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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The recovery of target locations in space across movements of eyes and head / Le rétablissement des positions d’un objet dans l’espace à travers des mouvements des yeux et de la tête

Szinte, Martin 29 October 2012 (has links)
Le système visuel a évolué de manière à prendre en compte les conséquences de nos mouvements sur notre perception. L’évolution nous a particulièrement doté de la capacité à percevoir notre environnement visuel comme stable et continu malgré les importants déplacements de ses projections sur nos rétines à chaque fois que nous déplaçons nos yeux, notre tête ou notre corps. Des études chez l’animal ont récemment montré que dans certaines aires corticales et sous-corticales, impliquées dans le contrôle attentionnel et dans l’élaboration des mouvements oculaires, des neurones sont capables d’anticiper les conséquences des futurs mouvements volontaires des yeux sur leurs entrées visuelles. Ces neurones prédisent ce à quoi ressemblera notre environnement visuel en re-cartographiant la position des objets d’importance à l’endroit qu’ils occuperont après l’exécution d’une saccade. Dans une série d’études, nous avons tout d’abord démontré que cette re- cartographie pouvait être évaluée de manière non invasive chez l’Homme avec de simples cibles en mouvement apparent. En utilisant l’enregistrement des mouvements des yeux combinés à des méthodes psychophysiques, nous avons déterminé la distribution des erreurs de re-cartographie à travers le champ visuel et ainsi découvert que la compensation des saccades oculomotrices se faisait de manière relativement précise. D’autre part, les patterns d’erreurs observés soutiennent un modèle de la constance spatiale basé sur la re-cartographie de pointeurs attentionnels et excluent d’autres modèles issus de la littérature. Par la suite, en utilisant des objets en mouvement continu et l’exécution de saccades au travers de leurs trajectoires, nous avons mis à jour une visualisation directe des processus de re-cartographie. Avec ce nouveau procédé nous avons à nouveau démontré l’existence d’erreurs systématiques de correction pour les saccades, qui s’expliquent par une re-cartographie imprécise de la position attendue des objets en mouvement. Nous avons par la suite étendu notre modèle à d’autres types de mouvements du corps et notamment étudié les contributions de récepteurs sous-corticaux (otoliths et canaux semi-circulaires) dans le maintien de la constance spatiale à travers des mouvements de la tête. Contrairement à des études décrivant une compensation presque parfaite des mouvements de la tête, nous avons observé une rupture de la constance spatiale pour des mouvements de roulis et de translation de la tête. Enfin, nous avons testé cette re-cartographie de la position des objets compensant un déplacement oculaire avec des cibles présentées à la limite du champ visuel, une re-cartographie censée placer la position attendue de l’objet à l’extérieur du champ visuel. Nos résultats suggèrent que les aires visuelles cérébrales impliquées dans ce processus de re-cartographie construisent une représentation globale de l’espace allant au-delà du traditionnel champ visuel. Pour finir, nous avons conduit deux expériences pour déterminer le déploiement de l’attention à travers l’exécution de saccades. Nous avons alors démontré que l’attention capturée par la présentation brève d’un stimuli est re-cartographiée à sa position spatiale correcte après l’exécution d’une saccade, et que cet effet peut être observé avant même l’initiation d’une saccade. L’ensemble de ces résultats démontre le rôle des pointeurs attentionnels dans la gestion du rétablissement des positions d’un objet dans l’espace ainsi que l’apport des mesures comportementales à un champ de recherche initialement restreint à l’électrophysiologie / The visual system has evolved to deal with the consequences of our own movements onour perception. In particular, evolution has given us the ability to perceive our visual world as stableand continuous despite large shift of the image on our retinas when we move our eyes, head orbody. Animal studies have recently shown that in some cortical and sub-cortical areas involved inattention and saccade control, neurons are able to anticipate the consequences of voluntary eyemovements on their visual input. These neurons predict how the world will look like after a saccadeby remapping the location of each attended object to the place it will occupy following a saccade.In a series of studies, we first showed that remapping could be evaluated in a non-invasive fashion in human with simple apparent motion targets. Using eye movement recordingsand psychophysical methods, we evaluated the distribution of remapping errors across the visualfield and found that saccade compensation was fairly accurate. The pattern of errors observedsupport a model of space constancy based on a remapping of attention pointers and excluded otherknown models. Then using targets that moved continuously while a saccade was made across themotion path, we were able to directly visualize the remapping processes. With this novel method wedemonstrated again the existence of systematic errors of correction for the saccade, best explainedby an inaccurate remapping of expected moving target locations. We then extended our model toother body movements, and studied the contribution of sub-cortical receptors (otoliths and semi-circular canals) in the maintenance of space constancy across head movements. Contrary tostudies reporting almost perfect compensations for head movements, we observed breakdowns ofspace constancy for head tilt as well as for head translation. Then, we tested remapping of targetlocations to correct for saccades at the very edge of the visual field, remapping that would place theexpected target location outside the visual field. Our results suggest that visual areas involved inremapping construct a global representation of space extending out beyond the traditional visualfield. Finally, we conducted experiments to determine the allocation of attention across saccades.We demonstrated that the attention captured by a brief transient was remapped to the correctspatial location after the eye movement and that this shift can be observed even before thesaccade.Taken together these results demonstrate the management of attention pointers to therecovery of target locations in space as well as the ability of behavioral measurements to address atopic pioneered by eletrophysiologists.

