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Balanço de água no solo com milho sob sistema plantio direto e diferentes doses de nitrogênio / Water balance in the soil with maize under no tillage system and different nitrogen levelsMonica Martins da Silva 28 September 2007 (has links)
O presente trabalho teve por objetivo: a) avaliar os processos do balanço de água no solo com culturas de milho sob sistema plantio direto e, adubada com diferentes doses de nitrogênio, em sucessão a plantas de cobertura do solo, e b) verificar possíveis alterações de algumas propriedades físico-hídricas do solo neste tipo de prática de manejo. O experimento foi conduzido em uma área experimental da ESALQ-USP, município de Piracicaba-SP. Segundo a classificação internacional de Köppen, o clima da região é do tipo Cwa, denominado "tropical de altitude". O solo do local é do tipo Latossolo Vermelho Amarelo. O delineamento experimental foi o de blocos casualizados com 4 repetições. Os tratamentos constaram de uma testemunha e de três doses de nitrogênio (60, 120 e 180 kg ha-1) na forma de sulfato de amônio, sendo que 30 kg ha-1 de N foram aplicados na semeadura e o restante em cobertura. A área da parcela experimental foi de 36 m2 (5,0 x 7,2 m), observando-se a declividade do terreno. A aveia preta foi semeada manualmente em julho de 2004 e o tremoço branco em junho de 2005, o milho em dezembro de 2004 e novembro de 2005, após manejo das plantas de cobertura do solo. No que diz respeito ao balanço de água o solo foram medidos a precipitação pluvial (P), o deflúvio superficial (R), a drenagem interna (D) (ou ascensão capilar) na profundidade de 0,8 m e a variação da armazenagem (Δh) na camada de solo de 0,0-0,80 m; a evapotranspiração real (ET) foi estimada como a incógnita na equação do balanço. Ainda foi avaliada a eficiência do uso da água (EUA) pela cultura do milho, bem como suas características agronômicas e produção de matéria seca (MS) das plantas de cobertura do solo. As propriedades físico-hídricas do solo avaliadas para atender o segundo objetivo do trabalho foram: porosidade total, macro e microporosidade do solo e densidade do solo. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que: quanto aos parâmetros do balanço de água, de forma geral, verificou-se que as doses de N os alteraram, uma vez que nos tratamentos com aplicação de N, o solo se encontrou com uma Δh relativamente menor que o tratamento sem N, refletindo em menor valor de D nesses tratamentos, sendo traduzido em maior absorção de água pelas plantas, bem como maior EUA e maior rendimento de grãos. Quanto às propriedades físico-hídricas do solo, percebeu-se tendências de mudança, principalmente no que se refere à macro e microporosidade do solo, condicionadas pela alteração estrutural do solo. Entretanto, estas mudanças ocorrem paulatinamente, com o tempo e com a aplicação de N, sendo interessante um estudo em longo prazo no SPD, para se obter resultados mais significativos e conclusivos quanto a essa prática de manejo na região. / The objective of this work was: a) to evaluate the processes of the water balance in the soil with maize plants, under no tillage system (NTS) and different nitrogen levels, in succession to cover crops; b) to verify possible alterations of some soil physico-hydric properties due to the no tillage system practice. The experiment was carried out in Piracicaba, SP, Brazil on a Typic Hapludox, locally called Yellow Red Latosol. According to Köppen's classification, the region climate is of Cwa type, tropical highland. The experimental design was of randomized blocks with four replicates. The treatments consisted of one control and three nitrogen levels (60, 120 and 180 kg ha-1 of N) as ammonium sulphate, 30 kg ha-1 of N being applied in the sowing and the remain in covering. The area of experimental plot was 36 m2 (5.0 x 7.2 m), observing the land slope. Avena strigosa was sown manually in July 2004 and Luppinus albus in June 2005, the maize in November 2004 and 2005, after handling of the cover crops. In relation to the soil water balance, it was evaluated the precipitation (P), the runoff (R), the internal drainage (D) (or capillary rise) at the 0.80 m of depth, soil water storage variation (Δh) at the 0.0-0.80 m layer and the evapotranspiration (ET). The latter, was considered as unknown in the water balance equation. The maize WUE was also calculated, as well as yield components and dry matter cover crops. The soil physico-hydric properties evaluated were: total porosity, macroporosity, microporosity and dry bulk density. The results showed that: for the soil water balance, generally, the N levels changed the equation parameters. As a result, the treatments with N application had lower Δh than the treatment without N, implying in a lower D in these treatments and leading to a higherwater absortion by plants, as well as WUE and yield grain. The soil physico-hydric properties have showed trends of changing, mainly for macro and microporosity, due to the soil structural change. However, these alterations, occur slowly, with the time and the N application. Therefore, it is necessary to study the long-term NTS to have significant and conclusive results for this soil management in this region.
