Spelling suggestions: "subject:"green electricity"" "subject:"creen electricity""
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Synsättet på förnyelsebara elkällor inom fastighetsbranschen / The view of renewable electricity sources in the real estate industryCandell, André, Ehn Jansson, Oskar January 2016 (has links)
För mellan 40-50 år sedan så byggdes en miljon bostäder i Sverige. Idag har arbetet påbörjats med att renovera och restorera dessa bostäder, i samband med dessa åtgärder så görs även många åtgärder för att minska energianvändningen. Syftet med detta arbete var att ta reda på vad som var det mest ekonomiska valet av olika gröna elkällor. Även fastighetsägarnas egna tankar och uppfattningar ställs i relation till slutsatserna vid beräkningarna för att få en uppfattning om det stämmer överens. För att arbetet inte skulle bli för stort och krävande så gjordes dessa avgränsningar: För att tiden skulle räcka till så avgränsades arbetet till Dalaregionen. Arbetet har dessutom avgränsats till att bara undersöka ekonomin vid valet av de olika gröna elkällorna. Genom två olika undersökningar med mentometerknappar så kunde resultatet om fastighetsägarnas egna tankar och uppfattningar redovisas och analyseras. Vidare kunde fastighetsägarnas tankar och uppfattningar jämföras med beräkningarna och dessa slutsatser kunde då dras: Slutsatser: Vindkraft var ej lönsam med dagens elpriser. Av fastighetsbolag kunde det ses att deltagarna trodde olika på vad som gav bäst lönsamhet mellan vindkraft, solel eller grön el. / Between the years 1965 and 1975 one million residences in Sweden were built. Today the work of renovating these buildings has begun, in connection with this work there are many measures taken to reduce energy usage. The purpose of this work was to find out what is the most economical choice of various green power sources. Also the thoughts and beliefs of the property owners are set in relation to the conclusions of the calculations to get an idea of how different the property owner’s beliefs are compared to the calculations. To avoid making the work too large and demanding these boundaries have been set: To get appropriate conclusions the work has been limited to the region of Dalarna. The work has also been limited to examining the economic factor when choosing between various green power sources. Two surveys were conducted with several different property owners as participants and then two calculations of the payback period for solar power, wind power, and green electricity were conducted. These two results were then compered to each other to be able to analyze and present these conclusions. Conclusions: Wind power is not profitable at today’s electricity prices. Real estate owners are uncertain of what choice gives the best profitability of wind power, solar power or green power.
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Consumer Attitudes towards the Benefits provided by Smart Grid – a Case Study of Smart Grid in SwedenChristakopoulos, Argiris, Makrygiannis, Georgios January 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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Energy optimization of the production of cellulosic ethanol from southern pineMelsert, Ryan Mitchell 15 November 2007 (has links)
On the forefront of the recent expansion in biofuels research is the production of cellulosic ethanol, or ethanol produced from a cellulose containing feedstock. Cellulose is a six-carbon polysaccharide found in most plant life and is one of the most abundant organic compounds on the planet. While the first generation of ethanol facilities uses sugar and starch based (corn kernels) plants as their feedstock, the next generation will use cellulosic sources such as wood chips, switchgrass, and forest residues. These cellulosic sources require far less energy and resources to grow and harvest, and are also much more abundant.
A cellulosic source widely available in Georgia and much of the southeastern US is southern pine. This study involves the modeling of a complete 2000 dry ton per day pine to ethanol production facility with the AspenTech3 software Aspen Plus, which outputs a mass and energy balance as well as the capital cost of the equipment. A key parameter which affects the competitiveness of cellulosic ethanol is the internal processing energy required to convert the pine to ethanol. As a result, the heat and electrical load of every component within the facility is modeled and then quantified through the Aspen Plus simulation. After this base case energy analysis is developed, various alternate plant configurations are integrated in an attempt to reduce this process energy requirement.
The material that is not fermented into ethanol is burned on-site to provide steam and electricity to the plant, as well as excess electricity to be sold to the grid as a byproduct. As the facility processing energy requirement is decreased, more excess electricity is available for sale. The implementation of the alternate distillation scenarios effectively reduce the internal processing energy in a manner as to increase the amount of excess electricity sold to the grid by 13.5%. The additional equipment required in this alternate scenario returns a simple payback period of 1.1 years through the additional revenue of the increased electricity sale.
