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Epidemic Patterns of Hepatitis Type B Virus (HBV) and Human T Lymphotropic Virus Type I (HTLV-I) in Two ATL-Endemic Islands in Kyushu, JapanTAJIMA, KAZUO, KINOSHITA, KEN-ICHIRO, NAGATOMO, MASAZUMI, SHIRAHAMA, SATOSHI, ITO, SHIN-ICHIRO, TACHIBANA, KAZUNORI 03 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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L'ús dels clítics pronominals del català i la seva adquisició per parlants de romanès i de tagalMaré i Soler, Pau 20 January 2012 (has links)
The thesis L’ús dels clítics pronominals del català i la seva adquisició per parlants de romanès i de tagal [The use of pronominal clitics in Catalan and their acquisition by Romanian and Tagalog speakers] analyzes the mechanisms of transfer from the L1 in the process of acquisition of Catalan (L2) in two groups of learners, one of which has Romanian and the other Tagalog as their native language. Our study lends support to the idea of transfer from the L1 to a second language in general, and, in particular, within the process of acquisition
of pronominal clitics from a Romance language (Catalan). The results show that the differences between the two groups are statistically significant and are attributable to the characteristics of the L1. Moreover, starting from a detailed description of the grammar of pronominal clitics in the three languages involved, we define the specific grammatical aspects of the Tagalog and Romanian languages that can have an influence on certain productions and on certain errors in the use of pronominal clitics in Catalan, within the process of acquisition of
this Romance language as L2. In the theoretical domain, we started from studies on functional markedness to determine four reference terms that allowed us to carry out a systematized study of the difficulties in acquisition of the use of Catalan clitic pronouns according to their complexity and their degree of grammaticalization. / La tesi L’ús dels clítics pronominals del català i la seva adquisició per parlants de romanès i de tagal analitza els mecanismes de transferència de la L1 en el procés d’adquisició del català (L2) en dos grups d’aprenents que tenen un el romanès i l’altre el tagal com a llengües maternes. El nostre estudi dóna suport a la idea de la transferència de la L1 a una segona llengua en general, i, en particular, dins del procés d’adquisició dels clítics pronominals d’una llengua romànica (el català). Els resultats mostren que les diferències entre els dos grups són estadísticament significatives i poden ser atribuïdes a les característiques de la L1. A més, a partir d’una descripció detallada de la gramàtica dels clítics pronominals en les tres llengües implicades, definim els aspectes gramaticals concrets de les llengües tagala i romanesa que poden influir en certes produccions i en certs errors en l’ús dels clítics pronominals del català, dins del
procés d’adquisició d’aquesta llengua romànica com a L2. En l’àmbit teòric, hem partit d’estudis sobre marcatge funcional per determinar quatre termes de referència que ens permeten un estudi sistematitzat de les dificultats d’adquisició de l’ús dels pronoms clítics catalans en funció de la seva complexitat i del seu grau de gramaticalització.
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Análisis cualitativo de manuales para la enseñanza del chino mandarín a hispanohablantes con especial atención al tratamiento de la partícula 了 /le/Li, Yu-Chin 29 July 2013 (has links)
The aim of this Ph. D dissertation is to analyze, through qualitative methodologies, textbooks for learning Chinese as a Foreign Language (ChFL) for Spanish speakers. Special attention has been paid to one of the most complex areas in ChFL: the particle 了/le/, in order to gain deeper insight into some of the aspects of curriculum design and pedagogic planning in the textbooks for teaching ChFL.
Our instrument of analysis was developed by drawing from two sources. Firstly, from a solid theoretical foundation which took into account 7 different disciplines of Language Science: 1) the Cognitive Linguistics, 2) the Pedagogic Grammar, 3) theories about second language acquisition (SLA), 4) Second and Foreign Language teaching approaches, 5) studies on the development and analysis of curriculum and study materials 6) Spanish-Chinese Tense and Aspect system studies and comparison, and 7) studies of the particle了, not only from the linguistic and pragmatic-communicative perspective, but also from discursive, sociocultural and cognitive perspectives. Secondly, the opinions of 10 experienced ChFL teachers and students were considered to enable the analysis to incorporate both theoretical and practical perspectives.
