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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Habitability of Trappist 1d : Simulated radiance spectra of different potentially habitable climates

Svensson, Alexander January 2024 (has links)
40 light years from Earth an Earth sized exoplanet called Trappist 1d orbits the M-dwarf star called Trappist 1. Trappist 1d is located in the habitable zone where liquid water could exist on the surface of the planet which raises the question: Could Trappist 1d be habitable? Since it is not known what the planet looks like, several simulations of potentially habitable climates were made including different water levels and atmospheric pressures with Earth-like atmospheres. Real observations with JWST and VLT are currently being made for the light passing through Trappist 1d’s potential atmosphere. In order to interpret the data and make any conclusions about the habitability of Trappist 1d, simulated spectra need to be made for the different scenarios. The goal of this project was to produce radiance spectrum of how observations viewed through different instruments would look like for the different planetary scenarios. The result of the project gave spectra that were quite similar, but differed specifically in the depths of the lines, meaning that in theory it could be possible to distinguish between the planetary scenarios via observations. In reality, because of uncertainties in the observations, it is probably not possible to distinguish between the different planetary models, but it might be enough to conclude if the planet has an Earth like atmosphere containing CO2 and H2O or not. / 40 ljusår bort från jorden kretsar en jordlik planet vid namn Trappist 1d runt en röd dvärgstjärna. Trappist 1d ligger i den så kallade beboeliga zonen där det är möjligt för flytande vatten att existera på planetens yta. Detta medför frågan: Finns det förutsättningar för liv på Trappist 1d? Eftersom det inte är känt hur det ser ut på planeten har flera potentiellt beboeliga klimat simulerats för olika vattennivåer och atmosfärstryck med en jordlik atmosfär. Olika instrument på teleskopen JWST och VLT samlar för tillfället in data för observationer genom Trappist 1d:s potentiella atmosfär. För att kunna tolka datan och dra slutsatser om förutsättningarna för liv på Trappist 1d behövs simulerade spektrum att jämföra med. Målet med det här projektet är att producera simulerade radians spektrum för hur observationer med de olika instrumenten hade sett ut för de olika scenarierna. Resultatet gav spektrum som främst skiljde sig i djupet av linjerna i graferna, vilket betyder att i teorin är det möjligt att skilja mellan de olika scenariona för en observation. På grund av osäkerheter i observationen, är det troligtvis inte möjligt i praktiken att se exakt vilket scenario det tillhör, men det kan vara tillräckligt för att säga ifall planeten har en jordlik atmosfär som innehåller vatten och koldioxid eller ej.

Habitable Worlds in Multi-Stellar Systems : Searching for Xandar in a Triple-Star System

Öhrnberg, Tyra, Sjunnesson, Norea January 2024 (has links)
In this project we search for a planet in a triple-stellar system that could be habitable and a potential host to complex, human-like life. The first step in the search for potentially habitable planets involved examining catalogs of triple-stellar systems with known exoplanets and quadruple-star systems in which one of the stars could be swapped for a planet. Then, for all the potential planets, we estimated whether they lay within the habitable zone. For all systems with planets in the habitable zone, we used previously published climate model simulations of similar systems to gain a better understanding of the potential climate of these planets. Furthermore, the simulation program VPlanet was used to check the dynamical stability of systems in which one of the stars was swapped with a planet. In total, 10 planets were found to be within the habitable zone and were closer examined, with 6 of them being already existing planets and 4 of them being fabricated. Despite all of the planets lying within the habitable zone, they showed varying degrees of suitability for hosting life, with most planets being substantially cooler than Earth. None of the existing exoplanets had a suitable climate for human-like life, and none of the fabricated systems proved to be dynamically stable. However, the fabricated system that demonstrated the highest amount of stability in simulations was the one in which the planet and the stars were most similar in size. This leads us to conclude that optimal dynamical stability is achieved when the system components are of comparable size.

