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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Impacts of shopping malls on the housing price - Evidence from Stockholm / Köpcentra påverkar bostadspriset - Bevis från Stockholm

Long, Runfeng January 2020 (has links)
Shopping malls, as an important type of commercial facilities, are growing dramatically.They have gradually become one of the most dominant factors that can influence people's daily life as well as a city's economic development. People's willingness to pay for dwellings is also primarily associated with the surrounding commercial layout.Hence, it is of interest to find out more from a quantitative perspective on the relationship between shopping malls and housing prices. This study aims to analyzehow the prices of condominiums will be affected by the proximity of shopping malls.Two aspects are considered and examined in the empirical study, namely a proximity to the shopping mall, and the number of shopping malls within 3 kilometers radius. Wetry to examine if there is any price premium for those apartments near the shoppingmall or with more shopping malls in the neighborhood. In this empirical study, 36shopping malls in different locations in the county of Stockholm, Sweden, is utilized.The sample of transactions consists of 336,914 apartments. By using regression analysis, based on the traditional hedonic model, the results show that there is an inverse relationship between the apartment prices and its distance from the shopping mall while the number of shopping malls is positively correlated with apartment prices. / Köpcentra som en viktig typ av kommersiella anläggningar växer dramatiskt dessa år. De har gradvis blivit en av de mest dominerande faktorerna som kan påverka människors vardag och en stads ekonomiska utveckling. Människors villighet att betala för husen på marknaden är också till stor del kopplad till den omgivande kommersiella utformningen. Därför är det nödvändigt för oss att ta reda på mer i ett mer kvantitativt perspektiv om förhållandet mellan köpcentra och bostadspriset. Denna studie syftar tillatt diskutera hur priset på bostäder kommer att påverkas av köpcentra. Två aspekter beaktas och undersöks under en empirisk studie, som är närheten till köpcentret och den andra är antalet köpcentra inom 3 km avstånd. Målet är att avslöja om det finns något prispremie för dessa fastigheter nära köpcentret eller med fler köpcentra i närheten. I denna empiriska studie tas 36 köpcentra på olika platser som prov i Stockholms län, Sverige. Sedan kommer transaktionsdata där proverna består av 336,914 lägenheter behandlas och analyseras i Stata. Genom att använda giltiga transaktionsdata, kombinera med matematiska ekvationer och obligatorisk statistiskkunskap, är syftet med denna studie att beskriva och sammanfatta data för att sedan genomföra regressionsanalys baserat på fyra hedoniska modeller, inklusive både linjär och log-linjär form. Regressionsresultatet är signifikant vid 1% konfidensnivå, vilket innebär att de förklarande variablerna verkligen har betydande effekter på de beroende variablerna. Resultaten visar att det finns en omvänd relation mellan bostadspriset och dess avstånd från köpcentret. Medan antalet köpcentra är positivt korrelerat med bostadspriset.

Monetary Valuation of Waterfront Open Space in Coastal Areas of Mississippi and Alabama

Dahal, Ram Prasad 08 December 2017 (has links)
Open space provides a wide range of ecosystem services to communities. In growing communities, open space offers relief from congestion and other negative externalities associated with rapid development. To make effective policy and planning decisions pertaining to open space preservation, it is important to estimate monetary values of its benefits. In addition, assessing public opinions regarding open space provides information on demand and how residents value open space. This study estimated the monetary value of open space in Mississippi and Alabama Gulf Coast communities. The study also collected information on coastal residents’ attitudes towards open space, working waterfronts, and their willingness to support waterfront open space preservation monetarily. Two methodological approaches were employed to estimate the monetary value of waterfront open space: contingent valuation (CVM) and hedonic price (HPM) methods. Data were collected using a mail survey, the Multiple Listing Service (MLS), and publicly available data sources such as the U.S. Census. Data were analyzed using an interval regression, ordinary least squares, and geographically weighted regression (GWR) models. Mail survey results indicated that the majority of residents valued open space and were willing to pay from $80.52 to $162.14 per household as estimated by four different interval-censored econometric models. Respondent’s membership in groups promoting conservation goals, income, age, and residence duration were major factors associated with their willingness to pay. Results from the HPM indicated proximities to waterfronts, with the exception of bayous, were positively related to home prices, suggesting open space produced positive economic benefits. Findings from the HPM analysis using publicly available data were consistent and comparable with the results from the HPM that used MLS data. This similarity of results indicates the use of publicly available data is feasible in HPM analysis, which is important for broad applications of the method during city planning. In addition, GWR estimates provided site specific monetary values of waterfront open space benefits, which will be helpful for policymakers and city planners in developing site-specific conservation and preservation strategies. Findings can help formulate future decisions related to alternative development scenarios of coastal areas and conservation efforts to preserve open space.