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Variabilidade da condutividade hidráulica do solo em valores fixos de umidade e de potencial matricial. / Variability of soil hydraulic conductivity at fixed values of water content and pressure head.Ana Lucia Berretta Hurtado 08 March 2004 (has links)
O conhecimento da condutividade hidráulica do solo é essencial para qualquer modelagem que envolva o movimento da água no solo. Além de variar com a umidade, a condutividade hidráulica do solo (K) apresenta alta variabilidade espacial, tanto em determinações no campo como no laboratório, podendo ser representada em função da umidade (θ) ou do potencial matricial (ψm). Conforme indica a Lei de Poiseuille, a condutância de poros individuais é altamente sensível ao seu diâmetro. Como a distribuição dos diâmetros de poros de um solo é descrita pela sua curva de retenção e o maior poro que contém água define o potencial matricial, a hipótese do presente trabalho é que, expressando-se K para um θ fixo, sua variabilidade é maior que para um ψm fixo. Para testar tal hipótese, foi conduzido um experimento empregando-se o método do perfil instantâneo sem evaporação (durante 1050 horas) e com evaporação (durante 401 horas) em períodos diferentes, obtendo-se a condutividade hidráulica não saturada em 48 baterias distanciadas de 1 m entre si e dispostas em linha reta em um Latossolo Vermelho-amarelo, dentro do Campus da Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz ESALQ/USP em Piracicaba/SP. Os valores de potencial matricial foram obtidos por tensiometria em cinco profundidades (de 0,075 a 0,675 m) para cada bateria e transformados em umidade por curvas de retenção determinadas próximas a cada bateria. Os dados foram processados conforme procedimento padrão. O experimento com evaporação permitiu a obtenção nas camadas mais superficiais de valores de condutividade hidráulica em uma faixa de umidade abaixo daquela obtida no experimento sem evaporação. Os valores estimados de K(θ) e de K(ψ) foram submetidos à análise estatística descritiva e, após a verificação da não normalidade dos dados, foram submetidos à transformação logarítmica para a normalização da densidade de distribuição. Com a comprovação da não normalidade dos dados procedeu-se à estimativa do coeficiente de variação do logaritmo da condutividade hidráulica, observando-se menor variabilidade de K(ψ) do que K(θ), na maioria dos casos, sustentando a hipótese desta tese. Na faixa de umidade avaliada, o coeficiente de variação dos valores de condutividade hidráulica aumentou com a umidade e com o potencial matricial. / The knowledge of the soil hydraulic conductivity is essential to modeling soil water movement. Soil hydraulic conductivity (K) varies with water content and has a high spatial variability as well, either in field or in laboratory determinations. It can be represented as a function of water content (θ) or pressure head (ψm). According to Poiseuille´s Law, the conductance of individual pores is strongly dependent on their diameters. Pore size distribution in a soil is described by its water retention curve, and the largest water containing pore defines pressure head. Therefore, the hypothesis of the present study is that if K is expressed at a fixed θ value, its variability is higher than if expressed at a fixed ψm value. With the purpose of testing the hypothesis, an experiment was carried out using the instantaneous profile method without evaporation (for 1050 hours) and with evaporation (for 401 hours) in different periods. The soil hydraulic conductivity was estimated at 48 locations, 1 m distant from each other on a straight line in a Typic Hapludox soil at the ESALQ/USP campus in Piracicaba/SP Brazil. Pressure heads were obtained through tensiometry in five depths (from 0,075 to 0,675 m) and transformed in water contents by water retention curves determined close to each location. Data were processed by standard routines. The test with evaporation allowed the soil hydraulic conductivity estimation in surface layers at water contents lower than in the test without evaporation. The estimated values for K(θ) and K(ψ) were submitted to a descriptive analysis, and normalized by a log-transformation. As the density distribution was lognormal, the coefficient of variation was estimated to the log-transformed K values, and it was observed that in most cases the K(ψ) variability was less than the K(θ), in agreement with the hypothesis of this study. The coefficient of variation of the K values increased with the water content and the matric potential within the range of water contents evaluated.
