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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Metodologia simplificada para análise de aspectos hidráulicos em rompimento de barragens

Ferla, Rute January 2018 (has links)
O início da construção de estruturas para reserva de água no mundo é conhecido há milhares de anos, e, desde então, as barragens são consideradas alternativas viáveis não apenas para reserva de água para consumo, mas também para as finalidades de geração de energia hidrelétrica, contenção de rejeitos, entre outras. Entretanto, mesmo com os contínuos avanços nas técnicas construtivas e na fiscalização da segurança destas estruturas, a possibilidade de rompimento de barragens é uma realidade constante. Nesta perspectiva, o presente texto objetiva analisar os aspectos hidráulicos de metodologias simplificadas para estimativa de parâmetros de inundação proveniente do rompimento de barragens, a saber, as vazões e respectivas profundidades atingidas no vale a jusante, em um evento de rompimento hipotético. Para tal, analisaram-se os resultados de três metodologias simplificadas existentes, aplicadas em três barragens estudo de caso, com características estruturais e geometria do vale a jusante distintas. Os resultados das metodologias simplificadas foram comparados com os estudos de Dam Break das três barragens estudo de caso, obtidos com o uso do software HEC-RAS unidimensional e cedidos por empreendedores. O presente texto também sugere uma nova equação empírica para previsão da vazão máxima resultante do rompimento de barragens por galgamento, e propõe uma nova metodologia simplificada para análise preliminar de rompimento de barragens, com base nos métodos analisados e nas respectivas conclusões obtidas. Os resultados indicam que o uso de metodologias simplificadas na análise preliminar de rompimento de barragens é uma alternativa viável em vales cuja declividade do talvegue é acentuada e cujas características geométricas são aproximadamente constantes. Identificou-se que pequenas alterações no coeficiente de rugosidade do terreno e na declividade da linha de energia refletiram em diferenças nos resultados de profundidades e larguras máximas de 20%, em média. A proposta de nova equação empírica para previsão de vazão máxima na seção da barragem baseou-se na análise de 39 casos reais envolvendo ruptura de barragens por galgamento e resultou em um coeficiente de determinação (R²) de 0,79. Quando comparada com as principais equações semelhantes indicadas na bibliografia, a equação proposta obteve vazões máximas próximas ou superiores às dos demais pesquisadores analisados sempre que a altura da barragem foi inferior a 30 m. Evidencia-se a importância na estimativa cautelosa da vazão máxima na seção da barragem, uma vez que essa reflete em diferenças significativas nas vazões e respectivas profundidades alcançadas ao longo do vale a jusante da estrutura. Nos casos analisados, diferentes vazões máximas na seção da barragem refletiram em distinções de até 50%, em média, nas profundidades e larguras máximas a jusante. A nova metodologia proposta para definição de características de inundação provenientes do rompimento de barragens pode contribuir em estudos preliminares para tal, especialmente aos empreendedores que possuem número expressivo de barragens. Nesses casos, a metodologia poderá nortear a prioridade a ser dada em estudos detalhados de Dam Break. / For thousands of years, water reservoir structures have been built worldwide. Since then, dams have been considered viable alternatives not only for reserving water for consumption but also for the purposes of hydroelectric power generation and sediment retention, among others. Despite the continuous advances in the construction techniques and in the safety inspection of these structures, the possibility of breaking of dams remains a constant reality. Hence, this paper aims to analyze the hydraulic aspects of simplified methodologies for estimating flood parameters on dam ruptures, namely, the flows and respective depths reached in the downstream valley in a hypothetical breach event. Results of three existing simplified methodologies were studied applied in three dams with different structural characteristics and downstream valley geometry. The results of simplified methodologies were compared with dam break studies of three study case dams, obtained with one-dimensional HEC-RAS and provided by entrepreneurs. The present paper suggests also a new empirical equation for predicting the maximum flow resulting from the overtopping dam failure and proposes a new simplified methodology for preliminary analysis of dam rupture, based on the analyzed methods and respective obtained conclusions. The results indicate that the use of simplified methodologies in the preliminary dam break analysis is a viable alternative in valleys with high thalweg declivities and close to constant geometric characteristics. It was identified that small changes in the coefficient of rough terrain and in the energy line slope reflected in differences in the results of depths and maximum widths of 20%, on average. The proposed new empirical equation for maximum flow prediction in the dam section was based on the analysis of 39 actual cases involving overtopping dam failure and resulted in a coefficient of determination (R²) of 0.79. When compared to similar main equations indicated in the bibliography, the proposed equation obtained maximum flows near or higher than those of other researchers analyzed whenever the height of the dam did not exceed 30 m. The importance of a cautious estimation of the maximum flow rate in the dam section is to be highlighted, since it results in significant variations of flow and respective depths along the valley and downstream of the structure. Different maximum flows were found in the dam section, which reflected in distinctions of up to 50%, in average, in the maximum depths and widths downstream. The new proposed methodology for defining dam break characteristics caused by dam rupture may contribute to preliminary studies, especially to entrepreneurs who own a significant number of dams. In these cases, the methodology may guide the priority to be given in detailed studies of dam break.

