Spelling suggestions: "subject:"dealth btatus"" "subject:"dealth ctatus""
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Primena algometrije kod osoba sa cervikalnom i lumbalnom radikulopatijom / Application of algometry in patients with cervical and lumbar radiculopathyVučinić Nikola 13 April 2018 (has links)
<p>Uvod: Radikulopatija je obično praćena bolovima i drugim senzornim i motornim poremećajima, uz smanjenje kvaliteta života u različitom obimu. Algometrija kao visokosenzitivna metoda pruža objektivan uvid u stepen bola, dok se upotrebom upitnika na jednostavan način mogu proceniti karakteristike bola i biopsihosocijalni status pacijenta. Cilj: Istraživanje je sprovedeno kako bi se izmerili prag bola i prag tolerancije na bol kod pacijenata sa cervikalnom i lumbalnom radikulopatijom i utvrdila moguća povezanost bola sa biopsihosocijalnim faktorima. Materijal i metode: Studijom je pre započinjanja i posle završavanja terapijskog ciklusa ispitano 60 pacijenata sa dijagnostikovanom cervikalnom radikulopatijom (30 muškaraca i 30 žena) i 60 pacijenata sa dijagnostikovanom lumbalnom radikulopatijom (30 muškaraca i 30 žena). Svi pacijenti su bili hospitalno lečeni u okviru Klinike za medicinsku rehabilitaciju, Kliničkog centra Vojvodine u Novom Sadu, a terapijski ciklus je u proseku trajao 14-21 dan. U istraživanju su korišćenitest za detekciju bola (Pain Detect Test), kratki upitnik o bolu (Brief Pain Inventory), indeks onesposobljenosti zbog bolova u vratu (Neck Disability Index), Kvebekova skala onesposobljenosti kod lumbalnog sindroma (Quebec Back Pain Disability Scale), bolnička skala za anksioznost i depresiju (Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale), upitnik za procenu prisustva straha od fizičke aktivnosti/posla i njihovog izbegavanja (The Fear-Avoidance Beliefs Questionnaire) i skala katastrofizma bola (Pain Catastrophizing Scale). Rezultati: Nije uočena statistički značajna razlika algometrijskih vrednosti između pacijenata sa cervikalnom radikulopatijom i pacijenata sa lumbalnom radikulopatijom. Ustanovljeno je da osobe ženskog pola imaju niži prag bola i nižu toleranciju na bol od osoba muškog pola. Poređenjem algometrijskih vrednosti pre započinjanja i posle završavanja terapijskog ciklusa zapaža se da je program rehabilitacije povoljno uticao na pacijente sa lumbalnom radikulopatijom, dok je kod pacijenata sa cervikalnom radikulopatijom došlo do pogoršanja tegoba. Prisutna je negativna korelacija između vrednosti izmerenih algometrom i skorova za anksioznost, depresiju i strah od fizičke aktivnost i posla, što znači da biopsihosocijalni faktori u velikoj meri utiču na bolnost. Zaključci: Kvantifikovanje i mapiranje bola uz pomoć algometra i utvrđivanje biopsihosocijalnog statusa putem upitnika će omogućiti primenu adekvatne terapije kod pacijenata, koja je zasnovana na individualnom pristupu. Istovremeno bi primenjenom metodologijom bila postignuta bolja verifikacija rezultata rehabilitacionog programa.</p> / <p>Introduction: Radiculopathy is usually accompained by pain and other sensory and motor disorders, with reducing the quality of life in different extent. Algometry as a highly sensitive method provides objective insight into the degree of pain, while the use of questionnaires in a simple way can estimate the characteristics of pain and the patient's biopsychosocial status. Objective: The study was conducted in order to measure the pressure pain threshold and pressure pain tolerance threshold in patients with cervical and lumbar radiculopathy and found a possible association of pain with the biopsychosocial factors. Materials and methods: The study examined 60 patients with cervical radiculopathy (30 men and 30 women) and 60 patients with lumbar radiculopathy (30 men and 30 women) before starting and after finishing treatment cycle. All patients were hospitalized in the Clinic for Medical Rehabilitation, Clinical Center of Vojvodina in Novi Sad, and a treatment cycle lasted an average of 14-21 days. Research was conducted using Pain Detect Test, Brief Pain Inventory, Neck Disability Index, Quebec Back Pain Disability Scale, Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, The Fear-Avoidance Beliefs Questionnaire and Pain Catastrophizing Scale. Results: There was no statisticallly significant difference in algometric values between patients with cervical radiculopathy and patients with lumbar radiculopathy. It was found that females have a lower pressure