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Assessing neuronal ciliary localization of Melanin Concentrating Hormone Receptor 1 in vivoKamba, Tisianna K. 08 1900 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Obesity is a growing pandemic that claims close to three hundred thousand lives per year in the United States alone. Despite strong interest and investment in potential treatments, obesity remains a complex and challenging disorder. In the study of obesity, mouse models have been excellent tools that help in understanding the function of different genes that contribute to this disease of energy homeostasis. However, it was surprising when disfunction in primary cilia was found to be linked to syndromic obesity. To understand the role of primary cilia in obesity, a growing subset of GPCRs have been identified to selectively localize to the organelle. Several of which have known roles in energy homeostasis. In some examples, ciliary GPCRs appear to dynamically localize to the organelle; such is the case of GPR161 and smoothened in the hedgehog signaling pathway. Thus, we were interested to see if other GPCRs dynamically localize to the primary cilia as part of their regulation of energy homeostasis. For example, the GPCR MCHR1 selectively localizes to the cilia and is involved in energy homeostasis. Although much is known about the expression of the receptor in the brain, how its ciliary subcellular localization impacts its roles in energy homeostasis is unknown. Observing neuronal cilia in vivo remains a difficult task as some of the available tools such as tagged alleles rely on overexpression of ciliary protein which may impact function. Additionally, most of the work is done in vitro, leaving much to be discovered about neuronal cilia in vivo. In this thesis, we show that using a newly constructed reporter allele mCherryMCHR1, we can see ciliary expression of MCHR1 in the brain of developing and adult mice; more specifically in the ARC and PVN. Subsequently, using a novel Artificial intelligence analysis approach, we measured the length and composition of MCHR1 positive cilia under physiological conditions associated with MCHR1 function. Although in this work we are reporting no changes in dynamic localization of MCHR1 in the hypothalamus specifically, we are not excluding the potential for changes in other regions of the brain or under other conditions; and we are suggesting that pharmacological approaches may help highlight potential ciliary GPCR dynamic localization.
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CNS and peripheral mechanisms by which voluntary running wheel exercise affects adiposity and glucose metabolismKrawczewski Carhuatanta, Kimberly A. January 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Vliv diabetes mellitus 2. typu na myší reprodukční parametry / Effect of Type 2 diabetes on the mouse reproductive parametresStiborová, Martina January 2019 (has links)
Infertility is defined as an inability to conceive a child within one year of regular sexual intercourse. It affects up to 15 % of couples worldwide (WHO, 2010). The male factor contributes to the total infertility with more than 50 %. Fertility of a man is influenced by several factors such as genetic background, environment and various diseases such as diabetes mellitus (DM). Diabetes mellitus is a serious health problem that affects 451 million people worldwide (18-99 years) and the number of people with this disease still increases (Cho a spol., 2018). In addition, parenthood is postponed to middle age when the fertility decreases and metabolic diseases such as type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM2) appear. The aim of this thesis was to investigate the effect of type 2 diabetes on reproductive parameters of mouse inbred line C57BL/6J compared to the control group and the possible effect of paternal diabetes on the first filial generation. In the evaluation of the effect of DM2 on reproductive parameters, we used innovative methods to study internal state of sperm and testes. Results of our work showed that DM2 influenced the weight of body, prostate and liver. The weight of testes, epididymis and liver was reduced in the offspring. Furthermore, sperm morphology and intraacrosomal protein status were...