Combining hydrologic modelling and boundary shear stress estimates to evaluate the fate of fine sediments in river Juktån : Impact of ecological flows

Andersson Nyberg, Adrian January 2018 (has links)
Altered flow regimes following river regulation can result in significant changes in river bed geomorphology and subsequent negative ecological impacts caused by re-suspended sediments deposited on the riverbed. This study aimed to evaluate the consequences of implementing an ecological flow regime on sediments accumulated within the regulated river Juktån. Sediments were sampled and analysed for particle size distribution to estimate sediment stability. Flow alteration following the ecological flow regime was analysed with HEC-RAS unsteady flow simulation serving as a basis for calculations of forces acting to erode or retain deposited sediments. Additional analyses regarding critical flow were made with HEC-RAS steady flow simulation. Results show that 4 out of 15 cross-sections analysed would have the potential to erode and re-suspend sediments. The estimated average critical flow for when sediments become unstable with potential to re-suspend is 17 m3/s. The total sediment inventory of the studied reach is ~25000 ton, with ~3000-ton sediments potentially eroding into re-suspension. This is approximately 3% of river Umeälvens annual 100 000 ton suspended sediments before being regulated. Results indicate that river bed heterogeneity in river Juktån could benefit from implementing the ecological flow regime while not mobilizing such amounts of fine sediments that would cause clogging effects downstream the site of interest. The study also introduces the erosion rate equation which compares the annual erosion between two different flow regimes.

Metodologia simplificada para análise de aspectos hidráulicos em rompimento de barragens

