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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Dynamic Behavior of Maglev Vehicle/Guideway System with Control

Dai, Huiguang 31 May 2005 (has links)
No description available.

Application Analysis on Ventilation Operation Strategy of Fixed Guideway System

Chuang, Yung-chun 06 July 2010 (has links)
Underground fixed guideway system has become an important solution to alleviate over-crowded population problems , especially in urban areas. During the planning stage, the station and the underground tunnel formed an enclosure which necessitated environmental control in order to facilitate thermal comfort and safety in case of fire. In this study, SES program has been utilized as a tool in evaluating the performance of the tunnel ventilation system under normal, congestion , and emergency operation modes, using an actual railway underground project as an example. Conclusions has been drawn that safety criteria can be met successfully, following the SES simulation results with recommendations made to facilitate successful ventilation modes.

Konstrukční návrh tříosého manipulátoru / Design of a three-axis manipulator

Vojtěch, Michael January 2015 (has links)
The goal of master’s thesis is design of a three-axis manipulator working as x-ray unit. Axis include one rotary and two liner. The work is based on the existing manipulator and the goals are reducing vertical installation space, weight reduction, increasing accuracy and repeatability. Creating 3D model with computational report from available components. There is resulting variant solved with linear motor in this thesis with that there is indicated alternative variant but not dealt with in detail.

Ridership Ramp-Up for Fixed-Guideway Transit Projects: An Evaluation of Initial Ridership Variation

Shinn, Jill Elizabeth 01 December 2018 (has links) (PDF)
Performance-based planning and programming has increased in popularity for transit project funding in recent years. This methodology focuses on quantitative performance measures to inform decision making. For transit projects, projections or observed ridership is the most commonly used performance measure to evaluate project benefits. Conventional wisdom within the transit industry suggests that measuring the performance of a transit project immediately after project opening may not capture all the project’s benefits, since it takes time for a project to realize its short-term ridership potential, a process commonly referred to as ridership ramp-up. While this idea is both intuitive and appealing, especially for projects that seem to be underperforming in their initial years, there is a need for empirical analysis to determine the typical magnitude and extent of ridership ramp up in order to better account for ramp-up in ridership forecasting and transit project evaluation. The purpose of this study is to meet this need by evaluating variations in ridership in the initial years after project opening for 55 fixed-guideway rail transit projects in the United States. I applied a fixed-effects regression model to predict one-year increases in ridership in each of the first five years after project opening, controlling for variation in gas prices, population, income, and unemployment. I find that ridership on new rail transit projects increases on average six percent controlling for other factors between the opening year and the first year after project opening. These findings can support decisions about how to account for ridership ramp up in forecasting and performance evaluation for rail transit projects.

Polohování naklápěcí hlavy frézovací multifunkčního obráběcího centra s vodorovnou osou vřetena / Positioning of the tilting head of a milling multi-purpose machining center with a horizontal spindle axis

Grepl, Martin January 2020 (has links)
The thesis deals with the positioning of the tilting head of the multifunctional milling centre in three axis. The aim of the thesis is to design a multifunctional milling machine centre with a horizontal axis of the spindle in cooperation with Bc. Ľubomír Vazovan, Bc. Ján Rapčan a Bc. Tomáš Hynšt, who are working on the issues of the headstock, automatic tool change and palletization. The thesis also contains proposals of certain options and their subsequent evaluation by the multicriterial method PATTERN. The resulting construction is complemented by calculations of the main construction nodes.

Energy Usage of Personal Rapid Transit Systems : Simulation of the SkyCab Concept

