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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Role nových profibrotických molekul v patogenezi systémové sklerodermie. / The role of new profibrotic molecules in the pathogenesis of systemic sclerosis.

Šumová, Barbora January 2018 (has links)
Systemic sclerosis (SSc) is immune-mediated fibrotic disease of unknown aetiology. Among the dominant pathogenic manifestations of SSc belong vascular changes, production of autoantibodies, activation of innate and adaptive immune responses and fibrotic processes. Transforming growth factor beta (TGF-β) has been identified as a central profibrotic factor stimulating fibroblasts to produce collagen. There are, however, a number of other mediators involved in the pathogenesis of SSc. Mutual activation and amplification of these molecules and their cascades may be a central mechanism of the SSc pathogenesis. Hedgehog (Hh) canonical signalling pathway plays an important role in the development and progression of fibrotic diseases. Expression of Hh target genes can be regulated through a canonical or non-canonical signalling cascade. The non-canonical activation of GLI transcription factors by TGF-β has not yet been investigated in SSc. The substantial part of this thesis is focused on the study of the mutual interaction of TGF-β and Hh signalling pathway. In vitro analysis confirmed TGF- β/SMAD3 dependent activation of GLI2 in dermal fibroblasts. Fibroblasts specific knockout of GLI2 prevented the development of experimental fibrosis in vivo. Combined targeting of canonical and non-canonical Hh...

Vztah proteinu SIVA a signálních drah Hedgehog/GLI a mTOR ke vzniku a progresi nemalobuněčného karcinomu plic. / Relationship of protein SIVA and signaling pathways Hedgehog/GLI and mTOR to the origin and progression of non-small cell lung cancer.

Vachtenheim, Jiří January 2021 (has links)
Non-small cell lung cancer belongs to most frequent malignant tumours at all worldwide. Despite significant progress in knowledge about etiopathogenesis and targeted anticancer therapy, basic scientific research in this particular field and development of more effective treatment remains challenging. In case of its inadequate activation, the Hedgehog signaling pathway is involved in non-small cell cancer development. P53 is well known tumour suppressor gene, that serves as anticancer barrier. Its activity is mostly determined by the transcriptional activation of many pro-apoptotic genes, one of which is SIVA-1. Recently, it has been surprisingly shown, that SIVA-1 has also pro-oncogenic properties in a mouse model of non-small cell lung cancer. The aim of this study was to clarify the importance of Hedgehog signaling pathway and protein SIVA-1 and their potential relationship in development and progression of human non-small cell lung cancer. In selected cell lines of human non-small cell lung cancer, expression of each single component of Hedgehog signalign pathway was detected. In the tissue samples of tumour obtained from 39 patients that underwent surgery for non-small cell lung cancer and selected cell lines of the same tumour, expression of SIVA-1 protein was revealed. These findings indicate...

Caractérisation et fonction des vésicules extracellulaires sur le métabolisme adipocytaire : rôle du morphogène Sonic Hedgehog / Molecular characterization and functions of extracellular vesicles on adipocyte metabolism : a role for the morphogen Sonic Hedgehog

