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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Impacts des incitatifs économiques en médecine générale : Analyse des préférences et des motivations des médecins / Impacts of economic incentives in general practice : Analysis of doctors’ preferences and motivations

Sicsic, Jonathan 25 November 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse s’intéresse à plusieurs questions posées par l’introduction et la généralisation, en France, d’incitatifs économiques de type P4P appliqués à la médecine générale. Ces schémas incitatifs (CAPI, ROSP) ont pour objectif d’améliorer la qualité des soins, mais ils sont débattus en termes d’efficience et d’effets indésirables potentiels. Dans un premier temps, nous évaluons l’impact du CAPI sur différents indicateurs de la qualité des soins : la durée de la consultation et le dépistage des cancers. Puis, nous étudions les modalités d’une meilleure implication du médecin généraliste (MG) dans le dépistage des cancers, en appliquant la méthodologie des choix discrets. Enfin, nous analysons la relation entre motivations intrinsèques et extrinsèques des MGs français. Nous montrons que le CAPI n’a pas eu d’impact significatif sur les indicateurs de qualité considérés et que les MGs seraient sensibles à d’autres dispositifs non monétaires potentiellement moins coûteux. Enfin, nous mettons en évidence une relation de substituabilité entre motivations intrinsèques et extrinsèques. Ces résultats invitent à davantage de prudence dans la définition des incitatifs économiques en médecine générale. / This thesis addresses several issues raised by the introduction in France of economic incentives such as pay-For-Performance applied to general practice. These incentive schemes are designed to improve the quality of care, but they are discussed both in terms of effectiveness and potential side effects. Initially, we assess the impact of the CAPI scheme on various indicators of quality of care: the consultation length and cancers screening. Then, using the discrete choice experiment methodology, we reveal general practitioners (GPs) preferences for devices aimed at improving the early detection of cancers. Finally, we analyse empirically the relationship between French GPs' intrinsic and extrinsic motivations. We show that the CAPI has not had a significant impact on the selected quality indicators. In addition, GPs would be sensitive to potentially less costly nonmonetary devices. Eventually, we highlight a negative relationship between GPs' intrinsic and extrinsic motivations. Our results call for greater caution in the definition of economic incentives in general practice.

Health utilities for chronic low back pain

Seidler, Anna Lene, Rethberg, Constanze, Schmitt, Jochen, Nienhaus, Albert, Seidler, Andreas 07 December 2017 (has links)
Background Chronic low back pain (LBP) is a common health problem, with a large potential for primary prevention. Health utilities (HU) reflect which proportion of their expected remaining life time individuals would hypothetically trade to be alleviated of a health condition of interest. A value of 0 means “prefer to die immediately”, a value of 1 means “not willing to trade any life time”. The aim of this cross-sectional study was to assess HU for LBP patients and for healthy participants and to examine whether HU for LBP are useful indicators to substantiate preventive and therapeutic decision making. Methods Healthy participants (n = 126) and LBP patients (n = 32) were recruited mainly among the employees of a tertiary care hospital in Germany. Standardized LBP scenarios were presented to all participants and HU values were assessed using the time-trade-off method. Results Median HU for LBP were 0.90 (IQR 0.31) for participants and 0.93 (IQR 0.10) for LBP patients. Measurements were consistent across illness severity ratings with HU and with a visual analogue scale (VAS); in the healthy sample the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) was 0.61 (95% CI 0.23–1.00, F(1125) = 190, p < .001), in the patient sample the ICC was 0.66 (95% CI = 0.24–1.00, F(1,31) = 62, p < .001). 8% of participants reported HU of 1. There was no statistically significant relation between HU and age, income, or gender. Conclusion On average, participants chose a 7 to 10% shorter life expectancy to avoid LBP, but almost 1 in 10 participants were not willing to trade any life years. The results indicate a certain stability of HU due to the comparability of HU ratings across patients and healthy participants, the measurement consistency when comparing VAS and HU ratings, and the lack of association between demographic variables and HU. This underlines the usefulness of HU for measuring illness severity in comparative health economics evaluations of preventive and therapeutic measures that address chronic LBP or other pain-characterized diseases. Future studies should focus on different LBP intensities and derive stratified HU that reflect the distribution of pain intensity in the population.

