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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Grill-, kött-, chark-, och kallskänkshanteringen i Gislaveds kommun – bättre eller sämre? En jämförelse mellan år 2008 och 2011

Gustafsson, Tilda January 2011 (has links)
I detta examensarbete ges en resultatbaserad slutsats om dagsläget för livsmedelsbutikers hantering av grill-, kött-, chark- och kallskänkshanteringen jämfört med hanteringen år 2008 i Gislaveds kommun. År 2008 genomförde livsmedelsinspektörerna på Bygg- och miljöförvaltningen i Gislaveds kommun ett projekt där samtliga livsmedelsbutiker i kommunen med någon typ av grill-, kött, chark-, och kallskänkshantering inspekterades och ingick i livsmedelsprovtagning av de nämnda hanteringarnas produkter. Vid projektet togs det prover på butiksförpackat kött, kallskänksprodukter och pålägg som skivats i butiken. Under hösten 2011 gjordes detta examensarbete där syftet var att få fram underlag, på samma sätt som i det tidigare genomförda projektet 2008, och göra en kvalitetsjämförelse mellan produkterna av skivning, kallskänkshantering och kötthantering i butik år 2008 och 2011 och därmed få en indikation på de hygieniska förhållandena i butikerna i Gislaveds kommun. Underlaget till jämförelse och slutsats framkom genom intervjuer, inspektioner och provtagningar av livsmedel. Vid inspektionerna kontrollerades framförallt grillhanteringen och kallskänkshanteringen och deras separata utrymmen bl. a. lokalernas underhåll, kylrum, personlig hygien, temperatur i diskar och kylar etc. Intervjuerna gav svar på frågor om grillhantering. Underlaget, där livsmedelsprovtagning var av största vikt för att nå målet, visade att ca 17 % av livsmedelsproverna 2011 inte var helt tillfredsställande, jämfört med ca 25 % år 2008. Det var alltså färre livsmedelsprover med utlåtandet Godtagbart med anmärkning efter analys, än 2008. Vid båda provtagningsomgångarna 2008 och 2011 var de sorter av livsmedel som hade flest resultat av godtagbart med anmärkning, (d.v.s. att livsmedlet fortfarande kan användas men att det har hanterats på ett felaktigt sätt så att bakterier eller mikroorganismer har fått möjlighet att föröka sig), blandfärs och baguetter av olika slag. Att det inte var lika många livsmedelsprov som var godtagbara med anmärkning 2011 jämfört med 2008, kan tyda på att det är bättre hantering av grill-, chark-, kött-, och kallskänksprodukter 2011 än 2008. Inspektionerna i de 10 butiker som ingick i detta arbete 2011, kan bekräfta att butikerna uppvisade varierade resultat i fråga om underhåll av lokaler, personlig hygien och kylars och diskars temperaturer samt temperaturerna vid livsmedelsprovtagningarna. En jämförelse av inspektionernas resultat mellan 2008 och 2011 var inte möjlig i dessa delar eftersom sådana resultat inte redovisades 2008. Vid en jämförelse av kallskänksprodukter och skivat pålägg mellan 2008 och 2011 gällande vilka som var godtagbara med anmärkning, kan det konstateras att det framför allt var baguetter av olika sorter som var de livsmedel som flest gånger var godtagbara med anmärkning. Vid jämförelsen av kött som var godtagbart med anmärkning, kan det konstateras att blandfärs var det livsmedel som var godtagbart med anmärkning flest gånger. De flesta butiker som hade tillfredsställande prov 2008 hade det även idag 2011. Inspektionerna 2011 visade att lokalerna för kött- chark- och kallskänkshantering och underhållet av dessa generellt sett var bra. Överlag visade också livsmedelsprovtagningarna på tillfredsställande livsmedelskvalitet. Med det här arbetet och det tidigare utförda arbetet och dessa bådas resultat som grund, har en slutsats kunnat dras – grill-, kött-, chark- och kallskänkshanteringen är bättre idag, 2011 än 2008. / This bachelor´s thesis gives a conclusion about the situation, in the municipality of Gislaved, concerning the handling in grocery stores of cured meats and provisions, meat, grill and the cold buffet products of today and compared to the year 2008. The conclusion is based on results from sample analysis. In 2008 the food inspectors in the municipality of Gislaved implemented a project where they inspected the grocery stores in the municipality. They also took samples for analysis. With the old project made in 2008 as a base conclusions were made. The result was that the handling of food seemed better in 2011 than in 2008. The Bachelor´s thesis aim was to make comparisons of quality of cured meats and provisions and products of grill and the cold buffet between the year of 2011 and 2008. It was then possible to get an indication of the state of hygienic conditions in the municipality of Gislaved. The base for the comparison and the conclusion was defined by interviews, inspections and tests of food. The inspections focused on the maintenance of the premises, cold-storages, personal hygiene, temperatures, and refrigerated display cases. By the inspections of the handling of cured meats and provisions, meat, grill and the cold buffet showed results that in general were satisfactory. The tests of food also were satisfactory in general. The interview questions were asked about the handling of the grilling. The tests of food were important in order to be able to make the comparison and conclusion. The tests of food demonstrated 16, 7 % of not satisfactory food samples today in comparison to 25,4 % not satisfactory food samples in the year of 2008. There were above all different kinds of baguettes and minced meat which were not good in the tests of food quality. In comparison with the project of 2008, the handling in the grocery stores of cured meats and provisions, meat, grill and the cold buffet seemed better today.