Fleury, Audrey 17 November 2015 (has links)
Les vésicules extracellulaires (VE), incluant exosomes et microparticules (MP), vecteurs d’information biologique, peuvent moduler la fonction de cellules cibles. Une élévation du taux de VE circulantes est observée dans les pathologies cardiovasculaires dont l’obésité est l’un des facteurs de risque majeur. Cependant, il existe peu de données concernant la production de VE adipocytaires et leur capacité à moduler le métabolisme des adipocytes. Tout d’abord, nous avons caractérisé de manière morphologique et biochimique les MP et les exosomes adipocytaires. Nous montrons une production accrue de ces VE dans un contexte d’obésité murine. L’analyse protéomique des VE adipocytaires révèle un enrichissement spécifique des MP et des exosomes en protéines clé du métabolisme énergétique et de l’inflammation, respectivement. Dans une seconde partie, nous avons étudié l’effet de MP lymphocytaires portant le morphogène Hedgehog (MPHh+) sur la différenciation adipocytaire. A l’instar d’une activation classique de la voie de signalisation Hh, les MPHh+ inhibent l’adipogenèse. Bien que dépendant du récepteur Smoothened (Smo), cet effet inhibiteur est indépendant des facteurs de transcription Gli. Nous montrons que les MPHh+ activent un axe anti-adipogénique Smo/Lkb1/Ampk pouvant être stimulé par un nouvel agoniste de Smo, le GSA-10. Nos résultats démontrent, d’une part, la capacité des adipocytes à sécréter des VE, et d’autre part, le potentiel fonctionnel des MPHh+ à inhiber l’adipogenèse par une voie de signalisation Hhnon-canonique. Les VE pourraient contribuer aux dysfonctions métaboliques associées à l’obésité en véhiculant des messages métaboliques à l’échelle de l’organisme. / Extracellular vesicles (EV), including microparticles (MP) and exosomes, are able to modulate target cell function through exchange or transfer of biological material. Although EV are present in the blood of healthy individuals, an elevated quantity of circulating EV is associated with cardiovascular diseases, which obesity is a major cardiovascular risk factor. Nevertheless, few studies have reported the ability of adipocytes to release EV and their implication in adipose tissue metabolism. First of all, we could determine morphological and biochemical features of adipocyte-derived exosomes and MP through a combination of methods. We were able to demonstrate an increase in adipocyte EV production in a murine model of obesity. Proteomic analysis of adipocyte EV further revealed a specific enrichment of proteins crucial for glucose and lipid metabolism and related to inflammation in MP and exosomes respectively. We then evaluated the ability of lymphocytes-derived MP harboring the Sonic Hedgehog morphogen to control adipocyte differentiation. Activation of the Hedgehog canonical pathway inhibited adipogenesis, as did MPHh+. Surprisingly, although Smo dependent, inhibitory potential of such MP did not involve the Gli transcription factors. We show that MPHh+ inhibit adipocyte differentiation through a Smo/Lkb1/Ampk axis as does a new agonist of Smo, GSA-10. Our results demonstrate, on one hand, the ability of adipocyte to release EV and on the other hand, the capacity of MPHh+ to control adipogenesis through a non-canonical Hh signaling pathway. In conclusion, EV might contribute to obesity related metabolic dysfunctions through systemic regulation of metabolic pathways.

Transkriptionelle Interaktionen morphogener Signalwege in der adulten Leber und im Hepatozellulären Karzinom

Aleithe, Susanne 09 June 2015 (has links)
Die evolutionär konservierten morphogenen Signalwege Wnt/β-Catenin und Hedgehog (Hh) spielen vor allem in der Embryogenese, Zelldifferenzierung und Kanzerogenese eine große Rolle. Es ist bekannt, dass es zwischen Komponenten der beiden Signalkaskaden zu verschiedensten Wechselwirkungen und Hintergrundreaktionen in unterschiedlichsten Organismen und Geweben kommt. Ziel dieser Arbeit war die Aufklärung einzelner mole- kularer, transkriptioneller Prozesse hinter diesen Kreuzreaktionen in primären Hepatozyten und dem Hepatozellulären Karzinom. Dafür sind die beiden Signalwege durch verschiedenste Einflüsse, wie dem Einsatz von siRNAs, transgenen Mausmodellen und rekombinanten Proteinen gegen einzelne Faktoren der Hedgehog, aber auch der Wnt/β-Catenin Kaskade in ihrer Genexpression verändert und die Reaktionen der Signalwegskomponenten mittels der quantitativen Real-Time-PCR untersucht worden. Neben dem Organismus Maus haben einzelne vergleichende Experimente auch auf der humanen Ebene zum Erkenntnisgewinn beigetragen. Durch die Einflussnahme auf den Hedgehog Signalweg in murinen Hepatozyten wird deutlich, dass die Antworten auf die einzelnen Veränderungen in den Signalkaskaden sehr vielschichtig und umfangreich sind. Abhängig vom induzierten bzw. reprimierten Gen, aber auch vom gelenkten Signalweg variieren die Genexpressionen auf unterschiedlichste, und zum Teil gegenläufige Weise. Ferner wird deutlich, dass es zu Unterschieden in der Genantwort bezüglich der verschiedenen Organismen Maus und Mensch, aber auch zu Variationen der Interaktionen in den diversen Gewebe bzw. Zelltypen kommt.

