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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ubiquitous Projection: New Interfaces using Mobile Projectors

Willis, Karl D. D. 19 March 2013 (has links)
The miniaturization of projection technology has enabled a new class of lightweight mobile devices with embedded projectors. Projection engines as small as a postage stamp are currently being embedded in thousands of mobile devices. Mobile projector-based devices differ in very fundamental ways from the display-based devices we commonly use. Mobile projectors can be carried with the user and project imagery into almost any space, projected content is visible to multiple users and supports social interaction, physical objects and surfaces can be augmented with projected content, and embedded projectors can enable new form-factors for mobile displays. This research investigates the potential of mobile projectors as a new platform for human-computer interaction. I aim to demonstrate that the unique affordances created by the miniaturization of projection technology can inspire new and compelling interaction with single-users, multi-users, the environment, and projector-embedded objects. This research presents a comprehensive survey of mobile projector-based interaction – documenting interaction with historic projection devices; introducing novel interaction techniques, metaphors, and principles for mobile projector-based systems; providing implementation details of functional prototype devices using mobile projectors; presenting technical innovations, such as the development of specialized projectors and custom marker tracking algorithms; and detailing results from preliminary user testing with the prototype systems created. This research forms a systematic investigation of the past, the present, and a possible future for interaction using mobile projectors.

Identification and classification of new psychoactive substances using Raman spectroscopy and chemometrics

Guirguis, Amira January 2017 (has links)
The sheer number, continuous emergence, heterogeneity and wide chemical and structural diversity of New Psychoactive Substance (NPS) products are factors being exploited by illicit drug designers to obscure detection of these compounds. Despite the advances in analytical techniques currently used by forensic and toxicological scientists in order to enable the identification of NPS, the lack of a priori knowledge of sample content makes it very challenging to detect an 'unknown' substance. The work presented in this thesis serves as a proof-of-concept by combining similarity studies, Raman spectroscopy and chemometrics, underpinned by robust pre-processing methods for the identification of existing or newly emerging NPS. It demonstrates that the use of Raman spectroscopy, in conjunction with a 'representative' NPS Raman database and chemometric techniques, has the potential for rapidly and non-destructively classifying NPS according to their chemical scaffolds. The work also demonstrates the potential of indicating the purity in formulations typical of those purchased by end users of the product i.e. 'street-like' mixtures. Five models were developed, and three of these provided an insight into the identification and classification of NPS depending on their purity. These are: the 'NPS and non-NPS/benchtop' model, the 'NPS reference standards/handheld' model and the 'NPS and non-NPS/handheld' model. In the 'NPS and non-NPS/benchtop' model (laser λex = 785 nm), NPS internet samples were projected onto a PCA model derived from a Raman database comprising 'representative' NPSs and cutting agent/ adulterant reference standards. This proved the most successful in suggesting the likely chemical scaffolds for NPS present in samples bought from the internet. In the 'NPS reference standards/handheld' model (laser λex = 1064 nm), NPS reference standards were projected onto a PCA model derived from a Raman database comprising 'representative' NPSs. This was the most successful of the three models with respect to the accurate identification of pure NPS. This model suggested chemical scaffolds in 89% of samples compared to 76% obtained with the benchtop instrument, which generally had higher fluorescent backgrounds. In the 'NPS and non-NPS/handheld' model (laser λex = 1064 nm), NPS internet samples were projected onto a PCA model derived from a Raman database comprising 'representative' NPSs and cutting agent/ adulterant reference standards. This was the most successful in differentiating between NPS internet samples dependent on their purity. In all models, the main challenges for identification of NPS were spectra displaying high fluorescent backgrounds and low purity profiles. The 'first pass' matching identification of NPS internet samples on a handheld platform was improved to ~50% using a laser source of 1064 nm because of a reduction in fluorescence at this wavelength. We outline limitations in using a handheld platform that may have added to problems with appropriate identification of NPS in complex mixtures. However, the developed models enabled the appropriate selection of Raman signals crucial for identification of NPS via data reduction, and the extraction of important patterns from noisy and/or corrupt data. The models constitute a significant contribution in this field with respect to suggesting the likely chemical scaffold of an 'unknown' molecule. This insight may accelerate the screening of newly emerging NPS in complex matrices by assigning them to: a structurally similar known molecule (supercluster/ cluster); or a substance from the same EMCDDA/EDND class of known compounds. Critical challenges in instrumentation, chemometrics, and the complexity of samples have been identified and described. As a result, future work should focus on: optimising the pre-processing of Raman data collected with a handheld platform and a 1064 nm laser λex; and optimising the 'representative' database by including other properties and descriptors of existing NPS.