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Variabilidade espacial no Sistema Aquífero Guarani : controles estratigráficos e estruturaisSoares, Ana Paula January 2008 (has links)
A funcionalidade de um sistema aqüífero é dependente dos atributos do reservatório, em especial as suas heterogeneidades, associadas às propriedades intrínsecas da rocha e descontinuidades relacionadas à compartimentação estrutural. O presente estudo teve como objetivo principal identificar e mapear a organização espacial dos componentes estratigráficos e compartimentos estruturais do Sistema Aqüífero Guarani, localizado na bacia do Paraná, a fim de verificar os efeitos na sua distribuição na organização e funci- onalidade. Foram observadas as variações na salinidade, as zonas de recarga e de des- carga, visando contribuir para os estudos que estabelecem prioridades de uso, mapea- mento, monitoramento e redução das atividades potencialmente contaminantes. A extensa seção siliciclástica do aqüífero foi formada por sistemas deposicionais eólicos e fluviais, de idade triássica e jurássica, englobados principalmente pelas forma- ções Pirambóia e Botucatu (Brasil), Misiones (Paraguai e Argentina) e Taquarembó (Uruguai). Levantamentos de seções estratigráficas ao longo da faixa de afloramentos e análise e interpretação de perfis geofísicos de poços para petróleo na bacia permitiram compor um novo quadro estratigráfico para o sistema aqüífero. A compartimentação estrutural do aqüífero foi definida a partir da integração de mapas morfoestruturais previamente publicados, traçados por interpretação de imagens de radar, satelitárias, modelos digitais de elevação e mapas regionais aeromagnetométri- cos e gravimétricos. Um novo mapa de lineamentos estruturais, interpretado a partir de um modelo digital de terreno, teve a precisão avaliada por comparação com mapas pré- vios gerados por diferentes autores e métodos. A sucessão sedimentar que compõe o aqüífero é objeto de diferentes correlações e classificações estratigráficas, com implicações na organização das unidades hidroestrati- gráficas. Caracteriza-se por associações de fácies cujos elementos arquiteturais e geo- metria permitem subdividí-lo em unidades de fluxo. Três unidades de fluxo principais foram reconhecidas, identificadas e denominadas conforme a fácies genética: duna (DU), interdunas (ID) e canais (CH). Secundariamente, duas outras unidades: crevasse (CR), lacustre e planície de inundação (FF) ambém foram identificadas. Estas unidades apresentam diferentes condutividade hidráulica e desempenham, conseqüentemente, papéis diferentes no funcionamento do aqüífero. Para as unidades de fluxo foi possível estimar a condutividade hidráulica média com base na seleção e tamanho médio dos grãos e na argilosidade dos sedimentos. Em termos de litoestratigrafia, o SAG é composto pelas formações Santa Maria, de ocorrência restrita ao Rio Grande do Sul, espacialmente sotoposta e justaposta às forma- ções flúvio-eólicas Guará (No oeste do Rio Grande do sul) e Pirambóia (leste do Rio Grande do Sul, e toda a parte central e norte da Bacia do Paraná). Todas estão extensa- mente superpostas, ora discordantemente, ora transicionalmente, pela Formação Botu- catu, caracterizada por depósitos dunares de desertos super-áridos. Tal fácies apresenta grande homogeneidade, boa porosidade e permeabilidade efetiva, caracterizando-se como a mais importante unidade hidroestratigráfica. Na interpolação dos contornos estruturais e espessuras das rochas do aqüífero, os lineamentos reconhecidos revelaram grandes blocos tectônicos que restringem o fluxo e a formação de células hidrogeológicas. A anisotropia sedimentar e a compartimentação estrutural foram consideradas na avaliação das unidades de fluxo e do sistema e no cál- culo do fluxo potencial dinâmico. Mapas de fluxo potencial e de direção de fluxo perm- tem visualizar a forte influência estrutural nas áreas preferenciais de recarga e descarga e os controles das entradas e saídas do sistema. A distribuição espacial das unidades mostra o zoneamento dos valores de condutividade hidráulica, com efeito direto na qua- lidade e na condutividade do fluxo da água dentro do aqüífero regional. Como resultado, conclui-se que apesar de se constituir um reservatório idealmente contínuo, a compartimentação e diferenciação interna do Sistema Aqüífero Guarani apon- tam para uma complexidade