Spelling suggestions: "subject:"poly scripture"" "subject:"holy scripture""
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G. J. Rheticus and the Authorship of the Anonymous Epistola de terrae motuHiggins, Shannon 06 August 2013 (has links)
This thesis considers the anonymously published Epistola de terrae motu and the question of its authorship. The authorship of this treatise was attributed to G. J. Rheticus by Reijer Hooykaas in a publication released in 1984; however, that attribution is not decisive. The first chapter introduces De terrae motu and is followed by a second chapter that contains a review of the relevant historiography relating to scholarship on Rheticus. The third chapter presents Rheticus’ biography. The fourth chapter considers the inconclusive reasoning for the attribution of authorship to Rheticus. The fifth and sixth chapters consider the environment of scriptural hermeneutics in the early modern period, both theoretically and with recourse to specific texts, respectively. The seventh chapter concludes this thesis with a synthesis of the arguments herein which ultimately indicate that it is conceivable that Rheticus wrote De terrae motu but an early seventeenth-century Catholic author is more likely.
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Písmo svaté v životě Etiopské pravoslavné Tewahedo církve / Holy Scripture in the Life of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo ChurchMÁLA, Marek January 2017 (has links)
The theme of this thesis is the significance of Holy Scripture for the life of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church; the main emphasis is on the influence of the Old Testament. This work thus deals with the translation of the Holy Scriptures into the classical Ethiopic and peculiarities of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church canon compared with other canons of the Church. In this case the emphasis is on the Book of Enoch and the Book of Jubilees and the impact of these books on the life of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church. It also deals with the tradition of commenting on Holy Scripture in the Ethiopian ambience and the particular elements of the life of the Ethiopian Church, which can be linked with the Old Testament and Jewish tradition.
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Le Christ, source de la théologie : pour une sagesse théologique / Christ, source of theology : towards a theological wisdomGoutierre, Laurent 29 March 2014 (has links)
La théologie naît de la parole de Dieu. Elle doit donc expliciter ce qui caractérise la parole de Dieu. Or, c’est dans le Christ que Dieu s’adresse en personne aux hommes. Il est en outre nécessaire de préciser quelle philosophie de la parole est capable de servir d’instrument à cette réflexion théologique. Dans le Christ, parole et geste sont relatifs à son Je Suis divin et sont portés par une intention et un jugement nouveaux, divins. On reprend ainsi quelques questions fondamentales : foi et intelligence ; histoire et métaphysique ; théologie et mystique : en terre chrétienne, elles sont inséparables et une sagesse théologique demande d’être à la fois savoureuse et rigoureuse du point de vue de la vérité ; ce qui le permet est une philosophie qui explicite la cause finale grâce à l’amour. Enfin, on aborde l’unité et l’organisation de la théologie : c’est à partir du Christ que s’explicite l’ordre de la théologie dans le développement organique de ses parties. / Theology flows from the word of God. Its task, therefore, is to explicate what characterises that word. In Christ, God speaks in person to mankind, which is why we need to establish which philosophy of the human word is capable of serving theological reflection. Christ’s words and actions are relative to His divine I Am ; his words and actions are carried by a new, divine judgement and intention. This brings us to some fundamental questions : faith and intelligence ; history and metaphysics ; theology and the mystical. These pairs are inseparable in Christianity. A theological wisdom must be both appealing and rigorous as regards the truth ; what is it that allows it to be just that ? A philosophy which, thanks to love, explicates the final cause. Finally, we look at the unity and the organisation of theology : Christ himself determines the order of theology in the organic development of its different areas.
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Milosrdenství jako poselství Písma svatého a jeho naplnění v praxi křesťanského společenství / Mercy as a tidings of Scripture and its implementation in practice of the ChurchŠIMANDLOVÁ, Martina January 2018 (has links)
The thesis summarizes the biblical teaching on God's mercy. Its aim is to describe demonstrations of mercy in stories of the Old and New Testament and ground the truthfulness of the aforesaid God's attribute. With the acquired information the thesis designates mercy also an important human characteristic, which derives from those shown works of mercy. The empirical section presents a set of data obtained from various denomination of the Church. The data show miscellaneous notions of mercy among practicing Christians. The thesis also investigates how Christians perceive God's mercy, whether it is a dominant trait of God or not, and how often are the works of mercy in reality.