Hinweise auf Reduktion von Steatosis hepatis durch Metformin in vitro

Schramm, Stefanie 12 December 2012 (has links)
Die Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit dem Problem der Fettlebererkrankung. In der Einleitung wird auf die aktuelle Relevanz der Gesundheitsstörung und Therapiemöglichkeiten eingegangen, insbesondere durch das, in der Therapie des Diabetes mellitus Typ 2 gebräuchliche Biguanid Metformin. Der Bezug zu molekularbiologischen Signalwegen wird hergestellt und verschiedene in vitro Modellsysteme werden vorgestellt. Anschließend wird auf die Herkunft und genetische Besonderheiten der verwendeten primären Maushepatozyten und Hepatomzellen eingegangen, bevor die angewandten Methoden vorgestellt werden. Zum Einsatz kam in dieser Arbeit vor allem die Lipidmessung mittels Fettrot, um das Ausmaß an Steatosis quantifizierbar zu machen. Im Ergebnisteil folgen zuerst Versuche zur Zytotoxizität der einzelnen Chemikalien und deren Einfluss auf intrazelluläre Energieniveaus, bevor der Einfluss auf die hepatozellulären Fetteinlagerungen im Detail untersucht wird. Unterstützt werden die Ergebnisse durch mikroskopische Bilder der Hepatozyten, welche die beschriebenen Effekte verdeutlichen. Insgesamt konnten folgende Thesen aufgestellt werden: • Zwischen primären Hepatozyten von Wildtyp- und Knockout-Mäusen, bestehen nach 24 stündiger Kultivierung Unterschiede bezüglich des intrazellulären Lipidgehaltes, welche sich nach 72 stündiger Kultivierungszeit nivellieren. • Metformin- und Fructoseinkubation senken den intrazellulären ATP-Gehalt, gleichzeitige Anwesenheit von Metformin und Glucose vermindern den Effekt. • Durch 72-stündige Inkubation der primären Hepatozyten und Behandlung mit Metformin konnte der intrazelluläre Lipidgehalt um circa 40% gesenkt werden. • Durch 72-stündige Inkubation der primären Hepatozyten mit Glucose konnte der intrazelluläre Lipidgehalt um circa 100% gesteigert werden. • Bei humanen Hepatomzellen (HuH7) konnte kein Metformin- und kein Glucoseeffekt beobachtet werden. • Der LXR-Agonist TO901317 wirkt auf den intrazellulären Lipidgehalt Metformin entgegen.

Etude d’une enzyme de déubiquitination comme cible thérapeutique dans le Médulloblastome avec une activation de la voie Sonic Hedgehog / A Deubiquitinating Enzyme as a Therapeutic Target in Sonic Hedgehog Medulloblastoma

