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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

On the Specification of Local Models in a Global Vector Autoregression: A Comparison of Markov-Switching Alternatives

Andersson, Sebastian January 2014 (has links)
In this paper, focus is on the global vector autoregressive (GVAR) model. Its attractiveness stems from an ability to incorporate global interdependencies when modeling local economies. The model is based on a collection of local models, which in general are estimated as regular VAR models. This paper examines alternative specifications of the local models by estimating them as regime-switching VAR models, where transition probabilities between different states are studied using both constant and time-varying settings. The results show that regime-switching models are appealing as they yield inferences about the states of the economy, but these inferences are not guaranteed to be reasonable from an economic point of view. Furthermore, the global solution of the model is in some cases non-stationary when local models are regime-switching. The conclusion is that the regime-switching alternatives, while theoretically reasonable, are sensitive to the exact specification used. At the same time, the issue of specifying the regime-switching models in such a way that they perform adequately speaks in favor of the simpler, yet functional, basic GVAR model.

Three Essays on Monetary Union in West Africa

Adjalala, Toyimi Médès Frida 17 December 2020 (has links)
Chapter 1- How well-off or worse-off a country can be by joining a currency union in the presence of structural heterogeneity and idiosyncratic shocks? In light of the proposed creation of a currency union for the Economic Community of the West African States (ECOWAS), we develop a three-region DSGE model to explore the question. We divide the ECOWAS into three regions-Nigeria, the existing WAEMU (West-African Economic Monetary Union), and the rest. Considering two monetary regimes (monetary union and monetary independence), we assess the heterogeneity in the responses to country-specific productivity and terms-of-trade shocks in these two regimes, as well as the costs related to the loss of monetary independence. Our results indicate that shocks hitting a given region generate cross-border spillover effects, whose sign and magnitude depend not only on the nature of the disturbance but also on its origin and on the monetary policy regime considered. Moreover, the propagation of shocks across regions is magnified under the monetary union regime. Shocks hitting Nigeria's economy tend to have a more destabilizing effect on the other regions, especially when they are inside the union. Our results also suggest that the proposed monetary union for the ECOWAS region can potentially lead to welfare improvement for all the members, but the magnitude of the welfare gain is relatively small. Chapter 2- In this chapter, we develop a multi-region New-Keynesian Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium (DSGE) of the West-African countries to provide a quantitative analysis of intergovernmental fiscal transfers in the context of the proposed creation of a monetary union. We assess the potential role of fiscal transfers in the stabilization of business cycle fluctuations in the projected monetary union in the presence of idiosyncratic shocks. Starting from a baseline scenario with no fiscal transfers among the regions, we analyze the dynamic and welfare impacts of full and partial fiscal equalization schemes with nominal tax revenue sharing within the union. We consider adverse productivity and term-of-trade shocks. Our simulation results suggest that the transfer mechanism is an efficient stabilizing tool. However, the stabilization property of the fiscal transfer system hinges upon the full or partial nature of the compensation system. Moreover, the ability of the transfer system to absorb the negative effects of idiosyncratic shocks depends not only on the type of shock but also on the size of the region directly affected. Chapter 3- We analyze in this chapter the macroeconomics effects of fiscal policy shocks in the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS). To that end, we use a Global Vector Autoregression (GVAR) model, which allows us to assess both the within country and the cross borders spillover effects of the fiscal shocks. For the dynamic analysis, we consider negative country-specific public spending and revenue shocks affecting Nigeria as well as regional public spending and revenue shocks affecting two groups of countries in the area, namely the West African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU) and the Rest of ECOWAS (RECOWAS). We provide evidence of considerable cross-country heterogeneity in fiscal spillovers; for instance, spillovers are high for fiscal shocks affecting Nigeria, while the cross-border spillover effects on Nigeria are weak for shocks affecting WAEMU and RECOWAS. Our results also suggest that fiscal policy is very relevant in stimulating real output in each of the ECOWAS countries but limited for the cross-country output stimulation.

