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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Techno-economic evaluation of hydrochar via hydrothermal carbonisation of organicresidues

Abdullahi, Abdirahman January 2022 (has links)
This thesis has investigated the techno-economic feasibility of upgrading the sludge from a chemical pulp mill to hydrochar via hydrothermal carbonization (HTC). The intended use of the hydrochar was to replace fossil coal within metallurgical applications in the iron and steel industry. Process models were developed in order to obtain mass and energy balances of the HTC process for different technical configurations. The balances were used to evaluate the economic performance, in terms of hydrochar production cost as well as different profitability parameters. Two main scenarios were investigated: Scenario-1: HTC process integrated with the pulp millScenario-2: Stand alone HTC process.To see the effect of having one or two HTC reactors, two cases were developed for each scenario, where the first case used only mixed sludge from the pulp mill as feedstock for the HTC process (case 1, one reactor), while the second case used both mixed sludge and bark as feedstock (case 2, two reactors). In scenario 1, the effects on the pulp mill’s mass and energy balances of integrating the HTC process were investigated. The results showed only very small impacts on the pulp mill, due to that the HTC process is significantly smaller than the mill. The total amount of steam to the steam turbine increased by 0.8 % and 0.9 %, for case 1 and 2, respectively. In combination with the removed sludge, which is otherwise combusted in the mill’s socalled power boiler, this entailed a total increase of the wood fuel consumption in the boiler by 3.2 % and 3.6 %, respectively. By implementing a second HTC reactor, the production cost of hydrochar could in the integrated scenario (scenario 1) be decreased from 4 600 SEK/ton (case 1) to 3 700 SEK/ton (case 2). The corresponding production costs in the stand alone scenario (scenario 2) amounted to 5 400 SEK/ton (case 1) and 4 200 SEK/ton (case 2), respectively. Both integration with the pulp mill and increasing the HTC production scale were thus found to be strategies that can lead to decreased hydrochar production cost. However, even the lowest production cost noted in this report is significantly higher than the corresponding price of coal. This indicates that other measures are required in order for hydrochar to become cost competitive to fossil coal in the metallurgical industry. Examples are the possibility to use even lower-cost feedstocks, as well as policy tools targeting, e.g., the CO2 emissions from using fossil materials and energy carriers in the iron and steel industry. Based on the results from the investment calculation, it is concluded that the HTC process integrated with a pulp mill is preferable compared to a stand alone HTC process. The reason why integrated HTC is preferred is that it gives higher NPV and correspondingly lower payback time, as well as lower hydrochar production costs. / Denna examensarbete har undersökt den tekno-ekonomiska genomförbarheten av att uppgradera slammet från ett kemisk massabruk till hydrokol via hydrotermisk karbonisering (HTC). Den avsedda användningen av hydrokol var att ersätta fossilt kol inom metallurgiska tillämp- ningar i järn och stålindustri. Processmodeller utvecklades för att erhålla mass- och energibalanser för HTC-processen. Balanserna användes för att utvärdera de ekonomiska prestanda, i form av produktionskostnad för hydrokol samt olika lönsamhetsparametrar. Följande två huvudscenarier undersöktes: Scenario-1: HTC-processen integrerad med massabruket Scenario-2: Fristående HTC-process. För att se effekten av att ha en eller två HTC-reaktorer utvecklades två fall för varje scenario, där det första fallet endast använde blandat slam från massabruket som råvara för HTC-processen (fall 1, en reaktor), medan det andra fallet använde både blandat slam och bark som råmaterial (fall 2, två reaktorer). I scenario 1 undersöktes effekterna på massabrukets mass- och energibalanser av att integrera HTC-processen. Resultaten visade endast mycket små effekter på massabruket, på grund av att HTC-processen är betydligt mindre än bruket. Den totala mängden ånga till ångturbinen ökade med 0.8 % och 0.9 % för fall 1 respektive 2. I kombination med bortfall av slammet, som annars förbränns i brukets barkpanna, innebar detta en total ökning av förbrukningen av trädbränsle i pannan med 3.2 % respektive 3.6 %. Genom att implementera en andra HTC-reaktor skulle produktionskostnaden för hydrokol i det integrerade scenariot (scenario 1) kunna sänkas från 4 600 SEK/ton (fall 1) till 3 700 SEK/ton (fall 2). Motsvarande produktionskostnader i det fristående scenariot (scenario 2) uppgick till 5 400 SEK/ton (fall 1) respektive 4 200 SEK/ton (fall 2). Både integration med massabruk och ökning av produktionskapaciteten av HTC visade sig därför vara strategier som kan leda till minskade produktionskostnader för hydrokol . Men även den lägsta produktionskostnaden som noteras i denna rapport är betydligt högre än motsvarande pris på kol. Detta tyder på att det krävs andra åtgärder för att hydrokol ska bli konkurrenskraftigt ur kostnadssynpunkt gentemot fossilt kol i den metallurgiska industrin. Exempel är möjligheten att använda ännu billigare råvaror, såväl som policyverktyg som riktar in sig på t.ex. CO2-utsläppen från användning av fossila material och energibärare inom järn- och stålindustrin. Baserat på resultaten från investeringskalkylen dras slutsatsen att HTC-processen integrerad med ett massabruk är att föredra jämfört med en fristående HTC-process. Anledningen till att integrerad HTC föredras är att det ger högre netto nuvärde (NPV) och motsvarande lägre återbetalningstid, samt lägre produktionskostnader för hydrokol.

