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Untersuchungen zur Radiotoxizität von Tc-99m-markierten Radiotracern in vitro an FRTL-5- und A431-ZellenMaucksch, Ute 08 November 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Einleitung/ Zielstellung
Zusätzlich zur Gammastrahlung emittiert 99mTc ca. 5 niederenergetische Auger-Elektronen mit Reichweiten von wenigen Nanometern im Gewebe. Diese haben für die nuklear-medizinische Diagnostik keine Bedeutung. Es wird jedoch über eine therapeutische Nutzung diskutiert, wofür eine Anreicherung der Auger-Elektronen-Emitter in einem strahlensensitiven Zellkompartiment erforderlich ist.
Ziel der Arbeit war es, verschiedene [99mTc]Tc-Radiopharmaka hinsichtlich ihres Uptakeverhaltens, der subzellulärer Verteilung und des Retentionsverhaltens in vitro zu untersuchen, sowie die mutmaßlich durch den Auger-Effekt hervorgerufene Radiotoxizität der [99mTc]Tc-markierten Radiopharmaka zu vergleichen und die gewonnenen Ergebnisse in Hinblick auf potentielle extranukleäre strahlensensitive Targets zu interpretieren.
Material und Methode
Durchgeführt wurden die Versuche im ersten Abschnitt der Arbeit an Natrium-Iodid-Symporter (NIS)-positiven FRTL-5-Schilddrüsenzellen. Von [99mTc] Pertechnetat ([99mTc]TcO4-), [99mTc]TcO4- nach Vorinkubation von Perchlorat ([99mTc]TcO4-/ ClO4-), [99mTc]Tc-Hexakis-2-Methoxyisobutylisonitril ([99mTc]Tc-MIBI), [99mTc]Tc-Hexamethyl-Propylenaminoxim ([99mTc]Tc-HMPAO) und [99mTc]TcO4- nach Vorinkubation von Zinn-Pyrophosphat (Sn- PYP/ [99mTc]TcO4-) wurden die intrazelluläre Radio¬nuklid¬aufnahme und die subzelluläre Verteilung untersucht. Basierend auf den Ergebnissen dieser Versuche wurde die mittlere absorbierte Zellkerndosis kalkuliert. Zur Beurteilung der strahlenbiologischen Wirkung wurde das klonogene Zellüberleben mit der Anzahl residualer gH2AX-Foci (DNA-Schaden) verglichen und die Wirkung der [99mTc]Tc Tracer auf den Zellzyklus von FRTL-5-Zellen untersucht. Im zweiten Abschnitt der Arbeit wurde an EGFR-positiven A431-Zellen die radiotoxische Wirkung in Abhängigkeit von der intra¬zellulären Lokalisation von [99mTc]Alexa(488)-C225-Cyclooctin-Dpa-Tc(CO)3 ([99mTc]Tc-C225), [99mTc]Tc-HMPAO und [99mTc]TcO4- auf das klonogene Zellüberleben untersucht.
Ergebnisse und Diskussion
Aufgrund verschiedener Uptakemechanismen zeigte jedes der untersuchten [99mTc]Tc-Radiopharmaka Unterschiede im zeitlichen Verlauf der Uptakekinetik. Durch Blockierung des NIS durch ClO4- konnte eine intrazelluläre Aufnahme von [99mTc]TcO4- verhindert werden, wogegen durch Vorinkubation mit Sn-PYP die zelluläre Aufnahme von [99mTc]TcO4- um das 22-fache gesteigert wurde. [99mTc]Tc-MIBI und [99mTc]Tc-HMPAO wurden aufgrund ihrer lipophilen Eigenschaften unabhängig vom NIS passiv in die Zelle transportiert. Die Untersuchung der intrazellulären Verteilung ergab für [99mTc]Tc-HMPAO und Sn-PYP/ [99mTc]TcO4- eine vergleichbar hohe Anreicherung in der Membran/Organellen-Fraktion sowie in der Zellkernfraktion. Von [99mTc]TcO4- und [99mTc]Tc-MIBI wurde die Hauptaktivität in der Zytosol-Fraktion und nur geringe Anteile in der Membran/Organellen-Fraktion sowie in der Zellkernfraktion nachgewiesen. In guter Übereinstimmung zur subzellulären Verteilung zeigten Sn-PYP/ [99mTc]TcO4- und [99mTc]Tc-HMPAO eine fast vollständige, hingegen [99mTc]Tc-MIBI und [99mTc]TcO4- nur eine geringe Retention. Aufgrund der genannten Unterschiede wurde bei gleicher inkubierter Aktivitätskonzentration folgende Reihenfolge der resultierenden Zellkerndosis ermittelt: [99mTc]TcO4- < [99mTc]Tc-MIBI < [99mTc]Tc-HMPAO < Sn-PYP/ [99mTc]TcO4-. [99mTc]TcO4- und [99mTc]Tc-HMPAO zeigten eine ähnliche Wirkung auf das klonogene Zellüberleben und auf den Zellzyklus. Jedoch bewirken sie eine wesentlich stärkere Reduzierung des Überlebens und einen stärkeren G2-Arrest als [99mTc]Tc-MIBI und Sn-PYP/ [99mTc]TcO4-, wobei [99mTc]Tc-MIBI bei allen drei untersuchten biologischen Endpunkten die geringste Wirkung zeigte. Bei einer vergleichbaren Reduktion des Zellüberlebens von [99mTc]TcO4- und [99mTc]Tc-HMPAO induzierte [99mTc]Tc-HMPAO lediglich die Hälfte der gH2AX-Foci im Vergleich zu [99mTc]TcO4-. Die trotz geringerem DNA-Schaden vergleichbare radiotoxische Wirkung zeigte, dass das klonogene Zellüberleben nicht allein vom DNA-Schaden abhängt. Daraus folgt, dass es außer der Kern-DNA noch weitere strahlensensitive