Essays on econometrics of panel data and treatment models

Papa, Gianluca 13 September 2013 (has links)
In this thesis, I apply the sophisticated tools made available by the econometrics of panel data and treatment models to a range of different issues. In the first Chapter, an ECM model is used to test on the existence of financing constraints in firms’ investment and R&D, taken a proxy for the efficiency of market institutions and governance rules in different countries. In the second chapter we test an agency model linking pay-performance contracts of CEOS to the financial situation of a firm by using a UK panel data. In the third chapter I use a sophisticated treatment model to evaluate the effectiveness of Italian public subsidies to R&D. Finally, in the fourth chapter I try to evaluate the efficiency of Italian regional systems of public healthcare by controlling for socio-economic factors and quality of healthcare in a composite model using panel data estimation and efficient frontier techniques.<p>The first Chapter analyzes the investment behavior of a sample of R&D intensive firms which are quoted on the stock market from USA, UK and Japan for the period 1990-1998. By using an error correction model we test the elasticity of investment and R&D to cash flow in these countries to see by which measure different market institutions and corporate governance rules affects the cost of external financing. Contrary to previous studies, we find significant differences in the sensitivity to cash flow of the two types of investment, with R&D expenditure being much less sensitive than ordinary investment. This is not surprising given the more long-term nature of R&D expenditures. For what concerns the comparison between the different systems/countries, the USA stock markets confirms as the most efficient market providing outside financing at a much lower cost compared to other markets, especially for young, smaller firms.<p>The second Chapter is a joint work with Biagio Speciale. It uses the data on a panel of quoted UK firms over the period 1995–2002 to study the effects of financial leverage on managerial compensation. The change in the investors’ expectations that caused the recent collapse of the stock market tech bubble is a perfect example of natural experiment that has been used as a source of plausibly exogenous variation in the firm’s debt. The estimates show that pay-for-performance sensitivity is increasing in financial leverage, with the exception of the 10% most levered firms, giving rise at the end to a non-linear (inverted U-shape) relationship between the two variables. The chapter includes also a theoretical model accounting for this relationship where an higher leverage increases both the expected returns and the expected variance of investment returns: the first effect (determining increased pay-performance sensitivity) prevails for low leverage values and the second effect (determining decreased pay-performance sensitivity) prevails for high leverage values.<p>The third Chapter undertakes an empirical estimation of the additionality of public funding on both the propensity to initiate R&D activity and the intensity of R&D spending of Italian enterprises for the period 1998-2000, using data from the Third Community Innovation Survey and from firms' financial accounts. The chosen methodology (Endogenous Switching Type II-Tobit) takes into account the possibility that decisions about both starting an R&D activity (sample selection effect) and applying for/obtaining public funding (essential heterogeneity) are influenced by private knowledge of enterprises' idiosyncratic propensities in R&D spending. The present analysis shows that both these effects are indeed important and that they contribute to explain most of the additionality found with less sophisticated models.<p>The fourth Chapter investigates the underlying causes of variability of public health expenditure per capita (SSPC henceforth) between Italian regions. A fixed-effect panel data estimate on the SSPC (for the period 1997-2006) is used in the first part of the paper to account for regional differences in terms of physical, demographic, socio-economic characteristics and in terms of other variables that affect demand and supply of health services. In the second part, we take the ‘adjusted’ SSPC and proceed to estimate an "efficient production function" of the quality of health services through Data Envelopment Analysis. This procedure allows us to separate the share of expenditure used for the improvement of the quality from the one that can be traced only to an inefficient use of financial resources. A comparison of regional SSPC after factoring out the socio-economic factors and the quality of healthcare shows that big differences still remain and are even exacerbated, signalling big pockets of inefficiency and correspondingly a huge potential for cost savings. Finally, a preliminary analysis shows a positive correlation between the efficiency of regional public spending in healthcare and the level of social capital. / Doctorat en Sciences économiques et de gestion / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Essays on Patient Health Insurance Choice and Physician Prescribing Behavior

