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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

ValidaÃÃo de tecnologia assistiva para a deficiente visual: UtilizaÃÃo do preservativo feminino / Validation of Assistive Technology for the women visually impaired: use of the female condom

Luana Duarte Wanderley Cavalcante 15 February 2013 (has links)
FundaÃÃo Cearense de Apoio ao Desenvolvimento Cientifico e TecnolÃgico / Atualmente, a maioria dos recursos disponÃveis nÃo abrange de forma efetiva o desenvolvimento da promoÃÃo da saÃde nos seus diversos aspectos quando aplicados Ãs pessoas com deficiÃncia visual, sobretudo no concernente à saÃde sexual e reprodutiva. Diante desse cenÃrio, existe a urgÃncia em desenvolver mÃtodos e materiais acessÃveis a esta clientela. A Tecnologia Assistiva (TA), alÃm de favorecer Ãs pessoas com deficiÃncia a igualdade de acesso Ãs informaÃÃes e ferramentas, propicia maior independÃncia, melhor qualidade de vida e inclusÃo social. Objetivou-se validar a TA Construir para aprender a usar o preservativo feminino para mulheres deficientes visuais por meio do acesso a distÃncia. Estudo de validaÃÃo de tecnologia, desenvolvido na pÃgina web do LaboratÃrio de ComunicaÃÃo em SaÃde do Departamento de Enfermagem da Universidade Federal do CearÃ. Utilizou-se como referencial metodolÃgico o modelo de Pasquali (2010). A coleta de dados ocorreu entre maio e outubro de 2012. Participaram 17 juÃzes, sendo dez especialistas em saÃde sexual e reprodutiva e sete em educaÃÃo especial. O estudo foi realizado em trÃs etapas: validaÃÃo aparente e de conteÃdo do instrumento de avaliaÃÃo da TA por trÃs especialistas em saÃde sexual e reprodutiva, validaÃÃo da TA por sete especialistas em saÃde sexual e reprodutiva e validaÃÃo da TA por sete especialistas em educaÃÃo especial. Para a anÃlise, os dados foram descritos, avaliados individualmente e organizados na forma de quadros e tabelas. Foram utilizados os programas computacionais Excel 2010 e o Software SPSS versÃo 14.0 e tambÃm foi calculada a adequaÃÃo da representaÃÃo comportamental dos itens. AlÃm disso, foram comparadas e analisadas as sugestÃes dos juÃzes. Os aspectos Ãticos foram respeitados segundo a ResoluÃÃo 196/96. Na validaÃÃo do instrumento, os juÃzes apontaram a necessidade de alterar alguns itens. ApÃs as sugestÃes, o mesmo ganhou um conteÃdo mais completo, objetivo e de fÃcil leitura e compreensÃo. Na validaÃÃo da TA pelos juÃzes de saÃde sexual e reprodutiva, ressalta-se que a maioria das respostas se concentrou nas valoraÃÃes concordantes com a tecnologia. Diante disto, pode-se inferir que nÃo houve discordÃncia significativa, pois das 105 (100%) respostas, 97 (92,4%) versaram em Plenamente Adequado (PA) e Adequado (A). Nesta Ãrea, alguns ajustes foram incorporados à tecnologia, como por exemplo: acrescentar material (papel e saco) para representar o colo do Ãtero e descrever as partes do preservativo feminino. Na validaÃÃo da TA pelos especialistas em educaÃÃo especial, verificou-se tambÃm que as respostas se concentraram nas valoraÃÃes concordantes, pois das 70 (100%) respostas, 68 (97,1%) foram PA e A. Dentre os ajustes, foi pertinente adicionar que o usuÃrio deve ouvir as instruÃÃes por duas vezes e acrescentar um espaÃo de tempo maior entre as instruÃÃes no Ãudio. De acordo com a anÃlise comportamental dos itens, verificou-se que, nas duas avaliaÃÃes, todos os itens atingiram o parÃmetro adotado de 70% (0,7) de concordÃncia. Conclui-se que o instrumento foi validado e tornou-se capaz de avaliar com precisÃo a TA. Esta, por sua vez, foi validada por dois tipos de especialistas e està adequada quanto aos objetivos, estrutura/apresentaÃÃo e relevÃncia. Acredita-se que a TA à um instrumento de promoÃÃo da saÃde, vÃlido e de baixo custo, que poderà auxiliar mulheres com deficiÃncia visual a utilizar o preservativo feminino e, assim, evitar uma gravidez nÃo desejada e o contÃgio com doenÃas sexualmente transmissÃveis. Espera-se que este estudo possa encorajar os enfermeiros a realizar uma educaÃÃo em saÃde inclusiva, que englobe a pessoa com deficiÃncia visual e sua saÃde sexual, com a utilizaÃÃo de uma tecnologia inovadora e de baixo custo.