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Effet anti-inflammatoire et anti obésité des extraits polyphénoliques de feuilles de caroube "Ceratonia siliqua" et cladode de figuier de barbarie "Opuntia ficus-indica" / Effect anti inflammatory and anti obesity of the polyphenolic extracts of carob leaves "Ceratonia siliqua" and cladode "Opuntia ficus-indica"Aboura, Ikram 11 July 2018 (has links)
Dans la présente étude, nous avons étudié les effets des infusions de feuilles de caroube et de cladodes OFI riches en polyphénols sur l'inflammation associée à l'obésité et la colite ulcéreuse induite par le dextran de sulfate de sodium (DSS) chez les souris suisse.Des études in vitro ont révélé que les extraits aqueux de feuilles de caroube et de cladodes OFI présentaient des propriétés anti-inflammatoires marquées par l'inhibition de la production d'IL-6, de TNF-α et d'oxyde nitrique (NO) dans les cellules RAW 264.7 stimulées par des lipopolysaccharides (LPS). Inhibition de la translocation du noyau NF-κβ.Pour des investigations in vivo, des souris mâles suisses ont été soumises à un régime contrôle (ND) ou à un régime riche en graisses (HFD). A la 4ème semaine après le début de l'étude, les animaux ont reçu ou non 1% d'infusion de feuilles de caroube ou d'OFI-cladode pendant 6 semaines et ont été soumis à une administration de DSS à 2% dans l'eau potable au cours des 7 derniers jours. Après sacrifice, les niveaux de cytokines pro-inflammatoires dans le plasma et l'expression de leur ARNm dans différents organes ont été déterminés. Les résultats ont montré que les infusions de feuille de caroube et de OFI-cladode réduisaient la sévérité de l'inflammation associée à l'obésité induite par HFD et la colite aiguë induite par le DSS indiquée par une diminution de l'expression des cytokines pro-inflammatoires (comme TNF-α, IL1b et IL-6) tissu adipeux et rate. En outre, les taux plasmatiques d'IL-6 et de TNF-α ont également été réduits en réponse au traitement par les infusions. Ainsi, les infusions de feuilles de caroube et d'OFI-cladode ont empêché la perméabilité intestinale grâce à la restauration des protéines de jonctions serrées (Zo1, occludines) et à l'homéostasie immunitaire. Ainsi, l'effet anti-inflammatoire des feuilles de caroube et des cladodes OFI pourrait être attribué à leurs polyphénols qui pourraient atténuer la gravité de l'inflammation associée à l'obésité et à la colite. / In the present study, we have investigated the effects of polyphenol-rich infusions from carob leaves and OFI-cladodes on inflammation associated with obesity and dextran sulfate sodium (DSS)-induced ulcerative colitis in Swiss mice. In vitro studies revealed that aqueous extracts of carob leaves and OFI-cladodes exhibited anti-inflammatory properties marked by the inhibition of , TNF-α and nitric oxide (NO) production in lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-stimulated RAW 264.7 cells concomitant with NF-κβ nucleus translocation inhibition. For in vivo investigations, Swiss male mice were subjected to control or high fat diet (HFD). At the 4th week after the start of study, animals received or not 1% infusion of either carob leaves or OFI-cladode for 6 weeks and were subjected to 2% DSS administration in drinking water over last 7 days. After sacrifice, pro-inflammatory cytokines levels in plasma and their mRNA expression in different organs were determined. Results showed that carob leaf and OFI-cladode infusions reduced inflammation severity associated with HFD-induced obesity and DSS-induced acute colitis indicated by decrease in pro-inflammatory cytokines expression (as such TNF-α, IL1b and IL-6) in colon, adipose tissue and spleen. In addition, plasma levels of IL-6 and TNF-α were also curtailed in response to infusions treatment. Thus, carob leaf and OFI-cladode infusions prevented intestinal permeability through the restoration of tight junction proteins (Zo1, occludins) and immune homeostasis. Hence, the anti-inflammatory effect of carob leaves and OFI-cladodes could be attributed to their polyphenols which might alleviate inflammation severity associated with obesity and colitis.
