Spelling suggestions: "subject:"dealth services - ddministration"" "subject:"dealth services - coadministration""
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Managing records in South African public health care institutions : a critical analysisKatuu, Shadrack Ayub 14 September 2015 (has links)
The historical evolution of South Africa’s health sector, dating back to the 17th century, is significantly
different from that of other African countries. Throughout the four centuries of development there have
been numerous advances in health policy, legislative instruments and health system progress. Against
this background this dissertation critically analysed the management of records in public health care
institutions in South Africa. The study did this by addressing three objectives: assess the legislative,
policy and regulatory contextual framework of South Africa’s health care system; assess the
effectiveness of records management within public health care institutions; and identify appropriate
interventions to address the challenges facing records management in the health care system. The
study used purposive sampling to identify respondents with diverse expertise in three main sectors: the
public sector, the private sector as well as in academic and research institutions. Using interview
research technique the study solicited data that was analysed in order to provide a composite picture in
addressing the research objectives.
The analysis of data revealed three overarching themes. First, there is substantial legislative and
regulatory dissonance in the management of health records in the country. While there are extensive
legislative, regulatory and policy instruments that could be used to manage records, many lack
coherence with records management issues such as records retention. Second, understanding the
complex interplay of different legal and regulatory instruments is a critical first step, but it remains the
beginning of the process towards building a sophisticated implementation process. For this process to
be successful, study respondents argued that records compliance would have to be the backbone of all
other compliance processes. Third, while there were substantial areas of weakness in the management
of records in South Africa’s public health sector, there have been a number of pockets of excellence.
These include the efforts towards complying to access to information legislation by the Limpopo
Department of Health and Social Development as well as the successful introduction of Enterprise
Content Management systems in health care institutions by the Western Cape Department of Health / Information Science / D. Litt. et Phil. (Information Science)
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Reuniões de equipe na Estratégia Saúde da Família a partir do referencial pichoniano de grupo operativo / Reuniones de equipo en la Estrategia Salud de la Familia a partir del referencial pichoniano de grupo operativo / Team meetings in Family Health Strategy based on the pichonian reference of an operational groupGrando, Maristel Kasper January 2007 (has links)
Estudo exploratório, qualitativo, com o objetivo de analisar as reuniões de equipe da Estratégia Saúde da Família, à luz do referencial pichoniano de grupo operativo. Pontualmente, buscou-se caracterizar essa prática com relação aos aspectos organizacionais e logísticos, bem como identificar os aspectos dinamizadores e obstaculizadores da dinâmica grupal, a partir do olhar da equipe. Os dados foram coletados no período entre maio e agosto de 2007, em um município do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, por meio das Técnicas de Observação Direta Não Participante e de Grupos Focais. Foram observadas cinco reuniões protocolares da equipe, tendo-se realizado cinco encontros de Grupos Focais. Participaram do estudo duas equipes da Estratégia Saúde da Família, caracterizadas como equipe dupla, agregando 18 sujeitos, entre eles: enfermeiros, médicos, dentistas, técnicos de enfermagem, auxiliares de consultório dentário e agentes comunitários de saúde. O material foi organizado conforme propõe Minayo (2007), tendo-se adotado a perspectiva pichoniana de grupo operativo para análise do mesmo. Os resultados preliminares, oriundos da observação, constituíram-se nos disparadores das sessões do Grupo Focal e os resultados, no conjunto, foram agrupados em três eixos temáticos: caracterização das reuniões de equipe quanto aos aspectos organizacionais e logísticos, aspectos dinamizadores e obstaculizadores da dinâmica grupal e alguns insights para romper com a estereotipia. Para os participantes, as reuniões de equipe são compreendidas como importantes espaços de encontro com vistas à construção coletiva do trabalho cotidiano. No entanto, a prática adotada centrava-se no atendimento de questões técnicas, tangenciando aspectos relacionados ao processo grupal, condição considerada necessária ao trabalho em equipe, na Estratégia Saúde da Família. Pela ótica dos sujeitos, os aspectos de organização e logística das reuniões de equipe não foram cogitados como relevantes, embora carecessem de certos cuidados, especialmente na elaboração da pauta, na utilização do livro-ata e no tempo de duração das reuniões. Dificuldades de expressar idéias e emitir opiniões contrárias emergiram como obstáculos na dinâmica grupal, indicando que a condição de adotar uma postura crítica levava à segregação do grupo, apontando que as principais fragilidades estavam associadas ao processo relacional da equipe. 9 Ao final, alguns insights favoreceram a tomada de consciência e, assim, desvelou-se a ilusão de “equipe perfeita”, havendo gradual reconhecimento de que esta concepção permanecia mais no plano da idealização do que, propriamente, da realidade. Em um movimento participativo com os próprios sujeitos, identificou-se que havia necessidade de instrumentação da equipe para manejar aspectos relacionados ao processo grupal, considerando que o conhecimento sobre o referencial de Grupo Operativo poderia contribuir para o trabalho que envolve grupos, pois se trata de uma iniciativa que tem se configurado numa tendência do trabalho em saúde, na atualidade. Desse modo, conhecer e conseguir identificar os principais fenômenos presentes no campo grupal, possibilita às equipes conduzirem suas reuniões de forma operativa, considerando-se não somente os resultados, mas, sobretudo, o processo percorrido pelos sujeitos até o alcance da tarefa, com vistas à aprendizagem grupal. / Exploratory qualitative study, to analyze the meetings of the Family Health Strategy team, considering