Finally, a 4 levels analysis instrument with 6 parameters and 24 variables, each of them covering one specific pedagogic or linguistic perspective was designed for analyzing three series of textbooks (three levels each, 9 volumes in total), namely: 1) El Nuevo Libro de Chino Práctico I, II y III, 2) El Chino de Hoy I, II y III y 3) Hanyu-Chino para hispanohablantes I, II y III. The particle 了 has also been used as a filter for selecting our target lessons, as opposed to selecting lessons at random.
After analyzing the data with the designed instrument a conclusion has been made, which we hope will contribute to the further development and improvement of ChFL teaching and learning. / En este trabajo nos proponemos analizar, a través de metodologías cualitativas, libros de texto1 para aprender el chino mandarín2 como lengua extranjera (CH/LE en adelante) para adultos hispanohablantes usados comúnmente en España. Se ha prestado una especial atención a uno de los temas más difíciles en CH/LE, la partícula 了, con el fin de obtener una visión más profunda de algunos aspectos del diseño curricular y la planificación pedagógica en los libros de texto para la enseñanza de CH/LE.
La importancia del análisis de los manuales reside en que es capaz de revelar los problemas tanto del ámbito lingüístico como del didáctico. Considerando que los manuales son un punto de apoyo primordial en la enseñanza/el aprendizaje de lenguas, tanto L1 como L2, constituyen referencias esenciales para docentes y estudiantes. Un buen manual debe poder facilitar gran parte del trabajo de los profesores, así como ofrecer andamiajes3 adecuados para ayudar en la adquisición4 a los aprendices.
Abordamos este trabajo con el fin de diseñar un instrumento con el cual poder evaluar los libros de texto de la enseñanza de CH/LE desde un punto de vista didáctico objetivo. Se trata de un trabajo interdisciplinario con un espíritu, si no pionero, cuando menos novedoso. En el ámbito de la enseñanza del chino son escasos los trabajos de esta índole. De momento, la mayoría de estudios relacionados con el análisis de manuales CH/LE son sesgados o centrados a menudo en el contenido gramatical.
Optamos, en cambio, por una visión más panorámica. Nos proponemos elaborar, en primer lugar, marcos teóricos donde, aparte de la presentación en el Capítulo 1 los trabajos precedentes (las tesis doctorales de análisis de manuales para la enseñanza L2/LE, las obras instrumentales y otros estudios de referencia), en el Capítulo 2 hemos revisado 7 disciplinas fundamentales para esta tesis. Como la base fundamental y una primera aproximación, en el apartado §1 del Capítulo 2, presentamos 7 hipóstesis sobre cómo los seres humanos adquirimos las lenguas (tanto L1 como L2). Consecuentemente, en cada apartado introducimos las 7 disciplinas que ayuda a construir los marcos teóricos de este trabajo: 1) La lingüística cognitiva, 2) la gramática pedagógica, 3) las teorías sobre adquisición de segundas lenguas (ASL), 4) tres enfoques ecléticos de la enseñanza/el aprendizaje de segundas lenguas y/o extranjeras (LEL2, en adelante)5, 5) estudios sobre el desarrollo y análisis de materiales didácticos y currículo, 6) estudios y comparaciones sobre el sistema temporal y aspectual del chino y el español, y 7) estudios sobre la partícula 了, desde el punto de vista no sólo lingüístico y pragmático-comunicativo, sino también discursivo, sociocultural y cognitivo. Todos estos son elementos imprescindibles para construir un fundamento teórico sólido.
Posteriormente, a partir de dichos marcos teóricos, también hemos recogido 10 entrevistas de profesores y alumnos CH/LE para tener en cuenta no solo puntos de vista teóricos sino también prácticos. Hemos elaborado un instrumento de análisis, conforme a un criterio minucioso y objetivo, a cuya luz hemos sometido los análisis y las evaluaciones del corpus de investigación, los manuales del CH/LE.