Svetlana N Beilfuss (9073700) 24 July 2020 (has links)
<div>This dissertation consists of three chapters. The first chapter, Inertia and Switching in Health Insurance Plans, seeks to examine health insurance choice of families and individuals employed by a large Midwestern public university during the years 2012-2016. A growing number of studies indicate that consumers do not understand the basics of health insurance, make inefficient plan choices, and may hesitate to switch plans even when it is optimal to do so. In this study, I identify what are later defined as unanticipated, exogenous health shocks in the health insurance claims data, in order to examine their effect on families' plan choice and switching behavior. Observing switches into relatively generous plans after a shock is indicative of adverse selection. Adverse retention and inertia, on the other hand, may be present if people remain in the relatively less generous plans after experiencing a shock. The results could help inform the policy-makers about consumer cost-effectiveness in plan choice over time.</div><div> Physicians’ relationships with the pharmaceutical industry have recently come under public scrutiny, particularly in the context of opioid drug prescribing. The second chapter, Pharmaceutical Opioid Marketing and Physician Prescribing Behavior, examines the effect of doctor-industry marketing interactions on subsequent prescribing patterns of opioids using linked Medicare Part D and Open Payments data for the years 2014-2017. Results indicate that both the number and the dollar value of marketing visits increase physicians’ patented opioid claims. Furthermore, direct-to-physician marketing of safer abuse-deterrent formulations of opioids is the primary driver of positive and persistent spillovers on the prescribing of less safe generic opioids - a result that may be driven by insurance coverage policies. These findings suggest that pharmaceutical marketing efforts may have unintended public health implications.</div><div> The third chapter, Accountable Care Organizations and Physician Antibiotic Prescribing Behavior, examines the effects of Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs). Physician accountable care organization affiliation has been found to reduce cost and improve quality across metrics that are directly measured by the ACO shared savings program. However, little is known about potential spillover effects from this program onto non-measured physician behavior such as antibiotic over-prescribing. Using a two-part structural selection model that accounts for selection into treatment (ACO group), and non-treatment (control group), this chapter compares physician/nurse antibiotic prescribing across these groups with adjustment for geographic, physician, patient and institutional characteristics. Heterogeneous treatment responses across specialties are also estimated. The findings indicate that ACO affiliation helps reduce antibiotic prescribing by 23.9 prescriptions (about 19.4 percent) per year. The treatment effects are found to vary with specialty with internal medicine physicians experiencing an average decrease of 19 percent, family and general practice physicians a decrease of 16 percent, and nurse practitioners a reduction of 12.5 percent in their antibiotic prescribing per year. In terms of selection into treatment, the failure to account for selection on physician unobservable characteristics results in an understating of the average treatment effects. In assessing the impact of programs, such as the ACO Shared Savings Program, which act to augment how physicians interact with each other and their patients, it is important to account for spillover effects. As an example of such spillover effect - this study finds that ACO affiliation has had a measurable impact on physician antibiotic prescribing.</div>

Évaluation pharmacoéconomique des thérapies efficaces et dispendieuses en prévention des maladies cardiovasculaires

Fanton-Aita, Fiorella 04 1900 (has links)
Les maladies cardiovasculaires (MCV) ont une prévalence élevée dans le monde et sont considérées comme la deuxième cause de mortalité chez la population canadienne. Les statines sont reconnues comme le traitement par excellence dans la prévention des MCV. Toutefois, les statines ne conviennent pas à tous les patients, potentiellement, en raison de la survenue d’effets secondaires et du manque d’efficacité. Avec l’avancement de la science, de nouvelles thérapies voient le jour dans le milieu cardiovasculaire. Les inhibiteurs de la proprotéine convertase subtilisine-kexine de type 9 PCSK9 (iPCSK9) constituent un traitement efficace pour réduire les évènements cardiovasculaires. Cependant, ces thérapies sont dispendieuses pour le système de santé. Cette thèse a pour but d’explorer la pharmacoéconomie des thérapies dispendieuses ayant démontrées une efficacité clinique importante dans le traitement préventif des MCV. La pharmacoéconomie est un outil d’évaluation destiné aux décideurs ayant comme objectif d’optimiser l’utilisation des ressources humaines et financières. Tout d’abord, dans un premier article, nous avons évalué l’efficacité maximale d’une thérapie hypolipémiante à partir des grilles de risque cardiovasculaires. Selon les résultats obtenus, l’efficacité maximale qu’il est raisonnable d’espérer a correspondu à une diminution du risque relatif variant entre 0,46 et 0,66. Ensuite, dans un deuxième article, nous avons estimé l’efficacité d’une thérapie dispendieuse dans un contexte différent puisque les études cliniques étaient en cours. Avec l’aide d’un modèle de Markov, la propension à payer a été fixée à deux seuils distincts, alors que le coût d’acquisition de la thérapie est demeuré fixe. Nos résultats ont estimé que pour atteindre les seuils de propension à payer de 50 000 $ et 100 000 $ par année de vie ajustée pour la qualité, l’efficacité devrait être de 0,58 et 0,78 respectivement. Finalement, l’étude randomisée contrôlée établissant l’efficacité clinique des iPCSK9 a été publiée. Nous avons donc pu évaluer le coût-utilité réel des iPCSK9 avec une nouvelle méthode de simulation, nommée Conditions et évènements discrètement intégrés. Cette étude est l’objet 2 de mon troisième article. Les résultats de cet article ont estimé que l’iPCSK9 n’est pas coût-efficace selon l’efficacité obtenue dans les études cliniques. En conclusion, suite aux résultats présentés dans cette thèse rédigée par articles, il serait envisageable d’intégrer dans le modèle pharmacoéconomique l’option d’un test génétique afin d’individualiser le traitement de chaque patient. / Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) have a high prevalence worldwide and are considered the second leading cause of death in the Canadian population. Statins are recognized to be the gold standard treatment in the prevention of CVD. However, statins are not suitable for all patients, potentially because of side effects and lack of efficacy. With the advancement of science, new therapies are emerging in the cardiovascular field. Inhibitors of proprotein convertase subtilisin-kexin type 9 (iPCSK9) have been shown to be effective in reducing cardiovascular events. However, these therapies are expensive. This article-based thesis aims to explore the pharmacoeconomics of expensive therapies that have demonstrated significant clinical efficacy in the preventive treatment of CVD. Pharmacoeconomics is an evaluation tool for decision-makers with the objective of optimizing the use of human and financial resources. In the first publication, we evaluated the maximum effectiveness of lipid-lowering therapy from cardiovascular risk grids. According to our results, this maximum expected benefit fluctuates between 0.46 and 0.66. In the second publication, we estimated the effectiveness of an expensive therapy. At the time of our second publication, the results of the randomized controlled trial evaluating the clinical efficacy of iPCSK9 had not been published yet. Therefore, we used a Markov model to estimate the necessary clinical efficacy of PCSK9 inhibitors to reach two arbitrarily selected willingness-to-pay (WTP) thresholds. Our results showed that an efficacy of 0.58 and 0.78 were necessary to reach WTP thresholds of $50,000 and $100,000 per quality-adjusted life years respectively. Once the clinical efficacy of iPCSK9 was published, we evaluated their cost-utility. This was the object of our third article and a new simulation method named Discretely Integrated Condition was used. Our results suggested that at the current price, the PCSK9 inhibitors were not cost-effective. Following the results presented in this article-based thesis, it would be of interest to integrate the option of a hypothetical genetic test into the pharmacoeconomic model. This genetic test would be able to identify good responders in order to optimize the treatment of each individual patient.

