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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Análise de fatores intervenientes nas características dimensionais de segmentos rodoviários sob a óptica da compatibilidade veículo-via / Analysis of intervening factors on highway geometric design according the compatibility between vehicles and roads

Waldemiro de Aquino Pereira Neto 27 August 2007 (has links)
O setor rodoviário no Brasil é o maior responsável pelo transporte de passageiros e de cargas. A indústria de veículos de carga tem realizado modificações nas características dos veículos e a tendência neste mercado é o aumento na capacidade de transporte, obtida com a fabricação de veículos com maiores dimensões, com um maior número de eixos, bem como a utilização de combinações de veículos de carga (CVCs). Estas alterações atendem uma exigência do mercado, que é o aumento da produtividade nos serviços de transporte. Para uma operação segura, entretanto, se faz necessário garantir a compatibilidade entre os veículos e a malha rodoviária ofertada para absorver este tráfego. O objetivo principal deste trabalho é investigar as características e padrões dos veículos que trafegam nas rodovias brasileiras, visando à proposição de parâmetros de projeto geométrico compatíveis, contemplando os aspectos da interação dos veículos e da via, com ênfase para os veículos de grande porte, e em particular os veículos do tipo CVC. São propostos ajustes nos padrões técnicos estabelecidos pelo DNER, atual DNIT, de forma a adequar a geometria das rodovias às características e restrições dos veículos em operação. Foi realizado ainda um estudo de caso para um conjunto de trechos de rodovias no Estado de São Paulo e no Estado do Ceará, com características técnicas diferentes, onde trafegam CVCs de diversas configurações com restrições, permitindo que sejam identificados os ajustes necessários na geometria para adequação ao tráfego, bem como orientar a concepção de outros projetos. / In Brazil the majority of passenger and goods transportation is carried out by the highway transportation system. Vehicle industry does a continuous job of designing new models in order to increase capacities, producing bigger vehicles, with more axles, as well as long combination vehicles (LCVs). These modifications aim to attend a market demand that is looking for better productivity figures for transportations services. However, to assure a good level of safety in the operation of these vehicles, it is necessary a guarantee of compatibility of them with the roads where they will circulate. The main objective of this thesis is the research of the characteristics and standards of vehicles traveling on brazilian roads, in order to analyze design parameters, considering the interaction between vehicles and roads. The problem of the flow of large vehicles, in particular LCVs, is emphasized. Adjustments on the design standards, established by the DNER (presently named DNIT), are proposed with the intention of adequate the road geometry to the vehicles characteristics and restrictions. A case study was carried out for a set of highway segments of the states of São Paulo and Ceará. These segments present different technical characteristics and are traversed, with some restrictions, by different types of LCVs. This study allows not only the identification of necessary adjustment on the road geometry to hold up the existing traffic flow, but also the design of new projects standards.

Faixas adicionais para trechos de rodovias com declives longos considerando os aspectos técnicos da frenagem de veículos de carga / Additional tracks for roads with long stretches of slopes considering the technical aspects of braking cargo vehicles