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Human misuse of environmental assets especially energy is causing environmental degradation, which hampers social and economic welfare for present as well as for future generations. A worldwide shift to sustainable energy sources is one of the required actions to solve the problem. Electricity from sustainable energy sources is called green electricity and has arose as one of the most motivating tools for developing the sustainable energy market. This has resulted in the restructuring of Germany's energy industry with a dramatic change in energy use in electricity. The change has been aided by the German renewable energies act (EEG), which is been criticized for its resulting high green electricity prices which consumers have to pay. Green electricity prices seem to call for more consumers' attention than threats posed by conventional energy because only a small fraction of energy is sold as green electricity neccesitating the rethinking of the energy market. Due to the need for future research on more factors influencing consumers buying behavior in the green electricity market, this thesis seeks to investigate the following research questions: Is green electricity price the major influencing factor for its market unattractivess? Does the concern about price really calls for more attention than environmental concerns? It specifically aims to describe German consumers' perceptions of factors influencing their green electricity buying behavior. The research methodology involves the use of secondary and primary data. The secondary data gives a background knowledge of Germany and its energy historical development, Germany's sustainable energy strategies and strategies for market development (electricity feed-in-tariffs, the renewable energy act and problems), green electricity marketing, consumers' purchasing behavior and factors influencing this behavior. The primary data is gotten through a questionnare survey and analysed using both excel and the statistical package for social sciences. Evidence is taken from Germany because of its ambitious goals of 20-30% green electricity by 2020 and 80-100% by 2050. The result of the study shows that, although price is the most influencing factor in choosing an electricity supplier and also calls for more attention than environmental concerns, it's not the major hindering factor for the green electricity market unattractivess. Most German electricity consumers (42%) have no idea about green electricity prices. In comparison to competitors, 27% of them assume the prices are higher while 31% say the prices are thesame and even lower. All green electricity consumers confirm the prices are moderate and even cheaper. Even when prices are the same, most respondents gave other reasons like conviniences before environmental friendliness as the first motive for their electricity choice. Despite Germany's ambitous goals, consumers selfinterest and ignorance about green electricity prices remain a problem for the market.
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The demand for green electricity amongst residential consumers in the Cape PeninsulaOliver, Henry 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA (Business Management))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study is to determine whether residential electricity consumers within
the Cape Peninsula would be willing to voluntarily purchase green electricity if it is sold at
a premium price. International experience in the field of green marketing shows that while
niche markets for green electricity clearly existed, few programmes however exceeded a
5% penetration in the residential market. This study therefore methodologically drew on
recent development in the literature of norm-motivated behaviour to identify testable
factors that could influence residential consumers’ willingness to purchase premium-priced
green electricity. After identifying these core testable factors, they were used to test
various hypotheses. This was done through the testing of primary data that was collected
through a telephone market survey of 405 respondents within the Cape Peninsula. These
respondents were all identified as financial decision makers within their electricity
consuming households.
This study subsequently found that residential electricity consumers in the Cape Peninsula
are very concerned about the future of the environment and that a large percentage of
them (more than 40%) from almost all income levels might voluntary buy premium-priced
green electricity. However, as it did identify that consumers must truly be convinced of the
positive effects that green electricity would have on the environment before voluntarily
supporting such a campaign, it found that consumers might not be well enough informed
on environmental and climate change issues to ensure their actual support. To be at all
successful, such a green electricity marketing campaign should be very informative and
specifically focused on the positive effects that such a purchase would have on the
This study also found that supportive residential consumers would on average be willing to
pay a maximum premium of 26% or approximately 15c/kWh. The combined maximum
potential value of these premiums amount to R39 million per month. This serves as
indication that there is much room for future development of the green electricity market.
