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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Um modelo para previsão de vida à fadiga de juntas soldadas submetidas a carregamentos combinados. / A fatigue life prediction model of welded joints under combined cyclic loading.

Keurrie Cipriano Goes 09 April 2010 (has links)
O presente trabalho teve como objetivo desenvolver uma metodologia prática e confiável para previsão de vida à fadiga de juntas soldadas a cordão pelo processo MIG/MAG, quando estas estão submetidas a carregamentos cíclicos combinados. A máxima tensão linear no pé da solda, região típica de início de trinca, conhecida como hot spot foi utilizada para prever a vida através do método de Fadiga de Alto Ciclo S x N (Tensão x Vida), largamente empregado em códigos de projeto de estruturas soldadas. O Método dos Elementos Finitos foi utilizado para determinação das tensões estruturais resultantes do carregamento e das descontinuidades geométricas presentes nos cordões de solda. A análise de fadiga foi efetuada em ambiente virtual, através de um software (programa) de fadiga capaz de importar as tensões atuantes na região da solda para cada carregamento, combinando-as e obtendo assim a vida à fadiga decorrente da somatória dos diferentes tipos de carregamento ao qual a junta foi submetida. As propriedades monotônicas e cíclicas dos materiais da junta foram obtidas da literatura e de um extenso banco de dados disponível no software de fadiga. Estas propriedades foram ajustadas com base em ensaios de laboratório nas juntas investigadas. A medição ou modelagem das tensões residuais inerentes ao processo de soldagem não fazem parte do escopo deste trabalho. Contudo, os efeitos térmicos e metalúrgicos resultantes do processo de soldagem, como distorções, tensões residuais, variações microestruturais e propriedades mecânicas foram considerados de forma indireta, através da correção das curvas de fadiga nos corpos de prova investigados. Corpos de prova do tipo tubo-placa foram submetidos a carregamentos cíclicos combinados (flexão e torção) de amplitude constante. O resultado da análise virtual de durabilidade foi, portanto, calibrado com base nestes experimentos e curvas disponíveis em códigos de projeto de fadiga como BS7608 e Eurocode 3. A aplicabilidade deste método numérico-experimental e suas contribuições para a garantia da Integridade Estrutural do projeto de juntas soldadas são apresentadas. Seus desafios e melhorias são por fim discutidos. / The main purpose of this work is to develop a practical and robust methodology to evaluate the fatigue life in seam weld joints fabricated with GMAW process when subjected to combine cyclic loading. The maximum linear stress at the typical crack initiation region, better known as hot spot stress, was used to calculate the fatigue life through high cycle fatigue method S x N (Stress x Life), widely used in design codes for the life assessment of welded structures. The Finite Element Method (FEM) was used to obtain the structural stresses distribution due the external loading and geometric discontinuities very common in seam weld joints. The fatigue analysis was conducted in virtual environment. The FEM stress results from each loading were imported to fatigue code FE-Fatigue and combined to perform the fatigue life prediction. The monotonic and cyclic properties of the joint materials were obtained in the literature and from the fatigue software database. These properties were adjusted based on laboratory fatigue tests in the investigated welded joints configurations. The measurement or modeling of the residual stresses resulted from the welded process is not part of this work. However, the thermal and metallurgical effects, like distortions and residual stresses, were considered indirectly through fatigue curves corrections in the samples investigated. A tube-plate specimen was submitted to combine cyclic loading (bending and torsion) with constant amplitude. The virtual durability analysis result was calibrated based on these laboratory tests and design codes such as BS7608 and Eurocode 3. The feasibility and application of the proposed numerical-experimental methodology and contributions for the welded joints structural integrity design are presented. The challenges and improvements are finally discussed.

Numerical study of thin HPC overlay for orthotropic bridge deck / Numerical study of thin HPC overlay for orthotropic bridge deck

Miarka, Petr January 2017 (has links)
This Master Thesis compares three various concrete materials for stiffening orthotropic bridge deck plate and investigates stress reducing factors in selected weld joints. The thesis investigates the standard load situation and also overloaded situation. A parameter study with different material inputs has been done to see how it affects stress in weld joints.

