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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La réactivité des matériaux argileux sous gradient thermique

Kohler, Eric 21 January 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Les matériaux argileux présentent des propriétés favorables au confinement des radio-éléments pour le stockage des déchets nucléaires de haute activité thermogènes. Cette étude vise à déterminer les transformations induites par la contrainte thermique et l'impact sur les propriétés de confinement. Les échantillons ont été prélevés au niveau d'un analogue naturel de chauffage : une intrusion basaltique dans une argilite (Laumiere, Aveyron, France). Cet évènement volcanique s'est déroulé dans des conditions complexes hors d'atteinte en laboratoire. L'étude des interstratifiés illite-smectite (I-S), minéraux principaux de ces argilites, a montré une illitisation au contact de l'intrusion basaltique. La variation d'un indice de cristallinité des I-S est rendue complexe par un hydrothermalisme dans la fracturation. Laumiere a mis en évidence des paramètres déterminants (hétérogénéités sédimentaires, eau/roche ...) qui influencent l'évolution des matériaux argileux en contexte thermique. Mots clés : interstratifiés illite-smectite, illitisation, argilite, chauffage, analogue naturel

Caprock Interactions with the Supercritical CO2 and Brine: A Labratory Study of the Effects of Simulated Geological CO2 Sequestration on Shales from the Black Warrior River Basin, Alabama L

Raines, Jessica E. 15 August 2012 (has links)
A better understanding of the brine-rock- supercritical CO2 interaction is needed to evaluate the risks of geologic CO2 sequestration. The geochemical effects of brine and supercritical CO2 were examined via laboratory modeling of in situ conditions on two reservoir caprocks in the Black Warrior River Basin, the Pottsville and Parkwood Formations. The clay fraction was extracted and treated at ~ 100 bar and 363 K (90 °C) over periods of up to 70 hours. Supercritical CO2 was introduced as dry ice in a pressurized vessel. Samples were observed using XRD, WD-XRF, AA, SEM, and EDS. Clay fractions contained Fe-chlorite, illite, kaolinite, and quartz. Results show the dissolution of illite, CO2-brine induced cation exchange ok K+, and the dissolution of silicate minerals. Steady-state K/Si ratios in the fluid suggest quartz re-precipitation. These interactions could adversely affect the long-term storativity of the caprock and point to a need for further study.

3D Structural Analysis of the Benton Uplift, Ouachita Orogen, Arkansas

Johnson, Harold Everett 2011 December 1900 (has links)
The date for the formation of the Benton Uplift, Ouachita orogeny, is bracketed by Carboniferous synorogenic sediments deposited to the north and Late Pennsylvanian to Early Permian isotopic dates from the weakly metamorphosed rocks within the uplift. We address the largely unknown structural history between these two constraints by presenting an improved 3-dimensional kinematic model using better constrained retrodeformable sections. These new sections are based on all surface and subsurface data, new zircon fission track dates and thermal maturation data including new ‘crystallinity’ data to constrain the maximum burial depth. Concordant zircon fission track ages range from 307 ± 18.8 Ma to 333.4 ± 38.9 Ma or from the Late Devonian to Early Permian. Maximum ‘crystallinity’ of both illite and chlorite indicate these exposed rocks experienced a temperature of ~300°C across the eastern Benton Uplift. This temperature is consistent with reconstructed burial depths using cumulative stratigraphic thickness without having to call on structural thickening. Comparing coarse and fine clay fractions, computed temperature for the fine clay fraction is less by ~100°C than that of the coarse clay fraction. This difference is the same for all formations studied. This uniform difference in temperature may indicate cooling of the orogen as it deformed or more than one thermal event.