Untersuchungen zur Wirtschaftlichkeit langwirksamer Insuline bei Patienten mit insulinbehandeltem Typ-2-Diabetes mellitus in Deutschland

Dippel, Franz-Werner 20 December 2012 (has links)
Die Erkrankung Diabetes mellitus stellt eine wesentliche medizinische und ökonomische Her-ausforderung für das deutsche Gesundheitssystem dar. Weitgehend ungeklärt sind jedoch die Kostenunterschiede alternativer Behandlungsstrategien. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde die Wirtschaftlichkeit von Insulin glargin gegenüber relevanten Therapiealternativen bei Patien¬ten mit insulinbehandeltem Typ-2-Diabetes aus der Perspektive der deutschen GKV unter-sucht. Dazu wurden vier pharmakoökonomische Evaluationen mittels Kosten-Minimierungs-Ansatz auf der Basis von Studien- und Routinedaten durchgeführt. Die therapeutische Äqui-valenz der verglichenen Behandlungsverfahren wurde als gesichert vorausgesetzt. In allen vier Wirtschaftlichkeitsanalysen konnte die Kosteneffektivität von Insulin glargin ge-genüber relevanten Komparatoren gezeigt werden. Beim Vergleich der basalunterstützten ora-len Therapie (BOT) mit der prandialen Insulintherapie (SIT) ergaben sich auf Basis der APOLLO-Studie jährliche Pro-Kopf-Einsparungen in Höhe von 722 € zugunsten von Insulin glargin. Geringere Behandlungskosten zeigten sich auch gegenüber Insulin detemir in der BOT auf Basis der Rosenstock-RCT sowie in der Basal-Bolus-Therapie (ICT) auf Basis der Hollander-RCT. Die jährlichen Pro-Kopf-Einsparungen zugunsten von Insulin glargin betru-gen 486 € in der BOT und 684 € in der ICT. Schließlich ergab auch der Behandlungs¬kosten¬vergleich von Insulin glargin mit dem langwirksamen NPH-Insulin auf der Basis ambulanter Routinedaten niedrigere jährliche Behandlungskosten zugunsten von Insulin glargin. Die Ein-sparungen pro Patient und Jahr betrugen 198 € und waren unabhängig vom Behandlungsre-gime (BOT oder ICT). Die Ergebnisse der vorliegenden Arbeit unterstreichen den Stellenwert qualitätsgesicherter Wirtschaftlichkeitsanalysen zur rationalen Ressourcenallokation im Rahmen der Insulin¬therapie des Typ-2-Diabetes mellitus.:Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Einführung 1 1.1 Kosten des Diabetes mellitus 1 1.2 Epidemiologie des Diabetes mellitus 3 1.3 Behandlung des Diabetes mellitus 4 1.4 Wirtschaftlichkeit in der Diabetestherapie 7 2 Zielsetzung 9 3 Pharmakoökonomische Evaluationen 9 3.1 APOLLO-Studie 9 3.1.1 Design und Ergebnisse der klinischen Studie 9 3.1.2 Zielsetzung der pharmakoökonomischen Analyse 10 3.1.3 Material und Methoden 11 Mengenerfassung 11 Kostenermittlung 15 Sensitivitätsanalysen 18 3.1.4 Ergebnisse 20 3.1.5 Diskussion 24 3.2 Rosenstock-Studie 30 3.2.1 Design und Ergebnisse der klinischen Studie 30 3.2.2 Zielsetzung der pharmakoökonomischen Analyse 31 3.2.3 Material und Methoden 31 3.2.4 Ergebnisse 34 3.2.5 Diskussion 36 3.3 Hollander-Studie 39 3.3.1 Design und Ergebnisse der klinischen Studie 39 3.3.2 Zielsetzung der pharmakoökonomischen Analyse 40 3.3.3 Material und Methoden 40 3.3.4 Ergebnisse 42 3.3.5 Diskussion 44 3.4 