Cigna, Sara Maria 14 September 2016 (has links)
Le médulloblastome (MB) représente la tumeur maligne la plus fréquente du système nerveux chez l'enfant. Dans le laboratoire nous nous intéressons au sous-groupe avec une activation de la voie Sonic Hedgehog (SHH). Dans ce sous-groupe, l’induction de la dégradation du facteur de transcription Atoh1 par le protéasome empêche la prolifération des cellules de médulloblastome in vivo, ce qui fait d’Atoh1 une cible thérapeutique potentielle dans le cadre du MB SHH. Dans ce contexte, en utilisant une approche de purification d’Atoh1 suivie d’analyse des complexes protéiques par MudPit (Multidimensional Protein identification technology), nous avons découvert un nouveau partenaire d’Atoh1, une enzyme faisant partie du système ubiquitine-protéasome (UPS). Il s’agit d’une déubiquitinylase capable de cliver les chaines d’ubiquitine attachées sur ses substrats et ainsi d’inhiber la dégradation induite via le protéasome. Au cours de ma thèse j’ai tout d’abord confirmé l’interaction physique et fonctionnelle entre Atoh1 et l’enzyme identifié par MudPit. De plus, dans le but d’approfondir le rôle de cet enzyme dans la maintenance tumorale, nous avons validé que son inactivation in vivo permet (i) d’induire la dégradation d’Atoh1 et (ii) de bloquer la croissance des tumeurs. Parallèlement, nos résultats montrent que son inhibition pharmacologique déclenche la dégradation d’Atoh1, suivie d’un arrêt de la prolifération des cellules cancéreuses in vitro, et la regression tumorale in vivo.En conclusion, l’ensemble de ce travail a permis d’identifier un nouveau mécanisme moléculaire qui pourrait permettre de manipuler l’expression d’Atoh1 dans un but thérapeutique dans le cadre du MB SHH. / Medulloblastoma (MB) is the most common malignant tumor of the nervous system in children. Among the four molecular subgroups of MB, we focus on the one characterized by the activation of the Sonic Hedgehog pathway (SHH). In this subgroup, the degradation of the transcription factor Atoh1 through the proteasome prevents proliferation of medulloblastoma cells in vivo, which makes Atoh1 a potential therapeutic target in the SHH MB subgroup. In this context, using an Atoh1 purification approach followed by Mudpit (Multidimensional Protein Identification Technology) analysis, we discovered a new Atoh1 partner belonging to the ubiquitin-proteasome system (UPS). This protein is a deubiquitinating enzyme (DUB) that cleaves the polyubiquitin chains from its substrates and thus inhibits their degradation via the proteasome.During my PhD, I first confirmed the physical and functional interaction between Atoh1 and the DUB enzyme. In addition, in order to investigate its role in SHH MB, we validated that its knockdown induces Atoh1 degradation and tumor growth arrest in vivo. In parallel, our results show that its pharmacological inhibition triggers Atoh1 degradation in vitro, followed by an inhibition of MB proliferation, and regulates negatively tumor progression in vivo.Altogether, this present work allowed the identification of a new molecular mechanism that defines the transcription factor Atoh1 as new therapeutic strategy to treat SHH MB patients.

The importance of the Hedgehog signaling pathway at the level of the blood-brain barrier