pain threshold and lower tolerance to pain than males. Comparing algometric values before starting and after finishing treatment cycle can be noted that the program of rehabilitation favorable influence on patients with lumbar radiculopathy, while in patients with cervical radiculopathy occured deterioration in subjective symptoms. There is a negative correlation between values measured by algometer and scores for anxiety, depression and fear of physical activity and work, which means that biopsychosocial factors greatly affect the pain. Conclusions: Quantification and mapping the pain by algometer and determination of biopsychosocial status through questionnaires will provide the implementation of appropriate therapy for patients, which is based on individual approach. At the same time, the applied methodology would be achieved better verification of the results in rehabilitation program.</p>
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A aplicação da técnica de referenciação (benchmarking) em serviços de medicina laboratorial / Benchmarking applicability in laboratory medicine servicesGaloro, César Alex de Oliveira 15 September 2008 (has links)
A prática da Medicina Laboratorial vem mudando em conseqüência do desenvolvimento tecnológico e regulamentações dos Sistemas de Saúde levando à implantação de Sistemas de Qualidade e monitoramento de indicadores. A aplicabilidade e os potenciais benefícios do Benchmarking como instrumento de análise da qualidade foram testados em um grupo de oito laboratórios hospitalares através do recebimento, análise e devolução aos participantes de Relatórios de Acompanhamento relativos a indicadores diversos dos anos de 2005 e 2006. O método 6 foi utilizado, quando aplicável, para avaliar a qualidade dos processos. Foram colhidos dados de indicadores de produção, produtividade, absenteísmo segurança no trabalho, recoletas e tempo para liberação de laudos. O Benchmarking é uma ferramenta útil e aplicável para a gestão de qualidade nos laboratórios clínicos, principalmente quando associado a instrumento independente de avaliação de qualidade de processos, porém é necessária a definição de mecanismos que garantam a confiabilidade dos dados primários utilizados nos programas / Laboratory Medicine practice is changing as a result of technological development and regulations pressures, letting to the implementation of quality systems and monitoring indicators. This study tested Benchmarking applicability and benefits as a tool for quality analysis in brazilian laboratory medicine services. The study was performed with eight hospital laboratories through the receipt, analysis and return to the participants of Monitoring Reports, relating to several quality indicators for the years 2005 and 2006. 6 Sigma criteria was applied as independent assessment of process quality. Data obtained shows indicators of total production, productivity, absenteeism, safety at work, redraws and turn-around-times. Benchmarking showed to be a useful and feasible tool for quality management in Brazilian clinical laboratories, particularly when associated to independent tools for evaluating the quality of laboratorial processes
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Qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde de profissionais de enfermagem e erros de medicação em unidades de terapia intensiva / Health-related quality of life of nursing professionals and medications erros in intensive care unitsPelliciotti, Josikélem da Silva Sodré 27 February 2009 (has links)
Este estudo transversal teve como objetivos: caracterizar os erros de medicação relatados por profissionais de enfermagem que atuam em UTI; comparar os dados sócio-demográficos, do trabalho e da qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde (QVRS) dos profissionais envolvidos e não envolvidos com erros de medicação em UTI; verificar se os domínios da QVRS são fatores independentes associados aos erros de medicação em UTI. Foram pesquisados 94 profissionais de enfermagem de três UTIs (duas de adultos e uma pediátrica) de um hospital privado do município de São Paulo, sendo 39 enfermeiros (41,5%) e 55 técnicos de enfermagem (58,5%). Os dados socio-demográficos, do trabalho e os relacionados aos erros de medicação foram registrados em instrumentos próprios. A QVRS foi avaliada com a versão em português do instrumento SF-36. Os profissionais foram comparados em dois grupos, segundo o relato de terem ou não