the Pichonian reference of an operational group. It was sought to characterize this practice regarding the organizational and logistic aspects, touching on certain points, and also to identify the aspects that dynamize and create obstacles in group dynamics, based on the look of the team. The data were collected in May-August 2007, in a municipality of the state of Rio Grande do Sul, using the Non-Participant Direct Observation Techniques and Focus Groups. Five meetings conducted by the team according to a protocol were observed, and five Focus Group meetings were held. Two Family Health Strategy teams participated in the study, characterized as a double team, with 18 individuals, including: nurses, physicians, dentists, nurse technicians, dental office assistants and community health agents. The material was organized as proposed by Minayo (2007) and the pichonian perspective of an operational group was adopted to analyze it. The preliminary results of observation were the triggers for the Focus Group sessions and all the results were grouped into three thematic lines: characterization of team meetings regarding the organizational and logistic aspects, dynamizing aspects and those of obstacles to group dynamics, and a few insights to break down the stereotype. For the participants, the team meetings are seen as important meetings spaces with a view to the collective construction of day-to-day work. However, the practice adopted focused on responding to technical issues, touching on aspects related to the group process, a condition considered essential for team work in the Family Health Strategy. From the standpoint of the subjects, the aspects of organization and logistics of the team meetings were not considered relevant, although they lack a certain amount of care, especially when establishing the agenda, recording the minutes and meeting duration. Difficulties in expressing ideas and presenting contrary opinions emerged as obstacles in the group dynamics, indicating that adopting a critical attitude led to segregation from the group, showing that the main weaknesses were associated with the process of team relations. At the end, a few insights favored awareness, and thus the illusion of a “perfect team” was shown not to be true, with a gradual recognition that this concept was rather a matter of idealization than of reality, proper. In a participatory movement with the subjects 13 themselves, it was identified that the team had to be instrumented to manage aspects related to the group process, considering that knowledge on the referential of an Operational Group might contribute to the work involving groups, since this is currently an initiative that has become a tendency of health care work. Thus, getting to know and managing to identify the main phenomena present in the field of groups allows the teams to conduct their meetings in an operational form, considering not only the results , but above all the process used by the subjects until the task is fulfilled, with a view to group learning. / Estudio exploratorio, cualitativo, con el objetivo de analizar las reuniones de equipo de la Estrategia Salud de la Familia, desde el referencial pichoniano de grupo operativo. Puntualmente, se buscó caracterizar esa práctica con relación a los aspectos organizacionales y logísticos, bien como identificar a los aspectos dinamizadores y obstaculizadores de la dinámica grupal, a partir del punto de vista del equipo. Los datos fueron recolectados en el período entre mayo y agosto de 2007, en una municipalidad del estado del Rio Grande do Sul, por medio de las Técnicas de Observación Directa No Participante y de Grupos Focales. Fueron observadas cinco reuniones protocolares del equipo y realizados cinco encuentros de Grupos Focales. Participaron del estudio dos equipos de la Estrategia Salud de la Familia, caracterizados como equipo doble, agregando 18 sujetos, entre ellos: enfermeros, médicos, dentistas, técnicos de enfermería, auxiliares de consultorio dentario y agentes comunitarios de salud. El material fue organizado según propone Minayo (2007), siendo adoptada la perspectiva pichoniana de grupo operativo para análisis del mismo. Los resultados preliminares, oriundos de la observación, se constituyeron en los disparadores de las sesiones del Grupo Focal y los resultados, en el conjunto, fueron agrupados en tres ejes temáticos: caracterización de las reuniones de equipo en cuanto a los aspectos organizacionales y logísticos, aspectos dinamizadores y obstaculizadores de la dinámica grupal y algunos insights para romper con la estereotipia. Para los participantes, las reuniones de equipo son comprendidas como importantes espacios de encuentro con vistas a la construcción colectiva del trabajo cotidiano. Sin embargo, la práctica adoptada se centraba en la atención a cuestiones técnicas, pasando al lado de los aspectos relacionados al proceso grupal, condición considerada necesaria al trabajo en equipo, en la Estrategia Salud de la Familia. Según la óptica de los sujetos, los aspectos de organización y logística de las reuniones de equipo no fueron considerados relevantes, sin embargo carecían de ciertos cuidados, especialmente en la elaboración de la pauta, en la utilización del libro-acta y en el tiempo de duración de las reuniones. Dificultades de expresar ideas y emitir opiniones contrarias emergieron como obstáculos en la dinámica grupal, indicando que la condición de adoptar una postura crítica llevaba a la segregación del grupo, apuntando que las 11 principales fragilidades estaban asociadas al proceso relacional del equipo. Al final, algunos insights favorecieron la toma de consciencia y, así, se desveló la ilusión de “equipo perfecto”, ocurriendo gradual reconocimiento de que esta concepción permanecía más en el plano de la idealización que, propiamente, de la realidad. En un movimiento participativo con los propios sujetos, se identificó que había necesidad de instrumentación del equipo para manejar aspectos relacionados al proceso grupal, considerando que el conocimiento acerca del referencial de Grupo Operativo podría contribuir para el trabajo que envuelve grupos, visto tratarse de una iniciativa que se haya configurado en una tendencia del trabajo en salud actualmente. De ese modo, conocer y conseguir identificar los principales fenómenos, presentes en el campo grupal, posibilitan a los equipos conducir sus reuniones de forma operativa, considerándose no solamente los resultados, pero, sobretodo, el proceso recorrido por los sujetos hasta el alcance de la tarea, con vistas al aprendizaje grupal.
