Spelling suggestions: "subject:"lack"" "subject:"back""
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Hack: Reclaiming the CommonsSchellingerhoudt, David Michael January 2013 (has links)
Architecture is an act of agency, and a technology that can be learned by anyone for their own purpose. It evolved as a system of organization and a protective shell for our fragile bodies, a vast, complex technology that enables human survival. Yet despite its universal nature, we have artificially limited our control over it, and who has access to it; we limit its potentials, its adaptive capacities, its diversity, and our continued survival. Walled-up in universities, behind certifications and dissertations, we have removed architecture from the public’s mind so that few understand it and use it. The city, in its surging complexity, is ever more opaque; the systems, infrastructure, and regulations that govern its formation are hidden from view, behind doors, walls, and fences.
Hack seeks to make the city legible and architecture accessible, by leveraging a growing tide of hacker culture, and its subcultures – makers and DIY drone enthusiasts – and their respective technologies. Since the birth of the computer, Hackers have sought to democratize information technology held by military, government, and corporate interests. In doing so they’ve provided a number of methods, that enable free sharing and collaboration between individuals, distributing problem-solving practices, open-source systems, hands-on education, and free access to tools, all applicable to the challenges and opportunities facing architecture and city building today.
Hack bootstraps itself to these ideals with hands-on experiments and reflections on those experiments, reframing architecture as a basic skill, a technology to be used by anyone, democratizing architecture through online communities, and the Hacker culture, in order to define a new active role for the architect.
Internalizing the Hacker Ethic, and appropriate existing technologies to build new tools – devices to survey space, architecture and the city. – Hack traces the construction of a kite, a model car, a quadrocopter, and a remote-control airplane, each capable of gathering intimate information about the local environment.
Hack concludes by reexamining the role of the aerial view in making cities and exercising power, speculating on the potential to level the fields of perception through online co-operation and these small-scale cartographic technologies.
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Hack: Reclaiming the CommonsSchellingerhoudt, David Michael January 2013 (has links)
Architecture is an act of agency, and a technology that can be learned by anyone for their own purpose. It evolved as a system of organization and a protective shell for our fragile bodies, a vast, complex technology that enables human survival. Yet despite its universal nature, we have artificially limited our control over it, and who has access to it; we limit its potentials, its adaptive capacities, its diversity, and our continued survival. Walled-up in universities, behind certifications and dissertations, we have removed architecture from the public’s mind so that few understand it and use it. The city, in its surging complexity, is ever more opaque; the systems, infrastructure, and regulations that govern its formation are hidden from view, behind doors, walls, and fences.
Hack seeks to make the city legible and architecture accessible, by leveraging a growing tide of hacker culture, and its subcultures – makers and DIY drone enthusiasts – and their respective technologies. Since the birth of the computer, Hackers have sought to democratize information technology held by military, government, and corporate interests. In doing so they’ve provided a number of methods, that enable free sharing and collaboration between individuals, distributing problem-solving practices, open-source systems, hands-on education, and free access to tools, all applicable to the challenges and opportunities facing architecture and city building today.
Hack bootstraps itself to these ideals with hands-on experiments and reflections on those experiments, reframing architecture as a basic skill, a technology to be used by anyone, democratizing architecture through online communities, and the Hacker culture, in order to define a new active role for the architect.
Internalizing the Hacker Ethic, and appropriate existing technologies to build new tools – devices to survey space, architecture and the city. – Hack traces the construction of a kite, a model car, a quadrocopter, and a remote-control airplane, each capable of gathering intimate information about the local environment.
Hack concludes by reexamining the role of the aerial view in making cities and exercising power, speculating on the potential to level the fields of perception through online co-operation and these small-scale cartographic technologies.
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Security Incidents in an Academic Setting: A Case Study.Cui, Zhiqiang 01 May 2002 (has links) (PDF)
Academic institutes' networks, like commercial networks, have confidential and valuable information that attracts hackers. From 6 October 2000 to 29 March 2001, the authors collected data on possible attacks and probes against East Tennessee State University's campus network. The number of suspicious activities detected daily varied from 200,000 to more than 2,000,000, with ICMP-based attacks accounting for more than 81% of all attacks. While ICMP-based attacks were reasonably harmless, these activities as a whole depleted network bandwidth significantly. Severe attacks were detected daily. Port scans and host scans that involving 2 or more /24 subnets were detected every week. Attacks and probes were distributed throughout a typical day and week. Our research results suggested policy makers in academic institutions like ETSU should adopt standard measures to secure campus networks, including firewalls, intrusion detection systems, server management, and risk assessment.