cometido erros de medicação nas quatro semanas anteriores à pesquisa. Regressão logística univariada e múltipla foram utilizadas para análise da relação entre as variáveis. A maioria dos profissionais era do sexo feminino (79,8%), com idade média de 33 anos (dp=6,45), casada ou com companheiro (52,1%). A renda familiar per capita foi de R$ 2.024,95 (dp=1.625,00); 52,1% tinham apenas um vínculo empregatício. Entre os 18 profissionais que mencionaram ter cometido erro, seis eram enfermeiros e 12, técnicos de enfermagem. Houve notificação do erro em 61,1% dos casos. Os erros mais freqüentes foram os da fase de administração (67,8%). Entre os profissionais que cometeram erros, todos os escores do SF-36 foram significativamente menores. Na análise múltipla, o domínio Aspectos Emocionais e os turnos de trabalho da tarde e da noite mostraram associação significativa com erro de medicação, como fatores de proteção. Os resultados deste estudo trazem subsídios para a adoção de medidas institucionais especificamente direcionadas às necessidades dos profissionais de enfermagem, contribuindo, desta forma, para uma assistência mais segura aos pacientes / This cross-sectional study aimed to characterize the medication errors reported by the nursing professionals who work in ICU; to compare the socio-demographic data of the labor and the health-related quality of life (HRQL) of professionals involved and not involved with medication errors in ICU; and to check whether the domains of HRQL are independent factors associated with medication errors in ICUs. We studied 94 nursing professionals in three ICUs (two adult and one pediatric) in a private hospital in the city of Sao Paulo, with 39 nurses (41.5%) and 55 nursing technicians (58.5%). Socio-demographic data of the labor and the ones related to medication errors were recorded in separate instruments. The HRQL was assessed with the Portuguese version of the SF-36 instrument. The professionals were compared in two groups, according to the report of having committed or not medication errors in the four weeks preceding the survey. Univariable and multiple logistic regressions were used to analyze the relationship between the variables. Most practitioners were female (79.8%) with average age of 33 years (SD = 6.45), married or with partner (52.1%). The per capita income was R$ 2024.95 (SD = 1625.00), 52.1% had only one job. Among the 18 practitioners who reported having committed error, six were nurses and 12 were nursing technicians. There was notification of the error in 61.1% of the cases. The most frequent errors were the ones of the administration stage (67.8%). Among those who committed errors, all of the SF-36 scores were significantly lower. In multiple analysis, the domain Emotional Aspects and the work shifts of the afternoon and night showed significant association with medication errors as factors of protection. The results of this study provide subsidies for the adoption of institutional measures specifically targeted to the needs of nursing professionals, thus contributing to a safer care of patients
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Identificação de desigualdades territoriais em saúde nas regiões de saúde do estado de São Paulo / Identification of territorial health inequalities in the health regions of São Paulo stateMattos, Augustus Tadeu Relo de 01 November 2016 (has links)
O presente estudo esta inserido na temática das Desigualdades em Saúde, tendo como objetivo a identificação de desigualdades territoriais em saúde nas 63 regiões de saúde do estado de São Paulo, a partir de indicadores de saúde selecionados segundo a visão dos Articuladores da Atenção Básica que atuam nessas regiões. Trata-se de um estudo descritivo, de natureza quali/quantitativa, que utilizou Grupos Focais para seleção dos indicadores com maior capacidade em identificar desigualdades em saúde num rol de 67 indicadores do Contrato Organizativo da Ação Pública (COAP). A partir de um grupo de dez indicadores escolhidos foram analisadas as tendências da série histórica do período entre 2010 e 2015. Diferenças importantes entre as regiões foram identificadas pelo desempenho desses indicadores e quando interpretadas em relação à estratificação dos municípios estabelecida pelo Programa Nacional de Melhoria do Acesso e da Qualidade da Atenção Básica (PMAQ), com base em critérios sociais, econômicos e demográficos, algumas dessas regiões apresentaram distribuição semelhante