Grundämnessammansättning i lössjordar på norra halvklotet

Oskar, Anna January 2017 (has links)
The content of atmospheric dust in ice cores from Greenland varies with changes in climate, but the exact relationship is yet unknown. To determine this correlation, the source of the Greenland dust must be known. There are several hypotheses on the location of the source, but no current methods have been sufficient in determining the exact origin. This study explores the possibility of using elemental geochemical composition as an indicator for the dust origin. Major and trace element concentrations in loess and red clay samples from loess areas in Northern America, Europe, the Middle East, Central Asia and China were determined using handheld XRF. UCC-normalised values of major elements show similar trends for all areas, with depletion of Si, Al, Mg, K, Ti, Fe and Mn and enrichment of Ca and P in most samples. The elemental ratios Fe/Ti, Al2O3/SiO2, Al2O3/Ti, Fe/Al2O3, K2O/Al2O3, CaO/Al2O3, Rb/Sr and Zr/Rb display variations between areas, indicative of differences in weathering rates and grain sizes. The combined ratios Fe/Ti vs. K2O/Al2O3, Fe/Al2O3 or Al2O3/Ti can be used to differentiate loess from Canada, the US, central and eastern Europe, Israel and China. Central Asian loess however shows similar composition to Chinese loess. The results indicate that loess from different parts of the world have significant differences in elemental composition, which could potentially be used to differentiate between suggested sources of the Greenland dust. / Mängden stoft i isborrkärnor från Grönland varierar med förändringar i klimat, men det exakta sambandet är ännu okänt. För att kunna rekonstruera detta samband krävs att källan till stoftet är känd. Flera hypoteser finns idag kring denna källa, men inga hittills prövade metoder har kunnat urskilja ett definitivt ursprung. I detta arbete undersöks möjligheten att använda grundämnessammansättning som en indikator för stoftets ursprung. Koncentrationer av huvudelement och spårämnen i löss och röd lera från lössområden i Nordamerika, Europa, Mellanöstern, Centralasien och Kina bestämdes med handhållen XRF. UCC-normaliserade värden för huvudelement visar att områdena följer huvudsakligen liknande trender med reduktion av Si, Al, Mg, K, Ti, Fe och Mn och anrikning av Ca och P i de flesta prover. Grundämneskvoterna Fe/Ti, Al2O3/SiO2, Al2O3/Ti, Fe/Al2O3, K2O/Al2O3, CaO/Al2O3, Rb/Sr och Zr/Rb uppvisar tydlig variation mellan områden, indikativt för skillnader i vittring och kornstorlek. De kombinerade kvoterna Fe/Ti mot K2O/Al2O3, Fe/Al2O3 eller Al2O3/Ti kan användas för att särskilja löss från Kanada, USA, Central- och Östeuropa, Israel och Kina. Centralasiatisk löss uppvisar dock liknande sammansättning som kinesisk. Resultatet visar att löss från olika delar av världen har betydande skillnader i grundämnessammansättning, vilket skulle kunna användas som indikator för ursprunget till Grönlands stoft.

Från ax till limpa : Verksamhetsprocessen vid framtagande av applikationer till handdatorer på Fazer Bageri AB / From ear to loaf : The organizational development process for application development for handheld computers at Fazer Bageri AB