que parece ultrapassar a concepção de um sistema único. / The functionality of an aquifer system depends on attributes of the reservoir, spe- cially those heterogeneities associated to intrinsic properties of the rock and to structural compartmentation discontinuities. The main objective of the study was to identify and to map the stratigraphic components and structural compartments of the Guarani Aquifer System, located in the Paraná Basin, to verify the effect of their distribution on the aquifer organization and functionality. Variations in the salinity, the discharge and recharge zones were also studied as a contribution to the studies that aim to establish priorities in the use, mapping, monitoring and in the reduction of potentially contami- nant activities. The extensive siliciclastic section, with a maximum thickness of 600 m, was formed by aeolian and fluvial depositional systems of Triassic and Jurassic age and referred to mainly as the Pirambóia and Botucatu (Brazil), Misiones (Paraguay and Argentina) and Taquarembó (Uruguay) formations. Survey of stratigraphic sections throughout the out- crop belt and analysis and interpretation of geophysical profiles of wells drilled for oil in the basin had allowed a new stratigraphic and structural picture of the water-bearing system to be drawn. The structural compartmentation of the aquifer was defined based on the integration of morphostructural maps previously published, traced from interpretation of radar and satellite images, digital terrain models of rise and aeromagnetometric and gravimetric regional maps. A new map of structural lineaments, interpreted from a digital elevation model, had its precision and accuracy evaluated by comparint it to previous maps gener- ated by different authors and methods. The sedimentary succession that form the water-bearing unit is object of different correlations and stratigraphic classifications with implications in the spatial configura- tion and regional connectivity of the hydrostratigraphic units. The succession is charac- terized by associations of facies whose architectural elements and geometry allow it to be subdivided in units of flow. Three main units of flow were recognized, identified and referred to as genetic facies: dune (DU), interdune (ID) and canals (CH). Secondarily, two other units: flooding plain crevasse (CR), lacustrine and (FF) were identified. These units show different hydraulic conductivities and play, consequently, different roles in the functioning of the aquifer. For the units of flow, it was possible estimate the average hydraulic conductivity on the basis of the selection and average size of its grains and in the mud content of the sediments. In litostratigraphic terms, the Guarani Aquifer System is represented by the forma- tions Santa Maria, restricted to Rio Grande do Sul state, bellow and spatially justaposed to the fluvial-aeolian formations Guará (in western Rio Grande do Sul) and Pirambóia (eastern Rio Grande do Sul, and all the central and north parts of the Paraná Basin). All units are extensively superposed, in some places unconformably, in other places transi- tionally, by the Botucatu Formation, which is characterized by dune deposits of super- arid deserts. Such facies present a great homogeneity, a good porosity and permeability, being the most important hydrostratigraphic unit. In the interpolation of the structural contours and thicknesses of the rocks of the water-bearing unit, the recognized lineaments revealed large tectonic blocks that restrict the flow and the formation of hydrogeologic cells. The sedimentary anisotropy and the structural compartments have been considered in the evaluation of the units of flow and the system and in the calculation of the dynamic potential flow. The obtained potential flow and direction of flow maps allowed the strong structural influence in the preferen- tial areas of recharge and discharge and the controls of the inputs and outputs of the sys- tem to be identified. The spatial distribution of the units shows a hydraulic conductivity zoning with direct effect in the quality and the regional conductivity. As result, it can be concluded that although it consists of an ideally continuous reservoir, the compartmentation and the internal differentiation of the Guarani Aquifer System point to a complexity that seems to exceed the conception of a single system.
