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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Revision of the early Cretaceous flora from Hope Bay, Antarctica

Gee, Carole T. 04 February 2013 (has links)
The Early Cretaceous (Berriasian) Hope Bay flora is one of the most diverse assemblages from the Mesozoic of Antarctica. Collected in 1902 by the Swedish Antarctic Expedition of 1901-1903 from Hope Bay at the northern tip of the Antarctic Peninsula, and described in 1913 by T. G. Halle, it has served as a classic reference collection for Jurassic and Cretaceous southern hemisphere paleobotanical studies. Because the systematics of the flora were outdated by the enormous advances in our understanding of fossil plants during the last 70 years, it was in serious need of revision. This revision has reduced the number of taxa from 61 to 42 species. Newly erected species are Otozamites rowleyi, Kachchhia schopfii, Ticoa jeffersonii, and Araucaria antarctica. New combinations are Todites grahamii and Thinnfeldia salicifolia. The genera Kachchhia, Ticoa, and Weltrichia are new occurrences at Hope Bay. Represented in the flora are members of the Hepatophyta, Arthrophyta, Pteridophyta, Pteridospermophyta, Cycadophyta, Cycadeoidophyta, and Coniferophyta. Not surprisingly, when compared with other Gondwana floras, the Hope Bay flora shows the greatest similarity with other Antarctic floras. There is also a close affinity with the floras of South America and New Zealand. Taxonomic similarity between these floras is best explained by paleogeographic proximity. / text

“They bring you up to do, like your daddy done” : En analys av Bruce Springsteens låttexter och hur användbara de kan vara i undervisningen / "They bring you up to do, like your daddy done" : An analysis of Bruce Springsteen’s lyrics and how appropriate they could be for teaching situations

Paunia, Kim January 2015 (has links)
Denna uppsats syftar till att undersöka hur man kan analysera och tolka två av Bruce Springsteens låttexter, för att visa på hur lämpliga de kan vara som underlag för att i undervisning beröra de viktiga livs- och identitetsfrågor som nämns i styrdokumenten för högstadiet. Frihet kan anses vara en särskilt viktig livsfråga och därför undersöks skildringen av frihet i låttexterna närmare. Dessutom undersöks hur genus, klass och ålder skildras i relation till makt. Låttexterna som analyseras är ”The River” och ”Land of Hope and Dreams”. Analysen visar att ”The River” skildrar en mörk, nostalgisk bild av hur dystert livet kan bli som konsekvens av ett för tidigt frihetsberövande. Den belyser hur faktorer så som klass, ålder, kön och etnicitet samverkar och tillsammans påverkar människors livsöden, samt hur de livsödena i sin tur hör ihop med frihetsbegreppet. I ”Land of Hope and Dreams” skildras istället en ljusare, mer positiv och hoppfull bild av Amerika, livet, himlen eller vad man än väljer att tolka låten som en symbol för. Låten skildrar en framtidstro, optimism och tanke om solidaritet, medmänsklighet och jämställdhet som alla lärare borde sträva efter att förse sina elever med. I ”Land of Hope and Dreams” skildras de fördelar som frihet innebär på ett positivt sätt, medan de nackdelar som en brist på frihet innebär skildras på ett mer negativt sätt i ”The River”. Utifrån analysen av de båda låttexterna kan man dra slutsatsen att de visar hur frihet är av ytterst stor betydelse för samhället i stort och människan som enskild individ, samt att de även berör många andra viktiga livs- och identitetsfrågor, vilket gör dem användbara i undervisningssituationer. / This essay aims to examine and show how two of Bruce Springsteen’s songs could be analyzed and how useful they could be in teaching situations, to touch upon some of the important questions that are mentioned in the curriculum. The main focus of the analysis in the essay is questions regarding life and identity. Freedom could be considered an especially important question and the depiction of the concept is therefore analyzed closely. Furthermore, the depictions of gender, class and age are analyzed in relation to power. The songs that are analyzed are “The River” and “Land of Hope and Dreams”. The analysis shows that “The River” depicts a nostalgic image of how dark life can become as a consequence of loosing freedom at an early stage in life. It illustrates how concepts such as class, gender and ethnicity affect the destiny of life, as well as how that destiny is affected by the concept of freedom. “Land of Hope and Dreams” depicts a more positive and hopeful image of America, life, heaven or whatever one chooses to interpret the song as a symbol for. The song depicts a belief in the future, optimism and idea about solidarity and equality that all teachers should aim to pass on to their students. “Land of Hope and Dreams” depicts the advantages of freedom in a positive way, while the disadvantages of freedom are depicted in a more negative way in “The River”. Based on the analysis, one can conclude that the songs illustrate how freedom is of outmost importance to society and to individuals, and that they touch upon many other important questions about life and identity, which makes them appropriate to use in teaching situations.