The Thermal Grill Illusion of Pain: Effects of Altering Placements of Warm and Cool Grill Elements

Lam, Jason 21 March 2012 (has links)
The simultaneous application of interlaced innocuous warm and cool stimuli can elicit sensations of burning heat (the Thermal Grill Illusion, TGI). The TGI is thought to reflect changes in the central interactions between somatosensory sub-modalities (i.e. cold-inhibition of pain). Previous studies used multiple alternating warm and cool bars to elicit a TGI. The primary objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of altering the placements of warm and cool grill elements on the intensities of perceived pain and unpleasantness in 26 male subjects. Arranging the thermal grill elements in a warm flanking cool (WCW) pattern evoked significantly higher intensities of pain and unpleasantness than a cool flanking warm (CWC) pattern and a uniform warm stimulus. Conversely, CWC did not elicit significantly different intensities of perceived pain and unpleasantness than a uniform cool stimulus. This finding may reflect differences in the level of activation of central neurons.

The Thermal Grill Illusion of Pain: Effects of Altering Placements of Warm and Cool Grill Elements

Lam, Jason 21 March 2012 (has links)
The simultaneous application of interlaced innocuous warm and cool stimuli can elicit sensations of burning heat (the Thermal Grill Illusion, TGI). The TGI is thought to reflect changes in the central interactions between somatosensory sub-modalities (i.e. cold-inhibition of pain). Previous studies used multiple alternating warm and cool bars to elicit a TGI. The primary objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of altering the placements of warm and cool grill elements on the intensities of perceived pain and unpleasantness in 26 male subjects. Arranging the thermal grill elements in a warm flanking cool (WCW) pattern evoked significantly higher intensities of pain and unpleasantness than a cool flanking warm (CWC) pattern and a uniform warm stimulus. Conversely, CWC did not elicit significantly different intensities of perceived pain and unpleasantness than a uniform cool stimulus. This finding may reflect differences in the level of activation of central neurons.

Projeto e testes de uma churrasqueira a etanol com queimadores infravermelhos. / Project and tests of an ethanol grill with infrared burners.