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Desenvolvimento de um sistema web para a notificação e vigilância epidemiológica de trauma com monitorização e análise de indicadores de qualidade do atendimento / Development of a web system for trauma notification and trauma epidemiological surveillance with monitoring and analysis of care quality indicatorsSara Galleni de Oliveira 01 June 2016 (has links)
O trauma é uma das principais causas de morte no mundo. Estima-se que mais de cinco milhões de pessoas morrem anualmente por algum tipo de trauma e que outras milhões que sobrevivem aos ferimentos ficam com sequelas temporárias ou permanentes, o que implica em custos diretos e indiretos de bilhões de reais. Desta forma, o problema do trauma envolve questões de ordem epidemiológica, social, assistencial, financeira e de gestão. Uma das maneiras de minimizar este problema é avaliar as fases do atendimento por meio de programas de melhoria de qualidade. O Comitê de Trauma do Colégio Americano de Cirurgiões criou uma base de dados única de registros de traumas de diversos centros nos Estados Unidos e Canadá na base de dados única do National Trauma Data Bank (NTDB). Após coletados, os dados são processados e transformados em relatórios anuais com indicadores que fornecem uma visão da situação geral do atendimento ao trauma em todo o país. Muitos países investem recursos para construir registros de trauma ou base de dados regionais, que são importantes fontes de dados para construção de indicadores de qualidade. No Brasil não existe a notificação sistemática dos pacientes traumatizados nos serviços de saúde. O presente estudo tem por finalidade desenvolver um software com módulo de notificação e vigilância epidemiológica dos traumas associado à monitorização e análise dos dados consolidados utilizando indicadores de qualidade. Para teste do software foi utilizado o banco de dados de pacientes traumatizados atendidos na Unidade de Emergência do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto - Universidade de São Paulo (UE-HCFMRP/USP) no período de 2006 a 2014. No software desenvolvido há duas maneiras de inserir dados de trauma: manualmente por meio do preenchimento do formulário eletrônico de notificação ou por meio da importação direta de arquivo Excel com a mesma sequência de dados. Desta forma, os indicadores são gerados automaticamente e podem ser visualizados em gráficos e tabelas. Os resultados obtidos através do uso da ferramenta foram utilizados para analisar a situação da assistência ao trauma na região de Ribeirão Preto. A análise destes resultados também foi essencial para verificar a capacidade da ferramenta em prover informações relevantes para a gestão hospitalar. A partir da análise dos resultados obtidos, concluímos que a ferramenta pode auxiliar a avaliação da qualidade do atendimento ao trauma. Uma possibilidade de expansão do sistema é incluir novos indicadores e coletar dados de outras instituições para permitir benchmarking externo. / Trauma is a leading cause of death worldwide. It is estimated that more than five million people die annually from some sort of trauma and millions more who survive their injuries are left with temporary or permanent sequelae, which leads to billions of Reais in direct and indirect costs. Thus, the question of trauma involves epidemiological, social, healthcare, financial and management issues. One way to lessen such problems is to evaluate the phases of medical care through quality improvement programs. The American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma has created a unique aggregation of trauma registry data from several centers in the United States and Canada in a single database, the National Trauma Data Bank (NTDB). After collected, the data are processed into annual reports with indicators that provide a view of the overall situation of trauma care nationwide. Many countries invest resources on gathering trauma registries or building regional databases, which are important sources of data for generating care quality indicators. In Brazil there is no systematic notification of trauma patients in health services. The present study aims to develop a software with a trauma notification and epidemiological surveillance module associated with the monitoring and analysis of the consolidated data using care quality indicators. To test the software we used the database of trauma patients treated at the Emergency Unit of the Clinics Hospital at the Ribeirão Preto Medical School - University of São Paulo (UE HCFMRP/USP) from 2006 to 2014. There are two ways to feed the software with the trauma data: manually, by completing an electronic notification form or by directly importing an Excel file with the same data stream. The indicators are then generated automatically and can be viewed in charts and tables. The results yielded from the software were used to assess the situation of trauma healthcare in the Ribeirão Preto region. The analysis of such results was also crucial to determine the software capacity to provide relevant information for hospital management. The results analysis led us to conclude that the software can help assess the quality of trauma healthcare. A possibility of system expansion is to include new indicators and collect data from other institutions to allow external benchmarking.