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Investigation of home router securityKaramanos, Emmanouil January 2010 (has links)
Home routers are common in every household that has some kind of Internet connectivity. These embedded devices are running services such as web, file and DHCP server. Even though they have the same security issues as regular computers, they do no run protection software such as anti-virus and they are not updated. Moreover, the importance of these devices is misjudged; all network traffic is passing through them and they control the DNS of the network while, in most cases, they are on-line around the clock. When more and more non-Internet features are implemented into home routers, such as Voice over IP and network storage, their role becomes more special and many security concerns are raising. In this thesis, we investigate the issues resulting from this special role; the importance for these devices to be secure, the attacking vector and how the devices can be compromised to be part of a large home router botnet. We conclude by proposing ways to make the current implementation more secure, suggesting ways to protect routers from botnets without user interaction, that is from the ISP, while respecting the privacy of the end user and we identify what future work needs to be done. / Router är vanliga i hem som har någon slags Internet anslutning. De här inbyggda enheter kör tjänster som t.ex. web, file och DHCP basenheter. Fastän de har samma säkerhetsfrågor som vanliga datorer, så kan de inte använda säkerhets mjukvara som t.ex anti-virus och de är inte uppdaterade. Dessutom har betydelsen av de här apparaterna blivit felbedömmat; hela nätverket passerar genom dem och de kontrolerar nätverkets DNS medan, i de flesta fall, de är on-line dygnet runt. Men, när mer och mer icke-Internet lockvaror fars in i routern, som t.ex Voice över IP och nätverkslagring, blir deras roll viktigare och oron för säkerheten växer. I den här avhandlingen utforskars problemen och frågorna som efterföljer deras speciella roll, hur viktigt det är att de här apparaterna är skyddade, (the attacking vector) och hur de här apparaterna kan bli jämkningad för att bli en del av ett stort router botnet. Vi avsluter med att lägga fram sätt att göra det nuvarande verktyget mer skyddat, föreslå sätt att skydda routern från botnet utan användarinteraktion, som kommer från ISP, medan man respekterar det andra användarens privtaliv och markera vad som behövs ändras i framtiden.
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Leaked Sex and Damaged Goods: News Media Framing of Illicit and Stolen Celebrity ImagesPatrick, Stephanie 03 July 2019 (has links)
New media technologies are changing the ways that we not only go about our day-to-day lives, but also the ways that we sell and exchange our labor within the capitalist economy. These technologies are shaping how we represent and perceive ourselves and others, as well as the ways in which, as we move about the world, our images are taken and circulated with neither our explicit permission, nor sometimes our knowledge (Dovey, 2000; Toffoletti, 2007). Despite the fact that we can no longer viably opt out of visual or technological culture, there remains a strong rhetoric of personal responsibility when such images are used in ways that are unexpected and sometimes extremely damaging (C. Hall, 2015). The growth in incidences of what Clare McGlynn (2017) calls “image-based sexual violence” cannot be divorced from the economic and cultural shifts that are both challenging and reifying dominant power relations in the early 21st century.
This doctoral thesis examines the economic and social discourses underpinning news reporting on sexual privacy violations in relation to new media technologies and shifting forms of female celebrity. Using empirical methods to collect and sort U.S. and Canadian news articles at a macro level as well as discourse analysis of news reporting at the micro level, I focus on two particular sites wherein new media celebrity, sexual violence/violation, and political economies converge: the celebrity sex tape scandal and the stolen celebrity nude photo. I examine sexuality and privacy violation in an exemplary economic context, looking at how the “leaked” sex tape or image functions in the gendered sexual economy to undermine claims to meritocratic capitalist success. I focus on two moments of crisis: firstly, the pop culture crisis of 2007-2008, coinciding with the global economic recession as well as the growth in new media technology and social media usage, wherein several high-profile female celebrities undergo dramatic and very public “breakdowns” in proper femininity, ranging from the fairly banal “scandal” surrounding a then-15-year-old Miley Cyrus posing semi-nude for Vanity Fair to the more severe and illegal acts of Lindsay Lohan and Paris Hilton (both of whom were arrested for driving under the influence across this time period). Secondly, I examine the moment of crisis signaled by the 2014 iCloud hacking incident wherein hundreds of female celebrities’ personal private nude photos were stolen and circulated online. I analyze the sex “scandals” that are both discursively constructed by, and circulating through, the news at these moments.
