Spelling suggestions: "subject:"dealth indicators"" "subject:"dealth cndicators""
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Etude des déterminants géographiques et spatiaux de la qualité de vie liée à la santé en France / Geographic and spatial determinants of health-related quality of life in FranceAudureau, Etienne 19 December 2012 (has links)
CONTEXTE : La France est caractérisée par l’existence de fortes disparités socioéconomiques et géographiquesde l’état de santé, le plus souvent objectivées par des indicateurs objectifs de morbidité et de mortalité. Ladistribution territoriale des mesures de santé perçue comme la qualité de vie liée à la santé (QdVLS) reste malconnue en population générale. Une meilleure connaissance de la répartition et des déterminants – en particuliercontextuels - de ces indicateurs subjectifs permettrait de mieux comprendre leur signification par rapport auxindicateurs objectifs et d’apprécier l’intérêt spécifique de leur suivi en population générale.OBJECTIFS : Les objectifs de cette recherche étaient [1] d’étudier l’existence de disparités spatiales de QdVLSdans la population française et d’analyser leur évolution dans le temps, [2] d’étudier les déterminants de laQdVLS à la fois individuels et contextuels dans le cadre d’une analyse multiniveau, et [3] d’évaluer lesassociations écologiques entre QdVLS et mortalité ultérieure à cinq ans d’intervalle.MATERIEL ET METHODES : Les données issues de deux enquêtes transversales nationales représentatives ont étéexploitées : l’enquête Décennale 2003 de l’Insee pour l’ensemble des travaux menés (N=22 743 [1 et 3] ; N=16 732 [2]) et l’enquête Sofres 1995 pour l’analyse de l’évolution temporelle de la QdVLS (N=3 243 [1]). Lequestionnaire utilisé dans les deux enquêtes était le SF-36. [1] Des modèles de régression linéaire multiple àeffets fixes avec recherche d’interactions ont été réalisés pour l’analyse de l’évolution temporelle. [2] L’analysemultiniveau des déterminants contextuels de la QdVLS s’appuyait sur des modèles à effets mixtes, afind’explorer une chaine causale incluant des déterminants aux niveaux individuel, du ménage, de l’unité urbaine etrégional, d’ordre démographique, socioéconomique ou intégrant la notion contextuelle plus complexed’attractivité (taux migratoire, désindustrialisation). [3] Les données de mortalité étaient issues de la statistiquenationale des décès élaborée annuellement par le CépiDc. Des modèles de régression binomiale négative ont étéréalisés pour l’analyse des associations écologiques au niveau régional entre QdVLS en 2003 et mortalitéultérieure (court terme [2003-2005] ; à 5 ans [2007-2009]) et en stratifiant sur le sexe, l’âge et les causesspécifiques de décès.RESULTATS PRINCIPAUX : [1] Une diminution significative de la QdVLS était observée entre 1995 et 2003affectant tous les groupes sociodémographiques et suggérant la possibilité d’un accroissement des disparités pourles catégories les plus fragiles de la population. [2] De fortes disparités régionales de QdVLS étaient retrouvées,persistant après ajustement sur les caractéristiques socioéconomiques individuelles. L’analyse multiniveaupermettait d’identifier des processus de médiation impliquant les variables contextuelles de désindustrialisation,le taux d’accroissement migratoire, le taux d’abstention aux élections, et les comportements liés à la santé. Desinteractions inter-niveaux et intra-régionales étaient identifiées. [3] Des associations écologiques significativesétaient retrouvées au niveau régional entre QdVLS et mortalité à cinq ans d’intervalle, persistant aprèsajustement sur le niveau socioéconomique. Des relations spécifiques étaient observées après stratification surl’âge, le genre, les causes spécifiques de décès ; le caractère prédictif de la QdVLS variait selon le délai plus oumoins court entre mesure de la QdVLS et mortalité. / BACKGROUND: Wide social and geographical disparities are reported in France for morbidity and mortalityindicators. Less is known regarding the spatial distribution in general population of self-rated health (SRH) andhealth-related quality of life (HRQoL). Improving the knowledge of the contextual determinants of HRQoLwould help towards a better understanding of their meaning and interest in general population when it comes tocompare with classical objective indicators.OBJECTIVES: The objectives were [1] to assess existing spatial disparities of HRQoL in French generalpopulation and to investigate their evolution in time, [2] to determine individual and contextual determinants ofHRQoL and [3] to explore the ecological associations between HRQoL and subsequent mortality five years later.METHODS: Data were drawn from two large representative cross sectional surveys: the Insee Decennial HealthSurvey led in 2003 (N=22 743 [study 1 and 3] ; N= 16 732 [2]) and the Sofres health survey led in 1995(N=3243 [1]).The MOS SF-36 questionnaire was used in both surveys. [1] Fixed effects linear models combinedwith interaction tests were used for assessing time trends. [2] Mixed effects linear models were used for themultilevel analysis, exploring a causal pathway including individual and macrolevel factors (household, urbanunit and region) assessing