LIVE-SPP-Studie 47 3.4.1 Design der Beobachtungsstudie 47 3.4.2 Zielsetzung der pharmakoökonomischen Analyse 48 3.4.3 Patienten und Methoden 48 Ein- und Ausschlusskriterien 48 Datenerfassung 48 Kostenermittlung 49 Statistische Auswertung 51 Sensitivitätsanalysen 51 3.4.4 Ergebnisse 52 3.4.5 Diskussion 54 4 Bewertung der Ergebnisse im Kontext der aktuellen pharmakoökonomischen Datenlage 58 4.1 Literaturrecherche 59 4.2 Insulin glargin in der BOT im Vergleich zu anderen Behandlungsregimen (SIT und CT) 62 4.2.1 4T-Studie 62 4.2.2 HEART2D-Studie 63 4.2.3 PHAZIT-Studie 64 4.2.4 LAPTOP-Studie (Deutschland) 65 4.2.5 Diabetes-Mellitus-Modell (1) 66 4.2.6 LAPTOP-Studie (Kanada, Österreich) 67 4.2.7 Zusammenfassung (Regimevergleiche) 67 4.3 Insulin glargin in der BOT versus Insulin detemir in der BOT 68 4.3.1 L2T3-Studie 69 4.3.2 Persistenzanalyse (1) 71 4.3.3 Zusammenfassung 72 (Insulin glargin versus Insulin detemir in der BOT) 4.4 Insulin glargin in der ICT versus Insulin detemir in der ICT 72 4.4.1 LIVE-COM-Studie 73 4.4.2 Wiesner-Studie (Typ-1-Diabetes) 76 4.4.3 IMS-Datenbankanalyse-1 (Typ-1-Diabetes) 80 4.4.4 Indirekter Vergleich (Typ-1-Diabetes) 82 4.4.5 Zusammenfassung 84 (Insulin glargin versus Insulin detemir in der ICT) 4.5 Weitere Studien zum Vergleich von Insulin glargin und Insulin detemir 84 4.5.1 LIVE-KK-2-Studie 84 4.5.2 InsightHealth-Datenbankanalyse-1 86 4.5.3 Zusammenfassung 89 (Insulin glargin versus Insulin detemir) 4.6 Insulin glargin versus NPH-Insulin in der BOT und ICT 91 4.6.1 LIVE-SPP-Studie 92 4.6.2 Persistenzanalyse (2) 94 4.6.3 Diabetes-Mellitus-Modell (2) 95 4.6.4 Endpunkstudien 96 4.6.5 LIVE-DE-Studie 97 4.6.6 LIVE-KK-1-Studie 102 4.6.7 InsightHealth-Datenbankanalyse-2 103 4.6.8 IMS-Datenbankanalyse-2 (Typ-1-Diabetes) 104 4.6.9 Discrete Event Simulation-D (Typ-1-Diabetes) 106 4.6.10 Discrete Event Simulation-CH (Typ-1-Diabetes) 108 4.6.11 LIVE-GERI-Studie 109 4.6.12 Zusammenfassung 110 (Insulin glargin versus NPH-Insulin) 5 Zusammenfassung 111 6 Literaturverzeichnis 118 7 Publikationen 134 7.1 Comparison of treatment costs in inadequately controlled type 2 135 diabetes in Germany based on the APOLLO trial with insulin glargine. Journal of Medical Economics 2009; 12(2): 87-97 7.2 Comparison of one-year costs of type 2 diabetes treatment with 146 insulin glargine or insulin detemir in a basal supported oral therapy (BOT) in Germany. International Journal of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics 2010; 2: 129-137 7.3 Cost comparison of insulin glargine with insulin detemir in a 155 basal-bolus regime with mealtime insulin aspart in type 2 diabetes in Germany. German Medical Science 2010; 8: Doc 17 doi: 10.3205/000106 7.4 Resource utilisation and costs in patients with type 2 diabetes 164 treated with insulin glargine or conventional basal insulin under real-world conditions in Germany: LIVE-SPP study. Journal of Medical Economics 2008; 11: 695-712 8 Anlagen 182 8.1 Erklärung über die eigenständige Abfassung der Arbeit 182 8.2 Lebenslauf 183 8.3 Danksagung 185 8.4 Veröffentlichungen 186 188