Mésalignements des taux de change et croissance économique : quatre essais empiriques / Exchange rate misalignments and economic growth : four empirical studies

Sallenave, Audrey 09 November 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse s’attache à apporter un éclairage nouveau sur le lien âprement discuté et contesté entre fluctuations de change et croissance économique. Nous avons cherché à rendre compte, sous divers exercices empiriques de l'impact des mésalignements sur la croissance économique d'un grand nombre de pays développés, émergents et en voie de développement depuis les années 1980 jusqu'à la période la plus récente. Les quatre applications empiriques de cette thèse ont ainsi toutes vocation à répondre à cette question, mais sous divers angles de vue.Trois principales contributions émanent de notre thèse. La première réside dans l'identification l'impact des mésalignements de change sur la croissance économique, et de son évolution au cours du temps. Cette thématique a fait l'objet des premier et quatrième chapitres. Nous avons montré que les mésalignements sont néfastes pour la croissance sur l'ensemble de la période étudiée (1980-2010) et que la résorption progressive de leur ampleur s'accompagne d'une réduction de leur impact sur la croissance économique pour les principales économies du G7. Ces deux applications, ont mis en lumière la nécessité de rendre compte de la dynamique des mésalignements au cours du temps et de ne pas se cantonner à une approche statique lorsque l'on étudie le lien mésalignement-croissance. La deuxième contribution de notre thèse réside dans la recherche d'une éventuelle non-linéarité dans le lien mésalignement-croissance. Ainsi, nous avons retenu dans le deuxième chapitre un cadre dans lequel les mésalignements peuvent avoir un impact différencié sur la croissance selon que l'on atteint un certain seuil, c'est-à-dire un certain niveau de sur ou de sous-évaluation. A l'aide d'un modèle à seuil, nous avons mis en lumière l'existence de non linéarités dans la relation entre mésalignement et croissance. Plus spécifiquement, nous avons montré qu'une monnaie sous-évaluée a un impact positif sur la croissance, et ce, jusqu'à un certain seuil. Conformément aux attentes, ce seuil est plus élevé pour notre échantillon de pays asiatiques, mais est en outre de moindre ampleur pour notre échantillon de pays émergents. Nous relions ce résultat au concept de péché originel, qui empêche ces pays d'emprunter dans leur propre monnaie. Bien que l'analyse non-linéaire souligne les effets bénéfiques d'une monnaie mésalignée jusqu'à un certain seuil de sous-évaluation, il convient de souligner que la modélisation retenue n'autorise pas des seuils propres à chaque individu du panel. La troisième contribution de notre thèse réside dans l'analyse de la transmission internationale des mésalignements des devises sur la croissance économique de l’ensemble des pays, développés et émergents. Ainsi, à l’aide d’un modèle GVAR autorisant les interdépendances et, par conséquent, les phénomènes de spillover entre pays, nous étudions les effets de la surévaluation et de la sous-évaluation du dollar, de l’euro et du renminbi sur leur propre croissance mais également celle de leurs partenaires. Les résultats font ressortir le leadership de l’économie américaine dans la croissance mondiale, mais il apparait également que la réduction des déséquilibres mondiaux ne passe pas par un ajustement du dollar. / This thesis attempts to shed new light on the link hotly debated and contested between exchange rates fluctuations and economic growth. We sought to report under various empirical exercises the impact of misalignments on economic growth in many developed, emerging and developing countries since the 1980s until the most recent period. The four empirical applications of this thesis and all intended to answer this question, but from different angles of view. Three main contributions come from our thesis. The first on is to identify the impact of exchange rate misalignments on economic growth, and its evolution accross time. We have shown that misalignments are harmful for growth throughout the following period (1980-2010) and the gradual reduction of their magnitude is accompanied by a reduction of their impact on economic growth in the major economies G7. The second contribution of this thesis lies in the search for a possible non-linearity in the misalignment-growth nexus. Using a threshold model, we have highlighted the existence of non-linearities in the relationship between misalignments and growth. The third contribution of this thesis lies in the analysis of the international transmission of currency misalignments on economic growth for both developed and emerging markets. Thus, using a GVAR model, we investigate the effects of overvaluation and undervaluation of the dollar, the euro and the renminbi on their own growth, but also that of their partners. The results highlight the leadership of the U.S. economy in global growth, but it also appears that the reduction of global imbalances is not linked to an adjustment of the dollar.