Historic preservation and public opinion : a feasibility study

Paaverud, Merlan E. January 1982 (has links)
In the field of historic preservation, a feasibility study should be done in the affected locale to determine what the public's feelings are toward a project. The preservation project must have the public's support to be successful.The results of the study can be analyzed to identify sources of opposition and support. It will also uncover issues to be dealt with in public directed support campaigns for the preservation project.The success of historic preservation projects can be much enhanced by the use of the feasibility study and the proper application of information which it uncovers.

Die Kaapse meubelmakers, 1652-1900

Geldenhuys, Hugo Amos 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 1986. / INDLEIDING: Ten spyte van die belangrike bydrae wat die meubelmakers oor meer as drie eeue gelewer het t.o.v. die vervaardiging van een van die belangrikste gebruiksartikels in die Kaapse huishoudings, is daar nag min aandag aan die onderwerp bestee. Slegs enkele navorsers soos H. Aucamp (1971), M. Baraitser en A. Obholzer (1971), J.L.M. Franken (1940) en J. Hoge (1946) verwys na enkele meubelmakers, timmermans, draaiers, voeërs en beeldsnyers wat meubels gemaak het. Daar is egter nog geensins 'n geheelbeeld saamgestel oor die herkoms van die Kaapse meubels en die vakmanne wat dit plaaslik vervaardig het nie. Die doel van hierdie studie is om vas te stel wie die mense was wat die Kaapse meubels sedert die volksplanting plaaslik vervaardig het. Die studie het ook ten doel om, waar moontlik, te onderskei tussen die verskillende soorte vakmanne wat meubels gemaak het, nl. kabinetmakers, stoelmakers, draaiers, voeërs, beeldsnyers en timmermans.

Progressivism, agriculture and conservation in the Cape Colony, circa 1902-1908

Brown, Karen January 2002 (has links)
This thesis looks at concepts of progress and agricultural deveIopment in the Cape Colony in the aftermath of the South African War (1899-1902). The first decade of the twentieth century was one of economic crisis. War was followed by a severe depression exacerbated by a slump in the diamond industry, which prompted doubts about the longevity of the country’s mineral resources. It was also a period of recurrent drought which aroused concerns about food security and criticisms about the Colony’s reliance on imported victuals and primary products such as timber. In this context, self-professed ‘progressive’ politicians and commercial farmers looked to the land as the most viable source of national wealth. Politically this period was dominated by Leander Starr Jameson’s Progressive Party, which held office from February 1904 until February 1908. The thesis analyses how this Party, usually associated with mining capital and Rhodes’s legacy, deliberately promoted itself as the progenitor of agricultural progressivism in terms of its rhetoric and the policies it pursued. Agricultural amelioration was linked to conservation. Scientific methods and systematic land management strategies were advocated to protect and enhance scarce water resources, soil fertility and pastures on which the rural economy depended. The state positioned itself as the provider of scientific expertise and introduced legislation to promote and regulate the agricultural economy and environment. The Cape was influenced in part by conservationist developments, which occurred contemporaneously in Australia and, in particular, in the United States. Historians of American history have identified the early twentieth century there as the ‘Progressive Era’. This thesis explores the scientific links that emerged between the governments of these two countries and argues that the Cape too self-consciously promoted itself as a progressive state with agricultural development and conservation constructed as two of the principal pillars of progress.

