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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Die geskiedenis van die Stellenbosch Hospitaal (1942-2001)

Baderoen, Tougeda 03 1900 (has links)
Die Queen Victoria Gedenkhospitaal van Stellenbosch, wat sedert 1904 die Stellenbosse gemeenskap bedien het, het as gevolg van 'n groeien~e inwonergetal geleidelik 'n gebrek aan ruimte ondervind. Daarom is daar gedurende die 1930's pogings aangewend vir die oprigting van 'n groter hospitaal. Hierdie pogings is uiteindelik met sukses bekroon en in 1944 het die Stellenbosch Hospitaal sy deure geopen. Spoedig na die opening van die hospitaal is verskeie probleme, soos byvoorbeeld 'n tekort aan beddens en 'n behoefte aan meer moderne mediese toerusting, ondervind. Die Hospitaalraad het deur voortdurende verto~ tot die Kaapse Provinsiale Administrasie en met die finansi~le steun van die Stellenbosse gemeenskap daarin geslaag om belangrike moderne algemene en mediese toerusting aan te koop. Die Stellenbosch Hospitaal, in samewerking met die Cloetesville Gemeenskaps Gesondheidsentrum, wat onder die beheer van die hospitaal staan, se belangrikste doelwit was, en is, om die beste moontlike diens aan die gemeenskap te lewer. Daarom het die Hospitaalraad met verloop van tyd 'n omvattende gemeenskaps gesondheidsprogram ontwikkel. Sedert die dae van die Queen Victoria Gedenkhospitaal het die Stellenbosse gemeenskap 'n aktiewe rol in die lewering van noodsaaklike hospitaaldienste gespee!. As gevolg van die betrokkenheid en die finansi~le bydraes van die gemeenskap kon die Hospitaalraad noodsaaklike uitbreidings, soos 'n kraamsaal en 'n verpleegsterstehuis finansier. Omdat die gemeenskap besef het dat dit nie net die staat se verantwoordelikheid was om gesondheidsdienste te lewer nie, is die Aksie Stellenbosch Hospitaal, die gemeenskapsarm van die hospitaal, in 1988 gestig. Hierdie Aksie Stellenbosch Hospitaal speel dus in 'n tydperk waar staatsfondse beperk is, 'n belangrike rol om die Stellenbosch Hospitaal doeltreffend te laat funksioneer en om steeds hoe standaarde met betrekking tot gesondheidsorg te handhaaf.

Prevention of mother-to-child transmission programme : how "informed" is the literate mother's decision regarding infant feeding options in the Gert Sibande district, Mpumalanga province, South Africa