Lucas, Manuel de Jesus 18 June 2004 (has links)
Esta dissertação de mestrado apresenta uma proposta de critério para a construção de faixas adicionais em rodovias com longos declives. A proposta contempla três aspectos: 1-) Elaboração de um programa de computador que permita calcular a temperatura do sistema de freios de qualquer veículo que esteja operando em qualquer ponto de uma rampa descendente, conhecidas as características do veículo, da massa transportada, da velocidade desenvolvida pelo veículo e da rampa em questão (comprimento e declividade). Em outras palavras: o programa permite gerar as curvas de desempenho para qualquer veículo de carga, em qualquer trecho de descida de uma rodovia; 2-) Determinação da redução de velocidade para caminhões nos trechos estudados; e 3-) Cálculo da porcentagem de veículos de carga no fluxo total de veículos que utilizam a rodovia, valor esse que viabilize economicamente a construção de faixas auxiliares. Esta dissertação aborda mais profundamente o primeiro aspecto da proposta. Os outros dois, devido à sua complexidade, são sugeridos como tema para trabalhos futuros. De posse do programa computacional, o mesmo foi utilizado para simular o comportamento da frota de veículos de carga brasileiros, em greides com comprimento variável de 1.000 a 12.000 metros e inclinações que variam de 1 a 12%. Também foi verificado o impacto da aplicação da resolução 777/93 do CONTRAN - que regulamenta o desempenho e o sistema de freios dos veículos de carga - na frota brasileira de veículos de carga. Os resultados obtidos indicam, além da importância de uma legislação adequada para o tema, uma urgente renovação ou adequação da frota brasileira de veículos de carga, haja visto que grande parte da mesma, por possuir uma elevada idade média, não atinge os requisitos mínimos para circular pelas rodovias brasileiras sem comprometimento das condições de segurança, dirigibilidade, estabilidade e desempenho. / This master thesis presents a criteria\'s proposal to construction of auxiliary lanes in roads with long and steep downgrades. The proposal contemplates three aspects: 1-) Elaboration of a computer\'s program that allows to obtain the brake system\'s temperature of any heavy truck performing at any point of a long and steep downgrade. It\'s necessary to know the truck\'s brake characteristics, the brake-motor power, the total mass transported, the vehicles\'speed and the downhill characteristics (length and percent). With this data, the program calculates the performance curves of brazilian trucks, regarding brakes\'system\'s termical aspects; 2-) Determination of the maximum speed reduction of slow trucks on downhill; and, 3-) Estimation of minimum downgrade traffic flow rates and truck percents that would warrant the construction of declivity help lanes, from costs-effectiveness approach. This master thesis broaches more profundity the first proposal\'s aspects. The aspects two and three, due to its complexity, are suggested to be future studies\'object. The computational program developed in this work was used to simulate the performance of brazilian\'s fleet heavy truck in declivities with lengths from 1.000 till 12.000 meters and declivity that vary from 1 till 12%. It was used, too, to show the impact of the resolution number 777/93 - edited by CONTRAN - applicated in the same fleet. This resolution rules ship vehicles\'brakes\'system and their performance. The obtain results denote, farther importance of a adequate legislation for the theme, a urgent renovation or adequation of brazilian\'s fleet heavy truck due to, a large part of it, with more than ten year of age, is unable to reach the minimum requisites to moving on brazilian roads and highways without implication of security, conductibility, stability and performance\'s conditions.

Faixas adicionais para trechos de rodovias com declives longos considerando os aspectos técnicos da frenagem de veículos de carga / Additional tracks for roads with long stretches of slopes considering the technical aspects of braking cargo vehicles

