoidiano. RESULTADOS: Nos parâmetros objetivos pós-intervenção, verificou-se correlação estatisticamente significativa (P < 0,001) da normalização do volume tireoidiano e das VPSs das ATIs com os dados laboratoriais. Já os parâmetros subjetivos de ecogenicidade e vascularização do parênquima, embora tenham apresentado melhora estatisticamente significativa, não tiveram correlação significativa com a normalização dos hormônios tireoidianos. A textura não apresentou alteração. CONCLUSÕES: A US-Doppler se mostrou capaz de monitorar a resposta pós-tratamento com radioiodoterapia de pacientes com DG, por meio da avaliação do volume e das VPSs nas ATIs, podendo predizer, precocemente, a boa resposta ao tratamento / INTRODUCTION: Graves\' disease (GD), along with Hashimoto\'s thyroiditis (HT), are the most common autoimmune endocrine disorders, affecting about 5% of the population. Treatment options for hyperthyroidism caused by GD are: antithyroid drugs, radioiodine (131I) and surgery. The use of Doppler ultrasound (US-Doppler) as a response parameter to evaluate the treatment of GD can be very useful and has been poorly researched for monitoring treatment after radioiodine therapy (RIT). AIM: The aim of this study was to assess the effectiveness of US-Doppler for monitoring patients with GD after radioactive iodine therapy, and correlate with the laboratorial diagnosis. METHODS: A prospective study which evaluated 97 patients with confirmed GD who underwent treatment with radioiodine. The study was conducted at the Institute of Radiology of the \"Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo\" from June 2011 to August 2015. All patients were submitted to laboratory tests, a US-Doppler evaluation before RIT and 1, 3 and 6 months after, in which were measured thyroid volume and systolic peak velocity (SPV) in the lower thyroid arteries (LTAs), and a subjective evaluation of echogenicity, texture and diffuse vascularity of the thyroid parenchyma. RESULTS: In the post-intervention objective parameters, a statistically significant correlation was found (P < 0,001) with the normalization of thyroid volume and SPVs of LTAs with laboratory data. Although the subjective parameters of echogenicity and vascularity of the parenchyma were statistically significant, they did not correlate with thyroid hormones normalization. The texture was not affected. CONCLUSIONS: The USDoppler has demonstrated effectiveness for monitoring response treatment after radioiodine therapy with assessment of gland volume and SPVs in the LTAs, being able to predict, in early stages, good response to treatment

The analysis of 6- and 24-hour iodine-131 thyroid uptake in patients with Graves' disease at Universitas Hospital

Horn, Je'nine January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (M.Tech.)(Nuclear Medicine) -- Central University of Technology, free State, 2007 / In the South African Health Services (SAHS) it is each health worker’s responsibility to find ways to reduce health care cost and improve health service to the public. The measurement of radioactive iodine uptake (RAIU) by the thyroid gland for diagnostic purposes has been used as early as the 1940s. The 24-hour (hr) iodine-131 (131I) uptake measurement is traditionally used for the calculation of the 131I administered activity for therapy dosage. This entails that the patient’s hospitalisation is prolonged, which increases the costs. The literature also indicates that the 24-hr 131I uptake value can be discarded and only the 6-hr 131I uptake measurement is needed to calculate administered activity for therapeutic dosages for Graves’ patients. Therefore, if it can be confirmed that the 6-hr 131I uptake measurement alone is needed, the SAHS could decrease hospitalisation costs. The overall goal of the investigation was to analyse the 6-hr and 24-hr 131I uptake measurements of patients with Graves’ disease at the Universitas Hospital. The aim was to determine the relationship between the 6-hr and 24- hr RAIU values to establish the therapeutic dosage for Graves’ disease. To