Atlas digital: uma contribuição para o sistema de informação do município de São João de Meriti-RJ / Digital atlas: a contribution to the information system of the municipality of São João de Meriti-RJ

Ricardo de Araújo Mathias 30 March 2011 (has links)
Um Atlas Digital é um atlas que foi concebido através de técnicas computacionais e que, consequentemente, pode ser acessado através de um computador. Estruturado em um ambiente gráfico, além dos mapas, pode-se contar também com textos, fotografias, dados estatísticos, gráficos e tabelas. Por estar em meio digital existe a possibilidade de utilização de uma expressiva gama de temas, formatos e escalas. Nesta dissertação apresenta-se um protótipo de Atlas Digital como uma colaboração ao Sistema de Informação Municipal SIM, para o município de São João de Meriti, RJ. O referido SIM, que tem como meta os serviços municipais, visa atender ao próprio município, ao cidadão e a outros interessados na cidade, sendo as suas informações fundamentais para a melhoria da gestão das prefeituras. A pesquisa foi direcionada para o tema da habitabilidade, que consiste num conjunto de condições voltadas para a construção de habitat saudável, abrangendo temas físicos, psicológicos, sociais, culturais e ambientais. Dentro do tema habitabilidade, foram trabalhados os subtemas relativos a infraestrutura de abastecimento de água, esgoto, coleta de lixo, saúde e educação, esses subtemas foram confrontados entre si para uma comparação entre os bairros do município. O SIM e a habitabilidade são contemplados no plano diretor da cidade e representa uma grande parte da sustentação teórica da dissertação. A modelagem e implementação do protótipo do Atlas Digital foram feitas com auxílio de softwares gratuitos, sendo possível acessar mapas temáticos e outras informações sobre São João de Meriti / A Digital Atlas is an atlas that has been designed using computational techniques and that, consequently, can be accessed through a computer. It was structured in a graphical environment, in addition to maps, we can also count on texts, photographs, statistics, graphs and tables. In a the digital environment, there is the possibility of using an impressive range of topics, formats and scales. This dissertation presents a prototype of the Digital Atlas as collaboration to the Municipal Information System - MIS of the city of São João de Meriti, RJ. This SIM, aims to municipal services, serving the same town, the citizens and other stakeholders in the city and its key information are for improving the management of town halls. The research was directed towards the issue of habitability, which consists of a set of conditions aimed at building healthy habitat, covering topics physical, psychological, social, cultural and environmental. Inside the housing theme, subthemes were worked on the infrastructure of water supply, sewage, garbage collection, health and education, these sub-themes were compared among themselves for a comparison between the districts of the municipality. The modeling and implementation of the prototype Digital Atlas was made with free software, where the access to thematic maps and other information about São João de Meriti are possible.

Karotenoidy sněžných řas jako biomarkery pro exobiologii: pohled Ramanovy spektroskopie / Carotenoids of snow algae as biomarkers for exobiology: Raman spectroscopic perspective

Němečková, Kateřina January 2018 (has links)
The major aim of this thesis is critical evaluation of Raman spectroscopy in the detection of carotenoids of extremophiles, namely snow algae. Extremophilic microorganisms play an important role in exobiology since they set hypothetical boundaries for the presence of life on Earth. Raman spectroscopy will be a part of two mission to Mars. Here, a laboratory Raman microspectrometer was used for the analysis of 11 samples of snow algae from different locations over the years 2002-2017. The acquired spectra were compared with HPLC/UV-VIS analysis. The results showed that the ability of Raman spectroscopy to discriminate between structurally slightly differing carotenoid pigments or several carotenoids in an admixture is limited. Contrary, HPLC/UV-VIS permitted to detect various structurally similar carotenoids (and chlorophylls). However, HPLC/UV-VIS worked with overall pigment extracts during which some structural information can be lost. Raman microspectrometer allowed analysis of cells in different life-cycle stages and thus several various spectra could be studied. Raman microspectrometer was therefore more suitable for carotenoid detection in mixtures of various life-stages than HPLC/UV-VIS. Key words carotenoids, snow algae, exobiology, habitability, biomarker, Raman spectroscopy, HPLC/UV-VIS