Activity pattern on the map of the monkey superior colliculus during head-unrestrained and head-perturbed gaze shifts

Choi, Woo Young. January 2007 (has links)
No description available.

The recovery of target locations in space across movements of eyes and head

Szinte, Martin 29 October 2012 (has links) (PDF)
The visual system has evolved to deal with the consequences of our own movements onour perception. In particular, evolution has given us the ability to perceive our visual world as stableand continuous despite large shift of the image on our retinas when we move our eyes, head orbody. Animal studies have recently shown that in some cortical and sub-cortical areas involved inattention and saccade control, neurons are able to anticipate the consequences of voluntary eyemovements on their visual input. These neurons predict how the world will look like after a saccadeby remapping the location of each attended object to the place it will occupy following a saccade.In a series of studies, we first showed that remapping could be evaluated in a non-invasive fashion in human with simple apparent motion targets. Using eye movement recordingsand psychophysical methods, we evaluated the distribution of remapping errors across the visualfield and found that saccade compensation was fairly accurate. The pattern of errors observedsupport a model of space constancy based on a remapping of attention pointers and excluded otherknown models. Then using targets that moved continuously while a saccade was made across themotion path, we were able to directly visualize the remapping processes. With this novel method wedemonstrated again the existence of systematic errors of correction for the saccade, best explainedby an inaccurate remapping of expected moving target locations. We then extended our model toother body movements, and studied the contribution of sub-cortical receptors (otoliths and semi-circular canals) in the maintenance of space constancy across head movements. Contrary tostudies reporting almost perfect compensations for head movements, we observed breakdowns ofspace constancy for head tilt as well as for head translation. Then, we tested remapping of targetlocations to correct for saccades at the very edge of the visual field, remapping that would place theexpected target location outside the visual field. Our results suggest that visual areas involved inremapping construct a global representation of space extending out beyond the traditional visualfield. Finally, we conducted experiments to determine the allocation of attention across saccades.We demonstrated that the attention captured by a brief transient was remapped to the correctspatial location after the eye movement and that this shift can be observed even before thesaccade.Taken together these results demonstrate the management of attention pointers to therecovery of target locations in space as well as the ability of behavioral measurements to address atopic pioneered by eletrophysiologists.