Training novice robot operators to complete simple industrial tasks by using a VR training program

Yu, Haisheng January 2020 (has links)
This paper studies a Virtual Reality (VR) training program for novice industrial robot operators. The VR training program is constructed using Unity and HTC Vive. The paper presents the result of comparative experiments allowing novices to learn and operate virtual and physical robots to complete simple industrial production tasks. The results include their time to complete the task, the pass rate of the task, and the results of the questionnaire survey as evidence of their learning efficiency and user satisfaction. Finally, through data analysis, we compare the impact the two methods have on novices. The two approaches are the VR training program and the conventional physical robot training method. The experiment results show that novices who use the VR training program at first show a high degree of user satisfaction, and they can more quickly and efficiently master the knowledge of manipulating industrial robots and apply it to practice. The findings of this article also show that the use of VR technology in industrial production improves y and is a feasible and reliable method which still has room‌‌‌ or improvement. / Den här uppsatsen undersöker ett Virtual Reality-träningsprogram för industriella robot operatörer som är nybörjare. VR-träningsprogrammet är skapat i Unity för HTC Vive. Uppsatsen presenterar resultaten av en jämförande studie där nybörjare fick lära sig att använda en VR och en fysisk robot för att slutföra enkla industriella produktionsuppgifter. Resultatet inkluderar deltagarnas tid att slutföra uppgifterna, andel lyckade försök samt resultaten av ett frågeformulär som bevis på deltagarnas inlärnings effektivitet samt användartillfredsställelse. Genom en dataanalys jämfördes de effekter ett VR- träningsprogram och en konventionell metod på fysiska robotar hade på nybörjare. Studiens resultat visar att nybörjare som använder VR-träningsprogrammet visar en högre grad av användartillfredsställelse och att dem är snabbare och effektivare när dem bemästrar kunskapen som behövs för att manipulera industrirobotar, samt att tillämpa detta i verkligheten. Resultaten visar också att användningen av VR i industriell produktion förbättrar effektiviteten och är en rimlig och trovärdig metod, men som fortfarande har rum för förbättringar.

Virtuella möten i skogen : Ett verktyg för att underlätta Gällö skogs möten i skogen genom 3D-konferens

Sandström, Anton January 2018 (has links)
Within Gällö skog there is an increasing need for meetings in the forest at a distance. This is because many landowners do not live at or close to their forest property. The aim of this work was therefore to find a 3D conference solution for Gällö skog. The work has been carried out using the design process and Pugh's relative decision matrix. First, a requirement specification was made for both hardware and software selection. Then the Facebook Spaces, Rumii and AltSpaceVR software were investigated against this. When none of the aforementioned software was sufficiently satisfactory for this work, it was decided to develop a software. The developed software is based on a website and was developed by modifying an existing project from github.com. Through the modification made in the project, all requirements in the specification could ultimately be achieved. However, with some restrictions. The software works best in the Mozilla Firefox browser, and is not compatible with the iPhone. The user friendliness of Gällö skog also has development potential. The hardware in this work was chosen by comparing the VR glasses HTC Vive and Oculus Rift against each other and the developed requirement specification. As a result, HTC Vive was bought for the project. This because it fulfilled most of the work requirements, and that it had other features that enabled the headset to be used in future work. Finally, The conclusion of this work was that until this technology has come further, this solution may be insufficient. The idea is good, the solution is good, but the technology needs to come further for fully satisfactory results. When the VR technololgy have advanced further, a solution like this could be something that could be useful to companies. This because the inertaction of a 3D conference is improved compared to today's video chat. / Inom Gällö skog finns ett ökande behov av att hålla möten i skogen på distans. Detta eftersom många markägare inte bor på, eller vid sin skogsfastighet. Målet med detta arbete var därför att hitta en 3D-konferenslösning åt Gällö skog. Arbetet har genomförts med hjälp av designprocessen samt Pughs relativa beslutsmatris. Först togs en kravspecifikation fram både för val av hårdvara och mjukvara. Efter det undersöktes mjukvarorna Facebook Spaces, Rumii och AltSpaceVR mot denna. När ingen av de nämnda mjukvarorna var tillräckligt tillfredsställande för detta arbete så valdes att ta fram en egen mjukvara. Den framtagna mjukvaran baseras på en webbplats och togs fram genom att modifiera ett befintligt projekt från github.com. Genom den modifikation som gjordes i projektet så kunde alla krav i kravspecifikationen till slut uppnås. Dock med vissa restriktioner. Mjukvaran fungerar bäst i webbläsaren Mozilla Firefox, och är ej kompatibel med Iphone. Även användarvänligheten för Gällö skog har utvecklingspotential. Hårdvaran i detta arbete togs fram genom att jämföra VR-glasögonen HTC Vive och Oculus Rift mot varandra och den framtagna kravspecifikationen. Resultatet av detta blev att HTC Vive köptes in till projektet. Detta för att de uppfyllde flest av arbetets krav, samt att de hade övriga funktioner som gjorde att de kan användas även i framtida arbeten. Slutsatsen av detta arbete blev till slut att tills dess att tekniken kring detta har hunnit längre så blir denna lösning möjligtvis otillräcklig. Tanken är god, lösningen bra, men tekniken behöver komma längre för fullt tillfredsställande resultat. När VR-tekniken kommit längre skulle en lösning likt denna kunna vara något som kan bli användbart för fler företag. Detta eftersom interaktionen i en 3D-konferens förbättras jämfört med dagens videochattar.