Kompartimente gibt, die durch [99mTc]Tc-HMPAO stärker geschädigt wurden als von den anderen untersuchten [99mTc]Tc Tracern. Ein mögliches extranukleäres strahlensensitives Target ist die Zellmembran, so dass im zweiten Teil der Arbeit zur Überprüfung der Radiosensitivität der Zellmembran die radiotoxische Wirkung von [99mTc]Tc-C225 an EGFR-positiven A431-Zellen untersucht wurde. [99mTc]Tc-C225 wurde über den EGFR und [99mTc]Tc-HMPAO aufgrund seiner Lipophilie durch Diffusion intrazellulär aufgenommen. [99mTc]TcO4- dagegen zeigte keine intrazelluläre Aufnahme in die NIS-negativen Zellen und wurde als Referenz für eine extrazelluläre Bestrahlung verwendet. [99mTc]Tc-C225 wies nach einstündiger Inkubation eine Membranbindung von lediglich 10 % auf, die im Laufe von 24 h auf 1,9 % absank. Dies zeigte, dass [99mTc]Tc-C225 rasch in den A431-Zellen internalisiert wurde und dass nur bei sehr kurzen Inkubationszeiten von einer spezifischen Zellmembranmarkierung gesprochen werden kann. [99mTc]Tc-HMPAO ging keine Bindung an die Zellmembran ein. Weiterhin wurde bei der Inkubation steigender Aktivitäts- und Antikörperkonzentrationen von [99mTc]Tc C225 eine Sättigung des EGFR beobachtet, woraus eine wesentlich geringere Zellkerndosis als bei Inkubation von [99mTc]Tc-HMPAO resultierte. Im Vergleich des klonogenen Zellüberlebens zeigten [99mTc]Tc-C225 und [99mTc]Tc-HMPAO bei gleicher Zellkerndosis keine Unterschiede in der radiobiologischen Wirkung. Somit konnte lediglich eine Verstärkung der radiotoxischen Effekte von [99mTc]Tc-C225 an A431-Zellen im Vergleich zur ausschließlich extrazellulären Verteilung von [99mTc]TcO4- gezeigt werden.
Die Untersuchung der radiotoxischen Wirkung von [99mTc]Tc-C225 ermöglichte bei den angewendeten Versuchsbedingungen keine Rückschlüsse auf die Strahlensensitivität der Zellmembran. Weiterführende Arbeiten zur Entwicklung eines 99mTc-markierbaren spezifischen Membranmarkers wären notwendig, um klären zu können, ob die Zellmembran ein ähnlich strahlensensitives Target wie die nukleäre DNA ist. Dosimetrische Betrachtungen an den als Modellsystemen dienenden FRTL-5- und A431-Zellen deuten darauf hin, dass aufgrund ungenügender Anreicherung eine therapeutische Wirkung der Auger-Elektronen im Tumorgewebe eher unrealistisch ist. Damit sollte aus gegenwärtiger Sicht die klinische Anwendung von 99mTc auf den diagnostischen Einsatz beschränkt bleiben. Jedoch könnte 99mTc als Auger-Elektronen-Emitter bei spezifischer Anreicherung in definierten Zellkompartimenten als Nano-Tool zur Erforschung der Strahlensensitivität einzelner Zellbestandteile eingesetzt werden. / Introduction
In addition to gamma radiation, 99mTc emits approximately 5 low energy Auger and internal conversion electrons per decay, resulting in high ionization density proximal to the radionuclide’s decay position. Low-energy Auger electrons with path lengths of only nanometers cannot be utilized for diagnostic procedures; however, they have frequently been discussed for therapeutic applications. To achieve a radiobiological effect, an intracellular accumulation and distribution in relevant cell compartments of the Auger electron emitter is required.
The aim of the thesis was the comparison of different [99mTc]Tc-labeled compounds concerning their intracellular uptake, subcellular distribution and retention in vitro. Furthermore the radiotoxicity caused by the Auger effect has to be investigated.
Material and Methods
The intracellular radionuclide uptake, subcellular distribution (ProteoExtract®-Kit) and retention of [99mTc] pertechnetate ([99mTc]TcO4-), [99mTc]TcO4- after pre-incubation of perchlorate ([99mTc]TcO4-/ClO4-), [99mTc]TcO4- after pre-incubation of stannous pyrophosphate ([99mTc]TcO4-/Sn-PYP), [99mTc]Tc-hexamethyl-propylene-aminoxime ([99mTc]Tc-HMPAO) and [99mTc]Tc-hexakis-2-methoxyisobutylisonitrile ([99mTc]Tc-MIBI) were quantified in sodium-iodide symporter (NIS)-positive rat thyroid FRTL-5 cells. Basing on these results the mean absorbed nucleus dose was calculated. Radiotoxicity was investigated using phosphorylated histone H2AX (gH2AX foci), clonogenic cell survival and cell cycle analyzes. Additionally the radiotoxicity of [99mTc]Alexa(488)-C225-Cyclooctin-Dpa-Tc(CO)3 ([99mTc]Tc-C225) was compared with the one of [99mTc]TcO4- and [99mTc]Tc -HMPAO depending on the subcellular distribution in EGFR-positive A431 cells.