demographics, socioeconomics, and features related to the notion of areaattractiveness (deindustrialization, net migration rates). [3] Mortality data were drawn from the French nationalstatistics of mortality (CepiDc-Inserm). Negative binomial regression models were performed to identifyecological associations at the region level between HRQoL recorded in 2003 and subsequent mortality (shortterm [2003-2005]; 5-years later [2007-2009]), stratifying on age, gender and specific causes of death.MAIN RESULTS: [1] A significant decrease in HRQoL was observed between 1995 and 2003, affecting allsociodemographic categories and suggesting likely widening disparities in the most fragile categories. [2]Regional HRQoL disparities were found, persisting after adjusting on socioeconomic individual characteristics.Multilevel analysis showed some evidence for mediation involving contextual factors like deindustrialization,net migration rates, voter abstention rate and health-related behaviors. Cross-level interactions were found aswell. [3] Significant ecological associations were identified at the region level between HRQoL and mortalityfive years later, persisting after adjusting on deprivation. Specific relationships were observed after stratifying onage, gender, specific causes of death; the predictive ability of HRQoL for mortality was varying depending onthe mortality period considered for analysis.CONCLUSIONS: Our results highlight the interest in assessing HRQoL at the population level and in exploringthe contextual determinants at play. Systematic inclusion of validated and multidimensional HRQoLquestionnaires should be supported in national surveys, so as to improve our knowledge of long term temporaltrends in HRQoL, to promote an increased use of contextual multilevel analyses using such data, and eventuallyto help better identifying sub-groups at risk and optimizing public health interventions.
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Avalia??o longitudinal do impacto da sa?de bucal na estrat?gia sa?de da fam?lia em NatalLeit?o, Lidiany Vasconcelos 16 May 2012 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2012-05-16 / As a result of the financial incentive provided by the GM / MS 1.444, since 2000, Brazil has experienced a substantial increase in the number of oral health services at the Family Health Strategy. There is, however, evidence that these teams have produced qualitatively different experiences which do not translate necessarily into improved quality of life and health. Thus, evaluative research of great importance. This study aims to assess the impact of the Family Health Strategy in oral health in a longitudinal perspective natalense the years 2006 and 2009. This is an intervention study whose design is a community trial in parallel, nearly randomized. The sample consisted of census tracts covered by oral health teams in the Family Health and the Traditional Model (Basic Health Units and non-FHS Program of Community Health Agents and areas not covered.) The sample was determined by drawing ten census tracts to form the experimental group and ten other sectors for the control group by pairing intentional based on socio-economic and geographic. To check the net effect of the intervention was performed multivariate analysis by Poisson regression. As a result of cross-sectional analysis of year 2009, it was found that the effects of the ESF in Natal were satisfactory only for the variables of injuries and for other purposes without and with negative impact on stock coverage reclaimers. However, the longitudinal analysis revealed that the ESB / ESF improved their performance in dealing with grievances, access and coverage of the type of actions and this fact is independent of age, sex and social and economic conditions. In other employees' words are related to the presence of the Family Health Strategy in the region. However it does not say that both models under study (the Family Health Strategy Model and Traditional) are different in terms of performance and it is pertinent to reflect on the need for further development of evaluation studies that use other approaches able to clarify the dynamics of the process whose results can come to the knowledge of the actors responsible for leading the ESF and encourage them to incorporate the assessment in their routine / Como resultado do incentivo financeiro estabelecido pela Portaria GM/MS n? 1.444, desde 2000, o Brasil tem apresentado um aumento substancial do n?mero de equipes de sa?de bucal na Estrat?gia Sa?de da Fam?lia. H?, no entanto, evid?ncias de que essas equipes v?m produzindo experi?ncias qualitativamente diferentes que n?o se traduzem, necessariamente, em melhorias na qualidade de vida e sa?de da popula??o. Desse modo, pesquisas avaliativas assumem grande relev?ncia. Este estudo se prop?e a avaliar o impacto da Estrat?gia Sa?de da Fam?lia na sa?de bucal da popula??o natalense numa perspectiva longitudinal dos anos 2006 e 2009. Trata-se de um estudo de interven??o cujo desenho ? um ensaio comunit?rio em paralelo, quase randomizado. A amostra constou de setores censit?rios cobertos pelas Equipes de Sa?de Bucal na Estrat?gia Sa?de da Fam?lia e pelo Modelo Tradicional (Unidades B?sicas de Sa?de com