Sensorimotor control and cervical range of motion in women with chronic neck pain : Kinematic assessments and effects of neck coordination exercise / Sensomotorisk funktion och rörelseomfång i nacken hos kvinnor med långvarig nacksmärta : Utvärdering med rörelseanalys och effekter av nackkoordinationsträning

Rudolfsson, Thomas January 2014 (has links)
Introduction: Neck pain is a common problem in society and is more prevalent among women. The consequences of neck pain for the individual often include activity and participation limitations, thus affecting many dimensions of life. There is still a lack of understanding of the underlying mechanisms of the disorder and likewise of efficient rehabilitation for people with neck pain. However, coordination exercises have shown promising short-term effects. To carry this line of research forward, there is a need to improve methods for objective characterization of impairments and to investigate novel methods of rehabilitation. Aims: To characterize impairments of active cervical range of motion of the upper and lower cervical levels in women with chronic neck pain with a novel method (Study I and II) and identify the influence of head posture and movement strategies (Study II). Further, to investigate the effects of a novel method for neck coordination exercise on sensorimotor function and neck pain (study III) and the consistencies of motor variability metrics in a goal directed arm movement task to aid the design of future clinical research (Study IV). Methods: All studies were laboratory based with kinematic assessments of neck movements (Study I-III), balance (Study III) and goal directed arm movements (Study III, IV). The studies had designs that were: cross-sectional (I and II), randomized controlled trial (III) or test-retest reliability study (IV). Participants in Study I (n=135) and II (n=160) were women with chronic non-specific neck pain and healthy controls. In Study III, women with chronic non-specific neck pain (n=108) were randomized into three different individually supervised 11 week interventions. Study IV included healthy women (n=14). Results: It was found that cervical range of motion impairments in women with non-specific neck pain were direction- and level-specific; impairments were greater in extension in the upper and flexion in the lower levels of the cervical spine. The magnitude of impairments in range of motion was associated to self-ratings of functioning and health. Possible group differences in natural head posture were rejected as a cause for the direction specific effects. Neither could the effects be explained by a strategy to minimize torque in the cervical spine during movement execution. The neck coordination training was not superior to strength training (best-available) and massage treatment (sham) in improving sensorimotor functions or pain according to short-term and 6 months follow ups. The results from the study of the goal directed movement task showed that between and within-subject sizes of most motor variability metrics were too large to make the test suitable for application in clinical research. Conclusions: Women with chronic non-specific neck pain have direction- and level-specific impairments in cervical sagittal range of motion. The underlying causes of these specific impairments remains unresolved, but the direction specific impairments are not related to natural head posture. The clinical validity of the method of characterization of cervical range of motion was supported and it can be useful in future clinical research. The novel method of neck coordination exercise showed no advantages on sensorimotor functions or pain compared with best-available treatment in women with chronic non-specific neck pain. / Långvarig smärta i nacken är vanligt förekommande och orsakar både personligt lidande och stora kostnader för samhället. Långvariga nackbesvär är vanligare hos kvinnor än hos män. Det saknas kunskap om effektiva rehabiliteringsmetoder, men forskning har indikerat att träning som förbättrar nackens koordination kan vara effektivt. För att uppnå bättre rehabiliteringsresultat är det viktigt att utveckla metoder för att objektivt mäta funktionsnedsättningar och att utveckla samt utvärdera nya rehabiliteringsmetoder. Syftet med avhandlingen kan sammanfattas i tre delar: Att detaljerat mäta nedsättningar i nackens rörelseomfång hos kvinnor med långvarig nacksmärta; att utvärdera effekten av en ny metod för nackkoordinationsträning på rörelsefunktion och smärta hos kvinnor med långvarig nacksmärta; samt att utvärdera ett nytt test för att mäta precision och koordination vid målriktade armrörelser och ämnat för framtida klinisk forskning. Resultaten visade att kvinnor med långvarig nacksmärta hade specifika nedsättningar i nacken rörelseomfång; i övre nackregionen var bakåtböjning mer begränsad medan i nedre nackregionen var framåtböjning mer begränsad. Vi kunde utesluta att resultaten berodde på skillnader i huvudets normala hållning. Graden av rörelsebegränsning i nacken uppvisade samband med personernas självskattade funktion, symtom och hälsa. Nackkoordinationsträningen var inte var bättre än styrketräning eller massage för att förbättra rörelsefunktion eller för att minska smärta. Det nya testet för armrörelser var inte lämpat för kliniska studier av rörelseprecision. Slutsatserna från avhandlingsarbetet är att kvinnor med långvarig nacksmärta har begränsningar i nackens rörelseomfång vid framåt- och bakåtböjning av huvudet som är specifika vad gäller nivå i halsryggen och riktning. Att graden av rörelsebegränsning uppvisade samband med självskattad funktion, symtom och hälsa styrker testets kliniska validitet. Ytterligare forskning behövs för att förstå orsakerna bakom de specifika nedsättningarna. Nackkoordinationsträningen som utvärderades kan inte rekommenderas för kvinnor med långvarig nacksmärta eftersom korttidsuppföljning och 6-månadersuppföljning visade att träningsformen inte var bättre än styrketräning eller massage, vare sig när det gällde att förbättra sensomotorisk funktion eller att minska smärta.