Results and Discussion
For the analyzed [99mTc]Tc-labeled compounds we detected differences in the time courses of the uptake kinetics caused by different uptake mechanisms into the FRTL-5 cells. The radionuclide uptake of [99mTc]TcO4- was blocked in the presence of perchlorate and increased by a factor of approximately 22 after pre-incubation of Sn-PYP. The lipophilic complexes [99mTc]Tc-MIBI and [99mTc]Tc-HMPAO crossed the cell membrane through passive transport via diffusion. The compartmental analysis indicated that [99mTc]Tc-HMPAO and [99mTc]TcO4-/Sn-PYP revealed a comparable high uptake in the nucleus and in the membrane/organelle fraction. [99mTc]TcO4- and [99mTc]Tc-MIBI were preferentially distributed in the cytosol, with lower amounts of the accumulated activity in both the membranes/organelles and the nucleus compared with the other compounds. In good agreement with the subcellular distribution [99mTc]Tc-HMPAO, [99mTc]TcO4-/Sn-PYP showed a nearly complete retention and [99mTc]TcO4-, [99mTc]Tc-MIBI a low retention. Due to the differences mentioned above the following sequence of the calculated mean nucleus dose for identical activity concentrations was determined: [99mTc]TcO4- < [99mTc]Tc-MIBI < [99mTc]Tc-HMPAO < Sn PYP/ [99mTc]TcO4-. [99mTc]TcO4- and [99mTc]Tc-HMPAO caused a similar reduction of the cell survival and a dose dependent G2-arrest. [99mTc]Tc-MIBI and Sn-PYP/ [99mTc]TcO4- are both less radiotoxic in terms of the estimated nucleus dose compared with [99mTc]TcO4- and [99mTc]Tc-HMPAO. Despite the similar effect on the cell survival [99mTc]Tc-HMPAO induced only half of the residual gH2AX foci than [99mTc]TcO4-. These findings reveal that clonogenic cellular survival is not solely determined by the DNA-DSB response, which may suggest the involvement of extra-nuclear radiosensitive targets in cell inactivation. A possible extra-nuclear radiosensitive target is the cell membrane. That’s why the aim of the second part of the thesis is the investigation of the radiosensitivity of the cell membrane. Therefore the radiotoxic influence of [99mTc]Tc-C225 was analyzed at EGFR-positive A431 cells. [99mTc]Tc-C225 was taken up over the EGFR and the lipophilic [99mTc]Tc-HMPAO was transported via diffusion over the cell membrane. In contrast, [99mTc]TcO4- did not show any intracellular uptake into the NIS-negative cells and therefore was used as extracellular reference. An incubation of [99mTc]Tc-C225 for one hour resulted to a membrane binding of only 10 %, which was reduced to 1.9 % after 24 hours. This demonstrated a fast internalization into A431-cell. Therefore only in the case of a very short incubation time [99mTc]Tc-C225 leads to a specific targeting of the cell membrane. [99mTc]Tc-HMPAO did not bind to the cell membrane. Furthermore the incubation of increasing concentrations of activity and antibody resulted in a saturation of the EGFR, leading to a significant lower nucleus dose in comparison to the incubation of [99mTc]Tc-HMPAO. Concerning the clonogenic cell survival no differences in the radiotoxicity of [99mTc]Tc-C225 and [99mTc]Tc-HMPAO were observed for equal nucleus dose. Thus only an amplification of the radiotoxic effects of [99mTc]Tc-C225 in comparison to the extracellular distribution in A431 cells of 99mTc-pertechnetate was observed.
The investigation of the radiotoxic effect of [99mTc]Tc-C225 did not allow any conclusions about the radiosensitivity of the cell membrane under the given experimental conditions. For clarifying if the radiosensitivity of the cell membrane is comparable to the one of the nucleus DNA further experiments for the development of a [99mTc]Tc-labeled specific target for the cell membrane are necessary. On the basis of the dosimetric considerations of the FRTL-5 cells and A431 cells used as model systems it can be concluded that because of an insufficient accumulation a therapeutic radiotoxic effect of the Auger electrons is not realistic. Therefore the clinical use of 99mTc should be limited to the diagnostics. Nevertheless specific accumulated Auger electrons of 99mTc could be applied in the field of investigation as nano-tools for the subcellular analysis of radiotoxicity.
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Desenvolvimento de reagente liofilizado de glucoheptonato - estanho para marcação de leucócitos com tecnécio-99m in vitroNASCIMENTO, ROSEMEIRE F. 09 October 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T12:55:02Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T14:05:57Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Dissertacao (Mestrado) / IPEN/D / Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN/CNEN-SP
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Desenvolvimento de reagente liofilizado de glucoheptonato - estanho para marcação de leucócitos com tecnécio-99m in vitroNASCIMENTO, ROSEMEIRE F. 09 October 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T12:55:02Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T14:05:57Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / O estudo de processos inflamatórios e infecciosos em Medicina Nuclear apresenta grande relevância para a clínica médica diagnostica. Enquanto em alguns casos o diagnóstico é óbvio, baseado na história clínica e exame físico do paciente, em outros é mais difícil, por serem assintomáticos ou por apresentarem sintomas não específicos. O diagnóstico precoce do processo inflamatório ou infeccioso permite tratamento rápido e também o impedimento de outras complicações. Além disto, a distinção entre inflamação e infecção é de extrema importância, bem como a provável localização. O uso de leucócitos radiomarcados, já estudados e aplicados em várias patologias, é o método de escolha para visualização de focos de infecção e inflamação. A cintilografia de leucócitos radiomarcados foi introduzida em 1976 por McAffe e Thakur e desde então é usada para diagnosticar diferentes patologias que envolvem infiltração leucocitária como distúrbios inflamatórios do intestino, infecção óssea ou prótese-vasculares entre outras. A marcação dos leucócitos in vitro pode ser realizada com 111In utilizando-se oxima ou tropolona como ligante ou com 99mTc, tendo a hexametilpropileno amino oxima (HMPAO) como ligante, resultando em um complexo lipofílico. A melhor disponibilidade, menor tempo de realização do exame, melhor propriedade física e menor dose de radiação para o paciente, resultou na preferência pelo agente HMPAO marcado com 99mTc, ao invés do 111In, para a maioria das indicações na maioria dos países. Entretanto, a marcação empregando o agente HMPAO apresenta como desvantagens a curta estabilidade do reagente marcado, as exigências relacionadas ao processo de marcação (tempo pós-eluição do 99mTc), além do custo elevado, pois se trata de produto importado. Este trabalho visou o desenvolvimento do reagente liofilizado de glucoheptonatoestanho para marcação de leucócitos com 99mTc in vitro pelo método de préestanização. A otimização da técnica de marcação foi realizada através da incubação dos leucócitos, isolados de sangue total, com diferentes volumes do reagente de glucoheptonato-estanho por diferentes tempos à 37°C (préestanização), com posterior marcação com 99mTc (185 MBq), incubados à temperatura ambiente por 20 minutos. O rendimento da marcação foi superior a 90% na condição ótima de marcação. O reagente liofilizado mostrou-se estável por mais de 90 dias. As imagens cintilográficas obtidas 1, 2 e 3 horas após a administração dos leucócitos radiomarcados em coelho New Zeland demonstraram a alta eficiência de marcação de processo inflamatório provocado a partir da administração local de terebentina. O método de marcação de leucócitos desenvolvido apresenta aplicação promissora na clínica médica, com proposta de redução de custo do procedimento, apesar de ser um procedimento mais demorado quando comparado ao procedimento que utiliza o quelante lipofílico de HMPAO. / Dissertacao (Mestrado) / IPEN/D / Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN/CNEN-SP
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Untersuchungen zur Radiotoxizität von Tc-99m-markierten Radiotracern in vitro an FRTL-5- und A431-ZellenMaucksch, Ute 28 October 2016 (has links)
Einleitung/ Zielstellung
Zusätzlich zur Gammastrahlung emittiert 99mTc ca. 5 niederenergetische Auger-Elektronen mit Reichweiten von wenigen Nanometern im Gewebe. Diese haben für die nuklear-medizinische Diagnostik keine Bedeutung. Es wird jedoch über eine therapeutische Nutzung diskutiert, wofür eine Anreicherung der Auger-Elektronen-Emitter in einem strahlensensitiven Zellkompartiment erforderlich ist.