Manuel de Jesus Lucas 18 June 2004 (has links)
Esta dissertação de mestrado apresenta uma proposta de critério para a construção de faixas adicionais em rodovias com longos declives. A proposta contempla três aspectos: 1-) Elaboração de um programa de computador que permita calcular a temperatura do sistema de freios de qualquer veículo que esteja operando em qualquer ponto de uma rampa descendente, conhecidas as características do veículo, da massa transportada, da velocidade desenvolvida pelo veículo e da rampa em questão (comprimento e declividade). Em outras palavras: o programa permite gerar as curvas de desempenho para qualquer veículo de carga, em qualquer trecho de descida de uma rodovia; 2-) Determinação da redução de velocidade para caminhões nos trechos estudados; e 3-) Cálculo da porcentagem de veículos de carga no fluxo total de veículos que utilizam a rodovia, valor esse que viabilize economicamente a construção de faixas auxiliares. Esta dissertação aborda mais profundamente o primeiro aspecto da proposta. Os outros dois, devido à sua complexidade, são sugeridos como tema para trabalhos futuros. De posse do programa computacional, o mesmo foi utilizado para simular o comportamento da frota de veículos de carga brasileiros, em greides com comprimento variável de 1.000 a 12.000 metros e inclinações que variam de 1 a 12%. Também foi verificado o impacto da aplicação da resolução 777/93 do CONTRAN - que regulamenta o desempenho e o sistema de freios dos veículos de carga - na frota brasileira de veículos de carga. Os resultados obtidos indicam, além da importância de uma legislação adequada para o tema, uma urgente renovação ou adequação da frota brasileira de veículos de carga, haja visto que grande parte da mesma, por possuir uma elevada idade média, não atinge os requisitos mínimos para circular pelas rodovias brasileiras sem comprometimento das condições de segurança, dirigibilidade, estabilidade e desempenho. / This master thesis presents a criteria\'s proposal to construction of auxiliary lanes in roads with long and steep downgrades. The proposal contemplates three aspects: 1-) Elaboration of a computer\'s program that allows to obtain the brake system\'s temperature of any heavy truck performing at any point of a long and steep downgrade. It\'s necessary to know the truck\'s brake characteristics, the brake-motor power, the total mass transported, the vehicles\'speed and the downhill characteristics (length and percent). With this data, the program calculates the performance curves of brazilian trucks, regarding brakes\'system\'s termical aspects; 2-) Determination of the maximum speed reduction of slow trucks on downhill; and, 3-) Estimation of minimum downgrade traffic flow rates and truck percents that would warrant the construction of declivity help lanes, from costs-effectiveness approach. This master thesis broaches more profundity the first proposal\'s aspects. The aspects two and three, due to its complexity, are suggested to be future studies\'object. The computational program developed in this work was used to simulate the performance of brazilian\'s fleet heavy truck in declivities with lengths from 1.000 till 12.000 meters and declivity that vary from 1 till 12%. It was used, too, to show the impact of the resolution number 777/93 - edited by CONTRAN - applicated in the same fleet. This resolution rules ship vehicles\'brakes\'system and their performance. The obtain results denote, farther importance of a adequate legislation for the theme, a urgent renovation or adequation of brazilian\'s fleet heavy truck due to, a large part of it, with more than ten year of age, is unable to reach the minimum requisites to moving on brazilian roads and highways without implication of security, conductibility, stability and performance\'s conditions.

Influência dos veículos pesados na capacidade e nível de serviço de rodovias de pista dupla / Influence of trucks on capacity and level-of-service of rural multilane highways

Sergio Henrique Demarchi 24 August 2000 (has links)
O objetivo desta tese de doutorado é avaliar o impacto de caminhões na capacidade e nível de serviço de rodovias de pista dupla, a partir de fatores de equivalência veicular. São determinados equivalentes para diversas combinações de comprimentos e magnitudes de greides, volumes de tráfego e porcentagens de caminhões. Os equivalentes são calculados supondo que um fluxo formado só por automóveis é equivalente a um fluxo composto por automóveis e caminhões quando ambos possuem a mesma densidade. A partir de observações de campo, supõe-se que o fluxo de caminhões seja formado por proporções fixas de quatro tipos de caminhões. A relação entre fluxo e densidade para os cenários analisados é obtida através de simulação, utilizando o INTEGRATION. A calibração deste simulador foi feita em duas etapas. Na primeira, um modelo de desempenho, até então inexistente no simulador, foi implementado e, em seguida, calibrado com as características dos caminhões observados em uma balança da rodovia SP 330 (Via Anhanguera). Na segunda etapa, a relação fluxo-velocidade foi calibrada a partir de dados coletados com sensores portáteis instalados também na rodovia SP 330. Os equivalentes são utilizados para a análise de capacidade e nível de serviço dos cenários escolhidos e, em seguida, os resultados desta análise são comparados com os resultados similares obtidos através do método do Highway Capacity Manual - HCM. A comparação mostra que o uso dos fatores de equivalência do HCM superestima o nível de serviço para volumes de tráfego leves e subestima o nível de serviço para volumes de tráfego pesados. / This research evaluates the impact of trucks on capacity and level of service of divided multilane highways by means of truck equivalent factors. The equivalent factors are determined for diferent combinations of grade length and magnitude, traffic flow and truck percentage. Equivalent factors are computed based on the assumption that a basic flow, formed only by passenger cars, is equivalent to a mixed flow, formed by passenger cars and trucks, when both flows have the same density. Density-flow relationships for each scenario are obtained through simulation. The simulator used, INTEGRATION, was calibrated in two steps. First, a truck performance model was implemented in the simulator and then calibrated with parameters of trucks observed on a weigh station located on SP 330 (Via Anhanguera). Further on, a speed-flow relationship was calibrated to data collected by portable traffic detectors installed on SP 330. A comparative analysis of capacity and level of service, using the equivalent factors determined in this research and the Highway Capacity Manual factors, indicates that the use of HCM truck equivalents overestimates the level of service for light flows and underestimates the level of service for heavy flows.