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Jak orientovat sociální vztahy v době krize? / How to orient social relations in times of crisis?Littmann, Petr January 2020 (has links)
This work that called How to orientate social relationships in the crisis period? is concerned with works of three chosen authors of European philosophical phenomenological tradition in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. They are Zygmunt Bauman (Pole), Byung-Chul Han (Korean living in Europe for longer time) and Anna Hogenová (Czech). This work has built according to uniform scheme for all three authors. It presents their life and work shortly then presents their ideas and conceptions in a longer face. It also presents response of their works by chosen authors from The Czech Republic and foreigners. Important ideas and conceptions have to serve as a possible way in a help for social work and also for description, analysis, possible development and solution of problems that arise in the crisis period or - as well as told with Bauman - in liquid times. This work has written i terms of Christian Crisis and Pastoral Work - Diaconia so it contents also reference to this subject of study. This work derives from works of three main authors and from works of next ones, too. An important part is a work with Holy Scripture.
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L'icône, porteuse d'Évangile : étude comparative de la portée de l'icône en théologie orthodoxe et de l'Écriture Sainte en théologie occidentale / The icon, bearer of the Gospel : comparative study of the significance of the icon for the orthodox theology and of the Holy Scripture for the occidental theologyDobre, Emanuel 18 December 2015 (has links)
Ce travail propose une présentation de l’icône orthodoxe à partir de la notion d’« Évangile ». En analysant la portée détenue par l’Écriture Sainte en théologie occidentale, il a été possible de présenter l’Évangile comme la Bonne Nouvelle du salut réalisé par le Christ. L’Évangile se donne aux humains dans leur existence terrestre par diverses médiations prises du monde et qui deviennent porteuses de grâce dans leur corporéité même. L’icône est décrite comme porteuse d’Évangile en analogie avec le rôle et la place accordés à l’Écriture Sainte dans différentes traditions chrétiennes. L’icône et l’Écriture sont des formes de parole et peuvent être reconnues, dans la foi, comme des formes de la Parole de Dieu. Outre le fait d’être vecteurs de grâce, d’autres traits rapprochent l’icône et l’Écriture : la corporéité, une note de relativité, l’annonce correcte seulement dans un contexte ecclésial, le témoignage de l’événement de l’Incarnation auquel elles renvoient et dont elles dépendent. / This work provides an approach to the icon starting from the notion of « Gospel ». An analysis of the importance of the Holy Scripture in the western theology allows us to present the Gospel as the Good News of the salvation accomplished by Christ for the humankind. The Gospel is conveyed to the human being in his daily life through various means. These means are mediations taken from the creation and they become grace bearers through their very corporeity. Following an analogy with the role and the importance given to the Holy Scripture throughout different Christian traditions, the icon is described as a « Gospel bearer ». The icon and the Scripture are both a form of the word and they can both be recognized, through faith, as a form of the Word of God. Besides being vectors of grace, the icon and the Scripture share other common characteristics: the corporeity, some amount of relativity, the correct proclamation in the church only, and the witness of the event of the Incarnation.
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Katolická a adventistická hermeneutika - srovnání různých přístupů k Písmu / Catholic and Adventist Hermeneutics ? Comparison of Different Approaches to the Bible.KOCIÁN, Aleš January 2011 (has links)
The main goal and the content of the dissertation is to compare two different approaches to the Holy Scripture. To achieve this goal and to make out beforehand four-part assumptions in the conclusion is in the first part of this work defined the term of hermeneutics, then the relationship between hermeneutics and mission of both churches under examination is elaborated. The second part of the work, on the basis of studied literature, deals with research in the field of hermeneutics and exegesis history, with explanation of terms and backround, with outline of types of hermeneutics and principles of exegesis of the biblical text. This part is closed with the specification and description of the hermeneutical principles used by both chosen churches nowadays. The final third part deals with the practical comparison of one doctrinal topic - the day of worship and rest. This part is closed by the searching for reasons why the studied churches have come to different theological conclusions and instruments the change was achieved by.
