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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An analysis of sermons : expository preaching in the Southern African context

Johnston, Clanton Clyde 04 1900 (has links)
This doctoral thesis entails a research project to determine whether grass roots preachers in a southern Africa context can be instructed to prepare effective expository sermons. In order to make that determination it was necessary to first collect and analyze expository sermons from such preachers prior to any instruction. Then, on the basis of instruction in expository preaching in a seminar format, it was necessary to collect and analyze additional sermons from the same preachers. To that end we conducted two five-day seminars in Zimbabwe and South Africa respectively. The content of those seminars included two major elements. The first was a theology of preaching that is detailed in Chapter 1. Within a theology of preaching we have given treatment to various topics including the need for a theology of preaching, the Old Testament basis for preaching, the New Testament mandate for preaching, a definition and defense of expository preaching, and a discussion of the necessary qualities of effective expository preaching. The second element of the seminars involved a method of preaching detailed in Chapter 2. Within the method of preaching we have given treatment to various topics, including the role of the Holy Spirit in preaching, exegesis of the sermon text, and making the transition from the text to the completed sermon. Given the foundational material of Chapters 1 and 2, we developed the seminar materials found in Chapter 3. Chapter 4 includes the schedules by which the sermons were analyzed. Each sermon was subjected to the same schedule to determine its effectiveness as an expository sermon. Those results are then analyzed in Chapter 5 leading to the conclusion that grass roots preachers in a southern Africa context can indeed be instructed to preach effective expository sermons. / Practical Theologyy / D. Th. (Practical Theology)

Konkrétní situace v kázání - na příkladu významných svátků či událostí: Druhý svátek vánoční (Památka mučedníka Štěpána) / Particular Situation in Preaching on the Example of Important Holidays or Event: December 26th - St. Stephen's Day

Sabo, Martin January 2014 (has links)
The theme of the thesis, which you hold in your hands is particular situation of sermon on the occasion of December 26th with its specific topic about the first Christian martyr St. Stephen. The aim of this work is to explore, in discussion with experts and current Protestant preachers, the homiletic possibilities of how such specific situation should be addressed. Master thesis has four main parts. The first part investigates how available homiletic literature operates with the key terms: preaching, celebration and Stephen. New Testament biblical texts associated with Stephen are processed in this part as well. The second, more practical part, deals with particular sermons of contemporary Slovak and Czech ministers, and invites them into a conversation about a particular situation of both St. Stephen and the listener who is being addressed with these sermons. The third part of the thesis provides conclusion. The annex is important as well, for it provides a collection of sermons on this particular subject. Keywords Biblical text Listener Martyr Sermon Situation St. Stephen St. Stephen's Day Witness

Paul's preaching in the Epistle to the Ephesians and its homiletical implications

Ryoo, David Eung-Yul 26 June 2003 (has links)
The purpose of this dissertation was to explore Paul's preaching of the significant theological themes in Ephesians in an attempt to establish a model of expository preaching for modern preachers. The study comprised five chapters. The introduction justified the investigation, explained and evaluated the New Homiletic, and summarized the history of the studies of Paul's preaching and Paul's use of the Old Testament in Ephesians. Chapter 2 examined Paul's preaching on the triune God against the Old Testament backdrop. God has provided the spiritual blessings of unity and reconciliation to humanity by the work of Christ's death and resurrection through the Holy Spirit. The investigation demonstrated that Paul's preaching of God the Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit reflects his eschatological perspective that believers have already experienced the salvation but they still anticipate its consummation. Chapter 3 surveyed Paul's preaching on the Christian life as a new creation primarily dealing with the latter three chapters. Paul's imperative messages, emphasizing on how newly created believers should live a Christian life in conformity of their calling, are grounded on his indicative messages, focusing on what God has done for humans through the sacrificial death and resurrection of Christ. In Paul's preaching there is no dichotomy between the internal work of the Holy Spirit for the believer's redemption and His external ethical exhortation for the believer's life. Paul's preaching of the believer's life also reflected an eschatological dimension. The believer has experienced an ultimate triumph over the evil powers in Christ, but the fruits of that victory have not yet been fully realized. Chapter 4 studied homiletical implications of Paul's preaching in Ephesians and proposed a model of expository preaching. First, expository preaching should be the indicative-grounded and the imperative-oriented. Second, expository preaching should be Christ-centered preaching, focusing on the redemptive work of the triune God in the canonical context. The conclusion summarized the main results of the investigation and suggested Paul's preaching in Ephesians and proposed a future direction for expository preaching. / This item is only available to students and faculty of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. If you are not associated with SBTS, this dissertation may be purchased from <a href="http://disexpress.umi.com/dxweb">http://disexpress.umi.com/dxweb</a> or downloaded through ProQuest's Dissertation and Theses database if your institution subscribes to that service.