Investigation of biochar stability by means of gas isotopic measurements

Lanza, Giacomo 27 September 2017 (has links)
Untersuchungsgegenstand der vorliegenden Dissertation sind biomassebasierte Kohlen (Biokohlen, biochar), welche für eine langfristige Kohlenstoffspeicherung in Böden mit dem gleichzeitigen Ziel der zusätzlichen Bodenverbesserung hergestellt werden. Die Auswahl der Kohlen umfasste Kohlen aus Pyrolyse- und hydrothermale Carbonisierung (HTC). In dieser Arbeit werden einige zentrale Phänomene, die bei deren Ausbringung in einem bestehenden Bodenökosystem auftreten können, nähergehend untersucht. Einerseits beeinflusst das fremde Material den Stoffwechsel und die Abundanz und Vielfalt innerhalb der mirkobiellen Gemeinschaft im Boden; im Gegenzug spielen die Mikroorganismen eine aktive Rolle beim Abbau des neuen Substrats. Diese beiden Aspekte sind größer Bedeutung, um bewerten zu können, wie erfolgsversprechend der Einsatz einer bestimmten Kohle im Boden hinsichtlich der Langlebigkeit, der gewünschten Ertragseffekte sowie möglicher Nebenwirkungen ist. Daraus ergeben sich die beiden folgenden zwei Fragestellungen, auf die diese Arbeit fokusiert ist: • Welche Faktoren beeinflussen die Abbaubarkeit der Kohlen im Boden? • Welche Wirkungen haben die Kohlen auf die Bodenatmung, auf den Boden-C-Gehalt, auf die mikrobielle Abundanz und auf die Dynamik der mikrobiellen Gemeinschaft? Als mögliche Einflussgrößen für die Abbaubarkeit der Kohlen wurden die Art der Kohlenherstellung, eine mögliche Nachbehandlung, der Alterungsprozess sowie die Zugabe einer Nährstoff- und einer labilen Kohlenstoffquelle getestet. Für diese Studie wurden Pyrolyse- und HTC-Kohlen aus Mais-Silage in einen Sandboden ausgebracht. Grundlage aller Versuche war die Untersuchung der Respirationsdynamik in unterschiedlichen Boden-Kohle-Gemischen, die durch Infrarotspektrometrie ermittelt wurde. Sie diente als Indikator für die mikrobielle Aktivität und dem daraus resultierenden Abbau der Substrate. Ergänzend wurde am Anfang und am Ende jedes Versuchs der Boden-Kohlenstoffgehalt gemessen. Die Versuche erfolgten auf verschiedenen Skalen: • Kurzzeit-Laborinkubationen (10 Tage) unter konstanten klimatischen Bedingungen in einem automatisch gesteuerten Durchflusssystem, an das das Messgerät direkt angeschlossen wurde. • Parzellenversuch (2 Jahre) im Freiland im Nordwesten Brandenburgs, bei dem die Bestimmung der Bodenatmung mittels wiederholter Beprobung aus auf der Ackerfläche gestellten geschlossenen Hauben erfolgte. In einer Laborinkubation wurde zusätzlich eine qPCR (quantitative Echtzeit Polymerase Kettenreaktion) zur Bestimmung der Abundanz ausgewählter mikrobieller Gruppen eingesetzt. Im Feldversuch wurde außerdem die Abundanz der stabilen Kohlenstoff-Isotopen (12C und 13C) im Boden und im freigesetzten CO2 ermittelt, um den Abbau der Kohlen vom Abbau des bodenorganischen Kohlenstoffs, der durch die Kohlen beeinflusst sein kann (priming), zu unterscheiden. Die Ergebnisse bestätigen die erhöhte Stabilität beider Kohlen im Vergleich zum Ausgangsmaterial, vor allem für die Pyrolyse-Kohle, deren Abbau sowohl im Labor als auch im Freiland am langsamsten erfolgte. Bei beiden Kohlen sank die Abbaubarkeit mit ihrer Alterung. Anhand der Abbauraten im zweiten Jahr des Feldversuchs wurden für die Pyrolyse- und HTC-Kohle Halbwertszeiten von 81 bzw. 60 Jahren ermittelt. Im Gegensatz zur Pyrolyse-Kohle wies der Abbau der HTC-Kohle eine komplexere Dynamik auf, was im Lauf der 10-tägigen Inkubationsversuche mit einer Verschiebung der mikrobiellen Gemeinschaft einherging. Im ersten Jahr des Freilandversuchs kam es bei der HTC-Kohle zur Ausgasung flüchtiger und leicht abbaubarer Kohlenstoffverbindungen, wodurch die Stabilität im Folgejahr deutlich erhöht wurde. Eine Nachbehandlung der Kohlen durch anaerobe Fermentierung führte zu einer deutlichen Verminderung der kurzzeitigen Ausgasung bei HTC-Kohle, sowohl im Freiland als auch im Labor, jedoch zu einer langfristigen Reduktion der Stabilität beider Kohlen: die ermittelten Halbwertszeiten für die fermentierte Pyrolyse- und HTC-Kohle nach dem zweiten Jahr des Feldversuchs betrugen 14 bzw. 13 Jahren. Die Wirkung der unbehandelten Kohlen auf die Abundanz der untersuchten mikrobiellen Gruppen im C-armen Boden war stark reduziert im Vergleich zum Ausgangsmaterial, und unter C-reichen Bedingungen kam es zu einer Hemmung der Aktivitätssteigerung. Die Zugabe leicht verfügbaren Kohlenstoffs wie Glukose zum reinen Boden in einem Inkubationsversuch steigerte die Bodenatmung erheblich und erhöhte die Variationsbreite der mikrobiellen Gemeinschaft. In Gegenwart der Kohlen war dies allerdings weniger stark ausgeprägt. Bei Zugabe mineralischen Stickstoffs in Gegenwart von Kohlen wurde hingegen keine signifikante Veränderung der Bodenatmung nachgewiesen. Die Inkubationsversuche haben es ermöglicht, die Kurzzeitdynamik der Bodenatmung und die Anpassung der mikrobiellen Gemeinschaft nach Zugabe der Kohlen und zusätzlicher C- und N-Quellen nachzuweisen. Im Freilandversuch konnte die Abbaudynamik von Kohlenstoffverbindungen unter Praxisbedingungen untersucht werden und durch die Messung der stabilen Isotope differenzierte Aussagen über die langfristige Stabilität von zugesetzten Kohlen und der bodenorganischen Substanz getroffen werden. Eine langfristige Festlegung von Kohlenstoff ist im Boden in Form von Biokohlen ist möglich. Allerdings hängt die Dauer der Festlegung von einer Vielzahl von Faktoren wie der Art der Ausgangsstoffe, den Prozessbedingungen, den Interaktionen zwischen Kohlepartikeln und Bodenorganismen und nicht zuletzt der Versuchsdauer ab. Während Kurzzeitversuche eine gute Möglichkeit darstellen, um die Effekte veränderter Bedingungen im Boden aufzuzeigen, kann die Kohlestabilität im Boden und damit das C-Sequestrierungspotenzial