Efficacy When Using Biosimilar Renflexis (infliximab abda) Compared to Biologic Remicade (infliximab) Indicated for Treatment of Patients Diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis and Spondyloarthritis.

Silversteyn, Laura 29 March 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Évaluation économique de l'ajustement des antihypertenseurs par le pharmacien en milieu communautaire

Houde, François-Xavier 07 1900 (has links)
OBJECTIF : L’hypertension est une maladie chronique pour laquelle seulement 68 % des patients étaient contrôlés en 2013. Les pharmaciens de la province de Québec ont récemment obtenu l’autorité législative pour ajuster la dose des antihypertenseurs lorsqu’une cible thérapeutique est entendue avec le médecin. Cette étude économique vise à estimer le ratio coût- utilité incrémental (RCUI) de ce nouveau modèle de soin au Québec. MÉTHODE : Un modèle de Markov a été développé pour extrapoler l’impact de cette pratique pharmaceutique sur les accidents vasculaires cérébraux (AVC), sur les infarctus du myocarde aigus et sur la mortalité. Les équations du modèle de risque de Framingham ont été utilisées pour estimer l’impact du contrôle de la pression artérielle sur la survenue d’AVC et d’infarctus. L’efficacité de l’intervention a été estimée à partir des résultats de l’essai clinique RxAction, conduit en Alberta. L’efficacité de l’intervention pharmaceutique est exprimée via la proportion de patients contrôlés. La perspective du payeur public a été utilisée et seulement les coûts directs des soins de santé ont été intégrés. L’issue principale observée par le modèle est le gain en années de vie ajustées par la qualité (AVAQ). Les AVAQ et les coûts ont été actualisés à un taux annuel de 1,5 %. Le modèle a simulé une cohorte de 1000 patients âgés de 65 ans, sur un horizon temporel de 20 ans en utilisant des cycles d’un an. RÉSULTATS: Le modèle a généré 0,051 AVAQs de plus par patient dans le groupe d’intervention pour une dépense supplémentaire de 268 $ par patient. Le RCUI est de 5 223 $/AVAQ gagnée. Si le seuil de volonté à payer du tiers public se tient à 50 000 $/AVAQ, cette intervention serait dite coût-efficace. Les résultats de cette simulation étaient surtout sensibles à l’efficacité de l’intervention pharmaceutique ainsi qu’à l’utilité attribuée à l’hypertension. CONCLUSION: Permettre aux pharmaciens d’ajuster la dose des traitements antihypertenseurs à l’intérieur du modèle de rémunération actuel apparaît coût-efficace. L’obtention de données d’efficacité issue d’une étude clinique conduite au Québec nous permettrait d’augmenter la validité externe de cette modélisation économique. / OBJECTIVE: Hypertension is a chronic disease for which only 68% of treated patients were controlled in Canada in 2013. Pharmacists in the province of Québec recently received legislative authority to adjust the dosage of antihypertensive drugs if there is an agreement with the prescriber of the therapeutic target. This research aims to estimate the incremental cost- utility ratio (ICUR) of this new model of care in Québec. METHODS: A Markov model was developed to extrapolate the impact of this pharmacy practice on strokes, myocardial infarctions and mortality. Framingham Risk Equations were used to derive the impact of blood pressure control on strokes and myocardial infarctions. The efficacy of the intervention was derived from the RxAction clinical trial, conducted in Alberta. Efficacy was expressed as the proportion of patients with controlled blood pressure. The model used the payer perspective and direct costs only. The main clinical outcome was expressed as the number of quality-adjusted life years (QALYs) gained. Both QALYS and costs were discounted at a 1.5% annual rate. A cohort of 1000 patients entered the model at 65 years old. The model used a 20 years time horizon, with a 1-year cycle length. RESULTS: The model yielded 0.051 QALYs per patient in the intervention group for an incremental expense of $268 per patient. The ICUR was 5,223 $/QALY. At a willingness-to- pay threshold of $50,000/QALY, the intervention is cost-effective. The results were sensitive to the comparative efficacy of the pharmacist intervention against usual care and to the utility of hypertension. CONCLUSION: Providing pharmacists the ability to adjust the dosage of antihypertensive drugs within the actual fee-for-service rational appears to be cost-effective. Obtaining data on the efficacy of this pharmacy practice from a trial conducted in Québec would provide better data to inform this economic evaluation.

