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Industrial Codes of Ethics in Multi-Ethnic Environments : The Case of the Crimean Tourism IndustryDuggan, Alan January 2014 (has links)
The study of ethical practice in tourism among scholars and decision makers alike has blossomed over the pastten years. Urged on by the emergence of niche tourism marketing campaigns in sustainable tourism and by a widerglobal trend toward increased corporate transparency, the questions of motivating and maintaining ethical practicein one of the world’s most influential industries has received evermore attention in academia and the policydevelopment environment. This paper contributes to an understanding of ethical practice within the tourismindustry by analysing the potential barriers which exist to the implementation of an industry wide Code of Ethicsin a multi-cultural and multi-ethnic environment. Utilising the symbolic interactionism approach an analyticalmodel was constructed to investigate the institutional context of a proposed code of ethics for the tourism industryof Crimea. Focusing on cultural values, socio-economic status and institutional capacity it was found thatsignificant cultural distance and an underdeveloped tourism infrastructure posed the greatest potential disruptionto the implementation of an industry wide code.
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Hur olika generationer i Europa förhåller sig till arbetsvärderingar : - En kvantitativ studie i generationsskillnader samt vad som skiljer dem åt jämfört med nationella skillnaderEkberg, Ellen, Klasman, Marcus January 2018 (has links)
Tidigare forskning tyder på att det finns skillnader mellan generationer och att de olika generationerna förväntar sig och drivs av olika faktorer. Uppdelningar av generationer har gjorts utifrån generationsforskning i västvärlden vilket den här studien har använt sig av för att definiera generationer i Europa. Syftet med den här studien är att ta reda på om det finns likheter i hur olika generationer i Europa förhåller sig till arbete eller om likheterna mellan nationaliteter är större, oavsett generation. Detta för att kunna ta reda på om det går att generalisera generationer i Europa till hur de förhåller sig till arbete. Genom en faktoranalys har frågor gällande arbetsvärderingar jämförts för att ta reda på hur de kan mätas med Hofstedes nationella kulturdimensioner. För att definiera skillnaderna mellan hur generationerna förhåller sig till arbete har en Anova genomförts. Hofstedes menar att den nationella tillhörigheten är stark och svårföränderlig. Genom att jämföra hans dimensioner med hur generationer i olika länder förhåller sig till arbetsvärderingar visade resultatet på att de nationella likheterna var större än de likheter som finns mellan generationer över länder i Europa.
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Global competitiveness, human capital, and Hofstede’s cultural dimensions: Does culture influence national competitiveness?Le, Thanh, Wejrot, Luz Bruno Picasso January 2016 (has links)
National economic competitiveness is a major concern to governments, firms, and individuals in an increasingly globalised world. Culture is known affect economic competitiveness, but there is little existing research that links Hofstede’s cultural dimensions with the Human Capital Indicators in the World Economic Forum’s Global Competitiveness Index. U-blox is an international firm with offices around the world. The firm has grown through acquisitions and has become a key player in the wireless communication and positioning semiconductors business. The chosen topic will study the cultural aspects of a selected group of u-blox subsidiaries. The values in a workplace are in fact influenced by culture and by their human capital. Using Hofstede’s dimensions to analyse the cultural factors, it is possible to study the international context of the human capital in each subsidiary by using reliable international indicators provided in the Global Competitiveness Index.
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Kulturella skillnader vid interaktion mellan internationella aktörer : En kvalitativ studie om hur SBK SWEDEN AB bemöter och hanterar kulturen i MellanösternEttouzry, Hind, Kartal, Jasmin January 2020 (has links)
Background: International trade creates an opportunity for companies to grow, but at the same time also culture obstacles that make it difficult to emerge on international markets. Problem definition: Culture differences are crucial when collaborating with international operations overseas, causing difficulties in business relations between nations, affecting the interaction between firms on foreign markets. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to create a deep understanding and to analyze the way a Swedish company handles the impact of culture differences in interaction with foreign companies in the Middle East. Method:A qualitative research study method based on an abductive strategy. Theories: The essay uses; Hofstede’s cultural dimensions model, The internalization process, Network Model. Empiric: The data was collected through semi-structured interviews. Results/Analysis: Cultural is noticeable and occur in international cooperations, culture differences can therefore affect collaborations in varying degrees. Conclusion: Cultural is vital and it is reflected in the organization, therefore it is important to have an awareness but also to implement some adaptations to handle and to overcome the difficulties that culture differences causes in interaction between foreign firms.