Vogel, Alexander January 2015 (has links)
Den globala situationen för person- och godstransporter visar att energianvändningen inom transportsektorn stadigt ökar och prognoser tyder på att den kommer att fördubblas till 2050. Den största ökningen förväntas ske i Asien där, Kina kommer att stå för över 12 % av den globala energianvändningen år 2050. Inom EU, Europeiska Unionen, stod personbilarna 2012 för över 81 % av passagerartransporterna räknat i antal passagerarkilometrar. Nya energieffektiva och miljövänliga transportlösningar behöver utvecklas. En lösning med spårtaxi kombinerar fördelarna med konventionella vägtransportsystem (flexibilitet, tillgänglighet och attraktivitet) och spårtransportsystem (säkerhet, kapacitet och miljövänlighet). I detta examensarbete undersöks energianvändningen för spårtaxi. Detta sker i form av en fallstudie. Spårtaxi är en automatiserad transporttjänst för direktresor utan väntetider (likt taxiservice) i ett nätverk med banor som kompletterar masstransportsystem. Fokus i studien ligger på att utvärdera fordonens energianvändning i drift. Målet är att identifiera relevanta parametrar som avgör energianvändningen samt deras bidrag till denna. Frågan om effektiv energianvändning besvaras med hjälp av en simuleringsmodell. Denna baseras på konceptet SkyCab och en bedömning av fordonets parametrar. En beräkning är utförd som utgör en referens för att sedan jämföras med 16 variationer av nyckelparametrar. Relationen till växhusgaser undersöks och utsläppen beräknas för olika elektricitetsblandningar. Ett andragradspolynom är framtaget för att beskriva fordonets gångmotstånd som inkluderar uppskattningar av vagnens rullmotstånd för små, pneumatiska däck på en raksträcka samt i doserade kurvor. Hjälpkraftens energianvändning uppskattas säsom motsvarande en liten elektrisk bil och är starkt beroende av passagerarnas komfortbehov och yttre (väder)förhållanden. Ett resultat är att rullmotståndet står för cirka 44 % av energianvändningen och hjälpkraften för 33 %. Båda är potentiella mål för effektivitetsförbättringar. Ändringar av accelerationsnivåer har liten betydelse för energianvändningen då det är en mindre del av energin som regenereras. En ökning av topphastigheten är ett effektivt sätt att minska restiden med förhållanderis liten ökning av energianvändningen. Förslag lämnas i studien hur man kan minska energianvändningen genom att förbättra fordonets och banans nyckelegenskaper. / he global situation of personal and freight transport shows that the energy demand for transportation steadily increases, and prognoses indicate that the energy usage will double until 2050. The largest growth rates are expected in Asia, and China in particular will account for over 12 % of global transport energy usage in 2050. Over 81 % of passenger transport in passenger kilometre was produced by passenger cars in 2012 in the European Union, and new energy eÿcient and environmental friendly solutions have to be developed.PRT (Personal Rapid Transit) systems combine the benefits of traditional road systems (flexibility, accessibility, attractiveness) and rail systems (safety, capacity, environmental friendliness). This MSc thesis investigates a concept by SkyCab AB as a case study, which o˙ers an automated, non-stop and on-demand transportation service in a dedicated network and is supposed to fill a gap between personal cars and public transport. The focus is put on the energy usage of the vehicles in the operational phase.The objective is to identify the relevant parameters that determine the energy usage and their contributions. This request is addressed by setting up a simulation model, based on the SkyCab concept and estimations of vehicle parameters. A reference calculation and 16 variations of key parameters are conducted. The relation to greenhouse gas emissions is investigated and emissions are calculated for di˙erent electricity mixes.A second-order polynomial of running resistance for the vehicle is determined, includ-ing estimations of rolling resistance of small pneumatic tyres on straight track and in superelevated curves. The auxiliary power is estimated for the SkyCab vehicle on basis of a small electric passenger car.For the reference case the energy for rolling resistance is approx. 44 % of the energy usage, and auxiliary energy contributes by 33 %. Both o˙er potential for eÿciency im-provement. The auxiliary power is strongly dependent on the passengers’ comfort needs and the ambient conditions. Changes of acceleration rates have low impact on the energy usage, since a smaller proportion of energy is regenerated. An increase in top speed is a suÿcient measure to reduce trip time with comparably low increase in energy usage. Finally, suggestions are proposed to reduce the energy usage by improving key properties of the vehicle and guideway. / Der weltweite Energiebedarf des Personen- und Gütertransports zeigt einen kontinuier-lichen Anstieg, und der Ausblick bis 2050 zeigt eine Verdopplung des gesamten Ener-giebedarfs. Die größten Zuwachsraten werden in Asien erwartet, und insbesondere China allein wird in 2050 über 12 % des weltweiten Energiebedarfs verzeichnen. Über 81 % aller Personenkilometer in der Europäischen Union in 2012 wurden mit dem persönlichen Auto-mobil durchgeführt, und ein Bedarf für energieeÿziente und umweltfreundliche Transport-möglichkeiten wird deutlich.PRT (Personal Rapid Transit) Systeme vereinen die Vorzüge von traditionellen straßenge-bundenen Transportsystemen (Flexibilität, Zugänglichkeit, Attraktivität) und Schien-ensystemen (Sicherheit, Kapazität, Umweltfreundlichkeit). Diese MSc Thesis untersucht das Transportkonzept von SkyCab AB als Fallstudie. Es bietet einen automatisierten, un-unterbrochenen und bedarfsgesteuerten Transportdienst auf einem exklusiven Netzwerk und soll so die Lücke zwischen dem persönlichen Automobil und ö˙entlichen Transport-mitteln schließen. Der Fokus wird dabei auf den Energieverbrauch des Fahrzeugs in der operativen Phase gelegt.Die Zielsetzung besteht in der Identifizierung und Quantifizierung der relevanten Para-meter, die den Energieverbrauch bestimmen. Zu diesem Zweck wird ein Simulationsmodell konfiguriert welches auf dem Konzept von SkyCab basiert und zusätzlich Abschätzungen von Fahrzeugparametern enthält. Eine Referenzberechnung und 16 Parametervariationen werden durchgeführt. Der Bezug zur Emission von Treibhausgasen wird für verschiedene Energiemixe hergestellt.Das Polynom zweiter Ordnung für den Fahrwiderstand wird aufgestellt, wobei Abschätzun-gen bezüglich des Rollwiderstands kleiner pneumatischer Reifen auf gerader Strecke und in überhöhten Kurven berücksichtigt werden. Die Zusatzleistung für das Konzeptfahrzeug wird auf Basis eines kleinen rein elektrischen Fahrzeugs abgeschätzt.Der Energieverbrauch in der Referenzsimulation für den Rollwiderstand beträgt ca. 44 % des Gesamtenergieverbrauchs, und die Zusatzenergie beläuft sich auf ca. 33 %. Beide Anteile bieten Potential zur Optimierung, und die Zusatzenergie ist stark abhängig von den Komfortbedürfnissen der Passagiere und den Umgebungsbedingungen. Variationen der Beschleunigungs- und Bremsraten haben einen geringen Einfluss auf den Energiever-brauch, da gleichzeitig ein kleinerer Anteil regeneriert wird. Eine Zunahme der Höchst-geschwindigkeit wirkt sich durch mehr regenerierte Energie vergleichsweise gering auf den bezogenen Energieverbrauch aus, reduziert jedoch die Fahrzeit merklich. Abschließend werden Potentiale von Schlüsselparametern zur Reduktion des Energieverbrauchs des Fahrzeugs und der Fahrbahn aufgedeckt.

