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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Generating Exploration Mission-3 Trajectories to a 9:2 NRHO Using Machine Learning

Guzman, Esteban 01 December 2018 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of this thesis is to design a machine learning algorithm platform that provides expanded knowledge of mission availability through a launch season by improving trajectory resolution and introducing launch mission forecasting. The specific scenario addressed in this paper is one in which data is provided for four deterministic translational maneuvers through a mission to a Near Rectilinear Halo Orbit (NRHO) with a 9:2 synodic frequency. Current launch availability knowledge under NASA’s Orion Orbit Performance Team is established by altering optimization variables associated to given reference launch epochs. This current method can be an abstract task and relies on an orbit analyst to structure a mission based off an established mission design methodology associated to the performance of Orion and NASA's Space Launch System. Introducing a machine learning algorithm trained to construct mission scenarios within the feasible range of known trajectories reduces the required interaction of the orbit analyst by removing the needed step of optimizing the orbit to fit an expected translational response required of the spacecraft. In this study, k-Nearest Neighbor and Bayesian Linear Regression successfully predicted classical orbital elements for the launch windows observed. However both algorithms had limitations due to their approaches to model fitting. Training machine learning algorithms off of classical orbital elements introduced a repetitive approach to reconstructing mission segments for different arrival opportunities through the launch window and can prove to be a viable method of launch window scan generation for future missions.

Global Optimization of MGA-DSM Problems Using the Interplanetary Gravity Assist Trajectory Optimizer (IGATO)

Bryan, Jason M 01 December 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Interplanetary multiple gravity assist (MGA) trajectory optimization has long been a field of interest to space scientists and engineers. Gravity assist maneuvers alter a spacecraft's velocity vector and potentially allow spacecraft to achieve changes in velocity which would otherwise be unfeasible given our current technological limitations. Unfortunately, designing MGA trajectories is difficult and in order to find good solutions, deep space maneuvers (DSM) are often required which further increase the complexity of the problem. In addition, despite the active research in the field over the last 50 years, software for MGA trajectory optimization is scarce. A few good commercial, and even fewer open-source, options exist, but a majority of quality software remains proprietary. The intent of this thesis is twofold. The first part of this work explores the realm of global optimization applied to multiple gravity assist trajectories with deep space maneuvers (MGA-DSM). With the constant influx of new global optimization algorithms and heuristics being developed in the global optimization community, this work aims to be a high level optimization approach which makes use of those algorithms instead of trying to be one itself. Central to this approach is PaGMO, which is the open-source Parallel Multiobjective Global Optimizer created by ESA's Advanced Concepts Team (ACT). PaGMO is an implementation of the Island Model Paradigm which allows the parallelization of different global optimizers. The second part of this work introduces the IGATO software which improves PaGMO by complementing it with dynamic restart capabilities, a pruning algorithm which learns over time, subdomain decomposition, and other techniques to create a powerful optimization tool. IGATO aims to be an open-source platform independent C++ application with a robust graphical user interface (GUI). The application is equipped with 2D plotting and simulations, real time Porkchop Plot generation, and other useful features for analyzing various problems. The optimizer is tested on several challenging MGA-DSM problems and performs well: consistently performing as well or better than PaGMO on its own.

Determination of Human Powered Helicopter Stability Characteristics Using Multi-Body System Simulation Techniques

Brown, Sean M 01 November 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Multi-Body System Simulation combined with System Identification was developed as a method for determining the stability characteristics of a human powered helicopter(HPH) configurations. HPH stability remains a key component for meeting competition requirements, but has not been properly treated. Traditional helicopter dynamic analysis is not suited to the HPH due to its low rotation speeds and light weight. Multi-Body System Simulation is able to generate dynamic response data for any HPH configuration. System identification and linear stability theory are used to determine the stability characteristics from the dynamic response. This thesis focuses on the method development and doesn't present any HPH analysis results.

Low-Cost Reaction Wheel Design for CubeSat Applications

Bonafede, Nicholas J, Jr. 01 August 2020 (has links) (PDF)
As science instruments on CubeSats become more sensitive to the attitude of the spacecraft, better methods must be employed to provide the accuracy needed to complete the planned mission. While systems that provide the accuracy required are available commercially, these solutions are not cost-effective, do not allow the design to be tailored to a specific mission, and most importantly, do not give students hand-on experience with attitude control actuators. This thesis documents the design, modeling, and simulation of a low-cost, student-fabricated, reaction wheel system for use in 3U CubeSat satellites. The entire design process for the development of this reaction wheel is based on fundamental design principles and can be replicated for either larger or smaller spacecraft as needed. Additionally, plans for bringing this design up to a prototyping and testing phase are outlined for continued use of this design in the Cal Poly CubeSat Laboratory.