e sem ESF, com Programa de Agentes Comunit?rios de Sa?de e ?reas n?o cobertas). A amostra foi definida por sorteio de dez setores censit?rios para compor o grupo experimental e outros dez setores para o grupo controle atrav?s de emparelhamento intencional baseando-se no perfil s?cio-econ?mico e geogr?fico. Para verificar o efeito l?quido da interven??o foi realizada an?lise multivariada atrav?s da Regress?o de Poisson. Como resultado da an?lise transversal do ano 2009, verificou-se que os efeitos da ESF em Natal foram satisfat?rios apenas para as vari?veis de agravos sendo sem efeitos para as demais e com impacto negativo na cobertura de a??es recuperadoras. Contudo a an?lise longitudinal revelou que as ESB/ESF melhoraram seu desempenho nas quest?es relativas aos agravos, acesso e tipo de cobertura das a??es e este fato independe da idade, sexo e condi??es sociais e econ?micas. Em ouras palavras, est?o relacionadas com a presen?a da Estrat?gia Sa?de da Fam?lia na regi?o. Todavia ainda n?o cabe afirmar que ambos os modelos em estudo (Estrat?gia de Sa?de da Fam?lia e Modelo Tradicional) s?o diferentes do ponto de vista da atua??o. Desse modo, ? pertinente a reflex?o sobre a necessidade de elabora??o de mais estudos avaliativos que utilizem outras abordagens capazes de esclarecer as din?micas do processo cujos resultados possam chegar ao conhecimento dos atores respons?veis pela condu??o da ESF e motiv?-los a incorporar a avalia??o no seu cotidiano
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Estimation du RUL par des approches basées sur l'expérience : de la donnée vers la connaissance / Rul estimation using experience based approached : from data to knwoledgeKhelif, Racha 14 December 2015 (has links)
Nos travaux de thèses s’intéressent au pronostic de défaillance de composant critique et à l’estimation de la durée de vie résiduelle avant défaillance (RUL). Nous avons développé des méthodes basées sur l’expérience. Cette orientation nous permet de nous affranchir de la définition d’un seuil de défaillance, point problématique lors de l’estimation du RUL. Nous avons pris appui sur le paradigme de Raisonnement à Partir de Cas (R à PC) pour assurer le suivi d’un nouveau composant critique et prédire son RUL. Une approche basée sur les instances (IBL) a été développée en proposant plusieurs formalisations de l’expérience : une supervisée tenant compte de l’ état du composant sous forme d’indicateur de santé et une non-supervisée agrégeant les données capteurs en une série temporelle mono-dimensionnelle formant une trajectoire de dégradation. Nous avons ensuite fait évoluer cette approche en intégrant de la connaissance à ces instances. La connaissance est extraite à partir de données capteurs et est de deux types : temporelle qui complète la modélisation des instances et fréquentielle qui, associée à la mesure de similarité permet d’affiner la phase de remémoration. Cette dernière prend appui sur deux types de mesures : une pondérée entre fenêtres parallèles et fixes et une pondérée avec projection temporelle. Les fenêtres sont glissantes ce qui permet d’identifier et de localiser l’état actuel de la dégradation de nouveaux composants. Une autre approche orientée donnée a été test ée. Celle-ci est se base sur des caractéristiques extraites des expériences, qui sont mono-dimensionnelles dans le premier cas et multi-dimensionnelles autrement. Ces caractéristiques seront modélisées par un algorithme de régression à vecteurs de support (SVR). Ces approches ont été évaluées sur deux types de composants : les turboréacteurs et les batteries «Li-ion». Les résultats obtenus sont intéressants mais dépendent du type de données traitées. / Our thesis work is concerned with the development of experience based approachesfor criticalcomponent prognostics and Remaining Useful Life (RUL) estimation. This choice allows us to avoidthe problematic issue of setting a failure threshold.Our work was based on Case Based Reasoning (CBR) to track the health status of a new componentand predict its RUL. An Instance Based Learning (IBL) approach was first developed offering twoexperience formalizations. The first is a supervised method that takes into account the status of thecomponent and produces health indicators. The second is an unsupervised method that fuses thesensory data into degradation trajectories.The approach was then evolved by integrating knowledge. Knowledge is extracted from the sensorydata and is of two types: temporal that completes the modeling of instances and frequential that,along with the similarity measure refine the retrieval phase. The latter is based on two similaritymeasures: a weighted one between fixed parallel windows and a weighted similarity with temporalprojection through sliding windows which allow actual health status identification.Another data-driven technique was tested. This one is developed from features extracted from theexperiences that can be either mono or multi-dimensional. These features are modeled by a SupportVector Regression (SVR) algorithm. The developed approaches were assessed on two types ofcritical components: turbofans and ”Li-ion” batteries. The obtained results are interesting but theydepend on the type of the treated data.