am zuverlässigsten nur in Langzeitstudien im Freiland abgeschätzt werden. / The object of the present thesis is charred biomass (biochar) produced for double aim of carbon storage in soil and improvement of soil properties. The chosen chars included chars from pyrolysis and hydrothermal carbonisation (HTC). The present work investigates closely some basic phenomena which can occur upon application of chars into an existing soil ecosystem: on the one hand, the allochthonous material affects the metabolism and the relative abundance of different microbial groups; on the other hand the microorganisms play an active role in the degradation of the new substrate. These two aspects are crucial to evaluate the suitability of the application of a specific char in the soil, particularly as concerns its stability, the length of time the char remains in the soil, the expected effects on crop yields, as well as possible side effects on the soil ecosystem. Based on this, two research questions arise which have been investigated in this thesis: • What factors affect the degradability of chars in soil? • How do the chars influence soil respiration, soil carbon content, microbial abundance and the dynamics of the microbial community? The production process, a post-treatment, the ageing process as well as the addition of a source of nutrients and a source of labile carbon were assessed as possible factors in determining the degradability of chars. For the present study, pyrolysis char and HTC char from maize silage were applied to a sandy soil. The basis of all experiments was an investigation of the respiration dynamics in different soil/char mixtures, measured through an infrared spectrometer, which was used to track the microbial activity and the substrate degradation. As a complement, soil carbon was also measured at the beginning and at the end of each experiment. The investigations were performed at different scales: • Short-term laboratory incubations (10 days) under constant climatic conditions in an automatic multi-channel flowthrough system, with direct plug-in for the measurement instrument. • A plot-wise investigation (2 years) in an agricultural field in North-West Brandenburg, where the soil respiration was measured by a repeated sampling from static chambers placed hermetically on the field. For one incubation study, qPCR (qunatitative real time polymerase chain reaction) was additionally applied to determine the abundance of selected microbial groups. Moreover, for the field investigation the abundance of stable carbon isotopes (12C und 13C) in the soil and in the released CO2 was recorded, to differentiate between the degradation of the chars and the degradation of soil organic carbon, which might be affected by the presence of chars (priming). The results confirm the higher stability of both chars in comparison to the feedstock, in particular for pyrolysis char, whose decay was the slowest both in the laboratory and in the field. The degradability of both chars decreased with their ageing. Based on the decay rates in the second year of the field investigation, decay half-lives for pyrolysis char and HTC char amounted respectively to 81 years and 60 years. Other than pyrolysis char, the degradation of HTC char revealed a more complex dynamics, which was accompanied by a shift of the microbial community within the 10 days incubation. During the first year of the field experiment, an intensive release of volatile and labile compounds took place, which led to an increased stability during the following year. A post-treatment of the chars via anaerobic fermentation led to a reduction in the initial degasing of the HTC char, both in the laboratory and in the field, but also to a decrease in stability for both chars: the calculated half-lives for fermented pyrolysis char and fermented HTC char on the basis of the second year of the field investigation were respectively 14 years and 13 years. The effects of the untreated chars on the abundance of the selected microbial groups in the carbon-poor soil used was also strongly reduced in comparison to the feedstock, while in a situation of carbon abundance a inhibition of the activity increase took place. Addition of readily available carbon in the form of glucose increased soil respiration tremendously and magnified the variation amplitude of the microbial community, which was however much reduced in the presence of chars. Instead, after addition of mineral nitrogen in presence of chars, no significant variation in the soil respiration could be observed. The incubation experiments made it possible to report the short-term dynamics of the soil respiration and the adaptation of the microbial community after application of char and additional carbon and nitrogen sources. In the field experiment the decay dynamics of char compounds could be investigated in a situation of common agricultural practice and the measurement of stable isotopes has given differentiated outcomes about the long-term stability of the added chars and of the soil organic matter. Storage of carbon in the soil in the form of char for a long period is possible. How long carbon can actually be stored depends on a number of factors such as the feedstock, the carbonisation process parameters, the interactions between char particles and soil microorganisms and the duration of the investigation itself. Short-term experiments represent a good possibility to highlight the effects of modified soil conditions, while the stability of char in soil and thus the potential carbon sequestration can be estimate in the most reliable way only through long-term studies in field. / Oggetto della presente tesi sono i carboni prodotti da biomasse (biochar) e utilizzati per lo stoccaggio del carbonio nel suolo e allo stesso tempo