Ferla, Rute January 2018 (has links)
O início da construção de estruturas para reserva de água no mundo é conhecido há milhares de anos, e, desde então, as barragens são consideradas alternativas viáveis não apenas para reserva de água para consumo, mas também para as finalidades de geração de energia hidrelétrica, contenção de rejeitos, entre outras. Entretanto, mesmo com os contínuos avanços nas técnicas construtivas e na fiscalização da segurança destas estruturas, a possibilidade de rompimento de barragens é uma realidade constante. Nesta perspectiva, o presente texto objetiva analisar os aspectos hidráulicos de metodologias simplificadas para estimativa de parâmetros de inundação proveniente do rompimento de barragens, a saber, as vazões e respectivas profundidades atingidas no vale a jusante, em um evento de rompimento hipotético. Para tal, analisaram-se os resultados de três metodologias simplificadas existentes, aplicadas em três barragens estudo de caso, com características estruturais e geometria do vale a jusante distintas. Os resultados das metodologias simplificadas foram comparados com os estudos de Dam Break das três barragens estudo de caso, obtidos com o uso do software HEC-RAS unidimensional e cedidos por empreendedores. O presente texto também sugere uma nova equação empírica para previsão da vazão máxima resultante do rompimento de barragens por galgamento, e propõe uma nova metodologia simplificada para análise preliminar de rompimento de barragens, com base nos métodos analisados e nas respectivas conclusões obtidas. Os resultados indicam que o uso de metodologias simplificadas na análise preliminar de rompimento de barragens é uma alternativa viável em vales cuja declividade do talvegue é acentuada e cujas características geométricas são aproximadamente constantes. Identificou-se que pequenas alterações no coeficiente de rugosidade do terreno e na declividade da linha de energia refletiram em diferenças nos resultados de profundidades e larguras máximas de 20%, em média. A proposta de nova equação empírica para previsão de vazão máxima na seção da barragem baseou-se na análise de 39 casos reais envolvendo ruptura de barragens por galgamento e resultou em um coeficiente de determinação (R²) de 0,79. Quando comparada com as principais equações semelhantes indicadas na bibliografia, a equação proposta obteve vazões máximas próximas ou superiores às dos demais pesquisadores analisados sempre que a altura da barragem foi inferior a 30 m. Evidencia-se a importância na estimativa cautelosa da vazão máxima na seção da barragem, uma vez que essa reflete em diferenças significativas nas vazões e respectivas profundidades alcançadas ao longo do vale a jusante da estrutura. Nos casos analisados, diferentes vazões máximas na seção da barragem refletiram em distinções de até 50%, em média, nas profundidades e larguras máximas a jusante. A nova metodologia proposta para definição de características de inundação provenientes do rompimento de barragens pode contribuir em estudos preliminares para tal, especialmente aos empreendedores que possuem número expressivo de barragens. Nesses casos, a metodologia poderá nortear a prioridade a ser dada em estudos detalhados de Dam Break. / For thousands of years, water reservoir structures have been built worldwide. Since then, dams have been considered viable alternatives not only for reserving water for consumption but also for the purposes of hydroelectric power generation and sediment retention, among others. Despite the continuous advances in the construction techniques and in the safety inspection of these structures, the possibility of breaking of dams remains a constant reality. Hence, this paper aims to analyze the hydraulic aspects of simplified methodologies for estimating flood parameters on dam ruptures, namely, the flows and respective depths reached in the downstream valley in a hypothetical breach event. Results of three existing simplified methodologies were studied applied in three dams with different structural characteristics and downstream valley geometry. The results of simplified methodologies were compared with dam break studies of three study case dams, obtained with one-dimensional HEC-RAS and provided by entrepreneurs. The present paper suggests also a new empirical equation for predicting the maximum flow resulting from the overtopping dam failure and proposes a new simplified methodology for preliminary analysis of dam rupture, based on the analyzed methods and respective obtained conclusions. The results indicate that the use of simplified methodologies in the preliminary dam break analysis is a viable alternative in valleys with high thalweg declivities and close to constant geometric characteristics. It was identified that small changes in the coefficient of rough terrain and in the energy line slope reflected in differences in the results of depths and maximum widths of 20%, on average. The proposed new empirical equation for maximum flow prediction in the dam section was based on the analysis of 39 actual cases involving overtopping dam failure and resulted in a coefficient of determination (R²) of 0.79. When compared to similar main equations indicated in the bibliography, the proposed equation obtained maximum flows near or higher than those of other researchers analyzed whenever the height of the dam did not exceed 30 m. The importance of a cautious estimation of the maximum flow rate in the dam section is to be highlighted, since it results in significant variations of flow and respective depths along the valley and downstream of the structure. Different maximum flows were found in the dam section, which reflected in distinctions of up to 50%, in average, in the maximum depths and widths downstream. The new proposed methodology for defining dam break characteristics caused by dam rupture may contribute to preliminary studies, especially to entrepreneurs who own a significant number of dams. In these cases, the methodology may guide the priority to be given in detailed studies of dam break.