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Reuniões de equipe na Estratégia Saúde da Família a partir do referencial pichoniano de grupo operativo / Reuniones de equipo en la Estrategia Salud de la Familia a partir del referencial pichoniano de grupo operativo / Team meetings in Family Health Strategy based on the pichonian reference of an operational groupGrando, Maristel Kasper January 2007 (has links)
Estudo exploratório, qualitativo, com o objetivo de analisar as reuniões de equipe da Estratégia Saúde da Família, à luz do referencial pichoniano de grupo operativo. Pontualmente, buscou-se caracterizar essa prática com relação aos aspectos organizacionais e logísticos, bem como identificar os aspectos dinamizadores e obstaculizadores da dinâmica grupal, a partir do olhar da equipe. Os dados foram coletados no período entre maio e agosto de 2007, em um município do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, por meio das Técnicas de Observação Direta Não Participante e de Grupos Focais. Foram observadas cinco reuniões protocolares da equipe, tendo-se realizado cinco encontros de Grupos Focais. Participaram do estudo duas equipes da Estratégia Saúde da Família, caracterizadas como equipe dupla, agregando 18 sujeitos, entre eles: enfermeiros, médicos, dentistas, técnicos de enfermagem, auxiliares de consultório dentário e agentes comunitários de saúde. O material foi organizado conforme propõe Minayo (2007), tendo-se adotado a perspectiva pichoniana de grupo operativo para análise do mesmo. Os resultados preliminares, oriundos da observação, constituíram-se nos disparadores das sessões do Grupo Focal e os resultados, no conjunto, foram agrupados em três eixos temáticos: caracterização das reuniões de equipe quanto aos aspectos organizacionais e logísticos, aspectos dinamizadores e obstaculizadores da dinâmica grupal e alguns insights para romper com a estereotipia. Para os participantes, as reuniões de equipe são compreendidas como importantes espaços de encontro com vistas à construção coletiva do trabalho cotidiano. No entanto, a prática adotada centrava-se no atendimento de questões técnicas, tangenciando aspectos relacionados ao processo grupal, condição considerada necessária ao trabalho em equipe, na Estratégia Saúde da Família. Pela ótica dos sujeitos, os aspectos de organização e logística das reuniões de equipe não foram cogitados como relevantes, embora carecessem de certos cuidados, especialmente na elaboração da pauta, na utilização do livro-ata e no tempo de duração das reuniões. Dificuldades de expressar idéias e emitir opiniões contrárias emergiram como obstáculos na dinâmica grupal, indicando que a condição de adotar uma postura crítica levava à segregação do grupo, apontando que as principais fragilidades estavam associadas ao processo relacional da equipe. 9 Ao final, alguns insights favoreceram a tomada de consciência e, assim, desvelou-se a ilusão de “equipe perfeita”, havendo gradual reconhecimento de que esta concepção permanecia mais no plano da idealização do que, propriamente, da realidade. Em um movimento participativo com os próprios sujeitos, identificou-se que havia necessidade de instrumentação da equipe para manejar aspectos relacionados ao processo grupal, considerando que o conhecimento sobre o referencial de Grupo Operativo poderia contribuir para o trabalho que envolve grupos, pois se trata de uma iniciativa que tem se configurado numa tendência do trabalho em saúde, na atualidade. Desse modo, conhecer e conseguir identificar os principais fenômenos presentes no campo grupal, possibilita às equipes conduzirem suas reuniões de forma operativa, considerando-se não somente os resultados, mas, sobretudo, o processo percorrido pelos sujeitos até o alcance da tarefa, com vistas à aprendizagem grupal. / Exploratory qualitative study, to analyze the meetings of the Family Health Strategy team, considering the Pichonian reference of an operational group. It was sought to characterize this practice regarding the organizational and logistic aspects, touching on certain points, and also to identify the aspects that dynamize and create obstacles in group dynamics, based on the look of the team. The data were collected in May-August 2007, in a municipality of the state of Rio Grande do Sul, using the Non-Participant Direct Observation Techniques and Focus Groups. Five meetings conducted by the team according to a protocol were observed, and five Focus Group meetings were held. Two Family Health Strategy teams participated in the study, characterized as a double team, with 18 individuals, including: nurses, physicians, dentists, nurse technicians, dental office assistants and community health agents. The material was organized as proposed by Minayo (2007) and the pichonian perspective of an operational group was adopted to analyze it. The preliminary results of observation were the triggers for the Focus Group sessions and all the results were grouped into three thematic lines: characterization of team meetings regarding the organizational and logistic aspects, dynamizing aspects and those of obstacles to group dynamics, and a few insights to break down the stereotype. For the participants, the team meetings are seen as important meetings spaces with a view to the collective construction of day-to-day work. However, the practice adopted focused on responding to technical issues, touching on aspects related to the group process, a condition considered essential for team work in the Family Health Strategy. From the standpoint of the subjects, the aspects of organization and logistics of the team meetings were not considered relevant, although they lack a certain amount of care, especially when establishing the agenda, recording the minutes and meeting duration. Difficulties in expressing ideas and presenting contrary opinions emerged as obstacles in the group dynamics, indicating that adopting a critical attitude led to segregation from the group, showing that the main weaknesses were associated with the process of team relations. At the end, a few insights favored awareness, and thus the illusion of a “perfect team” was shown not to be true, with a gradual recognition that this concept was rather a matter of idealization than of reality, proper. In a participatory movement with the subjects 13 themselves, it was identified that the team had to be instrumented to manage aspects related to the group process, considering that knowledge on the referential of an Operational Group might contribute to the work involving groups, since this is currently an initiative that has become a tendency of health care work. Thus, getting to know and managing to identify the main phenomena present in the field of groups allows the teams to conduct their meetings in an operational form, considering not only the results , but above all the process used by the subjects until the task is fulfilled, with a view to group learning. / Estudio exploratorio, cualitativo, con el objetivo de analizar las reuniones de equipo de la Estrategia Salud de la Familia, desde el referencial pichoniano de grupo operativo. Puntualmente, se buscó caracterizar esa práctica con relación a los aspectos organizacionales y logísticos, bien como identificar a los aspectos dinamizadores y obstaculizadores de la dinámica grupal, a partir del