Indicators and predictors of sleepiness /

van den Berg, Johannes, January 2006 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Umeå : Umeå universitet, 2006. / Härtill 5 uppsatser.

Biomechanical methods and error analysis related to chronic musculoskeletal pain /

Öhberg, Fredrik, January 2009 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Umeå : Umeå Universitet, 2009. / Härtill 5 uppsatser.

A computer simulation model of the human head-neck musculoskeletal system

Yan, Jun. January 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis (M.S.)--University of Tennessee Health Science Center, 2006. / The electronic version of this thesis is available at http://etd.utmem.edu/WORLD-ACCESS/2006-002-yan.pdf Includes bibliographical references (leaves 128-136).

A influência da orientação corporal nos movimentos de cabeça em lactentes a termo e pré-termo aos 5-6 meses de idade

Maia, Michele Gonçalves 29 February 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Regina Correa (rehecorrea@gmail.com) on 2016-09-26T14:03:00Z No. of bitstreams: 1 DissMGM.pdf: 2144965 bytes, checksum: 356a93562613810a808bc41438e7a3ef (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Marina Freitas (marinapf@ufscar.br) on 2016-09-27T19:25:28Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 DissMGM.pdf: 2144965 bytes, checksum: 356a93562613810a808bc41438e7a3ef (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Marina Freitas (marinapf@ufscar.br) on 2016-09-27T19:25:35Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 DissMGM.pdf: 2144965 bytes, checksum: 356a93562613810a808bc41438e7a3ef (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-09-27T19:25:43Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DissMGM.pdf: 2144965 bytes, checksum: 356a93562613810a808bc41438e7a3ef (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-02-29 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Motor development is a process of changes in motor behavior over time, due to an interaction of systems within the organism, the environment and tasks. The presence of risk factors, such as prematurity, may influence motor development, including the control of head movements. In this context, some strategies may prevent delay in the acquisition of head control, which is required for more complex abilities. Postural manipulation may be a strategy to improve head control in preterm infants, as it is known that postural manipulation may facilitate more mature head movements in full-term infants between birth and four months of age. Objective: To assess the influence of postural manipulation on head movements in full-term and late preterm infants at 5-6 months of corrected age. Method: Thirty eight infants (22 full-term infants and 16 late preterm infants, born at 34-36 weeks gestation) were assessed in a infant chair once in three experimental conditions: a) unsupported supine, b) supported supine (small pillow as an external support), and c) supported reclined at an angle of 20 degrees (small pillow). To elicit head movements, a black and white smiley face card was manually moved from side to side in the infant’s visual field for two minutes in each posture. A two-way repeated measures ANOVA was conducted to compare the groups and conditions (p <0.05). Results: We found that body orientation or external support influenced the control of head movement however in a different way than expected, possibly because at