Efekt souseda a jeho vliv na volební chování v českých parlamentních volbách / The Friends and Neighbours Effect and Its Relevance to Voting Behaviour in Czech Parliamentary Elections

Pileček, Radek January 2020 (has links)
Voter decision-making about which political party to support in the elections is a very complex process. One of the key factors influencing our voting behaviour is the effect of particular candidates in terms of their local activities. Many Czech and also foreign studies show that candidates gain significantly higher preferences in the municipality of their residence and its surroundings. Within the analyzed parliamentary elections, this is reflected not only by the territorial concentration of preferential votes, but also by higher local electoral support of the political parties or movements represented by these candidates. This diploma thesis examines, among other things, differences in the strength of the described effect (technically called the friends and neighbours effect) between candidates from different political parties and in different regions of Czechia. Quantitative research has shown greater local strength and spatial extent of friends and neighbours effect for leading candidates from non-metropolitan areas who have experiences from local or regional politics, such as mayors or regional councilors. In the 2017 parliamentary elections, the friends and neighbours effect mostly influenced the spatial patterns of electoral support of the KDU-ČSL and the STAN movement and on the other...

Static and Fatigue Analyses of Welded Joints in Thin-Walled Tubes

Karlsson, Hanna January 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Utmattning vid svetsad anslutning mellan tväravstyvning och fläns i samverkansbro / Fatigue at welded connection between transverse stiffening and flange in a composite bridge