The findings point to several notable trends in the contemporary political climate. Firstly, they illuminate the tensions and contradictions in the media’s attempt to reconcile post-feminist sexual “empowerment” narratives with the broader imperatives of neoliberalism, surveillance, and self-commodification. Secondly, this thesis provides a timely analysis of the gendered pathways to success and the gatekeeping that is conducted both within and by the (news) media, which are themselves invested in narratives of meritocracy. Finally, the cynical, meta-commentary circulating in the news reporting on celebrity content – reporting that is increasingly beholden to corporate interests – contributes to the broader erosion of trust in mainstream media. In today’s media environment in particular, studies of heirs-turned-reality stars such as Paris Hilton (whose trajectory is eerily similar to that of U.S. President Donald Trump), are particularly urgent, as are studies that connect the seemingly disparate yet increasingly converging fields of celebrity, journalism, feminism (and sexual violence), and neoliberalism.
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Kevin Mitnick : contre-iconographie d'un superhackerCoutu, Jean-Sébastien January 2001 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
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Bluetoothsäkerhet, neglegerad eller (o)kunskapAxelsson, Andreas January 2019 (has links)
Under 2017 hittades sårbarheten Blueborne som gjorde att en person kunde ta sig in i mobiltelefoner eller datorer helt obemärkt genom att enheten endast ha igång bluetooth. Bluetoothsäkerheten behövs tas på minst lika stort allvar som alla andra enheter som tillexempel wifi eller annan trådlös utrustning som kan äventyra att information hamnar i orätta händer, för skulle felaktig information nå en person med ont uppsåt så skulle konsekvenserna vara förödande för privatpersoner eller för företag. Denna uppsats behandlar frågor genom att intervjua personer på företag och genom enkätundersökning, det har påvisats att majoriteten av företag har bristande kunskap eller saknar någonting som kan varna en användare eller administratör vid en attack. Diskussion kring attackers potentiella förödelse mot företag när det kommer kring information och drift och hur det går att skydda sig.
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No description available.
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Procesos ecológicos intervinientes en la invasión de Nassella trichotoma en el pastizal serrano del sistema de VentaniaGarcía, Andrés, 1990- 08 April 2020 (has links)
La alteración de procesos ecológicos tales como la dinámica de las interacciones biológicas, el ciclado de nutrientes y la dispersión de propágulos por parte de disturbios como el sobrepastoreo, promueve la ocurrencia de invasiones biológicas. En el caso de los pastizales naturales del sistema serrano de Ventania, el sobrepastoreo ha producido el reemplazo de gramíneas palatables por comunidades con alta representatividad de gramíneas no palatables como Nassella trichotoma. Esta especie posee características que explicarían su comportamiento invasor, por ejemplo: evitación del pastoreo, tolerancia a la defoliación a través de la elaboración de una alta densidad de macollos, alta producción y frecuencia de semillas en el banco del suelo, entre otros. A pesar de lo mencionado, el conocimiento sobre cómo los procesos ecológicos vinculados a los atributos de N. trichotoma intervienen en el incremento de su representatividad en su rango de hábitats de origen es incierto. Por tanto, el objetivo general de esta tesis es contribuir al entendimiento del proceso de invasión de N. trichotoma en el pastizal serrano del Sistema de Ventania a través del análisis de las características y requerimientos de esta especie en los distintos estadios de su ciclo de vida. Los objetivos específicos de esta tesis fueron (1) cuantificar y describir el patrón de distribución espacial de N. trichotoma en el banco de semillas del suelo en áreas con diferente abundancia de la especie, (2) evaluar el reclutamiento de plántulas de N. trichotoma y de una gramínea palatable en parches de vegetación dominados por una u otra especie y bajo distintas intensidades de defoliación, (3) determinar las relaciones de competencia entre N. trichotoma y especies palatables del pastizal serrano bajo distintos niveles de intensidad y selectividad de defoliaciones (mecanismo de competencia), (4) evaluar la productividad de biomasa aérea de N. trichotoma bajo distintos niveles de intensidad de defoliación (mecanismo de tolerancia), y (5) determinar la variación temporal en la concentración de proteína y de fibra en los tejidos foliares de N. trichotoma en plantas sometidas a distintos niveles de defoliación. La metodología utilizada comprendió muestreos de banco de semillas, siembra de semillas, estudios de competencia mediada por la defoliación y análisis de calidad nutritiva de las muestras. La densidad de semillas en el banco del suelo fue relativamente elevada a todos los niveles de abundancia estudiados. El reclutamiento de N. trichotoma fue mayor en micrositios con bajos niveles de competencia aérea en comparación con una especie palatable. Al mismo tiempo, N. trichotoma presentó un cierto grado de tolerancia a la defoliación y, contrario a lo postulado, la defoliación selectiva sobre gramíneas palatables creciendo en competencia aparente con N. trichotoma no parecería beneficiar a esta última en la competencia interespecífica. Por último, los resultados no apoyaron la hipótesis que el disturbio por defoliación mejora la calidad de N. trichotoma, al menos a las intensidades de defoliación aplicadas en el presente estudio. Los resultados