Faixas adicionais para aclives de rodovias brasileiras / Climbing lanes on upgrades of Brazilian highways

Ricardo Almeida de Melo 10 June 2002 (has links)
O objetivo da tese foi adaptar, para as condições das rodovias brasileiras, as diretrizes da AASHTO para projetos de faixas adicionais de subida. Esta adaptação foi feita através de três aspectos: (i) geração de curvas de desempenho para caminhões típicos brasileiros; (ii) determinação da redução admissível de velocidade para caminhões; e (iii) estimativa do fluxo e da porcentagem de caminhões no tráfego que justifiquem economicamente a construção da faixa adicional. Quanto ao primeiro aspecto, constatou-se que as relações massa/potência encontradas para caminhões brasileiros (variam de 100 a 380 kg/kW) são significativamente maiores que a dos caminhões norte-americanos (120 kg/kW), o que inviabiliza o uso das curvas de desempenho que constam do livro verde da AASHTO. Nesta pesquisa, um modelo de locomoção de veículos foi calibrado e validado, logo após foram geradas curvas de desempenho para sete categorias de caminhões brasileiros. No segundo aspecto, as relações entre as diferenças de velocidade entre automóveis e caminhões, e índices de envolvimento de caminhões em acidentes foram obtidas. Para atingir esse objetivo, foram coletados dados sobre acidentes envolvendo caminhões, velocidade de veículos em aclives e volume diário médio. As relações foram comparadas com a utilizada nas diretrizes da AASHTO e as diferenças encontradas sugerem que a redução admissível na velocidade dos caminhões brasileiros deve ser de 20 km/h, em rodovias de pista simples, e de 35 km/h, em rodovias de pista dupla, se o índice de envolvimento de caminhões em acidentes for o que corresponde à redução máxima de velocidade admitida pela AASHTO (15 km/h). Em relação ao terceiro aspecto, foram analisadas relações benefício/custo para diversos cenários, visando estimar os fluxos de tráfego para os quais os custos fossem iguais aos benefícios. Os custos foram estimados a partir do investimento de capital necessário para a construção da ) faixa adicional, com base em projetos típicos do estado de São Paulo. Os benefícios estimados foram a redução do tempo de viagem e dos custos operacionais dos carros, ônibus e caminhões descarregados. Para a estimativa dos tempos de viagem, porcentagem do tempo trafegando em pelotões e porcentagem média de veículos em pelotões, foram feitas simulações, com e sem a faixa adicional, usando-se o modelo TRARR. Nessas simulações, os fluxos variaram entre 50 a 700 veíc/h e as porcentagens de caminhões de 10% a 40%. Os resultados indicam que os fluxos mínimos no aclive, que justifiquem economicamente a construção da faixa adicional, dependem da porcentagem de caminhões e da magnitude do aclive, variando de 340 veíc/h (10% de caminhões; aclives de até 3%) a 185 veíc/h (30% de caminhões; aclives de mais de 3%). / The objective of the research reported in this PhD dissertation was to adapt the AASHTO guidelines for design of climbing lanes to the Brazilian highways characteristics. This adaptation was carried out with regard to three aspects: (i) development of performance curves for typical Brazilian trucks; (ii) determination of the maximum speed reduction of slow trucks on upgrades; and (iii) estimation of minimum upgrade traffic flow rates and truck percents that would warrant the construction of climbing lanes on two-lane highways, from cost-effectiveness approach. Regarding the first aspect, it was verified that mass/power ratios for Brazilian trucks vary between 100 and 380 kg/kW and significantly differ from the ratio taken by AASHTO as representative of the average North-American truck (120 kg/kW); therefore, the truck performance curves from the AASHTO green book should not be used to design climbing lanes in Brazil. The green book\'s performance curves can be replaced by a family of performance curves for Brazilian trucks generated by a truck locomotion model, which was calibrated and validated in this research. With regard to the second aspect analyzed, the relationship between speed difference and truck accident involvement rates was studied. Data about truck accidents, speeds and annual average daily traffic were collected. These functions were compared to the one presented in the green book and the differences found suggest that, for the same truck accident involvement rate used to establish the maximum truck speed reduction adopted in the AASHTO policy (15 km/h), the admissible truck speed reduction on Brazilian roads would be 20 km/h on two-lane highways and 35 km/h on divided highways. With regard to the third aspect, benefit/cost ratios for several scenarios were analyzed in order to estimate upgrade traffic flow rates that would warrant the provision of climbing lanes. (continue) (continuation) The costs were estimated on the basis of the capital costs for the construction of the climbing lane, based on costs of climbing lanes built in the state of São Paulo. The benefits were estimated from the reduction of travel time and vehicle operating costs provided by the construction of a climbing lane. Travel times, percent time spent following, and average fraction of vehicles travelling in platoons with and without the climbing lane were estimated by means of traffic flow simulations carried out with TRARR. The simulations were run using traffic flows ranging from 50 to 700 veh/h, with truck percents varying from 10% to 40%. The results indicated upgrade traffic flow rates that warrants climbing lanes varying with truck percents and grades magnitude and range from 340 veh/h (grades of up to 3%, 10% trucks in flow) to 185 veh/h (grades of more than 3%, with 30% trucks).