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Att styra eller inte styra leverantörers anbudspriser : en analys av hur upphandlande myndigheter får styra leverantörers anbudspriser och om styrning av anbudspriser bör tillåtas / To control or not control suppliers' tender prices : an analysis of how contracting authorities may control suppliers' tender prices and whether control of tender prices should be allowedJohansson, Hilda January 2021 (has links)
Offentlig upphandling har stor betydelse i Sverige och inom området är det viktigt med priskonkurrens både för upphandlande myndigheter och leverantörer. Priskonkurrens medför att myndigheter sparar skattemedel och leverantörer ges möjlighet att konkurrera om kontrakt. Det är även viktigt att motverka osunda anbud i upphandlingar eftersom myndigheters trovärdighet och konkurrensen i branscher kan skadas om upphandlande myndigheter tilldelar kontrakt till leverantörer som lämnat osunda anbud. Sådana anbud kan exempelvis vara anbud från leverantörer som inte följer lagstiftning. Osunda anbud har försökts stävjas genom att upphandlande myndigheter styr leverantörers anbudspriser, vilket dock kan försämra priskonkurrensen mellan leverantörer. Syftet med uppsatsen är att fastställa hur myndigheter får styra leverantörers anbudspriser med golvpriser, takpriser och fasta priser. Därtill syftar uppsatsen till att fastställa om myndigheter bör tillåtas att styra anbudspriser för att motverka osunda anbud. I uppsatsen framkommer att det inte går att ange exakt hur anbudspriser får styras även fast det kommit två domar från Högsta förvaltningsdomstolen avseende golvpriser och takpriser. Golvpriser med en bestämd nedre gräns torde dock alltid vara otillåtna. Takpriser med en bestämd övre gräns synes ofta vara tillåtna, men inte alltid. Huruvida golvpriser och takpriser som har en relativ utformning, innebärande att kraven avser förhållandet mellan olika poster i samma anbud, är tillåtna beror på hur kraven och upphandlingarna utformas. Det som är av avgörande betydelse vid bedömningen av om golvpriser och takpriser är tillåtna är huruvida kraven åsidosätter likabehandlingsprincipen genom att hindra priskonkurrensen mellan leverantörer. Vad som nu anförts gäller både när golvpriser och takpriser används som obligatoriska krav och när de används i utvärderingsmodeller. Golvpriser som endast uppställs som en rekommendation har en annan karaktär och synes generellt sett vara tillåtet, men i vissa fall kan användandet av en sådan rekommendation strida mot de allmänna principerna. Att använda fasta priser och låta leverantörer endast konkurrera om kvalitet tillåts när det finns nationella bestämmelser om fastställande av priser. Huruvida fasta priser får användas i andra fall är dock inte helt klart, men troligtvis får inte fasta priser användas om inte nationella bestämmelser finns. Det finns skäl som talar både för och emot att myndigheter bör tillåtas att styra anbudspriser. Att inte tillåta styrning av anbudspriser synes dock utifrån ett rättsekonomiskt perspektiv medföra lägst kostnader, vilket kan tala för att myndigheter inte bör få styra anbudspriser. Med beaktande av att flera sätt att styra anbudspriser på är otillåtet och att tillåtligheten i hög grad avgörs i det enskilda fallet bör upphandlande myndigheter vara återhållsamma med att styra leverantörers anbudspriser.
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Omfattningen av begreppet delägare i handelsbolag i 22:3 och 23:5 IL : En kritisk granskning av HFD 2015 ref. 30Lystedt Edin, Josephine January 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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Jaterní steatóza a mitochondriální dysfunkce / Steatosis of liver and mitochondrial dysfunctionPáleníčková, Eliška January 2010 (has links)
Aim: To determine the effect of diet-induced steatosis in the development of mitochondrial dysfunction in the liver and hepatic sensitivity to the partial ischemia. Methods: Male Wistar rats (361 ± 8.8 g) were fed standard (SD) or high-fat diet (HFD). Partial ischemia was induced by short-term clamp (20 min) of vein porta two days before the end of the experiment. Results: Ten-week HFD administration lead due to increased ketogenesis the altered glucose tolerance elevated serum NEFA. We demonstrated the inhibitory effect of HFD on the respiratory capacity of mitochondria in vitro. HFD negatively affected the activity of antioxidant systems and stimulated the formation of lipoperoxides. Partial ischemia had no efect on the mitochondrial oxidative capacity but significantly elevated the oxidative stress. Conclusion: HFD administration lead to the development of fatty liver that was still not accompanied by biochemical markers of liver injury. Nevertheless, we proved the impairment of to mitochondrial respiratory capacity, signs of structural damage of mitochondria and the increased sensitivity to oxidative damage of the liver. Subject words: biochemistry, physiology Keywords: mitochondria, HFD, ischemia, respiratory chain, antioxidant systém, ROS