Interior Point Optimization of Low-Thrust Spacecraft Trajectories

Frederiksen, Jordan D 01 August 2021 (has links) (PDF)
Low-thrust interplanetary spacecraft trajectory optimization poses a uniquely difficult problem to solve because of the inherent nonlinearities of the dynamics and constraints as well as the large size of the search space of possible solutions. Tools currently exist that optimize low-thrust interplanetary trajectories, but these tools are rarely openly available to the public, and when they are available they require multiple interfaces between multiple different packages. The goal of this work is to present a new piece of low-thrust interplanetary spacecraft trajectory optimization software that is open-source and entirely self-contained so that more people can have access to the ability to design interplanetary trajectories. To achieve this goal, a gradient-descent based nonlinear programming method, called the interior point method, was used. The nonlinear programming method was chosen so that results from this work could be compared and contrasted with results from Spacecraft Trajectory Optimization Suite (STOpS), which uses heuristics to iterate towards a solution. Interior point methods are popular because of their ability to handle large amounts of equality and inequality constraints, which is a characteristic that is valuable for low-thrust interplanetary spacecraft trajectories. The software developed, Interior Point Optimizer (IP Optimizer), was then validated against test cases with known solutions to ensure that the software delivered the intended results. Lastly, a constraint satisfaction, a minimum-time, and a maximum-final-mass optimization problem were solved and compared with literature to illustrate the advantages of IP Optimizer and the methods it employs. For the constraint satisfaction problem, IP Optimizer was able to find a solution that exactly satisfied the desired terminal constraints whereas STOpS had an error of 2.29 percent. In this case, IP Optimizer had a reduced runtime of 15 percent compared to STOpS as well. When minimizing time for a spacecraft transfer, IP Optimizer improved upon the solution found by STOpS by 5.3 percent. The speed of convergence for IP Optimizer was almost twice as fast as STOpS for this case. These results show that IP Optimizer is faster than STOpS at converging on a solution and the solution it converges to has a better objective value and more accurately satisfies the terminal constraints than STOpS. Lastly, the maximum-final-mass problem resulted in an objective value that was only 0.5 percent lower than the value found in literature.

Passive Disposal of Launch Vehicle Stages in Geostationary Transfer Orbits Leveraging Small Satellite Technologies

Galles, Marc Alexander 01 June 2021 (has links) (PDF)
Once a satellite has completed its operational period, it must be removed responsibly in order to reduce the risk of impacting other missions. Geostationary Transfer Orbits (GTOs) offer unique challenges when considering disposal of spacecraft, as high eccentricity and orbital energy give rise to unique challenges for spacecraft designers. By leveraging small satellite research and integration techniques, a deployable drag sail module was analyzed that can shorten the expected orbit time of launch vehicle stages in GTO. A tool was developed to efficiently model spacecraft trajectories over long periods of time, which allowed for analysis of an object’s expected lifetime after its operational period had concluded. Material limitations on drag sail sizing and performance were also analyzed in order to conclude whether or not a system with the required orbital performance is feasible. It was determined that the sail materials and configuration is capable of surviving the expected GTO environment, and that a 49 m2 drag sail is capable of sufficiently shortening the amount of time that the space vehicles will remain in space.

A Gravity Gradient, Momentum-Biased Attitude Control System for a CubeSat

Sellers, Ryan J 01 March 2013 (has links) (PDF)
ExoCube is the latest National Science Foundation (NSF) funded space weather CubeSat and is a collaboration between PolySat, Scientific Solutions Inc. (SSI), the University of Wisconsin, NASA Goddard and SRI International. The 3U will carry a mass spectrometer sensor suite, EXOS, in to low earth orbit (LEO) to measure neutral and ionized particles in the exosphere and thermosphere. Measurements of neutral and ion particles are directly impacted by the angle at which they enter EXOS and which leads to pointing requirements. A combination of a gravity gradient system with a momentum bias wheel is proposed to meet pointing requirements while reducing power requirements and overall system complexity. A MATLAB simulation of dynamic and kinematic behavior of the system in orbit is implemented to guide system design and verify that the pointing requirements will be met. The problem of achieving the required three-axis pointing is broken into four phases: detumbling, initial attitude acquisition, wheel spin-up, and attitude maintenance. Ultimately, this configuration for attitude control in a CubeSat could be applied to many future missions with the simulation serving as a design tool for CubeSat developers.