Contribuição à análise de qualidade de viagem e suas relações com a distribuição de defeitos em segmentos de rodovias. / Contribution to the analysis of quality of trips and their relationships with the distribution of distress in segments of highways.

Celio Daroncho 18 December 2001 (has links)
Relatam-se e discutem-se resultados obtidos em tentativa para mostrar que distribuições estatísticas de contagens ou medidas sobre características de variáveis que descrevem defeitos na superfície de pavimentos, quando associadas às distribuições de notas atribuídas às viagens em segmentos de rodovias, podem ser úteis para análise da qualidade de viagens, e fornecer informações que contribuem para facilitar estudos sobre prioridades de manutenção em rodovias, identificar e sugerir ações para melhorar a eficiência e eficácia na conservação de vias. Os dados usados foram coletados em rodovias vicinais próximas a Araraquara, estado de São Paulo, de janeiro a março de 2001. Foram observados 37 segmentos onde se contaram, mediram e classificaram defeitos, e coletaram-se notas atribuídas por observadores sobre o pavimento. O processamento de dados e o uso de métodos da estatística para investigar relações foram usados para verificar a existência de relações entre os resultados de medidas, contagens e notas, e obtenção de função para estimativa de notas atribuídas por observadores, mostrando que notas atribuídas a segmentos de rodovias podem ser estimadas. As conclusões relatadas atêm-se ao caso estudado, mas indicaram que o processo adotado pode ser usado em outros casos similares. Sugere-se o uso do processo desenvolvido para estabelecer prioridades de estudo de soluções técnicas para intervenção e melhoria de pavimentos. / It was reported and discussed the results obtained in a attempt to show that the statistical distributions of measures on characteristics of variables that describe distress in the surface of pavements, when associated to the distributions of scores attributed to the trips in segments of highways should be useful for analysis of the quality of trips, and to supply information that contribute to facilitate studies about maintenance priorities in highways, to identify and to suggest actions to improve the efficiency and effectiveness in the conservation of roads. The used data were collected local highways near the city of Araraquara, state of São Paulo, from January to March of 2001. 37 segments were observed to obtain measures and classify distress or collect scores from observers on the pavement. The data processing and the use of methods of the statistics to investigate relationships were used to verify the existence of relationships among the results of measures and scores, and to obtain a function to estimate of scores from observers, it was shown that attributed scores to segments trips can be estimated. The conclusions told should be useful to the studied case, but they indicated that the adopted process can be used in other similar cases. This suggests the use of the process developed to establish priorities on studies of technical solutions for intervention and improvement of pavement surface.