This study also identified that the majority of residential consumers believe that excessive
users of electricity should be forced to make a larger financial contribution towards the
generation of green electricity than low usage consumers. Based on its findings, the study
closes with recommendations to role players in the green electricity market, i.e. the City of
Cape Town Municipality, Darling Wind Farm and Eskom. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie studie is om te bepaal of residensiële elektrisiteitsverbruikers in die
Kaapse Skiereiland gewillig sou wees om vrywilliglik groen elektrisiteit teen ’n premie aan
te koop. Internasionale ervaring op die gebied van groen elektrisiteit het getoon dat,
alhoewel daar verseker nismarkte vir groen elektrisiteit bestaan, baie min programme
meer as 5% van die residensiële mark kon wen. Hierdie studie steun dus metodologies op
onlangse verwikkelinge in die literatuur rakende normgemotiveerde gedrag om sodoende
toetsbare faktore te identifiseer wat moontlik verbruikers se bereidwilligheid om groen
elektrisiteit teen ’n premie te koop, kan verbeter. Na die identifisering van hierdie toetsbare
faktore is hulle gebruik om verskeie hipoteses te toets. Dit is gedoen deur die toets van
primêre data wat deur middel van telefoon-marknavorsing by 405 respondente binne die
Kaapse Skiereiland ingesamel is. Hierdie respondente was almal geïdentifiseer as
finansiële besluitnemers van huishoudings wat elektrisiteit gebruik.
Hierdie studie het bevind dat residensiële elektrisiteitsverbruikers in die Kaapse
Skiereiland baie besorg is oor die toekoms van die omgewing en dat ’n groot hoeveelheid
van hierdie huishoudings (meer as 40%) van amper alle inkomstegroepe moontlik gewillig
sou wees om groen elektrisiteit teen ’n premie aan te koop. Die studie het ook bevind dat
omdat hierdie bereidwilligheid van die residensiële verbruikers onderhewig is aan hul
oortuiging dat groen elektrisiteit ’n werklike positiewe effek op die omgewing uitoefen,
residensiële verbruikers dalk huidiglik nie werklik goed genoeg ingelig is rakende
omgewingsbewaring- en klimaatsveranderingskwessies nie. Hierdie gebrek aan kennis
kan dus moontlik hul bereidwilligheid om groen elektrisiteit teen ’n premie aan te koop,
negatief beïnvloed. Om suksesvol te wees sal groen elektrisiteit-bemarkingsveldtogte baie
volledige inligting moet verskaf en sterk gefokus moet wees op die omgewingsvoordele
wat die aankoop van groen elektrisiteit inhou.
Die studie het ook bevind dat residensiële ondersteuners bereid sou wees om gemiddeld
’n maksimum premie van 26% of 15c/kWh te betaal. Die gesamentlike maksimum
potensiële waarde van hierdie premies is R39 miljoen per maand wat daarop dui dat daar
heelwat ruimte mag wees vir toekomstige uitbreiding van die mark vir groen elektrisiteit.
Hierdie studie het ook geïdentifiseer dat die meerderheid residensiële
elektrisiteitsverbruikers glo dat oormatige elektrisiteitsverbruikers gedwing moet word om
‘n groter finansiële bydrae tot die opwekking van groen elektrisiteit te maak as lae elektrisiteitsverbruikers. Gebaseer op die bevindinge van hierdie studie, sluit dit af met
aanbevelings tot verskeie rolspelers in die mark vir groen elektrisiteit, soos die Kaapstadse
Munisipaliteit, Darling Windplaas en Eskom.