Multi-Method Chronometric Constraints on the Thermal, Structural and Morphotectonic Evolution of the Eastern and Western Sierras Pampeanas with Special Emphasis on K-Ar Dating of Fault Gouges

Bense, Frithjof A. 26 January 2013 (has links)
Die hier präsentierte Studie umfasst detaillierte Untersuchungen zur thermochronologischen, strukturellen sowie morphologischen Entwicklung der Östlichen und Westlichen Sierras Pampeanas in Argentinien, zwischen 26°S to 34°S südlicher Breite. Kapitel 3 diskutiert thermochronologische Daten (Apatit Spaltspuren, Zirkon und Apatit (U-Th)/He) sowie K-Ar Illit-Datierung an Störungsletten aus der Sierra de Comechingones sowie Ar-Ar Alter an Vulkaniten des vulkanischen Gürtels von San Luis (Östliche Sierras Pampeanas). K-Ar Illitalter belegen den Beginn spröder Deformation vor etwa 340 Ma. Thermochronologische Daten dokumentieren geringe Exhumationsraten seit dem späten Paläozoikum sowie eine maximale Exhumierung von etwa 2,3 km seit der späten Kreidezeit. Ar-Ar Datierungen an vulkanischen Gesteinen des San Luis Vulkanischen Gürtels ergeben Alter zwischen 7,54 Ma und 1,91 Ma. Dies belegt ein ostwärts gerichtetes Fortschreiten der magmatischen Front, welches mit einer Verflachung des Subduktionswinkels der Nazca Platte unter die Südamerikanische Platte vor etwa 11.2 Ma assoziiert wird. Darüber hinaus deuten die hier präsentierten thermochronologischen Daten an, dass der Anteil Andiner Exhumation und Hebung an der Gesamthebung und Exhumation der Sierras Pampeanas von geringer ist als gemeinhin angenommen. Kapitel 4 präsentiert Ergebnisse von Niedrig-Temperatur thermochronologischen Untersuchungen sowie K-Ar Alter retrograd gewachsener Illite aus spröden Störungszonen der Sierra de San Luis (Östliche Sierras Pampeanas). K-Ar Illitalter belegen eine lang andauernde Aktivität spröder Deformation welche unmittelbar nach dem Ende der Chanic Phase der Famatinischen Orogenese vor etwa 320 Ma einsetzte und zeitlich mit dem Übergang von duktilen zu spröden Deformationsmechanismen übereinstimmt. Jüngste Illitlater liegen zwischen 222-172 Ma. Diese können als Abkühlalter des Grundgebirges unter die zur Illitbildung benötigten Temperaturen interpretiert werden, jedoch nicht als Ende der spröden Deformation. Diese Interpretation wird von den Ergebnissen thermochronologischer Untersuchungen bestätigt. (U-Th)/He Datierungen an Apatiten und Zirkonen, sowie Apatit Spaltspuranalysen dokumentieren die Exhumation seit dem Perm, welche möglicherweise in Verbindung zur San Rafael Orogenese steht. Die ermittelten Abkühlalter belegen geringe Exhumationsraten sowie die damit einhergehende lange Verweildauer der Proben in den Temperaturbereichen der partial annealing bzw. parial retention zone von Apatit und Zirkon (PRZA, PRZZ und PAZA). Die finale Abkühlung auf Oberflächentemperaturen fand im Verlauf des Jura und der späten Kreide statt. Die Abkühlgeschichten der Sierra de San Luis und Sierra de Comechingones werden in einem Entwicklungsmodel zusammengefasst, welches signifikante Unterschiede in der thermischen Entwicklung beider Gebirgszüge offenbart. Kapitel 5 diskutiert die thermochronologische Entwicklung der Sierra de Pie de Palo, einem ausgeprägten Höhenzug in den Westlichen Sierras Pampeanas. Thermochronologische Untersuchungen zeigen das die strukturelle Entwicklung der Sierra Pie de Palo bereits im späten Paläozoikum einsetzte und von jeher durch tektonisch kontrollierte Erosion geprägt wurde, welche sich im Verlauf des Mesozoikums aufgrund extensionaler Tektonik zwar verlangsamte, jedoch andauerte. Die heutige Topographie des Gebirgszuges bildete sich im Zuge Andiner Kompression im Verlauf des Späten Mesozoikums und Paläogens durch die Hebung und damit einhergehender Denudation einzelner Grundgebirgsblöcke. Die mit der Hebung assoziierte Deformation schritt dabei von Ost nach West voran. Der Gesamtbetrag vertikaler Hebung seit dem frühen Paläozoikum