Natures plurielles : pour une contribution à l'habitabilité de l'espace public contemporain / Plural nature : for a contribution to the habitability of public contemporary space

Delabarre, Muriel 29 November 2013 (has links)
L'objet de cette recherche-action - dont les terrains d'analyse s'inscrivent dans l'agglomération Lyonnaise - a trait à la question de la nature et de l'habitabilité urbaine. La particularité et l'enjeu du sujet résident dans la confrontation entre vision urbanistique de l'espace public, approche physique de la matérialité urbaine et prise en compte de la perception de l'environnement naturel et construit. À ce titre, cette recherche mobilise plus largement des savoirs réunis autour des écologies urbaines. En premier lieu, nous procédons à une analyse de la composante naturelle et matérielle des milieux urbains sélectionnés, de leurs usages ainsi que de leurs fonctions par l'intermédiaire d'une grille évaluative (1). Toute la complexité d'une telle démarche réside dans les critères de choix des indicateurs, notamment lorsque l'objet d'étude se révèle mouvant spatialement et temporellement. Cet examen nous permet de distinguer des modes d'agencements spécifiques contenus dans chaque configuration spatiale examinée. Puis, nous portons un vif intérêt à la dimension idéelle et subjective, deuxième versant de l'habitabilité (2). Nous nous inscrivons dans une problématique de l'expérience à travers laquelle le corps et les sens des acteurs de l'urbain trouvent droit de cité. Des parcours sur sites nous offrent l'opportunité de croiser les regards d'acteurs multiples de la production urbaine afin de recueillir leurs représentations. Ainsi, en croisant les données empiriques de ces deux protocoles d'investigation, il nous est possible d'esquisser des figures plurielles de nature constitutives de l'habitabilité des milieux de vie. / The purpose of this research-action – which fields of analysis are located in the greater Lyons - relates to the question of nature and urban habitability. The particularity of the subject and its stake lie in the confrontation between the urban vision of public space, the physical approach to urban materiality and the consideration of the perception of natural and built environment. In this respect, this research involves more widely knowledge gathered around urban ecologies. First, we conduct an analysis about the natural and physical component of selected urban areas, their uses and their functions through an evaluation grid (1). The complexity of such an approach lies in the criteria used for the selection of indicators, especially when the object of the study reveals unstable spatially and temporally. This examination allows us to distinguish patterns of specific arrangements contained in each spatial configuration subject of the study. Then we take a keen interest in the ideational and subjective dimension, which appears to be the second side of habitability (2). We fall within the issue of experience through which the body and the senses of urban actors become part of the picture. Routes on sites offer us the opportunity to confront the vision of many stakeholders of urban production in order to collect their representations. Thus, by crosschecking empirical data from these two protocols of investigation, we are able to sketch plural figures of nature that constitute the habitability of living environments.

Atlas digital: uma contribuição para o sistema de informação do município de São João de Meriti-RJ / Digital atlas: a contribution to the information system of the municipality of São João de Meriti-RJ