punto de vista del equipo. Los datos fueron recolectados en el período entre mayo y agosto de 2007, en una municipalidad del estado del Rio Grande do Sul, por medio de las Técnicas de Observación Directa No Participante y de Grupos Focales. Fueron observadas cinco reuniones protocolares del equipo y realizados cinco encuentros de Grupos Focales. Participaron del estudio dos equipos de la Estrategia Salud de la Familia, caracterizados como equipo doble, agregando 18 sujetos, entre ellos: enfermeros, médicos, dentistas, técnicos de enfermería, auxiliares de consultorio dentario y agentes comunitarios de salud. El material fue organizado según propone Minayo (2007), siendo adoptada la perspectiva pichoniana de grupo operativo para análisis del mismo. Los resultados preliminares, oriundos de la observación, se constituyeron en los disparadores de las sesiones del Grupo Focal y los resultados, en el conjunto, fueron agrupados en tres ejes temáticos: caracterización de las reuniones de equipo en cuanto a los aspectos organizacionales y logísticos, aspectos dinamizadores y obstaculizadores de la dinámica grupal y algunos insights para romper con la estereotipia. Para los participantes, las reuniones de equipo son comprendidas como importantes espacios de encuentro con vistas a la construcción colectiva del trabajo cotidiano. Sin embargo, la práctica adoptada se centraba en la atención a cuestiones técnicas, pasando al lado de los aspectos relacionados al proceso grupal, condición considerada necesaria al trabajo en equipo, en la Estrategia Salud de la Familia. Según la óptica de los sujetos, los aspectos de organización y logística de las reuniones de equipo no fueron considerados relevantes, sin embargo carecían de ciertos cuidados, especialmente en la elaboración de la pauta, en la utilización del libro-acta y en el tiempo de duración de las reuniones. Dificultades de expresar ideas y emitir opiniones contrarias emergieron como obstáculos en la dinámica grupal, indicando que la condición de adoptar una postura crítica llevaba a la segregación del grupo, apuntando que las 11 principales fragilidades estaban asociadas al proceso relacional del equipo. Al final, algunos insights favorecieron la toma de consciencia y, así, se desveló la ilusión de “equipo perfecto”, ocurriendo gradual reconocimiento de que esta concepción permanecía más en el plano de la idealización que, propiamente, de la realidad. En un movimiento participativo con los propios sujetos, se identificó que había necesidad de instrumentación del equipo para manejar aspectos relacionados al proceso grupal, considerando que el conocimiento acerca del referencial de Grupo Operativo podría contribuir para el trabajo que envuelve grupos, visto tratarse de una iniciativa que se haya configurado en una tendencia del trabajo en salud actualmente. De ese modo, conocer y conseguir identificar los principales fenómenos, presentes en el campo grupal, posibilitan a los equipos conducir sus reuniones de forma operativa, considerándose no solamente los resultados, pero, sobretodo, el proceso recorrido por los sujetos hasta el alcance de la tarea, con vistas al aprendizaje grupal.
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Avaliação da assistência ambulatorial a pessoas vivendo com HIV/aids em serviços públicos no estado de São Paulo: relações entre qualidade e organização do processo de trabalho / Evaluation of the health care to people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) in the State of São Paulo, Brazil: relationship between organizational dimensions and quality of careElen Rose Lodeiro Castanheira 27 September 2002 (has links)
Trata-se de um pesquisa avaliativa, de caráter qualitativo, que avaliou a qualidade da assistência em 27 serviços públicos de atenção à aids no estado de São Paulo. A assistência ambulatorial foi avaliada enquanto uma ação programática integrada às propostas ético normativas do Programa Nacional de DST/Aids, utilizando-se o conceito de organização tecnológica do trabalho tanto para a montagem dos instrumentos de avaliação, como categoria de análise. Os parâmetros programáticos utilizados foram: clareza na priorização, especificidade na apreensão e manipulação dos objetos, acoplamento amarrado de atividades, acessibilidade do alvo, foco de julgamento e avaliação e compreensão e adesão dos agentes às proposições éticas do Programa. O material empírico foi colhido através de entrevistas com os gerentes e observação do trabalho. A partir desse material, foram definidos como indicadores programáticos da assistência ambulatorial: o fluxo articulado e diversificado de alternativas assistenciais, o acolhimento dos pacientes novos, a atenção integral às gestantes, a abordagem da sexualidade, da concepção e da adesão ao tratamento, o encaminhamento dos pacientes difíceis, as abordagens psico-sociais e os mecanismos de integração da equipe. Os resultados indicaram que a organização tecnológica da assistência na média dos serviços conforma um modelo tecnológico de transição entre a assistência médica ambulatorial tradicional, tendo como eixo o trabalho médico especializado, e um modelo de atenção integral, centrado no trabalho multiprofissional e orientado pelo plano ético normativo do programa. A composição dos indicadores pode delimitar 3 grupos de qualidade, tecnologicamente distintos, tendo no grupo de melhor qualidade os serviços que têm conseguido avançar na radicalização de suas propostas assistenciais na direção dos compromissos éticos de promoção e emancipação dos sujeitos. Os resultados desta pesquisa estão sendo utilizados para validação de uma avaliação de qualidade dos ambulatórios públicos de assistência à aids em todo o Brasil. / Twenty-seven AIDS outpatient services from São Paulo State public health system, Brazil had their quality of care evaluated. Interviews with the managers and work observation were applied in all services. The approach was focused on the integration of the process of care through the following evaluation parameters: prioritization of relevant work targets; use of different and specific technical approaches; evaluation activities; health team integration, and communication between professionals and patients The analysis was carried out through the following empirical indicators: routine for the patients who missed appointments and/or interrupted the treatment, are pregnant or drug users and who had their first contact with the service, routine discussing sexuality, conception, and adherence; regular use of psychological and social approaches; regular mechanisms of integration among different professionals, e.g. meetings, case discussions and training; initiatives in enhancing dialogue with patients, e.g. discussion groups and with the community, e.g. ombudsman and cooperation with NGO; skills coping with non predictable situations, e.g. patients who frequently miss appointments or refuse the treatment or asked for other kinds of appointment routines; manager leadership in dealing with technical and ethical issues on team interaction. With the analysis of this indicator network it was possible to classify the 27 services in 3 levels of quality. These results are being used to establish criteria for the quality of care evaluation, which is being carried out on a national scale in the AIDS Brazilian Program.