Sévérien de Gabala dans les littératures arménienne et géorgienne / Severian of Gabala in the Armenian and Georgian literatures

Kim, Sergey 11 December 2014 (has links)
La thèse est consacrée à l'étude de l'héritage littéraire de Sévérien, évêque de Gabala (Ve s.) conservé dans les traductions arménienne et géorgienne. L’Introduction générale esquisse l’histoire de la recherche sur Sévérien etsystématise les critères utilisés pour attribuer une oeuvre à cet auteur ; une étude essaie de retracer les débris de son corpus dispersé dans les manuscrits grecs et caucasiens ; une partie codicologique présente les manuscritscaucasiens utilisés. Quatre textes arméniens (CPG 4248, 4246-1, 4246-2, 4295.17a) et quatre textes géorgiens (CPG 4235, 4236-3, 4236a.4, 4214) sont édités et traduits en français ; chaque pièce est précédée par les notes d'introduction qui contiennent nos observations sur son attribution à Sévérien, aussi bien que sur le rapport de l'original grec avec la version caucasienne ancienne. Deux textes portant le nom de Sévérien en arménien (CPG 4669) et en arabe (CPG 4290) sont étudiés et publiés pour la première fois en Appendice. Deux Annexes contiennent les lexiques gréco-géorgien et géorgien-grec créés sur la base d’une lecture parallèle des textes de Sévérien édités simultanément en grec et en géorgien. / The thesis presents a study of the literary heritage of Severian of Gabala (Ve cent.) conserved in ancient Armenian and Georgian translations. The General Introduction surveys the previous research on Severian and systematizes the criteria used to attribute a text to this author; the separate pieces of Severian's corpus spread throughout the Greek and Caucasian manuscripts are also considered; a codicological part introduces the Caucasian manuscripts used in the work. Four Armenian (CPG 4248, 4246-1, 4246-2, 4295.17a) and four Georgian texts (CPG 4235, 4236-3, 4236a.4, 4214) are edited and translated into French; each piece is preceded by introductory notes which contain our observations on the Severian's authorship and on the relationship between the Greek original and its ancient Caucasian version. Two text bearing Severian's name in Armenian (CPG 4669) and in Arabic (CPG 4290) are studied and published for the first time in an Annex. Two further Annexes are constituted of the Greek-Georgian and the Georgian-Greek lexicons based on the parallel reading of the texts of Severian which are published at once in Greek and in Georgian.

Jean Chrysostome exégète et pasteur. Les homélies sur la Deuxième épître aux Corinthiens / John Chrysostom As Exegete and Pastor. His Homiletical Commentary on Second Corinthians