Efectivamente, hemos elegido un elemento gramatical, la partícula 了, no para enfocarnos únicamente en la enseñanza de la gramática, sino para tener una muestra representativa de la complejidad y polivalencia lingüística que se puede encontrar en la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de CH/LE. La partícula了también se ha utilizado como filtro en este trabajo para la selección de las lecciones analizadas.
Un instrumento de análisis de 4 niveles que a su vez consta con 6 parámetros y 24 variables (cada variable sujeta a un punto de vista pedagógico o lingüístico específico) diseñadas para un análisis profundo de las tres series de manuales (tres niveles cada una, 9 volúmenes en total), a saber: 1) El Nuevo Libro de Chino Práctico I, II y III, 2) El Chino de Hoy I, II y III y 3) Hanyu-Chino para hispanohablantes I, II y III.
Después de analizar los datos con el instrumento hemos llegado a un resultado y una conclusión que esperamos que contribuya al desarrollo y mejoramiento de la enseñanza y el aprendizaje del CH/LE en el futuro
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Para una pedagogía del hipertexto: Una teoría entre la deconstrucción y la complejidadRueda Ortiz, Rocío 13 June 2003 (has links)
No description available.
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Exponering i butiken : Specialexponering av kläder och exponeringens påverkan på kunder / Exposure in the store : Special exposure of clothes and exposure impact on customerSales, Jasminka January 2013 (has links)
Sammanfattning Att veta hur man kan påverka och attrahera kunderna med hjälp av exponeringar kan vara av stor betydelse för butikerna och butikscheferna. Med allt större konkurrens i alla branscher blir kampen om varje enskild kund allt mer påtaglig. Därmed uppstår behovet för butikerna att få veta på vilket sätt de kan kommunicera med sina kunder för att få den respons från kunderna som man eftersträvar alltså att få till ett köp. Med hjälp av butikskommunikation så kan butikerna uppnå flera syften. Dessa är bland annat att skaffa nya kunder, öka de inköp de befintliga kunderna gör m.m. Av den anledningen har fokus för denna uppsats legat på att undersöka hur klädbutiken använder sig av specialexponering som en del av kommunikationen butiken har med sina kunder samt huruvida kunderna påverkas och attraheras av specialexponeringar i butiken. För insamling av empiri till uppsatsen har en intervju med en dekoratör som jobbar i en större klädkedja använts. En intervju med en fokusgrupp där personerna var mellan 19-49 år gamla samt av blandat kön har också genomförts för att kunna titta på bland annat effekten av specialexponeringar på kunderna. Det som uppsatsen tyder på är att specialexponeringar används aktivt av butiken i sitt försök att kommunicera med kunder med hjälp av sitt sortiment. Att veta vad det är som attraherar och påverkar kunder däremot är svårare att påvisa eftersom det finns så många olika faktorer som t.ex. kön, ålder m.m. som kan påverka ifall en person uppfattar en viss specialexponering som attraktiv och inspirerande eller inte. De personer som intervjuades i fokusgruppintervjun påverkades av reklam i media samt av rekommendationer från familj och vänner när de ville fatta beslut om vilken butik de vill handla i. Däremot så går det inte att visa med hjälp av denna undersökning huruvida detta att specialexponeringar blir uppmärksammade leder till ett köp eller inte. En vidare undersökning skulle behövas för att med större säkerhet kunna påvisa effekten av specialexponeringen samt för att försöka avgöra vilka är de faktorer hos kunderna som avgör om exponeringen uppfattas som attraktiv och inspirerande. / Abstract To know how you can affect and attract the customers with the help of exposure can be of great meaning for the stores and store managers. With a constantly growing competition in all businesses, the struggle of every single customer gets more evident. So the need appears for the stores to know in which way they can communicate with their customers to get the response that they strive after which is to create a purchase with the help of store communication. The stores can reach several purposes with its communication towards customers. Amongst these is to get new customers, to increase the purchases of the already existing customers etc. Because of these reasons the focus in this essay has been to examine how the stores use special exposure as a part of the communication the store has with the customers and also whether the customers are affected and attracted by special exposure in stores. To gather empirical data for the essay an interview with a decorator that works in a bigger clothes chain has been used. An interview with a focus group where the people were between 19-49 years old both females and males has also been used to be able to among other things look at the effect of special exposure on the customers. The essay shows that special exposure is actively used by the store in their try to communicate with the customers with the help of their assortment. To know what it is that attracts and affects the customers is however more difficult to demonstrate because there are so many different elements like for an example gender, age etc. that can effect if one person regards a certain special exposure as attractive and inspiring or not. The people that were interviewed in the focus group were affected by commercial in the media and also recommendations from family and friends when they wanted to make the decision for which store they want to shop at. However you cannot show by the help of this examination if special exposure being observed is leading to purchasing or not. A further examination would be necessary to with a greater assurance be able to demonstrate the results of special exposure plus to try to resolve what the elements are that determines for the customer if the exposure is perceived as attractive and inspiring.