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Belowground plasticity of European beech – Studies on the variability of beech fine root system size, structure, morphology, and anatomy, and on their impact on soil organic matter in the top- and subsoil of six beech forests with different bedrock types in Northern GermanyKirfel, Kristina 29 August 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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Variabilidade da condutividade hidráulica do solo em valores fixos de umidade e de potencial matricial. / Variability of soil hydraulic conductivity at fixed values of water content and pressure head.Hurtado, Ana Lucia Berretta 08 March 2004 (has links)
O conhecimento da condutividade hidráulica do solo é essencial para qualquer modelagem que envolva o movimento da água no solo. Além de variar com a umidade, a condutividade hidráulica do solo (K) apresenta alta variabilidade espacial, tanto em determinações no campo como no laboratório, podendo ser representada em função da umidade (θ) ou do potencial matricial (ψm). Conforme indica a Lei de Poiseuille, a condutância de poros individuais é altamente sensível ao seu diâmetro. Como a distribuição dos diâmetros de poros de um solo é descrita pela sua curva de retenção e o maior poro que contém água define o potencial matricial, a hipótese do presente trabalho é que, expressando-se K para um θ fixo, sua variabilidade é maior que para um ψm fixo. Para testar tal hipótese, foi conduzido um experimento empregando-se o método do perfil instantâneo sem evaporação (durante 1050 horas) e com evaporação (durante 401 horas) em períodos diferentes, obtendo-se a condutividade hidráulica não saturada em 48 baterias distanciadas de 1 m entre si e dispostas em linha reta em um Latossolo Vermelho-amarelo, dentro do Campus da Escola Superior de Agricultura "Luiz de Queiroz" - ESALQ/USP em Piracicaba/SP. Os valores de potencial matricial foram obtidos por tensiometria em cinco profundidades (de 0,075 a 0,675 m) para cada bateria e transformados em umidade por curvas de retenção determinadas próximas a cada bateria. Os dados foram processados conforme procedimento padrão. O experimento com evaporação permitiu a obtenção nas camadas mais superficiais de valores de condutividade hidráulica em uma faixa de umidade abaixo daquela obtida no experimento sem evaporação. Os valores estimados de K(θ) e de K(ψ) foram submetidos à análise estatística descritiva e, após a verificação da não normalidade dos dados, foram submetidos à transformação logarítmica para a normalização da densidade de distribuição. Com a comprovação da não normalidade dos dados procedeu-se à estimativa do coeficiente de variação do logaritmo da condutividade hidráulica, observando-se menor variabilidade de K(ψ) do que K(θ), na maioria dos casos, sustentando a hipótese desta tese. Na faixa de umidade avaliada, o coeficiente de variação dos valores de condutividade hidráulica aumentou com a umidade e com o potencial matricial. / The knowledge of the soil hydraulic conductivity is essential to modeling soil water movement. Soil hydraulic conductivity (K) varies with water content and has a high spatial variability as well, either in field or in laboratory determinations. It can be represented as a function of water content (θ) or pressure head (ψm). According to Poiseuille´s Law, the conductance of individual pores is strongly dependent on their diameters. Pore size distribution in a soil is described by its water retention curve, and the largest water containing pore defines pressure head. Therefore, the hypothesis of the present study is that if K is expressed at a fixed θ value, its variability is higher than if expressed at a fixed ψm value. With the purpose of testing the hypothesis, an experiment was carried out using the instantaneous profile method without evaporation (for 1050 hours) and with evaporation (for 401 hours) in different periods. The soil hydraulic conductivity was estimated at 48 locations, 1 m distant from each other on a straight line in a Typic Hapludox soil at the ESALQ/USP campus in Piracicaba/SP - Brazil. Pressure heads were obtained through tensiometry in five depths (from 0,075 to 0,675 m) and transformed in water contents by water retention curves determined close to each location. Data were processed by standard routines. The test with evaporation allowed the soil hydraulic conductivity estimation in surface layers at water contents lower than in the test without evaporation. The estimated values for K(θ) and K(ψ) were submitted to a descriptive analysis, and normalized by a log-transformation. As the density distribution was lognormal, the coefficient of variation was estimated to the log-transformed K values, and it was observed that in most cases the K(ψ) variability was less than the K(θ), in agreement with the hypothesis of this study. The coefficient of variation of the K values increased with the water content and the matric potential within the range of water contents evaluated.