Promoção da amamentação à luz do referencial de Paulo Freire

LINHARES, Francisca Márcia Pereira 15 February 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Fabio Sobreira Campos da Costa (fabio.sobreira@ufpe.br) on 2016-12-12T13:27:53Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 1232 bytes, checksum: 66e71c371cc565284e70f40736c94386 (MD5) TESE Francisca Márcia FINAL.pdf: 1373519 bytes, checksum: 1a088b8664234079417f087636d0d8c0 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-12-12T13:27:53Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 1232 bytes, checksum: 66e71c371cc565284e70f40736c94386 (MD5) TESE Francisca Márcia FINAL.pdf: 1373519 bytes, checksum: 1a088b8664234079417f087636d0d8c0 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-02-15 / O estudo teve como objetivo desvelar os significados emergidos das vivências das gestantes, nutrizes, familiares e profissionais de saúde, na construção de um plano coletivo para promoção e apoio ao aleitamento materno centrado em categorias epistemológicas freireanas. Para atingir tal objetivo, foi realizada uma pesquisa-ação que seguiu sequência metodológica sugerida por Le Boterf (1999). O estudo foi do tipo descritivo, exploratório, mediado pela abordagem qualitativa, realizado em uma Unidade de Saúde da Família na cidade do Recife/PE. Na primeira fase da pesquisa-ação foi realizado um estudo descritivo, prospectivo e exploratório quantitativo com o objetivo de conhecer o perfil socioeconômico/cultural, as experiências/vivências e saberes sobre amamentação das gestantes, nutrizes, familiares e profissionais de saúde. Apesar das mulheres relatarem o recebimento do apoio à amamentação, este se encontrava fragmentado. Na fase de análise crítica dos problemas, foram efetivados grupos focais, nos quais as opiniões dos participantes foram consideradas. As falas foram submetidas à análise de conteúdo, na modalidade temática, proposta por Bardin. Da análise das falas dos grupos focais emergiu quatro temas: Ações educativas centradas no diálogo envolvendo a rede de apoio social; Ações educativas nas escolas; Ações educativas inseridas nos meios de comunicação; Aconselhamento contínuo na Unidade de Saúde da Família. A primeira estratégias foi implementada pelos profissionais de saúde e posteriormente avaliada pelas gestantes e nutrizes que participaram da estratégia, para tal foi utilizado a seguinte questão norteadora: Qual a sua opinião sobre a assistência prestada a você antes e durante a amamentação do seu filho? Também foi ouvida a opinião dos profissionais de saúde utilizando a seguinte questão norteadora: Como foi para você implementar as ações deste plano coletivo direcionado à promoção e apoio a amamentação na comunidade? Os dados foram analisados segundo o conteúdo manifesto. Ao avaliarmos o uso dos pressupostos teóricos de Paulo Freire nas ações educativas de promoção da amamentação por meio da análise dos depoimentos das mulheres gestantes/nutrizes e dos profissionais de saúde, concluímos ao avaliarmos o diálogo que a escuta ativa valorizou e motivou a participação do usuário do serviço de saúde e as mulheres verbalizaram suas reais dificuldades no processo de amamentação. A problematização esteve presente nas discussões de grupo, traduzidas nas inquietações e dúvidas vivenciadas pelas gestantes e nutrizes envolvendo o processo da amamentação, e ainda, durante as ações educativas quando foi oportunizada às mulheres a participação, a troca de informações e a busca da construção coletiva do conhecimento sobre a o aleitamento materno. Os profissionais de saúde realizaram ações educativas sem autoritarismo, dentro de um ambiente democrático e ouvindo os atores envolvidos. Esta estratégia poderá melhorar o contexto do processo da amamentação, tornando esta prática consciente em sua plenitude na relação mãe e filho. / The lack of knowledge of health care professionals to conduct dialogue-based educational actions seems to be part of the daily routine in pro-breastfeeding activities. This study aimed at unveiling the many meanings emerged from the experiences of pregnant women, wet nurses, family members and health care professionals, in the construction of a joint plan intended to promote and support breastfeeding focused on Freire’s epistemological categories. In order to achieve this purpose, an action-survey was carried out, and adopted the methodological sequence suggested by Le Boterf (1999). The study was descriptive, exploratory and mediated by a qualitative approach in a Family Health Unit in the city of Recife. On the first phase of this study, a descriptive, prospective and exploratory- quantitative study was put forward based on the purpose of knowing the socioeconomic/cultural profiles, the experiences/learning and the theoretical knowledge about breastfeeding by pregnant women, wet nurses, family members and health care professionals. Although the women reported having been given breastfeeding support, this support was fragmented. On the phase of critical analysis of the problems, focus groups were established, in which the participants’ feedback was taken into account. The statements underwent a content analysis based on Bardin’s proposed thematic modality. From the statements of the focus groups, four themes emerged: Dialogue-centered educational actions involving the social support network; Educational actions in schools; Educational activities in the media; Continuous counseling at the Family Health Unit. The first strategy was implemented by health care professionals and then evaluated by the authors who were granted actions, using the following guiding question: What do you think about the assistance you were provided with before, during and after breastfeeding your child? The feedback of the players who carried out the action was also heard. We used the following guiding question: What do you think of implementing the actions of this joint plan for the promotion and support to breastfeeding in your community? The data was analyzed according to the stated content. When evaluating the use of Paulo Freire’s theoretical premises in pro-breastfeeding educational actions by means of the analysis of the statement of pregnant women/wet nurses and health care professionals, it has been concluded that by evaluating their dialogue, we have determined that active hearing valued and motivated health care service user participation and women to express their actual needs in the breastfeeding process. Educational actions were put into perspective when women were granted participation, the possibility to exchange information and search for a collective construction of knowledge about breastfeeding. Health care professionals seek the ethical pathway. This posture was made clear when educational actions were done without authoritarianism, within a democratic environment, and having all stakeholders heard. It is believed that this strategy will improved the context of the breastfeeding process, causing this type of activity to be extended.