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A naturalistic theory of intentional contentArtiga Galindo, Marc 16 September 2013 (has links)
Naturalistic theories of intentional content aim at explaining the phenomenon of representation in naturalistic terms: what kind of relation is a representational relation? What grounds the fact that certain states qualify as representations and some do not? What determines representational content? In my dissertation, I provide an original naturalistic theory of representational content along the lines of teleosemantics and use it in order to solve several questions related to cognition. So my thesis is divided into two main parts. The goal of the first part of the project was to provide a set of necessary and sufficient conditions for a state to be endowed with representational content and, in the second part, I apply this naturalistic framework to cognition, focusing on perception and concepts / Les teories naturalistes del contingut intencional intenten explicar el fenomen de la representació en termes naturalistes: Quin tipus de relació és la relació de representació? Què fonamenta el fet que alguns estats siguin representacions i d'altres no? Què determina el contingut representacional? A la meva tesi, defenso una original teoria naturalista del contingut intencional des d'una perspectiva teleosemàntica i l'uso per solucionar un conjunt de problemes relacionats amb la cognició. Per tant, la meva tesi està dividida en dues parts principals; l'objectiu de la primera part és de donar un conjunt de condicions necessàries i suficients perquè un estat tingui contingut intencional i, en la segona part, aplico aquest esquema a la cognició, amb especial interès en la percepció i els conceptes
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Endringsprosesser på arbeidsplassen – går de alltid etter planen? : En Q-metodologisk studie av medarbeidernes syn på arbeidshverdagen etter en endringsprosess i organisasjonenRostad, Sophie Christine January 2013 (has links)
This thesis presents a Q-methodological study whose purpose is to capture employees’ experience of the workday after a change process at the workplace. I wanted to investigate if employees still cope with their workday after they have experienced changes, and whether their intentions behind the changes, seem to have been realized. The thesis is built on the following research question: In what way can change processes at work change the employees' experience of the workday? The participants were 19 people from the same organization who sorted 36 statements in a given pattern, on the basis of how agree/disagree they were with the statements. The statements contain different aspects of the workday after the changes. Through the Q-sort the employees are giving a subjective picture of their own experience on the current theme. Through the data analysis of the empirical research material, I came up with three factors that are describing relatively different views on the “new” workday. The factors were called: 1) “The changing process has been well planed by the organization, and I experience that several areas have developed in a positive direction”. 2) “We have moved into a new nice building, but my workday is unchanged”. 3) “I don’t experience any changes. At the same time I am disappointed and frustrated that management didn’t utilized the change process better, considering that it was a good opportunity to make changes within the organization. We are back in the old ways”. My findings are discussed against relevant theory, and I elaborate what kind of implications they can have for the organization. The main focus of the discussion includes whether expectations and needs may affect the employees` experience. The study concludes that a joint change process within the same organization may create various experiences regarding the workday for the individual employee, however the potential that still is present in the change process can develop the organization further. Thereof facilitation can be a tool to create new experiences. / Denne masteroppgaven presenterer en Q-metodisk studie