àquelas encontradas no PMAQ. O recorte adotado no estudo voltou-se aos indicadores de saúde escolhidos a partir de uma metodologia específica, acreditando em sua capacidade de revelar desigualdades territoriais na saúde, muitas delas iníquas, nos âmbitos estadual e regional, podendo mobilizar profissionais envolvidos na implementação de ações em direção à diminuição das iniquidades na saúde. Os resultados mostraram desigualdades regionais importantes para os indicadores envolvidos no estudo, em especial para a maioria dos indicadores de saúde de algumas regiões do sul e oeste do estado. Dessa forma, acredita-se que o acompanhamento desses indicadores por meio de uma abordagem espaço temporal poderá fornecer subsídios para o planejamento de ações programáticas previstas nas políticas públicas de saúde, levando em consideração as características locoregionais na construção e implementação de medidas que atendam necessidades distintas nos distintos territórios. / This study is inserted in the subject of Health Inequalities, aiming to identify territorial inequalities in health in 63 health regions of São Paulo state, from selected health indicators according to the perception of the of Primary Care Articulators who act in these regions. It is a descriptive study, of qualitative/quantitative nature, which used Focal Groups to select the indicators with higher capacity to identify health inequalities in a list of 67 indicators obtained from the Public Action Organizational Contract (COAP). Starting from a set of ten chosen indicators were analyzed trends in the time series of the period between 2010 to 2015. Important differences between the regions were identified according to the performance of these indicators and when interpreted in relation to the stratification of the municipalities established by the National Program for Improving Access and Quality of Primary Care (PMAQ), which adopts social, economic and demographic criteria, some of these regions showed similar distribution to those found in PMAQ. The outline adopted in the study focused to health indicators chosen from a specific methodology, believing in its ability to show inequalities in health, many of them unfair, on the state and regional levels, and may mobilize professionals involved in implementing actions towards the reduction of health inequities. The results show significant regional differences for the indicators involved in the study, especially for most health indicators in some regions of the south and west of São Paulo state. Thus, it is believed that the monitoring of these indicators through a timeline approach can provide information for planning of programmatic actions envisaged in public health policies, taking into account the local and regional characteristics in the construction and implementation of measures to meet different needs in different territories.
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Influence des technologies de santé dans les parcours de soins des personnes âgées : quel plateau médico-technique ? : éléments de réponse par l’analyse des données de santé / Influence of health technologies in the care pathway of the eldery : what health technical platform ? : elements of answer through health data analysisImbaud, Claire 02 November 2017 (has links)
Le travail de cette thèse s’interroge sur les réponses à apporter en terme d’organisation de l’offre médico-technique et de sa juste répartition sur les territoires en particulier pour les patients âgés poly-pathologiques. Il part de l’hypothèse qu’il existe un espace pour des concepts de petits établissements de santé ambulatoires pluridisciplinaires, dotés d’un petit plateau médico-technique, qui permettraient de participer à fluidifier et optimiser les parcours de soins. La méthode a consisté d’une part à étudier des structures plus petites de proximité en Allemagne, les MVZ, avec une expérience plus ancienne que celle dont nous disposons en France avec les MSP ou les Centres de Santé, et d’autre part à analyser les données PMSI pour faire émerger à la fois l’existence de groupes homogènes de co-morbidités et de groupes homogènes de parcours de soins. Les résultats sont constructifs, à la fois dans l’analyse par les sciences des réseaux et par l’automatisation de représentations de parcours de soins complexes. Ils ont permis de faire émerger des patterns représentatifs de groupes, d’en caractériser la consommation de soins, en matière de dispositifs