Spelling suggestions: "subject:"hyperreality"" "subject:"hypereality""
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La ciutat emergent: de l'urbanisme a la ciutat hiperrealitzadaSánchez Torrents, Jordi 21 December 2012 (has links)
Aquesta tesi presenta un proposta teòrica per analitzar la ciutat i la seva transformació; d'una ciutat planificada, continguda en els seus murs, de pedra i de maó, lligada al temps i a l'espai a una ciutat desbocada i planetària, en xarxa, fragmentada, sense geografia ni història, infovirtual generada per les TIC.
La tesi es divideix en tres grans blocs. Per una banda, en el primer bloc, es presenta la 'ciutat projectada' que recull la idea fonamental que la ciutat ha estat construïda tant amb els fils de !'instrumental físic com amb el de les idees. D'altra banda, un segon bloc, titulat la 'ciutat realitzada' on s'exposen algunes de les teories d'aproximació a la ciutat moderna i contemporània fent especial èmfasi en les teories de la ciutat lligades a l'espectacle i el consum.
Per últim, el tercer bloc, gira al voltant de la noció de 'ciutat hiperrealitzada'; una ciutat infovirtual que accelera i emfasitza els atributs de la ciutat contemporània. La ciutat queda fragmentada a bocins mentre la línia entre realitat i il•lusió s'aprima. La ciutat hiperrealitzada és el reflex d'una nova manera de pensar. / Esta tesis presenta una propuesta teórica para analizar la ciudad y su transformación; de una ciudad planificada, contenida en sus muros, de piedra y de ladrillo, atada al tiempo y al espacio a una ciudad desbocada y planetaria, en red, fragmentada, sin geografía ni historia, infovirtual generada por las TIC.
La tesis se divide en tres grandes bloques. Por un lado, en el primer bloque, se presenta la 'ciudad proyectada' que recoge la idea fundamental que la ciudad ha sido construida tanto con los hilos del instrumental físico como con el de las ideas. Por otro lado, un segundo bloque, titulado la 'ciudad realizada' en la cual se exponen algunas de las teorías que nos aproximan a la ciudad moderna y contemporánea remarcando muy especialmente las teorías sobre la ciudad vinculadas al espectáculo y al consumo.
Por último, el tercer bloque, gira alrededor de la noción de 'ciudad hiperrealizada'; una ciudad infovirtual que acelera y acentúa los atributos de la ciudad contemporánea. La ciudad queda fragmentada en pedazos y aparece una nueva manera de pensar a tono con el pensamiento contemporáneo que adelgaza la línea entre realidad y la ilusión. / This thesis presents a theoretical framework for the analysis of the city in its
transformation; from a planned city, contained within its walls, made of mortar and stone and settled in time and space, to an unbridled, planet-wide city, networked, fragmented, unbound from geography and history, infovirtual and ICT-generated.
The thesis is divided in three sections. The first one introduces the "projected city", reviews the fundamental idea that a city is built with physical tools as much as it is built with ideas. The second section, titled the "realized city", puts forward some theories to approach the modern, contemporary city, making special emphasis in models that deal with the concepts of entertainment and consumerism in the city.
The third and last section pertains to the "hyperrealized city"; an infovirtual city that speeds up and brings out all the qualities of the contemporary city. The city itself is shattered, and a new way of thinking about it is born, all while the line between reality and illusion gets ever thinner.