Global Spillover Effects from Unconventional Monetary Policy During the Crisis

Solís González, Brenda January 2015 (has links)
This work investigates the international spillover effects and transmission channels of Unconventional Monetary Policy (UMP) of major central banks from United States, United Kingdom, Japan and Europe to Latin-American countries. A Global VAR model is estimated to analyze the impact on output, inflation, credit, equity prices and money growth on the selected countries. Results suggest that indeed, there are international spillovers to the region with money growth, stock prices and international reserves as the main transmission channels. In addition, outcomes are different between countries and variables implying not only that transmission channels are not same across the region but also that the effects of the monetary policy are not distributed equally. Furthermore, it is found evidence that for some countries transmission channels may have transformed due to the crisis. Finally, effects of UMP during the crisis were in general positive with exception of Japan indicating that policies from this country brought more costs than benefits to the region. Keywords Zero Lower Bound, Unconventional Monetary Policy, International Spillovers, Global VAR, GVAR.

Essays on Macroeconomic Price Adjustments / Essais sur des Ajustements Macroéconomiques des Prix

Solcan, Mihaela 12 July 2013 (has links)
Au cours de la dernière décennie, les prix des logements ont augmenté de façon spectaculaire dans plusieurs pays à travers le monde. Par exemple, les prix des logements aux États-Unis, en Espagne et en Irlande ont été marqués par des cycles d'expansion et de récession les plus marquants de leur histoire. L'augmentation concomitante des prix des logements (et dans certains cas l’occurrence des épisodes d'expansion - récession) dans de nombreuses économies avancées soulève quelques questions importantes. Y a t-il eu une bulle immobilière dans les pays avancés? Quels sont les principaux déterminants de l'évolution des prix des logements dans ces pays? Est-ce que les marchés immobiliers des pays avancés sont-ils interdépendants? Le premier chapitre propose une modélisation structurelle des modèles VAR Bayésiens pour les États-Unis, la France, l'Espagne et la Grèce qui examinent les effets relatifs de l'évolution du secteur réel de production, du secteur financier et des flux internationaux de capitaux sur les marchés du logement. Un deuxième exercice tente d'identifier la présence de régimes de bulles immobilières à partir d’une modélisation Markovienne à deux états. Les principaux résultats liés au marche américain montrent que les entrées de capitaux étrangers, mesurées par le solde de la balance courante en pourcentage du PIB, comptent pour plus de 30 % de la variance des chocs qui frappent les prix des logements, tandis que les taux d’intérêt contribuent pour environ 38 %. En France, la politique monétaire a le plus grand pouvoir explicatif des évolutions du marché du logement, tandis qu'en Espagne et en Grèce, les taux hypothécaires variables et les investissements dans le logement exercent la plus grande influence sur le marché du logement. Tous les pays ont connu un régime de bulle immobilière sur la majeure partie des années 2000.Le deuxième chapitre utilise une approche de type Global VAR (ou GVAR) qui porte sur la modélisation des interdépendances internationales des prix immobiliers. Le modèle GVAR a été estimé empiriquement en utilisant des données trimestrielles de sept pays, pour la période 1987-2011. Les résultats montrent que les chocs des prix immobiliers originaires des États-Unis ont de fortes répercussions sur tous les pays, avec les plus fortes magnitudes observées pour l'Irlande. Ce résultat suggère que les marchés immobiliers pourraient être soumis à des effets de contagion du comportement des marchés financiers et que le secteur immobilier peut être analysé comme un actif spéculatif. Les liens entre les taux d'intérêt réels à long terme sont positifs et statistiquement significatifs dans tous les pays, même si ils ont un rôle limité sur l'évolution des prix immobiliers. Les chocs négatifs sur les prix immobiliers aux États-Unis ont des effets négatifs et statistiquement significatifs sur le PIB réel aux États-Unis, le Canada et