these ages infants have acquired strength and control enough for the task even in the most demanding postures at neuromotor and biomechanical level. No difference was observed between the experimental conditions for most variables, however, the use of support promoted more controlled movements. There was a difference for the desaceleration index (F [1.44]= 4.741; p=0.01), which the preterm infants presented higher values than full-term infants in supported supine position (p=0,012). Moreover, for the preterm infants, they presented higher values in the supported supine compared to the unsupported supine, and supported reclined (p = 0.007 and p = 0.003 , respectively). Conclusion:. We suggest the external support of the head promoted more controlled head movements in preterm infants. These findings suggested posture manipulation may be an early intervention strategy for infants at risk for developmental delay. / O desenvolvimento motor é um processo de mudanças no comportamento motor ao longo do tempo, que resulta da interação do indivíduo com o ambiente e a tarefa. Assim, a presença de fatores de risco, como a prematuridade, influencia o controle do movimento de cabeça. Neste contexto, estratégias podem prevenir o atraso na aquisição do controle deste segmento, a qual é pré-requisito para habilidades mais complexas. A mudança na orientação corporal pode ser uma estratégia, pois foi favorável em lactentes de termo do nascimento ao quarto mês por propiciar movimentos de cabeça com padrão mais maduro. Objetivo: Verificar a influência da orientação corporal nos movimentos de cabeça em lactentes a termo e pré-termo tardios aos 5-6 meses de idade. Método: Foi realizada avaliação cinemática do movimento de cabeça com 38 lactentes (22 a termo e 16 pré-termo tardios, nascidos entre 34 e 36 semanas e 6 dias de idade gestacional) nas orientações: supino, supino com suporte de cabeça e reclinado com suporte. Um cartão de estimulação visual foi movido manualmente no plano frontal por 2 minutos em cada postura, a fim de eliciar o movimento de cabeça. Estatística: Os dados foram analisados por meio da análise de variância (ANOVA) para medidas repetidas, com nível de significância de p≤0.05. Resultados: O presente estudo verificou que, nas condições de nascimento a termo e prétermo tardio, a orientação corporal ou o suporte externo exerceram influências no controle do movimento da cabeça de forma divergente da esperada, possivelmente porque nessas idades os lactentes já adquiriram força e controle o suficiente para a execução da tarefa mesmo em posturas mais exigentes a nível neuromotor e biomecânico. Não foi observada diferença entre as condições experimentais para a maior parte das variáveis, entretanto, o uso do suporte favoreceu a execução de movimentos mais controlados e com padrão mais maduro, sendo que houve diferença para o índice de desaceleração (F [1,44]= 4,741; p=0,01), no qual os pré-termo apresentaram maior valor que os a termo na postura supino com suporte (p=0,012). Além disso, para os pré-termo, foi observado maiores valores na postura supino com suporte que na sem suporte e reclinado com suporte (p = 0,007 e p = 0,003, respectivamente). Conclusão: Sugere-se que o uso do suporte de cabeça promoveu movimentos de cabeça mais controlados, evidenciando seu possível uso enquanto estratégia de intervenção precoce para lactentes com fatores de risco ou com alteração no desenvolvimento neurosensoriomotor.

