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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Problematika fake news v současných médiích / The Problem of Fake News in Contemporary Media

Hort, Pavel January 2018 (has links)
This work focuses on the issue of fake news and related disinformation in contemporary, especially electronic media. The aim of the thesis is to clarify the definition of fake news and their function in the context of media manipulation and to give a comprehensive picture of this issue. Fake news are also related with hoaxes, rumors, urban legends, conspiracy theories and more. This work also maps the incidence of fake news especially in the Czech environment, estimates the possible reach of false news to the audience and describes their characteristics. These characteristics include captions in the form of a clickbait, highlighting emotions, manipulation with lexical means and invective, misleading or completely not specified sources (and seeming authority) and the construction of reality by image materials. Another aim of this work is to delineate the problems that fake news affect. It includes violations of journalistic ethics, growing distrust in traditional media, possible influence on political preferences, violation of legislation or personalization of the content. The research is based on the analysis of a representative sample of fake news, their comparison and a survey of public opinion. In the end, this work also proposes solutions for a defense against fake news and prevent their...

”Så nu är jag ett annat jag igen” : Autenticitetsgränser i och kring JT LeRoys Sarah och Hjärtat är bedrägligast av allt

Säfwenberg, Nike Linn January 2008 (has links)
<p>The aim of this essay is to investigate how the author JT LeRoy (a. i. Laura Albert) questions and broadens the concept of authenticity in literature and authorship. My study is based on LeRoy’s novel Sarah [2000] and the collection of short stories The heart is deceitful above all things [2001], as well as articles written about the construction of Laura Albert’s alter ego JT LeRoy. I look for norms and boundaries in connection with authentic authors, identities, sex, gender and love. My method is that of a thematic analysis focusing on names, parenthood, religious beliefs and sub cultural norms and resistance. I am inspired by Michel Foucault’s thoughts on discourse, power and sexuality. My results are presented in a dialogue with previous readings and queer theory, foremost represented by Judith Butler. My general conclusion is that the literary texts, as well as the author represent a queer perspective, and that they therefore – in a heteronormative world view – are considered neither normal nor authentic.</p>

”Så nu är jag ett annat jag igen” : Autenticitetsgränser i och kring JT LeRoys Sarah och Hjärtat är bedrägligast av allt

Säfwenberg, Nike Linn January 2008 (has links)
The aim of this essay is to investigate how the author JT LeRoy (a. i. Laura Albert) questions and broadens the concept of authenticity in literature and authorship. My study is based on LeRoy’s novel Sarah [2000] and the collection of short stories The heart is deceitful above all things [2001], as well as articles written about the construction of Laura Albert’s alter ego JT LeRoy. I look for norms and boundaries in connection with authentic authors, identities, sex, gender and love. My method is that of a thematic analysis focusing on names, parenthood, religious beliefs and sub cultural norms and resistance. I am inspired by Michel Foucault’s thoughts on discourse, power and sexuality. My results are presented in a dialogue with previous readings and queer theory, foremost represented by Judith Butler. My general conclusion is that the literary texts, as well as the author represent a queer perspective, and that they therefore – in a heteronormative world view – are considered neither normal nor authentic.

Fotografie a její autenticita v kontextu debaty o šíření dezinformací v online prostředí / Photography and its authenticity in the context of the debate about disseminating disinformation in the online environment

Cengrová, Michaela January 2019 (has links)
The submitted thesis focuses on the photograph and its role in the process of disseminating disinformation in the online environment. The thesis deals with the opinion that, despite the fundamental changes in the understanding of photography and its credibility, which together with the transition from its analogue form to digital one, photography retains the status of an authentic medium. For this reason photography is becoming a very powerful tool for spreading misinformation. The thesis deals with the theoretical basis of objectivity of photography, its documentary value and expectation of authenticity. The role of the context, which is crucial for understanding the photographic message, will be emphasized. The thesis also defines the basic concepts related to the phenomenon of disinformation. The strategies used to spread disinformation via photography is also presented. In the practical part of the thesis particular disinformative photographic messages is analyzed. Ways to verify the authenticity of particular photographic images are presented. Keywords: photography, authenticity, disinformation, hoax, fake news, online environment, manipulation