Control of a Spacecraft Using Mixed Momentum Exchange Devices

Currie, Blake J 01 October 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Hardware configurations, a control law, and a steering law are developed for a mixed hardware spacecraft that uses both control moment gyros and reaction wheels. Replacing one or more gyros in a spacecraft with a reaction wheel has potential for cost savings while still achieving much greater performance than using reaction wheels alone. Several simulated tests are run to compare the performance to a traditional all reaction wheel or all control moment gyro spacecraft, including analysis of failure modes and singular configurations. The mixed system performed similarly to all gyro systems, responding within 6% of the gyro system’s time for all nominal cases. It far exceeds the performance of reaction wheel systems, taking only a fourth of the time. It also handles failures better than reduced size gyro systems. As such, it can be an effective cost saving measure for certain satellite missions.

Optimal Direct Yaw Moment Control of a 4WD Electric Vehicle

Wight, Winston James 01 October 2019 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis is concerned with electronic stability of an all-wheel drive electric vehicle with independent motors mounted in each wheel. The additional controllability and speed permitted using independent motors can be exploited to improve the handling and stability of electric vehicles. In this thesis, these improvements arise from employing a direct yaw moment control (DYC) system that seeks to adapt the understeer gradient of the vehicle and achieve neutral steer by employing a supervisory controller and simultaneously tracking an ideal yaw rate and ideal sideslip angle. DYC enhances vehicle stability by generating a corrective yaw moment realized by a torque vectoring controller which generates an optimal torque distribution among the four wheels. The torque allocation at each instant is computed by finding a solution to an optimization problem using gradient descent, a well-known algorithm that seeks the minimum cost employing the gradient of the cost function. A cost function seeking to minimize excessive wheel slip is proposed as the basis of the optimization problem, while the constraints come from the physical limitations of the motors and friction limits between the tires and road. The DYC system requires information about the tire forces in real-time, so this study presents a framework for estimating the tire force in all three coordinate directions. The sideslip angle is also a crucial quantity that must be measured or estimated but is outside the scope of this study. A comparative analysis of three different formulations of sliding mode control used for computation of the corrective yaw moment and an evaluation of how successfully they achieve neutral steer is presented. IPG Automotive’s CarMaker software, a high-fidelity vehicle simulator, was used as the plant model. A custom electric powertrain model was developed to enable any CarMaker vehicle to be reconfigured for independent control of the motors. This custom powertrain, called TVC_OpenXWD uses the torque/speed map of a Protean Pd18 implemented with lookup tables for each of the four motors. The TVC_OpenXWD powertrain model and controller were designed in MATLAB and Simulink and exported as C code to run them as plug-ins in CarMaker. Simulations of some common maneuvers, including the J-turn, sinusoidal steer, skid pad, and mu-split, indicate that employing DYC can achieve neutral steer. Additionally, it simultaneously tracks the ideal yaw rate and sideslip angle, while maximizing the traction on each tire[CB1] . The control system performance is evaluated based on its ability to achieve neutral steer by means of tracking the reference yaw rate, stabilizing the vehicle by means of reducing the sideslip angle, and to reduce chattering. A comparative analysis of sliding mode control employing a conventional switching function (CSMC), modified switching function (MSMC), and PID control (HSMC) demonstrates that the MSMC outperforms the other two methods in addition to the open loop system.

Simulation of a Configurable Hybrid Aircraft

Bartlett, Brandon 01 June 2021 (has links) (PDF)
As the demand for air transportation is projected to increase, the environmental impacts produced by air travel will also increase. In order to counter the environmental impacts while also meeting the demand for air travel, there are goals and research initiatives that aim to develop more efficient aircraft. An emerging technology that supports these goals is the application of hybrid propulsion to aircraft, but there is a challenge in effectively exploring the performance of hybrid aircraft due to the time and money required for safe flight testing and due to the diverse design space of hybrid architectures and components. Therefore, computational tools that are capable of simulating the performance of a hybrid aircraft are incredibly useful in the design process and research space. Existing work on the simulation of hybrid aircraft focuses on modelling a specific hybrid propulsion system in a particular airframe, but it would be desirable to have a simulation tool that is not specific to one design. In this thesis, a simulation framework that can be easily configured for different types of hybrid structures and components is presented, and the simulator is validated using flight test data which demonstrates that the performance of the simulated aircraft is representative of a real aircraft. A design for a hybrid aircraft is also modelled and simulated over different flight profiles in order to study the performance of the hybrid propulsion system. Results indicate that the hybrid aircraft can be successfully simulated and demonstrate how the simulator can be used as a tool to study the best way to fly and operate a hybrid aircraft.

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