Bocchi, Bruno 26 April 2016 (has links)
Atualmente, há poucas aplicações de uso de combustíveis renováveis em queimadores, apesar de representarem grande parte do consumo de energia primária. O etanol se apresenta como uma alternativa com grande potencial para substituição de combustíveis não-renováveis em queimadores no Brasil. Tendo em vista este potencial, foi realizado um estudo de possíveis aplicações de queimadores a etanol, com potência inferior a 50 kW, do ponto de vista ambiental, econômico e tecnológico. Foi selecionada uma churrasqueira como a aplicação mais viável. Tendo em vista a necessidade de troca de calor por radiação, foram selecionados queimadores porosos infravermelhos em conjunto com bicos pulverizadores. Durante os testes, a combustão incompleta com gotejamento de combustível se mostrou um problema freqüente. Foi construída uma série de protótipos até se chegar a uma solução final do problema. Este protótipo final, com itens de baixo custo, foi testado avaliando-se potência e emissões, apresentando performance adequada. Foram também estabelecidas diretrizes para desenvolvimento de um produto. / Nowadays, there are few applications of renewable fuels in burners, despite representing a large share of primary energy consumption. Ethanol presents as an alternative with great potential of non-renewable fuels substitution in burners in Brazil. Facing this potential, a study with possible applications of ethanol burners, with output power lower than 50 kW, was carried out, considering environmental, economic and technological aspects. Grill was chosen as the most feasible application. Once radiant heat transfer is needed, infrared porous burner combined with spray nozzles were selected. Throughout the tests, incomplete combustion with fuel dripping was shown as a recurrent problem. A sequence of prototypes was built until a final solution. This last prototype, with low cost components, was tested, assessing output power end emissions, presenting sufficient performance. Guidelines to product development were stipulated.

Evaluation and Characterisation of the Thermal Grill Apparatus for Spinal Cord Injury Patients

Kostka, Dianw 12 December 2011 (has links)
Patients suffering from central neuropathic pain have thermal sensory deficits within the painful area. Prior research proposed that the loss of thermal sensation in regions of central neuropathic pain may reflect similar central nervous system interaction between warm and cold sensory inputs that underlie the Thermal Grill Illusion (TGI) in which burning pain is felt while reduced warm/cold sensations are reported. This work presents a portable and reliable device that was used to systematically evaluate the characteristics of the TGI in healthy individuals. The results suggest that the spatial distribution of the warm and cool stimuli significantly affected the quality of perceived TGI. Additionally, simultaneous tactile and thermal stimulation was shown to be significantly less painful than thermal stimulation alone. A high correlation was also seen in the subject‘s TG intensity scores and their cold pain threshold. These results are useful for future TGI studies for central neuropathic pain.

Evaluation and Characterisation of the Thermal Grill Apparatus for Spinal Cord Injury Patients

Kostka, Dianw 12 December 2011 (has links)
Patients suffering from central neuropathic pain have thermal sensory deficits within the painful area. Prior research proposed that the loss of thermal sensation in regions of central neuropathic pain may reflect similar central nervous system interaction between warm and cold sensory inputs that underlie the Thermal Grill Illusion (TGI) in which burning pain is felt while reduced warm/cold sensations are reported. This work presents a portable and reliable device that was used to systematically evaluate the characteristics of the TGI in healthy individuals. The results suggest that the spatial distribution of the warm and cool stimuli significantly affected the quality of perceived TGI. Additionally, simultaneous tactile and thermal stimulation was shown to be significantly less painful than thermal stimulation alone. A high correlation was also seen in the subject‘s TG intensity scores and their cold pain threshold. These results are useful for future TGI studies for central neuropathic pain.

Projeto e testes de uma churrasqueira a etanol com queimadores infravermelhos. / Project and tests of an ethanol grill with infrared burners.

Bruno Bocchi 26 April 2016 (has links)
Atualmente, há poucas aplicações de uso de combustíveis renováveis em queimadores, apesar de representarem grande parte do consumo de energia primária. O etanol se apresenta como uma alternativa com grande potencial para substituição de combustíveis não-renováveis em queimadores no Brasil. Tendo em vista este potencial, foi realizado um estudo de possíveis aplicações de queimadores a etanol, com potência inferior a 50 kW, do ponto de vista ambiental, econômico e tecnológico. Foi selecionada uma churrasqueira como a aplicação mais viável. Tendo em vista a necessidade de troca de calor por radiação, foram selecionados queimadores porosos infravermelhos em conjunto com bicos pulverizadores. Durante os testes, a combustão incompleta com gotejamento de combustível se mostrou um problema freqüente. Foi construída uma série de protótipos até se chegar a uma solução final do problema. Este protótipo final, com itens de baixo custo, foi testado avaliando-se potência e emissões, apresentando performance adequada. Foram também estabelecidas diretrizes para desenvolvimento de um produto. / Nowadays, there are few applications of renewable fuels in burners, despite representing a large share of primary energy consumption. Ethanol presents as an alternative with great potential of non-renewable fuels substitution in burners in Brazil. Facing this potential, a study with possible applications of ethanol burners, with output power lower than 50 kW, was carried out, considering environmental, economic and technological aspects. Grill was chosen as the most feasible application. Once radiant heat transfer is needed, infrared porous burner combined with spray nozzles were selected. Throughout the tests, incomplete combustion with fuel dripping was shown as a recurrent problem. A sequence of prototypes was built until a final solution. This last prototype, with low cost components, was tested, assessing output power end emissions, presenting sufficient performance. Guidelines to product development were stipulated.