Nutrition positive : an incentive program in Saskatoon elementary schools. A case study and preliminary process evaluation

Thompson, Brenda Elaine 15 September 2008
ABSTRACT The purpose of this qualitative case study was to gain an informed understanding of the views of elementary school staff about the characteristics of the Nutrition Positive incentive program including: program development, implementation strategies used by individual schools, and challenges and related concerns associated with program implementation. As an initial step in a process evaluation, knowledge was gained through document analysis, site observations and 14 semi-structured interviews with principals, teachers and nutrition coordinators in 4 Greater Saskatoon Catholic, and 4 Saskatoon Public, Saskatchewan schools. Findings were then compared and contrasted with three models for best practice from the scientific literature and related to school health, education, and promotion. <p>The results led to the following conclusions. Nutrition Positive serves as an entry point for health promotion in Saskatoon elementary schools. While providing principals, teachers and other school staff with the necessary supports to enable children to learn critical life and health skills, it is also practical and realistic. The program can easily be adapted to different age and developmental levels, and a variety of cultures. The Advisory Committee and the program manual provide multiple resources to facilitate implementation. Schools may adapt the program for use across curricula, within school timetables, and concurrent with other health-related programs. Nutrition Positive schools attempt to provide healthy, serve most often foods for student mealtimes, special events, fundraising activities, vending machines and classroom rewards. While the program appears to be sustainable, it needs to specify measurable objectives and requires a better design for its assessment, monitoring and evaluation components. It is recommended that schools include all stakeholders, including parents and students, when forming a school-based program committee. Committee members need to participate in developing written school policies and guidelines, as well as learning about healthy eating themselves. School activities and foods offered need to more consistently and uniformly compliment the curriculum and program goals and objectives. In order to expand, program materials need to be widely publicized, communicated in a timely manner, culturally relevant, and available in languages in addition to English.