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Alternatyvios energijos plėtros efektyvumo didinimas / Increase of development efficiency of alternative energySimanavičius, Nerijus 03 July 2009 (has links)
Šio darbo tikslas – išnagrinėti veiksnius, darančius įtaką alternatyvios energetikos plėtros efektyvumui Lietuvoje ir sukurti modelį šiai problemai spręsti, remiantis atliktais ekonometriniais ir realaus projekto skaičiavimais. Pagrindinės sprendžiamos problemos yra susijusios su silpnais bendradarbiavimo ryšiais tarp politikos, verslo ir mokslo sričių. Neefektyvus finansavimas energetinių projektų, neracionalus piliečių motyvavimas dėl alternatyvios energijos (AE) privalumų ir ilgas atsipirkimo laikas, suteikia neekonomiško verslo „šešėlį“. Viena iš svarbiausių darbo dalių yra realaus energetinio projekto parengimas. Atlikus tyrimą nustatyta, kad norint gyvenamajam namui įrengti vėjo jėgainę, bei šilumos siurblį, reikia 181 000 Lt pradinių investicijų, o diskontuotas projekto atsipirkimo laikas sudarytų beveik 18 metų. Kad tokie projektai atsipirktų daug anksčiau ir pradinės investicijos būtų mažesnės, buvo parengtas alternatyvios energetikos (toliau – AE) plėtros efektyvumo modelis, kuris akcentuoja verslo, mokslo ir politikos sinergijos būtinumą. Darbo apimtis – 74 p. teksto be priedų, 39 iliustr., 23 lent., 70 literatūros šaltinių. Atskirai pridedami darbo priedai. / This work main point – explore alternative energy developmental efficiency influencing forces in Lithuania, and make a model, to solve this problem, with reference, econometric and real project counts. The main solving problems are associated with week relationship between policy, business and science. Non effective sponsorship of energetic projects, non rational motivation of citizens in AE advantages, and long payback, gives non economical business „shadow“. The one of most important part of this work is preparation of energetic project. The main results maintaining that, if we want put a wind mill and thermal pump in individual house, we need at least 181 000 Lt, start – up investments and discounted payback will be reached about 18 years. That projects, like this will be payback earlier and start – up investment will be smaller was prepared alternative energy developmental model, witch emphasizes business, science and policy synergy necessity. Thesis consist of: 74 p. text without appendixes, 39 pictures, 23 tables, 70 bibliographical entries. Appendixes included.
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Atsinaujinančių energijos išteklių vartojimo perspektyvos Lietuvoje / Renewable energy resources use perspective in lithuaniaRekutė, Milda 26 June 2014 (has links)
Atsinaujinantys energijos ištekliai tampa vis svarbesne energetikos plėtros gaire Europoje ir pasaulyje. Kadangi atsinaujinantys energijos ištekliai yra neriboti, alternatyviai pakeičiantys kurui reikalingas žemės iškasenas, todėl jų panaudojimas iš esmės atitinka darnaus vystymosi koncepciją. Aprūpinimas saugia, nebrangia, aplinkai nekenksminga ir neišsenkančia energija yra darnios energetikos pagrindas. Taigi, atsinaujinantys, arba darnūs, energijos ištekliai yra reikšminga darnios plėtros dalis. Darbo objektas – „žalioji“ elektra. Darbo tikslas - išanalizuoti atsinaujinančių energijos išteklių vartojimą ir perspektyvas Lietuvoje, bei įvertinti įmonių pasiryžimą už „žaliąją“ elektrą mokėti brangiau. Pagrindiniai darbo uždaviniai atskleisti darnaus vystymosi koncepciją, išnagrinėti darnų energetikos vystymąsi, išanalizuoti rinkos trūkumų plėtros sąsajas ekonominėse teorijose, įvertinti energijos rinkų liberalizavimo naudą, apibrėžti atsinaujinančių išteklių rūšis, ištirti elektros energijos gautos iš atsinaujinančių energijos rūšių vartojimo tendencijas, įvardinti kliūtis trukdančias atsinaujinančių energijos išteklių vartojimo didėjimą, apžvelgti valstybės paramą skatinančią šių išteklių vartojimą, atlikti Kauno gamybinių įmonių tyrimą, įvertinant jų pasiryžimą už „žaliąją“ elektrą mokėti brangiau. Darbe iškeltos šios hipotezės: H1 - AEI negali konkuruoti elektros energijos rinkoje, dėl nesugebėjimo valdyti išorinių kaštų; H2 - Dėl nepakankamų AEI skatinimo priemonių... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Renewable energy resources are becoming an increasingly important energy development milestone in Europe and the world. Because renewable energy resources are unlimited, alternatively, replacing the fuel required for the mineral resource land, and therefore their use is broadly consistent with the concept of sustainable development. Provision of a safe, inexpensive, environmentally friendly and the unrelenting energy of a sustainable energy base. Thus, the renewable or sustainable energy resources is a significant part of sustainable development. Subject matter of the thesis – "green" electricity. Aim of the thesis – to examine the use of renewable energy resources and the prospects of Lithuania, and to assess readiness for the "green" electricity to pay a higher price. The main tasks of the work to reveal the concept of sustainable development, to consider sustainable energy development, to analyze weaknesses in the development of market linkages to economic theory, to evaluate the benefits of the liberalization of energy markets, to define the types of renewable resources, to investigate the electricity produced from renewable energy consumption trends, identify the obstacles hindering the use of renewable energy resources increase in the stock of public support to promote the use of these resources, to make Kaunas a study of industrial enterprises, to assess their readiness for the "green" electricity to pay a higher price. The paper raised the following hypotheses: H1 -... [to full text]