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An Investigation of Linked Physical And Biogeochemical Processes In Heterogeneous Soils In The Vadose ZoneHansen, David Joseph 2011 August 1900 (has links)
Chemical dynamics in the vadose zone are poorly understood due to the transient nature of chemical and hydrologic conditions, but are nonetheless critical to understanding contaminant fate and transport. This work explored the effects of soil structure (i.e. layers, lenses) on linked geochemical, hydrological, and microbiological processes under changing hydrologic conditions (e.g. rainfall, introduction of groundwater, and fluctuating water table heights). A homogenized medium-grained sand, homogenized organic-rich loam and a sand-over-loam layered column were constructed for the first series of experiments. The second series of experiments employed two soil columns with lenses that were packed identically with sterilized and untreated sediments. Each consisted of two lenses of organic-rich loam in a medium-grained sand matrix. Lenses were located at different vertical depths and were horizontally offset. In-situ collocated probes collected soil hydrologic and chemical data.
In the layered column, enhanced biogeochemical cycling was observed over the texturally homogeneous soil columns. Enumerations of Fe(III) and SO42- reducing microorganisms also show 1-2 orders of magnitude greater community numbers in the layered column. The greatest concentrations of aqueous FeS clusters (FeSaq) were observed in close proximity to the soil interface. To our knowledge, this was the first documentation of FeSaq in partially saturated sediments. Mineral and soil aggregate composite layers were also most abundant near the soil layer interface; the presence of which, likely contributed to an order of magnitude decrease of hydraulic conductivity.
In the live lens column, Fe-oxide bands formed at the fringes of the lenses that retarded water flow rates by an order of magnitude compared to the sterilized column. Microbial activity also produced insoluble gases and that led to the creation of a separate gas phase that reduced hydraulic conductivity. This limited the interaction between groundwater with soil-pore waters that led to the formation of geochemically distinct water masses in relatively close proximity to one another. No such changes were observed in the sterilized column.
When compared to homogenous columns, the presence of soil heterogeneities altered biogeochemical and hydrologic processes considerably which highlights the need to consider soil heterogeneity in contaminant fate and transport models. These findings suggest that quantifying coupled hydrologic-biogeochemical processes occurring at small scale soil interfaces is critical to accurately describing and predicting chemical changes at the larger system scale.
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Estimation of Hydraulic Properties of the Shallow Aquifer System for Selected Basins in the Blue Ridge and the Piedmont Physiographic Provinces of the Southeastern U.S. Using Streamflow Recession and Baseflow DataBaloochestani, Farshad 21 April 2008 (has links)
The objectives of this research are to measure the aquifer properties (S, T, and K) of selected watersheds delineated to the U.S. Geological Survey gauging stations using streamflow recession and baseflow data and to describe the relations among the properties of shallow aquifers and the physical properties of the basins, such as slope, regolith type and thickness, and land use type. Geographic Information System (GIS) techniques are utilized to investigate critical physiographic controls on transmissivity and storage coefficients on a regional basis. Moreover, the effect of evapotranspiration on recession index is illustrated. Finally, a detailed quantitative comparison of results for the Piedmont and the Blue Ridge Physiographic Provinces in southeast of the U.S. is provided. Recession index, annual groundwater recharge, and annual baseflow data were obtained from 44 USGS-gauging stations with drainage areas larger than 2 (mi2) and less than 400 (mi2). These gauging stations are located in Georgia and North Carolina. Analyses of data focused on GIS techniques to estimate watershed parameters such as total stream length, drainage density, groundwater slope, and aquifer half-width. The hydraulic diffusivity, transmissivity, and storage coefficient of watersheds were computed using hydrograph techniques and the Olmsted and Hely, and Rorabaugh mathematical models. Median recession index values for the Blue Ridge and Piedmont Provinces are 87.8 and 74.5 (d/log cycle), respectively. Median areal diffusivity values for the Blue Ridge and Piedmont are 35,000 and 44,200 (ft2/d), respectively. Median basin-specific estimates of transmissivity for basins in the Blue Ridge and Piedmont are 150 and 410 (ft2/d), respectively. The large values of transmissivity obtained for the Piedmont regolith may be attributed to the thick regolith, low values of basin relief, and voids that develop as a result of fracturing, foliation, weathering, and fractured quartz veins in the saprolite. Median basin-specific estimates of storage coefficient for basins in the Blue Ridge and Piedmont are 0.005 and 0.009, respectively. In general, the results from this study reveal great differences in basin-specific hydraulic parameters of the regolith material within the Piedmont compared to that of the Blue Ridge Physiographic Province.