Lindman, Daniel, Berlin Lindberg, Jonas January 2019 (has links)
Vid samverkansbroar fästes tvärförband mellan huvudbalkar med funktion att leda laster ut mot huvudbalkarna. Dessa kan fästas via s.k. livavstyvningsplåtar mot huvudbalkens liv samt flänsar. Denna infästning kan ske med svetsförband. Vid ett antal fall har utmattningssprickor uppkommit i svetsanslutningen mellan livavstyvningsplåten samt överfläns på huvudbalk. Tydliga riktlinjer finns ej i dagsläget för vilken typ av svetsförband som bör nyttjas vid uppförande av benämnd konstruktionsanslutning. Här genomförs en jämförande studie av kälsvetsförband mot stumsvetsförband, med samt utan svetsutbredning. Då risk för sprickinitiering till följd av utmattning i kälsvetsförbandet studerades beaktades risk för brott i såväl svetstå som svetsrot. Den aktuella studien ämnade ge svar på huruvida en korrelation mellan geometriska parametrar såsom avstånd mellan huvudbalkar samt konsollängd på farbana kunde kopplas till rekommendation gällande vilket svetsutförande som borde nyttjas vid olika dimensioner av dessa båda geometrier. Vidare ämnade studien utröna om eventuella gränsvärden för val av svetsanslutningar kunde fastställas. För framtagande av data nyttjades BRIGADE PLUS, ett beräkningsprogram som nyttjar FEM-modellering. Här användes ett uppfört projekt, Viadukt Söder, beläget i Östersund, som grundmodell för parameterstudien i BRIGADE PLUS. Detta var projekterat av ELU Konsult, på uppdrag av Trafikverket. Beräkningsmodellen bestod av en begränsad del av den aktuella bron, där utmattningslastfordon 3 i SS EN 1993-2 användes för att via influenslinjer återspegla trafiklast på bron och därmed finna värsta lastpositioner. Dessa positioner nyttjades sedermera för beräkning av påverkan från Utmattningslastfordon 3 på den studerade detaljen i form av spänningsamplitud. Analys av dessa spänningsamplituder omräknades sedermera till ett antal lastcykler till brott som sedan ställdes mot de riktlinjer som återfinns i SS EN 1993-1-9:2005. Här nyttjades de förbandsklasser som enligt nationella normer ses som gällande. Resultatet påvisade en exponentiell minskning av antal lastcykler till brott, med avseende på utmattning, då brogeometrin utökades. Utmärkande här var att risk för brott i livavstyvningsplåten klart översteg risk för brott i överflänsen, som i sin tur näst intill kunde bortses ifrån. Den geometriska parameter som blev styrande var konsollängd på farbana. Tydlig differens i livslängd mätt i antal cykler gick att utläsa för de olika svetsförbanden, där styrande faktor blev de respektive förbandsklasserna vid analys av sprickinitiering. Gränsvärden för då antal cykler till brott understeg gränsvärden enligt SS EN 1993-1-9:2005 kopplat till de geometriska parametrarna, gick att fastställa för respektive svetsförband. Kälsvetsens kapacitet med avseende på utmattning understeg vida stumsvetsens kapacitet. / For composite bridges, transverse bracings are attached between main girders with the function of distributing loads between the main girders. These can be attached via so-called web stiffeners against the main girders web and flanges. This attachment can be done via welded joints. In the event of emergence, fatigue cracks have arisen in the welding connection between the web stiffener and the top flange of the main girder. Clear guidelines do not exist at present for the type of welded joints that should be used in the construction of the termed design connection. Here, a comparative study is carried out between fillet welded joints and butt welded joints, with flat and inclined welds. When the risk of crack initiation as a result of fatigue in the fillet weld was studied, the risk of breakage in both toe and root was considered. The current study intended to provide answers as to whether a correlation between geometric parameters such as distance between main girders and cantilever length of the deck slab could be linked to recommendation regarding which welding design should be used at different dimensions of these two properties. Furthermore, the study intended to determine whether any limit values for the selection of welding connections could be determined. For the production of data, BRIGADE PLUS, a calculation program that utilizes FEM modeling, was used. Here, a constructed project, Viadukt Söder, situated in Östersund, was used as the basic model for the parameter study in BRIGADE PLUS. This was designed by ELU Konsult, on behalf of the Swedish Transport Administration. The calculation model consisted of a limited part of the current bridge, where Fatigue Load Vehicle 3 in SS EN 1993-2 was used to reflect traffic loads on the bridge via influenza lines and thereby find the worst load positions. These positions were subsequently used for calculating the influence of Fatigue Load Vehicle 3 on the studied part in the form of stress amplitude. Analysis of these stress amplitudes was subsequently recalculated to a number of load cycles to offenses that were then set against the guidelines found in SS EN 1993-1-9: 2005. Here, the fatigue resistance values were used which according to national standards are regarded as valid. The result showed an exponential decrease in the number of load cycles to fracture, with respect to fatigue, as the bridge geometry was increased. The characteristic feature here was that the risk of breakage in the web stiffener clearly exceeded the risk of breakage in the upper flange, which in turn could almost be disregarded. The geometric parameter that became guiding was cantilever length on the deck. Clear difference in service life measured in number of cycles could be read out for the different welded joints, where the controlling factor became the respective fatigue resistance values when analyzing crack initiation. Limit values for when the number of cycles to break below the limit values according to SS EN 1993-1-9:2005 linked to the geometric parameters, could be determined for each welded joint. The capacity of the fillet weld with respect to fatigue is far below the capacity of the butt weld.