Dodelet-Devillers, Aurore 09 1900 (has links)
La barrière hémato-encéphalique (BHE) protège le système nerveux central (SNC) en contrôlant le passage des substances sanguines et des cellules immunitaires. La BHE est formée de cellules endothéliales liées ensemble par des jonctions serrées et ses fonctions sont maintenues par des astrocytes, celles ci sécrétant un nombre de facteurs essentiels. Une analyse protéomique de radeaux lipidiques de cellules endothéliales de la BHE humaine a identifié la présence de la voie de signalisation Hedgehog (Hh), une voie souvent liées à des processus de développement embryologique ainsi qu’au niveau des tissus adultes. Suite à nos expériences, j’ai déterminé que les astrocytes produisent et secrètent le ligand Sonic Hh (Shh) et que les cellules endothéliales humaines en cultures primaires expriment le récepteur Patched (Ptch)-1, le co-récepteur Smoothened (Smo) et le facteur de transcription Gli-1. De plus, l’activation de la voie Hh augmente l’étanchéité des cellules endothéliales de la BHE in vitro. Le blocage de l’activation de la voie Hh en utilisant l’antagoniste cyclopamine ainsi qu’en utilisant des souris Shh déficientes (-/-) diminue l’expression des protéines de jonctions serrées, claudin-5, occcludin, et ZO-1. La voie de signalisation s’est aussi montrée comme étant immunomodulatoire, puisque l’activation de la voie dans les cellules endothéliales de la BHE diminue l’expression de surface des molécules d’adhésion ICAM-1 et VCAM-1, ainsi que la sécrétion des chimiokines pro-inflammatoires IL-8/CXCL8 et MCP-1/CCL2, créant une diminution de la migration des lymphocytes CD4+ à travers une monocouche de cellules endothéliales de la BHE. Des traitements avec des cytokines pro-inflammatoires TNF-α and IFN-γ in vitro, augmente la production de Shh par les astrocytes ainsi que l’expression de surface de Ptch-1 et de Smo. Dans des lésions actives de la sclérose en plaques (SEP), où la BHE est plus perméable, les astrocytes hypertrophiques augmentent leur expression de Shh. Par contre, les cellules endothéliales de la BHE n’augmentent pas leur expression de Ptch-1 ou Smo, suggérant une dysfonction dans la voie de signalisation Hh. Ces résultats montrent que la voie de signalisation Hh promeut les propriétés de la BHE, et qu’un environnement d’inflammation pourrait potentiellement dérégler la BHE en affectant la voie de signalisation Hh des cellules endothéliales. / The blood-brain barrier (BBB), composed of tightly bound endothelial cells (ECs), regulates the entry of blood-borne molecules and immune cells into the CNS. Recent studies indicate that the Hedgehog (Hh) signaling pathway in adult tissues plays an important role in vascular proliferation, differentiation and tissue repair. Using a lipid membrane raft-based proteomic approach, I have identified the Hedgehog (Hh) pathway as a signaling cascade involved in preserving and upkeeping BBB functions. My study shows that human astrocytes express and secrete Sonic Hh (Shh) and conversely, that human BBB-ECs bear the Hh receptor Patched-1 (Ptch-1), the signal transducer Smoothened (Smo) as well as transcription factors of the Gli family. Furthermore, activation of the Hh pathway in BBB-ECs restricts the passage of soluble tracers in vitro. By blocking the Hh signaling in vitro and by using Shh knock-out (-/-) embryonic mice, I demonstrate a reduced expression of TJ molecules claudin-5, occludin and ZO-1. Hh activation also decreases the surface expression of cell adhesion molecules ICAM-1 and VCAM-1, and decreases BBB-ECs secretion of pro-inflammatory chemokines IL-8/CXCL8 and monocytes chemoattractant protein 1 MCP-1/CCL2, resulting in a reduction of migrating CD4+ lymphocytes across human BBB-EC monolayers. In vitro treatment with inflammatory cytokines TNF-α and IFN-γ, upregulates the production of astrocytic Shh and the BBB-EC surface expression of Ptch-1 and Smo. In active Multiple Sclerosis (MS) lesions, in which the BBB is disrupted, Shh expression is drastically upregulated in hypertrophic astrocytes, while Ptch-1 and Smo expression is down-regulated or left unchanged, suggesting that a deregulation in the Hh signaling pathway may prevent the barrier stabilizing properties of Hh. Our data demonstrate an anti-inflammatory and BBB-promoting effect of astrocyte-secreted Hh and suggest that a pro-inflammatory environment disrupt the BBB by impacting, at least in part, on Hh signaling in brain ECs.

Étude de la régulation transcriptionnelle du gène Indian Hedgehog et de son rôle dans l'ostéoarthrose

Bernard, Lauriane 02 1900 (has links)
L’Ostéoarthrose (OA) est une maladie articulaire entrainant une dégénérescence du cartilage et une ossification de l’os sous-chondral. Elle touche un Canadien sur 10 et pourtant l’origine de cette pathologie est encore inconnue. Dans le cadre de ce projet, la contribution de deux facteurs de transcription, NFAT1 et PITX1, dans la régulation transcriptionnelle du promoteur d’IHH a été examiné compte tenu de l’implication potentielle de la voie hedgehog (Hh) et de ces facteurs dans la pathogenèse de l’OA. La voie de signalisation Hh régule la croissance et la différenciation des chondrocytes. Indian hedgehog (IHH), l’un des trois membres de la famille Hh, contrôle leur prolifération et leur différenciation. / Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common joint disorder and is characterized by cartilage degradation and endochondral ossification. One in every ten Canadians is affected, yet its aetiopathogenesis remains unknown. In this present study, two new regulators of the IHH promoter, NFAT1 and PITX1, were studied. The downregulation of IHH expression by these factors could contribute to the OA pathogenesis. The Hedgehog (Hh) signaling pathway regulates chondrocyte growth and differentiation in the growth plate. Indian hedgehog (IHH), one of its members, stimulates chondrocyte proliferation and osteoblast differentiation. IHH is essential in skeletogenesis, osteoblastogenesis and cartilage growth.