Molinié, Pierre 14 January 2017 (has links)
Les homélies de Jean Chrysostome (v. 349 – 407) sur la Deuxième épître aux Corinthiens fournissent un témoignage important sur la pratique de l’exégèse et de la prédication dans l’Antiquité. Sur le plan oratoire, elles sont marquées par de fortes interactions entre Jean et son auditoire et par ce que l’on peut nommer une rhétorique biblique : un discours où l’Écriture est omniprésente, dans le texte commenté comme dans les outils mobilisés dans le commentaire. Sur le plan exégétique, le prédicateur explique l’épître paulinienne de manière littérale, i.e. phrase par phrase ou mot par mot, attentif à la pédagogie de Paul. La notion de salut joue un rôle capital dans cette perspective, car elle guide l’interprétation des moindres variations du ton de l’apôtre ; celle d’amplification n’est pas moins importante, car elle rend compte des larges développements parénétiques qui constituent, à l’intérieur de chaque homélie, un moyen supplémentaire de faire comprendre le texte commenté. Sur le plan théologique, enfin, ce commentaire homilétique permet à Jean Chrysostome de faire écho à quelques thèmes pauliniens : la kénose du Christ, la place de l’Esprit saint dans la communauté chrétienne et l’action de grâce. Prise globalement, une telle pratique homilétique et exégétique pourrait être caractérisée comme une forme d’actualisation de l’Écriture. Toutefois, deux mots empruntés au langage chrysostomien semblent mieux correspondre à cette pratique : l’anamnèse et l’anaphore, qui font jouer la proximité entre l’acte de commenter l’Écriture et la célébration de l’Eucharistie. / The primary aim of this work is to read John Chrysostom’s homilies on Second Corinthians as an insight into the practice of exegesis and preaching in Antiquity. After reviewing the historical background of John’s homilies (chapter 1), I will deal with their rhetorical features, that is: the literary genre of the homiletical commentary (chapter 2), the interactions between John and his audience (chapter 3) and the “biblical rhetoric”, i.e. John’s overwhelming use of Scripture in both the commented text as his own commentary (chapter 4). Secondly, I will describe his exegetical skills, by reviewing the literal explanation of Paul’s wording (chapter 5), the overall understanding of the epistle (chapter 6) and the use of larges hortatory sections as an “amplification” of Pauline moral and spiritual themes (chapter 7). Lastly, I will approach John’s theology on the aspects of the doctrinal teaching of his homilies (chapter 8), his spiritual guidance (chapter 9) and the processes of retrieval and enactment involved in the preacher’s hermeneutics (chapter 10). The results of this work suggest that John’s exegetical practice can be described as a process of anamnesis (rememoration) and anaphora (elevation) of Paul’s text – an exegetical, but also liturgical and existential process.

Christosentriese prediking in die AP Kerk : 'n prakties-teologiese studie / Hendrik Schalk Willem Strauss.

Strauss, Hendrik Schalk Willem January 2012 (has links)
Christocentric preaching in the AP Church – a practical theological study, is a dissertation wherein Christocentric preaching from the patriarchal narratives by AP Church preachers, is being investigated to determine to what extend it complies with the basic principles of Christocentric preaching. This research found that the preaching from the patriarchal narratives by participating preachers of the AP Church, does not truly answer to the basic principles of Christocentric preaching. A clearly defined Christocentric approach which set out the basic principles for responsible Christocentric preaching, would improve the Christocentricity of Old Testament preaching, more specifically the patriarchal narratives, in the AP Church. A modified version of Osmers’ practical-theological model was utilized as method of research. It entails hermeneutical and normative, empirical and interpretative, as well as strategic aspects. The following goals are set for the study: Hermeneutical and normative i) To determine perspectives from Scripture for the research concept Christocentric preaching regarding passages from Genesis 12-50. Empirical and interpretative ii) To determine to what extend sermons in the AP Church based on passages from Genesis 12-50, are truly Christocentric. iii) To determine to what extend preachers of the AP Church consciously make use of a base theory regarding Christocentric preaching when preaching on passages from Genesis 12-50. Strategically To provide effective, yet Biblical guidelines for Christocentric preaching on passages from Genesis 12-50. In order to reach the above mentioned goals, the following aspects are discussed in the course of the study: Perspectives from Scripture for the research concept Christocentric preaching are determined by, among others, illuminating the unique nature and specific characteristics of the Hebrew narrative. The focus on the hermeneutical challenge offers perspectives on decisive considerations when handling Scripture, an exegetical method conducive to Christocentric preaching, as well as perspectives on a meaningful transition to Christ from the Old Testament text. The focus on the homiletic challenge indicates expository preaching as the most appropriate vehicle for responsible Christocentric preaching. From the hermeneutical and normative perspectives, a certain criteria is derived which served as a guideline for the evaluation of sixteen sermons and devotions by AP Church preachers in order to determine their Christocentricity. Flowing from this, six themes are determined on the basis of which unstructured interviews with five preachers of the AP Church are conducted. These analyses and interviews show the absence of a clearly formulated base theory regarding Christocentric preaching at participating AP Church preachers. Christocentric preaching in the AP Church – a practical theological study offers guidelines for responsible Christocentric preaching from the patriarchal narratives by concentrating on certain points of departure in respect of the Old Testament, key hermeneutical aspects, a meaningful transition from the Old Testament to Christ as well as important homiletic aspects. / Thesis (MTh (Homiletics))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013.