Sendingstasie Pacaltsdorp, 1813-1923

Van der Linde, Henry William Daniel January 1966 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / No abstract available / History

Investigation into the extended capabilities of the new DPS-4D ionosonde

Ssessanga, Nicholas January 2011 (has links)
The DPS-4D is the latest version of digital ionosonde developed by the UMLCAR (University of Massachusetts in Lowell Center for Atmospheric Research) in 2008. This new ionosonde has advances in both the hardware and software which allows for the promised advanced capabilities. The aim of this thesis was to present results from an experiment undertaken using the Hermanus DPS-4D (34.4°S 19.2°E, South Africa), the first of this version to be installed globally, to answer a science question outside of the normally expected capabilities of an ionosonde. The science question posed focused on the ability of the DPS-4D to provide information on day-time Pc3 pulsations evident in the ionosphere. Day-time Pc3 ULF waves propagating down through the ionosphere cause oscillations in the Doppler shift of High Frequency (HF) radio transmissions that are correlated with the magnetic pulsations recorded on the ground. Evidence is presented which shows that no correlation exists between the ground magnetic pulsation data and DPS-4D ionospheric data. The conclusion was reached that although the DPS-4D is more advanced in its eld of technology than its predecessors it may not be used to observe Pc3 pulsations.

A reappraisal of the governorship of Sir Benjamin D'Urban at the Cape of Good Hope, 1834-1838

Lancaster, Jonathan Charles Swinburne January 1981 (has links)
Preface: Sir Benjamin D'Urban only spent four years as Governor of the Cape Colony, yet to many people he is one of the most easily identifiable of all British Governors. The principal reason for this, it seems, is the continuing emphasis placed upon his short-lived settlement of the Colony's troublesome eastern frontier in 1835. The main objectives of this thesis have been to examine some of the most notable analyses of that settlement together with an attempt to remove D'Urban's governorship from the narrow and controversial confines imposed by his frontier policy. I have tried to place his governorship in the wider context of his day, examining the various controls upon him, and his overall role as Governor together with some of his administration's less well known but ultimately equally important aspects. In effect, I have tried to view D'Urban in 'the round '. The thesis makes no pretence at being a complete survey. Several important and possibly contributory aspects to a fuller understanding of D'Urban's Cape interlude - notably his ten years in various executive positions in the West Indies and British Guiana, and his period as commander-in-chief of the British army in Canada - were beyond the reach of anything more than a cursory review. Presumably there are documents relative to this period of D'Urban's life in the Archives in Montreal, Georgetown and London. D'Urban's reputation in South Africa continues to rest upon the short-lived system he established in 1835 and the great promise for future relations between black and white that many authors then and since saw in it, or alternately failed to see in it. With this in mind, and the realisation that 145 years and a succession of Governors, High Commissioners and Prime Ministers have passed since 1835, the following extract from the front page of The Daily Dispatch of 10 May, 1980, is revealing. It was reported that the Ciskei government demanded "all the land between the Kei and Fish Rivers, the Indian Ocean and the Stormberg Mountains to form the territory of an independent Ciskei ." The fundamental questions of to whom the land belongs and of how to establish a just modus vivendi with the Xhosa, which plagued both D'Urban's short administration and the Colonial Office for much of the Nineteenth Century are still with us today. Any analysis of his four year period as Governor of the Cape must necessarily be tempered by this realisation.

