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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Satire of Counsel, Counsel of Satire: Representing Advisory Relations in Later Medieval Literature

Newman, Jonathan M. 20 January 2009 (has links)
Satire and counsel recur together in the secular literature of the High and Late Middle Ages. I analyze their collocation in Latin, Old Occitan, and Middle English texts from the twelfth to the fifteenth century in works by Walter Map, Alan of Lille, John of Salisbury, Daniel of Beccles, John Gower, William of Poitiers, Thomas Hoccleve, and John Skelton. As types of discourse, satire and counsel resemble each other in the way they reproduce scenarios of social interaction. Authors combine satire and counsel to reproduce these scenarios according to the protocols of real-life social interaction. Informed by linguistic pragmatics, discourse analysis, sociolinguistics and cultural anthropology, I examine the relational rhetoric of these texts to uncover a sometimes complex and reflective ethical discourse on power which sometimes implicates itself in the practices it condemns. The dissertation draws throughout on sociolinguistic methods for examining verbal interaction between unequals, and assesses what this focus can contribute to recent scholarly debates on the interrelation of social and literary practices in the later Middle Ages. In the first chapter I introduce the concepts and methodologies that inform this dissertation through a detailed consideration of Distinction One of Walter Map’s De nugis curialium . While looking at how Walter Map combines discourses of satire and counsel to negotiate a new social role for the learned cleric at court, I advocate treating satire as a mode of expression more general than ‘literary’ genre and introduce the iii theories and methods that inform my treatment of literary texts as social interaction, considering also how these approaches can complement new historicist interpretation. Chapter two looks at how twelfth-century authors of didactic poetry appropriate relational discourses from school and household to claim the authoritative roles of teacher and father. In the third chapter, I focus on texts that depict relations between princes and courtiers, especially the Prologue of the Confessio Amantis which idealizes its author John Gower as an honest counselor and depicts King Richard II (in its first recension) as receptive to honest counsel. The fourth chapter turns to poets with the uncertain social identities of literate functionaries at court. Articulating their alienation and satirizing the ploys of courtiers—including even satire itself—Thomas Hoccleve in the Regement of Princes and John Skelton in The Bowge of Court undermine the satirist-counselor’s claim to authenticity. In concluding, I consider how this study revises understanding of the genre of satire in the Middle Ages and what such an approach might contribute to the study of Jean de Meun and Geoffrey Chaucer.

L’icône royale : fabrications collectives et usages politiques de l’image religieuse du roi de France au Grand Siècle / The Royal Icon : collective Making and Political Uses of the Religious Image of the King of France in the Seventeenth Century

Lavieille, Géraldine 18 November 2016 (has links)
Les transformations qui interviennent en France à la suite des guerres de Religion modifient l’imbrication des sphères politique et religieuse. La scission entre protestants et catholiques, la triple reconstruction religieuse, nationale et étatique, les évolutions des pratiques et croyances religieuses ainsi que la nouvelle vigueur des gallicanismes induisent des mutations dans la dimension religieuse des conceptions du pouvoir royal entre le règne d’Henri IV et celui de Louis XIV, évolutions appréciables sur le plan symbolique. De 1589 à 1715, une iconographie abondante place le roi dans une situation religieuse, le met en rapport avec des personnages saints ou divins, ou souligne l’importance de son action en matière religieuse. Ces portraits du roi régnant ou de rois défunts, produits en des lieux disséminés sur le territoire métropolitain du XVIIe siècle, révèlent une autre image du pouvoir royal que l’iconographie plus amplement étudiée jusqu’ici. Elle intègre une sacralité héritée, fruit d’une longue construction médiévale dont l’importance se lit toujours au Grand Siècle, et des éléments neufs, qui passent en particulier par l’essor de cultes associant le roi et ses sujets, comme celui de saint Louis ou celui de Marie, marqué par le vœu de Louis XIII. Elle doit en outre se comprendre dans le cadre de l’évolution du droit divin, dans ses rapports avec l’autorité et le pouvoir du roi. L’image d’harmonie qui est élaborée témoigne de la place de cette iconographie dans la légitimation d’un ordre politique et social liant espace terrestre et monde céleste. La genèse de ces objets divers (peintures, sculptures, gravures, etc.), souvent éloignée de la cour, entretenant des relations parfois très ténues avec le pouvoir royal, ne peut être envisagée comme le fruit d’une propagande : elle souligne plutôt des fabrications collectives du portrait religieux du roi. Ainsi, cette thèse propose une histoire culturelle du politique, s’appuyant sur une approche iconographique intégrant les pratiques sociales et les théories politiques. / The transformations that occurred in France after the Wars of Religion altered the interweaving between the political and the religious spheres. The split between Protestants and Catholics, the rebuilding of the church, the nation and the state, the transformations of the religious beliefs and practices, and the new strength of the gallicanisms led to changes in the religious idea of the royal power between the reign of Henry IV and Louis XIV. These evolutions are assessable on a symbolic level. From 1589 to 1715, an abundant iconography places the monarch in a religious situation, puts him in touch with saints or God, or underlines the importance of his action in the religious field. These portraits of the reigning king or deceased kings, produced in dispatched places in the kingdom, reveal a different image of the royal power than the iconography that has most been studied up to now. It includes an inherited sacrality, built during the Middle Ages and still important in the 17th century, and new elements, which entail the growth of cults associating the monarch and his subjects, such as the cults of saint Louis and the Virgin Mary, marked by the vow of Louis XIII. It must furthermore be understood within the framework of the evolution of the divine right, in its links with the royal authority and power. It builds an image of harmony that shows the place of the iconography in the legitimization of a political and social order linking terrestrial and celestial spaces. The creation of these objects (paintings, sculptures, engravings, etc.), often far away from the court, often in loose relationships with the royal power, cannot be understood as propaganda: it rather emphasizes collective makings of the religious portrait of the king. Thus, this thesis offers a cultural history of the political field, leaning on an iconographic approach including social practices and political theories.

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