Sale Price Relationships to Performance Characteristics and Genetic Merit in Beef Bulls Sold in Beef Cattle Improvement Sales and Tests in the Southeast USA From 1974 To 2011

Marks, Marty Landon 01 January 2012 (has links)
Herd sires are an important investment for beef cattle producers in the Southeast United States of America (USA). For producers, bull selection decisions are critical to introduce new and compatible genetics into their cow herd. The impact of bull selection affects the cow herd and many calf crops when heifers by these herd sires are retained for breeding replacements. The objective of this study was to determine the relationships over time between bull sale prices and individual performance and measures of genetic merit for bulls sold in the state of Alabama, Mississippi, and North Carolina. The study was conducted using data from Beef Cattle Improvement Association (BCIA) and Beef Cattle Improvement Program (BCIP) bull sales from 1974 to 2011. All sales maintained a core set of qualifications. These were used in a hedonic pricing model to analyze their impact on the actual sale price for each bull.

Measuring the Externality Benefits of Voluntarily Protected Properties on Surrounding Home Values – A Case of Worcester, Massachusetts

Mittal, Jay 21 October 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Three Essays on the Economic Implication of Forest Amenities and Wetland Quality

Mei, Yingdan 22 November 2016 (has links)
No description available.

The influence of water quality on the demand for residential development around Lake Erie

Ara, Shihomi 16 July 2007 (has links)
No description available.

Objektattributs effekt på priset av bostadsrätter : Tillämpning och utvärdering av den hedoniska värderingsmetoden på bostadsrätter i Stockholms innerstad / Effect of object specific attributes on the price of condominiums : Application and evaluation of the hedonic valuation method for condominiums in Stockholm city

Lagergren, Samuel, Nyman, Lucas January 2022 (has links)
Bostadsmarknaden har under lång tid sett en kraftig prisuppgång, inte minst i Stockholm.Priset på bostäder är något som påverkar nästan alla i samhället och diskuteras flitigt. Attförstå vad som påverkar priset på en bostad är inte helt lätt, men är mycket viktigt för att somkonsument kunna göra informerade beslut när det kommer till att köpa eller sälja en bostad.Det finns en mängd olika omständigheter, såsom makro-, mikro- och objektsspecifika faktorersom kan ha en effekt på priset av en bostad. Den här studien fokuserar på att öka kunskapen om hur objektspecifika faktorer påverkarslutpriset på en bostadsrätt genom att tillämpa och utvärdera den hedoniskavärderingsmetoden. En bostadsrätt kan ses som en kombination av olika delegenskaper somtillsammans utgör bostadsrättens helhet. För att kunna studera objektsspecifika faktorerseffekt på slutpriset av bostadsrätter används den hedoniska metoden, vilket bygger påregressionsanalyser för att implicit härleda de olika attributens påverkan på slutpriset. Efter attha statistiskt validerat och jämfört modellerna med tidigare studier blev resultat avutvärderingen att den hedoniska värderingsmetoden är ett tillförlitligt verktyg för att prissättaobjektspecifika attribut på bostadsrätter. Undersökningen har gjorts på bostadsrätter såldainom Stockholms innerstad under året 2020 där totalt 4 797 objekt studerades.Studien har kommit fram till att en bostadsrätts boyta var den egenskap som hade störstpåverkan på slutpriset under 2020. Vidare påvisades att bostadsrättens läge har en stor effektpå dess pris, där stadsdelarna Östermalm och Norrmalm / Gamla Stan genererade ett högrepris än övriga stadsdelar. Även byggnadsåret för bostadsrätten visade sig ha en signifikanteffekt på priset. Enligt resultatet värdesätter köpare äldre lägenhetshus högre än nyare.Framför allt visade det sig att konsumenter var villiga att betala ett högre pris för bostadsrätterbyggda innan 1920. Våningsplan, balkong och antal rum uppvisade också en positiv påverkanpå slutpriset, även om påverkan inte var lika stor som för boyta, läge och byggnadsår.Avgiften för en bostadsrätt visade sig ha en klart negativ effekt på slutpriset. Bostadsrättermed en hög avgift genererade ett lägre slutpris än bostadsrätter med en låg avgift, allt annatlika. Med andra ord uppvisades en tydlig preferens för bostadsrätter med låga avgifter. / For a long the housing market has time seen a sharp rise in prices, not least in Stockholm. Theprice of housing is something that affects almost everyone in society and is widely discussed.Understanding what affects the price of a home is not entirely easy but very important for aconsumer to be able to make informed decisions when it comes to buying or selling a home.Of course, there are a variety of circumstances, such as macro-, micro-, and object-specificfactors that influence the price of a home. This study focuses on increasing the knowledge of how the object-specific factors affect thefinal price of a home. This paper was conducted on condominiums sold in Stockholm's innercity during the year 2020, where a total of 4,797 observations were studied. A condominiumcan be viewed a combination of different attributes that make up the condominium as awhole. In order to be able to study the effect of object-specific factors on the final price ofcondominiums, a hedonic method has been used. The hedonic method is based on regressionanalyzes to implicitly derive the influence of the various attributes on the final price. What the study has concluded is that the most important characteristic of a condominium toexplain the final price is its living space. Furthermore, it was shown that the location of thecondominium has a large effect on its price, the districts Östermalm and Norrmalm / GamlaStan generated a higher price than other districts included in the study. The construction yearof the apartment building also proved to have a significant effect on the price. According tothe results, buyers value older apartment buildings higher than newer ones. Above all, itturned out that consumers were willing to pay a higher price for apartments built before 1919.Floor plan, balcony, and the number of rooms also showed a positive impact on the finalprice. The monthly fee for a condominium turned out to have a clear negative effect on the finalprice. Condominiums with a high fee generated a lower final price than for those with a lowfee all other things being equal. A clear preference for condominiums with low fees becameapparent.