Christosentriese prediking in die AP Kerk : 'n prakties-teologiese studie / Hendrik Schalk Willem Strauss.

Strauss, Hendrik Schalk Willem January 2012 (has links)
Christocentric preaching in the AP Church – a practical theological study, is a dissertation wherein Christocentric preaching from the patriarchal narratives by AP Church preachers, is being investigated to determine to what extend it complies with the basic principles of Christocentric preaching. This research found that the preaching from the patriarchal narratives by participating preachers of the AP Church, does not truly answer to the basic principles of Christocentric preaching. A clearly defined Christocentric approach which set out the basic principles for responsible Christocentric preaching, would improve the Christocentricity of Old Testament preaching, more specifically the patriarchal narratives, in the AP Church. A modified version of Osmers’ practical-theological model was utilized as method of research. It entails hermeneutical and normative, empirical and interpretative, as well as strategic aspects. The following goals are set for the study: Hermeneutical and normative i) To determine perspectives from Scripture for the research concept Christocentric preaching regarding passages from Genesis 12-50. Empirical and interpretative ii) To determine to what extend sermons in the AP Church based on passages from Genesis 12-50, are truly Christocentric. iii) To determine to what extend preachers of the AP Church consciously make use of a base theory regarding Christocentric preaching when preaching on passages from Genesis 12-50. Strategically To provide effective, yet Biblical guidelines for Christocentric preaching on passages from Genesis 12-50. In order to reach the above mentioned goals, the following aspects are discussed in the course of the study: Perspectives from Scripture for the research concept Christocentric preaching are determined by, among others, illuminating the unique nature and specific characteristics of the Hebrew narrative. The focus on the hermeneutical challenge offers perspectives on decisive considerations when handling Scripture, an exegetical method conducive to Christocentric preaching, as well as perspectives on a meaningful transition to Christ from the Old Testament text. The focus on the homiletic challenge indicates expository preaching as the most appropriate vehicle for responsible Christocentric preaching. From the hermeneutical and normative perspectives, a certain criteria is derived which served as a guideline for the evaluation of sixteen sermons and devotions by AP Church preachers in order to determine their Christocentricity. Flowing from this, six themes are determined on the basis of which unstructured interviews with five preachers of the AP Church are conducted. These analyses and interviews show the absence of a clearly formulated base theory regarding Christocentric preaching at participating AP Church preachers. Christocentric preaching in the AP Church – a practical theological study offers guidelines for responsible Christocentric preaching from the patriarchal narratives by concentrating on certain points of departure in respect of the Old Testament, key hermeneutical aspects, a meaningful transition from the Old Testament to Christ as well as important homiletic aspects. / Thesis (MTh (Homiletics))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013.

A practical theology study of contextualised preaching in Australia

Michie, David Graeme 31 October 2004 (has links)
This thesis studies current preaching praxis in Australia through a practical theology perspective. It is argued that Evangelical churches in Australia operate predominantly with a narrow applicational hermeneutical model in regard to preaching and hence communicate the gospel ineffectually to ordinary Australians. A need for contextualised and dialogical preaching is presented. Using Zerfass's model a situational analysis of the Australian context and the effects of modernism and postmodernism are explored. Theological tradition in regard to preaching is then analyzed with a focus on incarnational, Trinitarian and covenantal theology, scripture as public text and dialogue as scriptural pattern. Preaching is then analyzed using the communication theories of Gadamer, Searle, Ricoeur, and Habermas. The need for contextualised preaching is critiqued in light of the concerns of Barth regarding preaching and the concerns of Strom in regards to the nature of church in Australia. A new evangelical practical theological/ preaching model is then offered. Zerfass's model emphasises dialectic tension as the basis for moving from praxis to praxis. While movement from praxis to praxis does occur via dialectic tension there are also elements of change that are based on processes of continuity and evolution. A model that reflects this dynamic is forwarded. Finally an ideal praxis for dialogical preaching is presented with possibilities for further research. Throughout the thesis five interviews are used to illustrate the research, concepts and recommendations presented. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / D.Th.