achieve the aim, three objectives were set. First, to serve as a background to the investigation, a literature survey relating to the RAIU measurements of patients with Graves’ disease was made. Second, a retrospective analysis was performed by collecting the 6-hr and 24-hr 131I uptake measurements of patients with proven Graves’ disease at the Universitas Nuclear Medicine Department (UNMD). Finally, the data obtained from the retrospective analysis was analysed, summarised and compared to answer the investigation questions. The investigation group included patients with confirmed Graves’ disease who had undergone both the 6- and 24-hr 131I RAIU at the Universitas Hospital from the beginning of 2004 to the end of 2005. Graves’ disease is confirmed by the following factors at the UNMD, namely: Suppressed TSH, elevated T4 and T3 values, an increased uptake on the 99mTc-pertechnetate scan and increased 6- and 24-hr 131I RAIU values. The UNMD statistics show that 178 patients were diagnosed with Graves’ disease during this period. The patients of the investigation group included both male and female patients from different races, ranging from 15-75 years. In order to increase the validity of the investigation, all factors that could influence the accuracy of the 131I thyroid uptake test were excluded. After the exclusion and inclusion criteria had been applied, the final investigation group was made up of 124 Graves’ disease patients. The data obtained from the patient files was noted on the different data sheets (see Appendix A) for further analysis. The information from these data sheets was then used to obtain the investigation results. The Department of Biostatistics of the University of the Free State (UFS) was consulted for recommendations regarding the management of data and the processing of results. All values were summarised by means and Standard Deviations (SD) or percentiles. Mean or median differences were calculated with a 95% Confidence Interval (CI). A regression analysis was made between the 6-hr and 24-hr 131I RAIU values. The highest RAIU value is the best to calculate the therapeutic dosage, as this gives a true reflection of the thyroid function of a Graves’ disease patient. In the investigation group the median of the 24-hr 131I RAIU values was higher than the 6-hr 131I RAIU values. The findings showed that the 24-hr 131I RAIU in most of the investigation group was the highest value and most effective to calculate the 131I therapeutic dosage. At a time when research-based practice is taking on an increasingly important role, it is essential for nuclear medicine departments to make evidence-based recommendations. This investigation found that the correlation between the 6-hr and 24-hr RAIU clearly justified the cost spent on Graves’ disease patients who must stay overnight for the 24-hr 131I RAIU procedure.

Associação dos polimorfismos -318C/T, CT60 e A49G do gene CTLA4, R620W do gene PTPN22 e A946T do gene IFIH1 em pacientes pediátricos com doença autoimune tireoidiana e diabetes mellitus tipo 1 / Association of -318C/T, A49G and CT60 polymorphisms of CTLA4 gene, R620W of PTPN22 gene, and A946T of IFIH1 gene in pediatric patients with autoimmune thyroid disease and type 1 diabetes mellitus

Bedin, Márcia Regina 12 July 2013 (has links)
As doenças autoimunes da tireoide (DAIT) representadas, principalmente pela doença de Graves (DG) e tireoidite de Hashimoto (TH), apresentam causas multifatoriais, incluindo fatores genéticos e ambientais. Diversos genes estão envolvidos, entre eles CTLA4, PTPN22 e mais recentemente IFIH1, principalmente quando associados a diabetes mellitus tipo 1 (DM1). OBJETIVOS: Determinar a frequência alélica e genotípica dos polimorfismos: -318C/T, A49G e CT60 do CTLA4, R620W do PTPN22 e A946T do IFIH1 em pacientes pediátricos portadores de DG, TH e DM1 associado a TH e em uma população controle normal, e determinar a associação com características clínicas e laboratoriais. MATERIAL E MÉTODOS: Foram estudados 142 pacientes menores de 21 anos ao diagnóstico. Os dados