Nutrition positive : an incentive program in Saskatoon elementary schools. A case study and preliminary process evaluation

Thompson, Brenda Elaine 15 September 2008 (has links)
ABSTRACT The purpose of this qualitative case study was to gain an informed understanding of the views of elementary school staff about the characteristics of the Nutrition Positive incentive program including: program development, implementation strategies used by individual schools, and challenges and related concerns associated with program implementation. As an initial step in a process evaluation, knowledge was gained through document analysis, site observations and 14 semi-structured interviews with principals, teachers and nutrition coordinators in 4 Greater Saskatoon Catholic, and 4 Saskatoon Public, Saskatchewan schools. Findings were then compared and contrasted with three models for best practice from the scientific literature and related to school health, education, and promotion. <p>The results led to the following conclusions. Nutrition Positive serves as an entry point for health promotion in Saskatoon elementary schools. While providing principals, teachers and other school staff with the necessary supports to enable children to learn critical life and health skills, it is also practical and realistic. The program can easily be adapted to different age and developmental levels, and a variety of cultures. The Advisory Committee and the program manual provide multiple resources to facilitate implementation. Schools may adapt the program for use across curricula, within school timetables, and concurrent with other health-related programs. Nutrition Positive schools attempt to provide healthy, serve most often foods for student mealtimes, special events, fundraising activities, vending machines and classroom rewards. While the program appears to be sustainable, it needs to specify measurable objectives and requires a better design for its assessment, monitoring and evaluation components. It is recommended that schools include all stakeholders, including parents and students, when forming a school-based program committee. Committee members need to participate in developing written school policies and guidelines, as well as learning about healthy eating themselves. School activities and foods offered need to more consistently and uniformly compliment the curriculum and program goals and objectives. In order to expand, program materials need to be widely publicized, communicated in a timely manner, culturally relevant, and available in languages in addition to English.


Hare, Kathleen A. 03 April 2012 (has links)
Sexually Explicit Internet Movies (SEIM) have emerged as a frequently accessed sexual resource by youth; however, SEIM’s potential influences on youth’s sexual health remains an understudied area. This study aimed to develop crucial insight into what youth perceive to be SEIM consumption’s sexual health influences. Employing an exploratory, constructivist grounded-theory approach, data were collected through semi-structured interviews. Three main findings emerged from the data analysis: 1) Youth experienced SEIM consumption as having interconnected negative and positive sexual health influences; 2) SEIM were utilized by youth as a means to explore both their individual sexual self and the subject of sexuality; 3) Youth perceived SEIM consumption differently in the contexts of individual sexual health versus sexual health promotion. Youth’s perceptions suggest that it would be beneficial to enact more holistic, sex-positive approaches to sexual health promotion, and support the utility of creating alternative, lived experience-based discourses about youth sexual health.

Health and health care utilization among the unemployed /

Åhs, Annika, January 2006 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Uppsala : Uppsala universitet, 2006. / Härtill 4 uppsatser.

Women, social capital and mental well-being an examination of participation in community groups /

Osborne, Katy Ann, January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D.)--Flinders University, Faculty of Health Sciences, Dept. of Public Health. / Typescript bound. Includes bibliographical references: (leaves 406-434) Also available online.

Experiência subjetiva de pacientes com dificuldades na realização do exame de ressonância magnética