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What is the feasibility of using Power Purchase Agreements as a green electricity sourcing method for a large industrial company? : A Case Study / Vad är genomförbarheten av att använda Power Purchase Agreements som en metod för att erhålla grön el för ett stort industriellt bolag?Andersson, Oskar, Lindblad, Fredrik January 2023 (has links)
With the increasing volatility on electricity markets and a growing emphasis on sustainability, renewable electricity has gained significant attention from corporate entities seeking to secure their green energy supply. Among the various methods available for securing green electricity, one method on the rise is Power Purchase Agreements (PPA). The purpose of entering a PPA from a generator perspective is to secure future revenues and from an offtaker perspective it is to secure future electricity costs. This research aims to assess the feasibility of PPAs as a green electricity sourcing method for a large industrial company with specific requirements. The research comprises a case study focused on a specific company. It involves qualitative interviews with nine company representatives, analysis of internal documents, and a review of relevant literature on PPAs. Additionally, four external experts knowledgeable about the company's electricity sourcing method and the PPA market were interviewed. This approach provides insights into the company's practices and ensures a comprehensive understanding of PPAs. The study demonstrates that PPAs can be structured in various ways. To organize the results and strengthen the arguments and conclusions drawn, Kraljic's sourcing framework has been utilized. Importantly, the findings indicate that implementing a PPA is a highly viable green electricity sourcing method for the company given their current structure andmission for the future. The findings suggest that adopting a PPA to source green electricity can be a viable option for companies if they prioritize renewable electricity,value price predictability highly, and can leverage the agreement for sustainability and marketing efforts. It is important to note that while the risks associated with a PPA can be mitigated to a large extent through a price premium, it is crucial to tailor the PPA setup to align with the specific needs of the company. Furthermore, it would be intriguing for the research community to investigate or propose an optimal PPA structure that maximizes benefits for both sides of the value chain, considering the interdependence highlighted in this study. / Med den ökande volatiliteten på elmarknaderna och det växande fokuset på hållbarhet har förnybar el fått betydande uppmärksamhet från företag som vill säkra sin framtida gröna energiförsörjning. Bland de olika metoderna för att säkra grön elförsörjning har en metod blivit allt vanligare, nämligen Power Purchase Agreement (PPA). Syftet med att ingå en PPA ur en generators perspektiv är att säkra framtida intäkter, och från ett bolags perspektiv är det att säkra framtida elkostnader. Denna forskning syftar till att bedöma genomförbarheten av PPAs som en metod för att säkra grön el för ett stort industrielltföretag med specifika krav. Undersökningen omfattar en fallstudie fokuserad på ett specifikt företag. Den innefattar kvalitativa intervjuer med nio representanter från företaget, analys av interna dokument och en översikt av relevant litteratur om PPAs. Dessutom intervjuades fyra externa experter som har kunskap om företagets nuvarande strategi gällande elförsörjningen och PPA-marknaden. Denna ansats ger insikter i företagets verksamhet och säkerställer en omfattande förståelse för PPAs. Studien visar att PPAs kan struktureras på olika sätt. För att organisera resultaten och stärka argument och slutsatser har Kraljics inköpsramverk använts. Resultaten indikerar att införandet av en PPA är en mycket genomförbar metod för att säkra grön el för företaget med hänsyn till deras nuvarande struktur och framtida målsättningar. Resultaten antyder att användning av en PPA för att förse sig med grön el kan vara genomförbart för ett företag om de prioriterar förnybar el, värderar prisförutsägbarhet högt och kan dra nytta av avtalet för hållbarhets- och marknadsföringsinsatser. Det är viktigt att notera att medan riskerna med en PPA till stor del kan minskas genom att betala ett prispåslag, är det avgörande att skräddarsy PPA-upplägget för att passa företagets specifika behov. Vidare skulle det vara intressant för forskarsamhället att undersöka eller föreslå en optimal PPA-struktur som maximerar fördelarna för båda sidor av värdekedjan med tanke på det beroendeförhållande som lyfts fram i denna studie.