clínicos e laboratoriais foram obtidos em prontuário. A genotipagem foi realizada por PCR em tempo real de todos os polimorfismos. Dados clínicos e laboratoriais como sexo, idade de início, bócio, anticorpos anti-GAD, IA2 e IAA e níveis de TRAb e anti-TPO foram analisados. RESULTADOS: Sessenta e dois pacientes foram diagnosticados com DG, com idade média ao diagnóstico (IMD) de 10,8 ± 4,4 anos, sendo 43 do sexo feminino; TH esteve presente em 44 pacientes, sendo 37 meninas, com IMD de 10,3 (± 2,9 anos); e 36 pacientes com DM1 associado a TH, sendo 21 meninas, com IMD de 6,2 (± 4,0 anos) no momento do diagnóstico de DM1 e de 11,6 (± 4,6 anos) ao diagnóstico de TH. O grupo controle foi constituído por 81 indivíduos sem diabetes, função tireoidiana normal e ausência de anticorpos antitireoidianos. Todos os polimorfismos estavam em equilíbrio de Hardy-Weinberg. O polimorfismo -318C/T não esteve associado com nenhum dos grupos. O alelo de risco G do polimorfismo A49G foi mais frequente em pacientes com TH (p=0,047) e o genótipo patogênico (AG e GG) foi mais frequente em pacientes com DG (p=0,049). O alelo de risco G do polimorfismo CT60 foi mais frequente apenas em pacientes com DG (p=0,035). O alelo de risco T do polimorfismo R620W foi mais frequente em pacientes com DM1 associado a TH (p=0,043). O alelo de risco T do polimorfismo A946T foi mais frequente em pacientes com DM1 associado a TH (p=0,009), assim como o genótipo patogênico (CT e TT) quando comparado ao grupo controle (p=0,007). Quando agrupamos todas as DAIT, observamos associação com A49G (p=0,024) e R620W (p=0,047). Quando agrupamos apenas pacientes com TH, encontramos diferença no A49G (p=0,018) e no A946T (p=0,041). O polimorfismo CT60 foi associado com menor duração da terapia medicamentosa no grupo DG (p=0,004), mas não com os níveis de TRAb ou presença de bócio. No DM1 com HT, o alelo de risco do A49G foi mais frequentemente encontrado no sexo masculino (p=0,04); R620W foi relacionado com a presença de bócio (p=0,03), enquanto A946T foi associado com níveis de anti-TPO mais baixos (p=0,047). Os níveis de anti-GAD, IA2 e Resumo IAA não foram associados aos polimorfismos. CONCLUSÃO: Encontramos associações genéticas diferentes entre os pacientes com DAIT, sugerindo que as crianças possuem provavelmente padrões genéticos distintos, apesar do menor tempo de exposição a fatores ambientais / Autoimmune thyroid diseases (AITD) represented by Graves\' disease (GD) and Hashimoto\'s thyroiditis (HT), have multifactorial causes, including genetic and environmental factors. Several genes are involved, including CTLA4, PTPN22 and more recently IFIH1, especially when associated with type 1 diabetes (T1D). OBJECTIVES: To determine the allelic and genotypic frequencies of the polymorphisms: -318C/T, A49G and CT60 of CTLA4, R620W of PTPN22 and A946T of IFIH1 in pediatric patients with GD, HT and T1D associated with HT and in a control population and determine association with clinical and laboratory features. MATERIAL AND METHODS: We studied 142 patients under 21 years at diagnosis. Clinical and laboratory data were obtained from medical records. Genotyping was performed by real time PCR for all polymorphisms. Clinical and laboratory data were analyzed, such as gender, age of onset, goiter, anti-GAD, IA2 and IAA levels and TRAb and anti-TPO levels. RESULTS: Sixty-two patients were diagnosed with GD, with mean age at diagnosis (MAD) of 10.8 ± 4.4 years, 43 females; HT was present in 44 patients, 37 girls, MAD 10.3 (± 2.9 years) and type 1 diabetes associated with HT was present in 36 patients, 21 girls, MAD 6.2 (± 4.0 years) at diagnosis of T1D and 11.6 (± 4.6 years) at diagnosis of HT. Control group consisted of 81 subjects without diabetes, normal thyroid function and absence of antithyroid antibodies. All polymorphisms were in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. The polymorphism -318C/T was not associated with any of the groups. The risk allele G of A49G polymorphism was more frequent in patients with HT (p=0.047) and the pathogenic genotype (AG and