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Research and evaluation of overgrowth of regulated streams with woody vegetation / Reguliuotų upelių užaugimo sumedėjusia augalija tyrimai ir vertinimasBarvidienė, Oksana 04 December 2009 (has links)
Issues of regulated streams naturalization were analyzed in the dissertation. Subject of the research was the streams regulated for drainage purposes in a hilly relief region of the Southeast Lithuania. Self-naturalization was researched only in plain relief. Since naturalization processes are running differently, it was decided to evaluate them in a hilly relief in the region of the Southern Lithuania. Researches of regulated streams are important due to the fact, that naturalization of regulated streams with growing woody vegetation on the slopes of a stream bed almost does not decrease its hydraulic conductivity but helps to restore regime of natural flows and restore damaged aqueous ecosystems at the same times. The main target of the research is to determine regularities of self-overgrowth of regulated streams with woody vegetation and assess influence of its distribution on bed’s hydraulic conductivity and flood dynamics.
Following tasks are solved in the work: regularities of woody vegetation specie composition, frequency, density distribution, influence of woody and grass vegetation on regulated stream’s hydraulic conductivity.
The dissertation is composed of introduction, five chapters, general conclusions, recommendations.
Introduction describes relevance of the problem, aim of the work, tasks are introduced, scientific novelty of the work is described, presentations on scientific conferences and publications are introduced.
Chapter one is dedicated for analysis of... [to full text] / Disertacijoje nagrinėjami reguliuotų upelių natūralizacijos klausimai. Tyrimo objektas yra Pietryčių Lietuvos sausinimo reikmėms reguliuoti upeliai, esantys kalvoto reljefo regione. Savaiminė natūralizacija tirta tik lyguminiame reljefe. Kadangi natūralizacijos procesai vyksta skirtingai, nuspręsta įvertinti juos kalvotame Pietryčių Lietuvos regione. Reguliuotų upelių tyrimai svarbūs tuo, kad reguliuotų upelių natūralizacija, sumedėjusiai augalijai augant ant upelio vagos šlaitų, beveik nemažina jų hidraulinio laidumo, tačiau padeda atkurti natūralių tėkmių režimą ir tuo pačiu atstatyti pažeistas vandens ekosistemas. Pagrindinis tyrimų tikslas – nustatyti reguliuotų upelių savaiminio apaugimo sumedėjusia augalija dėsningumus ir įvertinti jos pasiskirstymo įtaką vagos hidrauliniam laidumui bei potvynių dinamikai.
Darbe sprendžiami šie uždaviniai: sumedėjusios augalijos rūšinės sudėties, dažnio, tankio pasiskirstymo dėsningumai, sumedėjusios ir žolinės augalijos poveikis reguliuotų upelių hidrauliniam laidumui.
Disertaciją sudaro įvadas, penki skyriai, bendrosios išvados, rekomendacijos.
Įvadiniame skyriuje nagrinėjamas problemos aktualumas, pateiktas darbo tikslas, uždaviniai, aprašomas mokslinis darbo naujumas, pristatomi mokslinių konferencijų pranešimai ir publikacijos.
Pirmasis skyrius skirtas natūralių upelių reguliavimo tendencijoms analizuoti. Apibūdintas augalijos plitimas reguliuotuose upeliuose, jų įtaka hidrauliniam vagos laidumui.
Antrajame skyriuje pateikta... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]
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Reguliuotų upelių užaugimo sumedėjusia augalija tyrimai ir vertinimas / Research and evaluation of overgrowth of regulated streams with woody vegetationBarvidienė, Oksana 04 December 2009 (has links)
Disertacijoje nagrinėjami reguliuotų upelių natūralizacijos klausimai. Tyrimo objektas yra Pietryčių Lietuvos sausinimo reikmėms reguliuoti upeliai, esantys kalvoto reljefo regione. Savaiminė natūralizacija tirta tik lyguminiame reljefe. Kadangi natūralizacijos procesai vyksta skirtingai, nuspręsta įvertinti juos kalvotame Pietryčių Lietuvos regione. Reguliuotų upelių tyrimai svarbūs tuo, kad reguliuotų upelių natūralizacija, sumedėjusiai augalijai augant ant upelio vagos šlaitų, beveik nemažina jų hidraulinio laidumo, tačiau padeda atkurti natūralių tėkmių režimą ir tuo pačiu atstatyti pažeistas vandens ekosistemas. Pagrindinis tyrimų tikslas – nustatyti reguliuotų upelių savaiminio apaugimo sumedėjusia augalija dėsningumus ir įvertinti jos pasiskirstymo įtaką vagos hidrauliniam laidumui bei potvynių dinamikai.