obtenidos aportan evidencia a que N. trichotoma presenta mecanismos ecológicos que le otorgarían a la misma un carácter invasor y atributos de especie estrés/disturbio tolerante. / The alteration of ecological processes such as dynamics of biological interactions, nutrient cycling and propagule dispersal by disturbances such as overgrazing, promotes the occurrence of biological invasions. In the case of natural grasslands of the Ventania mountain system, overgrazing has led to the replacement of palatable grasses by communities with high representativity of non-palatable grasses such as Nassella trichotoma. This species has characteristics that may explain its invasive behavior, for instance: grazing avoidance mechanism, certain degree of tolerance to defoliation relaying on the elaboration of a high density of tillers, high production and frequency of seeds in the soil seed bank, among others. In spite of the aforementioned, information about how ecological processes linked to attributes of N. trichotoma intervene in increasing their representativeness in its region of origin is lacking. The specific objectives of this thesis were (1) to quantify and describe the spatial distribution pattern of N. trichotoma propagule density in the soil seed bank in areas with different species abundance in the established vegetation, (2) to evaluate the recruitment of seedlings of N. trichotoma and a palatable grass species in microsites located in patches of vegetation dominated by one or another species and under different intensities of defoliation, (3) to determine the competition relationships between N. trichotoma and a palatable species under different levels of intensity and selectivity of defoliation (competition mechanism), (4) to evaluate the standing biomass productivity of N. trichotoma under different levels of defoliation intensity (tolerance mechanism), and (5) to determine the temporal variation of physicochemical quality of foliar tissue of N. trichotoma under different intensities of defoliation. The methodology included seed bank sampling, seed sowing, competition studies mediated by defoliation and nutritional quality analysis of the samples. Seed density in the soil bank was relatively high at all abundance levels. The recruitment of N. trichotoma was higher at microsites with low levels of aerial competition in comparison to the palatable species. At the same time, N. trichotoma presented a certain degree of tolerance to defoliation and, contrary to expectations, selective defoliation on palatable grasses growing in apparent competition with N. trichotoma did not benefit the latter in interspecific competition. Finally, the results did not support the hypothesis that defoliation increases the chemical quality of N. trichotoma, at least at the intensities of defoliation applied in the present study. The results obtained provide evidence that N. trichotoma presents ecological mechanisms that may explain its invasive character and attributes of a stress/tolerant species.
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Un voyage ethnographique au cœur du phénomène du biohacking : pour une redéfinition médiatique du vivantKrouk, Mehdi 11 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire de maîtrise est une étude d’un phénomène émergent, le biohacking. Depuis 2008 et la création du groupe Boslab à Boston, le biohacking se pratique dans différents groupes autour du monde. Les biohackers se réunissent autour d’un vivant que l’on ne découvre plus mais que l’on fabrique. Ils hackent, bricolent le vivant et son code génétique, comme l’on hackerait un programme informatique. À travers une ethnographie qui suit la création du groupe de biohacking de Montréal, mais aussi à travers une ethnographie en passant dans différents groupes d’Europe et d’Amérique du Nord, je propose de comprendre le phénomène du biohacking à travers une étude médiatique du vivant. Ainsi, je propose de penser le vivant comme un medium, entendu comme un intermédiaire, un moyen, mais surtout un milieu. Un milieu qui permet de placer la notion de relation au centre de la réflexion, plutôt que sur l’objet en lui même. Un milieu dans lequel des groupes se développent, vivent et cohabitent à l’intérieur d’une communauté plus grande. Des groupes qui échangent des matériaux, des connaissances et des pratiques, entres eux, mais aussi avec les grandes institutions. Cette recherche propose de repenser notre rapport au vivant pour comprendre un phénomène à la base d’une révolution scientifique et sociale. / This thesis is a study of an emerging phenomenon, biohacking. Since 2008, and the
creation of the Boslab in Boston, biohacking is practiced in different groups around
the world. Biohackers meet around the idea that the living is no longer discovered
but made. They hack, tinker the living and its genetic code, like one would hack a
computer program. Through an ethnography that follows the creation of the
biohacking group of Montreal, but also through an ethnography in different
groups in Europe and North America, I propose to understand the phenomenon
of biohacking through a media study of the living. I propose to think of the living
as a medium, understood as an intermediary, a support, but above all an
environment. A medium which places the notion of relation at the center of the
reflection. An environment in which groups develop, live and cohabit in a larger
community. These groups exchange materials, knowledge and practices, among
themselves, but also with major institutions. This research proposes to rethink our
relationship with the living to understand a phenomenon which could very well
be the basis of a scientific and social revolution, biohacking.
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