médicaux et de ressources humaines, de quantifier les distances parcourues cumulées et les coûts cumulés par les patients selon leur lieu d’habitation et les institutions de santé auxquelles elles sont adressées. Nous en tirons des éléments pour la définition et la labellisation de nouvelles structures de santé de proximité satellites d’hôpitaux plus importants. Ce travail représente une avancée particulièrement utile, à la fois conceptuelle et pratique, pour les études de données de santé complexes des personnes âgées. / This work questions the answer to be given in terms of organization of the health technical offer and its fair distribution in the territories especially for the elderly patients with multimorbidities. It is based on the assumption that there is space for a concept of small multi-disciplinary outpatient health facilities, with a small health-technical platform, which would help to streamline and optimize care pathways. The method consisted on the one hand to study in Germany smaller community interdisciplinary health care center (the MVZ) in operation for a longer time than the the French multidisciplinary médical care centers. And on the other hand it analyzed the national heath data to reveal both the existence of comorbidités related groups and homogeneous care pathways related groups. The results are positive, both in network science analysis and in the automation of representations of complex care pathways. They made it possible to create representative patterns of groups, to characterize the consumption of care, in terms of medical devices and human resources, to quantify the cumulative distances traveled and the costs accumulated by patients according to their place of residence and the health institutions to which they are sent. We get addition elements for the definition and labeling of small community health centers, satellite of larger hospitals. This work represents a particularly useful step, both conceptual and practical, for complex health data studies of elderly.
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Determinantes sociais e estruturais do processo saúde-doença: uma revisão de escopo / Social and structural determinants of the health-disease process: a scope reviewGalvão, Anna Larice Meneses 10 July 2019 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: O processo saúde-doença está intrinsecamente conectado com as condições concretas de vida e com as diversas realidades sociais, acarretando o forte vínculo entre a situação de saúde e os fatores históricos, sociais, econômicos, culturais e biológicos. A formulação sobre Determinantes Sociais da Saúde (DSS) busca ampliar o enfoque sobre as condições de vida e bem-estar, salientando a distribuição de renda, as condições de vida e trabalho, as redes de suporte social, entre outros, como fatores que afetam a qualidade de vida. Os DSS buscam, assim, evitar a análise fragmentada, englobando a concepção de Determinantes Estruturais. Estes procuram compreender as condições de distribuição de riqueza, poder e prestígio na origem dos problemas de saúde. Assim, a estrutura de classes sociais, a distribuição de renda e o preconceito de gênero e raça são considerados na proposição de políticas de saúde. OBJETIVO: Sistematizar o conhecimento a respeito dos DSS e seus componentes Estruturais e Intermediários, segundo o potencial para contribuir na elaboração de políticas sociais e de saúde. MÉTODO: Trata-se de uma pesquisa de revisão de escopo (Scoping Review), metodologia que amplia e aprofunda o mapeamento e a síntese do conhecimento. As etapas foram: identificação da questão de pesquisa e dos estudos relevantes; seleção dos estudos; extração de dados; separação, sumarização, relatório e comunicação dos resultados. Foram pesquisadas as seguintes bases de dados eletrônicas: Web of Science, CINAHL, Scopus, LILACS e Pub-Med, que engloba o MEDLINE. Adicionalmente, foi realizado levantamento específico nas revistas: International Journal of Epidemiology, Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, American Journal of Public Health e American Journal of Epidemiology. RESULTADOS: Após a retirada das duplicatas, foram localizados 752 artigos; e após a triagem, 19 artigos foram analisados em profundidade. Dentre os países nos quais as pesquisas selecionadas foram desenvolvidas, destacaram-se Estados Unidos e Inglaterra com seis e quatro publicações respectivamente (31,6% e 21%) seguidos de três publicações no Canadá (15,7%), duas no Brasil (10,5%), duas na Nova Zelândia (10,5%), duas na Austrália (10,5%) e uma no México (5,2%). As discussões sobre os Determinantes Estruturais da saúde são mais recentes. A análise permitiu tratar das diferenças entre termos comumente utilizados, como desigualdade, disparidade e iniquidade. Os marcadores sociais da diferença mais problematizados na formulação dos DSS Estruturais foram: racismo gênero, classe social e situação migratória. Por serem os marcadores sociais mutuamente construídos, a perspectiva teórica da interseccionalidade foi apresentada como recurso metodológico para entender suas inter-relações. CONCLUSÃO: Foi possível identificar neste trabalho uma agenda síntese que perpassa ações na área econômica, propondo a redistribuição da riqueza; políticas públicas intersetoriais e mudanças no arcabouço jurídico, destacando que os determinantes sociais são mais bem compreendidos quando se reconhece a dialética entre contextos específicos e os macrodeterminantes políticos e econômicos, identificando os diferentes significados e consequências para a saúde / INTRODUCTION: The health-disease process is intrinsically connected with concrete conditions of life and with the diverse social realities, which brings about the strong ties between the health situation and historical, social, economical, cultural, and biological factors. The formulation of Social Determinants of Health (SDH) seeks to broaden the focus on conditions of life and well-being, emphasizing the distribution of income, the work and life conditions, the net of social support, among other factors that affected the quality of life. SDH seek, in this way, to avoid a fragmented analysis, embodying the conception of Structural Determinants, which seek to comprehend the conditions of distribution of wealth, power, and prestige in the origins of health problems. Thus, the structure of social classes, the distribution of income, and the prejudice of gender and race are taken into account in the proposition of health policies. OBJECTIVE: systematizing knowledge about the SDH and their structural components, according to the potential to contribute in the elaboration of social and health policies. METHODOLOGY: The following research employs the Scoping Review Methodology, which enlarges and deeps the mapping and the synthesis of knowledge. The phases of our work were the following: identification of the research issue and relevant studies; selection of the studies; extraction of data; division, summarization, reports, and communication of results. The following electronic databases were researched: Web of Science, CINAHL, Scopus, LILACS, and Pub-Med, which comprehends MEDLINE. Additionally, specific journals were surveyed: International Journal of Epidemiology, Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, American Journal of Public Health, and American Journal of Epidemiology. OUTCOMES: After removing the duplicates, 752 articles were found, and after the screening 19 articles were analyzed in depth. Among the countries in which the selected researches were conducted, the following are noteworthy: England and the USA with four and five publications respectively (21% and 26,3%), followed by three publications in Canada (15,7%), two in Brazil (10,5%), two in New Zealand (10,5%), two in Australia (10,5%) and one in México (5,2%). The discussions on Structural Determinants of Health are more recent. The analysis allowed us to treat the differences among terms commonly used, such as inequality, disparity, and inequity. The social markers of difference more problematized in the formulation of the Structural SDH were racism, gender, social class, and migration situation. For being social markers mutually built, the theoretical perspective of intersectionality was presented as a methodological resource to understand its inter-relations. CONCLUSION: This work was able to identify a synthesis-agenda, which passes through actions in the economical field, proposing the redistribution of wealth, intersectoral public policies, and changes in the juridical frame, emphasizing that the social determinants are better comprehended when the dialectics between specific contexts and the political-economical macro-determinants are acknowledged, identifying the different meanings and consequences for Health
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Waiting: a critical experienceVan Dreven, Amber, res.cand@acu.edu.au January 2001 (has links)