Ergonomia cognitiva na condução simulada de automóvel: efeitos da aptidão física e da velocidade sobre a aquisição de informação visual dos motoristas / Cognitive ergonomics in simulated car driving: effects of physical fitness and velocity on the drivers' visual information acquisition

Angelo, Juliana Cristina de [UNESP] 23 March 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Juliana Cristina de Angelo (jul.angel@hotmail.com) on 2017-05-22T13:46:30Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Juliana Cristina de Angelo Repositorio.pdf: 20659453 bytes, checksum: 694ead497ef1e13185fc9690455644b5 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by LUIZA DE MENEZES ROMANETTO (luizamenezes@reitoria.unesp.br) on 2017-05-22T19:19:21Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 angelo_jc_me_bauru.pdf: 20659453 bytes, checksum: 694ead497ef1e13185fc9690455644b5 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-05-22T19:19:21Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 angelo_jc_me_bauru.pdf: 20659453 bytes, checksum: 694ead497ef1e13185fc9690455644b5 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-03-23 / O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os efeitos da aptidão física e da velocidade do veículo sobre a aquisição da informação visual de motoristas experientes durante a condução simulada de automóveis. Quinze participantes fisicamente ativos, com idade de 37,46 ± 4,34 anos, IMC de 22,7 ± 2,57 kg/m2 e experiência de condução de 17,93 ± 4,06 anos, e quinze participantes sedentários, com idade de 30,66 ± 6,90 anos, IMC de 22,8 ± 3,87 kg/m2 e experiência de condução de 10,20 ± 5,08 anos, foram submetidos a uma tarefa de condução simulada de automóvel, de duração de três minutos, nas condições de velocidade 50-60, 80-90 e 110-120 Km/h, enquanto tiveram seus movimentos dos olhos e da cabeça e sua frequência cardíaca gravados. As variáveis dependentes adotadas foram número de fixações, duração média das fixações e sua variabilidade, tempo relativo de fixação, variâncias das posições horizontal e vertical do olhar, variâncias das posições e orientações tridimensionais da cabeça. Estes dados foram submetidos a uma análise de variância de Grupo (ativo, sedentário) por Velocidade (50-60, 80-90, 110-120 Km/h) com medidas repetidas no segundo fator. O questionário Baecke apresentou no score de exercícios físicos para classificação de aptidão física uma média de M = 3.53 (DP = 0.74) e o grupo sedentário M = 2.26 (DP = 0.67). A frequência cardíaca resultou em uma média significativamente afetada pela condição experimental, F(3,0, 83,2) = 4,51, p = 0,006 e pelo grupo, F(1, 28) = 5,50, p = 0,026. A variabilidade da duração das fixações dos movimentos dos olhos foi significativamente afetada pela condição velocidade, F(1,5 43,2) = 3,79, p =0,041 e a variabilidade da duração das fixações na velocidade 80-90 Km/h (M = 0,34, EP = 0, 17) foi significativamente maior (p = 0,019) do que na velocidade 110-120 Km/h (M = 0,31, EP = O, 17). Em síntese: o nível de aptidão física afetou significativamente a frequência cardíaca durante a condução simulada de automóvel em distintas velocidades; bem como a velocidade do veículo afetou significativamente a frequência cardíaca. Participantes ativos e sedentários foram semelhantes na aquisição de informação visual durante a condução simulada de automóvel em diferentes velocidades. / The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of physical fitness and driving velocity on the experienced drivers' visual information acquisition during simulated car driving. Fifteen physically fit participants, with age of 37,46 ± 4,34 years, BMI of 22,7 ± 2,57 kg/m2, and driving experience of 17,93 ± 4,06 years, and fifteen sedentary participants with age of 30,66 ± 6,90 years, BMI of 22,8 ± 3,87 kg/m2, and driving experience of 10,20 ± 5,08 years, were submitted to a simulated car driving task of 3-min duration, under the velocity conditions of 50-60, 80-90, and 110-120 Km/h, while had their gaze and head movements, and heart frequency recorded. The dependent variables adopted were number of fixations, mean fixation duration and its variability, relative fixation time, variances of horizontal and vertical gaze position, variances of tridimensional head position and orientation. These data were submitted to a Group (fit, sedentary) by driving velocity (50-60, 80-90, 110-120 Km/h) analysis of variance. The Baecke questionnaire presented a mean of M = 3.53 (SD = 0.74) and the sedentary group M = 2.26 (SD = 0.67) in the physical fitness score for physical fitness classification. The heart rate resulted in a mean significantly affected by the experimental condition, F (3.0, 83.2) = 4.51, p = 0.006 and by the group, F (1.28) = 5.50, p = 0.026. The variability of the fixation duration of the eye movements was significantly affected by the velocity condition, F (1.5 43.2) = 3.79, p = 0.041 and the variability of the fixation duration at the velocity 80-90 Km / h ( M = 0.34, SD = 0.17) was significantly higher (p = 0.019) than at the speed 110-120 km /h (M = 0.31, SD = 0.17). ln summary: the level of physical fitness significantly affected the heart rate during simulated car driving at different speeds; vehicle speed significantly affected heart rate. Active and sedentary participants were similar in acquiring visual information during simulated car driving at different speeds.