kann auf ca. 3,7-4,3 km eingegrenzt werden, wobei die Gesamtexhumation etwa 1,7-2,2 km bei einer Exhumationsrate von 0,03-0,04 mm/a beträgt. Kapitel 6 stellt eine Methode zur Interpretation von K-Ar Illit Feinfraktionsaltern aus Störungsletten aus nichtsedimentären Gesteinen vor. Gemäß der vorgestellten Methode werden die ermittelten K Ar Illitalter in Kombination mit den Untersuchungsergebnissen unabhängiger Parameter, z.B. Illitkristallinität, Illit-Polytypie und Polytyp-Quantifizierung, Korngröße, Tonmineralogie, K-Ar Abkühlaltern des Nebengesteins sowie mit Ergebnissen thermochronologischer Untersuchungen (AHe, ZHe, AFT) evaluiert. Dieser Interpretationsansatz wird im Rahmen einer regionalen Studie innerhalb der Östlichen Sierras Pampeanas exemplarisch angewandt. Im Zuge dessen wurde eine große Zahl von Störungsletten systematisch beprobt und analysiert. Ermittelte K-Ar Illitalter decken die Zeitspanne vom Devon bis in die Kreidezeit und dokumentieren eine lang anhaltende Phase bruchhafter Deformation in der Region. Alter >320 Ma sind synchron mit einer Periode kompressiver intra-Platten Tektonik, während Permische und Triassische Alter mit einer Periode flacher Subduktion der Farallon Platte unter die Südamerikansche Platte assoziiert werden können. Darüber hinaus belegen die K-Ar Illitalter ein von Nord nach Süd Fortschreiten der spröden Deformation in den Sierras de San Luis und Comechingones. Die Integrität und Konsistenz der analysierten Daten belegt die Leistungsfähigkeit und tektonische Signifikanz der hier vorgestellten Methode, welche somit einen bedeutenden Beitrag zur Entschlüsselung komplexer Abkühlungs- und Deformationsereignisse bieten kann. Jedoch kann gezeigt werden, dass die Aussagekraft der hier vorgestellten Methode stark von der Abkühlgeschichte des Untersuchungsgebietes abhängt. Kapitel 7 präsentiert thermochronologische Daten aus den gesamten Sierras Pampeanas. Darüber hinaus werden alle verfügbaren thermochronologischen und geochronologischen Daten zur Abkühlgeschichte der Sierras Pampeanas diskutiert und in ein Abkühlmodell zusammengefasst. Die Daten belegen eine Abkühlung unter 200°C im Verlauf des Karbons. Im Verlauf des Perms und der Trias schritt die Abkühlung von West nach Ost fort, räumlich und zeitlich einhergehend mit dem fortschreiten eines flachen Subduktionsereignisses der Farallon-Platte unter die heutige Südamerikanische Platte. Mesozoische Riftereignisse und damit einhergehende Sedimentation und Versenkung zeigen nur lokal Einfluss auf die ermittelten Abkühlalter. Dies deutet darauf hin, dass die zum Verlust der Altersinformation der thermochronologischen Systeme notwenige Versenkungstiefen nur entlang der schmalen, räumlich eingeschränkten Kretazischen Riftbecken erreicht werden. Die finale Abkühlung auf Oberflächentemperaturen verlief diachron in den nördlichen und südlichen Sierras Pampeanas. So können im Norden Neogene Alter beobachtet werden, während die südlichen und westlichen Sierras Pampeanas spätestens seit der Kreide bzw. frühen Paleogens auf Oberflächentemperaturen abgekühlt waren. Letzteres deutet auf die Existenz einer positiven Topographie in den südlichen Sierras Pampeanas, bereits vor dem Einsetzen Cenozoischen Andinen Kompression und der im Neogenen einsetzenden flachen Subduktion der Nazca-Platte hin. Dies wiederum wiederspricht der allgemein akzeptierten Hypothese, dass die Exhumation und Hebung der Sierras Pampeanas allein mit der Neogenen flachen Subduktion der Nazca-Platte in Verbindung stehen. Im Gegensatz dazu wird vorgeschlagen, dass diese Neogenen Prozesse lediglich zu einer Überprägung und Akzentuierung des bereits existierenden Reliefs führten. Diese Vermutung kann durch die Berechnung auffallend niedriger Denudationsraten in den Östlichen und Westlichen Sierras Pampeanas von 0,010 0,024 km/a gestützt werden, welche auf stabile Bedingungen, zumindest seit der späten Kreidezeit, hindeuten.