l'Irlande.Le troisième chapitre est consacré au financement de la première guerre mondiale par les Etats-Unis et le rôle de la War Finance Corporation (WFC). Plus spécifiquement, on s’intéresse aux fluctuations des rendements des bons du Trésor américain émis entre novembre 1917 et décembre 1920. L’analyse économétrique est basée sur des techniques de séries temporelles Bayésiennes. Les principaux résultats montrent que les chocs positifs sur les achats de la WFC engendrent une réponse négative et statistiquement significative sur tous les types de rendements des bons de guerre. En outre, les achats de la WFC des bons Liberty et Victory, à l'exception du premier prêt des bons Liberty, ont eu un effet statistiquement significatif sur l'évolution des taux à court terme. Les achats de la WFC de la deuxième et de la quatrième émission des bons Liberty ont eu des effets significatifs et positifs sur les taux à court terme, ce qui suggère une déformation de la courbe des taux. / During the last decade, housing prices have increased dramatically in several countries around the world. For instance, housing prices in the United States, Spain, and Ireland have been marked by one of the most striking boom-bust cycles in their history. The concomitant increase in housing prices (and in some cases boom-bust episodes) across many advanced economies raises the following important questions. Was there a housing bubble across advanced countries? What are the main determinants of the housing price movements in these countries? Are the advanced countries' housing markets interrelated? The first chapter of the dissertation estimates a set of structural Bayesian VAR models for the U.S., France, Spain, and Greece that examine the relative effects of developments in the real production sector, the financial sector, and international capital flows on the housing market. A second exercise attempts to identify the presence of housing price bubble regimes by estimating a set of two state Markov-switching Bayesian VAR models. The main results for the U.S. show that foreign capital inflows, measured by the current account balance as a percentage of GDP, account for more than 30\% of the variance of the shocks hitting housing prices, while adjustable mortgage rates contribute about 38\%. In France, monetary policy has the largest explanatory power for the housing market evolutions, while in Spain and Greece, the variable mortgage rates and housing investments exert the largest influence on the housing market. All the countries experienced a bubble regime over most of the 2000s. The second chapter uses a Global VAR model estimated using quarterly data from seven countries, for the period 1987-2011, to analyze the interdependencies that exist between domestic and international factors in housing markets. We find that housing price shocks originating in the U.S. have large spillover effects on all the countries, with the largest magnitudes on Ireland. This result suggests that housing markets may be subject to contagion effects and that housing can be analyzed as a speculative asset, based on international data spanning the past two decades. Linkages in long-run real interest rates are positive and statistically significant across all the countries, although they have a limited role on the evolution of housing prices. Negative shocks to the U.S. housing prices have negative and statistically significant effects on real GDP in the U.S., Canada, and Ireland. The third chapter studies the price fluctuations of war bonds issued by the U.S Treasury in order to finance the World War I between November 1917 and December 1920. Bayesian time series techniques are used to carry out the analyses. We are focusing on the effects that the bond-purchasing program of the War Finance Corporation (WFC) had on the evolution of war bond yields. Our main results show that positive shocks to WFC purchases display a negative and statistically significant effect on all types of war bond yields. Furthermore, WFC purchases of Liberty and Victory Bonds, except the First Liberty Loan, had a statistically significant effect on the evolution of commercial paper rates. WFC purchases of the Second and Fourth Liberty Bonds had significant and positive effects on commercial paper rates, suggesting a twist in the bond yield curve.

