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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Intra-meander groundwater-surface water interactions in a losing experimental stream

Nowinski, John David 23 December 2010 (has links)
Groundwater-surface water interactions between streams and shallow alluvial aquifers can significantly affect their thermal and chemical regimes and thus are critical for effective management of water resources and riparian ecosystems. Of particular significance is the hyporheic zone, an area delineated by subsurface flow paths that begin and end in surface water bodies. Although detailed work has examined hyporheic flow in the vertical dimension, some studies have suggested that the drop in a stream’s elevation as it flows downstream can laterally extend the hyporheic zone. This study examines intra-meander hyporheic flow using extensive field measurements in a full-scale experimental stream-aquifer system. Synoptic head measurements from 2008 and 2009 and a lithium tracer test were conducted to determine the extent and nature of hyporheic flow within the meander. Permeability was measured and sediment cores were analyzed from 2008 to 2009 to assess aquifer properties. Finally, transient head and temperature measurements were collected during flooding events to assess the sensitivity of intra-meander hyporheic flow and temperature to stream discharge. Results verify that hyporheic flow through meanders occurs, but show that it is sensitive to whether a stream is gaining or losing water to the subsurface overall. In addition, permeability and core grain size results indicate moderate heterogeneity in permeability can occur in aquifers composed of relatively uniform sediment. Results also demonstrate that permeability in alluvial aquifers can evolve through time. Such evolution may be driven by groundwater flow, which transports fine particles from areas where porosity and permeability are relatively high and deposits them where they are relatively low, thus creating a positive feedback loop. Finally, measurements during flooding indicate that steady-state hyporheic flow and the thermal regime within the aquifer are largely insensitive to stream discharge. Together, these results expand upon previous field studies of intra-meander hyporheic flow and verify previous modeling work, although they demonstrate a level of complexity within these systems that should be considered in future work. / text

Quantitative imaging of water flow in soil and roots using neutron radiography and deuterated water

Zarebanadkouki, Mohsen 08 May 2013 (has links)
Wo und wie schnell nehmen Wurzeln Wasser auf? Obwohl diese Frage in Pflanzen- und  Bodenwissenschaften von großer Bedeutung ist, gibt es nur wenige experimentelle Daten darüber, an welcher Stelle der Wurzeln eine transpirierende Pflanze das Wasser aus dem Boden erhält. Die Antwort auf diese Frage erfordert direkte und in-situ Messungen des lokalen Wasserflusses in die Wurzel hinein. Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, eine neue Methode zu entwickeln und anzuwenden, um den lokalen Wasserfluss in unterschiedliche Segmente der Pflanzenwurzeln zu quantifizieren. Dabei wurde Neutronenradiographie eingesetzt um den Transport von deuteriertem Wasser (D2O) in die Wurzel von Lupinen zu untersuchen. Die Lupinen wuchsen in Aluminium Containern, die mit sandigem Boden gefüllt waren. Der sandige Boden wurde mit Hilfe von 1cm-dicken Schichten groben Sandes in verschiedene Bereiche eingeteilt. Diese Schichten reduzierten die Diffusion von D2O zwischen den verschiedenen Bereichen.  D2O wurde in ausgewählte Bereiche tagsüber (transpiriende Pflanzen) und nachts (nicht transpiriernde Pflanze) injiziert. Transport von D2O in die Wurzeln hinein wurde durch Neutronenradiographie mit einer räumlichen Auflösung von 100 µm in Intervallen von 10 Sekunden aufgezeichnet. Die Messungen zeigten: i) Transport von D2O in die Wurzel hinein war tagsüber schneller als nachst; ii) D2O wurde tagsüber schnell entlang der Wurzel in Richtung Spross transportiert, während dieser axiale Fluss nachts vernachlässigbar war. Die Unterschiede zwischen Tag- und Nachtmessungen wurden durch konvektiven Transport von D2O in den Wurzeln erklärt. Um den effektiven Wasserfluss in die Wurzeln hinein zu quantifizieren, wurde ein einfaches Konvektions-Diffusions Modell entwickelt, wobei die Zunahme der D2O Konzentration in Wurzeln vom konvektiven Transport abhängt und von the Diffusion des D2O in die Wurzeln. Die Ergebnisse zeigten, dass die Wasseraufnahme nicht gleichmäßig entlang der Wurzel stattfindet. Die Wasseraufnahme war in den oberen Bodenschichten höher als in den tieferen. Entlang einzelner Wurzeln war der radiale Fluss in nahen Teilen der Wurzel höher als in den weiter entfernten Teilen der Wurzel. In Lupinen fand die Wasseraufnahme im Wesentlichen in den lateralen Wurzeln statt. Die Funktion der Pfahlwurzel war es, das Wasser der lateralen Wurzeln zu sammeln und zum Spross zu transportieren. Diese Funktion wird durch eine geringe radiale und eine hohe axiale Leitfähigkeit sichergestellt.  Wir haben diese Technik auch angewandt um den Einfluss der Rhizosphäre auf die Wasseraufnahme zu untersuchen. Wie vor Kurzem auch in der Literatur berichtet wurde, wurde auch in dieser Arbeit beobachtet, dass der Boden in der unmittelbaren Nähe der Wurzeln, der sogenannten Rhizosphäre, hydrophob wird, wenn der Boden trocken wird. Zum ersten Mal konnte gezeigt werden, dass durch die Hydrophobizität der Rhizosphäre die Wasseraufnahme nach Trocknung und folgender Bewässerung reduziert wird. Es wurde die Schlussfolgerung gezogen, dass nach Trocknung die Rhizosphäre einen entscheidenden Wiederstand für den Wasserfluss zur Wurzel darstellt. Das beeinflusst vermutlich auch die Ausdehnung des Bereiches der Wurzeln, in dem Wasser aufgenommen wird. Die Bedeutung dieser Arbeit ist die Entwicklung einer neuen Methode, um Wasseraufnahme durch Wurzeln lebender Pflanzen lokal zu quantifizieren. Diese Methode macht es möglich quantitativ zu messen, wo und wie schnell Wurzeln Wasser im Boden aufnehmen. Diese Technik wird es erleichtern, die Funktionsweise der Wurzeln verschiedener Pflanzen zu verstehen und den Einfluss von Wurzelwachstum und wechselnder äußerer Bedingungen, wie Wassergehalt, Transpiration und Verfügbarkeit von Nährstoffen und vieler weiterer Faktoren zu untersuchen.  Die Antwort auf diese Fragen könnten einen weiten Bereich für landwirtschaftliche Anwendungen eröffnen, die darauf abzielen, Bewässerungsmethoden zu verbessern.