The application of illite crystallinity, organic matter reflectance and isotopic techniques to the exploration for sedimentary-hosted hydrothermal ore deposits, southwestern Gaspé /

Duba, Daria. January 1982 (has links)
No description available.

Mécanismes et transferts de l'arsenic dans une confluence du Var et étude d'une méthode de remédiation dans les eaux potables

Campredon, Brice 01 July 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Ce travail s'inscrit dans une problématique locale de teneur élevée en arsenic naturel dans le but d'améliorer la surveillance et la gestion de la qualité de la ressource en eau dans l'arrière-pays niçois. L'existence de grandes disparités géographiques des teneurs en arsenic font de la géologie la cause principale de cette contamination. L'intérêt de ce travail est d'appréhender les interactions solide/solution entre l'arsenic total dissous et les particules solides (matières en suspensions, sédiment de lit de rivière, solides naturels). Pour décrypter le comportement géochimique de l'arsenic, les trois objectifs principaux sont : de déterminer son état de conservativité dans le milieu naturel ; puis d'étudier les phénomènes d'adsorption en laboratoire sur des solides naturels (illite, oxydes de fer) ou de référence (kaolinite) ; puis enfin d'apporter une application directe au piégeage de l'arsenic par la création d'un pilote de traitement destiné à dépolluer une source d'eau destiné à la consommation humaine. La concentration en particule est le facteur influençant la conservativité de l'arsenic dans le système de confluence Tinée/Var selon les données des compartiments dissous et particulaire. La fraction colloïdale semble avoir une implication de premier ordre lors de la période de crue étudiée. Le piégeage de l'arsenic est favorisé par les oxyhydroxydes de fer, les argiles puis en moindre quantité par les solides acido-solubles.

Efeito da adi??o de feldspato e/ou res?duo de caulin em formula??es ? base de argila il?tica