Aplicação do modelo de previsão de acidentes do HSM em rodovias de pista simples do Estado de São Paulo / Application of the HSM crash prediction method for two lane highways of the state of Sao Paulo

Silva, Karla Cristina Rodrigues 24 January 2012 (has links)
Nesta dissertação é feita uma avaliação dos resultados da aplicação do modelo de previsão de acidentes apresentado no Highway Safety Manual - HSM, publicado pela American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) no ano de 2010, para o caso de trechos de rodovia de pista simples localizados no interior do estado de São Paulo. São analisados o método original do HSM, o método do HSM calibrado para os trechos de rodovias estudados e o método empírico de Bayes. Os resultados apresentados pelo método original do HSM são bastante distintos dos valores reais observados, o que exclui a possibilidade do seu emprego direto no universo analisado. No entanto, os valores resultantes da aplicação do método do HSM calibrado e do método de Bayes, em todas as análises realizadas, aproximam-se de maneira satisfatória dos valores observados (com resultados melhores no método de Bayes) - o que mostra que esses métodos podem ser utilizados para a previsão de acidentes no universo analisado, bem como em outras situações com condições similares. Ainda que seja recomendada a realização de estudos específicos para a aplicação do modelo em outras regiões do país, na ausência desses estudos, os valores obtidos neste trabalho podem ser empregados como primeira aproximação. / This research conducts an evaluation of the results achieved by means of the application of crash prediction method presented by the Highway Safety Manual - HSM, published by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) in 2010, for the case of two lane highway segments situated in the state of Sao Paulo. The analyses were aimed at the original method of the HSM, the method calibrated to the studied highways segments and with the use of the empirical Bayes method. The results obtained by application of the HSM original method are quite distinct from the actual crash values observed, which excludes the possibility of its direct employment in the universe analyzed. However, the values resulting from application of the calibrated HSM method and the method of Bayes, in all data analysis, approach satisfactorily the observed values (with better results with the use of Bayes method) - which shows that these methods can be used for the prediction of accidents in the universe analyzed, as well as in other situations with similar conditions. Although it is recommended to perform specific studies for the application of the method in other regions of the country, in the absence of these studies, the values provided by this research study can be used as a first approximation.

Mule Deer and Wildlife Crossings in Utah, USA

Schwender, Megan 01 May 2013 (has links)
Wildlife-vehicle collisions (WVCs) negatively impact wildlife populations and create dangerous driving situations for motorists. In Utah, USA, mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) encounter a variety of hazards as they attempt to cross highways and interstates, some of which are 8 lanes wide. Agencies have sought to mitigate the risks posed to drivers and mule deer by building crossing structures for wildlife. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the effectiveness of crossing structures in Utah to safely pass mule deer under highways and to determine the variables that best explain mule deer passage use. From 2008 - 2011 we used 26 camera traps to measure levels of mule deer use of 9 culverts and 4 bridges in Utah. We tested for relationships between mule deer structure use and a variety of structural and landscape attributes at each site, including 2 time variables: time since the structure was built and time each structure was monitored by our camera traps. We also developed and tested a new equation (window ratio) that measured culvert openness to approaching mule deer. In the single variable regression models, mule deer structure use was positively correlated with short culverts and coarse scale shrub cover, and negatively correlated with fine scale grass cover. In the multivariate model, structure use was positively correlated with days monitored and elevation and short culverts. Although the new window ratio did not emerge as the most important predictor for mule deer crossing use, it was more effective at predicting mule deer culvert use than the often referenced openness factor. Our results indicated that 12 of the 13 crossing structures studied effectively facilitate the movement of mule deer in Utah; however some were used far more than others. We suggest that older crossing structures built with the shortest dimensions possible, with attached wildlife-exclusion fencing, and in shrubby habitat will be most effective at passing a high volume of mule deer under Utah highways.

Les régions autoroutières : dimensions territoriales d'une infrastructure de transport / Highway regions : territorial dimensions of a transport infrastructure