come ammendanti per terreni agricoli. I carboni considerati sono derivati da pirolisi o carbonizzazione idrotermale (HTC). Nel presente lavoro vengono esaminati in dettaglio alcuni importanti fenomeni che si possono manifestare in seguito all’applicazione su un ecosistema preesistente nel terreno: da un lato il materiale estraneo influenza il metabolismo della materia organica, l’abbondanza e la varietà all’interno della comunità microbica nel suolo, dall’altro i microorganismi giocano un ruolo fondamentale nella degradazione del nuovo substrato. Questi due aspetti sono essenziali per valutare quanto sia opportuno l’utilizzo di un determinato carbone dal punto di vista della sua longevità, degli effetti attesi sulla resa agricola e di eventuali effetti collaterali sull’ecosistema. Da queste premesse sono emerse le seguenti domande, su cui è focalizzato il presente lavoro: • Quali fattori determinano la degradabilità dei carboni nel suolo? • Che effetti possono avere i carboni sulla respirazione del terreno, sul suo contenuto di carbonio, sull’abbondanza dei microorganismi e sulla dinamica della comunità microbica? Come possibili variabili indipendenti per la degradabilità dei carboni sono state considerate: il processo di produzione, un possibile posttrattamento, l’invecchiamento dei substrati, l’aggiunta di nutrienti e di carbonio biodisponibile. Per questo studio sono stati applicati carboni derivati da pirolisi e da HTC di insilato di mais in un terreno sabbioso. Il fondamento di tutti gli esperimenti riportati è lo studio della dinamica della respirazione microbica in diverse miscele terreno/carbone, misurata tramite spettroscopia a infrarossi, che vale come tracciante per l’attività microbica e per la degradazione del substrato. In aggiunta è stato periodicamente misurato il contenuto di carbonio nel terreno. Gli esperimenti sono stati condotti su due diverse scale: • Incubazioni in laboratorio (10 giorni) in condizioni climatiche controllate, all’interno di un apparato per la ventilazione a flusso continuo, con presa diretta per lo strumento di misura. • Esperimento in campo parcellizzato (2 anni) nel Brandeburgo nordoccidentale, dove la misura della respirazione è avvenuta per campionamento ripetuto da camere opache poggianti ermeticamente sul suolo. Per una delle incubazioni è stata anche eseguita una qPCR (reazione a catena della polimerasi quantitativa in tempo reale) per quantificare l’abbondanza di determinati gruppi tassonomici di microorganismi. Nel campo è stata inoltre misurata l’abbondanza degli isotopi stabili del carbonio (12C e 13C), sia nel terreno sia nella CO2 liberata, per differenziare la degradazione dei carboni da quella del carbonio organico nel suolo, che in principio può essere influenzata dalla presenza dei carboni (priming). I risultati confermano l’aumentata stabilità di entrambi i carboni in confronto al materiale di partenza, in particolare del carbone pirolitico che si è degradato piú lentamente, sia in laboratorio sia in campo. La degradabilità di entrambi i carboni si è in ogni caso ridotta con l’invecchiamento. Basandosi sulle emissioni del secondo anno della sperimentazione in campo, sono stati calcolati dei tempi di dimezzamento di 81 anni e 60 anni, rispettivamente per il carbone pirolitico e per il carbone da HTC. La degradazione del carbone da HTC ha rivelato una dinamica piú complessa, che testimonia un adattamento della comunità microbica nell’arco dei 10 giorni di incubazione. Nel primo anno in campo è stata rilevata un’elevata emissione di composti volatili e labili, che ha portato a un incremento della stabilità nell’anno seguente. Il posttrattamento dei carboni tramite fermentazione anaerobica ha comportato una notevole riduzione dell’iniziale mineralizzazione del carbone da HTC, ma una diminuzione della stabilità di entrambi i carboni sul lungo periodo: i tempi di dimezzamento calcolati per il carbone pirolitico fermentato e per il carbone da HTC fermentato nel secondo anno dell’esperimento sul campo valgono rispettivamente 14 anni e 13 anni. Nel terreno usato, povero di carbonio, gli effetti dei carboni sull’abbondanza dei gruppi microbici selezionati è stata nettamente ridotta rispetto al materiale non carbonizzato, mentre la reazione all’aggiunta di carbonio labile è stata tendenzialmente inibitoria. Infatti, se l’aggiunta di glucosio ha incrementato considerevolmente la respirazione e l’ampiezza delle variazioni nella comunità microbica, in presenza dei carboni le variazioni sono state fortemente ridotte. L’aggiunta di azoto inorganico non ha invece portato a variazioni apprezzabili nella respirazione. Gli esperimenti basati su incubazioni hanno consentito di determinare la dinamica a breve termine della respirazione e l’adattamento della comunità microbica in seguito ad aggiunta dei carboni e di altre sorgenti di carbonio e azoto. Nell’esperimento su campo si è potuta osservare la dinamica di degradazione dei composti carboniosi in condizioni di prassi agricola e grazie alla misura degli isotopi stabili si sono potuti ottenere risultati differenziati sulla stabilità a lungo termine dei carboni e della sostanza organica del suolo. È quindi possibile immagazzinare il carbonio in modo duraturo nel suolo sotto forma di carbone. La durata stimabile di questo immagazzinamento dipende però da molteplici fattori tra cui la materia prima, il processo di carbonizzazione, le interazioni tra particelle carboniose e microorganismi del suolo e non da ultimo la durata della sperimentazione. Gli esperimenti a breve termine sono un mezzo efficace per rilevare le conseguenze immediate di modifiche del terreno; la stabilità dei carboni e quindi il loro potenziale per il sequestro del carbonio può essere determinata nel modo piú affidabile solo in studi a lungo termine sul campo.