Castro, Raimundo Jos? de Sousa 16 November 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:07:06Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 RaimundoJSC_TESE.pdf: 1754370 bytes, checksum: 88d2811dd20d4c281cc4bc5a58cfc6fa (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-11-16 / The red pottery industry in Piau? state is well developed and stands out at the national context for the technical quality of its products. The floor and wall tile industry, however, is little developed since the state has only one company that produces red clay-based ceramic tiles. This thesis aims at using the predominantly illitic basic mass of the above mentioned industry, with the addition of feldspar and/or kaolin residue in order to obtain products of higher technical quality. Kaolin residue consists basically of kaolinite, muscovite mica and quartz; the feldspar used was potassic. In this experiment, basic mass (MB) was used for experimental control and fifteen formulations codified as follows: F2, F4, F8, F16, F32, FR2, FR4, FR8, FR16, FR32, R2, R4, R8, R16 and R32. All raw materials were dry-milled, classified, formulated and then humidified to 10% water. Thereafter, test samples were produced by unixial pressing process in a rectangular steel matrix (60.0 x 20.0 x 5.0) mm3 at (25 MPa). They were fired at four temperatures: 1080?C, 1120?C, 1160?C, with a heating rate of 10?C/min during up to 10 min in an electric oven, and the last one in an industrial oven with a peak of 1140?C, aim ing to confirm the results found in laboratory and, finally, technological tests were performed: MEA, RL, AA, PA, TRF and PF. The results revealed that the residue under study can be considered a raw material with large potential in the industry of red clay-based ceramic tiles, since the results found both in laboratory and in the industry have shown that the test samples produced from the formulations with up to 4% feldspar and those produced with up to 8% feldspar and residue permitted a reduction in the water absorption rate and an increase in the mechanical resistance while those samples produced with up to 4% residue had an increase in the mechanical resistance when compared to those produced from the basic mass and that the formulation with 2% feldspar and residue presented the best technological properties, lowering the sintering temperature down to 1120?C / A ind?stria de cer?mica vermelha do Piau? ? bem desenvolvida e se destaca no contexto nacional pela qualidade t?cnica de seus produtos. J? a ind?stria de revestimento pouco se desenvolveu, visto que o estado possui uma ?nica empresa que produz revestimento de base argilosa vermelha. Esta tese tem por objetivo utilizar a massa b?sica predominantemente il?tica da ind?stria citada, adicionando ? mesma feldspato e/ou res?duo de caulim com o prop?sito de obter produtos de melhores qualidades t?cnicas. O res?duo caulim ? constitu?do basicamente de caulinita, mica moscovita e quartzo; o feldspato utilizado foi o pot?ssico. Para este experimento, utilizou-se a massa b?sica (MB) para controle experimental e quinze formula??es assim codificadas: F2, F4, F8, F16, F32, FR2, FR4, FR8, FR16, FR32, R2, R4, R8, R16 e R32. Todas as mat?rias-primas foram mo?das a seco, caracterizadas, formuladas, depois umidificadas a 10% com ?gua. Em seguida, foram confeccionados corpos-de-prova por prensagem uniaxial em matriz retangular de a?o (60,0 x 20,0 x 5,0) mm? a (24 MPa), os quais foram queimados em quatro temperaturas: 1080?C, 1120?C, 1160?C, com taxa de aqu ecimento de 10?C/min e patamar de 10 min em forno el?trico, e a ?ltima em forno a rolo industrial e pico de 1140?C com o objetivo de validar os resultados encontra dos em laborat?rio; por ?ltimo, foram realizados ensaios tecnol?gicos: MEA, RL, AA, PA, TRF e PF. Os mesmos mostraram que o res?duo estudado pode ser considerado como mat?riaprima de grande potencial para a ind?stria de pisos e revestimentos cer?micos de base argilosa vermelha, j? que tanto os resultados encontrados em laborat?rio como na ind?stria mostram que os corpos-de-prova produzidos a partir das formula??es com feldspato at? 4% e os produzidos com feldspato e res?duo at? 8% permitiram uma redu??o da absor??o de ?gua e aumento da resist?ncia mec?nica, sendo que os corpos-de-prova produzidos com at? 4% de res?duo tiveram aumento da resist?ncia mec?nica, quando comparados aos corpos-de-prova produzidos a partir da massa b?sica e que a formula??o com 2% de feldspato e res?duo apresentou melhores propriedades tecnol?gicas, reduzindo a temperatura de sinteriza??o para 1120?C

Formação de carbonatos e argilo-minerais em solos sódicos do pantanal sul-mato-grossense / Minerals formation in a modern saline-alkaline lake of Pantanal wetland, Brazil.