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Spectacle and Resistance in the Modern and Postmodern ErasBerthelot, Martin R. 28 June 2013 (has links)
The advanced stage of capitalism that we now live in has brought many changes to the way that society consumes and produces. One of the biggest shifts to the modern economy was the use of visual culture to distract, pacify, and exert power over the masses; a cultural change French theorist Guy Debord named the Society of the Spectacle. As a result, Debord and the Situationist International developed a movement of resistance to reclaim the territories of everyday life being eroded by the spectacle through separation and alienation. Since the term was coined the use of visual culture has accelerated and become even more pervasive in the postmodern world which led Jean Baudrillard to claim that the real has been replaced by simulation and hyperreality. This thesis explores this cultural shift to determine whether the practices of resistance theorized by Debord and the Situationists are still relevant as the reach of postmodernism increases. Link to associated video file: https://vimeo.com/64727252
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The orgy is over : phantasies, fake realities and the loss of boundaries in Chuck Palahniuk's HauntedZanini, Claudio Vescia January 2011 (has links)
Este trabalho tem por objetivo apresentar o romance Assombro, de Chuck Palahniuk, como retrato e sintoma do comportamento da sociedade pós-moderna ocidental, cujos valores correspondem, de acordo com palavras do próprio autor, ao “inverso do sonho americano”. A principal característica de tal sociedade é a dificuldade dos indivíduos em lidar com as exigências e constantes mudanças nos âmbitos individual, social e psicológico, o que se configura na obra do escritor estadunidense através de personagens marginais em busca (na maioria das vezes, aparentemente inconsciente) de autoaceitação ou adaptação social. A leitura desenvolvida aqui se baseia principalmente nos escritos do teórico francês Jean Baudrillard, que apresenta o pressuposto de que o mundo contemporâneo encontra-se num estado de “pós-orgia”, assombrado por três fantasmas que o teórico chama de câncer, travesti e terrorismo, os quais simbolizam questões sociais contemporâneas relacionadas à política, sexualidade, comunicação e relacionamentos humanos, entre outros aspectos. Os conceitos de Baudrillard que norteiam a análise são: 'estado de pós-orgia', 'hiperrealidade', 'simulação', 'virulência' e 'sedução' e 'fantasmas'. O trabalho também apresenta as características da literatura de Chuck Palahniuk e sua recém-iniciada fortuna crítica, apontando os principais aspectos da sociedade pós-moderna presentes em suas obras e culminando em um cotejo de Assombro com o gótico e sua vertente pós-moderna, além de uma comparação entre a dinâmica estabelecida entre as personagens do romance e aquela percebida nos reality shows e falsos documentários (mock-documentaries). A conclusão retoma aspectos na estrutura, imaginário e conteúdo do romance, que permitem defini-lo como retrato e sintoma de uma nova configuração social, resultado das inevitáveis mudanças por que o mundo passa. / This dissertation aims at presenting Chuck Palahniuk‟s novel Haunted as a portrait and symptom of the behavior perceived in the postmodern Western society, whose values, according to the author himself, correspond to “the opposite of the American Dream”. The main characteristic of such society is the individuals‟ difficulty in dealing with demands and constant changes in the individual, social and psychological spheres, a fact observed in the work of this American writer through the presence of marginal characters in a more often than not apparently unconscious search of self-acceptance or social adaptation. The reading proposed is mainly based on the writings of French theoretician Jean Baudrillard, who presents the assumption that the contemporary world is in a “post-orgy” state, haunted by three phantasies he denominates cancer, transvestitism and terrorism, which symbolize contemporary social issues related to politics, sexuality, communication and human relationships, among other aspects. The concepts by Baudrillard that underlie the analysis are: 'post-orgy state', 'hyperreality', 'simulation', 'virulence', 'seduction' and 'phantasies'. The work also presents the features of the literature produced by Chuck Palahniuk and its newly-started critical fortune, highlighting the main aspects of postmodern society present in his works, culminating with an approximation of Haunted to the postmodern variation of Gothic literature, besides a comparison between the dynamics established among the characters in the novel to the one perceived in reality shows and mock-documentaries. The conclusion strengthens aspects in the structure, imaginary and content of the novel that enable the definition of Haunted as portrait and symptom of a new social organization, resulting from the inevitable changes the world goes through.
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The orgy is over : phantasies, fake realities and the loss of boundaries in Chuck Palahniuk's HauntedZanini, Claudio Vescia January 2011 (has links)
Este trabalho tem por objetivo apresentar o romance Assombro, de Chuck Palahniuk, como retrato e sintoma do comportamento da sociedade pós-moderna ocidental, cujos valores correspondem, de acordo com palavras do próprio autor, ao “inverso do sonho americano”. A principal característica de tal sociedade é a dificuldade dos indivíduos em lidar com as exigências e constantes mudanças nos âmbitos individual, social e psicológico, o que se configura na obra do escritor estadunidense através de personagens marginais em busca (na maioria das vezes, aparentemente inconsciente) de autoaceitação ou adaptação social. A leitura desenvolvida aqui se baseia principalmente nos escritos do teórico francês Jean Baudrillard, que apresenta o pressuposto de que o mundo contemporâneo encontra-se num estado de “pós-orgia”, assombrado por três fantasmas que o teórico chama de câncer, travesti e terrorismo, os quais simbolizam questões sociais contemporâneas relacionadas à política, sexualidade, comunicação e relacionamentos humanos, entre outros aspectos. Os conceitos de Baudrillard que norteiam a análise são: 'estado de pós-orgia', 'hiperrealidade', 'simulação', 'virulência' e 