Grazing sequence pattern and species selection by cattle in the Dohne sourveld

Daines, Thomas January 1976 (has links)
A detailed investigation into the harvesting of the standing grass crop within camps by cattle showed the following: 1. Cattle have a definite order of preference for the components of the Dohne Sourveld grass sward. The most palatable species in order of preference (based on Corrected Species Importance rating) are Themeda triandra, Tristachya hispida, Andropogon appendiculatus, Alloteropsis semialata and Heteropogon contortus. The least preferred species is Elionurus argenteus. 2. The key species, which is defined as the most abundant and productive palatable species, has been identified as Themeda triandra. 3. In harvesting the grass crop, cattle not only have a set preference for species, but also have a set grazing sequence pattern. This can be divided into three main phases. On entering the camp the animals first select the species of their choice, "creaming" these plants (grazed less than 50%) to obtain the most nutritious feed. In their daily search for food they spread their grazing over an increasingly wider area and over a wider range of species. When they can no longer obtain their daily requirements from this "creaming" operation of the more preferred species they return to the most preferred species , which are then heavily grazed (more than 50%) producing the common pattern of area grazing within a camp. These areas increase in size as the cattle graze down the species of their choice, moving to less preferred species as soon as they can no longer obtain their daily intake requirements from the more preferred species. Finally when they have no alternative they graze the least preferred species. 4. Increasing the stocking density does not alter the grazing sequence pattern or change the order of preference for the component species in the sward. It only increases the rate of utilization of the more preferred species and the various phases in the grazing sequence pattern are reached more rapidly. 5. At higher stocking densities the palatable species are more evenly utilized than at lower stocking densities. 6. Cattle graze a greater variety of species when the sward is young and actively growing. As the maturity of the sward increases the cattle concentrate on the more preferred species and are more selective in their grazing. However, their order of preference remains the same. Species that are highly preferred early in the season retain their ranking when the sward is mature. The only exception to this rule is Alloteropsis semialata. Early in the growing season this species is high on the preference list, but as it matures less is taken until when fully mature, it is rejected by cattle. 7. Elionurus argenteus is the least preferred of all the species in the Dohne Sourveld. Cattle will graze this plant as a last resort when grazing a camp early in the season, but reject the plant when it is fully mature. 8. To retain vigour and production of the Dohne Sourveld results of this investigation support the view that grazing management should be based on the principle of controlled selective grazing. Having shown that the more preferred species are over-utilized when attempting to utilize the least preferred species any grazing management that calls for total utilization of all standing vegetation should be rejected. 9. The results of this investigation supports a multicamp system for the Dohne Sourveld where high stocking densities are employed. This will result in the rapid and even utilization of the more preferred species. Management should be based on short period of stay and long period of absence. Cattle should be moved as soon as the key species have been well utilized, but not overgrazed. Cattle should only be returned to the camp when key species have made adequate regrowth following grazing. 10. A method, that is simple to use, is proposed for determining utilization of the veld and key species at different times of the year using the relationship between percentage of ungrazed plants and utilization of the sward and of Themeda triandra, the key grazing species in the sward. 11. Results show that when rested camps are grazed after May, the number of Themeda triandra inflorescences are drastically reduced. Veld that is specifically rested for the production of Themeda triandra seed should be rested from March of the year preceding expected seeding.

Phenology of the important coleopterous pests of pine forests in the Western Cape, South Africa

Tribe, Geoffrey Darryl January 1992 (has links)
The phenology of the three exotic pine bark beetles present in South Africa was determined in the south-western Cape Province. Results from weekly trapping of adult beetles using trap-logs over a period of five years showed that the different species had activity peaks at different times of the year. Hylastes angustatus was the most consistent with 95% of the beetles captured in September and October. The Orthotomicus erosus activity peak was more variable but always occurred in the summer months (October to February) when 84% of the beetles were captured. Hylurgus ligniperda was the most variable, being found in every month of the year, although an autumn peak representing 37% of the beetles occurred in April/May. Activity peaks of each species coincided with distinct climatic conditions. Buried and partially-buried pine logs placed vertically in the soil to simulate roots and stems of seedlings were used to determine the colonisation sites of the three bark beetle species. Ninety-eight percent of O. erosus beetles were found in the protruding parts of the logs while 86% of H. ligniperda beetles were found mainly below soil level. H. angustatus were intermediate, entering the logs at or just below the soil interface but colonising mainly the buried parts in which 64% of the beetles were found. Both H. angustatus and H. ligniperda were able to detect and colonise logs buried horizontally at depths of 400mm, but O. erosus beetles were unable to do so. For adequate protection of seedlings from bark beetles, insecticide should be applied to both stems and roots. The phenology of the indigenous pine needle feeders Oosomus varius (Curculionidae) and Prasoidea sericea (Chrysomelidae) was determined by counting, at weekly intervals, the number of beetles present on 10 young pine trees. The O. varius activity peak occurred in August where 42% of all beetles were active, with 87% of the beetles present in July, August and September. P. sericea also had their activity peak in August when 60% of all beetles were active, but with August and September alone accounting for 87% of the beetles. The occurrence of the activity peaks was consistent each year over the five-year study period. This information facilitates the correct timing of prophylactic insecticide sprays.

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