Davis, Annemarie, Labadarios, D., Marais, D., Cotton, M. F. 12 1900 (has links)
225 leaves printed on single pages, preliminary pages i- xxiii and numbered pages 1-203. Includes bibliography, list of abbreviations, list of definitions, list of tables and figures and list of appendices. / Digitized at 330 dpi color PDF format (OCR), using KODAK i 1220 PLUS scanner. / Thesis (MNutr (Interdisciplinary Health Sciences))--University of Stellenbosch, 2005. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: "A comprehensive package of care for the Prevention of Mother- To-Child Transmission (PMTCT) of HIV" states that all mothers participating in the PMTCT Programme should receive education that will enable them to make informed decisions about infant feeding options. Rapid, same-day HIV testing and results that are available immediately, enable health care workers to be responsible for providing pre- and post-test counselling (which includes infant feeding options) on the same day. This could place a tremendous workload and time pressure on the health care workers. The aim of this study was to determine how "informed" is the literate mother's decision regarding infant feeding options, who participated in the PMTCT Programme, in the Gert Sibande District, Mpumalanga, South Africa. Method: Data was collected from health care workers and mothers on the PMTCT Programme at 23 PMTCT sites in the Gert Sibande District, with the help of 6 field workers and the PMTCT site manager at each PMTCT site, by means of once-off, self-administered questionnaires, which had been previously tested and validated. Results: Health care workers' attitude towards the PMTCT Programme was positive, although some (14%) indicated that what was expected of them was not achievable in their working environment. The most prominent change relating to the personal preferences of health care workers regarding infant feeding options for HIV-infected mothers, after attending the 5-day PMTCT course, was from formula-feeding to breast-feeding. Most (65%) indicated it was possible to stay neutral in a counselling session regardless of personal preference for infant feeding and 60% of those who could not stay neutral, still thought it was in the mother's best interest to be counselled by them. Most (98%) agreed mothers had the right to make informed decisions and 80% agreed mothers were able to make such a decision. Most (67%) health care workers indicated that not enough staff was stationed at PMTCT sites, only 53% used the feeding option cards when counselling mothers and indicated that more educational material was needed. Sixty one percent of the health care workers demonstrated the preparation of the formula to the mothers and allowed the mothers to demonstrate back to them. Between 49-82% and 37-56% of the health care workers knew the correct answers to knowledge questions relating to breastfeeding and formula-feeding, respectively. Not one health care worker, nor mother, knew all the steps in preparing a formula feed. Most (80%) mothers made decisions based on information provided to them by health care workers and only a small (13%) percentage were influenced by the community to practise a different feeding option than what they had chosen. Conclusions: The attitude, personal preferences, knowledge of and resources available to health care workers, influenced the decision made by mothers regarding infant feeding options and seeing that most mothers made their decision, based on information provided by health care workers, it is concluded that mothers can only make an informed decision about infant feeding options if they are advised appropriately by well trained, equipped and informed health care workers. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: "A comprehensive package of care for the Prevention of Mother-To-Child Transmission of HIV", vermeld dat moeders, wat deelneem aan die Voorkoming van Moeder-Tot-Kind Oordrag (VMTKO) progam, voorligting behoort te ontvang ten opsigte van voedingsopsies vir hul babas, sodat hulle in staat sal wees om 'n ingeligte keuse te maak. Gesondheidswerkers is verantwoordelik om voorligting voor en na die HIV toets te gee, wat die voedingsopsies vir babas insluit, op dieselfde dag. Dit kan 'n ontsaglike werkslading op die gesondheidswerkers plaas. Die doel van die studie was om te bepaal hoe "ingelig" is die geletterde moeder se keuse ten opsigte van voedingsopsies, wat deelneem aan die VMTKO program, in die Gert Sibande distrik, Mpumalanga, Suid-Afrika. Metode: Die data is ingesamel by 23 VMTKO-klinieke en -hospitale in die Gert Sibande distrik onder gesondheidswerkers en moeders op die VMTKO-program, met behulp van 6 veldwerkers en VMTKO-bestuurders, deur middel van eenmalige, selfvoltooide vraelyste, wat van tevore getoets en gevalideer was. Resultate: Die gesondheidswerkers se houding teenoor die VMTKO-program was positief, alhoewel 14% aangedui het dat wat van hulle verwag word nie prakties of moontlik is in hul werksomgewing nie. Die prominentste verandering rakende die persoonlike voorkeure van die gesonheidswerkers teenoor voedingsopsies vir HIV -geinfekteerde moeders, na die 5-dag VMTKO kursus, was van formulevoeding na borsvoeding. Meeste (65%) het aangedui dit is moontlik om neutraal te bly gedurende 'n voorligtingssessie, ten spyte van persoonlike voorkeure vir voedingsopsies en 60% van die wat nie neutraal kon bly nie, het steeds gedink dit is in die beste belang van die moeder om deur hulle voorgelig te word. Meeste (98%) het saamgestem dat dit die moeder se reg is om 'n ingeligte keuse te maak en 80% het saamgestem dat die moeder wel in staat is om so 'n besluit te neem. Meeste (67%) gesondheidswerkers het aangedui dat personeel tekorte bestaan by die VMTKO klinieke en hospitale. Slegs 53% gebruik die voedingsopsie kaarte gedurende 'n voorligtingsessie met die moeder en het aangedui dat meer voorligtingsmateriaal benodig word. Een en sestig persent van die gesondheidswerkers het die voorbereiding van die formulevoeding aan die moeders gedemonstreer en het moeders toegelaat om ook die demonstrasie te doen. Nege en veertig tot twee en tagtig persent en 37-56% van die gesondheidswerkers kon die korrekte antwoorde verskaf vir vrae oor borsvoeding en formulevoeding, afsonderlik. Nie een gesondheidswerker of moeder kon al die stappe vir die voorbereiding van die formulevoeding noem nie. Meeste (80%) moeders maak keuses gebaseer op inligting wat aan hulle verskaf word deur die gesondheidswerkers en slegs 'n klein persentasie (13%) word beinvloed deur familielede om die teenoorgestelde voedingsopsie te praktiseer as wat hulle gekies het. Gevolgtrekking: Die houding, persoonlike voorkeure, kennis van en hulpbronne beskikbaar aan die gesongheidswerkers, beinvloed die besluit wat moeders neem ten op sigte van voedingsopsies en aangesien die moeders hulle besluit baseer op inligting wat deur die gesondheidswerkers aan hulle gegee word, word die gevolgtrekking gemaak dat moeders slegs 'n ingeligte keuse aangaande voedingsopsies kan maak indien hulle voorligting ontvang deur goed opgeleide en ingeligte gesondheidswerkers.