'sedução' e 'fantasmas'. O trabalho também apresenta as características da literatura de Chuck Palahniuk e sua recém-iniciada fortuna crítica, apontando os principais aspectos da sociedade pós-moderna presentes em suas obras e culminando em um cotejo de Assombro com o gótico e sua vertente pós-moderna, além de uma comparação entre a dinâmica estabelecida entre as personagens do romance e aquela percebida nos reality shows e falsos documentários (mock-documentaries). A conclusão retoma aspectos na estrutura, imaginário e conteúdo do romance, que permitem defini-lo como retrato e sintoma de uma nova configuração social, resultado das inevitáveis mudanças por que o mundo passa. / This dissertation aims at presenting Chuck Palahniuk‟s novel Haunted as a portrait and symptom of the behavior perceived in the postmodern Western society, whose values, according to the author himself, correspond to “the opposite of the American Dream”. The main characteristic of such society is the individuals‟ difficulty in dealing with demands and constant changes in the individual, social and psychological spheres, a fact observed in the work of this American writer through the presence of marginal characters in a more often than not apparently unconscious search of self-acceptance or social adaptation. The reading proposed is mainly based on the writings of French theoretician Jean Baudrillard, who presents the assumption that the contemporary world is in a “post-orgy” state, haunted by three phantasies he denominates cancer, transvestitism and terrorism, which symbolize contemporary social issues related to politics, sexuality, communication and human relationships, among other aspects. The concepts by Baudrillard that underlie the analysis are: 'post-orgy state', 'hyperreality', 'simulation', 'virulence', 'seduction' and 'phantasies'. The work also presents the features of the literature produced by Chuck Palahniuk and its newly-started critical fortune, highlighting the main aspects of postmodern society present in his works, culminating with an approximation of Haunted to the postmodern variation of Gothic literature, besides a comparison between the dynamics established among the characters in the novel to the one perceived in reality shows and mock-documentaries. The conclusion strengthens aspects in the structure, imaginary and content of the novel that enable the definition of Haunted as portrait and symptom of a new social organization, resulting from the inevitable changes the world goes through.
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The orgy is over : phantasies, fake realities and the loss of boundaries in Chuck Palahniuk's HauntedZanini, Claudio Vescia January 2011 (has links)
Este trabalho tem por objetivo apresentar o romance Assombro, de Chuck Palahniuk, como retrato e sintoma do comportamento da sociedade pós-moderna ocidental, cujos valores correspondem, de acordo com palavras do próprio autor, ao “inverso do sonho americano”. A principal característica de tal sociedade é a dificuldade dos indivíduos em lidar com as exigências e constantes mudanças nos âmbitos individual, social e psicológico, o que se configura na obra do escritor estadunidense através de personagens marginais em busca (na maioria das vezes, aparentemente inconsciente) de autoaceitação ou adaptação social. A leitura desenvolvida aqui se baseia principalmente nos escritos do teórico francês Jean Baudrillard, que apresenta o pressuposto de que o mundo contemporâneo encontra-se num estado de “pós-orgia”, assombrado por três fantasmas que o teórico chama de câncer, travesti e terrorismo, os quais simbolizam questões sociais contemporâneas relacionadas à política, sexualidade, comunicação e relacionamentos humanos, entre outros aspectos. Os conceitos de Baudrillard que norteiam a análise são: 'estado de pós-orgia', 'hiperrealidade', 'simulação', 'virulência' e 'sedução' e 'fantasmas'. O trabalho também apresenta as características da literatura de Chuck Palahniuk e sua recém-iniciada fortuna crítica, apontando os principais aspectos da sociedade pós-moderna presentes em suas obras e culminando em um cotejo de Assombro com o gótico e sua vertente pós-moderna, além de uma comparação entre a dinâmica estabelecida entre as personagens do romance e aquela percebida nos reality shows e falsos documentários (mock-documentaries). A conclusão retoma aspectos na estrutura, imaginário e conteúdo do romance, que permitem defini-lo como retrato e sintoma de uma nova configuração social, resultado das inevitáveis mudanças por que o mundo passa. / This dissertation aims at presenting Chuck Palahniuk‟s novel Haunted as a portrait and symptom of the behavior perceived in the postmodern Western society, whose values, according to the author himself, correspond to “the opposite of the American Dream”. The main characteristic of such society is the individuals‟ difficulty in dealing with demands and constant changes in the individual, social and psychological spheres, a fact observed in the work of this American writer through the presence of marginal characters in a more often than not apparently unconscious search of self-acceptance or social adaptation. The reading proposed is mainly based on the writings of French theoretician Jean Baudrillard, who presents the assumption that the contemporary world is in a “post-orgy” state, haunted by three phantasies he denominates cancer, transvestitism and terrorism, which symbolize contemporary social issues related to politics, sexuality, communication and human relationships, among other aspects. The concepts by Baudrillard that underlie the analysis are: 'post-orgy state', 'hyperreality', 'simulation', 'virulence', 'seduction' and 'phantasies'. The work also presents the features of the literature produced by Chuck Palahniuk and its newly-started critical fortune, highlighting the main aspects of postmodern society present in his works, culminating with an approximation of Haunted to the postmodern variation of Gothic literature, besides a comparison between the dynamics established among the characters in the novel to the one perceived in reality shows and mock-documentaries. The conclusion strengthens aspects in the structure, imaginary and content of the novel that enable the definition of Haunted as portrait and symptom of a new social organization, resulting from the inevitable changes the world goes through.