Ziel der Arbeit war es, verschiedene [99mTc]Tc-Radiopharmaka hinsichtlich ihres Uptakeverhaltens, der subzellulärer Verteilung und des Retentionsverhaltens in vitro zu untersuchen, sowie die mutmaßlich durch den Auger-Effekt hervorgerufene Radiotoxizität der [99mTc]Tc-markierten Radiopharmaka zu vergleichen und die gewonnenen Ergebnisse in Hinblick auf potentielle extranukleäre strahlensensitive Targets zu interpretieren.
Material und Methode
Durchgeführt wurden die Versuche im ersten Abschnitt der Arbeit an Natrium-Iodid-Symporter (NIS)-positiven FRTL-5-Schilddrüsenzellen. Von [99mTc] Pertechnetat ([99mTc]TcO4-), [99mTc]TcO4- nach Vorinkubation von Perchlorat ([99mTc]TcO4-/ ClO4-), [99mTc]Tc-Hexakis-2-Methoxyisobutylisonitril ([99mTc]Tc-MIBI), [99mTc]Tc-Hexamethyl-Propylenaminoxim ([99mTc]Tc-HMPAO) und [99mTc]TcO4- nach Vorinkubation von Zinn-Pyrophosphat (Sn- PYP/ [99mTc]TcO4-) wurden die intrazelluläre Radio¬nuklid¬aufnahme und die subzelluläre Verteilung untersucht. Basierend auf den Ergebnissen dieser Versuche wurde die mittlere absorbierte Zellkerndosis kalkuliert. Zur Beurteilung der strahlenbiologischen Wirkung wurde das klonogene Zellüberleben mit der Anzahl residualer gH2AX-Foci (DNA-Schaden) verglichen und die Wirkung der [99mTc]Tc Tracer auf den Zellzyklus von FRTL-5-Zellen untersucht. Im zweiten Abschnitt der Arbeit wurde an EGFR-positiven A431-Zellen die radiotoxische Wirkung in Abhängigkeit von der intra¬zellulären Lokalisation von [99mTc]Alexa(488)-C225-Cyclooctin-Dpa-Tc(CO)3 ([99mTc]Tc-C225), [99mTc]Tc-HMPAO und [99mTc]TcO4- auf das klonogene Zellüberleben untersucht.
Ergebnisse und Diskussion
Aufgrund verschiedener Uptakemechanismen zeigte jedes der untersuchten [99mTc]Tc-Radiopharmaka Unterschiede im zeitlichen Verlauf der Uptakekinetik. Durch Blockierung des NIS durch ClO4- konnte eine intrazelluläre Aufnahme von [99mTc]TcO4- verhindert werden, wogegen durch Vorinkubation mit Sn-PYP die zelluläre Aufnahme von [99mTc]TcO4- um das 22-fache gesteigert wurde. [99mTc]Tc-MIBI und [99mTc]Tc-HMPAO wurden aufgrund ihrer lipophilen Eigenschaften unabhängig vom NIS passiv in die Zelle transportiert. Die Untersuchung der intrazellulären Verteilung ergab für [99mTc]Tc-HMPAO und Sn-PYP/ [99mTc]TcO4- eine vergleichbar hohe Anreicherung in der Membran/Organellen-Fraktion sowie in der Zellkernfraktion. Von [99mTc]TcO4- und [99mTc]Tc-MIBI wurde die Hauptaktivität in der Zytosol-Fraktion und nur geringe Anteile in der Membran/Organellen-Fraktion sowie in der Zellkernfraktion nachgewiesen. In guter Übereinstimmung zur subzellulären Verteilung zeigten Sn-PYP/ [99mTc]TcO4- und [99mTc]Tc-HMPAO eine fast vollständige, hingegen [99mTc]Tc-MIBI und [99mTc]TcO4- nur eine geringe Retention. Aufgrund der genannten Unterschiede wurde bei gleicher inkubierter Aktivitätskonzentration folgende Reihenfolge der resultierenden Zellkerndosis ermittelt: [99mTc]TcO4- < [99mTc]Tc-MIBI < [99mTc]Tc-HMPAO < Sn-PYP/ [99mTc]TcO4-. [99mTc]TcO4- und [99mTc]Tc-HMPAO zeigten eine ähnliche Wirkung auf das klonogene Zellüberleben und auf den Zellzyklus. Jedoch bewirken sie eine wesentlich stärkere Reduzierung des Überlebens und einen stärkeren G2-Arrest als [99mTc]Tc-MIBI und Sn-PYP/ [99mTc]TcO4-, wobei [99mTc]Tc-MIBI bei allen drei untersuchten biologischen Endpunkten die geringste Wirkung zeigte. Bei einer vergleichbaren Reduktion des Zellüberlebens von [99mTc]TcO4- und [99mTc]Tc-HMPAO induzierte [99mTc]Tc-HMPAO lediglich die Hälfte der gH2AX-Foci im Vergleich zu [99mTc]TcO4-. Die trotz geringerem DNA-Schaden vergleichbare radiotoxische Wirkung zeigte, dass das klonogene Zellüberleben nicht allein vom DNA-Schaden abhängt. Daraus folgt, dass es außer der Kern-DNA noch weitere strahlensensitive Kompartimente gibt, die durch [99mTc]Tc-HMPAO stärker geschädigt wurden als von den anderen untersuchten [99mTc]Tc Tracern. Ein mögliches extranukleäres strahlensensitives Target ist die Zellmembran, so dass im zweiten Teil der Arbeit zur Überprüfung der Radiosensitivität der Zellmembran die radiotoxische Wirkung von [99mTc]Tc-C225 