The role of spirituality in the wellbeing of community health care workers at Temba Community Development Services

Roberson, Peter 01 1900 (has links)
The research focused on employee wellness and explored and described the role of spirituality in the wellbeing of CHCWs of HIV/AIDS patients. It was important to determine how CHCWs dealt with the stress of caregiving, due to the increasing number of HIV infections and burden on government resources. The approach was a phenomenological qualitative study using faceto- face interviews to collect data from a purposive sample of eight CHCWs from a population of 250 at Temba. The audio-recorded interviews were transcribed verbatim and analysed for emerging themes using thematic analyses. The research findings provided evidence that spirituality impacted positively on the wellbeing of the CHCWs by providing the coping mechanism to deal with stress. The conclusions drawn were that personal and organisational wellbeing operated at an optimal level due to the influence of spirituality. Recommendations were that formalised spiritual programmes were offered as a tool to equip CHCWs in their duties. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M. Com.

The puberty rites for girls (vukhomba) in the northern region of the Northern Province of South Africa: implications for women's health and health promotion

Maluleke, Thelmah Xavela 01 January 2001 (has links)
Puberty rites are practised in many countries including South Africa. In South Africa the puberty rites have different names and different practices. This study focused on vukhomba among the Manchangana/Vatsonga. Vukhomba is conducted exclusively for girls who have reached menarche. The purpose of this study was to explore the possibility of utilising vukhomba for the improvement of the health status of women. The study design is a qualitative, exploratory, descriptive contextual research study conducted in the Northern region of the Northern Province among Vatsonga\Manchangana in four selected areas. The ethnographic strategy was used to gain access to the vukhomba to view and describe the rite from an emic perspective. The sample included all girls who were initiates during January 1998 and December 1999 in the four selected areas, as well as Vadzabi, varileri, initiated girls, initiated women and vukhomba elders who attended the initaitions. The techniques for data collection included participant observation, semi-structured interviews, focus group discussions, key informant interviews and feedback workshops. The findings indicate that vukhomba is conducted during the school holidays in order to cater for girls who are still attending school. The sexuality education in this rite is mainly about encouraging initiates to maintain their virginity for their future husbands. Vukhomba therefore teaches girls attending the initiation the facts of life. It was however, found that girls often attend the initiation for material gain and respect for elders. The content of sexuality education information given to girls during the rite is inadequate. Initiated women and girls wanted to gain more knowledge about their bodies, their health, menstruation, child bearing and pregnancy, contraceptives and pregnancy. After reviewing the findings of the research an intervention programme was developed and discussed with the initiated women and initiated girls. Vukhomba elders accepted the intervention programme, however, certain topics were not approved e.g. contraception. The intervention programme is expected to form part of the initiation programme in the future. Initiated community members will be trained to facilitate the activities of this programme. / Health Studies / D.Litt. et Phil.