Hosney, Mohamed 28 February 2014 (has links)
The use of geosynthetic clay liners (GCLs) as (i) covers for arsenic-rich gold mine tailings and landfills, (ii) subsurface barrier for migration of hydrocarbons in the Arctic, and (iii) basal liner for sewage treatment lagoons were examined. After 4 years in field and laboratory experiments, it was found that best cover configuration above gold mine tailings might include a layer of GCL product with polymer-enhanced bentonite and a geofilm-coated carrier geotextile serving above the tailings under ≥ 0.7 m overburden. However, acceptable performance could be achieved with using a standard GCL with untreated bentonite provided that there is a minimum of 0.7 m of cover soil above the GCL. When GCL samples were exhumed from experimental landfill test cover with complete replacement of sodium in the bentonite with divalent cations in the adjacent soil, it was observed that the (i) hydraulic head across the GCLs, (ii) size of the needle-punched bundles, and (iii) structure of the bentonite can all significantly affect the value of the inferred in-situ hydraulic conductivity measured at the laboratory. The higher the hydraulic head and the larger the size of the needle-punched bundles, the higher the likelihood of internal erosion/structural change of bentonite at bundles that will cause a preferential flow for liquids to occur. A key practical implication was that GCLs can perform effectively as a single hydraulic barrier in covers provided that the water head above the GCL kept low. The hydraulic performance of a GCL in the Arctic was most affected by the location within the soil profile relative to the typical groundwater level with the highest increase in the hydraulic conductivity (by 1-4 orders of magnitude) for GCL below the water table. However, because the head required for jet fuel to pass through the GCL was higher than that present under field conditions, there was no evidence of jet fuel leakage through the barrier system. The leakage through GCLs below concrete lined sewage treatment lagoons was within acceptable limits, in large part, due to the low interface transmissivity between GCLs and the overlying poured concrete. / Thesis (Ph.D, Civil Engineering) -- Queen's University, 2014-02-28 08:53:29.171

Temporal variability of soil hydraulic properties under different soil management practices