Žánry falešného zpravodajství / Fake news genres

Prokypčák, Matej January 2019 (has links)
The diploma thesis consists of two main parts. In the theoretical part, we deal with the basic terminological framework of fake news, the development of misinformation, fake news, hoaxes, propaganda and their form and the form they acquired. We will also look at misinformation, hoax and propaganda as a specific genre of false news. Furthermore, we analyze the spread of hoaxes and disinformation and the criteria by which hoaxes are recognized and labeled. An important part of the theoretical part of the thesis is also the manipulation with the content and the determination of the criteria on the basis of which false information can be recognized. We will focus primarily on the electronic and new media domains, which are mainly represented by social networks. In the research and analytical part of the thesis we look at the ways in which different sites classify misinformation and hoaxes, by what criteria they approach their classification, and whether these methods are unambiguous and consistent. The second important part of the research will analyze the attitudes of traditional and alternative media to work with false news and hoaxes. We will try to bring a glimpse of both stakeholders, that is to say, representatives of traditional media and alternative media.

Role médií při šíření konspiračních teorií, fake news a hoaxů / The role of the media in spreading conspiracy theories, fake news and hoaxes

Hamrník, Jan January 2021 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on the dissemination of conspiracy theories, fake news and hoaxes and the role of media in this process. First, the basic concepts are explained and the topic of the thesis is put in a broader context. The functioning of disinformation media is described including the description of the local scene. Other channels used to deceive recipients include e-mails and applications, social networks, and word of mouth. Special attention is paid to the regular media and the rules according to which they should operate. The theory is followed by a practical part, which maps the spreading of specific misinformation not only through the media, but also fact-checking initiatives. Examples include conspiracy theories about the fire in Notre-Dame Cathedral, hoaxes about alleged refugees in Cheb, Czech Television journalist Marek Wollner and MP Olga Richterová, and the case of the dubious non-profit organization International Children's Cross. The analysis of these cases is conducted through a mixed research model: Data collection is carried out by a quantitative method, while working with them, qualitative methods associated with grounded theory are applied. The aim is to define and describe the forms that the media give to misinformation in their outputs, and to determine in which cases...

Don't Believe Everything You Read: Hoaxes and Satire in The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym

Harder, Erik E. 02 September 2014 (has links)
No description available.

L'acte canularesque médiatique : dispositifs, procédés et enjeux communicationnels (Europe et Amérique du Nord, 2004-2008) / The media hoax process : layouts, mechanisms and communication issues (Europe and North-America 2004-2008)

Gattolin, André 01 June 2011 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur la recrudescence notable depuis une décennie de certains phénomènes singuliers de mystification mettant en jeu des dispositifs communicationnels assez élaborés, connus sous l’appellation de canulars médiatiques. Apparu au XVIIIe siècle et en filiation étroite avec certaines pratiques populaires plus anciennes, l’acte canularesque associé à l’usage des médias engage la mise en œuvre de procédés audacieux qui, au fil du temps et de l’émergence de nouveaux moyens de communication, n’ont cessé de se sophistiquer.L'analyse d'un corpus de neuf canulars ayant recueilli d'un fort retentissement médiatique au cours de la période 2004-2008 souligne l’importance du jeu des interactions qui s’établissent entre l’auteur, sa cible et le public exposé.Elle témoigne également de la forte incidence du contexte sur la réussite de l’acte. Les transformations profondes qui traversent actuellement la société à l’échelle internationale, ainsi que les importants bouleversements qui modifient et parfois fragilisent le monde de l’information, représentent à l’évidence un terrain propice à la multiplication des canulars médiatiques. Entre la précarisation des conditions d’exercice du journalisme, la concurrence effrénée qui affecte les médias, l’attrait grandissant pour les fictions se donnant pour vraies et la recherche permanente de l’inédit et du spectaculaire, les fausses nouvelles et autres mystifications malicieuses trouvent toute raison de proliférer.La tournure très transgressive prise par les canulars médiatiques au cours de ces dernières années a conduit récemment à la mise en place de législations plus coercitives et entraîné de la part de leurs victimes des mesures de rétorsion qui nous amènent, en dernière partie de cette thèse, à nous interroger sur le devenir incertain de l’objet et de sa pratique. / This thesis deals with the issue of a decade-long rise in the number of particular phenomena of mystification that use very elaborate communication mechanisms : the media hoaxes. Appeared in the 18th century and closely linked to ancient and popular practices, the elaborate hoax, associate with media and new technologies, implements audacious processes that became increasingly sophisticated. The analysis of nine hoaxes cases that have benefited from a wide media echoe during the period 2004 to 2008 emphasizes the significance of interaction between the author, his target and the audience. It also testifies the context's high impact upon the success of the action. The profound transformations that go through worldwide societies and the upheavals that modify and often weaken the information world obviously represent a favourable ground for a multiplication of media hoaxes. From the erosion of conditions in journalism practices, the fiercecompetition which affects various media, the growing attraction for fictions as true, to the constant search for novelty and the spectacular, false information and other mischievous mystifications find every reason to proliferate.As the transgressive course taken by media hoaxes in recent years has led to a stringent legislation and the victims' retaliations, we question the uncertain future of this research topic as a practice in the final part of the thesis.

