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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Identifying Bio-Diesel Production Facility Locations for Home Heating Fuel Applications Within the Midwest Region of the United States

Schafer, Guy M. 20 May 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Optimizing Home Heating Cost Efficiency with Model Predictive Control and Battery Integration

Eriksson, Marcus, Gard, Mats January 2024 (has links)
No description available.

Empirical evidence of utility sponsored conservation programs

Shay, Colin Gerald 23 December 2009 (has links)
Utility sponsored conservation programs encourage participants to consume less energy. One of the most popular methods used to achieve this is to offer monetary rebates to purchasers of high-efficiency appliances. The costs of these conservation programs are then passed-on to all customers as increased energy prices. Economic theory predicts that the income and substitution affects should decrease the consumption of non-participants in the programs and may increase the consumption of participants. Recent claims in the literature argue that the standard net benefit tests used to evaluate these programs fail to incorporate the full impact of the income and substitution affects. Relying on these theoretical arguments, new evaluation techniques, referred to as Net Economic Benefits (NEB) tests, are being introduced as solutions to this problem. Using the actual experience of a natural gas utility, this thesis analyzed the need for NEB evaluations. The results show that the price of gas is not a significant factor in determining household gas consumption. Therefore, empirical evidence cannot support the NEB claims. The evidence does show that, on an average annual basis, participants are consuming less than non-participants. / Master of Arts

Sledování kvality ovzduší v ostravské průmyslové aglomeraci / Monitoring of air quality in the Ostrava industrial agglomeration

Krejčí, Blanka January 2020 (has links)
Presented thesis deals with the evaluation of air quality in Ostrava industrial area, especially with regard to highly concentrated suspended particles and sorbed on them toxic polyaromatic hydrocarbons. Their above-limit concentrations are the main cause of negative effects on the health of humans and other organisms in one of the most outstanding European "hot- spot"regions, in the industrial agglomeration of Ostrava. The first part of the work is devoted to the evaluation of pollutant concentrations and contributions of identified types of air pollution sources in the wider influence area of a large industrial source in the Ostrava region. It was confirmed the concentrations of all pollutants show very significant inter-seasonal differences between the warm and cold parts of the year. The measured concentrations of PAHs in the cold season were 3 to 5 times higher than in the warm season. Less pronounced differences in concentration levels were seen between day and night samples. The air-pollution load was highest at the Radvanice site, compared to Vratimov and the background area of Poruba. The pollution caused by suspended particles originating from the emissions of the industrial complex in the annual scale contributes significantly to the resulting air quality image on the site, but is not an exclusive source. Other identified sources of the contributions to the PM2.5 concentrations are regional sources and operating seasonally sources (local heating). The second part of the thesis is an assessment of the character and regularities of air mass transmission in the ground-level layer of the troposphere in the Czech-Polish border area, as regional and long-range pollution transport plays a significant role, manifested in the resulting reduced air quality. The contribution of cross-border pollution sources is an important component of often alarming concentrations of atmospheric pollutants, especially during winter smog situations. It was shown within the northeast steady flow is dominated by the shift of higher concentrations of suspended particles from Poland to the Czech Republic. On the other hand, with the opposite prevailing direction of steady flow, particle concentrations on the Polish side of the territory are not increasing dramatically. At least half the year there are situations with variable wind direction, or low flow velocities during which the entire area on both sides of the border there are maximum concentrations of particles, including sorbed polyaromatics with the most serious health effects.

Household preferences for energy goods and services:a choice experiment application