Gill, Shahid Maqsood 20 December 2012 (has links)
Agricultural management practices including tillage and irrigation have a considerable effect on soil physical and hydraulic properties in space and time. Tillage practices initially alter the soil physical and hydraulic properties depending on the type and depth of tillage. These changes are reverted back to original conditions due to reconsolidation during cycles of wetting and drying. Irrigation techniques can manipulate the reversion process dynamically due to different modes of wetting. The combined effects of tillage and irrigation have rarely been investigated. Therefore, two experiments were conducted to investigate the effect of different tillage practices and irrigation techniques on soil physical properties and temporal variations in soil hydraulic properties, one on wheat and second on the following maize crop grown on the same plots. The tillage and irrigation treatments implemented for the wheat crop were repeated for the subsequent maize crop restoring the same treatment layout plan. Intact soil core samples were collected, in the middle of the wheat crop before irrigation and the end of the maize crop season, for the determination of soil physical and hydraulic properties. Field saturated hydraulic conductivity (K_fs) was determined using the Guelph pressure infiltrometer method and volumetric soil water content (θ_v) and potential (ψ_m) was measured in the field using water content sensors and tensiometers, respectively. The wheat crop received rain showers from time to time, while in maize, a heavy spell of monsoon rains following tillage caused most of the soil reconsolidation. So, the greater intensity of rains, rather than the cycles of wetting and drying, became primarily responsible for the differences in soil physical and hydraulic properties between the two crops. Moldboard plow resulted in an increase in yield and improvement of soil hydraulic properties during both crop seasons. Flood irrigation reverted back the effects of tillage on soil hydraulic properties greater than sprinkler irrigation, while it did not affect the yield significantly. The dynamics of volumetric soil water content (θ_v) differed, depending on tillage type, irrigation technique and crop season. Moldboard plow was the wettest after rain or irrigation events but it dried quicker than other tillage treatments. Flood irrigation caused higher wetting than sprinkler irrigation. These wetting effects were greater in wheat as compared to maize crop. Temporal variability calculated as time averaged relative difference in θ_v was greater during wheat as compared to maize, while temporal stability calculated as standard deviation of temporal stability decreased with flood irrigation in both crops. Soil bulk density (ρ_b) and water retention characteristics (θ_v (ψ_m )) measured on the intact soil cores and total porosity (φ), plant available water capacity (θ_PAWC) and pore size distribution calculated from water retention data depended on the time of sampling. During wheat, the ρ_b was lower resulting in a higher φ than after maize. Moldboard plow decreased ρ_b increasing φ, while the effect of flood irrigation was opposite in both crops with greater magnitude in wheat. Similarly, the effects of tillage on θ_v (ψ_m ) were observed in both crops, while those of irrigation were observed in maize only. Cultivator treatment retained higher θ_v at higher ψ_m (−30 and −100 kPa), followed by chisel and moldboard plow. Plant available water capacity (θ_PAWC) was greater in maize as compared to the wheat crop. Cultivator had higher θ_PAWC than chisel and moldboard plow in both crops. Wheat had greater volume of larger pores (> 10 μm, φ_(>10)), whereas extraordinary rains as well as irrigations after tillage caused these larger pores to decrease in maize. Moldboard plow had higher φ_(>10) at 10 cm depth in both crops with greater magnitude in wheat. Field saturated hydraulic conductivity (K_fs) determined before irrigations and at the end of both crop seasons was greater in wheat than in maize especially in the first determination. Moldboard plow exhibited greater K_fs followed by chisel plow and cultivator in both crops and it decreased significantly with time in wheat but not in maize. Flood irrigation was responsible for a reduction in K_fs and the effect was greater in wheat as compared to maize. It was concluded that a greater intensity of water application in the form of rains or irrigations can revert the changes in soil physical and hydraulic properties induced by tillage more effectively than the cycles of wetting and drying. Soil hydraulic properties may be optimized with the combination of suitable tillage and irrigation for efficient utilization of water resources.

Relações físico-hídricas de um latossolo sob plantio direto / Hydro-physical relations of an oxisol under no-tillage