Shanmugam Muruga Palaniappan (6858902) 15 August 2019 (has links)
<div> <div> <div> <p>Patients with Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) have limited time with supervised therapy in rehabilitation hospitals. This makes it imperative for them to continue regular therapy at home so they can maximize motor recovery especially for performing Activities of Daily Living (ADL). However, physical therapy can be tedious and frustrating leading to a lack of motivation. A novel upper extremity movement measurement tool was developed using a commercial VR system to rapidly and objectively measure an individual’s range of motion, velocity of movement on an individual gesture basis, and frequency of movements in a three-dimensional space. Further, an exergame with varied and customizable gameplay parameters was developed. Through the analysis of participant interaction with the exergame, we identified gameplay parameters that can be adjusted to affect the player’s perceived and physiological effort. We observed that VR has a significant motivational effect on range of motion of upper limbs in individuals with tetraplegia. The motion data and kernel density estimation is used to determine areas of comfort. Moreover, the system allowed calculation of joint torques through inverse kinematics and dynamics to serve as an analysis tool to gauge muscular effort. The system can provide an improved rehabilitation experience for persons with tetraplegia in home settings while allowing oversight by clinical therapists through analysis of mixed reality videos or it could be used as a supplement or alternative to conventional therapy. </p> </div> </div> </div>