Hållfasthetsanalys och optimering av pressplatta i balpressar

Ahlqvist, Christian, Hedlund, Tobias January 2013 (has links)
Nättraby Verktygs AB i Ronneby konstruerar och producerar balpressar vars funktion är att pressa samman kartong, plast eller liknande material till kompakta balar. Dessa balar medför underlättad hantering av material som kan återvinnas för företag. Balpressarna används främst inom verksamhetsområden med stor åtgång av återvinningsbart material, exempelvis livsmedelsaffärer. Problemställningen vid detta examensarbete är att i en äldre version av en balpress har sprickbildning på pressplattan upptäckts efter en viss tids användning. Huvuduppgiften för detta examensarbete har därför varit att utföra hållfasthetsanalyser på pressplattorna för tre olika balpressar i deras sortiment. Denna rapport beskriver momenten samt arbetsgången för att genomföra dessa analyser och beskriver utförligt metoderna som använts. Hållfasthetsanalyserna är uppdelade i två delar, en statisk FEM-analys och en utmattningsanalys av konstruktionen. I den första delen av rapporten genomförs en FEM-analys på den gamla varianten av pressplattan för att se om analysen påvisar samma kritiska områden som företaget upptäckt. Resultatet visade att spänningen var högre i dessa områden än i övriga konstruktionen men under sträckgränsen för materialet. Därför beskriver nästa del av rapporten utförandet av en utmattningsanalys av pressplattan. Denna analys består av en svetsanalys för de svetsförband som finns i de kritiska områdena. Som metod vid svetsanalysen har “hot spot-metoden” använts vilken ger en uppskattning av hur många lastcykler dessa svetsförband kan belastas innan sprickbildning sker. Därefter har samma analyser genomförts på den nuvarande pressplattan och en pressplatta för en kommande modell. I sista delen av rapporten tas ett koncept av en möjlig framtida pressplatta fram där fokus ligger på minskad vikt, minskat antalet detaljer samt ökad hållfasthet. Det framtagna konceptet analyseras på samma sätt som de tidigare tre pressplattorna för att verifiera om detta koncept har ökad hållfasthet och livslängd.

Finite element modelling of ventilated brake disc hot spotting

Tang, Jinghan January 2017 (has links)
Hot spotting of automotive disc brakes is an undesired thermal localisation phenomenon, which is a challenge for numerical modelling in terms of both accuracy and efficiency especially for complex disc geometry. In this research, the aim was to develop a computationally efficient finite element (FE) approach for 2-piece pin-mounted ventilated disc hot spot prediction with acceptable accuracy enabling parametric studies to contribute to the knowledge of the complex mechanisms. A time reduction strategy for the simulations was established by incorporating an axisymmetric brake pad assumption with material scaling factor and the friction characteristics were defined by a user-subroutine. The computing accuracy and efficiency of this method were then verified by comparing with traditional FE models. 2D in-plane, 2D out-of-plane, and 3D models were performed to investigate the effects of ventilated disc hot spotting, radial hot spot/band migration, and hot spotting of realistic complex disc geometry respectively. Both 2D and 3D results were validated using experimental results based on a laboratory dynamometer and showed good correlation. The results suggested that adequate modelling of friction pair contact pressure distribution and the subsequent non-uniform heat generation is essential for hot spot simulation; speed was identified as the determinant for the number of hot spots, whereas hot spot temperature was determined by energy level. Furthermore, recommendations for vent design, pins, disc run-out, cooling, material selection, wear rate, pad length and loading distribution were given. Finally, hot spotting and hot band migration cause-effect chains were established based on the results and discussion.

Origine, évolution et mise en place d'un pluton alcalin récent en contexte intraplaque océanique : exemple du complexe sud de Rallier du Baty, Kerguelen (T.A.A.F.) / Origin, evolution and emplacement of a recent plutonic body in oceanic within-plate settings : example of the south Rallier du Baty igneous complex, Kerguelen (T.A.A.F.)

Ponthus, Léandre 20 March 2018 (has links)
L'étude de ce complexe plutonique alcalin fut multidisciplinaire mêlant, observations et mesures sur le terrain, ASM, pétrographie, minéralogie, géochimie (majeur et traces), géochimie isotopique Rb/Sr et Sm/Nd et géochronologie U-Pb sur zircons. La synthèse des résultats démontre la participation minoritaire de plusieurs sources (manteau métasomatisé et fragments continental) en plus de la source prédominante qui est le manteau typique du panache de Kerguelen. Dans un environnement magmatique ouvert, les magmas contaminés ont formé la plus ancienne série magmatique calcique du complexe. La seconde et plus jeune série magmatique a produit (dans un environnement clos) des roches de plus en plus agpaïtique au cours de la différenciation. La mise en place progressive mais diachrone des intrusions s'est faite entre 11,7 (au sud) et 7,9 Ma (au nord). Enfin, le mode de construction de ce pluton en fait un exemple unique connu de laccolithe en contexte intraplaque océanique. / The study of this alkaline plutonic complex was multidisciplinary, mixing field observations and measurements, AMS, petrography, mineralogy, geochemistry (major and traces), isotopic geochemistry Rb / Sr and Sm / Nd and geochronology U-Pb on zircons. The synthesis of the results shows the minor participation of several sources (metasomatised mantle and continental fragments) in addition to the predominant source which is the typical asthenospheric mantle of the Kerguelen plume. In a dynamic and open magmatic system, the contaminated magmas formed the oldest magmatic and calcic series of the complex. The second and younger magmatic series produced (in a closed environment) more and more agpaitic rocks during differentiation. The incremental emplacement of the intrusions occurred between 11.7 (in the south) and 7.9 Ma (in the north). Finally, the type of construction of this pluton makes it a unique known example of laccolith in oceanic within-plate settings.