This study explores the experiences of relatives waiting. Often relatives wait for considerably long periods, especially in critical care areas, whilst their loved one, whose health status is unknown, receives care. To explore these experiences and to understand the symbolic meaning behind the participants stories, a grounded theory approach was utilised which is firmly rooted in the sociological theory of symbolic interactionism. A qualitative approach was employed in order to yield a rich description of the human experience often not found in quantitative studies (Jamerson, Scheibmeir, Bott, Crighton, Hinton and Kuckelman, 1996, p. 468). Similarly, the use of feminist principles to guide this study has facilitated a greater understanding of such issues as gender roles, language, power and hierarchy. Using grounded theory methodology, audio-taped interviews were conducted with six female relatives who were recruited using theoretical sampling. Simultaneous recruitment, data collection, analysis and literature review took place, as advocated and outlined by Barney Glaser and Anselm Strauss (1967). The overarching core category discovered using this approach which epitomises the waiting experience, is the balancing of both positive and negative aspects of the four codes identified. These four codes are -mothering, trust, flustered anxiety and institutional and medical power. Each code had negative aspects, such as being denied the felt need to mother the critically ill loved one, being asked to entrust the health of a loved one to people that relatives had never met, feelings of fluster and anxiety, and a perception that they would interfere with medial care if they were to be involved in their loved ones care. Conversely, each code could potentially have a positive aspect, such as being involved in the care of the loved one, feelings of relief once the care of the loved one was entrusted to professional health care providers, affiliating with other relatives who were waiting in similar circumstances, and receiving frequent information from staff. A final model was produced that illustrates the balance that many relatives aspire to when waiting in the Emergency Department waiting room. If the balance tips in favour of the negative aspects of the codes, a negative impact on the relatives feelings of well being can result.
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Scaphoid fractures : Studies on diagnosis and treatmentVinnars, Bertil January 2008 (has links)
Scaphoid fracture is most common in young individuals of working age. Without adequate diagnosis and treatment, long-term results are poor. Operative treatment is being recommended increasingly often instead of a long time in cast, although there is no evidence-based support for its superiority. The present thesis focuses on diagnostic problems and therapeutic consequences of acute scaphoid fractures and of scaphoid reconstruction when other treatments have failed. Simultaneous plain radiographs and computed tomography were done in 97 injured wrists. Structural assessments of plain radiography images were highly predictive with respect to the risk of having a displaced or comminute fracture as diagnosed on computed tomography. Any finding of a gap or step-off > 0.5 mm, the presence of an intermediate fragment or a dorsal lunate tilt of ≥ 15° identified 81 % of fractures that were displaced or comminuted when investigated with computed tomography. Eighty-three patients were randomly allocated to and received either nonoperative treatment in cast or operative treatment with the aim of assessing long-term outcome of the two treatment options. Fifty-two of the patients were occupationally active. From an occupational perspective with an early return to work, surgical treatment was superior in individuals with manual employment, and from a health economic perspective conservative treatment was superior in non-manual workers. Patients treated for scaphoid fractures generally do well up to 13 years after the injury based on limb-specific outcome scores. No benefits were identified with operative treatment compared to non-operative treatment in cast. On the contrary, there was an increased risk for osteoarthritis in the scaphotrapezial joint in those who were operated. The patient-rated long-term results of silicone implant arthroplasty were good, with pain relief and reasonable hand function in many patients up to 20 years after surgery.