Molecular mechanisms of the anti-cancer action of schweinfurthins

Zheng, Chaoqun 01 May 2015 (has links)
Schweinfurthins are a family of natural products with significant anti-cancer activities. They were originally identified in the National Cancer Institute (NCI) human 60 cancer cell line screening. The growth inhibition profile of schweinfurthins is distinct from other clinically used anti-cancer agents, indicating that they have a novel mechanism of action or have a previously unrecognized protein target. Previous studies showed that schweinfurthins affect multiple cellular processes in cancer cells. For example, schweinfurthins can alter cytoskeleton organization, induce ER stress and apoptosis, and inhibit the mevalonate pathway. The mevalonate pathway is responsible for the production of isoprenoids and cholesterol, which have been shown to play regulatory roles in the Hedgehog (Hh) signaling pathway. In this study, we found that the Hh signaling pathway in NIH-3T3 and SF-295 cells was inhibited by schweinfurthins. The supplementation of mevalonate and cholesterol partially restored Hh signaling, indicating that schweinfurthins inhibit Hh signaling partially by down-regulating the products from the mevalonate pathway. Interestingly, schweinfurthins in combination with cyclopamine, an inhibitor of the Hh singaling pathway, synergistically decreased cell viability. In order to better understand the underlying mechanism of the anti-cancer action of schweinfurthins, we attempted to identify the protein target of schweifnurthins. Affinity chromatography was performed to pull down the protein target. We found that schweinfurhtins bound to the M2 isoform of pyruvate kinase (PKM2) and inhibit its pyruvate kinase activity. Knockdown of PKM2 by siRNA increased the sensitivity of SF-295 cells to schweinfurthins. The inhibition of PKM2 by schweinfurthins led to a reduction in the rate of glycolysis in cancer cells. Fructose 1,6-bisphosphate (FBP), an activator of PKM2, could alleviate schweinfurthin-mediated inhibition on PKM2 and glycolysis. Notably, FBP could also partially reverse the reduction of cell viability in the presence of schweinfurthins. Taken together, these studies revealed the mechanism by which schweinfurthins inhibit Hh signaling. In addition, we uncovered PKM2 as a schwienfurthin target and highlighted the importance of glycolysis suppression as a mechanism of the anti-cancer action of schweinfurthins.

Structural maintenance and chemosensory function of human airway motile cilia.

Shah, Alok Shirish 01 May 2009 (has links)
Cilia are finger-like projections that extend from the surface of most cells. These microtubule-based structures serve important mechanical or sensory functions. Motile cilia have been implicated in fluid movement whereas the non-motile primary cilia have been shown to play a role in sensory signal transduction. There exists a dichotomy in the field that primary cilia have only sensory function and motile cilia only have mechanical function. The central question of this thesis project is "what are the structural and functional components of airway motile cilia and are these cilia sensory?" In Chapter 2, the role of Bardet-Biedl Syndrome (BBS) proteins in maintaining the structure and function of airway motile cilia is examined. We found that BBS proteins localize to the cilium and to ciliary-related structures in human airway epithelia. Using mutant mice we found that BBS proteins play an essential role in motile cilia structure and the loss of BBS proteins results in reduced ciliary beat. These proteins have previously been shown to play a role in primary cilia structure and function, and our studies indicate a novel function for BBS proteins. Chapter 3 examines the sensory role of motile cilia. Our data show that bitter taste receptors and components of the bitter taste signal transduction pathway localize to the motile cilia or to the ciliated cells. Ciliated cells also show an increase in intracellular calcium in response to bitter compounds, accompanied by a corresponding increase in cilia beat. The increase in intracellular calcium originates at the ciliated cells and is propagated to adjacent cells. Chapter 4 delves into the possibility that every motile ciliated cell also contains a single, primary cilium. Using immunostaining and Smoothened as a marker for primary cilia, we found that every group of motile cilia contains a single Smoothened-positive cilium. Furthermore, downstream components of the Sonic Hedgehog pathway are also present in ciliated cells. Chapter 6 is a summary chapter including possible explanations for observed outcomes and plans for future experiments. Our results indicate that the divide between primary and motile cilia may not be as great as has been previously thought.

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