Essays on the Use of Hedonic Price Models to Measure Welfare for Quality Changes in the Public Goods

Zhang, Congwen 04 June 2012 (has links)
This dissertation consists of three essays on Hedonic price method which is widely used in non-market good evaluation. The first chapter outlines three topics involved and briefly discusses the motivations and methods, as well we some conclusions in each of the following chapters. Chapter 2 uses a conventional first stage hedonic price method to estimate the effect of an aquatic invasive species (Eurasian watermilfoil) on lakefront property values at selected Vermont lakes. Results indicate that as the primary component of total aquatic macrophyte growth in a lake Eurasian watermilfoil significantly and substantially affects lakefront property values. As Eurasian watermilfoil infests a lake, adding to the total macrophyte growth, property values can diminish by <1% to 16% for incremental increases in the infestation level. Hence, policies that successfully prevent infestations have significant economic benefits to owners of lakefront properties and local communities. Chapter 3 focused on a previously unexplored potential impact of 9/11—the impact it may have had on housing prices near mosques. Using a unique dataset that combines the locations of functioning mosques with housing transactions near the time of 9/11, combined with a generalized difference-in-differences framework, we find that housing prices decreased by approximately 7% ($10,559 for the average home) in areas near mosques along the east coast of the U.S. on average in the two years following the attacks. However, on the west coast we find no evidence that 9/11 caused a systematic decrease in housing prices near mosques. Chapter 4 begins from a conventional model of hedonic equilibrium where a nonmarket amenity is conveyed as an attribute of a differentiated traded good. Different metropolitan areas may have different equilibrium price functions due to geographic variation in consumer preferences, income, and production costs. We demonstrate that under relatively mild restrictions on the geographic extent of taste-based sorting, indicator variables for metro areas define "imperfect instruments" that can be used to identify bounds on demand curves. Bounds on demand curves correspond to ranges of partial equilibrium welfare measures for non-marginal changes in environmental quality. We find these ranges to be informative in a preliminary application to evaluating the benefits of reducing cultural eutrophication of lakes in Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont. The last chapter concludes and discusses the insights for future research. / Ph. D.

Measuring externalities of Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) projects in property value of neighborhood single-family homes : a case in Austin, Texas

Yoo, Ju Hyun 2009 August 1900 (has links)
Since the Tax Reform Act of 1986, Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) has been a major source of affordable housing provision for low to middle-income families. Meanwhile, growing concern about potential decrease of property value in neighborhoods has been the main obstacle for most of the affordable housing projects. As a result, LIHTC projects are facing backlash from neighborhoods near the potential affordable housing projects – NIMBYism (Not In My Back Yard). However, during decades, it has been always controversial whether LIHTC is actually affecting neighborhood property value in negative way. This study tests the hypothesis that the LIHTC projects affect negatively on neighborhood single-family home property value in Austin, Texas. Single-family homes within 2000-feet radius from the selected LIHTC projects were analyzed based on the Travis County Appraisal District annual appraisal values between 1993 and 2008. / text

Vliv přítomnosti hluku na cenu nemovitostí v Praze / The effects of noise on real estate prices in Prague

Straková, Beáta January 2010 (has links)
In my thesis I deal with the effects of noise on real estate prices in our capital city. The aim is to estimate the traffic noise impact on property prices, using the hedonic price method. Hedonic price analysis is a useful tool for evaluating the impact of environmental policies, especially for assessing measures aiming to reduce traffic noise, and for apprising landscape architecture during the forming of green quiet areas in the city. In the theoretical part of the thesis I deal with the noise characteristics, hedonic price method, and searches of foreign studies that are centered on the benefits of the silence in households. From these studies, I deduced how the noise affects the real estate market, defined the determinants of the real estate valuation, and showed the appropriate format of these determining variables. The practical part of my work focuses on estimating the effect of particular characteristics of a property on its price. From the noise and real estate price data plotted on the map of Prague, I evaluate the relationship between the noise reading and the real estate price, using the econometric analysis. According to my findings, the negative correlation has been proven to be of a significant measure.

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