Ruokamo, E. (Enni) 12 March 2019 (has links)
Abstract This thesis includes three studies on household preferences for energy goods and services. The first study examines determinants of households’ heating system choices using a choice experiment. The choice sets include six main heating alternatives (district heating, ground heat pump, exhaust air heat pump, solid wood boiler, wood pellet boiler, and electric storage heating) that are described by five attributes (supplementary heating systems, investment costs, operating costs, comfort of use and environmental friendliness). The results imply that hybrid heating appears to be accepted among households. The results also reveal differing preferences for the main heating alternatives and show that they are affected by demographic characteristics. The studied attributes also play a significant role when heating systems are being chosen. The second study is a methodological one that extends the analysis of the first study. The second study explores the effect of perceived choice complexity on the randomness of choices in choice experiments. The study investigates how different self-evaluated factors of choice complexity affect mean scale and scale variance. The findings suggest that perceived choice complexity has a systematic impact on the parameters of econometric models of choice. However, differences exist between alternative self-evaluated complexity-related covariates. The results indicate that individuals who report that answering the choice tasks is more difficult have less deterministic choices. Perceptions of the realism of home heating choice options also affect scale and scale variance. The third study utilizes the choice experiment to analyze households’ willingness to participate in demand side flexibility. The study examines whether individuals are willing to time their electricity usage and heating; whether they are interested in dynamic pricing contracts such as real-time pricing, two-rate tariffs, or power-based tariffs; and how emissions reductions affect their choices. The results indicate that households’ sensitivity to restrictions in electricity usage is much stronger than their sensitivity to restrictions in heating. Households also require compensation to choose real-time pricing over fixed fees. The findings suggest that room may exist for new dynamic electricity distribution contracts, such as power-based tariffs, in the market. Other value-creating elements besides monetary compensation also exist that could incentivize households to offer demand side flexibility because households value power system level reductions in CO2 emissions. / Tiivistelmä Tämä väitöskirja koostuu kolmesta tutkimuksesta, joissa tarkastellaan kotitalouksien preferenssejä energiahyödykkeitä ja -palveluita kohtaan. Ensimmäinen tutkimus keskittyy kotitalouksien lämmitysjärjestelmävalintoihin ja niitä määrittäviin tekijöihin. Tämä tutkimus on tehty valintakoemenetelmällä, jonka valintatilanteet sisältävät kuusi eri päälämmitysjärjestelmävaihtoehtoa (kaukolämpö, maalämpöpumppu, puulämmitys, pellettilämmitys, varaava sähkölämmitys ja poistoilmalämpöpumppu). Päälämmitysjärjestelmiä kuvataan viiden ominaisuuden avulla, jotka ovat tukilämmitysjärjestelmä, investointikustannukset, käyttökustannukset, käyttömukavuus ja ympäristöystävällisyys. Tulosten mukaan kotitalouksien preferenssit päälämmitysjärjestelmävaihtoehtoja kohtaan ovat vaihtelevia. Valintaan vaikuttavat sekä tarkastellut ominaisuudet että kotitalouden demografiset tekijät. Tulokset myös paljastavat, että kotitaloudet suhtautuvat myönteisesti hybridilämmitykseen. Toinen tutkimus on menetelmällinen, missä hyödynnetään ensimmäisen tutkimuksen aineistoa. Tämä tutkimus keskittyy yksilöiden kokeman vastaamisen vaikeuden vaikutuksiin valintakoemenetelmässä. Vastaamisen epätarkkuus tunnistetaan valintakoemenetelmässä skaalan ja skaalavarianssin avulla. Tutkimus tarkastelee, kuinka itsearvioidut vastaamisen vaikeutta mittaavat tekijät vaikuttavat keskimääräiseen skaalaan ja skaalavarianssiin valintojen ekonometrisissa malleissa. Tulosten mukaan koettu vastaamisen vaikeus vaikuttaa systemaattisesti ekonometrisen valintamallin parametreihin. Vastaamisen vaikeutta mittaavien tekijöiden välillä on kuitenkin eroja. Tuloksien perusteella vastaajat, jotka kokevat valintatilanteisiin vastaamisen keskimääräistä vaikeampana, tekevät satunnaisempia valintoja. Myös valintatilanteiden koettu realistisuus vaikuttaa skaalaan ja skaalavarianssiin. Kolmannessa tutkimuksessa arvioidaan kotitalouksien halukkuutta osallistua energian kysyntäjoustoon valintakoemenetelmällä. Tämä tutkimus selvittää ovatko kotitaloudet halukkaitta siirtämään sähkönkulutusta ja lämmitystä, ja kuinka kiinnostuneita he ovat dynaamisista sähkön hinnoittelusopimuksista kuten pörssisähkösopimuksesta, yösähkösopimuksesta tai tehoperusteisesta sopimuksesta. Lisäksi tutkitaan vaikuttavatko järjestelmätason päästövähennykset kotitalouksien valintoihin. Tulosten perusteella kotitaloudet suhtautuvat sähkönkulutuksen rajoituksiin selvästi negatiivisemmin kuin lämmityksen rajoituksiin. Kotitaloudet myös vaativat rahallista korvausta valitakseen pörssisähkösopimuksen kiinteähintaisen sopimuksen sijaan. Tulosten mukaan markkinoilla voisi olla tilaa uudenlaisille sopimustyypeille, kuten tehoperusteiselle vaihtoehdolle. Tulokset osoittavat, että kotitaloudet arvostavat järjestelmätason hiilidioksidipäästövähennyksiä. Täten rahallisen korvauksen lisäksi on olemassa myös muita arvoa luovia tekijöitä lisätä kotitalouksien osallistumista kysyntäjoustoon.

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