Konsekvenser av en avsänkning av Dragby kvarndamm i Björklingeån

Dahlstrand, Gustaf January 2021 (has links)
I Sverige finns i dagsläget närmare 10 000 dammar i våra vattendrag. Dammar som har varit en viktig del i den svenska historien men som nu utgör ett hot mot att uppsatta miljömål nås. Dammarna fragmenterar effektivt vattendragen då de utgör vandringshinder för fisk och andra vattenlevande organismer.  På senare tid har problemen som dessa dammar skapat blivit högre prioriterat av myndigheter och beslutsfattare. För att uppnå EU:s miljökvalitetsnormer krävs åtgärder vid i stort sett samtliga av Sveriges dammar. Vid vissa av dessa får naturen kompromissa och fiskvägar av olika slag tas i anspråk. Total utrivning av dammar är i Sverige fortfarande en ovanlig åtgärd men som börjar få spridning. Utrivning har visat sig vara det mest ekonomiska alternativet samtidigt som det bästa för miljön då det återställer inte bara konnektiviteten utan även vattendragets naturliga geomorfologiska processer och flödesdynamik.  I denna studie har konsekvenserna av en avsänkning av Dragby kvarndamm i Björklingeån undersökts. Studien har genomförts genom att sammanväga data från biotopkartering, elfiske samt en hydraulisk modellering i HEC-RAS. Den hydrauliska modelleringen visade hur flödesförhållanden och fallhöjd kommer fördela sig vid en potentiell avsänkning av Dragby kvarndamm. Tillsammans med övriga undersökningar kunde en sammanvävd bild av konsekvenserna av en avsänkning formas. Vid en avsänkning kommer vattenytan sänkas med 1-1,7 m och inga nya strömsträckor kommer att bildas. Trots detta tyder elfisket och biotopkarteringen på att en avsänkning kommer att gynna arter som till exempel lake. En avsänkning kan därav bidra till ökad ekologisk status i Björklingeån. / Sweden is a country revolved around different types of water. With a coastline stretching around a big part of the country. The Baltic Sea which is fed with so much fresh water that it classifies as a brackish sea. The fresh water from Sweden originates from almost 100 000 lakes and nearly 30 000 rivers and streams. However, these different waterways are heavily impacted by approximately 10 000 artificial dams. Dams that for example block fish from migrating to their spawning grounds.  In the last couple of years, the problems revolving around dams have been put higher up on the agenda of politicians and authorities. Significant efforts need to be made to be able to reach the goals of the European Water Framework Directive. Those efforts include building different kinds of fish passage solutions around dams, but also removing dams that no longer have a purpose. Dam removal is often the most cost-effective solution and at the same time the one with most ecological benefits.    In this study, the consequences of a removal of the Dragby mill dam have been investigated. The study have been done by collecting and combining data from habitat assessment, electrofishing and hydraulic modeling in HEC-RAS. The hydraulic modelling showed that the water level upstream of the dam will decrease with approximately 1-1.5 m if the dam is removed.  Simulated water velocities indicate that no rapids and stream habitat suitable for trout will immerse if the dam is to be removed. Nonetheless, the combined information suggests that a dam removal would most likely benefit other species such as the threatened burbot. Therefore, a removal of Dragby mill dam could result in a ecological boost for river Björklingeån.

Posouzení odtokových poměrů na toku ve správě Povodí Moravy, s.p. / Assessment of runoff conditions on flow in the Morava river basin

Holá, Lucie January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the design of nature close to the flood protection of the city Prostějov at the confluence of the watercourses Romže and Hloučely and the flow Valova (Romže). In canculations there was solved capacity of individual sections and canculation of levels for one-year, five-year and twenty-year flow. For canculations there was used one-dimensional mathematical model HEC-RAS 5.0.3. Determination of roughness of bottom and slopes was based on personal visit. The result of this diploma thesis is evaluation of current state and proposal of a nature close to the flood protection in the individual streams in the city Prostějov. The thesis contains the calculation part and the drawing part documenting the proposed measure.

Hydrodynamický model Svitavy a Svratky na území města Brna / Hydrodynamic model of the Svitava and Svratka rivers in Brno

Račoch, Tomáš January 2019 (has links)
The Master‘s thesis deals with the assessment of the current state of flood protection in the rivers and floodplains of Svitava (km 0.000 - 2,050) and Svratka (km 26,370 - 33,963) in Brno. Using a combined 1D and 2D numerical model of water flow, hydraulic calculations of the peak flows of Q5, Q20 and Q100 were performed. For calculation, HEC-RAS 5.0.6 was used. The outputs were processed in the form of flood hazard maps and drawing documentation.