Kunz, Maurício 19 November 2010 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Soil compaction is a process inherent in the no-tillage system and therefore, it will be always observed with varying intensity degrees. However, this system has features which can be maximized in order to reduce the compression process and its consequences. The objective of this study was evaluate soil hydro-physical properties as indicators of quality in an Oxisol, long time cultivated under no-tillage system. The specific objectives were determine the critical bulk density in which the soil resistance penetration and air porosity are restrictive to development of plants, using the methodology of least limiting water range (LLWR); evaluate the relationship between permeability air with macroporosity, total porosity and bulk density in different water tensions; determine the relationship between the saturated soil hydraulic conductivity and macroporosity, total porosity and bulk density. The soil was collected in a farmer located in Ibirubá (RS). The climate falls under the classification of Köppen in zones "Cfa" and "Cfb" (humid subtropical climate with hot summers or mild). The soil is classified as Oxisol. The area dedicated to collecting of samples has been cultivated under no-tillage since 1998 with soybeans, in the spring / summer, oats and rye or wheat in the fall / winter. Determinations of LLWR, texture, bulk density, total porosity, macroporosity, saturated hydraulic conductivity and air permeability of soil (under different soil water tensions: 1, 6 33 and 100 kPa) was carried out. Soil samples with preserved structure were collected with metal cylinders (0.03 m height and 0.055 m internal diameter) at depths of 0.02 to 0.07 m and 0.12 to 0.18 m, at various points of the area in order to obtain a large variation in bulk density. The results indicated that the increase of bulk density influence the reduction of LLWR which is associated with effects of soil penetration resistance and aeration porosity. The lower the matric potential, the higher was the observations of soil air conductivity, especially on the superficial soil layer, where the frequency of macropores is bigger and its decrease by the increase in soil depth. The soil air conductivity and saturated soil hydraulic conductivity were highly correlated with macroporosity and total porosity and negatively with the bulk density in different soil water tensions. / A compactação do solo é um processo inerente ao sistema de plantio direto e, portanto, sempre será observada com maior ou menor intensidade. Entretanto, esse sistema possui características que podem ser maximizadas com vistas a reduzir o processo de compactação e suas conseqüências. Com o intuito objetivou-se avaliar indicadores físico hídricos de qualidade de um Latossolo Vermelho cultivado por longo prazo sob o sistema de plantio direto. Os objetivos específicos foram determinar a densidade do solo crítica em que a resistência mecânica à penetração e a porosidade de aeração são restritivos ao desenvolvimento de plantas, através da metodologia do intervalo hídrico ótimo; avaliar a relação da permeabilidade ao ar com a macroporosidade, a porosidade total e a densidade do solo em diferentes tensões de água; determinar a relação entre a condutividade hidráulica do solo saturado e a macroporosidade, porosidade total e a densidade do solo. O solo foi coletado em uma lavoura comercial, no município de Ibirubá (RS). O clima da região enquadra-se na classificação de Köppen, zonas Cfa e Cfb (clima subtropical úmido com verões quentes ou amenos). O solo do local é classificado como Latossolo Vermelho Distrófico típico. A área destinada à coleta das amostras vinha sendo cultivada sob plantio direto desde 1998, com soja na primavera/verão, aveia + azevém e/ou trigo no outono/inverno. Foi realizado determinações de intervalo hídrico ótimo, granulometria, densidade, porosidade total, macro, condutividade hidráulica em solo saturado e permeabilidade ao ar do solo (submetidas a diferentes tensões de água no solo: 1, 6 33 e 100 kPa). As amostras de solo com estrutura preservada foram coletadas com o auxílio de anéis metálicos (0,03m de altura e 0,055m de diâmetro interno), nas camadas 0,02 a 0,07m e 0,12 a 0,18m e em vários pontos da lavoura com o intuito de se obter grande variação na densidade do solo. Os resultados indicaram que o aumento da densidade do solo influenciou na redução do IHO associada aos efeitos da resistência do solo à penetração e da porosidade de aeração. A maior condutividade do solo ao ar foi observada nos menores potenciais matriciais e na camada superficial do solo, onde há maior presença de macroporos. Também, houve redução em profundidade. A condutividade do solo ao ar e a condutividade hidráulica do solo saturado apresentaram correlação positiva com a macroporosidade e com a porosidade total e negativa com a densidade do solo nas tensões de água no solo.

Uso de ferramentas computacionais na construção de modelos estocásticos de fluxo e delimitação de perímetro de proteção de poços