an EGFR-positiven A431-Zellen untersucht wurde. [99mTc]Tc-C225 wurde über den EGFR und [99mTc]Tc-HMPAO aufgrund seiner Lipophilie durch Diffusion intrazellulär aufgenommen. [99mTc]TcO4- dagegen zeigte keine intrazelluläre Aufnahme in die NIS-negativen Zellen und wurde als Referenz für eine extrazelluläre Bestrahlung verwendet. [99mTc]Tc-C225 wies nach einstündiger Inkubation eine Membranbindung von lediglich 10 % auf, die im Laufe von 24 h auf 1,9 % absank. Dies zeigte, dass [99mTc]Tc-C225 rasch in den A431-Zellen internalisiert wurde und dass nur bei sehr kurzen Inkubationszeiten von einer spezifischen Zellmembranmarkierung gesprochen werden kann. [99mTc]Tc-HMPAO ging keine Bindung an die Zellmembran ein. Weiterhin wurde bei der Inkubation steigender Aktivitäts- und Antikörperkonzentrationen von [99mTc]Tc C225 eine Sättigung des EGFR beobachtet, woraus eine wesentlich geringere Zellkerndosis als bei Inkubation von [99mTc]Tc-HMPAO resultierte. Im Vergleich des klonogenen Zellüberlebens zeigten [99mTc]Tc-C225 und [99mTc]Tc-HMPAO bei gleicher Zellkerndosis keine Unterschiede in der radiobiologischen Wirkung. Somit konnte lediglich eine Verstärkung der radiotoxischen Effekte von [99mTc]Tc-C225 an A431-Zellen im Vergleich zur ausschließlich extrazellulären Verteilung von [99mTc]TcO4- gezeigt werden.
Die Untersuchung der radiotoxischen Wirkung von [99mTc]Tc-C225 ermöglichte bei den angewendeten Versuchsbedingungen keine Rückschlüsse auf die Strahlensensitivität der Zellmembran. Weiterführende Arbeiten zur Entwicklung eines 99mTc-markierbaren spezifischen Membranmarkers wären notwendig, um klären zu können, ob die Zellmembran ein ähnlich strahlensensitives Target wie die nukleäre DNA ist. Dosimetrische Betrachtungen an den als Modellsystemen dienenden FRTL-5- und A431-Zellen deuten darauf hin, dass aufgrund ungenügender Anreicherung eine therapeutische Wirkung der Auger-Elektronen im Tumorgewebe eher unrealistisch ist. Damit sollte aus gegenwärtiger Sicht die klinische Anwendung von 99mTc auf den diagnostischen Einsatz beschränkt bleiben. Jedoch könnte 99mTc als Auger-Elektronen-Emitter bei spezifischer Anreicherung in definierten Zellkompartimenten als Nano-Tool zur Erforschung der Strahlensensitivität einzelner Zellbestandteile eingesetzt werden. / Introduction
In addition to gamma radiation, 99mTc emits approximately 5 low energy Auger and internal conversion electrons per decay, resulting in high ionization density proximal to the radionuclide’s decay position. Low-energy Auger electrons with path lengths of only nanometers cannot be utilized for diagnostic procedures; however, they have frequently been discussed for therapeutic applications. To achieve a radiobiological effect, an intracellular accumulation and distribution in relevant cell compartments of the Auger electron emitter is required.
The aim of the thesis was the comparison of different [99mTc]Tc-labeled compounds concerning their intracellular uptake, subcellular distribution and retention in vitro. Furthermore the radiotoxicity caused by the Auger effect has to be investigated.
Material and Methods
The intracellular radionuclide uptake, subcellular distribution (ProteoExtract®-Kit) and retention of [99mTc] pertechnetate ([99mTc]TcO4-), [99mTc]TcO4- after pre-incubation of perchlorate ([99mTc]TcO4-/ClO4-), [99mTc]TcO4- after pre-incubation of stannous pyrophosphate ([99mTc]TcO4-/Sn-PYP), [99mTc]Tc-hexamethyl-propylene-aminoxime ([99mTc]Tc-HMPAO) and [99mTc]Tc-hexakis-2-methoxyisobutylisonitrile ([99mTc]Tc-MIBI) were quantified in sodium-iodide symporter (NIS)-positive rat thyroid FRTL-5 cells. Basing on these results the mean absorbed nucleus dose was calculated. Radiotoxicity was investigated using phosphorylated histone H2AX (gH2AX foci), clonogenic cell survival and cell cycle analyzes. Additionally the radiotoxicity of [99mTc]Alexa(488)-C225-Cyclooctin-Dpa-Tc(CO)3 ([99mTc]Tc-C225) was compared with the one of [99mTc]TcO4- and [99mTc]Tc -HMPAO depending on the subcellular distribution in EGFR-positive A431 cells.