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Adaptive changes of human islets to an obesogenic environment in the mouse / Adaptation des ilots humains à l’environnement de l’obésitéGargani, Sofia 17 September 2013 (has links)
Dans les conditions normales, les organismes maintiennent une masse cellulaire endocrine stable tout au long de leur vie. En cas d’obésité, la masse de cellules b pancréatiques est capable de maintenir des taux de glucose plasmatique en augmentant la sécrétion en insuline. L’incapacité de ces cellules à fournir de l’insuline entraîne alors l’apparition d’une hyperglycémie et d’un diabète de type II. Cliniquement, la majorité des individus obèses ne développent pas de diabète car les îlots pallient à cette résistance à l’insuline. La preuve de l’adaptation de la masse d’îlots humains à l’obésité, in vivo, n’a pas été clairement décrite et, de plus, peu d’informations existent sur les mécanismes et les types cellulaires impliqués. Actuellement, la mise en évidence de l’augmentation de la masse des cellules b chez les humains obèses repose uniquement sur des études histologiques.But : Au cours de cette thèse, nous avons cherché, dans un premier temps (partie 1), à évaluer la morphologie des îlots pancréatiques et la distribution des cellules a et b chez des donneurs en état de mort cérébrale normaux, en surpoids et obèses. Dans un second temps (partie 2), nous avons étudié l’adaptation au cours du temps des îlots humains à un environnement obésogène. Nous avons montré ainsi que les îlots humains non diabétiques s’adaptent in vivo à l’obésité en modifiant la masse de cellules b, leur fonction et leur expression génique. En suite (partie 3), on a identifié le mécanisme de transdifférenciation des cellules alpha et beta en utilisant la méthode de lineage tracing. Finalement (partie 4), on a déterminé la différence sur l’expression de gène des ilots humains greffé chez les souris sous régime control ou régime riche en graisse en utilisant les puces d’ARN (Illumina).Methodes et Resultats: Des coupes de pancréas humains inclues en paraffines ont été analysées. Les donneurs obèses étaient caractérisés par une augmentation de la masse endocrine totale, de la taille des îlots, de la graisse intra-pancréatique et du ratio b:a dans les îlots, mais avec une diminution du ratio a:b dans les îlots. Au cours de l’étude longitudinale, des souris Rag2-/- non diabétiques ont été greffées sous la capsule rénale avec des îlots humains issus de donneurs en état de mort cérébrale (donneurs non diabétiques ou donneurs avec un dysfonctionnement métabolique déclaré). Les animaux ont été nourris pendant 2 semaines avec soit un régime contrôle soit un régime riche en graisse (high fat diet HFD). Un suivi du poids, du taux des triglycérides, de la glycémie et du C-peptide a été mis en place. Après sacrifice des souris, les greffons et les pancréas endogènes ont été analysés pour le volume endocrine, la distribution des cellules b et a et les mécanismes de régénération des cellules pancréatiques. Après 12 semaines sous régime gras, les souris montraient toutes les caractéristiques typiques de l’obésité, à savoir, une augmentation du poids, un doublement de la graisse abdominale, des triglycérides, de la glycémie et une sensibilité à l’insuline réduite. De plus, l’apparition sur ces animaux d’un doublement rapide de la quantité de C-peptide humain dans le sérum murin nous indique la mise en place d’une compensation fonctionnelle. Une analyse histologique des greffons a permis de mettre en évidence une adaptation de la masse endocrine des îlots avec une augmentation des cellules b. D’autres analyses ont identifié la prolifération et la néogénèse comme les mécanismes responsables de ce doublement de la masse endocrine humaine.Discussion: Ce nouveau modèle animal permet d’étudier, in vivo sur une longue période, l’adaptation des îlots humains à un environnement obésogène murin. Il peut être utilisé comme un outil dans le décryptage des voies de signalisation impliquées dans l’expansion des cellules b humaines et permettre également l’identification des facteurs prédisposant ces cellules à subir une décompensation. / Under