Lindquist, Jennie, Mikaela, Andersson January 2009 (has links)
Human Computer Interaction (HCI) is a broad discipline that studies different concerns regarding interactive systems’ development. One of the major interest points within the discipline is the reasoning behind building specific functionality into computers and the long-term effects that usage of systems will have on humans. Within Human Computer Interaction there are theories and frameworks how to involve a user in the process of developing new systems. In this paper focus is applied to the development process within developing applications for Enterprice Digital Assistants (EDA) and to what extent the end-users are involved in the process. Fazer Bageri AB has been choosen to represent a business corporation that uses handheld computers in their everyday tasks. The method used to gather information for this study has been by performing interviews and observations with key stakeholders at Fazer Bageri AB and MobiOne AB. Fazer Bageri AB is the purchaser, customer and user of the handheld computer applications that MobiOne AB developed. The result shows that the end-users were only involved in the end of the developing process. We found that one of the main reasons for this is that there are not any resources for supporting involvement of the end-users. Within user-centric design there are many aspects to consider, but one of the most prominently is to establish a mutual understanding by all persons involved in the project, from developers to end-users about the importance of involving users throughout the development. We also found that there is no routine established for securing that the information about different updates in the handheld computers reaches the end-users. The development process demonstrates that Fazer Bageri AB uses a traditional system development philosophy rather than a user-centric system development philosophy. / Inom ämnet människa datorinteraktion handlar många metoder om hur man involverar användaren i framtagandet av nya system. I denna undersökning ville författarna ta reda på hur verksamhetsprocessen vid framtagande av systemapplikationer för handdatorer kan gå till och om användarna involveras i processen. Verksamhetsprocessen jämfördes sedan mot teorier inom området. Valet föll på att undersöka verksamhetsprocessen hos Fazer Bageri AB då vetskap fanns om att de har 350 chaufförer som använder handdatorer i sitt dagliga arbete. När man utvecklar för så många användare är det viktigt att ta med användaren tidigt i processen. Metoderna som använts i undersökningen har varit strukturerade intervjuer och observationer. Respondenterna har varit nyckelpersoner inom Fazer Bageri AB och MobiOne AB. Fazer Bageri AB är beställare, kund och användare av de mobila applikationerna för handdatorer som MobiOne AB tillhandahåller och är experter på. Resultatet visar att användarna i denna undersökning var involverade endast i slutet av processen, en orsak till detta tycks vara att det saknas resurser för att ersätta ytterligare involvering av användare. Med att ersätta menas i detta fall ekonomisk kompensation till chaufförerna för den extra arbetstid det skulle innebära att involveras i processen. En viktig aspekt inom användarcentrerad design är att säkerställa att samtliga involverade har samma uppfattning om det som skall göras eller vad som åstadkommits. Viktigt är därför att informationsflödet inom företagen fungerar för att samtliga skall ha möjlighet att ta del av arbetet. Informationsflödet mellan handdatoransvarig och slutanvändare hos Fazer Bageri AB kan verka tveksamt då det innefattar flera olika informationsled. Verksamhetsprocessens olika faser som kartlagts skiljer sig delvis ifrån de teorier inom människa datorinteraktion som tagits del av inför denna undersökning. Detta beror till stor del på att Fazer Bageri AB har en traditionell systemutvecklingsfilosofi snarare än en användarcentrerad designfilosofi.

A people's director: Jia Zhangke's cinematic style

Luo, Yaxi 01 August 2017 (has links)
As a leading figure of “The Six Generation” directors, Jia Zhangke’s films focus on reality of contemporary Chinese society, and record the lives of people who were left behind after the country’s urbanization process. He depicts a lot of characters who struggle with their lives, and he works to explore one common question throughout all of his films: “where do I belong?” Jia Zhangke uses unique filmmaking techniques in order to emphasize the feelings of people losing their sense of home. In this thesis, I am going to analyze his cinematic style from three perspectives: photography, musical scores and metaphors. In each chapter, I will use one film as the main subject of discussion and reference other films to complement my analysis. / Graduate

Affective gesture fast-track feedback instant messaging (AGFIM)

Adesemowo, A. Kayode January 2005 (has links)
Magister Scientiae - MSc / Text communication is often perceived as lacking some components of communication that are essential in sustaining interaction or conversation. This interaction incoherency tends to make text communication plastic. It is traditionally devoid of intonation, pitch, gesture, facial expression and visual or auditory cues. Nevertheless, Instant Messaging (IM), a form of text communication is on the upward uptake both on PCs and on mobile handhelds. There is a need to rubberise this plastic text messaging to improve co-presence for text communications thereby improving synchronous textual discussion, especially on handheld devices. One element of interaction is gesture, seen as a natural way of conversing. Attaining some level of interaction naturalism requires improving synchronous communication spontaneity, partly achieved by enhancing input mechanisms. To enhance input mechanisms for interactive text-based chat on mobile devices, there is a need to facilitate gesture input. Enhancement is achievable in a number of ways, such as input mechanism redesigning and input offering adaptation. This thesis explores affective gesture mode on interface redesign as an input offering adaptation. This is done without a major physical reconstruction of handheld devices. This thesis presents a text only IM system built on Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) and SIP for Instant Messaging and Presence Leveraging Extensions (SIMPLE). It was developed with a novel user-defined hotkey implemented as a one-click context menu to "fast-track" text-gestures and emoticons. A hybrid quantitative and qualitative approach was taken to enable data triangulation. Results from experimental trials show that an Affective Gesture (AG) approach improved IM chat spontaneity/response. Feedback from the user trials affirms that AG hotkey improves chat responsiveness, thus enhancing chat spontaneity.