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An investigation of purchasing and supply chain management practices and challenges in state enterprises : a case study of the health sector in ZimbabweShonhe, Johnson January 2017 (has links)
Submitted in fulfilment of the requirements of the degree of Doctor of Technology: Public Management, Durban University of Technology, 2017. / The world over, countries are burdened with existing and emerging diseases and while that affected all nations, sub-Saharan Africa carried the heaviest portion. This filtered to Zimbabwe where a myriad of health challenges are faced. Unavailability of medicines coupled with poor inventory management of these medicines has been prevalent. Insufficient financial resources and increasing cost of healthcare costs is one of the pressing matters. It is also important to note that these challenges are occurring at a time when government is realising the crucial role of procurement in addressing health challenges.
Due to the extent, depth, breadth and nature of the health challenges and their criticality in establishing sustainable and affordable health system in Zimbabwe, a case study approach has been adopted where data from questionnaires, interviews, documents and observations were corroborated and triangulated in an effort to bring to the surface deep-seated procurement matters and how they are related to the challenges provided.
Thus, in terms of the research findings, it was first revealed that the procurement legislative frameworks and processes are fragmented and not in one place resulting in multiple accountabilities. It was further shown that the framework is inappropriate in a healthcare set-up where issues of speed and flexibility in addressing requirements are paramount. It was also shown that procurement planning being a critical aspect is regrettably and detrimentally missing in procurements. In addition, the selection criteria as set out in the regulations and practiced by individual state health facilities indicated over-reliance on price and that being the case, key aspects such as quality and supply-lead time are missed and yet are very necessary in terms of evaluation among other factors.
In the findings, the peripheral role of procurement staff with clinicians being also at the epicentre of purchasing decisions was presented. Perhaps related to that was the inadequacy of procurement skills and competences from the procurement personnel.
Last on the findings, financing and the frequency of disbursement was unmatched with hospital requirements and thus resulting in unavailability of adequate medicines and equipment. / D
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An investigation of the intention to leave or stay of health care professionals at St. Andrews HospitalAmanambu, Rochelle Aneeta January 2014 (has links)
Background: The demand for and retention of talent worldwide is aggravated by revolutionary trends that include global competition, demographic changes and technological advances. In South Africa this phenomenon according to Frost (2002) is further challenged by the emigration of skilled people; the relative scarcity of specialist and managerial employees; employment equity and affirmative action procedures. But the development of strategies first requires an understanding of the factors which influence decisions to leave or stay particularly in rural and remote areas. St. Andrews Hospital is a rural district hospital in Ugu District, KZN. Its remoteness from urban areas and the lack of resources contributes towards challenges of attracting and retaining health care professionals to the area. It is the aim of this study to identify the ten most prevalent turnover and retention factors in a rural district hospital with the intention of making recommendations towards strategies to mitigate turnover and improve retention of health care professionals. This study will not only serve the local Human Resource Department but may also be used to inform district and provincial policies as well as departments’ decisions in the design or the review of current retention strategies aimed at reducing turnover. Method: The survey method was used to collect the primary data by distribution of self-administered questionnaires to Health Care Professionals at St. Andrews Hospital. Of the one hundred and fifty questionnaires distributed, one hundred and seven were returned (71% response rate) and formed the basis of the study. Results: Based on the impact scores, the top three turnover factors identified were, the way the organisation is led by top management (0.934); the size of the workload (0.862); and the way problems are dealt with by managers in the organisation (0.817). No statistically significant relationships were found between turnover factors and biographical variable. Availability of quality health services was ranked as the external factor that had the highest influence (78%) on turnover, while geographical location was ranked the lowest. The main reason given by respondents for leaving their previous employment was promotion, followed by distance and personal/family reasons. The top three retention factors identified from the impact scores were the quality of relationships with colleagues (1.698); the amount of support received from managers and colleagues (1.484); and the level of engagement and involvement with the job (1.390). This demonstrates that the salary package often thought to be a first priority factor Mobley, Horner and Hollingsworth (1978); Mobley (1982) and Herzberg (2003) is far less of a determining factor at St. Andrews Hospital than management support, job involvement and person-organisation fit as well as the social relationships formed in the workplace. A positive relationship was found between leadership and job dimension factors at the 1% level of significance. This supports the strong social bond (person-organisation fit) formed in the work environment between management and colleagues that supports retention and increases level of commitment. An important result of the study was that 46% of the respondents were thinking of leaving the town within the year while 29% were considering resigning from St. Andrews Hospital within the year. Conclusion: The results reveal a complex interaction of factors impacting on turnover and retention. The Human Resource Management function has a pivotal role to play in improving its ability to attract and retain professionals through developing comprehensive strategies based on external and internal and environmental factors. The study conveys to the St. Andrews Hospital management that turnover and retention factors are unique to the location and the working environment and differs amongst Health Care Professionals – this should be deliberated on when formulating Hospital Human Resource retention policies.