An evaluation of Haddon Robinson's homiletical method: an evangelical perspective

Lake, Judson Shepherd 31 May 2003 (has links)
For the last two decades Haddon Robinson's homiletic text Biblical Preaching has been a significant influence in evangelical homiletics. In an endeavor to evaluate the homiletic method within it, this study asked the following questions: What is Robinson's theological methodology and how does it affect his homiletical method? What is his hermeneutical methodology and how does it affect his homiletical method? These two questions lead into the main issue of this study expressed in two other questions: Is Robinson consistent with his theological and hermeneutical methodology in his homiletical method? What are the strengths and weaknesses of his ten-stage method? Based on these issues, the purpose of this study was to investigate Robinson's theological and hermeneutical methodology, evaluate his ten-stage method in light of this investigation, and based on any problematic areas, suggest pointers toward new theory and procedure for the enhancement of expository pedagogy. To provide a framework for this study, four homiletical paradigms in contemporary American homiletics were identified and explained. Robinson's method was found to be in one of these paradigms. With this framework in mind, Robinson's theological and hermeneutical methodology was investigated. Following this, his definition of expository preaching with its five components was set forth and investigated. It was found that Robinson's expository methodology as expressed in his view of Scripture, hermeneutics, and definition of expository preaching, is a consistent foundation for his ten-stage method. Nevertheless, several problematic issues were noted. Having investigated Robinson's expository methodology, this study formally evaluated his ten-stage method and found its center of gravity to be on the two center stages dealing with the homiletical idea and purpose statement. Furthermore, this evaluation found the ten stages to be consistent with Robinson's definition of expository preaching in its movement from interpretation to application. In seven of the stages, however, this study found deficiencies due to procedural weaknesses and a lack of theoretical focus. The study concluded with ten pointers based on the problem areas addressed throughout the investigation and evaluation. These pointers suggested a new theory and procedure to enhance expository pedagogy and practice. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / D. Th. (Pratical Theology)

Prediking in 'n industriële konteks in die lig van 'n moderne homiletiese teorie

Gerber, J. J. (Jacobus Johannes) 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Een van die grootste probleme waarmee die prediker in 'n industriele konteks te doen het, is om die evangelie op 'n sinvolle wyse aan die hoarders oor te dra. Die radikale verandering in die samelewing deur die moderniseringsproses, het die homiletiek gedwing om teoreties her te besin. Hierdie moderne homiletiese teorie soos deur H.J.C. Pieterse, T.G. Long en G.D.J. Dingemans verteenwoordig het die volgende belangrike teoretiese aanpassings gemaak: Eerstens, in plaas van die tradisionele beweging van die teks na die hoarders, is die homiletiese proses omgekeer. Die beweging is nou vanaf die hoarder na die teks deur middel van die prediker en weer terug van die teks na die hoorder. Tweedens, hierdie benadering het noodwendig hermeneutiese implikasies gehad. Daarom het die homiletiek die bree aanpak van die moderne kritiese hermeneutiek in diens geneem. Derdens moes 'n nuwe kommunikasieteorie ondersoek word naamlik, die dialogiese kommunikasieteorie van H.J.C. Pieterse en C.J.A. Vos. / One of the greatest problems, with which a preacher in an industrial context have to deal with, is to convey the gospel in a sensible manner to the listeners. The radical change in society caused by the modernisation process, forced homiletics to review its theoretical base. Modern homiletics as represented by H.J.C. Pieterse, T.G. Long and G.D.J. Dingemans, has made the following theoretic adjustments: Firstly, in stead of the traditional movement of the text to the listeners, the homiletical process is revearsed. The movement is from the listener to the text by means of the preacher and back from the text to the listener. Secondly, this approach inevitably has hermeneutic implications. Therefore homiletics has employed the broad approach of modern critical hermeneutics. Thirdly, a new communication theory has to be developed namely, the dialogical communication theory of H.J.C. Pieterse and C.J.A. Vos. The most important theoretical foundation for preaching in an industrial context is the approach of taking the listeners as starting point without neglecting the text. In practice, it brings about that the following topics ask for particular attention: For the understanding and formulating of the message of the Scriptures, the modern critical hermeneutics and the use of metaphors is of the greatest importance. The new understanding of rhetorics which is about conveying the message, must be taken into consideration. The formulating of the message in the language of the listeners has a theoretical influence on the formulating and use of the theological concepts during preaching. The dialogical communication theory is also of great importance, and has dialogue before, during and after the preaching in mind. For it to be fulfilled, preaching work groups is an important component to improve dialogical communication in the congregation. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / D.Th. (Practical theology)

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