GG) was more frequent in patients with GD (p=0.049). The risk allele G of CT60 polymorphism was more frequent only in patients with GD (p=0.035). The risk allele T of R620W polymorphism was more frequent in patients with T1D associated with HT (p=0.043). The risk allele T of A946T polymorphism was more frequent in patients with T1D associated with HT (p=0.009), as well as the pathogenic genotype (CT and TT) compared to control group (p=0.007). When all AITD is grouped, we observed association with A49G (p=0.024) and R620W (p=0.047). Only when patients with HT are grouped, we found differences in A49G (p=0.018) and A946T (p=0.041). CT60 polymorphism was associated with a shorter duration of drug therapy on GD group (p=0.004), but no association with TRAb levels or presence of goiter were found. In T1D with HT, the risk allele of A49G was more often found in males (p=0.04); R620W was associated with presence of goiter (p=0.03), while A946T was associated with anti-TPO levels (p=0.047). The anti-GAD, IAA and IA2 levels were not associated with any polymorphisms. CONCLUSION: We found different genetic associations among patients with AITD, suggesting that children are likely to have distinct genetic background, despite shorter exposure to environmental factors

Associação dos polimorfismos -318C/T, CT60 e A49G do gene CTLA4, R620W do gene PTPN22 e A946T do gene IFIH1 em pacientes pediátricos com doença autoimune tireoidiana e diabetes mellitus tipo 1 / Association of -318C/T, A49G and CT60 polymorphisms of CTLA4 gene, R620W of PTPN22 gene, and A946T of IFIH1 gene in pediatric patients with autoimmune thyroid disease and type 1 diabetes mellitus

Márcia Regina Bedin 12 July 2013 (has links)
As doenças autoimunes da tireoide (DAIT) representadas, principalmente pela doença de Graves (DG) e tireoidite de Hashimoto (TH), apresentam causas multifatoriais, incluindo fatores genéticos e ambientais. Diversos genes estão envolvidos, entre eles CTLA4, PTPN22 e mais recentemente IFIH1, principalmente quando associados a diabetes mellitus tipo 1 (DM1). OBJETIVOS: Determinar a frequência alélica e genotípica dos polimorfismos: -318C/T, A49G e CT60 do CTLA4, R620W do PTPN22 e A946T do IFIH1 em pacientes pediátricos portadores de DG, TH e DM1 associado a TH e em uma população controle normal, e determinar a associação com características clínicas e laboratoriais. MATERIAL E MÉTODOS: Foram estudados 142 pacientes menores de 21 anos ao diagnóstico. Os dados clínicos e laboratoriais foram obtidos em prontuário. A genotipagem foi realizada por PCR em tempo real de todos os polimorfismos. Dados clínicos e laboratoriais como sexo, idade de início, bócio, anticorpos anti-GAD, IA2 e IAA e níveis de TRAb e anti-TPO foram analisados. RESULTADOS: Sessenta e dois pacientes foram diagnosticados com DG, com idade média ao diagnóstico (IMD) de 10,8 ± 4,4 anos, sendo 43 do sexo feminino; TH esteve presente em 44 pacientes, sendo 37 meninas, com IMD de 10,3 (± 2,9 anos); e 36 pacientes com DM1 associado a TH, sendo 21 meninas, com IMD de 6,2 (± 4,0 anos) no momento do diagnóstico de DM1 e de 11,6 (± 4,6 anos) ao diagnóstico de TH. O grupo controle foi constituído por 81 indivíduos sem diabetes, função tireoidiana normal e ausência de anticorpos antitireoidianos. Todos os polimorfismos estavam em equilíbrio de Hardy-Weinberg. O polimorfismo -318C/T não esteve associado com nenhum dos grupos. O alelo de risco G do polimorfismo A49G foi mais frequente em pacientes com TH (p=0,047) e o genótipo patogênico (AG e GG) foi mais frequente em pacientes com DG (p=0,049). O alelo de risco G do polimorfismo CT60 foi mais frequente apenas em pacientes com DG (p=0,035). O alelo de risco T do polimorfismo R620W foi mais frequente em pacientes com DM1 associado a TH (p=0,043). O alelo de risco T do polimorfismo A946T foi mais frequente em pacientes com DM1 associado a TH (p=0,009), assim como o genótipo patogênico (CT e TT) quando comparado ao grupo controle (p=0,007). Quando agrupamos todas as DAIT, observamos associação com A49G (p=0,024) e R620W (p=0,047). Quando