Wottrich, Ingo January 2012 (has links)
O uso racional dos recursos hídricos tem ganhado cada vez maior importância frente aos diversos setores da sociedade. A utilização destes recursos sem um planejamento de gestão tem levado a sua deterioração do ponto de vista qualitativo e também quantitativo. As águas subterrâneas surgem como uma fonte de recursos hídricos por estarem menos expostas a contaminações derivadas do uso antrópico e por existirem em maior quantidade em relação às águas superficiais. Para que possam ser preservadas e se elabore um plano de uso, o entendimento de sua ocorrência é fundamental. Esta pesquisa explorou o uso de ferramentas computacionais na construção de modelos hidrogeológicos de fluxo e transporte, mais especificamente o método de simulação de Monte Carlo (MC). O estudo de caso é o Sistema Aquífero Guarani na região de Santana do Livramento, Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, fronteira do Brasil com o Uruguai. Foi analisada, através das simulações, a influência do parâmetro de condutividade hidráulica (K) nos modelos construídos, representando a situação in situ, e projetando cenários futuros. Foram utilizadas informações do banco de dados do SIAGAS (CPRM) e dos trabalhos realizados no “Projeto de Proteção Ambiental e Desenvolvimento Sustentável do Sistema Aquífero Guarani”. Os modelos estocásticos gerados através das simulações foram comparados a modelos determinísticos, geralmente mais utilizados. Os modelos estocásticos se mostraram ferramentas essenciais na construção de modelos de fluxo, sendo atualmente a melhor alternativa para que se obtenha o conhecimento da dimensão da incerteza em relação ao meio físico estudado. Na construção de perímetros de proteção de poços, as simulações realizadas comprovaram que o Bairro do Cerro do Registro é um local apropriado para a locação de poços de abastecimento de água, como consta no plano diretor da cidade de Santana do Livramento, estando mais protegidos de fontes de contaminação que os poços situados no centro urbano. / The rational use of water resources has gained increasing importance in several sectors of the Brazilian society. The use of such resources without a management plan has led to its deterioration both from qualitative and quantitative points of view. Groundwater arises as a possible source of hydric resources for being less exposed to anthropic contamination and by existing in greater quantity in relation to surface water. In order to preserve groundwater and elaborate a proper land use plan it is essential to understand its occurrence. This research explored the use of computational tools in the construction of hydro-geological models of flow and transport, more specifically the simulation method of Monte Carlo (MC). The case study is the Guarani Aquifer System in the region of Santana do Livramento, Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil’s border with Uruguay. The influence of the parameter of hydraulic conductivity (K) in the models constructed, representing the situation in situ and designing future scenarios, was analyzed through simulations. Information from the database of SIAGAS (CPRM) and of a study carried out in the “Project of Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development of the Guarani Aquifer System” were used. Stochastic models generated through the simulations were compared to deterministic models which are usually more frequently used. Stochastic models were essential tools in the construction of workflow models. Currently, they are the best alternative to know the size of uncertainty about the physical medium studied. In building the perimeters of wellhead protection areas, the simulations which were carried out have shown that Cerro do Registro neighborhood is an appropriate location for the leasing of water supply wells as stated in the strategic plan of the city of Santana do Livramento, being more protected from sources of contamination than the wells located in the urban area.

Atributos físico-hídricos do solo em lavoura de café conilon submetida à subsolagem / Attributes Physical-Hydric in Soil Tillage Conilon Café Subjected to subsoiling

Souza, Joabe Martins de 21 February 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-12-23T13:23:25Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Jooabe Martins de Souza.pdf: 1598124 bytes, checksum: c11211df54fa8bda04757c0df8c2d440 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-02-21 / The proper preparation of the soil promotes changes in physical attributes, especially the structure and can modify the storage capacity of water, crucial in determining irrigation needs for crops. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of soil preparation for planting Conilon coffee (Coffea canephora Pierre) submitted to subsoiling, physical properties and soil water. The experimental area consisted of three plots cultivated with coffee at 11, 7 and 3 years old, called T11, T7 and T3, respectively, submitted to subsoiling in the rows. For the evaluations hydrophysical soil samples were collected and undisturbed, in line (P1) and leading (P2) culture and four depths 0.00 to 0.20, 0.20-0.40, 0.40 -0.60, from 0.60 to 0.80 m. The experimental design was completely randomized design with three replications. The soil properties were evaluated soil bulk density, total porosity, macroporosity and microporosity, besides the water retention curve, saturated hydraulic conductivity, resistance to penetration and index S. The soil density, total porosity and macroporosity showed significant differences between the sampling points for the upper soil layers with higher porosity and macropore to the point P1 and a higher density of the soil to the point P2, did not differ from other layers. The total porosity showed an inverse behavior to the specific weight of the soil and increased the microporosity and macroporosity decrease in depth. Among the areas with different ages, physical and hydraulic properties of the soil showed no significant differences, showing that improvements of subsoiling are persistent over the years in this culture condition. The penetration resistance differed between sampling points, occurring with increasing depth, no difference, however, between the plots. We observed a positive correlation between penetration resistance and bulk density and microporosity, macroporosity and negative. The saturated hydraulic conductivity differ between sampling points in the layers of 0.00-0.40 m, with no significant difference between the plots. There was a negative correlation between penetration resistance and positive correlation with microporosity and macroporosity. The determination coefficient of adjustment curves water retention in the soil was greater than 98% and tuning parameters increased with depth. Water availability presented in general higher in the coffee line, until 0.60m, showing the benefit of subsoiling water retention. The S was higher in the rows, showing high correlation with the porosity and density of the soil. Subsoiling changed the physical and hydraulic properties of the soil, providing a balance between macro and micro, increased water availability and soil saturated hydraulic conductivity, and greater water retention at low voltages. The S proved to be a good tool to assess soil quality under these conditions / O preparo adequado do solo promove modificações nos atributos físicos, principalmente na estrutura, podendo modificar a capacidade de armazenamento de água, fundamental na determinação das necessidades de irrigação para as culturas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos do preparo do solo para plantio de café Conilon (Coffea canephora Pierre) submetido à subsolagem, nas propriedades físicas e hídricas do solo. A área experimental foi composta por três talhões cultivados com cafeeiro a 11, 7 e 3 anos, denominados T11, T7 e T3, respectivamente, submetidos à subsolagem nas linhas de plantio. Para as avaliações físico-hídricas do solo, foram retiradas amostras deformadas e indeformadas, na linha (P1) e entrelinha (P2) da cultura e a quatro profundidades 0,00-0,20, 0,20-0,40, 0,40-0,60, 0,60-0,80 m. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado, com três repetições. As propriedades do solo avaliadas foram massa específica do solo, porosidade total, macroporosidade e microporosidade, além da curva de retenção de água, condutividade hidráulica do solo saturado, resistência do solo à penetração e o índice S. A massa específica do solo, porosidade total e macroporosidade apresentaram diferenças significativas entre os pontos de amostragem para as camadas superiores do solo, com maior porosidade total e macroporos para o ponto P1 e uma maior massa específica do solo para o ponto P2, não diferindo das demais camadas. A porosidade total apresentou um comportamento inverso ao da massa específica do solo e houve aumento da microporosidade e diminuição da macroporosidade em profundidade. Entre os talhões com diferentes idades, as propriedades físico-hídricas do solo não apresentaram diferenças significativas, mostrando que as melhorias da subsolagem são persistentes ao longo dos anos nessa condição de cultivo. A resistência à penetração diferiu entre os pontos amostrais, ocorrendo um aumento com a profundidade, não diferindo, todavia, entre os talhões. Foi observada uma correlação positiva entre resistência à penetração e a massa específica e microporosidade, e negativa com a macroporosidade. A condutividade hidráulica do solo saturado apresentou diferença entre os pontos amostrais, nas camadas de 0,00-0,40 m, não apresentando diferença entre os talhões. Ocorreu uma correlação negativa entre a resistência à penetração e a microporosidade e correlação positiva com a macroporosidade. O coeficiente de determinação de ajuste das curvas de retenção de água no solo foi superior a 98% e os parâmetros de ajuste aumentaram com a profundidade. A disponibilidade de água apresentou-se, em geral, maior na linha do cafeeiro, até 0,60 m, mostrando o benefício da subsolagem na retenção de água. O índice S foi maior na linha de plantio, apresentando alta correlação com a porosidade e a massa específica do solo. A subsolagem alterou as propriedades físico-hídricas do solo, proporcionando um equilíbrio entre a macro e a microporosidade, aumento da disponibilidade de água e condutividade hidráulica do solo saturado, e ainda maior retenção de água em baixas tensões. O índice S mostrou-se como uma boa ferramenta para avaliar a qualidade do solo nessas condições