Health needs of immigrant women from the African Great Lakes living in South Africa

Mulemfo, Desiree Morakane 06 1900 (has links)
This study investigated the health needs of immigrant women from the African Great Lakes living in South Africa in the province of Gauteng, Tshwane Metropolitan city. It described their challenges and related factors compromising their holistic wellness, and identifies their context specific health needs as a gender group. A qualitative approach was utilised concurrently with participatory action research method. Data collection involved triangulation of instruments. A literature study was conducted to select relevant information usable as basis for this study. Data analysis and interpretation revealed factors that make it difficult for immigrant women from the African Great Lakes region to gain access to health care services in South Africa, identifying their specific women’s health needs. Recommendations proposed that policy makers and implementing professionals rendering women’s health care services should consider utilising a holistic and interdisciplinary approach to meet these basic needs. / Health Studies / M.A. (Public health)

Factors influencing relapse of psychiatric outpatients in the rural communities of the Eastern Cape province

Mahamba, Nozipho Deborah 11 1900 (has links)
A descriptive survey to identify factors influencing relapse of psychiatric outpatients in the rural communities of the Eastern Cape was undertaken. A questionnaire was used to collect data from family caregivers who were relatives of psychiatric patients receiving their monthly medications from two rural clinics. Data were analysed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 17. A total number of 92 family caregivers participated. Respondents reported side effects of psychotropic drugs, poor family role, poor referral system, lack of home visits, non-compliance and stigmatization as major factors contributing to relapse of psychiatric outpatients. Active involvement of caregivers in follow up care of their relatives is effective in fostering collaboration between the psychiatric hospitals and patients with the common goal of relapse avoidance. It is recommended that adequate provision of resources in conjunction with health education is effective in enhancing collaboration towards prevention of relapse in psychiatric patients. This would promote team work among patients, caregivers and health care providers. / Public Health / M.A. (Public Health)

Aard en bydrae van maatskaplikewerk-dienslewering aan die dwelmafhanklike adolessent

Keith, Lucille Elaine 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Drug dependent adolescents do not display a clear understanding regarding the value of social work intervention during the process of rehabilation, causing them to not utilize the profession of social work effectively during drug rehabilitation. This study aimed to explore and describe the nature and contribution of social work service delivery to drug dependent adolescents from their own perspective. A qualitative research approach, an explorative research design, and a snowball sampling technique were implemented. The sample consisted of drug dependent adolescents from the Western Cape. Semi-structured interviews were executed determining the participant’s perception of the nature and contribution of social work service delivery. Amongst others, the findings indicate that: • social workers are not sufficiently prepared, trained or committed to render effective, professional services to drug dependent adolescents; • social workers need to continuously revisit their knowledge, skill and attitude regarding this specialised field of service rendering. / Social Work / M.A. (Maatskaplike Werk)

Knowledge of tuberculosis patients about their disease in Tshwane, South Africa

Adekanmbi, Motunrayo Helen 07 September 2015 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to investigate the knowledge of TB patients receiving TB treatment at a clinic in Tshwane regarding the condition and their treatment. A descriptive cross-sectional survey was conducted. Data was collected using a self-designed structured questionnaire administered by the researcher and nurses. The population consisted of diagnosed TB patients. The total sample consisted of 74 respondents. The respondents were described in terms of inter alia their demographics, aspects of their health and TB and aspects related to clinic visits. For the knowledge about TB a competency indicator was set at 70% which means that those that achieved this were regarded as knowledgeable. Those that were found to be not knowledgeable were 41.9% of the sample. The mean score achieved by the group was 61% with a standard deviation of 25. Recommendations were made to amend knowledge deficits of TB patients and for further research / Health Studies / M.A. (Public Health)

The ethical conduct of employees in maternity wards at selected public hospitals in the Western Cape, South Africa