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Spectacle and Resistance in the Modern and Postmodern ErasBerthelot, Martin R. January 2013 (has links)
The advanced stage of capitalism that we now live in has brought many changes to the way that society consumes and produces. One of the biggest shifts to the modern economy was the use of visual culture to distract, pacify, and exert power over the masses; a cultural change French theorist Guy Debord named the Society of the Spectacle. As a result, Debord and the Situationist International developed a movement of resistance to reclaim the territories of everyday life being eroded by the spectacle through separation and alienation. Since the term was coined the use of visual culture has accelerated and become even more pervasive in the postmodern world which led Jean Baudrillard to claim that the real has been replaced by simulation and hyperreality. This thesis explores this cultural shift to determine whether the practices of resistance theorized by Debord and the Situationists are still relevant as the reach of postmodernism increases. Link to associated video file: https://vimeo.com/64727252
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Noc ve mlýně / A Night in the MillTopínková, Anita Unknown Date (has links)
Be moving, seek, hunt for sth, can´t find it so far, that is a promise of paradise, or a paradise itself. Mobility as a protest, pursuit of adventure, searching for escape, authenticity or identity.
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Nové formy participace při obnově malých a středních měst / New form of participation in restoration of small and middle citiesChladil, Jan Unknown Date (has links)
Main goal is analyse of contemporary status in restoration of Low Austria and South Moravia and eduction of results for steps which are leading to successful restoration in future. Confrontation of present method in restoration of country Low Austria and South Moravia and sighting of current trends in restoration on european level can show the way to project, when we want to pass on experience and to indicate the support of restoration and to participace with restoration abroad. Creating of vision is really good satisfaction of the work. Between limit South Moravia and Low Austria we can see historical parallel. I tis famous time of Austria – Hungarian monarchy, but also eco - devastation without plans and agro culture. Small and middle small cities of South Moravia begins in time after revolution with searching of new identity, with searching of new ways how to hold out market rivalry to another cities. Rightly effort to unfold and develop current system after the fashion of friends from Low Austria.
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Problematika reality a simulace v díle Jeana Baudrillarda a její odraz v současné filmové tvorbě / Reality and simulation in Jean Baudrillard's works and its reflection in modern film productionKarásková, Kristýna January 2017 (has links)
The thesis deals with the theory of simulation and simulacra by French representative of postmodernism Jean Baudrillard. It focuses on way how Baudrillard thematises gradual extinction of signs connected with their representational function and the emergence of hyperreality which contains simulation. The attention is also focused on concept of reality, virtuality, simulation and illusion. The thesis includes Paul Virilio's thoughts and also Manuel Castells'. The basic framework of research is completed by a theory of fictional worlds. The second part of thesis includes an analysis of how this issue is reflected in present film production via analysis of content of the films The Matrix (Wachowski, 1999) and Mulholland Drive (Lynch, 2001). The analysis reflects different interpretation of illusive/virtual space and its relation to reality. The aim of thesis is to analyse the selected concepts which describe an emergence and interaction of simulation focusing on contemporary society which is connected with modern technology and also to point at reflection of conceptions mentioned in the films. The goal of thesis is also to explore the films, compare them and show the way how they contain the theme of reality, simulation and illusion and how much is the content of these films connected with the action...
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Návraty forem a stylů ve výtvarném umění: Současný hyperrealismus jako produkt postprodukce či komentář k nástupu nových médií / Revivals of Forms and Styles in Visual Art: Current Hyperrealism as Product of Postproduction or a Commentary on the Advent of New MediaHrnčířová, Markéta January 2014 (has links)
The book Postproduction: Culture as Screenplay, written by French aesthetician Nicolas Bourriaud is going to be initial text for my diploma thesis. Bourriaud claims, that contemporary art is mostly made by the principle of assemblage; art works are made by reinterpretation, reproducing or by new exhibiting of artefacts or forms of past. The assumption of the original concept in artworks of contemporary artists - semionauts (travelers in the worlds of signs) has been allready completely ineffective. Through the example of hyperrealistic paintings, which has lately reappeared in portfolios of international and czech artists, I will try to show whether its revilal is based on the emergence of new medias, that even more than in the seventies simulate reality or whether they deal with the concept of postpostprodution - the artists lend only formal, in this case, hyperrealistic, signs. This diploma thesis will be completed by the case study of paintings of czech hyperrealist painter Jan Mikulka.
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