Modelando o emprego regional a partir do modelo GVAR: uma análise dos dados brasileiros

Athayde Junior, Mário Seganti 12 August 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Mário Seganti Athayde Jr. (mathayde001@gmail.com) on 2016-09-09T21:18:44Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação - MODELANDO O EMPREGO REGIONAL A PARTIR DO MODELO GVAR_UMA ANÁLISE DOS DADOS BRASILEIROS.pdf: 1604251 bytes, checksum: 9be7f2d1bcce4b5f896b51b523516849 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Renata de Souza Nascimento (renata.souza@fgv.br) on 2016-09-09T22:29:58Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação - MODELANDO O EMPREGO REGIONAL A PARTIR DO MODELO GVAR_UMA ANÁLISE DOS DADOS BRASILEIROS.pdf: 1604251 bytes, checksum: 9be7f2d1bcce4b5f896b51b523516849 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-09-12T12:11:40Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação - MODELANDO O EMPREGO REGIONAL A PARTIR DO MODELO GVAR_UMA ANÁLISE DOS DADOS BRASILEIROS.pdf: 1604251 bytes, checksum: 9be7f2d1bcce4b5f896b51b523516849 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-08-12 / The goal of this work will be to contribute to the study of spatial econometric by using the concept of modeling for regional interdependence. Regional interdependence is a field of study whose research also has many fronts to explore. For the purpose of this work will be used the GVAR model (Global Vector AutoRegressive), proposed by Pesaran et al. The work will examine the application, to Brazilian data, of GVAR econometric concepts produced by German researchers on data of that country, and used in the paper 'Regional Unemployment Forecasts with Spatial Interdependencies', by Schanne, Wapler and Weyh (2008). The model GVAR used initially tests the existence of cointegration between the historic series of admission and dismissal of workers in 27 units (UF) of Brazil. Then, the model will be used as a tool for forecasting labor market occupancy rate. The results indicate that the existence of so-called 'dominant units' ends up playing a significant effect in terms of spatial econometrics, for the data used in this study. / O objetivo deste trabalho será contribuir para o estudo da econometria espacial através da utilização do conceito de modelagem da interdependência regional. A interdependência regional é uma área de estudo cuja pesquisa ainda apresenta muitas frentes a serem exploradas. Para o propósito deste trabalho será utilizado o modelo GVAR (Global Vector AutoRegressive), proposto por Pesaran et al. O trabalho analisará a aplicação, a dados brasileiros, dos conceitos econométricos do GVAR produzido por pesquisadores alemães, sobre dados daquele país, e utilizados no artigo 'Regional Unemployment Forecasts with Spatial Interdependencies', por Schanne, Wapler e Weyh (2008). O modelo de GVAR utilizado inicialmente testará a existência de cointegração entre as séries históricas de admissão e de demissão de trabalhadores nas 27 unidades federativas (UF) do Brasil. Em seguida, o modelo será utilizado como ferramenta para a previsão da taxa de ocupação do mercado de trabalho. Os resultados obtidos indicam que a existência das denominadas 'unidades dominantes' acaba exercendo um significativo efeito em termos de econometria espacial, para os dados utilizados neste estudo.