Results and Discussion
For the analyzed [99mTc]Tc-labeled compounds we detected differences in the time courses of the uptake kinetics caused by different uptake mechanisms into the FRTL-5 cells. The radionuclide uptake of [99mTc]TcO4- was blocked in the presence of perchlorate and increased by a factor of approximately 22 after pre-incubation of Sn-PYP. The lipophilic complexes [99mTc]Tc-MIBI and [99mTc]Tc-HMPAO crossed the cell membrane through passive transport via diffusion. The compartmental analysis indicated that [99mTc]Tc-HMPAO and [99mTc]TcO4-/Sn-PYP revealed a comparable high uptake in the nucleus and in the membrane/organelle fraction. [99mTc]TcO4- and [99mTc]Tc-MIBI were preferentially distributed in the cytosol, with lower amounts of the accumulated activity in both the membranes/organelles and the nucleus compared with the other compounds. In good agreement with the subcellular distribution [99mTc]Tc-HMPAO, [99mTc]TcO4-/Sn-PYP showed a nearly complete retention and [99mTc]TcO4-, [99mTc]Tc-MIBI a low retention. Due to the differences mentioned above the following sequence of the calculated mean nucleus dose for identical activity concentrations was determined: [99mTc]TcO4- < [99mTc]Tc-MIBI < [99mTc]Tc-HMPAO < Sn PYP/ [99mTc]TcO4-. [99mTc]TcO4- and [99mTc]Tc-HMPAO caused a similar reduction of the cell survival and a dose dependent G2-arrest. [99mTc]Tc-MIBI and Sn-PYP/ [99mTc]TcO4- are both less radiotoxic in terms of the estimated nucleus dose compared with [99mTc]TcO4- and [99mTc]Tc-HMPAO. Despite the similar effect on the cell survival [99mTc]Tc-HMPAO induced only half of the residual gH2AX foci than [99mTc]TcO4-. These findings reveal that clonogenic cellular survival is not solely determined by the DNA-DSB response, which may suggest the involvement of extra-nuclear radiosensitive targets in cell inactivation. A possible extra-nuclear radiosensitive target is the cell membrane. That’s why the aim of the second part of the thesis is the investigation of the radiosensitivity of the cell membrane. Therefore the radiotoxic influence of [99mTc]Tc-C225 was analyzed at EGFR-positive A431 cells. [99mTc]Tc-C225 was taken up over the EGFR and the lipophilic [99mTc]Tc-HMPAO was transported via diffusion over the cell membrane. In contrast, [99mTc]TcO4- did not show any intracellular uptake into the NIS-negative cells and therefore was used as extracellular reference. An incubation of [99mTc]Tc-C225 for one hour resulted to a membrane binding of only 10 %, which was reduced to 1.9 % after 24 hours. This demonstrated a fast internalization into A431-cell. Therefore only in the case of a very short incubation time [99mTc]Tc-C225 leads to a specific targeting of the cell membrane. [99mTc]Tc-HMPAO did not bind to the cell membrane. Furthermore the incubation of increasing concentrations of activity and antibody resulted in a saturation of the EGFR, leading to a significant lower nucleus dose in comparison to the incubation of [99mTc]Tc-HMPAO. Concerning the clonogenic cell survival no differences in the radiotoxicity of [99mTc]Tc-C225 and [99mTc]Tc-HMPAO were observed for equal nucleus dose. Thus only an amplification of the radiotoxic effects of [99mTc]Tc-C225 in comparison to the extracellular distribution in A431 cells of 99mTc-pertechnetate was observed.
The investigation of the radiotoxic effect of [99mTc]Tc-C225 did not allow any conclusions about the radiosensitivity of the cell membrane under the given experimental conditions. For clarifying if the radiosensitivity of the cell membrane is comparable to the one of the nucleus DNA further experiments for the development of a [99mTc]Tc-labeled specific target for the cell membrane are necessary. On the basis of the dosimetric considerations of the FRTL-5 cells and A431 cells used as model systems it can be concluded that because of an insufficient accumulation a therapeutic radiotoxic effect of the Auger electrons is not realistic. Therefore the clinical use of 99mTc should be limited to the diagnostics. Nevertheless specific accumulated Auger electrons of 99mTc could be applied in the field of investigation as nano-tools for the subcellular analysis of radiotoxicity.