Relationskontinuitet vid typ 2-diabetes, en lönsam strategi? : En litteraturstudie / Continuity of care in type 2 diabetes, a cost-effective strategy? : A literature review

Mohamed Dubad, Hibak January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Prevalensen för Diabetes mellitus typ 2 ökar i världen och antalet förväntas stiga till 783 miljoner år 2045. Sjukdomen är kronisk och kräver långtidsvård vilket gör att den globala kostnadsbördan förblir hög. Några anledningar till det är sämre delaktighet från patienter, en lägre läkemedelsföljsamhet och förhöjda risker för komplikationer och sjukvårdsinläggningar. På så vis är relationskontinuitet en strategi som syftar att stärka förhållandet mellan patienter och sjukvårdspersonal och därmed generera i lägre vårdkostnader samt en bättre hälsa på individuell- och befolkningsnivå. Syfte: Syftet med litteraturstudien är att undersöka hälsoekonomiska effekter av relationskontinuitet mellan sjukvårdspersonal och patienter med typ-2 diabetes. Metod: Litteraturstudie med data från 11 vetenskapliga artiklar. Databaserna CINAHL och Web of Science användes för att samla in data och de sökord som applicerades var: Continuity of care for diabetes patients, patient continuity for diabetes, diabetes type 2 mellitus, T2DM, healthcare costs, costs of care, effects och impacts. Materialet analyserades enligt Braun &amp; Clarkes tematiska analysmetod. Resultat: Tre huvudteman och fyra subteman påträffades. Första temat var ökad hälsolitteracitet som en beskrivning av patienters förbättrade förmåga att förstå och applicera hälsoinformation. Informationen främjade självtillit och läkemedelsföljsamhet. Andra temat var kostnadseffektiv vård som på grund av ur relationskontinuiteten genererade en minskad vårdbelastning. Det sista temat var hälsoekonomiska effekter som en beskrivning av de lägre utgifterna inom ett samhälle. Bland huvudfynden påvisas att desto högre nivå av relationskontinuitet mellan sjukvårdspersonal och patienter desto lägre vårdkostnader, färre sjukhusinläggningar och komplikationer. Slutsats: Relationskontinuitet bidrog till positiva effekter vad gäller vårdkostnader för patienter med diabetes mellitus typ 2. Dock föreligger svårigheter med implementeringen av strategin som gör att effektiviseringen av diabetesvård och i sin tur dess kostnader inte når sin fulla potential. / Background: The prevalence of diabetes mellitus type 2 is increasing in the world and the number is expected to rise to 783 million in 2045. The disease is chronic and requires long-term care, which means that the global cost burden remains high. Some of the reasons for this are poorer patient participation, lower medication adherence and increased risks of complications and hospital admissions. Thus, continuity of care is a strategy that aims to strengthen the relationship between patients and healthcare personnel and thereby generate lower healthcare costs and better health at the individual and population level. Aim: The aim of this study was to examine the health economic effects of continuity of care between health care personnel and diabetes type 2 patients. Method: A literature study with data from 11 different scientific articles. The databases CINAHL and Web of Science were used to collect data and the keywords applied were: Continuity of care for diabetes patients, patient continuity for diabetes, diabetes type 2 mellitus, T2DM, healthcare costs, costs of care, effects och impacts. The material was analyzed in accordance with Braun &amp; Clarkes thematic analysis. Results: Three main themes and four subthemes were identified. The first theme was increased health literacy as a description of patients enhanced ability to understand and apply health information. The information resulted in self-efficacy and medical adherence. The other theme was cost-effective care which in turn led to a lessened burden of care. The last theme was health economic effects to describe the recognized decrease in expenditure within societies. Among the main findings, it is demonstrated that the higher the level of relationship continuity between healthcare professionals and patients, the lover the healthcare costs, fewer hostpitalizations and complications. Conclusion: Continuity of care contributed to positive effects in costs of care for patients with diabetes mellitus type 2. However, there are difficulties with the implementation of the strategy which means that the efficiency of diabetes care and in turn, its costs fail to reach their full potential.