Cunha, Davi Araújo da 06 August 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Geyciane Santos (geyciane_thamires@hotmail.com) on 2015-05-20T14:59:30Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Disssertação - Davi Araújo da Cunha.pdf: 1466482 bytes, checksum: 1642947f958d2aa1677193b9d43d918e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-05-20T14:59:30Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Disssertação - Davi Araújo da Cunha.pdf: 1466482 bytes, checksum: 1642947f958d2aa1677193b9d43d918e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-08-06 / FAPEAM - Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Amazonas / The study object of this dissertation was to research the subjective experience of patients who performed the Magnetic Resonance Imaging exam in closed field at a health institution in Manaus-AM. The objectives focus on: a) interviewing and analyzing the subjective experience of patients who did not presented emotional/anxious manifestations during the exam in the MRI room; b) interviewing and analyzing the subjective experience of patients who presented some emotional/anxious manifestations which hindered the realization of the MRI exam; c) interviewing and analyzing the subjective experience of patients who presented important emotional/anxious difficulty, and only had the closed field MRI exam under general anesthesia; and, d) expose a proposal for improving the researched service, in the perspective of health care promotion. Psychology as a science and applied disciplinary field of health psychology, have been the core theoretical assumptions of this research. Dedicated to study psychic processes which participate in the health-disease process and understood as complex and multidetermined, health psychology has oriented the study of subjective experience of these patients in real exam situation in an institutional context. Qualitative methods (participant observation) were used and the researcher had a position of reciprocity with the MRI team and with patients in the exam without practicing clinical intervention of psychological character. As data collection instruments: research notes, documentary material and semi-structured interviews. Data were analyzed from the theoretical assumptions and hypotheses defined for this research work. As the study of subjective experience, it was found that the intersubjective interactions, technical and professional skills, positive thinking with resilient characteristics and the experience of faith, can function as attenuators of anxiety during this examination. It is clear, however, that the anesthetic choice for physical and eager complications that preclude the examination is the only option. As a proposal for improving the service, there was a physical and relational satisfactory, but still lacking in physical and instrumental changes that benefit the environment subjectivity of patients. / O objeto de estudo dessa dissertação foi pesquisar a experiência subjetiva de pacientes que realizam o exame de ressonância magnética de campo fechado em uma instituição de saúde na Cidade de Manaus-AM. Os objetivos concentraram-se em: a) entrevistar e analisar a experiência subjetiva de pacientes que não apresentaram manifestações emocional/ansiosa durante a realização do exame na sala de RM; b) entrevistar e analisar a experiência subjetiva de pacientes que apresentaram alguma manifestação emocional/ansiosa que dificultou a realização do exame RM; c) entrevistar e analisar a experiência subjetiva de pacientes que apresentaram dificuldade do tipo emocional/ansiosa importante, e que só realizaram o exame de RM de campo fechado com anestesia geral; e, d) expor uma proposta de melhoria do serviço pesquisado, na perspectiva de promoção de cuidados da saúde. A Psicologia como ciência, e o ramo disciplinar aplicado da psicologia da saúde, foram os pressupostos teóricos centrais dessa pesquisa. Dedicada a estudar os processos psíquicos que participam do processo saúde-doença e compreendidos como complexos e multideterminados, a psicologia da saúde orientou o estudo da experiência subjetiva desses pacientes em situação de exame real em um contexto institucional. Foi utilizado o método qualitativo (observação participante) e o pesquisador teve uma posição de reciprocidade com a equipe de RM e com os pacientes em realização do exame, sem praticar intervenção clínica de caráter psicológico. Como instrumentos de coleta: notas de pesquisa, material documental e roteiro de entrevista semiestruturada. Os dados foram analisados a partir dos pressupostos teóricos e hipóteses de trabalho delimitados para essa pesquisa. Como estudo da experiência subjetiva, verificou-se que, as interações intersubjetivas, habilidade técnico-profissional, pensamento em positividade com características resilientes e a experiência de fé, podem funcionar como atenuadores de ansiedade durante esse exame. Percebe-se, ainda, que a escolha anestésica para complicações físicas e ansiosas que impossibilitam o exame é opção única. Como proposta de melhoria do serviço, verificou-se um ambiente físico e relacional satisfatório, mas ainda carente de modificações físicas e instrumentais que beneficiem a subjetividade dos pacientes.

Diabetes in children and adolescents from non-western immigrant families : health education, support and collaboration