Ricardo de Araújo Mathias 30 March 2011 (has links)
Um Atlas Digital é um atlas que foi concebido através de técnicas computacionais e que, consequentemente, pode ser acessado através de um computador. Estruturado em um ambiente gráfico, além dos mapas, pode-se contar também com textos, fotografias, dados estatísticos, gráficos e tabelas. Por estar em meio digital existe a possibilidade de utilização de uma expressiva gama de temas, formatos e escalas. Nesta dissertação apresenta-se um protótipo de Atlas Digital como uma colaboração ao Sistema de Informação Municipal SIM, para o município de São João de Meriti, RJ. O referido SIM, que tem como meta os serviços municipais, visa atender ao próprio município, ao cidadão e a outros interessados na cidade, sendo as suas informações fundamentais para a melhoria da gestão das prefeituras. A pesquisa foi direcionada para o tema da habitabilidade, que consiste num conjunto de condições voltadas para a construção de habitat saudável, abrangendo temas físicos, psicológicos, sociais, culturais e ambientais. Dentro do tema habitabilidade, foram trabalhados os subtemas relativos a infraestrutura de abastecimento de água, esgoto, coleta de lixo, saúde e educação, esses subtemas foram confrontados entre si para uma comparação entre os bairros do município. O SIM e a habitabilidade são contemplados no plano diretor da cidade e representa uma grande parte da sustentação teórica da dissertação. A modelagem e implementação do protótipo do Atlas Digital foram feitas com auxílio de softwares gratuitos, sendo possível acessar mapas temáticos e outras informações sobre São João de Meriti / A Digital Atlas is an atlas that has been designed using computational techniques and that, consequently, can be accessed through a computer. It was structured in a graphical environment, in addition to maps, we can also count on texts, photographs, statistics, graphs and tables. In a the digital environment, there is the possibility of using an impressive range of topics, formats and scales. This dissertation presents a prototype of the Digital Atlas as collaboration to the Municipal Information System - MIS of the city of São João de Meriti, RJ. This SIM, aims to municipal services, serving the same town, the citizens and other stakeholders in the city and its key information are for improving the management of town halls. The research was directed towards the issue of habitability, which consists of a set of conditions aimed at building healthy habitat, covering topics physical, psychological, social, cultural and environmental. Inside the housing theme, subthemes were worked on the infrastructure of water supply, sewage, garbage collection, health and education, these sub-themes were compared among themselves for a comparison between the districts of the municipality. The modeling and implementation of the prototype Digital Atlas was made with free software, where the access to thematic maps and other information about São João de Meriti are possible.

Estimates of Fractional Habitability for Proxima Centauri b using a 3D GCM

Sparrman, Viktor January 2020 (has links)
Exoplanet discovery has grown more quickly in recent years. However, the nature of their discovery leaves many unanswered in questions regarding exoplanetary habitability. Proxima Centauri b, an exoplanet which orbits the Sun's closest stellar neighbour, Proxima Centauri, was recently discovered with a subzero equilibrium temperature. Although not considered habitable based on the classical definition of the liquid water range, there may be fractions of Proxima Centauri b which are habitable. A prior study simulated the climate conditions of Proxima Centauri b until equilibrium was reached, using a variety of initial conditions. In this project, various metrics for calculating the fractional habitability of Proxima Centauri b are presented and applied to the results of the prior study's simulations. Colormaps are used to show the ice and temperature distributions that produce the calculated values of fractional habitability. The fractional habitabilities calculated show that while the value is both case and metric dependent, for the vast majority of all cases and metrics the value is nonzero implying that Proxima Centauri b is likely to have habitable regions. / Upptäckandet av exoplaneter har ökat i takt över de senaste åren. Samtidigt, på grund av sättet som de upptäcks finns många obesvarade frågor angående planeternas beboelighet. Proxima Centauri b är en exoplanet som kretsar kring solens närmsta granne, Proxima Centauri. Exoplaneten upptäcktes nyligen med en jämviktstemperatur under $0\degree$C. Trots att exoplaneten inte anses beboelig enligt klassisk definition kan det finnas delar av Proxima Centauri b som är beboeliga. En tidigare studie simulerade klimatförhållandena av Proxima Centarui b till jämvikt nåddes, med varierade begynnelsetillstånd. I detta projekt beräknas andelen av Proxima Centauri b som är beboelig genom flera olika mått för "fractional habitability". Måtten jämförs med den tidigare studien och dess simuleringar. Grafiskt åsikdligörs resultaten via färgkartor över planeten för istjocklek och yttemperatur. De beräknade värdena på Proxima Centauri b's "fractional habitability" påvisar beroende på mått och begynnelsetillstånd. Däremot, för en majoritet av både fall och mått är värdet nollskilt vilket antyder att Proxima Centauri b är delvist beboelig.