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It’s Not Just a Burn : Physical and Psychological Problems after BurnsLow, Janina Francisca Aili January 2007 (has links)
Survival after severe burns has improved in recent decades, but there is limited information on the course of recovery after surviving a burn and on factors that can affect recovery. The aims of this thesis were to investigate the occurrence of physical and psychological problems after burns, and to examine the consequences of psychological problems for the clinical management of burn patients. Three groups of consecutive patients who were treated at the Burn Unit at Uppsala University Hospital between 1980 and 2005 were included in the studies. The Burn Specific Health Scale (BSHS) was used for self-report of burn-specific aspects of health. Personality traits and coping strategies as psychological factors during recovery were examined with the Swedish universities Scales of Personality (SSP) and the Coping with Burns Questionnaire (CBQ). Presence of symptoms of posttraumatic stress were assessed with the Impact of Event Scale-Revised (IES-R), and the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Axis I Disorders (SCID-I) was used to determine the concurrent validity of the IES-R as a measure of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Furthermore, the effect of pre-injury psychiatric morbidity on perceived health one year after injury was assessed. Both pruritus and nightmares were common problems after burns; 59% of the individuals in the study reported pruritus and 43% reported nightmares. Neuroticism-related personality traits and avoidant coping strategies were associated with an increased risk of having pruritus or nightmares. The presence of nightmares could be used as a screening tool for high scores in the IES-R. The IES-R was in turn shown to be a good, although overly inclusive, test for the diagnosis of PTSD. Pre-injury psychiatric morbidity predicted perceived outcome in six out of nine burn-specific health domains. These studies show that psychological factors and psychiatric morbidity affect outcome after burns.
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Health, physical ability, falls and morale in very old people: the Umeå 85+ Studyvon Heideken Wågert, Petra January 2006 (has links)
The very old, aged 80 years and over, is the fastest growing age group today, and the demands for healthcare and services will be even higher in the future. It is, therefore, of great importance to advance our knowledge about this group. The main purpose of this thesis was to describe living conditions and health, with a special focus on physical ability, falls and morale, in women and men in three different age groups of very old people in northern Sweden. Half the population aged 85, and the total population aged 90 and ≥95 (-103) in the municipality of Umeå were selected for participation (n=348) in this population-based cross-sectional study, entitled the Umeå 85+ Study. Structured interviews and assessments were performed with the participants in their homes, and data were also collected from next-of-kins, caregivers and medical charts. Cognition was screened for using the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE), depressive symptoms using the Geriatric Depression Scale-15 (GDS-15), and nutritional status using the Mini Nutritional Assessment (MNA). Activities of Daily Living (ADL) were assessed using the Staircase of ADL (including the Katz Index of ADL) and morale using the Philadelphia Geriatric Center Morale Scale (PGCMS). Participants also rated their own health and answered a questionnaire about symptoms. Physical ability was assessed using a gait speed test over 2.4 meters (8 feet), three consecutive chair stands, and the Berg Balance Scale (BBS). A follow-up study for falls was performed during a period of six months with fall calendars and telephone calls. The very old people in this northern population have more depression, hypertension and hip fractures, as well as a higher consumption of drugs than comparable, more southern populations. In general, younger participants had lower rates of diagnoses and prescribed drugs, were less dependent in ADL and other functional variables than older participants, and men had lower rates of diagnoses and reported symptoms than women. However, there were no age or sex differences in self-rated health or morale, which were both rated as good by the majority of the participants. There was a wide range of physical ability among these very old people, especially in women, where an age-related decline was seen. The results also demonstrate that men had greater physical ability than women. The BBS had no floor or ceiling effects in the present sample. In contrast, a large proportion was unable to perform the gait speed and chair stands test, resulting in a floor effect for the timed performances, especially in women. Falling is a major public health problem in very old people. From the results of the present study, it could be predicted that every seventh participant and every third of the people who did fall would suffer a fracture over a period of one year. The independent explanatory risk factors for time to first fall in this sample of very old people were dependency in personal (P-) ADL but not bedridden, thyroid disorders, treatment with Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs) and occurrence of fall/s in the preceding year. These factors should all be considered in fall prevention programmes. The morale of very old people was found in this study to be rather high, with similar scores among age groups and sexes. The most important factors for high morale were the absence of depressive symptoms, living in ordinary housing, having previously had a stroke and yet still living in ordinary housing, not feeling lonely and having few symptoms. The PGCMS seems applicable in the evaluation of morale in very old people. In conclusion, there were wide variations in health status and physical ability in this northern population of very old people. Women had poorer health and physical ability than men. Falls and fractures were common and serious health problems. Morale seemed to be high, despite the fact that a large proportion of the participants suffered from many diseases and functional decline.
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