hvor hensikten er å fange medarbeidernes opplevelse av arbeidshverdagen etter endringer på arbeidsplassen. Jeg ønsket å undersøke om medarbeiderne opplever at de mestrer arbeidshverdagen etter endringene, og hvorvidt intensjonene bak endringene ser ut til å ha blitt realisert. Utgangspunktet for forskningen er problemstillingen: På hvilken måte kan endringsprosesser på arbeidsplassen forandre medarbeidernes opplevelse av arbeidshverdagen? Studien ble gjennomført ved at 19 personer fra samme organisasjon sorterte 36 utsagn i et gitt mønster, ut fra hvor enig/uenig de var i utsagnene. Utsagnene omhandler ulike aspekt av arbeidshverdagen etter endringene. Gjennom sorteringene gir medarbeiderne et bilde av sin subjektive opplevelse i forhold til tema. Ved dataanalyse av det empiriske materialet kom jeg frem til tre faktorer som representerer relativt ulike syn på den nye arbeidshverdagen. Faktorene ble kalt: 1) ”Endringsprosessen har vært godt planlagt fra organisasjonen sin side, og jeg opplever at flere områder har blitt utviklet i en positiv retning”. 2) ”Vi har flyttet inn i et nytt flott bygg, men min arbeidshverdag er uendret”. 3) ”Jeg opplever ingen endring. Samtidig er jeg skuffet og forundret over at ledelsen ikke utnyttet flytteprosessen bedre, med tanke på at det var en fin anledning til å skape endringer innad i organisasjonen. Vi er tilbake i gamle spor”. Funnene drøftes opp mot relevant teori, og jeg diskuterer hvilke implikasjoner dette kan ha for organisasjonen. Hovedfokus i drøftingen ble blant annet lagt på hvorvidt ens forventninger og behov kan påvirke opplevelsen til en medarbeider. Studien konkluderer med at en felles endringsprosess i samme organisasjon, kan skape ulike opplevelser av arbeidshverdagen hos den enkelte medarbeider, men at potensialet som fortsatt ligger i endringsprosessen kan utvikle organisasjonen videre. Ved hjelp av tilrettelegging kan det skape enda nye opplevelser.
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Film i svenskämnet : Gymnasielärares synsätt på filmanvändandet i svenskämnetBengtsson, Nilla January 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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Partnering vs : Traditionellt samarbeteLennartsson, Viktor, Westesson, Erik January 2009 (has links)
Jämförelse mellan partnering och traditionella byggprojekt, sett till kvalitet och ekonomi.
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Effektiv byggproduktion / Efficiency in constructionVidner, Ola January 2011 (has links)
This report aims to suggest recommendations that will increase the efficien¬cy in theconstruction process of a construction project. Through interviews, studies of budgetcalculations and examples given by the project management at the construction sightsan understanding of some complications have been gained. These complications havebeen tracked back in an attempt to find the source of the problem, and at the end ofthe report some suggestions have been presented with the pur-pose of preventingthese complications. Through the interviews it is suggested that many complications re-late to lack ofcommunication and motivation due to poor planning be-fore and during theconstruction process, a suggestion that is supported by the study of the budgetcalculations. The examples from the project management also points out someshortages in planning, but also coordi-nation related complications due to lack ofcommunication. To prevent these problems the recommendations suggested at the end of thisreport aims to improve the planning process through a properly fulfilledwalkthrough-planning of all of the construction activi¬ties during the time needed todo so. It is also suggested that the company uses experience from previous projects inorder to reduce costs, and that the qualifications of the employees is being appliedwhere it is needed. It also contains suggestions to re¬duce the com¬munica¬tion andcoordination problems, mainly through meetings and visible instructions. Somesuggestions about attitude, behavior and routines are also included in therecommendations.
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