Evolution primitive et habitabilité des planètes rocheuses / Early evolution and habitability of rocky planets

Salvador, Arnaud 05 November 2018 (has links)
Les planètes rocheuses achèvent leur formation dans des processus collisionnels très énergétiques.L'énergie libérée lors des impacts majeurs a vraisemblablement fondu la surface des planètes, formant ainsi un océan de roches en fusion. Le refroidissement et la solidification de cet « océan de magma » conditionnent la différentiation chimique du manteau et la distribution des éléments volatils entre les différents réservoirs de la planète. C'est lors de cette phase évolutive, commune aux planètes rocheuses, que l'atmosphère est formée par dégazage des volatils et que les conditions initiales de l'évolution future des planètes se mettent en place. C'est ainsi une phase évolutive de première importance pour comprendre l'apparition des océans d'eau primitifs, le démarrage de la convection thermique du manteau et l'actuelle diversité des planètes telluriques.Un modèle numérique couplant l'évolution thermique de l'océan de magma en interaction avec l'atmosphère a été utilisé pour étudier le refroidissement de la planète et les conditions de surface résultantes. Nous avons investigué l'influence du contenu initial en volatil combiné avec la distance orbitale de la planète sur la formation des premiers océans d'eau à la fin du refroidissement, pour des atmosphères avec et sans nuages. Cette approche a ensuite été étendue aux planètes rocheuses extra-solaires orbitant des étoiles froides.Le contenu relatif en H2O et CO2 de l'atmosphère peut empêcher la formation d'océans, menant à des planètes ayant une surface solide sans océans d'eau. Des lois d'échelle prédisent la formation d'océans en fonction du contenu initial en volatil. Une épaisse couche nuageuse diminue la température de surface et maintient des conditions clémentes plus proche de l'étoile rendant ainsi possible la formation d'océan sur Vénus. Ces conditions de surface tempérées pourraient alors être favorable à l'émergence de la vie et suggèrent qu'en fonction de la couverture nuageuse, la Terre et Vénus pourraient être dans un état relativement similaire à la fin de la phase océan de magma, contrairement à ce qui est généralement admis.Pour les étoiles froides, la formation d'océans d'eau n'est possible qu'à des flux stellaires plus faibles que dans notre système solaire, correspondant à des distances étoile-planète relativement plus importantes.L'effet refroidissant des nuages est atténué pour les étoiles froides autour desquelles la bordure intérieure de la zone d'habitabilité tend à être indépendante de la couverture nuageuse. / At the end of the accretion phase, rocky planets grow through high energetic impact processes. Combined with other heat sources, they most likely melt the surface of the planets, forming an ocean of molten rocks. The cooling and solidification of this early so-called magma ocean strongly influences the earliest compositional differentiation and volatile distribution of the planet. Indeed, this common early evolution stage of rocky planets witnesses the degassing of the atmosphere and sets the initial conditions for the long-term evolution of the planets. It is thus of major importance in understanding the formation of the primitive water ocean, the onset of thermally driven mantle convection and the diversity of observed terrestrial planets.Using a coupled magma ocean-atmosphere thermal evolution model, we investigated the cooling of the planet and the surface conditions reached at the end of this early stage. We studied how the initial volatile content and the distance from the star influence the formation of a water ocean at the end of the cooling for both cloud-free and cloudy atmospheres. We extended this approach to planets orbiting colder stars than the Sun.The relative amount of H2O and CO2 in the atmosphere can preclude water ocean formation, leading to solid surface planets without water ocean. Scaling laws are derived to predict the formation of a water ocean as a function of the initial volatile content.The presence of a thick cloud cover extends clement surface conditions close to the star and allows for water ocean formation on early Venus. Such temperate conditions might be suitable for the emergence of life and suggest that, depending on the cloud cover, the Earth and Venus might not be as different as previously thought at the end of the magma ocean stage.For stars colder than the Sun, water ocean formation is shifted to farther star distances. The cooling effect of clouds becomes less efficient for cold stars whose inner edge of the temperate zone tends to be independent of the cloud cover.