Caractérisation des supraconducteurs à haute température critique en vue d'application en électrotechnique / Characterization of high critical temperature superconductors for application in electrical engineering

Hoàng, Thê Cuong 06 December 2010 (has links)
Le thème principal de cette thèse est la caractérisation des supraconducteurs à haute température critique (SHTc). Dans un premier temps, nous avons présenté des généralités des SHTc. L'utilisation possible dans l'avenir, des SHTc pour le transport de courant, nous a mené à étudier plus particulièrement les pertes en champ propre, donc parcouru par un courant sinusoïdal. Puis nous avons rappelé les calculs de pertes basés sur le modèle de l'état critique Bean pour différentes formes d'échantillon, comme une plaque, un cylindre, un tube cylindrique et un câble SHTc. Dans un deuxième temps, nous avons caractérisé des SHTc qui permet d'obtenir les caractéristiques E(J), U(I), Jc(B), et n(B) d'un tube cylindrique SHTc. La caractérisation a été effectuée à l'aide de la méthode électrique. Puis nous avons tenté la compensation du champ magnétique propre du tube par deux méthodes différentes. Ensuite nous avons mesuré la diffusion du champ magnétique dans une plaque SHTc et de la détermination du Jc de la plaque par la mesure de champ de pénétration complète. Dans un dernier temps, nous avons calculé analytiquement des pertes dans un tube SHTc en champ propre, à l'aide du modèle de l'état critique de Bean. Nous avons également montré qu'en champ propre, la pénétration du champ magnétique à l'intérieur du matériau SHTc, se passe en deux temps. Tout d'abord il y a pénétration incomplète du champ magnétique de l'extérieur vers l'intérieur du matériau, puis quand la pénétration est complète, le champ magnétique augmente uniformément dans tout le matériau. Ces résultats de calcul de pertes ont été comparés aux celles mesurées, cette comparaison montre une concordance manifeste. Pour la dernière expérience, nous avons mesuré et analysé des pertes dans une bobine SHTc alimentée en courant sinusoïdal de fréquence 50 Hz. Ces résultats nous ont montré que les pertes dans cette bobine sont principalement les pertes dans le matériau supraconducteur et non les pertes dans la matrice des supraconducteurs / The main of this thesis is the characterization of high critical temperature superconductors (HTS). First, we have presented the generality of the HTS. The possible use in the future, of the HTS for the transport current, involves to study more particularly the losses in self-field, or fed by a sinusoidal current. Then we have recalled the losses calculations based on the Bean model critical state for various forms of the sample, as a plate, a cylinder, a tube cylindrical hollow and an HTS cable. For the second time, we have characterized the HTS which allows make the characteristics E(J), U(I), Jc(B), and n(B) of an HTS tube cylindrical hollow. The characterization has been made by the electrical method. Then we have tried a self-field compensation of an HTS tube by two different methods. After we have measured the magnetic field diffusion in an HTS plate and we have determined its Jc by the magnetic field measurement in complete penetration. In the last time, we have calculated analytically the losses in self-field of the HTS tube, using the Bean model critical state. We have also showed that in self-field, the magnetic field penetration inside the HTS material happens in order. First of all, there is magnetic field incomplete penetration from outside to inside the material, then when the penetration is complete, the magnetic field increase uniformly throughout the material. These losses calculation results have been compared to measurement results, this comparison shows a clear coincidence. For the last experiment, we have measured and analysed the losses in an HTS coils fed by a sinusoidal current 50Hz frequency. These results have showed that the losses of this HTS coils are mainly losses in the superconducting material and not in the superconducting matrix.

Trendy vývoje mobilních telefonů / Trends in mobile phone market

Vít, Kristian January 2011 (has links)
The graduation thesis "Trends in mobile phones development" is focusing principally on detailed analysis of mobile phone market on a global scale. The aim of this thesis is to elaborate comprehensive analysis of mobile phone market oriented on phones with operating systems (smartphones). The analysis is drawn primarily from the perspective of the key players in the market and comparison of these manufactures. After the descriptive part, where is introduced market as a whole, market segmentation by volume and value, this section focuses on segmentation of the global market by key players. This descriptive part is completed by market segmentation according to the amount of mobile phones sold by key players. Second analysis is segmented by operating system. Following parts of the thesis is more practical. This part of the thesis is analyzing the companies, which are selling smartphones. In this part I started by describing a brief overview about what the market is, what is focusing on and what their advantages and pitfalls are. My focus is analyzing the market via Porter's analysis and SWOT analysis of individual manufactures. Finally, I analyze the financial indicators from year 2007 to present. In conclusion I come to recommendations what manufactures should and should not to do. Chapter with warnings is described by the products on the market, which failed in recent years. At very end I come to the evaluation and recommendations, which theoretically should bring some positive progress to companies. The main contribution of this thesis is to provide comprehensive, detailed analysis of the market of mobile phones and smartphones manufactures on a global scale. One of the benefits is the collection of information, data and analysis describing the current state of the market, but also recommendations practices, to which I reached via progression of the this work. Thanks to unique appreciation of the global mobile phone market, their indicators and strategic information, it is necessary to say that this thesis can be very valuable material for some readers, who want to get overview, or seek accurate information about certain manufacture.


Bellin, Boris 29 September 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Dans le contexte d'un contrat de la Délégation Générale pour l'Armement (DGA) avec la société Nexans, le CRTBT-CNRS a développé une bobine supraconductrice de stockage d'énergie, ou SMES Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage), avec des rubans PIT Bi-2212 pour un fonctionnement à 20 K. L'utilisation d'un bobinage supraconducteur permet de stocker l'énergie électrique sous forme magnétique sans conversion d'énergie, ceci pendant des temps très longs. Le bobinage stocke 800!kJ à décharger en 1 s pour atteindre une puissance de 500 kW sur la charge, ce qui génère une tension maximale de 5 kV. La cryogénie est réalisée avec des pièces en cuivre qui relient les cryoréfrigérateurs et le bobinage, avec différence de température de 2 K au maximum. L'interface HT (Haute Tension) entre les drains et le bobinage a une tenue diélectrique de 5 kV et permet de refroidir efficacement les amenées de courant et les 26 galettes, soit 40 km de ruban. L'énergie dissipée dans le cuivre et le bobinage pendant la décharge représente 1 l'énergie stockée. Des mesures thermiques à 20 K ont été réalisées sur des échantillons pour mesurer l'interface!HT par exemple, puis sur un bobinage de dimensions réduites pour valider les solutions retenues. Le procédé de coétamage des rubans supraconducteurs développés par Nexans permet d'adapter la géométrie du conducteur à sa situation dans le bobinage. Les essais des dix premières galettes bobinées a validé la cryogénie développée. L'étude d'extrapolation pour un SMES de 20 MJ présente une géométrie torique adaptée à un refroidissement par thermosiphon avec un câble bi-étagé Rutherford / 6+1 en fils ronds de Bi-2212.