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[pt] Esta tese foi desenvolvida com o objetivo de analisar a caminhada histórica da atuação das Sociedades Bíblicas no Brasil, sob a ótica da difusão das Escrituras Sagradas. Para melhor contextualizar a temática, a análise teve início no tempo da transmissão oral da Palavra de Deus, antes de qualquer registro por escrito, e se desenvolveu pelos diversos contextos em que as Escrituras acompanharam o povo de Deus na história, tanto na realidade do povo de Israel quanto na perspectiva da igreja cristã. O trabalho de difusão das Escrituras, realizado pelas Sociedades Bíblicas no Brasil, constituiu o objeto principal do estudo. Analisou-se como se deu o processo de chegada e o desenvolvimento do trabalho das Sociedades Bíblicas em quase duzentos anos de atividades no país. De forma especifica, discorreu-se sobre o trabalho realizado pela Sociedade Bíblica do Brasil (SBB) desde a sua fundação, em 1948. Esse trabalho foi analisado a partir do ciclo de vida da Bíblia, método utilizado para a SBB tornar a Bíblia disponível, acessível e relevante na sociedade e na igreja. O trabalho foi desenvolvido sob as bases de uma pesquisa histórica. Sua área de concentração foi estabelecida na teologia sistemática-pastoral. Metodologicamente, a pesquisa foi realizada por meio de uma revisão bibliográfica, contemplada por historiadores e biblistas que são referenciais em relação a temática proposta. Foram também utilizadas pesquisas em documentos oficiais disponibilizados pela SBB. No último capítulo foram utilizados além da descrição histórica, uma análise de conteúdo com base nas atividades desenvolvidas pela SBB por meio do ciclo de vida da Bíblia. Os resultados evidenciaram que o trabalho de difusão das Escrituras, desenvolvido pelas Sociedades Bíblicas no Brasil, em especial a SBB, tem contribuído de forma significativa com a igreja e a realidade da sociedade brasileira em diversos aspectos sociais e espirituais. / [en] This thesis has been developed with aim of analyzing the the historical journey of the Biblical Societies in Brazil, from the point of view of the diffusion of the Holy Scriptures. In order to better contextualize the theme, the analyze had its beginning during the time of the oral transmission of the Word of God, before any written record, and it developed through several contexts in which the Scriptures followed God s people in history, both in the reality of the people of Israel and in the perspective of the Christian church. The work of spreading the Scriptures, held by the Bible Societies in Brazil, was established as the main object of study. It was analyzed how the process of arrival and development of the Bible Societies work in almost two hundred years of activities in the country. In a specific way, it was analyzed the work held by the Brazilian Bible Society (SBB) since its foundation in 1948. This work was analyzed starting from the life cycle of the Bible, a method used by the BBS to make the Bible available, accessible, and relevant in the society and in the church. The study was conducted on the basis of a historical research. Its area of concentration was established in the pastoral systematic theology. Methodologically, the research was made through a bibliographical review, overseen by historians and bible scholars, who are referential in relation to the proposed theme. Researches were also made in official documents provided by the BBS. In the last chapter, besides the historical description, it was used an analysis of content based on the activities developed by the BBS through the life cycle of the Bible. The results showed that the work of spreading the Scriptures, developed by the Bible Society in Brazil, especially the BBS, has contributed in a meaningful way to the church and to the Brazilian society in several social and spiritual aspects.
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Lutherische Metaphysik im Streit / Berichte von Calovs antisoziniansichen Feldzügen / Lutheran metaphysics in controversy / Accounts of Calovs antisocinian campaignsReese, Olaf 04 November 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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« In manu prophetarum assimilatus sum » (Osée 12, 10) : recherches sur le commentaire sur Osée de Jérôme : philologie et herméneutique, avec les prolégomènes d'une édition critique / « ln manu prophetarum assimilatus sum » (Hos 12, 10) : a study on philology and exegesis in the commentary on hosea of hieronymus of stridon, with prolegomena of a new critical editionMounier, Benoît 29 September 2015 (has links)
Composé à la fin de 406, le Commentaire sur Osée de Jérôme de Stridon (c. 347-419/420) se trouve à la charnière entre ses commentaires bibliques sur les Petits et les Grands prophètes. Au sein de ce vaste projet exégétique, l’ouvrage constitue un bon exemple d’une herméneutique désormais bien maîtrisée. Avec un fort souci de cohérence, l’exégète y déploie l’interprétation littérale essentiellement historique pour lancer l’interprétation spirituelle déclinée en deux sens, l’un anti-hérétique, l’autre mystique, tous deux présentés comme fondamentaux pour comprendre le livre d’Osée. L’œuvre constitue également un témoin clé pour saisir l’importance de la typologie, christocentrique et ecclésiale, pour expliquer les Prophètes selon Jérôme. Du reste, l’ouvrage n’a fait l’objet d’aucune recherche approfondie tant sur son contenu que sur son texte. Aussi, des recherches philologiques inédites ont permis d’établir l’histoire de la transmission manuscrite et de proposer les prémices d’une édition scientifique du texte. / Written in the end of 406, the Comment on Hosea by Jerome of Stridon (c. 347-419/420) is the transition between its biblical comments on Minor and Major Prophets. Within this vast exegetical project, the work constitutes a good example of an hermeneutics well mastered. With a strong concern of coherence, the exegete displays the essentially historic literal interpretation to introduce the spiritual interpretation declined in two senses, the one anti-heretic, the other one mystic, both presented as fundamental to understand the book of Hosea. The work also constitutes a key witness to seize the importance of the typology, both centered on Jesus Christ and his Church, to explain the Prophets according to Jerome.Besides, the work was the object of no in-depth research both on its contents and on its text. So, new philological researches allowed to establish the handwritten transmission and to propose the first elements of a scientific edition of the text.
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