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Avaliação assistencial da população atendida no ambulatório A2MG404 (Hepatite B) da Divisão de Gastroenterologia e Hepatologia Clínica do HC-FMUSP / Assistance assessment of the population served at the ambulatory A2MG404 (Hepatitis B) of the Division of Gastroenterology and Clinical Hepatology of HCFMUSPFelipe Pereira de Souza 22 May 2018 (has links)
Introdução: A infecção pelo vírus da Hepatite B (HBV) é um grande problema de saúde pública, uma vez que cerca de 257 milhões de pessoas em todo o mundo são acometidas pelo vírus. Mundialmente, devido ao grande movimento migratório, descrevem-se mudanças no perfil dos pacientes portadores de HBV. Desta forma, objetivamos caracterizar a população de pacientes portadores HBV atendidos no ambulatório A2MG404 de Hepatites Virais do HC-FMUSP. Métodos: Este foi um estudo retrospectivo descritivo de 617 novos pacientes com exames sorológicos positivos para HBV, em seguimento no ambulatório A2MG404 entre janeiro de 2005 e dezembro de 2015. Dados demográficos, epidemiológicos e clínicos foram obtidos de prontuários eletrônicos institucionais (SIGH-PRODESP, HCMED e ProntMed). A coleta e gerenciamento de dados foi realizada utilizando o software on-line REDCap (V6.16.4). A análise estatística foi realizada utilizando o software R (V3.3.0). O teste de Shapiro-Wilk foi utilizado para testar a normalidade dos dados; dados não paramétricos foram comparados utilizando-se o teste de Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney; as proporções entre populações foram comparadas utilizando-se o Teste Z. Foram considerados estatisticamente significativos valores de p < 0,05. Resultados: Foi observada predominância do sexo masculino (60,9%); mediana de idade de 48 anos; raça branca (70,8%) e nível de escolaridade baixo [ensino fundamental completo (37,4%)] entre os pacientes. A maioria deles eram brasileiros (93,5%), residentes no estado de São Paulo (98,4%), principalmente na cidade de São Paulo (63,6%). Pacientes residentes em outros estados do Brasil também foram atendidos no serviço (1,6%), bem como estrangeiros (6,5%). Coinfecção por HCV foi identificada em 7,8% dos pacientes; e por HIV em 1,3% destes. De base, 109/617 (17,66%) pacientes eram AgHBe positivo [infecção crônica: 42/617 (6,8%); hepatite crônica: 67/617 (10,8%)]; 350/617 (56,72%) pacientes eram AgHBe negativo [infecção crônica: 290/617 (47,0%); hepatite crônica: 60/617 (9,7%)]; 104/617 (16,9%) pacientes eram Anti-HBc Total e Anti-HBs positivos; 49/617 (8,0%) pacientes eram Anti-HBc Total isolado; e 5/617 (0,8%) pacientes eram portadores de perfil sorológico anômalo da hepatite B. Entre o início e término de seguimento foram observados diminuição significativa dos valores de ALT, AST, APRI, carga viral (p < 0,001), hemoglobina (p=0,007) e bilirrubina total (p=0,011), bem como aumento significativo de bilirrubina direta e INR (p < 0,001). O FIB-4 não apresentou diferença estatisticamente significativa no mesmo intervalo. A análise mostra que 30,3% dos pacientes receberam tratamento com antivirais, sendo Tenofovir (28,3%) o mais prescrito, seguido de Lamivudina (19,8%), Tenofovir+Lamivudina (19,8%) e Entecavir (19,2%). Entecavir apresentou a maior taxa de soroconversão de AgHBe (6/9; 66,66%), enquanto que Lamivudina apresentou a maior taxa para AgHBs (5/30; 16,66%). Tenofovir possui maior potencial para redução de carga viral, aumento de plaquetas e melhora de enzimas hepáticas do que Lamivudina e Entecavir (p < 0,05). No total, foram realizadas 5412 consultas médicas, sendo a maioria delas do tipo \"seguimento\" (85,8%). Faltas foram registradas em 11,9% das consultas médicas agendadas no período. Conclusões: A população atendida no serviço é heterogênea, com representação de diferentes sexos, etnias, faixas etárias e nacionalidades; ao menos 14 nacionalidades representadas, refletindo o fenômeno da migração observado globalmente. São necessárias ações educacionais para promoção da adesão aos cuidados médicos adequados / Background: Hepatitis B virus (HBV) is a major public health problem with significant burden across all global regions, once they affect about 250 million people around the world. Worldwide, due to the great migratory movement, changes were described in the profile of patients with hepatitis B. In this way, we aimed to characterize the population of patients with chronic hepatitis B seen in the ambulatory A2MG404 of Viral Hepatitis of HC-FMUSP. Methods: This was a retrospective descriptive study of 617 new patients with positive serological tests results for HBV, followed up in the A2MG404 ambulatory between January 2005 and December 2015. Demographic, epidemiological and clinical data were obtained from institutional electronic medical records (SIGH-PRODESP, HCMED and ProntMed). Data collection and management was performed using REDCap online software (V6.16.4). Statistical analysis was performed using R software (V3.3.0). Shapiro-Wilk Test was used to test the normality of the data; non-parametric data were compared using Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney Test; proportions among populations were compared using the Z-Test. Values of p < 0.05 were considered statistically significant. Results: Male predominance (60.9%); median age of 48 years; white race (70.8%) and low educational level (37.4%) was observed among the patients. Most of them were Brazilian (93.5%), living in the State of São Paulo (98.4%), mainly in the city of São Paulo (63.6%). Patients living in other Brazilian states were also assisted in the service (1.6%), as well as foreigners (6.5%). HCV coinfection were identified in 7.8% of patients; and HIV in 1.3% of these. At baseline, 109/617 (17.66%) patients were HBeAg positive [chronic infection: 42/617 (6.8%); chronic hepatitis: 67/617 (10.8%)]; 350/617 (56.72%) patients were HBeAg negative [chronic infection: 290/617 (47.0%); chronic hepatitis: 60/617 (9.7%)]; 104/617 (16.9%) patients were Total Anti-HBc and Anti-HBs positive; 49/617 (8.0%) patients were Anti-HBc Total isolated; and 5/617 (0.8%) patients had anomalous serological profile of hepatitis B. Significant decrease in ALT, AST, APRI, viral load (p < 0.001), hemoglobin (p = 0.007) and total bilirubin (p = 0.011); as well as significant increase of direct bilirubin and INR (p < 0.001) of patients were observed during the follow-up. FIB-4 score didn\'t present a statistically significant difference in the same interval. The analysis shows that 30.3% of the patients received antiviral treatment, being Tenofovir (28.3%) the most prescribed, followed by Lamivudine (19.8%), Tenofovir+Lamivudine (19.8%) and Entecavir (19.2%). Entecavir presented the highest HBeAg seroconversion rate (6/9; 66.66%), whereas Lamivudine presented the highest rate for HBsAg (5/30, 16.66%). Tenofovir has greater potential for viral load reduction, platelet increase, and hepatic enzymes normalization than Lamivudine and Entecavir (p < 0.05). In total, 5412 medical appointment were performed, most of them was classified as \"follow up\" type (85.8%). Absences were recorded in 11.9% of the medical appointments scheduled in the period. Conclusions: The population served in the service is heterogeneous, with representation of different genders, ethnicities, age groups and nationalities. In it, at least 14 nationalities are represented, reflecting the phenomenon of immigration observed worldwide. Educational actions are required to promote adherence to the necessary medical care for these patients
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Providers choices in web-medical records: An analysis of trade-offs made by physicians in San Bernardino CountyShankar, Jay Eriah 01 January 2002 (has links)
This thesis concluded that offering physicians an appropriate Web-based transcription service should be well received and improve their medical record management and patient care.
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Age and Sex Differences in Duration of Pre-Hospital Delay, Hospital Treatment Practices, and Short-Term Outcomes in Patients Hospitalized with an Acute Coronary Syndrome/Acute Myocardial Infarction: A DissertationNguyen, Hoa L. 07 May 2010 (has links)
BackgroundThe prompt seeking of medical care after the onset of symptoms suggestive of acute coronary syndromes (ACS)/acute myocardial infarction (AMI) is associated with the receipt of coronary reperfusion therapy, and effective cardiac medications in patients with an ACS/AMI and is crucial to reducing mortality and the risk of serious clinical complications in these patients. Despite declines in important hospital complications and short-term death rates in patients hospitalized with an ACS/AMI, several patient groups remain at increased risk for these adverse outcomes, including women and the elderly. However, recent trends in age and sex differences in extent of pre-hospital delay, hospital management practices, and short-term outcomes associated with ACS/AMI remain unexplored.
The objectives of this study were to examine the overall magnitude, and changing trends therein, of age and sex differences in duration of pre-hospital delay (1986-2005), hospital management practices (1999-2007), and short-terms outcomes (1975-2005) in patients hospitalized with ACS/AMI.
MethodsData from 13,663 residents of the Worcester, MA, metropolitan area hospitalized at all greater Worcester medical centers for AMI 15 biennial periods between 1975 and 2005 (Worcester Heart Attack Study), and from 50,096 patients hospitalized with an ACS in 106 medical centers in 14 countries participating in the Global Registry of Acute Coronary Events (GRACE) between 2000 and 2007 were used for this investigation.
Results In comparison with men years, patients in other age-sex strata exhibited significantly longer pre-hospital delay, with the exception of women < 65 years; had a significantly lower odds of receiving aspirin, angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors or angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARBs), beta blockers, statins, and undergoing coronary artery bypass graft surgery (CABG) surgery or percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI), and were significantly more likely to develop atrial fibrillation, cardiogenic shock, heart failure, and to die during hospitalization and in the first 30 days after admission. There was a significant interaction between age and sex in relation to the use of several medications and the development of several of these outcomes; in patients Conclusions Our results suggest that the elderly were more likely to experience longer prehospital delay, were less likely to be treated with evidence-based treatments during hospitalization for acute coronary syndrome, and were more likely to develop adverse outcomes compared to younger persons. Younger women were less likely to be treated with effective treatments and were more likely to develop adverse outcomes compared with younger men while there was no sex difference in these outcomes. Interventions targeted at older patients, in particular, are needed to encourage these high-risk patients to seek medical care promptly to maximize the benefits of currently available treatment modalities. More targeted treatment approaches during hospitalization for ACS/AMI for younger women and older patients are needed to improve their hospital prognosis.
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