normal healthy conditions, organisms maintain a dynamic endocrinecell mass throughout life. Pancreatic beta cell mass are able to maintain plasma glucose levels increasing insulin secretion in conditions as obesity.Beta cell inability to compensate in insulin demand provokes hyperglycemia and Type 2 Diabetes. Clinically, most obese individuals do not develop diabetes because islets compensate for insulin resistance. Direct evidence that human islet mass adapts longitudinally to obesity in vivo was lacking and, moreover, little information was available on the mechanismsand cell type(s) involved.Current evidence for increased beta cell mass in obese humans (vs lean) is based entirely on postmortem histology.Aim: In this thesis, firstly (Part 1) we performed a descriptive cross sectional study by evaluating the pancreatic islet morphology and alpha and beta cell distribution from our archived human pancreatic sections of obese and normal subjects. Secondly, (Part 2) we explored the longitudinal adaptation of human islets to an obesogenic environment and showed direct evidence that non-diabetic human islets adapt bothendocrine and beta cell mass, function and gene expression to obesity in vivo. Thirdly (Part 3) we performed lineage tracing to determine which cell type alpha or beta give rise to the increase islet mass in obesity. Finally (Part 4) in this diet induced obesity model we developed, we looked at the differential gene expression with Illumina gene chips in a kinetic study on human islets which were laser capture microdissected at 6, 8 and 10 weeks on control or high fat diet.Methods: Archived human pancreatic sections were immunostained for endocrine, beta, alpha, fat. In the obese/immunodeficient mouse model, non-diabetic Rag2–/– mice were transplanted under kidney capsule with human islets from human brain-deceased donors (non-diabetics donors and donors with overt metabolic dysfunction). Animals were fed for 12 weeks with a control or high-fat diet (HFD), and followed for weight, serum triacylglycerol, fasting blood glucose and human C-peptide. After the mice were killed, human grafts and the endogenous pancreas were analyzed for endocrine volume, distribution of beta and alpha cells, and mechanisms of regeneration.Results: The cross-sectional study, performed on archived human paraffin embedded sections of normal weight, overweight, or obese subjects showed that obese donors were characterized by an increased total endocrine mass, bigger individual islet size, increased intrapancreatic fat, increased β to  cell ratio and decreased :β cell ratio in islets. In the longitudinal study, concomitant with the increased weight gain, doubling of abdominal fat, increased serum triacylglycerol and reduced insulin sensitivity in 12 week HFD animals we reported that human islet grafts showed functional compensation, measured as a more than doubling of fasting human C-peptide in mouse serum, and histological adaptation of islet endocrine mass including increased beta cells. Further analysis of the human grafts revealed proliferation and neogenesis as the responsible mechanisms for the doubling of the human endocrine mass.Discussion: This novel model allows, for the first time, longitudinal studies of human islet adaptation to an obese murine environment and may be instrumental in deciphering pathways involved in human beta cell expansion, as well as in helping to identify factors predisposing human beta cells to undergo decompensation.
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Legaldefinitionen av ränta : Hur påverkas räntebegreppet av SFS 2018:1206 / The legal definition of interest rate : How is the definition of interest rate affected by SFS 2018:1206Löfgren, Leo, Enquist, Axel January 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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Srovnání stacionárního a nestacionárního modelu kondukce a konvekce tepla v bělové části dřeva stromu během ohřevuVopařil, Tomáš January 2014 (has links)
This thesis compare stationary and nonstationary numeric model of conduction and convection of heat in sapwood part of tree. Numeric models are testing with diferent moistures of sapwod and diferent sapflows. There are tested HFD and LHB methods in models which are compared each other. LHB method has substantially better results. Stationary and nonstationary models are almost unchanged in decreasing sapflow. Divergency of individual models rises at increasing sapflow. There is nonstationary method departed from stationery method in the initial sapflow.
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