Habitação coletiva econômica, urbanidade e habitabilidade : estudo tipológico em Porto Alegre/RS e Montevidéu (Uruguai)

Vieira, Jorge Luiz January 2017 (has links)
O trabalho aborda a trajetória da produção de habitação coletiva econômica em altura, nas cidades de Porto Alegre, no Rio Grande do Sul, e Montevidéu, no Uruguai, no período de 1985 a 2010. Procura identificar os principais eventos que reverberavam em um movimento de intenso debate sobre o papel da arquitetura para o cenário de abertura política para muitos países latino-americanos. Demonstra a importância desse período, ao mesmo tempo rico de possibilidades, mas também repleto de fortes impactos econômicos, políticos e sociais, que resultaram do enfraquecimento do Estado Providência, do desmantelamento da União Soviética e da hegemonia do neoliberalismo. Aponta as experiências para a recomposição da arquitetura como disciplina que constrói a cidade, especialmente pelas propostas que, emanadas dos principais polos de difusão da arquitetura no Brasil e no Uruguai, expuseram em projetos e obras inspiradas nos aportes teóricos e nas experimentações críticas ao Movimento Moderno advindas da Europa, como aquelas realizadas pela IBA-87, em Berlim. Busca, nas raízes das transformações morfológicas por que passaram essas cidades, entender como cada uma assimilou os pressupostos da modernidade, de forma breve em relação aos aspectos econômicos, sociais e políticos e, de forma mais detida, com relação às influências do Movimento Moderno sobre a arquitetura e a cidade, especialmente sobre suas normativas institucionais e a produção de habitação. A partir dos resultados obtidos da análise dos parâmetros de urbanidade e de habitabilidade, aplicados sobre os quatro exemplares dos conjuntos de habitação coletiva econômica em altura, selecionados em cada cidade, procura- se avaliar as contribuições das políticas públicas e dos agentes envolvidos, incluindo-se o protagonismo dos arquitetos, especialmente no momento em que as cooperativas habitacionais passam a ser reintegradas nas políticas de financiamento e de ordenamento territorial, no caso de Montevidéu, e da implantação do programa Minha Casa Minha Vida, no caso do Brasil, rebatido à especificidade da cidade de Porto Alegre. Por último, procura-se ressaltar a importância dos parâmetros de urbanidade e de habitabilidade como indicativos de qualidade projetual, especialmente para o ensino de projeto de habitação de interesse social. / This work approaches the trajectory of the production of collective economic housing in height, in the cities of Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, and Montevideo, Uruguay, between 1985 and 2010. It looks forward to identify the major events which reverberated in a intense movement of discussion about the role of architecture for the political opening for many latin- american countries. It proves us the importance of this period of time, at the same time full of possibilities, but also with lots of rough economic, political and social impacts, which resulted from the weakening of Providence State, the Soviet Union dismantling and the neoliberalism hegemony. It points out the experiences for the recomposition of architecture as a city builder discipline, notably by the purposes which poured from the main poles of architecture diffusion on Brazil and Uruguay, exposed in projects and jobs inspired by the theoretical contribution and critical experiments to the Modern Movement coming from Europe, such as the ones realized by the IBA-87, in Berlin. It searches, in the roots of morphological transformations which happened in those cities, to understand how each one of these assimilated the assumptions of modern times, in a detained way, in a relation with the Modern Movement influences about architecture and the city, specially about its institutional regulations and the housing production. By the results obtained from the housing and urbanity parameter analysis, applied upon those four examples of housing aggregation buildings, pointed on each belonging city, it tries to evaluate the public policy and involved agents contribution, including the architects protagonism, specially in the moment when habitational cooperatives turn to be reintegrated into the financial and territorial order policies, on Montevideo's case, and the program "Minha Casa Minha Vida" , on Brazil's case, specifically in the city of Porto Alegre. At last, it looks forward to emphasize the urbanity and habitability parameters' importance as project quality indicatives, especially for the project of social interest habitation teaching.