Vypracování metodik pro tvorbu informačního modelu budovy / Working out of methodology for creation of building information model

Nováková, Věra January 2014 (has links)
This thesis is focused on creation of building information model (BIM) for existing buildings. The main objective of this work is to develop the methodology (workflow) for the creation of BIM model using selected geodetic methods, specifically for the modeling based on the existing documentation of the building, the modeling from the handheld distance meter and the modeling from point cloud acquired by the indoor mapping system. The aim of these workflows is to explore the suitability of these methods, to check the limits of each method and to point out the potential issues. Revit (version 2013 and 2014) was used as an authoring environment for creation of the models. Workflow for modeling based on the documentation of the building shows how to insert drawings into Revit and how to create a model based on these drawings. The workflow was developed based on experience with creation of model of an office building. The workflow for handheld laser distance meter describes how to work with rangefinder equipped with Bluetooth, which allows user to create a model onsite. The third part of this thesis deals with creation of BIM from pointcloud acquired by indoor mobile mapping system. The workflow describes data collection and point clouds processing directly in Revit using the ScanToBIM extension. The results of this work are methodical instructions for the methods described above and the comparison of these methods. Workflows contain recommended procedures and highlight common issues and mistakes. This should enable the readers of this thesis to choose the right method and avoid common mistakes.

Moving the museum outside its walls : An Augmented Reality Mobile Experience

Marshall, Tommy January 2011 (has links)
This thesis project examines how to design an Android application that uses augmented reality to help users navigate in the City of Stockholm. The main users of the application are assumed to be first time visitors to Stockholm. The thesis project concerns design, technologies, and usability issues - while focusing on how to design a suitable application. The application will maybe be used by the Nobel Museum to offer information, and assistance to tourists who are looking for and visiting different locations connected with the Nobel Prize. The focus will be to achieve an easy to use system for these users, as the user will not be able to get support after leaving the museum. The application is meant to be distributed as freeware that will contribute to a positive experience by museum visitors. One of the aims is that the users should find the application appealing, motivating them to learn more about the Nobel Prize following their visit to the Nobel Museum. For tourists this means that they get the possibility to experiencing Stockholm in a new way, where information is stored at different locations. They get a guided tour of Stockholm without a guide, they can take the time they want. The museum gets the possibility to spread their message about the Nobel Price around in Stockholm in a new and exciting way. With the use of technology it is possible to spread the museum experience outside its walls, which will be shown in this report. / Det här examensarbetet undersöker hur man kan designa en Android-applikation somanvänder förstärkt verklighet för att hjälpa användare navigera i Stockholms stad. Denhuvudsakliga användaren antas vara förstagångsbesökare i Stockholm.Examensarbetet avser design, teknik och användarvänlighet - med fokus på hur man utformaren lämplig applikation. Applikationen kommer eventuellt att användas av Nobelmuseetför att erbjuda information och hjälp turister som är intresserade av olika platser som ärrelaterade till Nobelpriset.Fokus kommer vara att uppnå ett lättanvänt system för dessa användare. Användarenkommer inte kunna fånågot stöd efter att de lämnat museet. Applikationen är tänkt att delasut som freeware, som bidrar till en positiv upplevelse för museets besökare. Ett av syftena äratt användarna ska anse att applikationen är intressant och motivera dem att lära sig mer om Nobelpriset efter deras besök på Nobelmuseet.För turister innebär detta att de får möjlighet att uppleva Stockholm på ett helt nytt sättdär information lagras på olika platser. De får en guidad tur i Stockholm som sker utan enguide, de kan ta den tid de vill. Museet får möjlighet att sprida sitt budskap om Nobelprisetrunt i Stockholm på ett nytt och spännande sätt. Med hjälp av teknik är det möjligt att spridamuseiupplevelse utanför dess område, som kommer att visas i denna rapport.

Investigating the Possibilities of Using a Handheld FTIR-Equipment to Characterize Thermal Aging of Rubbers / Undersöka möjligheterna att använda en handhållen FTIR-utrustning för att karakterisera termisk åldring av gummi