Uma abordagem GVAR de previsões de taxas de câmbio

Pereira, Vinicius Vale 03 February 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Vinicius Vale Pereira (viniciusvale@gmail.com) on 2016-03-01T18:04:06Z No. of bitstreams: 1 tese.v4.1.FINAL.pdf: 1143339 bytes, checksum: e3167f8ba5e577bce7f0c40605716c5d (MD5) / Rejected by Renata de Souza Nascimento (renata.souza@fgv.br), reason: Vinicius, boa noite Para que possamos aceitar seu trabalho deverá realizar os ajustes: O título deve estar em letras maiúsculas. A ficha catalográfica após a contra capa, na parte inferior. Não deve constar números romanos. As páginas anteriores não podem estar numeradas. Centralizar os títulos Agradecimentos, Resumo e Abstract. Após ajustes, submeter novamente o trabalho. Att on 2016-03-02T00:43:38Z (GMT) / Submitted by Vinicius Vale Pereira (viniciusvale@gmail.com) on 2016-03-02T13:49:51Z No. of bitstreams: 1 tese.v4.2.pdf: 1141368 bytes, checksum: 31f0646f0c15281795a6b96bd647ef42 (MD5) / Rejected by Renata de Souza Nascimento (renata.souza@fgv.br), reason: Vinicius, boa tarde Por gentileza, colocar o código CDU no canto do lado direito, da ficha catalográfica. Att on 2016-03-02T16:18:05Z (GMT) / Submitted by Vinicius Vale Pereira (viniciusvale@gmail.com) on 2016-03-02T16:48:39Z No. of bitstreams: 1 tese.v4.2.pdf: 1141278 bytes, checksum: 9f554d94d8c1ab631bb8127fadbbe43a (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Renata de Souza Nascimento (renata.souza@fgv.br) on 2016-03-02T17:07:51Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 tese.v4.2.pdf: 1141278 bytes, checksum: 9f554d94d8c1ab631bb8127fadbbe43a (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-03-02T17:27:52Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 tese.v4.2.pdf: 1141278 bytes, checksum: 9f554d94d8c1ab631bb8127fadbbe43a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-02-03 / O presente trabalho propõe um modelo de previsão simultânea de taxas de câmbio de vários países utilizando a abordagem GVAR e analisa a qualidade destas previsões. Para isso foram utilizados dados de 10 países ou regiões de taxa de câmbio, taxas de juros e nível de preços com frequência mensal entre 2003 e 2015. As previsões foram feitas utilizando janela móvel de 60 meses e avaliadas através da comparação dos erros quadráticos médios contra o benchmark padrão, o random walk, e dos testes de Pesaran e Timmermann e de Diebold e Mariano. Foram feitas previsões out-of-sample para horizontes de 1, 3, 12 e 18 meses. Os resultados mostram que o modelo proposto não consegue superar sistematicamente o random walk, contudo apresenta algum poder de previsão em alguns casos específicos / This paper proposes a model that simultaneously forecasts foreign exchange rate for several countries using the GVAR framework and analyzes the quality of these forecasts. For this purpose, data from 10 countries or regions regarding exchange rates, interest rates and price levels on a monthly basis between 2003 and 2015 was used. The forecasting was performed using a 60 months moving window and the evaluation of these was performed comparing the root mean square errors against the standard benchmark, the random walk, and by Pesaran-Timmermann and Diebold-Mariano Tests. Out-of-sample forecasts were estimated for horizons of 1, 3, 12 and 18 months. The results show that the model cannot systematically outperform the random walk, although it has some predictive power in some specific cases.