Habitação coletiva econômica, urbanidade e habitabilidade : estudo tipológico em Porto Alegre/RS e Montevidéu (Uruguai)

Vieira, Jorge Luiz January 2017 (has links)
O trabalho aborda a trajetória da produção de habitação coletiva econômica em altura, nas cidades de Porto Alegre, no Rio Grande do Sul, e Montevidéu, no Uruguai, no período de 1985 a 2010. Procura identificar os principais eventos que reverberavam em um movimento de intenso debate sobre o papel da arquitetura para o cenário de abertura política para muitos países latino-americanos. Demonstra a importância desse período, ao mesmo tempo rico de possibilidades, mas também repleto de fortes impactos econômicos, políticos e sociais, que resultaram do enfraquecimento do Estado Providência, do desmantelamento da União Soviética e da hegemonia do neoliberalismo. Aponta as experiências para a recomposição da arquitetura como disciplina que constrói a cidade, especialmente pelas propostas que, emanadas dos principais polos de difusão da arquitetura no Brasil e no Uruguai, expuseram em projetos e obras inspiradas nos aportes teóricos e nas experimentações críticas ao Movimento Moderno advindas da Europa, como aquelas realizadas pela IBA-87, em Berlim. Busca, nas raízes das transformações morfológicas por que passaram essas cidades, entender como cada uma assimilou os pressupostos da modernidade, de forma breve em relação aos aspectos econômicos, sociais e políticos e, de forma mais detida, com relação às influências do Movimento Moderno sobre a arquitetura e a cidade, especialmente sobre suas normativas institucionais e a produção de habitação. A partir dos resultados obtidos da análise dos parâmetros de urbanidade e de habitabilidade, aplicados sobre os quatro exemplares dos conjuntos de habitação coletiva econômica em altura, selecionados em cada cidade, procura- se avaliar as contribuições das políticas públicas e dos agentes envolvidos, incluindo-se o protagonismo dos arquitetos, especialmente no momento em que as cooperativas habitacionais passam a ser reintegradas nas políticas de financiamento e de ordenamento territorial, no caso de Montevidéu, e da implantação do programa Minha Casa Minha Vida, no caso do Brasil, rebatido à especificidade da cidade de Porto Alegre. Por último, procura-se ressaltar a importância dos parâmetros de urbanidade e de habitabilidade como indicativos de qualidade projetual, especialmente para o ensino de projeto de habitação de interesse social. / This work approaches the trajectory of the production of collective economic housing in height, in the cities of Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, and Montevideo, Uruguay, between 1985 and 2010. It looks forward to identify the major events which reverberated in a intense movement of discussion about the role of architecture for the political opening for many latin- american countries. It proves us the importance of this period of time, at the same time full of possibilities, but also with lots of rough economic, political and social impacts, which resulted from the weakening of Providence State, the Soviet Union dismantling and the neoliberalism hegemony. It points out the experiences for the recomposition of architecture as a city builder discipline, notably by the purposes which poured from the main poles of architecture diffusion on Brazil and Uruguay, exposed in projects and jobs inspired by the theoretical contribution and critical experiments to the Modern Movement coming from Europe, such as the ones realized by the IBA-87, in Berlin. It searches, in the roots of morphological transformations which happened in those cities, to understand how each one of these assimilated the assumptions of modern times, in a detained way, in a relation with the Modern Movement influences about architecture and the city, specially about its institutional regulations and the housing production. By the results obtained from the housing and urbanity parameter analysis, applied upon those four examples of housing aggregation buildings, pointed on each belonging city, it tries to evaluate the public policy and involved agents contribution, including the architects protagonism, specially in the moment when habitational cooperatives turn to be reintegrated into the financial and territorial order policies, on Montevideo's case, and the program "Minha Casa Minha Vida" , on Brazil's case, specifically in the city of Porto Alegre. At last, it looks forward to emphasize the urbanity and habitability parameters' importance as project quality indicatives, especially for the project of social interest habitation teaching.

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