Darbe sprendžiami šie uždaviniai: sumedėjusios augalijos rūšinės sudėties, dažnio, tankio pasiskirstymo dėsningumai, sumedėjusios ir žolinės augalijos poveikis reguliuotų upelių hidrauliniam laidumui.
Disertaciją sudaro įvadas, penki skyriai, bendrosios išvados, rekomendacijos.
Įvadiniame skyriuje nagrinėjamas problemos aktualumas, pateiktas darbo tikslas, uždaviniai, aprašomas mokslinis darbo naujumas, pristatomi mokslinių konferencijų pranešimai ir publikacijos.
Pirmasis skyrius skirtas natūralių upelių reguliavimo tendencijoms analizuoti. Apibūdintas augalijos plitimas reguliuotuose upeliuose, jų įtaka hidrauliniam vagos laidumui.
Antrajame skyriuje pateikta... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Issues of regulated streams naturalization were analyzed in the dissertation. Subject of the research was the streams regulated for drainage purposes in a hilly relief region of the Southeast Lithuania. Self-naturalization was researched only in plain relief. Since naturalization processes are running differently, it was decided to evaluate them in a hilly relief in the region of the Southern Lithuania. Researches of regulated streams are important due to the fact, that naturalization of regulated streams with growing woody vegetation on the slopes of a stream bed almost does not decrease its hydraulic conductivity but helps to restore regime of natural flows and restore damaged aqueous ecosystems at the same times. The main target of the research is to determine regularities of self-overgrowth of regulated streams with woody vegetation and assess influence of its distribution on bed’s hydraulic conductivity and flood dynamics.
Following tasks are solved in the work: regularities of woody vegetation specie composition, frequency, density distribution, influence of woody and grass vegetation on regulated stream’s hydraulic conductivity.
The dissertation is composed of introduction, five chapters, general conclusions, recommendations.
Introduction describes relevance of the problem, aim of the work, tasks are introduced, scientific novelty of the work is described, presentations on scientific conferences and publications are introduced.
Chapter one is dedicated for analysis of... [to full text]
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SAP Based Rapid Dewatering of Oil Sands Mature Fine TailingsAida, Farkish 17 June 2013 (has links)
Mature fine tailings (MFT), as a mixture of residual bitumen, sand, silt, fine clay particles and water, are a byproduct of oil sands extraction. The large volume, and poor consolidation and water release ability of MFT have been causing significant economic and environmental concerns. Therefore, several studies have been implemented on finding innovative dewatering/disposal techniques. As a result, different methods have been introduced and tested at a laboratory or a field scale, yet very few of these are commercially used in the oil sands industries. Despite the extensive research, an optimal solution has not been found due to the lack of technical or economic feasibility.
In the present study, a novel approach that consists of the rapid dewatering of MFT by using a super absorbent polymer (SAP) to produce dense MFT is proposed. A comprehensive laboratory investigation on the geotechnical characteristics and behavior before and after treatment of MFT is conducted. The effects of SAP based dewatering and freeze/thaw cycles on the undrained shear strength of dewatered MFT by using a vane shear apparatus are studied. Furthermore, the ability of recycled SAP to dewater and densify MFT is assessed. Finally, this study provides the results of consolidation and hydraulic conductivity testing to evaluate the void ratio versus effective stress and hydraulic conductivity of MFT. The effects on the behavior and characteristics of MFT after amendment with usage of recycled SAP are also investigated.
The results indicate that SAP has the ability to significantly dewater, densify and increase the undrained shear strength of MFT. Furthermore, when subjected to freeze/thaw cycles, the MFT dewatered with SAP shows an additional increase in strength and solid content. It is also found to be possible to regenerate the polymer (still within sachets) through light thermal drying, and the regenerated SAP can still significantly dewater and thus increase the shear strength and solid content of the MFT. In addition, the obtained high solid content affects and improves the compressibility of the material, thus resulting in low initial void ratios. On the other hand, low hydraulic permeability that is derived from low initial void ratios and consolidation is improved by the freeze/thaw process due to the interconnected voids created during the freezing process.
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