Modelling brazilian regional formal labor market using global var approach

Barbosa, Bruno Tebaldi de Queiroz 11 August 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Bruno Tebaldi de Queiroz Barbosa (btebaldi@deskpaper.com) on 2017-08-21T19:31:55Z No. of bitstreams: 4 0 Perc.mp4: 4753951 bytes, checksum: 9745789b7fc26007c3f3c6b277c41eaa (MD5) 2 Perc.mp4: 4744791 bytes, checksum: c5450c39d510518879431f5ac018ca09 (MD5) 4 Perc.mp4: 4703437 bytes, checksum: 627597ffbcb6f2dc43498d9a04327104 (MD5) Dissertacao Bruno Tebaldi - vfinal.pdf: 1863011 bytes, checksum: d24ac4b5e84a1980f2e4751b42e52392 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Joana Martorini (joana.martorini@fgv.br) on 2017-08-21T20:01:49Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 4 0 Perc.mp4: 4753951 bytes, checksum: 9745789b7fc26007c3f3c6b277c41eaa (MD5) 2 Perc.mp4: 4744791 bytes, checksum: c5450c39d510518879431f5ac018ca09 (MD5) 4 Perc.mp4: 4703437 bytes, checksum: 627597ffbcb6f2dc43498d9a04327104 (MD5) Dissertacao Bruno Tebaldi - vfinal.pdf: 1863011 bytes, checksum: d24ac4b5e84a1980f2e4751b42e52392 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-08-22T12:25:10Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 4 0 Perc.mp4: 4753951 bytes, checksum: 9745789b7fc26007c3f3c6b277c41eaa (MD5) 2 Perc.mp4: 4744791 bytes, checksum: c5450c39d510518879431f5ac018ca09 (MD5) 4 Perc.mp4: 4703437 bytes, checksum: 627597ffbcb6f2dc43498d9a04327104 (MD5) Dissertacao Bruno Tebaldi - vfinal.pdf: 1863011 bytes, checksum: d24ac4b5e84a1980f2e4751b42e52392 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-08-11 / The assessment of economic variables is an important part of regional macroeconomic analyses. However, increasing integration of the markets has led to greater financial and economic interdependence between regions. Therefore, this paper uses the global vector autoregressive (GVAR) methodology, which can tackle the curse of dimensionality. Focusing in the Brazilian labor market, it has two main objectives: firstly, establishing a model accounting for the interdependencies between regions. Secondly, estimate the regional elasticity of employment in respect to the economic activity of the country. To this end, it is applied the so-called GVAR technique, which considers the interdependencies between several regions and their temporal dynamics in a multivariate framework. The model is estimated at the Brazilian mesoregion level, with 137 distinct mesoregions. The final model proved to be stable with 128 regions, 2 cointegration relationship and, and 9 regions having 1 cointegration relation. Focusing on the classical major Brazilian regions (North, Northeast, Southeast, South, Central) it is estimated that the most sensitive region is the South followed by the Northeast and the South region, while the Northern and Central regions are mostly unaffected. A long-run relationship is also estimated indicating a natural growth of 694 thousand jobs per year in Brazil. / A avaliação das variáveis econômicas é uma parte importante das análises macroeconômicas regionais. No entanto, o aumento da integração dos mercados levou a uma maior interdependência financeira e econômica entre as regiões. Portanto, este artigo usa a metodologia de vetor autoregressivo global (GVAR), que pode enfrentar a maldição da dimensionalidade. Focando no mercado de trabalho brasileiro, tem dois objetivos principais: primeiro, estabelecer um modelo levando em conta as interdependências entre as regiões. Em segundo lugar, estimar a elasticidade regional do emprego em relação à atividade econômica do país. Para este fim, é aplicada a chamada técnica GVAR, que considera as interdependências entre várias regiões e suas dinâmicas temporais em uma estrutura multivariada. O modelo é estimado no nível mesorregional brasileiro, com 137 mesorregiões distintas. O modelo final mostrou-se estável com 128 regiões, 2 relações de cointegração e, e 9 regiões com 1 relação de cointegração. Concentrando-se nas principais regiões brasileiras clássicas (Norte, Nordeste, Sudeste, Sul, Central), estima-se que a região mais sensível é o Sul, seguido pela região Nordeste e Sul, enquanto as regiões Norte e Central não são afetadas. Uma relação de longo prazo também é estimada indicando um crescimento natural de 694 mil empregos por ano no Brasil.

Transmission du cycle économique des Etats Unis au reste du monde : le cas des pays émergents / Transmission of the economic cycle of the United States to the rest of the world : the case of emerging countries