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An analysis of the residential user electricity market and the marketing of green electricity product solutions in the City of Cape TownKritzinger, Brian 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA (Business Management)) -- University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie navorsingstudie het ’n telefoniese vraelys behels wat aan die einde van 2007 deur
405 respondente voltooi is. Die doel van die vraelys was om die opinies van ’n
verteenwoordigende steekproef Kaapstadse residensiële elektrisiteitsverbruikers te bepaal
ten opsigte van kwessies wat verband hou met die opwekking, verkoop en gebruik van
hernubare of groen elektrisiteit. Dit is gedoen ten einde ’n ingeligte formulering te kan doen
van toepaslike groen elektrisiteitsprodukte vir verkoop aan die residensiële
elektrisiteitsmark. Response is op Likert-skale aangedui en is geanaliseer deur middel van
nie-parametriese statistiese metodologie.
Daar is bevind dat ’n groot proporsie (90.6 persent) van die Kaapstadse verbruikers bewus
is van en besorg is oor die huidige klimaats- en omgewingsuitdagings en dat ’n
soortgelyke proporsie (86.9 persent) bekommerd is oor die gevaar van aardse
verwarming. Daar is ook bevind dat 85.0 persent van respondente gebruik maak van
energiebesparende gloeilampies. Daar kon egter geen beduidende verwantskappe gevind
word tussen die algemeen-aanvaarbare groener tegnologieë en die verbruikers se
bereidheid om meer te betaal vir groen elektrisiteit nie.
Daar is bevind dat 61.7 persent van die respondente bereid sou wees om tot 15.4 persent
as ’n premie te betaal ten einde groen elektrisiteit te koop. Daar is verder bevind dat van
die drie voorgestelde aankoopmetodes, groen notas (green tags) of groen kwitansies vir
voorafbetaalde elektrisiteit die mees praktiese is en waarskynlik die mees algemeen
aanvaar sal word. Verbruikers verkies om elke keer wat hulle elektrisiteit koop die keuse te
kan uitoefen tussen groen elektrisiteit en konvensionele krag en dan is die voorafbetaalde
manier van koop die mees geskikte opsie om die aankoop van groen elektrisiteit te
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study comprised of a telephonic questionnaire conducted in late 2007 with 405
respondents. The aim of the questionnaire was to derive the opinions of a representative
sample of Cape Town’s residential electricity consumers on matters relating to the
generation, sale and use of renewable or green electricity. This was done in order to
inform the formulation of appropriate green electricity products for sale into the residential
electricity market. Responses were noted on Likert scales and were analysed using nonparametric
statistical methodology.
It was found that a high proportion (90.6 per cent) of the Capetonian consumers were
concerned about the environment and a similarly highly number (86.9 per cent) are
concerned about the environmental challenges that are currently faced as a result of
global warming. It was found that 85.0 per cent of households in the respondent population
currently make use of energy-saving light bulbs. However no significant links could be
found between the use of generally-accepted greener technologies and the consumers’
willingness to pay more for green electricity.
It was found that 61.7 per cent of the respondents were willing to spend an average of
15.4 per cent more as a premium in order to buy green electricity. It was further found that
of the three purchasing methods suggested that green tags, or green receipts for pre-paid
electricity were the most practical and the most likely to be widely accepted. Consumers
preferred the option of choosing at every purchase whether they opt for green electricity or
conventional power and this would be most easily managed via a pre-paid receipt system.
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Ochota platit za zelenou elektřinu / Willingness to pay for green electricityNovák, Jan January 2015 (has links)
We estimate the willingness to pay for electricity generated from renewable energy in the Czech Republic. Discrete choice experiment is used to elicit preferences for various attributes of renewable electricity support scheme (PM emission, GHG emission, size of RE power plant, revenue distribution, and costs). Original survey is carried with 404 respondents living in two regions - Ustecky (polluted area) and Southern Bohemia (cleaner area). We find that respondents prefer decentralized renewable electricity sources over centralized, local air quality improvements over reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. Estimated marginal willingness to pay for 1% reduction in emission of particulate matter equals to 49 CZK, respectively 3.7 % of average monthly electricity bill. In total, WTP for green electricity is larger than current compulsory contributions to renewable energy support scheme. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)
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