Povlsen, Lene January 2008 (has links)
Aims: The general aims of this thesis were 1) To explore how non-western immigrant families’ different background and factors related to immigration and acculturation may affect the outcome of education and support in paediatric diabetes management; 2) To provide knowledge on how diabetes education and support for immigrant children and their families should be given to ensure them adequate competence in disease management and the children optimum metabolic control. Methods: The thesis comprises five studies carried out 2001-2006. Study I was based on national register data on metabolic control (N=977), questionnaires to all 20 Danish paediatric diabetes centres and structured interviews with 38 immigrant families. Study II was an intervention study including the development of guidelines and adapted educational material, followed by a re-education programme for 37 families. Study III was a case study of 11 Turkish and Kurdish children/families comprising data from medical records, a participant observation and qualitative interviews with the parents, one interpreter and three diabetes team members. Study IV included qualitative interviews with Arabic parents of 12 children, living as immigrants in Denmark and in Cairo/Egypt respectively. Study V comprised data on metabolic control and qualitative interviews with 11 young adult immigrants with type 1 diabetes since childhood or adolescence.Findings: The young immigrants were very unevenly distributed between the Danish paediatric centres. Most teams had little knowledge of and no special educational offers for immigrant families, just as the use of professional interpreters was limited. The immigrant parents had clearly different pre-conditions for diabetes education as compared with ethnic Danish parents, just as most had a low level of acculturation as evaluated by their need for an interpreter. Major differences were identified between the different ethnic groups and between the individual immigrants. The immigrant children and adolescents had different pre-conditions as compared to their parents; most, however, had non-optimum metabolic control. The design of an adapted educational programme could optimise the outcome of diabetes education, but was not sufficient to provide the families with competence in diabetes management and the children/ adolescents with good metabolic control of long duration. Many parents in particular experienced difficulty combining diabetes management with their principles relating to good parenthood. In addition, they appeared to be insecure and doubtful about the competence of the Danish health care professionals.Conclusions: A different ethno-cultural background is likely to create barriers to health education, learning and collaboration. The non-homogeneity of non-western immigrant families requires educational initiatives tailored to the pre-conditions and needs of the individual family members; adapted initiatives such as peer education are suggested. Special support for immigrant children and adolescents should be considered. A close, supportive and trust-filled relationship between the families and health care professionals is needed to facilitate learning, collaboration and good metabolic contro

Espaço social e práticas de saúde bucal na estratégia de Saúde da Família, em uma capital do nordeste do Brasil.

Ribeiro, Paulo César Alcântara January 2009 (has links)
p. 1-86 / Submitted by Santiago Fabio (fabio.ssantiago@hotmail.com) on 2013-05-07T18:35:06Z No. of bitstreams: 1 11111d.pdf: 645344 bytes, checksum: c256e7cf1604abe9b73036c18e808756 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Rodrigo Meirelles(rodrigomei@ufba.br) on 2013-05-09T17:19:07Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 11111d.pdf: 645344 bytes, checksum: c256e7cf1604abe9b73036c18e808756 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2013-05-09T17:19:07Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 11111d.pdf: 645344 bytes, checksum: c256e7cf1604abe9b73036c18e808756 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009 / Introdução: A Estratégia de Saúde da Família tem se consolidado como forma de atuação da atenção primária no Brasil. A inserção de ações de saúde bucal tem sido incentivada desde 2001. Objetivo: Identificar o perfil sociodemográfico e ocupacional dos cirurgiões-dentistas (CDs), inseridos nas Equipes de Saúde Bucal (ESB) da Estratégia de Saúde da Família (ESF), no município de Salvador, no ano de 2008. Metodologia: Estudo descritivo de corte transversal. Oitenta e oito profissionais constituíram o universo da pesquisa; setenta e seis CDs concordaram em participar do estudo, havendo uma perda correspondente a 13,6%. A coleta de dados foi realizada por meio de um questionário estruturado, autoaplicado com o objetivo de coletar informações sobre as condições socioeconômicas e ocupacionais dos CDs, como acesso à pós-graduação, inserção no setor privado, tempo de trabalho, forma de seleção e contrato de trabalho na ESF. Resultados: A maioria dos cirurgiões dentistas era do sexo feminino (75,0%), com faixa etária predominante entre 35 e 46 anos (36,8%) e com mais de onze anos de graduação (60,6%). Com relação à escolaridade, cursaram o ensino fundamental (75,0%) e médio (75,0%), em escolas privadas. Em relação à graduação, 80,3% realizaram-na em escolas públicas, sendo a UFBA a maior formadora, a qual contribuiu para formação de 67,1% dos CDs. O ingresso na ESF foi por meio de seleção pública (88,2%). Ressalta-se ainda que grande parte não atua no setor privado (73,7%), sendo o serviço público o principal e único empregador. Conclusão: O perfil profissional desse grupo pode ser considerado positivo, haja vista que a inserção no setor privado poderia comprometer as práticas desses profissionais, no setor público. Contudo, a formação específica, na área, pode ser um aspecto para melhoria dos gestores locais. / Salvador

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