Majoul, Amira 13 February 2014 (has links)
La question de la transmission internationale des cycles a reçu une attention considérable en raison de l’intensification de la globalisation économique et financière. La problématique générale de cette thèse s’inscrit dans le prolongement de la littérature consacrée à cette question. Plus précisément, elle focalise son attention sur l’analyse de la transmission du cycle des Etats-Unis sur les pays émergents. Elle comporte trois chapitres. Le premier, en se basant sur une nouvelle approche économétrique en termes de modèle Global VAR, s’attache à étudier l’effet des chocs provenant des Etats-Unis sur les pays émergents. Il confirme l’idée que les Etats-Unis jouent un rôle important dans la transmission des cycles économiques étant donné leur poids dans l’économie mondiale. Le second chapitre propose d’étudier la transmission financière des Etats-Unis en s’intéressant à la crise des subprimes sur ces pays. L’estimation du modèle switch à probabilité variée développée indique que la persistance des stress financiers, le durcissement des conditions du crédit et l’augmentation du risque de non-solvabilité bancaire ont été les causes fondamentales de la transmission financière. La volatilité de l’indice boursier américain a été le facteur clé de la contamination avec tous les pays étudiés. Le troisième chapitre est consacré à étudier si les pays émergents sont en mesure d’adopter des politiques budgétaires contracycliques pouvant atténuer les chocs provenant de l’extérieur. En utilisant le modèle à seuil avec transition lisse en panel (le modèle PSTR), ce chapitre confirme que la politique budgétaire dans les pays émergents est procyclique en période de ralentissement économique et aussi lorsque la dette publique dépasse le seuil critique. De ce fait, une solide position budgétaire est fondamentale pour assurer la stabilité macroéconomique. / The issue of international transmission cycles has considerably received attention due to the increasing economic and financial globalization. Our thesis is in line with the literature dedicated to this question. More specifically, we focusour attention on the analysis of the transmission cycle of the United States to emerging countries. It consists of three chapters. The first one, based on a new econometric approach in terms of Global VAR model, aims to study the effect of shocks from the U.S. to emerging countries. The main resultconfirms the idea that the United States plays an important role in the transmission of economic cycles given their weight in the world economy. The second chapter proposes to study the financial transmission of the United States by focusing on the subprime crisis on these countries. The estimation of time varyingtransitionprobability (TVTP) Markov switchingmodel indicates that the persistence of financial stress, the tightening of the conditions of the credit and the increase of the risk of Banking solvency constitute the major determinants of the financial transmission. The US stock market volatility is the key factor transmission channel for all the studied countries. The third chapter is devoted to investigate whether emerging countries are able to adopt countercyclical fiscal policies to mitigate the impact from outside. Using the threshold model with smooth transition panel ( the PSTR model ), this chapter confirms that fiscal policy in emerging countries is procyclicalin the slowdown periodand also when public debt exceeds the critical threshold. Therefore, a strong fiscal position is fundamental to ensure macroeconomic stability.

Transmisión de choques financieros de Estados Unidos sobre América Latina : un enfoque GVAR

Flores Audante, Edgar Jairo Jesus 23 November 2016 (has links)
En este trabajo se estudia la transmisi on de choques nancieros de EUA sobre las econom as m as grandes de Am erica Latina que adoptaron el esquema de metas expl citas de in aci on, especi cando su interrelaci on con el resto del mundo a trav es de sus v nculos comerciales. Para ello, se utiliza un modelo GVAR propuesto por Pesaran y otros (2004a) y posteriormente modi cado en D ees y otros (2007) que permite estudiar la relaci on entre pa ses y variables usando datos de frecuencia mensual desde 2003 hasta 2014. Adem as, dado que la tasa de pol tica monetaria de la Fed se encuentra cercana al l mite inferior cero desde la crisis nanciera, se emplea una medida alternativa construida en Wu & Xia (2014) llamada la tasa de inter es sombra de pol tica de la Fed, shadow federal funds rate. Esta tasa de inter es sombra presenta correlaciones din amicas con las principales variables macroecon omicas en EUA similares a las que registr o la tasa de pol tica de la Fed en el periodo previo a la crisis nanciera. En primer lugar, se encuentra que un choque de pol tica monetaria contractiva en EUA ocasiona la respuesta esperada sobre sus principales variables dom esticas y produce una disminuci on signi cativa y persistente de la actividad econ omica y de los precios en los pa ses de la regi on. En segundo lugar, un choque positivo a los precios de los activos en EUA registra un efecto signi cativo y persistente sobre los precios de los activos de la regi on, mientras que sus efectos sobre la actividad econ omica y los precios resultan no signi cativos. / Tesis

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