Finite Element Analysis of Thermoelectric Systems with Applications in Self Assembly and Haptics

McKnight, Patrick T. 29 October 2010 (has links)
Micro-scale self assembly is an attractive method for manufacturing sub-millimeter sized thermoelectric device parts. Challenges controlling assembly yield rates, however, have caused research to find novel ways to implement the process while still resulting in a working device. While a typical system uses single n-type and p-type material elements in series, one method used to increase the probability of a working device involves adding redundant parallel elements in clusters. The drawback to this technique is that thermal performance is affected in clusters which have missing elements. While one-dimensional modeling sufficiently describes overall performance in terms of average junction temperatures and net heat flux, it fails when a detailed thermal profile is needed for a non-homogeneous system. For this reason, a three-dimensional model was created to describe thermal performance using Ansys v12.1. From the results, local and net performance can be described to help in designing an acceptable self-assembled device. In addition, a haptic thermal display was designed using thermoelectric elements with the intention of testing the thermal grill illusion. The display consists of 5 electrically independent rows of thermoelectric elements which are controlled using pulse width modulating direct current motor controllers.

The Motivational Impact of Incentive Programs on Young Adult Employees in Corporate Casual Restaurants

Hirsch, Gregory S. (Gregory Seymour) 08 1900 (has links)
This study was conducted to determine which incentive programs best influence young workers in corporate casual restaurants. The server and bar staff of the Chili's division of Brinker International, Inc. were surveyed in 18 stores in the Dallas area. From the sample. 356 usable surveys were received. The study was designed to obtain feedback about existing and future incentive programs that will enhance development of a positive working environment, along with higher productivity and a lower turnover rate.

Analysis of the intake grill for marine jet propulsion / Analys av Intagsgaller för marina vattenjetsystem

Söderberg Jansson, Marcus January 2019 (has links)
Marine waterjet propulsion is a technology that has been developed and refined since the early 1950’ and is proven highly useful for high speed applications with vessels in varying sizes. The intake grill is a component that is mounted in line with the hull to prevent debris from traveling through the waterjet. The intake grill is affected by viscous forces, contact forces and harmonic excitation forces all while affecting the efficiency of the waterjet. In this report a selection of methods is evaluated and verified with the goal of simplifying the design process of the intake grill. A selection of cross-sections is generated and evaluated to draw general conclusions about the efficiency and stability of the intake grill. A selection of computational fluid dynamics and modal analysis methods are utilized. It is concluded that the intake grill is affected by many parameters and can be evaluated by modal FEM analysis and 2D CFD analysis. / Marina vattenjetmotorer har utvecklats och förfinats sedan tidigt 50-tal och har bevisats mycket användbara för applikationer i hög hastighet med båtar i varierande storlekar. Intagsgaller är en komponent som monteras i linje med skrovet på båtar för att förhindra oönskade föremål att färdas genom intaget på vattenjetmotorn. Intagsgallret är påverkat av viskösa krafter, direkta krafter och harmonisk excitation samtidigt som komponenten påverkar vattenjetmotorns effektivitet. I denna rapport så evalueras ett urval av metoder med målet att simplifiera utvecklingsprocessen av intagsgaller. Ett urval av tvärsnittsgeometrier är genererade och evaluerade för att dra generella slutsatser om effektiviteten och stabiliteten av intagsgallret. Ett par olika sorters flödessimuleringar och finita element metoder används. Slutsatsen är att intagsgallret påverkas av ett flertal parametrar och kan utvärderas med modal finita element metoder samt tvådimensionella flödessimuleringar.

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