Det perifera seendets betydelse bland gångtrafikanter i naturlig miljö / Peripheral vision and its importance amongst pedestrians in a natural setting

Björnqvist, Anton January 2019 (has links)
The importance, and the role, of peripheral vision amongst pedestrians, is an area which for a long time has remained unexplored. Previous studies regarding peripheral vision and pedestrians have mostly studied the characteristics of peripheral vision, the general visual behaviours amongst pedestrians and whether people affected by a natural loss of peripheral vision fixate on different objects compared to those with normal vision. To examine the role of peripheral vision amongst pedestrians, an experiment consisting of 20 participants was conducted. The experiment took place in a car park, where head movements (i.e. how many times each participant moved their head) and head directions (i.e. in which direction the participants’ moved their heads) of the participants were recorded using three action cameras. Two of the cameras were mounted on a helmet which the participants used during the experiment. The third camera was in the hands of the experimenter, recording the participants from behind. The experiment consisted of four different conditions. Two conditions where the participants’ peripheral vision was blocked to different extents, one with no manipulation of the visual field and one where the participants were told to watch a video on a cell phone during the walk. The results demonstrated a significant difference in the number of head movements between all four conditions. Furthermore, the results also demonstrated a significant difference in the relative frequency of downwards head directions between the first three conditions. After the experiment, the participants answered a short survey which included questions related to each condition. The answers from the survey showcased, amongst other things, that the participants thought that the condition where their peripheral vision was blocked to the largest extent was the most difficult one. A thematic analysis was conducted based on the recordings of a think-aloud-protocol which the participants were told to conduct during the experiment. The thematic analysis demonstrated, amongst other things, that the participants thought that the condition performed with no manipulation of the visual field was easy, that they felt insecure when their peripheral vision was blocked and therefore had to increase the number of head movements, and that they sometimes felt the need to redirect their gaze away from the cell phone during that condition. The conclusion which can be drawn based on the results is that the peripheral vision is widely used amongst pedestrians in natural settings, which in part is based on the fact that the participants increased their number of head movements when their peripheral vision was limited and by their own expressed thoughts regarding the different conditions. However, the results are not able to explain exactly how the peripheral vision is used amongst pedestrians. / Det perifera seendets betydelse och roll bland gångtrafikanter i naturlig miljö är ett område som till stora delar stått outforskat. Tidigare studier har främst fokuserat på uppmätning av periferins egenskaper, gångtrafikanters allmänna visuella beteenden samt studerandet av personer drabbade av naturligt synfältsbortfall. I syfte att undersöka det perifera seendets betydelse bland gångtrafikanter genomfördes ett experiment med 20 deltagare på en parkeringsplats, där huvudrörelser (d.v.s. hur många gånger varje deltagare rörde på huvudet) samt huvudriktningar (d.v.s. i vilken riktning deltagarna rörde huvudet) uppmättes med hjälp av två actionkameror fästa på en hjälm, samt en i handen på försöksledaren som filmade deltagarna bakifrån. Experimentet bestod av fyra olika betingelser, där två av dem blockerade det perifera synfältet olika mycket, en under normala synförhållanden samt en där deltagarna fäste blicken på en mobiltelefon under gången. Resultatet visade en signifikant skillnad i antalet huvudrörelser mellan samtliga betingelser. Utöver detta visades en signifikant skillnad i frekvensen av huvudrörelser nedåt vid en jämförelse mellan de tre förstnämnda betingelserna. Efter utfört experiment fick deltagarna dessutom svara på en enkät, vilken bland annat visade att deltagarna själva skattade att betingelsen där deras perifera seende blockerades som mest var svårast att genomföra. En tematisk analys genomfördes även baserat på data från ett tänka-högt-protokoll som deltagarna var uppmanade att föra under experimentets gång. Detta visade bland annat att deltagarna kände att det var enkelt att gå vid normala synförhållanden, att det fanns osäkerhetskänslor och behov av huvudrörelser vid betingelserna där periferin blockerades, samt att många kände ett behov av att lyfta på blicken vid mobiltelefonbetingelsen. Slutsatsen som kan dras baserat på resultaten är att det perifera seendet används mycket bland gångtrafikanter i naturlig miljö, vilket dels grundar sig i att deltagarna rörde som mest på huvudet när deras perifera seende blockerades, samt deras egna yttrade tankar. Det som inte kunnat besvaras är exakt hur det perifera seendet används bland gångtrafikanter.

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