Structural Condition Assessment Of Prestressed Concrete Transit Guideways

Shmerling, Robert Zachary 01 January 2005 (has links)
Objective condition assessment is essential to make better decisions for safety and serviceability of existing civil infrastructure systems. This study explores the condition of an existing transit guideway system that has been in service for thirty-five years. The structural system is composed of six-span continuous prestressed concrete bridge segments. The overall transit system incorporates a number of continuous bridges which share common design details, geometries, and loading conditions. The original analysis is based on certain simplifying assumptions such as rigid behavior over supports and simplified tendon/concrete/steel plate interaction. The current objective is to conduct a representative study for a more accurate understanding of the structural system and its behavior. The scope of the study is to generate finite element models (FEMs) to be used in static and dynamic parameter sensitivity studies, as well load rating and reliability analysis of the structure. The FEMs are used for eigenvalue analysis and simulations. Parameter sensitivity studies consider the effect of changing critical parameters, including material properties, prestress loss, and boundary and continuity conditions, on the static and dynamic structural response. Load ratings are developed using an American Association for State Highway Transportation Officials Load and Resistance Factor Rating (AASHTO LRFR) approach. The reliability of the structural system is evaluated based on the data obtained from various finite element models. Recommendations for experimental validation of the FEM are presented. This study is expected to provide information to make better decisions for operations, maintenance and safety requirements; to be a benchmark for future studies, to establish a procedure and methodology for structural condition assessment, and to contribute to the general research body of knowledge in condition assessment and structural health monitoring.

Konstrukce dvouosého suportu vícevřetenového soustružnického automatu / Design of a two-axis multi-spindle lathe carriage

Sedlář, Jiří January 2021 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the design of a two-axis multi-spindle lathe carriage. In the first part, there is made a research, and its aim is to find possible variants of design solutions. After the best rated variant was selected, the thesis further continues with the necessary technical calculations of the main design nodes such as a synchronous servomotor, ball screw, linear guide and bearing. The design itself was carried out with regard to calculations and the resulting model was examined in terms of dynamic stability. The subject of examination was to find the natural frequencies of the assembly and to determine the amplitudes of the oscillations which arise from the harmonic excitation force. Finally, Lobe diagrams for grooving and longitudinal turning operations were drawn.

Návrh metodiky pro volbu základních komponent lineárních os obráběcího stroje / Design methodology for the selection of basic components of linear machine tool axes

Král, Stanislav January 2012 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is based on specified parameters positioning units, which include stroke (1m, 2m, 4m), load (5kg, 50kg, 500kg), you place the position accuracy (0.04 mm) and dynamic (maximum attainable speed 1.5 m / s), proposals to build a ball screw, linear motor, a toothed belt and toothed comb. For selected variants of positioning units to design a 3D model of positioning units. The proposed variations to compare and define their advantages / disadvantages, techno-economic comparison, the limit values of individual designs, etc. The work includes a search drive in positioning units, design units with toothed belt, a toothed comb, ball screw linear actuator, a calculated message of individual proposals then 3D design options for the ball screw and linear motor including drawings and assembly drawings.

Návrh konstrukce zakladače k bezhroté brusce Jupiter 125 / Chalder for grinder Jupiter 125

Novák, Aleš January 2008 (has links)
Thesis deal with proposal construction Chalder for centreless grinding machine Jupiter 125. Chalder is designed for workpiece with maximum average 12 mm, maximum longitude 120 mm and mass 0,1 kg. In the thesis are described components that were used at solving and intended time exchanges workpiece, the economics estimation and processed needed design documentation.

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