agrupamos apenas pacientes com TH, encontramos diferença no A49G (p=0,018) e no A946T (p=0,041). O polimorfismo CT60 foi associado com menor duração da terapia medicamentosa no grupo DG (p=0,004), mas não com os níveis de TRAb ou presença de bócio. No DM1 com HT, o alelo de risco do A49G foi mais frequentemente encontrado no sexo masculino (p=0,04); R620W foi relacionado com a presença de bócio (p=0,03), enquanto A946T foi associado com níveis de anti-TPO mais baixos (p=0,047). Os níveis de anti-GAD, IA2 e Resumo IAA não foram associados aos polimorfismos. CONCLUSÃO: Encontramos associações genéticas diferentes entre os pacientes com DAIT, sugerindo que as crianças possuem provavelmente padrões genéticos distintos, apesar do menor tempo de exposição a fatores ambientais / Autoimmune thyroid diseases (AITD) represented by Graves\' disease (GD) and Hashimoto\'s thyroiditis (HT), have multifactorial causes, including genetic and environmental factors. Several genes are involved, including CTLA4, PTPN22 and more recently IFIH1, especially when associated with type 1 diabetes (T1D). OBJECTIVES: To determine the allelic and genotypic frequencies of the polymorphisms: -318C/T, A49G and CT60 of CTLA4, R620W of PTPN22 and A946T of IFIH1 in pediatric patients with GD, HT and T1D associated with HT and in a control population and determine association with clinical and laboratory features. MATERIAL AND METHODS: We studied 142 patients under 21 years at diagnosis. Clinical and laboratory data were obtained from medical records. Genotyping was performed by real time PCR for all polymorphisms. Clinical and laboratory data were analyzed, such as gender, age of onset, goiter, anti-GAD, IA2 and IAA levels and TRAb and anti-TPO levels. RESULTS: Sixty-two patients were diagnosed with GD, with mean age at diagnosis (MAD) of 10.8 ± 4.4 years, 43 females; HT was present in 44 patients, 37 girls, MAD 10.3 (± 2.9 years) and type 1 diabetes associated with HT was present in 36 patients, 21 girls, MAD 6.2 (± 4.0 years) at diagnosis of T1D and 11.6 (± 4.6 years) at diagnosis of HT. Control group consisted of 81 subjects without diabetes, normal thyroid function and absence of antithyroid antibodies. All polymorphisms were in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. The polymorphism -318C/T was not associated with any of the groups. The risk allele G of A49G polymorphism was more frequent in patients with HT (p=0.047) and the pathogenic genotype (AG and GG) was more frequent in patients with GD (p=0.049). The risk allele G of CT60 polymorphism was more frequent only in patients with GD (p=0.035). The risk allele T of R620W polymorphism was more frequent in patients with T1D associated with HT (p=0.043). The risk allele T of A946T polymorphism was more frequent in patients with T1D associated with HT (p=0.009), as well as the pathogenic genotype (CT and TT) compared to control group (p=0.007). When all AITD is grouped, we observed association with A49G (p=0.024) and R620W (p=0.047). Only when patients with HT are grouped, we found differences in A49G (p=0.018) and A946T (p=0.041). CT60 polymorphism was associated with a shorter duration of drug therapy on GD group (p=0.004), but no association with TRAb levels or presence of goiter were found. In T1D with HT, the risk allele of A49G was more often found in males (p=0.04); R620W was associated with presence of goiter (p=0.03), while A946T was associated with anti-TPO levels (p=0.047). The anti-GAD, IAA and IA2 levels were not associated with any polymorphisms. CONCLUSION: We found different genetic associations among patients with AITD, suggesting that children are likely to have distinct genetic background, despite shorter exposure to environmental factors

Vergleich von prä- und posttherapeutischer Dosimetrie bei Radioiodtherapie von benignen Schilddrüsenerkrankungen / Comparison of Pretherapeutic and Posttherapeutic Dosimetry within Radioiodine Therapy in Benign Thyroid Diseases

Kobbe, Friederike 22 May 2017 (has links)
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