Nouvelles plateformes plasmoniques pour la spectroscopie Raman exaltée de surface / Novel plasmonic substrates for Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy

Haidar, Israa 14 October 2016 (has links)
Depuis la démonstration de l’extrême sensibilité de la spectroscopie Raman exaltée de surface (acronyme SERS en anglais) à la fin des années 90, un des défis actuels consiste à élaborer des substrats SERS actifs composés de nanoparticules ayant des formes anisotropes avec des pointes prononcées ou des nanoparticules couplées de manière contrôlée et reproductible. De tels systèmes génèrent en effet une forte exaltation du champ électromagnétique, respectivement sur les régions à fort rayon de courbure et au sein de l’interstice. Ce fort confinement du champ, on parlera de point chaud, est essentiel dans le but de détecter de très faibles quantités de molécules. L’objectif principal de ma thèse est de développer et de caractériser finement de nouveaux substrats SERS obtenus par des méthodes d’élaboration chimiques (fonctionnalisation de surface) de substrats à points chauds contrôlés. La réalisation de tels substrats vise également une meilleure compréhension des mécanismes d’exaltation électromagnétique à l’origine de l’effet SERS. / The design of novel plasmonic platforms for Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (SERS) constitutes a very active field of research in nanosciences. Such platforms can be used for the detection and identification of various analytes at very low concentration, through a huge amplification of the Raman signal, resulting from the excitation of localized surface plasmon resonances. The main objective of my phd is to develop and to characterize new SERS substrates obtained by chemical assembly (surface functionalization) of nanoparticles with controlled hot spots. Design of such substrates contributes to a better understanding of the mechanisms of electromagnetic enhancement considered at the origin of the SERS effect.

User Deployed Hot-Spots in Rurual 5G Networks

Zaman, Nasir January 2019 (has links)
Cellular network expansion in rural areas has been traditionally slower than in dense urban areas. Area coverage in rural areas is fundamentally limited by the deployment cost for the operator. The 5th generation new radio (5G NR) network is designed to deliver unprecedented levels of capacity, high data rates, low latency and high reliability anytime and anywhere. The focus of 5G NR development is on relatively short-range communication using high frequency bands (e.g. mmWave-length) where lots of spectrum is available. For extremely long-range communication (e.g. in rural areas) high frequency bands are less suitable due to the high signal attenuation. One way to increase coverage in rural areas is to allow end users to deploy their own personal local hot-spot nodes that connect to the cellular network. A personal rural hot-spot can make use of higher transmission power and have better antennas than what normal user terminals can be equipped with. This thesis work will study the impacts of ”user deployed rural hot-spots” on the network like how much the network energy consumption can be decreased, what is the effect of discontinuation transmission (DTX) on network sleep mode and how inter site distance (ISD) can be increased to increase the coverage. One way to increase rural coverage by using the user deployed hot-spot is to reduce the network energy consumption for network operators and results show that by using user deployed hot-spots (enhanced UE) decreased the network energy consumption and while enhancing the BS configuration will require additional capital expense (CAPEX) investment for the network operators. User deployed hot-spot provide better connectivity for the users that are lying in network edges and helps to increase the inter site distance (ISD) of wireless networks.

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