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Power Distance in Mormon CultureLee, Sara Isabel 01 March 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Religion consists of humanity's beliefs, cultural systems, and worldviews of existence (Geertz, 1973). Its function is not merely a system of symbols that people act according to, but also the establishment of powerful, pervasive motivations in the society. This study intends to analyze the connection of religion and culture by using one of Hofstede's cultural dimensions, power distance (the extent of how power is accepted and expected to be distributed in the society). In this analysis, the researcher investigated the PDI (Power Distance Index) within the Utah Mormon culture. Researcher also compared the PDI scoring of Utah Mormon culture to the general US culture, as well as the PDI in Catholicism and Protestantism culture. The results showed that the unique Mormon cultural region in Utah has the lowest PDI in comparison to the US national culture and that of general Protestant and Catholic communities. This outcome is contrary to the general characterization of power in Utah Mormon culture. The result of this study raised more questions than answers. Although several factors and characteristics that contribute to the low PDI in Utah Mormon society, as well as its implications have been analyzed, the researcher found that this contradiction of the PDI scoring is related to Hofstede's original work. This study is challenging Hofstede's way in treating culture and its components as homogenous. Thus, each fragment of culture needs to be investigated as a separate entity. The study of power distance in Utah Mormon culture indicates how a society can understand its own characteristics and how it can communicate more effectively with other societies with different backgrounds or different PDI based on these characteristics. This study can educate people concerning how Mormons interact and perhaps might even, to a certain extent, at least, explain the conflicts in the society itself. Additionally, the results of this research can be a new contribution to the literature for this field and can further the research in verifying the characteristics of a given society.
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Managing in Brazil a guide for American managersSenosiain, Melanie 01 May 2012 (has links)
As the Brazilian economy is growing, more and more companies are looking to open businesses in Brazil. This may require some managers to hire Brazilian employees. By using the Hofstede and GLOBE studies, as well as other cultural traits, I have gathered a significant amount of knowledge on the Brazilian culture. I compared these traits to the American culture to find what American managers should focus on changing to best manage Brazilian employees. This guide determined techniques that American managers should follow when traveling to Brazil. In addition I have added other traits that American managers should look into before choosing to work with Brazilian companies. After reading this Thesis, managers should be able to manage Brazilian employees more effectively.
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Exploring Cross-Cultural Differences in Attitudes Towards SDG12Melander, Jessika, Al-Khameesi, Diana January 2023 (has links)
Date: 2023/05/30 Level: Master thesis in Business Administration, 15cr Institution: School of Business, Society and Engineering, Mälardalen Authors: Diana Al-Khameesi, Jessika Melander Title: Exploring cross-cultural differences in attitudes towards SDG12 Supervisor: Emre Yldiz Keywords: SDG, Consumer attitude, Cultural values, Hofstede Research question: To what extent individuals’ attitudes towards SDG12 vary across cultures? Purpose: To what extent the importance of cultural values of individuals has influenced consumer attitude towards SDG12 and what implications this have for the SDGs being marketed as international goals. Method: A quantitative study; collecting 230 valid responses from individuals across multiple countries. A positivist stance and a deductive approach to theory development were used. Correlation and regression analyses were carried out. Conclusion: The result of the study indicates that depending on the dimension not all targets were statistically significant. Some targets of SDG12 were either negatively, positively, or not related at all to the four original dimensions of Hofstede. Which concludes that the impact of the cultural value of an individual on attitudes when it comes to SDG12 is not global as suggested by the UN.
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No description available.
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Understanding Dimensions of Disciplinary Engineering Culture in Undergraduate StudentsMurzi Escobar, Homero Gregorio 12 July 2016 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to understand how engineering students perceive the patterns of culture at the disciplinary level using Hofstede's constructs (power distance, individualism, uncertainty avoidance, and masculinity). The methodology design for this study is mixed methods. More specifically, the design of this study is an explanatory sequential design that begins with the collection and analysis of quantitative data from a version of Hofstede's survey developed by Sharma (2010), followed by subsequent collection and analysis of qualitative data, with the qualitative analysis being informed by preliminary results from the initial quantitative phase. Results from the quantitative study led to a review of the literature regarding Hofstede's main critiques and how other authors have successfully implemented his model in different contexts, and qualitative data collection with semi-structured interviews with undergraduate students. There are three aims of this study, which are addressed and presented in three separate manuscripts. The first aim (Manuscript 1) was identifying if Hofstede's theory of dimensions of national culture can map to academic disciplines. Results from surveying 3388 undergraduate students provided scores on Hofstede's dimensions for each major. Responses matched the national culture of the students rather than the disciplinary culture; therefore, Hofstede's theory didn't map to explain cultural differences in academic majors. The second aim (Manuscript 2) of this study was to review the extensive available literature regarding the critiques of Hofstede's model and its implementation in different settings. Results provided with conceptual, and methodological critiques and misuse of his theory that allowed us to understand the value of his model to understand cultural differences at the national level, as well as the value of the dimensions to inform our qualitative research design. The third aim (Manuscript 3) of this study was to explore students' perceptions of disciplinary engineering culture and how it compared to other disciplines using a qualitative interview protocol that provided rich findings that complement the quantitative results. Results from interviewing 24 students in industrial and systems engineering, electrical and computer engineering, marketing, and industrial design provided with valuable information on how students perceive their disciplinary culture in terms of what it is valued, how they learn, how it is taught, why they learn, how it is going to be used in the workplace, and the reason for select the major. Implications for research and practice in the engineering education field are provided to inform how to make decisions on engineering curriculum, and engineering classrooms and try to find ways to improve some of the issues that engineering education has been facing for the last decades. / Ph. D.