Simulação hidrossedimentológica com o modelo Lisem em uma pequena bacia hidrográfica rural / Hidrossedimentological simulation with Lisem model in a small rural catchment

Dalbianco, Leandro 28 February 2013 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Hydrossedimentological monitoring and modeling have been used as important tools to evaluate and simulate the hydrosedimentological processes in rural watersheds, in order to effectively propose conservation practices in environmentally sensitive locations. The objective of this research was to evaluate the performance of a physically based hydrological model (LISEM - Limburg Soil Erosion Model) in quantifying runoff and erosion in a rural catchment with high spatial variability (horizontally and vertically) physical and hydrological characteristics of the soil. The catchment has an area of 1.19 km2 and is situated in the northeastern region of the Rio Grande do Sul state, Brazil. Soils are characterized by reduction of water flow in the vertical soil profile either by the small thickness (Entisols and Inceptisols) or textural gradient between horizons (Ultisols) - and are associated with variations of relief, which is composed of soft hills in the top section and mountainous in the bottom section of the catchment. The predominant land use is tobacco farming (Nicotiana tabacum L.), where the surface layer of the soil is tilled to form ridges. In the first stage of the study, five slopes of the basin used for tobacco cultivation were sampled to characterize the physical and hydraulic properties at different points in the relief (top, middle slope and lowland) and four soil layers (0.00 to 0.04, from 0.20 to 0.24, from 0.40 to 0.44 and from 0.60 to 0,64 m). Field trials were also conducted to determine the infiltration rate on the slopes, and equations were also established to estimate the saturated hydraulic conductivity in each layer of soil sampled. In the second step, the LISEM model was calibrated to represent the hydrograph and sedimentograph of 20 rainfall events monitored in the river mouth from 2009 to 2012. The results of the first stage show that there is horizontal and vertical variability of physical and hydraulic properties on the slopes, being that the hillsides have a higher saturated hydraulic conductivity due to its coarser texture. Both the hydraulic conductivity and the infiltration rate were effective in identifying the horizontal variability of water flow on the slopes. The hydraulic conductivity can be estimated with good accuracy when variables from subsoil layers, for example, the total sand content, are used. The results of the second stage of the study revealed that the LISEM had a good performance in modeling the hydrograph. However, it was not possible to represent the sedimentograph, and there was an overestimate in sediment production. The model s equations related to erosion do not represent the dynamics that occur in this catchment. / O monitoramento e a modelagem hidrossedimentológica têm sido utilizados como ferramentas importantes para avaliar e simular os processos hidrossedimentológicos em bacias hidrográficas rurais, com o intuito de propor, de forma eficaz, práticas conservacionistas em locais ambientalmente frágeis. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi avaliar o desempenho de um modelo hidrológico de base física (LISEM Limburg Soil Erosion Model) em quantificar o escoamento superficial e o processo erosivo em uma bacia hidrográfica rural com grande variabilidade espacial (no sentido horizontal e vertical) das características físico-hídricas de solo. A bacia hidrográfica possui 1,19 km2 e está situada na região nordeste do estado do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Os solos são caracterizados pela redução do fluxo de água na direção vertical do perfil de solo seja pela pequena espessura (Neossolos e Cambissolos) ou pelo gradiente textural entre horizontes (Argissolos) e estão associados às variações do relevo, que é ondulado na fração superior e montanhoso na fração inferior da bacia. O uso do solo predominante é o cultivo do tabaco (Nicotiana tabacum L.), em que a camada superficial do solo é revolvida para a construção de camalhões. Na primeira etapa do estudo, cinco encostas da bacia utilizadas para o cultivo do tabaco foram amostradas para caracterização das propriedades físico-hídricas em diferentes pontos do relevo (topo, meia encosta e várzea) e em quatro camadas de solo (0,00 a 0,04, 0,20 a 0,24, 0,40 a 0,44 e 0,60 a 0,64 m). Também foram realizados ensaios de campo para determinação da taxa de infiltração básica nas encostas e, ainda, foram construídas equações para estimativa da condutividade hidráulica saturada em cada camada de solo amostrada. Na segunda etapa, o modelo LISEM foi calibrado para representar o hidrograma e o sedimentograma de 20 eventos monitorados no exutório da bacia entre no período de 2009 a 2012. Os resultados da primeira etapa comprovam que há variabilidade horizontal e vertical das propriedades físico-hídricas nas encostas, sendo que a meia encosta apresenta maior condutividade hidráulica saturada devido à textura mais grosseira neste local. Tanto a condutividade hidráulica quanto a taxa de infiltração básica foram eficazes em identificar a variabilidade horizontal do fluxo de água nas encostas. A condutividade hidráulica saturada pode ser estimada com boa precisão quando são usadas variáveis das camadas subsuperficiais do solo como, por exemplo, o teor de areia total. Os resultados da segunda etapa do estudo revelaram que o LISEM apresentou bom desempenho na modelagem do hidrograma. No entanto, não foi possível a representação do sedimentograma, sendo que houve superestimativa da produção de sedimentos. As equações do modelo relacionadas com o processo erosivo não representam a dinâmica que ocorre nesta bacia hidrográfica.

Propriedades físicas e hídricas de um latossolo em diferentes Sistemas de cultivo de longa duração / Physical and hydric properties of a rhodic eutrudox in Different long-term crop systems