Mdivasi, Vuyokazi January 2014 (has links)
Mini-thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree Master of Technology: Public Management in the Faculty of Business at the Cape Peninsula University of Technology 2014 / Maternity service in South Africa faces particular problems in the provision of care to birthing mothers. Violence and abuse have been reported and maternity death rates are high, being related to inadequate provision of care (Myburgh, 2007:29). Ethical conduct plays a significant role in service delivery in Midwife Obstetrics Units (MOU) in general. This is of particular importance since every patient, especially pregnant women, should to be handled with the utmost care, respect and dignity. The research problem emanates from nurses’ behaviour towards patients in MOU labour wards, where women continue to be victims of abuse. Ironically, it is regrettable that they are abused by those who are supposed to be their advocates. The objectives of the study were to assess if nurses in MOU labour wards conduct themselves ethically when dealing with patients, to determine the perceptions of patients towards nurses during child birth stages, as well as to examine factors in maternity wards that may influence a nurse’s performance when dealing with patients. The study adopted the quantitative research method to answer the research question and data interpretation was based on statistical analysis. This method was deemed to be the most effective for collection of a large quantity of data and numerical (quantifiable) data is considered objective. A Likert-type questionnaire comprising closed-ended questions was the measurement instrument. This was considered to least inconvenience nurses and postnatal patients to whom these questionnaires were administered. Answer choices were graded from 1 to 4, being strongly agree, agree, disagree and strongly disagree. The population comprised nurses and postnatal patients in MOUs in the Western Cape, South Africa. Consecutive sampling was conducted in two selected MOUs, being Michael Mapongwana (MM) and Gugulethu (GG), with 311 questionnaires being distributed to both nurses and postnatal Patients in these two facilities. The findings indicated that the ethical conduct of nurses in both MM and GG maternity wards was relatively good. However, some survey findings revealed some unsatisfactory gaps that exist in what both hospitals currently offer to patients in the areas of individual patient care, communication and baby security certainty. Furthermore, the findings indicated that a significant number of patients who chose to make use of MM and GG hospitals, are satisfied with the standard of service received during their stay. However, there were some discrepancies in terms of senior management service where excellence in the monitoring role emerged as being lacking. There is a need for improvement in the current levels of ethical conduct of nurses in both the MM and GG labour wards. These needs for improvement relate to working conditions, especially linked to the human resource (HR) function, leadership and management functions, and improved monitoring and control mechanisms.

The role of telehealth in enhancing access to healthcare services in an under-resourced setting: A case of Mantunzeleni in Eastern Cape Province

Gazana, Odwa January 2015 (has links)
Thesis (MTech (Information Technology))--Cape Peninsula University of Technology, 2016. / The delivery of healthcare services should be of a high standard for everyone. For people in the location of Mantunzeleni this is not the case as there are still challenges that they go through in order to gain access to sufficient healthcare services. The location consists of four villages and the other nine which surround the four, in total this makes thirteen villages that are served by one clinic. These villages are divided by forest, rivers and mountains, people have to cross these and walk long distances to get to the clinic. Gaining access to basic healthcare services in rural areas has never been easy, hence this study seeks to understand the role telehealth could play to help improve the situation. It has been reported in the literature that telehealth has potential to address some of the problems experienced by healthcare service providers located in the rural areas. Research questions were posed to address the problem of limited access to healthcare services of under-served communities in rural areas. The study adopted an interpretive approach to understand how the people using healthcare services in the setting attach meaning to their experiences of the healthcare service. The study therefore seeks to understand how telehealth could improve healthcare service delivery through the participants’ views, perceptions and experiences. The research strategy for this study is a single case study without attempting to generalise the findings. Qualitative data was gathered using unstructured interviews, observations and co-design methods. The current state of telehealth and challenges of healthcare services in rural under-served communities was established through a review of relevant literature. It was important to actively involve the respondents in the research process for them to feel a sense of ownership. Data was analysed using a thematic analysis. The findings revealed the challenges currently hampering the delivery of healthcare in the research setting include poor infrastructure, high cost, the shortage of medical professionals, travelling distance, time management and lack of communication about the services. It was also revealed the role telehealth could play a role to improve access to healthcare and the findings indicate that the nurses feel that extending the healthcare service to include alternative access methods to health information, education and expertise could lead to a sense of appreciation, knowledge gain, dealing with distance problems and improved referrals, cost saving to improve healthcare service delivery.

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