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Desenvolvimento de reagente liofilizado de glucoheptonato-estanho para marcação de leucócitos com Tecnécio-99m in vitro / Development of lyophilized kit of Tin-Glucoheptonate for in vitro labeling of leucocytes with 99mTcNascimento, Rosemeire Fagundes 24 August 2007 (has links)
O estudo de processos inflamatórios e infecciosos em Medicina Nuclear apresenta grande relevância para a clínica médica diagnostica. Enquanto em alguns casos o diagnóstico é óbvio, baseado na história clínica e exame físico do paciente, em outros é mais difícil, por serem assintomáticos ou por apresentarem sintomas não específicos. O diagnóstico precoce do processo inflamatório ou infeccioso permite tratamento rápido e também o impedimento de outras complicações. Além disto, a distinção entre inflamação e infecção é de extrema importância, bem como a provável localização. O uso de leucócitos radiomarcados, já estudados e aplicados em várias patologias, é o método de escolha para visualização de focos de infecção e inflamação. A cintilografia de leucócitos radiomarcados foi introduzida em 1976 por McAffe e Thakur e desde então é usada para diagnosticar diferentes patologias que envolvem infiltração leucocitária como distúrbios inflamatórios do intestino, infecção óssea ou prótese-vasculares entre outras. A marcação dos leucócitos in vitro pode ser realizada com 111In utilizando-se oxima ou tropolona como ligante ou com 99mTc, tendo a hexametilpropileno amino oxima (HMPAO) como ligante, resultando em um complexo lipofílico. A melhor disponibilidade, menor tempo de realização do exame, melhor propriedade física e menor dose de radiação para o paciente, resultou na preferência pelo agente HMPAO marcado com 99mTc, ao invés do 111In, para a maioria das indicações na maioria dos países. Entretanto, a marcação empregando o agente HMPAO apresenta como desvantagens a curta estabilidade do reagente marcado, as exigências relacionadas ao processo de marcação (tempo pós-eluição do 99mTc), além do custo elevado, pois se trata de produto importado. Este trabalho visou o desenvolvimento do reagente liofilizado de glucoheptonatoestanho para marcação de leucócitos com 99mTc in vitro pelo método de préestanização. A otimização da técnica de marcação foi realizada através da incubação dos leucócitos, isolados de sangue total, com diferentes volumes do reagente de glucoheptonato-estanho por diferentes tempos à 37°C (préestanização), com posterior marcação com 99mTc (185 MBq), incubados à temperatura ambiente por 20 minutos. O rendimento da marcação foi superior a 90% na condição ótima de marcação. O reagente liofilizado mostrou-se estável por mais de 90 dias. As imagens cintilográficas obtidas 1, 2 e 3 horas após a administração dos leucócitos radiomarcados em coelho New Zeland demonstraram a alta eficiência de marcação de processo inflamatório provocado a partir da administração local de terebentina. O método de marcação de leucócitos desenvolvido apresenta aplicação promissora na clínica médica, com proposta de redução de custo do procedimento, apesar de ser um procedimento mais demorado quando comparado ao procedimento que utiliza o quelante lipofílico de HMPAO. / The study and localization of inflammatory and infection process in Nuclear Medicine represents a relevant tool in diagnostic procedures. In same cases, the diagnostic is easy and based on anamnesis and clinical observation; in other cases, the patients are asymptomatic or present non specific symptoms that difficult the diagnostic. The early diagnostic of inflammatory or infectious process allow the early introduction of therapy and prevents complications. Farther, the differentiation between inflammation and infection is of extreme importance as well as the localization of the focus. The use of labeled leucocytes, studied and applied in much pathologies, is the method of choice for the visualization of inflammation and infection. The scintigraphy using labeled leucocytes was introduced at 1976 by McAffe and Thakur and since of this is used in the diagnostic of different pathologies related to leucocyte infiltration like intestinal inflammatory disease, bone or prosthetic-vascular infections. The in vitro labeling of leucocytes with 111In was performed using oxime or tropolone as ligand and with 99mTc using hexamethylpropylene amine oxime (HMPAO) as ligand, resulting in a lipophilic complex. The 99mTc-HMPAG complex was preferably employed in many indications and countries do to the ideal physical properties of 99mTc that results in low dose to the patient. However, the labeling employing the HMPAO complex results in some disadvantages like the low stability of the complex, and some requirements related to the 99mTc elution (like the time pos elution), beyond the high cost of the compound that is imported. The aim of this work was the development of a tin-glucoheptonate lyophilized kit for in vitro leucocytes labeling with 99mTc using the pre-stannization method. The optimization of the labeling technique was developed using leucocytes isolated from total blood and employing different volumes of the tinglucoheptonate reagent and different incubation times at 37 deg C (pre-stannization), and posterior labeling with 99mTc (185 MBq), after 20 minutes reaction at room temperature. The labeling yield was superior to 90% using the optimized labeling conditions. Lyophilized reagent was stable after 90 days. Scintilographic images obtained 1, 2 e 3 hours after the administration of labeled leucocytes in New Zealand rabbit, showed good uptake on inflammatory focus promoted by tupertine injection. The leucocytes labeling method developed can be probably applied in clinical procedures and represents cost effective method in substitution of the lipophilic complex of HMPAO.
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Desenvolvimento de reagente liofilizado de glucoheptonato-estanho para marcação de leucócitos com Tecnécio-99m in vitro / Development of lyophilized kit of Tin-Glucoheptonate for in vitro labeling of leucocytes with 99mTcRosemeire Fagundes Nascimento 24 August 2007 (has links)
O estudo de processos inflamatórios e infecciosos em Medicina Nuclear apresenta grande relevância para a clínica médica diagnostica. Enquanto em alguns casos o diagnóstico é óbvio, baseado na história clínica e exame físico do paciente, em outros é mais difícil, por serem assintomáticos ou por apresentarem sintomas não específicos. O diagnóstico precoce do processo inflamatório ou infeccioso permite tratamento rápido e também o impedimento de outras complicações. Além disto, a distinção entre inflamação e infecção é de extrema importância, bem como a provável localização. O uso de leucócitos radiomarcados, já estudados e aplicados em várias patologias, é o método de escolha para visualização de focos de infecção e inflamação. A cintilografia de leucócitos radiomarcados foi introduzida em 1976 por McAffe e Thakur e desde então é usada para diagnosticar diferentes patologias que envolvem infiltração leucocitária como distúrbios inflamatórios do intestino, infecção óssea ou prótese-vasculares entre outras. A marcação dos leucócitos in vitro pode ser realizada com 111In utilizando-se oxima ou tropolona como ligante ou com 99mTc, tendo a hexametilpropileno amino oxima (HMPAO) como ligante, resultando em um complexo lipofílico. A melhor disponibilidade, menor tempo de realização do exame, melhor propriedade física e menor dose de radiação para o paciente, resultou na preferência pelo agente HMPAO marcado com 99mTc, ao invés do 111In, para a maioria das indicações na maioria dos países. Entretanto, a marcação empregando