Den virtuella verklighetens magiska cirkel : En kvalitativ studie av ljud, bild, interaktion och immersion för applikationen Tilt Brush i VR-headsetet HTC Vive

Jörgensen, Tanja January 2018 (has links)
I denna studie som utgår från Huizingas begrepp ”den magiska cirkeln” undersöksapplikationen Tilt Brush för VR headsetet HTC Vive med avseende på dess bild ochljud samt hur detta tolkas och används under interaktionen med applikationens verktyg.Begreppet utgår ifrån att användaren kan låta sig uppslukas i ett spel så längeförväntningarna enligt spelets regler inte störs. Genom en fallstudie har applikationenstuderats med metoder som autoetnografi och multimodal analys utifrånsocialsemiotiska begrepp, samt öppna intervjuer med inslag av ”think-aloud”. Deliknande iakttagelser som framkommit med hjälp av olika metoder får anses styrkastudiens resultat. Resultaten i studien pekar på att det för interaktionens del är viktigt attvissa aspekter av ljudet, som har med positionering eller fysikens lagar att göra,stämmer överens med våra erfarenheter från verkligheten och att detta i sin tur stämmeröverens med det visuellt representerade. För bildens och ljudens meningserbjudanden iövrigt är användaren beredd att gå med på vilka oerhörda illusioner som helst så längebild och ljud kommuniceras i överensstämmelse och på ett trovärdigt sätt som lever upptill användarens förväntningar inom den magiska cirkeln, platsen för själva spelet.Förväntningarna behöver då inte ha med verkligheten att göra. Vad som uppfattas somhög modalitet styrs av vilken genre användaren förväntar sig att möta. Detta i sin turrelateras till användarens tidigare erfarenheter och sociala och kulturella bakgrund.

Avaliação dos potenciais citotóxico, genotóxico e mutagênico das águas do Ribeirão Tatu, região de Limeira/SP, após o recebimento de efluentes urbanos /

Manzano, Barbara Cassu. January 2010 (has links)
Orientador: Maria Aparecida Marin-Morales / Banca: Carmem Silvia Fontanetti Christofoletti / Banca: Bruna de Campos Ventura Camargo / Resumo: Os problemas que mais afetam a qualidade da água de rios e lagos estão associados com os descartes realizados nestes ambientes, principalmente, os de esgotos domésticos e industriais tratados de forma inadequada ou não tratados. Esses efluentes podem conter compostos químicos perigosos pela sua potencialidade em induzir efeitos citotóxicos e genotóxicos à biota exposta. Neste sentido, o presente trabalho teve por objetivo verificar o possível potencial citotóxico, genotóxico e mutagênico de químicos presentes nas águas do ribeirão Tatu, Limeira/SP, provenientes de descartes ilegais de pequenas indústrias e esgotos domésticos por meio do teste de aberrações cromossômicas (ACs) e micronúcleo (MN) em Allium cepa e ensaio do cometa em células de mamíferos. Foram realizadas coletas sazonais em cinco diferentes pontos do ribeirão, entre os anos de 2008 e 2009. As análises físicoquímicas das amostras de água mostraram uma grande degradação na qualidade da água do ribeirão, decorrente dos descartes de esgotos domésticos e industriais, de águas pluviais contaminadas e escoamento da agricultura. Os dados referentes ao bioensaio com A. cepa mostram que os períodos de seca são os mais críticos, pois levaram as respostas mais severas de indução de ACs e de MN no organismo teste utilizado. Em relação ao ensaio do cometa com as células HTC, as amostras de água coletadas no período de chuva intensa, apresentaram maior genotoxicidade, principalmente nos pontos mais impactados pelo recebimento dos efluentes, devido, possivelmente, ao carreamento de contaminantes para o leito do rio, promovido pelo escoamento da água das chuvas / Abstract: The issues that most affect the water quality of rivers and lakes are associated with discharges in these environments, especially those of domestic and industrial sewage inadequately or not treated. These effluents may contain hazardous chemical compounds for their ability to induce cytotoxic and genotoxic effects to the biota exposed. In this sense, the present study aimed to determine the potential cytotoxic, genotoxic and mutagenic of chemicals present in the waters of the ribeirão Tatu, Limeira / SP, from illegal discharges from small industries and domestic sewage through the test of chromosomal aberrations (CAs) and micronucleus (MN) in Allium cepa and comet assay in mammalian cells. Five seasonally collections were performed at five different places of the river in 2008 and 2009. The physical-chemical analysis of water samples showed a large degradation in water quality of the stream, resulting from discharges of municipal and industrial wastewater, storm water and contaminated runoff from agriculture. The data on A. cepa bioassay show that the droughts are the most critical because the answers led to more severe induction of CAs and MN in the test organism used. Concerning the comet assay with HTC cells, water samples collected during the period of strong rain, had higher genotoxicity, especially at points of most impacted by the receipt of effluents, due possibly to the carrying of contaminants to riverbed, sponsored by runoff from rainfall / Mestre

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