Úprava toku – Luha v Jeseníku n/Odrou / River trainning - The Luha River in Jesenik upon Odra

Tkáč, Matěj January 2013 (has links)
The object of this Master`s thesis is the river training of the Luha river in Jeseník nad Odrou. The thesis is divided into several chapters. In the theoretical introduction, the problems of the sediment flow regime are discussed. Moreover, it deals with the questions associated with the roughness in open channels and adjustment of riparian zones. As a part of the overall proposal of the flow adjustment, the hydraulically most suitable cross section in cunette is proposed. It is done with respect to the desired velocity ratios in the profile. Since the new cunette shape was established, the adjustment of vertical alignment was proposed. The thesis also contains the capacity assessment of the existing channel. Design of adjustment of flood protection measures includes mainly spatial rearrangement and increase the crest of levees with respect to the local conditions. The thesis also suggests the placement of vegetation in the riparian zones. Furhermore, the work deals with problems arising from the flow adjustment considering applicable laws and regulations of the Czech Republic. In the case of project implementation, it is necessary to evaluate these problems independently.

Návrh rozdělovacího objektu na řece Romži / Proposal of the water divider on the river Romže

Blaha, Josef January 2016 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the design of the water divider near Prostějov on the Romže River. Divider flows will be transferred into the Hloučela River. Within the thesis, hydraulic calculations of the side spillway were solved according to Bürgel, Pavlosky, Engels, Musterle, Kunštátský, Hager and energy solution methods in the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet and by using the HEC-RAS program as well. The calculations were compared to each other. Geometry of the relief water divider on the Romže River and the related buildings was designed based on the performed calculations. The required function of the relief object is guaranteed by manipulation of designed sluice gate. The study includes the text part with the calculations and the drawing part documenting the implementation of the designed measures.

Optimization of Physical Properties for Ditches–Case Study: Kankberg, Maurliden and Renström-Petiknäs.

Ketema, Ghebriel Kidane January 2014 (has links)
It is important for practical and legal reasons that water and sediments in disturbed areas around the mining operation should be controlled. The construction of a well-designed drainage system that controls erosion and thus restores the proper hydraulic function of the surface is one of the most important post-disturbance features which should be done as part of the mining activities. However, even with the best planning and design, unless proper construction practices are adapted; both the disturbed and reclaimed areas are very much likely to be susceptible to erosion, sedimentation and stability problems. In order to tackle the problem, guidelines on how to design and construct the drainage system should be well prepared. The main objective of this study was to prepare guidelines for the proper design, construction and monitoring of the water drainage management system in the study areas (Kankberg, Maurliden and Renström-Petiknäs). This report has analysed the results from the outcome of HEC-RAS software for the case study of the new ditch around the Maurliden mine site and integrated with different guidelines. Based on the results of the HEC-RAS, the most common problems in the drainage system have been identified. Moreover the thesis project identified important physical parameters such as cross-sections and slopes of the representative ditch which affect the function of the ditch in the study areas. Hydraulic parameters such as velocity which is very important for designing the type of lining and also Froude number which is very important in identifying the type of flow whether it is super-critical, critical or sub-critical were identified. The latter helps to select the type of guideline to be used between steep slope and mild slope.

Identifikace retenčních objemů na území města Brna / Identification of retention volumes in Brno

Man, Radim Unknown Date (has links)
The aim of the diploma thesis is to assess whether it is possible to use a newly planned transverse structures as a polder dam in the area of interest and to connect other flood protection elements. Furthermore, to design and dimension inflow and outflow objects to reduce the flow in the Svratka river as effectively as possible during the culmination of the flood. The last part of the work is devoted to the evaluation of the economic efficiency of the implemented measures. Part of the work are hydrotechnical calculations of the inlet and outlet object, which are performed using the program HEC-RAS and technical drawings of buildings.

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