o agente HMPAO apresenta como desvantagens a curta estabilidade do reagente marcado, as exigências relacionadas ao processo de marcação (tempo pós-eluição do 99mTc), além do custo elevado, pois se trata de produto importado. Este trabalho visou o desenvolvimento do reagente liofilizado de glucoheptonatoestanho para marcação de leucócitos com 99mTc in vitro pelo método de préestanização. A otimização da técnica de marcação foi realizada através da incubação dos leucócitos, isolados de sangue total, com diferentes volumes do reagente de glucoheptonato-estanho por diferentes tempos à 37°C (préestanização), com posterior marcação com 99mTc (185 MBq), incubados à temperatura ambiente por 20 minutos. O rendimento da marcação foi superior a 90% na condição ótima de marcação. O reagente liofilizado mostrou-se estável por mais de 90 dias. As imagens cintilográficas obtidas 1, 2 e 3 horas após a administração dos leucócitos radiomarcados em coelho New Zeland demonstraram a alta eficiência de marcação de processo inflamatório provocado a partir da administração local de terebentina. O método de marcação de leucócitos desenvolvido apresenta aplicação promissora na clínica médica, com proposta de redução de custo do procedimento, apesar de ser um procedimento mais demorado quando comparado ao procedimento que utiliza o quelante lipofílico de HMPAO. / The study and localization of inflammatory and infection process in Nuclear Medicine represents a relevant tool in diagnostic procedures. In same cases, the diagnostic is easy and based on anamnesis and clinical observation; in other cases, the patients are asymptomatic or present non specific symptoms that difficult the diagnostic. The early diagnostic of inflammatory or infectious process allow the early introduction of therapy and prevents complications. Farther, the differentiation between inflammation and infection is of extreme importance as well as the localization of the focus. The use of labeled leucocytes, studied and applied in much pathologies, is the method of choice for the visualization of inflammation and infection. The scintigraphy using labeled leucocytes was introduced at 1976 by McAffe and Thakur and since of this is used in the diagnostic of different pathologies related to leucocyte infiltration like intestinal inflammatory disease, bone or prosthetic-vascular infections. The in vitro labeling of leucocytes with 111In was performed using oxime or tropolone as ligand and with 99mTc using hexamethylpropylene amine oxime (HMPAO) as ligand, resulting in a lipophilic complex. The 99mTc-HMPAG complex was preferably employed in many indications and countries do to the ideal physical properties of 99mTc that results in low dose to the patient. However, the labeling employing the HMPAO complex results in some disadvantages like the low stability of the complex, and some requirements related to the 99mTc elution (like the time pos elution), beyond the high cost of the compound that is imported. The aim of this work was the development of a tin-glucoheptonate lyophilized kit for in vitro leucocytes labeling with 99mTc using the pre-stannization method. The optimization of the labeling technique was developed using leucocytes isolated from total blood and employing different volumes of the tinglucoheptonate reagent and different incubation times at 37 deg C (pre-stannization), and posterior labeling with 99mTc (185 MBq), after 20 minutes reaction at room temperature. The labeling yield was superior to 90% using the optimized labeling conditions. Lyophilized reagent was stable after 90 days. Scintilographic images obtained 1, 2 e 3 hours after the administration of labeled leucocytes in New Zealand rabbit, showed good uptake on inflammatory focus promoted by tupertine injection. The leucocytes labeling method developed can be probably applied in clinical procedures and represents cost effective method in substitution of the lipophilic complex of HMPAO.
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Human brain function evaluated with rCBF-SPECT : memory and pain related changes and new diagnostic possibilities in Alzheimer’s diseaseSundström, Torbjörn January 2006 (has links)
The aim of this doctoral thesis was to study the influence of memory, pain, age and education on the regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF), i.e. brain function, in early Alzheimer's disease (AD) and in chronic neck pain patients in comparison to healthy controls and in healthy elderly per se. This was done by optimizing single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) as a method to study rCBF with the tracer Technetium-99m (99mTc) hexamethylpropyleneamine oxime (HMPAO) and by matching all image data to a brain atlas before evaluation. The rCBF-SPECT was evaluated and developed to obtain higher diagnostic accuracy in AD and in chronic neck pain patients it was used to study basic pain related cerebral processes in chronic pain of different origin. A new semimanual registration method, based on fiducial marker, suitable for investigations with low spatial resolution was developed. The method was used to reconstruct images with an improved attenuation and scatter correction by using an attenuation-map calculated from the patients' previously acquired CT images. The influence of age and education on rCBF was evaluated with statistical parametric mapping, SPM in healthy elderly. The main findings were age related changes in rCBF in regions close to interlobar and interhemispheric space but not in regions typically affected in early AD, except for the medial temporal lobe. The theory of a 'cognitive reserve' in individuals with a longer education was supported with findings in the lateral temporal lobe, a region related to semantic memory, and in the frontal lobe. A cross-sectional study of chronic neck pain patients showed extensive rCBF changes in coping related regions in a non-traumatic pain patients compared to both healthy and a pain group with a traumatic origin, i.e. whiplash syndrome. The whiplash group displayed no significant differences in rCBF in comparison with the healthy controls. This suggests different pain mechanisms in these groups. The AD-patients showed a significantly lower rCBF in temporoparietal regions including left hippocampus. These changes were associated to episodic memory performance, and especially to face recognition. The diagnostic sensitivity for AD was high. The face recognition test (episodic memory) was used in AD patients to improve the sensitivity of method, i.e. memory-provoked rCBF-SPECT (MP-SPECT). The results were compared to healthy controls and the reductions of rCBF in temporoparietal regions were more pronounced in mild AD during provocation. Memory provocation increased the sensitivity of AD-related rCBF changes at group level. If a higher sensitivity for AD at the individual level is verified in future studies, a single MP-SPECT study might then be of help to set diagnosis earlier. In conclusion rCBF in temporoparietal regions are associated to an impaired episodic memory in early AD. Changes in these regions do not have a strong connection to chronological age. The diagnostic sensitivity of rCBF-SPECT in AD is high and there is a potentially higher sensitivity if memory provoked investigations are used. The findings in this thesis have given an increased knowledge of underlying cerebral pain processing in non-traumatic and traumatic (whiplash) neck pain. Preliminary results supporting the theory of 'cognitive reserve' by showing a correlation between long education and preserved rCBF was found in healthy elderly.
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