Bruneau, François 03 December 2018 (has links)
Ligne continue, homogène et inhabitée, la représentation de l’autoroute se conçoit presque exclusivement comme un équipement fonctionnel du transport, traversant des territoires. Cependant, l’autoroute serait également traversée par ces mêmes territoires, donnant suite à l’émergence d’acteurs et d’une diversité de pratiques. Des problématiques locales, en apparence parfois anodines, finiraient par s’imposer et modifier la conception, la gestion et l’exploitation des infrastructures. Cette thèse s’interroge sur l’existence et la nature d’une dimension territoriale de l’autoroute, mais aussi infrastructurelle du territoire. Ce questionnement est supporté par deux ethnographies : l’une dans la société concessionnaire Vinci autoroutes, avec la Direction du patrimoine et de la construction de Cofiroute ; la seconde avec des acteurs, dont des habitants, des usagers et des élus locaux, situés autour d’autoroutes concédées par ce même gestionnaire privé, dans la région Centre-Val de Loire. Les ethnographies sont accompagnées d’un travail cartographique pour entrevoir les différentes articulations entre infrastructures et territoires. Finalement, la thèse montre la nécessité d’appréhender l’autoroute en tant que région autoroutière, comme un espace traversé par des questions territoriales faites de détails significatifs, au-delà de l’infrastructure elle-même, et d’une multitude d’objets, d’acteurs et de pratiques. Le réseau autoroutier est décomposé pour donner à voir un ensemble d’éléments, d’organisations et de codifications, en lien à des territoires. Ce changement de représentation met en perspective le positionnement des infrastructures autoroutières dans les collectivités locales, avec des formes d’appropriations, de coopérations, d’échanges ou de divergences. / A continuous line, homogeneous and uninhabited, the representation of the highway is often and almost exclusively conceived as a functional equipment of transport and engineering, crossing territories. However, the motorway would also be crossed by these same territories, following the emergence of actors and a variety of practices. Local issues, seemingly sometimes insignificants, would eventually impose and change the design, management and operation of infrastructure. This thesis questions the existence and the nature of a territorial dimension of the highway but also an infrastructural dimension of the territory. This questioning is supported and explored by two ethnographies: one within the private operator of highways, Vinci Autoroutes, with the Directorate of Heritage and Construction of Cofiroute; the second with actors, including inhabitants, users and local elected officials, located around motorways conceded by the same private concessionaire, in the Center-Val de Loire region. The ethnographies are accompanied by a cartographic work which allows to glimpse the different articulations between infrastructures and territories. Finally, the thesis shows the necessity to apprehend the highway as a highway region, that is to say, as a space crossed by territorial questions made of significant details, beyond the infrastructure itself; and a multitude of objects, actors and practices. To do this, the highway network is broken down to reveal a set of elements, organizations and codifications, related to territories. This change in representation puts into perspective the positioning of highway infrastructure in local communities, with forms of appropriation, cooperation, exchange or divergence.

Traffic Operations Analysis of Merging Strategies for Vehicles in an Automated Electric Transportation System

Freckleton, Derek Rulon 01 May 2012 (has links)
Automated Electric Transportation (AET) is a concept of an emerging cooperative transportation system that combines recent advances in vehicle automation and electric power transfer. It is a network of vehicles that control themselves as they traverse from an origin to a destination while being electrically powered in motion – all without the use of connected wires. AET's realization may provide unparalleled returns in the form of dramatic reductions in traffic-related air pollution, our nation’s dependence on foreign oil, traffic congestion, and roadway inefficiency. More importantly, it may also significantly improve transportation safety by dramatically reducing the number of transportation-related deaths and injuries each year as it directly addresses major current issues such as human error and adverse environmental conditions related to vehicle emissions. In this thesis, a logical strategy in transitioning from today’s current transportation system to a future automated and electric transportation system is identified. However, the chief purpose of this research is to evaluate the operational parameters where AET will be feasible from a transportation operations perspective. This evaluation was accomplished by performing lane capacity analyses for the mainline, as well as focusing on the merging logic employed at freeway interchange locations. In the past, merging operations have been known to degrade traffic flow due to the interruptions that merging vehicles introduce to the system. However, by analyzing gaps in the mainline traffic flow and coordinating vehicle movements through the use of the logic described in this thesis, mainline traffic operations can remain uninterrupted while still allowing acceptable volumes of merging vehicles to enter the freeway. A "release-to-gap" merging algorithm was developed and utilized in order to maximize the automated flow of traffic at or directly downstream of a freeway merge point by maximizing ramp flows without causing delay to mainline vehicles. Through these tasks, it is the hope of this research to aid in identifying the requirements and impending impacts of the implementation of this potentially life-altering technology.

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