Ortigara, Cícero 23 February 2017 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / The intensive use of agricultural soils caused a significant degradation of its chemical, physical, biological and microbiological structure. Aiming to maintain or promote improvements in soil quality, several techniques were developed, including the no-tillage system. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of rotation plans and tillage system on physical and hydraulic properties of a Rhodic Eutrudox in grain yield and development of soybean. The study was carried out in a long-lived experiment, implemented in 1993, on a very clayey Rhodic Eutrudox. The experiment presents a 2x3 factorial scheme (tillage system x rotation plans). The tillage factor is composed of: I) conventional tillage; and II) no-tillage. The rotation plans factor is composed of: I) soybean/wheat succession; II) rotation maize/lupine-soybean/oatssoybean/ wheat-soybean/wheat; and III) succession soybean/maize + brachiaria. Soil physical and hydraulic parameters such as density, total porosity, macro and microporosity, infiltration and hydraulic conductivity were evaluated. The plant parameters evaluated were root length density, plant height, weight of one thousand grains and yield of soybean crop. The available water fraction, hydraulic conductivity of unsaturated soil, frequency and volume of pores and uniformity of distribution of pore classes were obtained from the fit of the Van Genuchten model. The no-tillage compared to the conventional tillage provides greater stability in soybean grain yield. The isolated assessment of basic soil physical attributes can provide limited and erroneous information on the actual condition of its structure. Soil hydraulic conductivity, soil water infiltration, and frequency of soil pore distribution were effective in explaining soybean productivity more adequately. The soil pore continuity index proposed in this paper corroborates the other soil attributes, measured and estimated, and can be used quickly and efficiently to estimate soil pore continuity. / O uso intensivo dos solos agrícolas provocou acentuada degradação de sua estrutura química, física, biológica e microbiológicas. Com o intuito de manter ou promover melhorias na qualidade do solo diversas técnicas foram desenvolvidas, entre elas o sistema plantio direto. O objetivo deste trabalho foi de avaliar o efeito de planos de rotação e do sistema de preparo do solo nas propriedades físicas e hídricas de um Latossolo, na produtividade de grãos e no desenvolvimento da cultura da soja. O estudo foi realizado em um experimento de longa duração, implantado em 1993, em um Latossolo Vermelho Distroférrico muito argiloso. O experimento apresenta esquema fatorial 2x3 (sistema de preparo do solo x planos de rotação). O fator preparo do solo é composto por: I) Preparo convencional; e II) Plantio direto. O fator planos de rotação é composto por: I) sucessão soja/trigo; II) rotação milho/tremoço-soja/aveiasoja/ trigo-soja/trigo; e III) sucessão soja/milho+brachiaria. Foram avaliados parâmetros físicos e hídricos do solo como a densidade, porosidade total, macro e microporosidade, infiltração e condutividade hidráulica. Os parâmetros de planta avaliados foram a densidade do comprimento radicular, altura de plantas, peso de mil grãos e produtividade da cultura da soja. A fração de água disponível, condutividade hidráulica de solo não saturado, a frequência e o volume de poros e a uniformidade de distribuição de classes de poros foram obtidos do ajuste do modelo de Van Genuchten. O sistema plantio direto em comparação ao sistema de preparo convencional do solo proporciona maior estabilidade na produtividade de grãos de soja. A avaliação isolada de atributos físicos básicos do solo pode fornecer informações limitadas e errôneas da real condição de sua estrutura. A condutividade hidráulica do solo, infiltração de água do solo, frequência e distribuição de poros do solo foram eficazes para explicar de forma mais adequada a produtividade da soja. O índice de continuidade de poros do solo proposto neste trabalho corrobora com os demais atributos do solo, medidos e estimados, podendo então ser utilizado de forma rápida e eficiente para estimativa da continuidade de poros do solo.

Condutividade hidráulica de materiais de baixa permeabilidade: desenvolvimento, construção e teste de um sistema de medida / Hydraulic conductivity of low permeability materials: development, construction and test of a measurement system

Kleber Azevedo Dourado 19 September 2003 (has links)
Este trabalho trata do desenvolvimento, montagem e teste de equipamentos para ensaios de materiais de baixa condutividade hidráulica, o qual inclui sistemas de controle hidráulico de volume constante, permeâmetros do tipo parede flexível e interfaces água-percolante. A vantagem desse arranjo está no maior controle dos ensaios e, notadamente, na redução do tempo de ensaio com emprego do sistema hidráulico de volume constante (sistema fechado), quando comparado aos ensaios que empregam o sistema aberto de controle hidráulico. Para testar o equipamento, foram ensaiados geocompostos bentoníticos (geosynthetic clay liners - GCLs) de fabricação nacional, em corpos de prova moldados com diâmetro de 100 mm e também, em uma mistura de solo com bentonita. Os resultados da condutividade hidráulica obtidos para os geocompostos bentoníticos se situaram na ordem de \'10 POT.-9\' e \'10 POT.-10\' cm/s, compatíveis com os publicados na literatura sobre o material, e os ensaios na mistura solo-bentonita produziu resultados na ordem de \'10 POT.-8\' cm/s, e foram conseguidos com cerca de 3 horas de ensaio. Aborda-se ainda a aplicabilidade da lei de Darcy aos materiais ensaiados. / This work describes the development, construction, calibration and test of equipment for testing low hydraulic conductivity materials, which includes constant volume hydraulic control system, flexible wall permeameters and permeating water interfaces. The advantage of this kind of apparatus is the greater test control, notably, the reduction of test duration due to the use of a constant volume hydraulic system (closed system), when compared to the opened system hydraulic control test. In order to test the equipment, geosynthetic clay liners (GCLs) manufactured in Brazil was used as test specimens of 100 mm diameter and also, a mixture of soil and bentonite. The results of hydraulic conductivity obtained for the GCL were in the range of \'10 POT.-9\' to \'10 POT.-10\' cm/s, comparable to what has been published by the specialized literature on this material, and the tests with the soil-bentonite mixture resulted in a conductivity about \'10 POT.-8\' cm/s, after 3 hours running the test. The applicability of Darcy´s law to the tested materials is also referred to.

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