Léo Taxil : [1854-1917] : du journalisme anticlérical à la mystification transcendante / Léo Taxil : [1854-1907] : From anticlerical journalism to transcendent hoax

Rossi, Robert 25 November 2014 (has links)
Dans le contexte politique national si paradoxal de République monarchiste [1871-1879], la presse satirique radicale marseillaise est essentiellement animée par une poignée de jeunes journalistes à l'humour corrosif qui s'assignent pour mission de s'attaquer aux moeurs et aux vices de leur temps. De cette équipe, une personnalité controversée se détache : Léo Taxil, personnage à la conscience « accommodante », pris dès l'adolescence dans une sorte de fuite en avant et une volonté d'indépendance, dues à la nécessité de très tôt devoir gagner sa vie et qui côtoie les grands courants de pensée de son époque, se rangeant tour à tour dans les deux camps profondément antagonistes de la période. Sa conversion au catholicisme et la mystification dont il s'est rendu coupable à travers l'affaire Diana Vaughan ont fait couler beaucoup d'encre et focalisé l'attention de ses contemporains, puis des chercheurs. Pourtant, si de nombreux ouvrages évoquent le parcours atypique de Léo Taxil pour tenter d'expliquer son formidable canular, ils passent de façon succincte sur des épisodes marquants de son existence. Or, qu'en a-t-il été de la vie même de Taxil ? De ses premiers combats exaltés, feints ou réels, de son anticléricalisme militant, associé à des activités lucratives, éléments qui préfigurent son invraisemblable conversion au catholicisme et ses révélations sur la « franc-maçonnerie luciférienne » auxquelles une partie non négligeable du clergé s'est ralliée ? En quoi ce polémiste marseillais est-il révélateur des problèmes de son temps, complètement investi dans les luttes féroces que se livrent républicains laïcs et catholiques conservateurs ? / In such a paradoxical national political context of a monarchist Republic [1871-1879], the radical satirical press of Marseille is essentially run by a handful of young journalists with a sharp sense of humour who set themselves the task of tackling the custom and vices of their time. Out of this team, a controversial figure stood out : Léo Taxil. Manipulator, with an "accommodating" conscience, desperate to achieve his aims, caught as early as a teenager in a kind of headlong rush with a desire of independence due to the very early need to earn a living, he met the great currents of thought of his time, and unscrupulously and seemingly without a second thought, alternately sided with two strongly antagonistic camps. His conversion to Catholicism and his hoax in the Diana Vaughan case were much written about, and were the focus of attention for his contemporaries and later for researchers. Yet, if these works evoke the atypical path of Leo Taxil in order to try and explain his tremendous hoax, they succinctly go over significant events in his life. But beyond the very much narrated and commented hoax, what about Taxil's very life? What about his early enthusiastic battles, whether feigned or real, what about his militant anticlericalism, coupled with lucrative activities, elements that prefigure his improbable conversion to catholicism and his revelations about the "Luciferian Freemasonry" eventually joined by a significant part of the clergy? In what way is this Marseille polemicist indicative of the problems of his time, fully invested in the fierce battles between non religious Republicans and conservative Catholics ?

Sleeper effect a jeho vliv na vnímání fake news u náctiletých / Sleeper effect and its influence on the perception of fake news by teenagers

Adamcová, Nina January 2019 (has links)
(in English): The thesis deals with the exploration of the possible influence of so-called sleeper effect in perception of fake news for teenagers. In the first part this thesis explains the historical and research context of both sleeper and the illusory truth effect, which also served as an inspiration for research design, and this part also describes the type of news and the present state of news trushworthiness in the Czech republic. The theoretical part also describes the basic methods of quantitative research and statistical analysis that are later on applied in the practical part of the thesis, which mainly includes the final data analysis and the repeated research that went on during May and June 2019 at 6 chosen schools.

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