Debadrita Kundu (16612524) 19 July 2023 (has links)
<h2><br></h2> <p>This dissertation consists of distinct but related essays that delve into the impacts of changing economic conditions and climate mitigation policies on household consumption, health, and welfare outcomes. The first essay examines the effect of variations in economic factors, such as home values, on unhealthy consumption behaviors in the U.S. The second essay examines the distributional effects and possible health advantages of climate mitigation policies in India. The findings in this dissertation have significant implications for preventive health and environmental justice policies, particularly concerning vulnerable populations. </p> <p>The first essay of this dissertation investigates the impact of home value fluctuations on household tobacco and alcohol consumption in the U.S., specifically focusing on consumption based on homeownership status. First, we utilize high-frequency household transaction panel data and ZIP code-level home values to estimate the causal effect of home value fluctuations (or the housing wealth effect) on household tobacco and alcohol consumption for all U.S. households. Second, we predict household homeownership status by supplementing our primary household panel transaction data with a secondary household survey dataset; this allowed us to estimate the housing wealth effect separately for homeowners and renters. Home values are a leading economic indicator and effectively represent variation in housing wealth, whereas prior literature mainly focuses on lagging economic indicators, such as the unemployment rate. Housing wealth is a significant component of household net worth in the U.S. We leverage temporal and geographic fluctuations in household transactions and local home values to show that changes in housing wealth have a causal effect on household tobacco and alcohol consumption. Our findings show that declining home values increase tobacco and alcohol consumption among homeowners, with no effect on renters. Beer and cigarettes mainly drive this effect. Declining home values substantially increase annual consumption of nicotine, tar, carbon monoxide, and alcohol by volume, exacerbating public health concerns. In contrast, unemployment shocks increase tobacco and alcohol consumption among homeowners and decrease it among renters. The housing wealth effect is most pronounced among bubble states households, heavy-use consumers, low-income, and white households. The study emphasizes the importance of targeted policy interventions to mitigate the negative effects of fluctuations in housing wealth on unhealthy consumption, especially amid the current unpredictable economic environment and volatile real estate market. </p> <p>The second essay of this dissertation analyzes the distributional impacts of climate mitigation policies consistent with India’s 2030 Nationally Determined Contribution and 2070 net-zero target, using a dynamic global computable general equilibrium (CGE) model with heterogeneous Indian households. Specifically, we expand the CGE model to incorporate ten rural and ten urban household income deciles. Additionally, we link the CGE model with a global atmospheric source-receptor model to derive health co-benefits from reduced premature mortality due to lower air pollution. Several policy levers are considered in this study, including carbon pricing, enhanced coal consumption tax (or coal cess), and fossil subsidies phaseout. These are further combined with five alternative revenue recycling options. Our results suggest the potential welfare costs of such mitigation policies are rather moderate and do not exceed 0.5% over 2023-2050, not accounting for health and environmental co-benefits and damages avoided by successfully limiting global temperature rise to well below 2°C. However, health co-benefits from lower air pollution can potentially outweigh the mitigation costs. Combining carbon pricing and fossil subsidy removal is more efficient than carbon pricing alone, generating progressive medium-term welfare gains due to reduced market distortions. Raising coal cess rates is the least efficient policy. Inequality and distributional impacts vary significantly based on the chosen revenue recycling approach. Equal transfer of tax revenue across households proves to be the most efficient and equitable, followed by labor tax subsidies, leading to a Gini index and S20/S80 ratio reduction of 0.01%-1.7% and 0.1%-7%, respectively. Recycling revenues to stimulate green energy investments yields the least favorable distributional impacts and worsens inequality. Trade-offs exist between reducing inequality and fostering investment-driven economic growth when choosing revenue recycling options. Policymakers should prioritize policy mixes and revenue-recycling methods based on their objectives to effectively combat climate change while promoting sustainable growth and reducing income inequality in India. </p>

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