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從城鄉差異的觀點,評估台灣鄉村型社區心理衛生中心之服務需求:以社會指標分析、關鍵訊息提供者與社區居民的調查等方法研究雲林縣高農業人口地區為例 / The Needs Assessment for Rural Community Mental Health Centers in Taiwan Based on the Perspectives of Urban-Rural Differences: A Multi-Method Approach including the Social Indicators Analysis, the Survey of the Key Informants and Community Residents in the High Agricultural Areas of Yunlin County周才忠, Chou, Tsai Chung Unknown Date (has links)
文末,研究者並根據研究結果與國內外相關文獻,分別提出鄉村居民心理健康政策、鄉村心理衛生指標系統、農業危機服務、老人心理衛生、社區孤立與無望感、犯罪被害恐懼、環境污染心理影響、鄉村性別與族群心理議題、鄉村學校之預防功能、鄉村心理衛生服務模式等10項建議。 / The purposes of this thesis were: (1) to analyze the differences of some social indicators related to mental health of Taiwan (23 cities/counties) and Yunlin county (20 townships). (2) to understand the opinions of the key informants about community mental health problems. (3) to survey community residents of agricultural areas about the subjective perceptions of their mental health. (4) to set up a summative index of Taiwan Rural Mental Health indicators System.
This research used a multi-method strategy. Data collected in the spring of 2005 included 24 social indicators of 23 cities/counties in Taiwan, and 16 social indicators of 20 cities/township in Yunlin, and questionnaires of 99 key informants and 967 community members of Erh-lun and Shui-lin Township of Yunlin County.
Major findings of this study were as follows:
(1)Significant differences were found in the social indicators about the numbers of older population, the lower educational status, the widowed, the foreign spouse, and the disabled, the accidental injury-related deaths in agricultural counties. In contrast, urbanized areas had higher rates of the divorced, all criminal case, larceny, robbery and forceful taking, violent crime, rape, and the average number of people serviced by per medical personnel .
(2)The geographic analysis in terms of the mental health status and service needs of residents revealed no significant differences among 23 cities/counties, but significant differences among 20 cities/township (Yunlin County), Erh-lun and Mailiao had much more problems.
(3)Yunlin County’s key informants indicated that the areas of Kou-hu, Tai-si and Sih-hu have high needs for mental health services. Erh-lun’s key informants indicated that 3 villages have high needs for mental health services. Shui-lin’s key informants indicated that 3 villages have high needs for mental health services.
(4)Most respondents of resident sample ranked the following mental health problems as serious: fraudulent telephone calls, out-migrant, farm crisis, being elderly, and family economic hardship.
(5)Most respondents of resident sample employed “chatting with others” as stress-relieving or coping method. Besides “family and friends”, only about 6.5% of respondents reported that they sought help from mental health professionals or specialists.
(6)To set up the initial rural mental health indicator systems of Taiwan: a summative index consists of 14 items and is divided into five dimensions
The recommendations for rural mental health policies, indicator systems, program strategies and rural mental health service delivery issues were also suggested.
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Exploring the understanding of routinely collected data by the health practitioners in a primary health care settingMolefi, Zachariah Modise 11 1900 (has links)
Health practitioners collect health data on a daily basis at health facility levels in order to monitor and evaluate the performance of priority national health programmes (District Health Plan 2012:6). Routine data quality for health programmes monitoring need a collective intervention to ensure clear understanding for what data to be collected at primary health care setting. The aim of the study is to explore the understanding of routine health data, determine the use of routine data and feedback mechanism at primary health care clinic setting. Quantitative descriptive research design was used to answer the research question on this research study. Structured data collection questionnaire was used for the study to accomplish the research purpose and reach the study objectives. A total of 400 participants was sampled, and 247 responded. One of the findings was that the understanding of routine health data by Health Practitioners was at 82.6% (% = f/n*100, f= 3242 and n= 3926). / Health Studies
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Exploring the understanding of routinely collected data by the health practitioners in a primary health care settingMolefi, Zachariah Modise 11 1900 (has links)
Health practitioners collect health data on a daily basis at health facility levels in order to monitor and evaluate the performance of priority national health programmes (District Health Plan 2012:6). Routine data quality for health programmes monitoring need a collective intervention to ensure clear understanding for what data to be collected at primary health care setting. The aim of the study is to explore the understanding of routine health data, determine the use of routine data and feedback mechanism at primary health care clinic setting. Quantitative descriptive research design was used to answer the research question on this research study. Structured data collection questionnaire was used for the study to accomplish the research purpose and reach the study objectives. A total of 400 participants was sampled, and 247 responded. One of the findings was that the understanding of routine health data by Health Practitioners was at 82.6% (% = f/n*100, f= 3242 and n= 3926). / Health Studies
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