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Feminina män och... Maskulina kvinnor? : En kvalitativ interkulturell jämförelsestudie av genuskonstruktion i reklambilder i Sverige och USA / Feminine men and… Masculine women? : A qualitative cross-cultural comparison study of gender construction in the advertising images in Sweden and the USDennemark, Marcus, Lewander, Marcus January 2017 (has links)
Den här studien syftar till att genom en kvalitativ metod pröva tillförlitligheten i Geert Hofstedes maskulinitetsdimension (MAS). MAS förklaras ingående i uppsatsens inledande kapitel, men är en del i Hofstedes mer övergripande kulturdimensionsteori, som ämnar att förklara kulturella skillnader mellan olika länder (De Moij & Hofstede, 2010). Kulturdimensionsteorin och MAS har prövats i flertalet tidigare interkulturella jämförelsestudier, där man jämfört medieinnehåll i två eller fler länder. Många av dessa studier har varit av kvantitativt slag, och har genom statistiskt säkerställda resultat kunnat legitimera teorin i flera avseenden (Wiles, Wiles & Tjernlund, 1995; An & Kim, 2007; Stoica, Miller & Ardelea, 2011). I vår studie har vi med hjälp av en kvalitativ innehållsanalys jämfört reklambilder publicerade i livsstilsmagasin i Sverige och USA. Vi har genom att titta på hur genus konstrueras i reklambilder i de båda länderna funnit att reklambilder i svenska livsstilsmagasin innehåller mer icke-stereotypa framställningar av män och kvinnor jämfört med reklambilder funna i amerikanska livsstilsmagasin. Studiens teoretiska grund bygger på ett socialkonstruktionistiskt ramverk, där genusteori och stereotyper utgör en fundamental utgångspunkt för studien. Analysen av materialunderlaget har gjorts med hjälp av bland annat Goffmans (1979) klassifikationer för könsframställning, där även feministisk blickanalys har inkluderats i analysverktyget. Studiens resultat är inte entydiga då det finns många likheter mellan reklambilder publicerade i svenska och amerikanska livsstilsmagasin, men det finns en märkbar skillnad i hur genus konstrueras i reklambilder i de båda länderna, något som går att härleda till den teoretiska grunden i Hofstedes MAS-dimension. / This study aims to – through a qualitative method – examine the reliability of Geert Hofstede’s theory of cultural dimensions. More specifically, we are interested in Hofstede’s dimension masculinity/femininity (MAS), which for one tries to explain differences regarding the view on sex and gender between different cultures – a more thorough explanation of MAS follows in the initial chapter of this thesis. There have been several prior studies testing the reliability of MAS; using a quantitative method they have compared media content and advertising in two or more countries, and the results have in most cases legitimized MAS and the theory of cultural dimensions (Wiles, Wiles & Tjernlund, 1995; An & Kim, 2007; Stoica, Miller & Ardelea, 2011). In this study we have compared advertising images published in lifestyle magazines in Sweden and the US using a qualitative text/content analysis. Through examining how gender is constructed in advertising images found in magazines from the two countries, we have found that images published in Swedish magazines contain more non-stereotypical portrayals of men and women than those published in American magazines. When we say more, we don’t mean as in a higher frequency, that would take a quantitative method to determine, but there are more unique themes regarding the construction of gender in Swedish advertising images compared to American. Gender theory and stereotypes have been theoretical foundations of this study, and the actual analysis of images has been conducted using feminist gaze analysis together with Goffman’s (1979) classifications of gender portrayal. The results are not unequivocal since we found similarities regarding gender construction in advertising images in the two countries; however, despite the similarities, there is also a noticeable difference in the construction of gender that can be linked to the theoretical foundation in Hofstedes MAS-dimension.
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