Tengbom, Antonia January 2020 (has links)
Element Materials Technology in Linköping is an independent material testing company that performs testing of materials to several big sectors, such as the Swedish Armed Forces and the aerospace industry. There is of great importance to characterize aging of materials to ensure material performance. Element Materials Technology recently invested in a handheld FTIR equipment and it was of interest to see if this equipment might be an additional analysis technique to characterize aging of rubber materials. A nitrile butadiene rubber and two natural rubbers were thermally aged in 50°C and 70°C for six weeks. The hardness of the rubbers increased when the rubbers were thermally aged. The compression set decreased for the aged samples as well as the tensile strength and the elongation at break. An investigation of possible methods for collecting migrated additives on the rubber surface was performed, using two different solvents and a stationary FTIR equipment. More research needs to be performed to exclude the possibility that the solvents affect the material. Universal Attenuated Total Reflectance – Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy, UATR-FTIR onto the rubber surface showed in some cases changes in the spectrums between unaged and aged samples. However, it could not be concluded weather the changes occurred due to migrating additives or due to changes in the backbone polymer. Four interfaces to the handheld FTIR equipment were investigated and an ATR interface gave best results. An analysis method was developed for the handheld FTIR equipment and the spectrums from the handheld FTIR were similar to spectrums from UATR-FTIR (stationary). It could be concluded from Micro Chamber analysis that volatile organic matters were emitted at elevated temperature. Thermogravimetric analysis could detect the relative composition of the rubbers. Further it could be concluded that the mechanical properties were affected by the thermal treatment. This study could however not establish a correlation between FTIR signals and the results seen from the other analysis. The fact that differences could be detected in the FTIR spectrums before and after aging could indicate that the FTIR analysis technique can possibly be used as an analysis method. However, a more thoroughly investigation needs to be performed before using this technique. / Element Materials Technology i Linköping utför materialutredningar åt en mängd olika typer av företag, där en stor sektor är den svenska Försvarsmakten och flygindustrin. Materialutredningar är essentiella för att säkerställa att rätt material används för rätt applikation. Element Materials Technology investerade nyligen i en handhållen FTIR utrustning. Det finns förhoppningar om att den nya utrustningen kan användas som ett komplement för att ålderskarakterisera gummimaterial. Ett nitril-butadien-gummi och två stycken naturgummin var termiskt åldrade i 50°C och 70°C i sex veckor. Hårdheten på provkroppar ökade efter den termiska åldringen. Sättningen, draghållfastheten och töjningen minskade för proverna åldrade i värme. En metod för att samla upp migrerade additiv från gummiytan utvecklades och undersöktes, genom att använda två olika lösningsmedel och en stationär FTIR utrustning. Ytterligare utredningar behöver däremot genomföras för att utesluta ifall de två lösningsmedel påverkar gummimaterialet och inte bara samlar upp additiv från gummiytan. UATR-FTIR visade på skillnader i spektrum mellan icke-åldrade och åldrade gummimaterial. Däremot kunde det inte avgöras om skillnaderna i spektrumen berodde på migration av additiv till gummiytan eller på förändring i huvudpolymeren. Fyra stycken olika tillbehör till den handhållna FTIR utrustningen prövades, där ATR-tillbehöret gav bra spektrum. En analyseringsmetod utvecklades för den handhållna FTIR-utrustningen och spektrum från dessa analyser gav liknande spektrum som spektrum från UATR-FTIR (stationär). Analys med Micro Chamber visade att flyktiga organiska ämnen lämnade gummimaterialet vid förhöjd temperatur. Termogravimetrisk analys, TGA visade förhållandet mellan gummimaterialets komponenter både före och efter åldring. Studien visade också att de mekaniska egenskaperna påverkades av den termiska åldringen. Analysmetoden FTIR kunde detekterad skillnad i spektrum före och efter åldring av gummimaterialen. Studien kunde däremot inte etablera ett samband mellan dessa FTIR-signaler och de övriga analysresultaten. Det kan däremot inte uteslutas att ett sådant samband finns. Ytterligare studier behöver utföras för att undersöka detta.

New Handheld Emissions Detector for Pinpointing the Location of Inadvertently Energized Objects in Urban Environments.

Phipps, Kermit O. 18 December 2010 (has links) (PDF)
The power distribution infrastructure in the United States is deteriorating at a rapid rate exposing infrastructure wiring and creating potential shock hazards. Periodic road and sidewalk maintenance projects can also expose wiring and create energized objects. In urban settings inadvertently energized objects include: lamp posts, bus shelters, metal street curbs, sign posts, transformer vaults, and manhole covers as well as concrete and asphalt pavement. Every year electric shocks occur when people and domestic animals (such as dogs and cats) make incidental contact with these energized objects. In very rare cases the shocks from these contacts are lethal. Through current personal research, a new handheld detector was developed. It uses the emissions of an energized object to pinpoint the location and further analyzes the emissions to determine the likely cause of the shock hazard. This thesis focuses on advancing detection technology and creating a more capable, production-ready unit.

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