Sheila Aparecida Correia Furquim 22 August 2007 (has links)
Uma característica de destaque da Nhecolândia, uma sub-região do Pantanal Sul-Mato- Grossense, é a presença de lagoas doces (baías) e salgadas (salinas) com uma grande variabilidade química entre si. Apesar da presença de sal nas salinas ser historicamente atribuída a processos passados, estudos recentes sugerem que as águas salgadas estão sendo originadas atualmente devido à concentração por evaporação. O perfil químico das águas salinas estaria sendo originado principalmente pelo controle de elementos (Ca2+, Mg2+ e Si(OH)4) durante a concentração das águas, com o conseqüente envolvimento destes íons em dois processos: a formação de carbonatos e de silicatos magnesianos. Estudos preliminares em solos de salinas sugerem que a ocorrência de nódulos esbranquiçados e a presença de um horizonte enriquecido em argila podem evidenciar estes dois processos. Neste tipo de ambiente, carbonatos como calcita e dolomita são comumente neoformados, mas há divergências na literatura quanto ao mecanismo de origem autigênica dos silicatos magnesianos. Baseando-se no exposto acima, foram definidos os seguintes objetivos para a presente pesquisa: 1) ampliar o conhecimento sobre os solos associados às salinas através de uma caracterização baseada em dados de campo e laboratório dos solos presentes no entorno de uma lagoa salina representativa da Nhecolândia (lagoa do Meio); 2) identificar os processos envolvidos no controle do Ca2+, Mg2+ e Si(OH)4 nas águas salinas, através do estudo das relações entre as fases líquidas (águas superficiais e subsuperficiais) e sólidas (minerais) presentes nos solos do entorno da lagoa do Meio; e 3) identificar os mecanismos específicos de gênese dos minerais autigênicos possivelmente presentes nos solos do entorno da lagoa do Meio. As amostras de solo foram coletadas ao longo de uma topossequência nos arredores da lagoa do Meio e submetidas à análise granulométrica, análises químicas (ICP-MS, pH, CE, carbono total, carbonato de cálcio equivalente, bases trocáveis e testes de imersão em água, ácido e bases) e análises mineralógicas (DRX, MET-EDS). Amostras de água superficiais e subsuperficiais foram coletadas em um transecto que abarca a topossequência estudada e então encaminhadas às análises de pH, Eh, CE, temperatura, titulação com HCl, cromatografia de íons, EAA e ICP-MS. Os solos dos arredores da salina do Meio caracterizam-se pela textura areia a franco-arenosa, pela ausência de estrutura e, de maneira geral, por altos valores de pH, CE, CTC e saturação em Na+. O pH fortemente alcalino e o domínio de Na+ no complexo de troca desencadeiam a atuação do processo de solonização e dos seguintes processos específicos associados: migração de matéria orgânica perfil abaixo, precipitação de carbonatos (calcita, dolomita e nahcolita) em nódulos, solubilização/precipitação de sílica amorfa e formação autigênica de minerais de argila do grupo das esmectitas e micas. Diferentes esmectitas estão presentes ao longo da topossequência: a) na zona raramente atingida pelas variações sazonais do nível d\'água da salina, a esmectita é do tipo ferribeidelita, possui um grau de interestratificação com mica e vermiculita e apresenta teores de Fe3+ similares às micas identificadas no mesmo solo. Estas características sugerem que o mineral do tipo ferribeidelita é originado pela transformação de micas enriquecidas em Fe3+, sendo a vermiculita provavelmente uma fase intermediária nesta transformação; b) na zona de maior variação sazonal do nível d\'água da salina, as esmectitas são classificadas como do tipo saponita e estevensita. Os baixos teores de elementos terras-raras nas amostras enriquecidas nestes minerais, o controle do Mg2+ e do Si(OH)4 nas águas próximas à lagoa do Meio, a saturação das águas do entorno da lagoa em relação a saponita e estevensita e a presença destas esmectitas magnesianas nos locais onde são esperadas máximas taxas de evaporação, provam que estes minerais estão se originando por precipitação química diretamente da coluna d\'água da lagoa salina. Já as micas presentes nos solos estudados são do tipo ilita, glauconita e mica glauconítica, possuem interestratificação com camadas de esmectitas e parecem estar associadas a materiais amorfos. Experimentos de síntese disponíveis na literatura mostram que águas semelhantes às associadas à lagoa do Meio são ideais para a cristalização de micas a partir da precipitação inicial de hidróxidos amorfos. Desta forma, as evidências obtidas sugerem que estas micas são neoformadas a partir da precipitação inicial de amorfos e posterior cristalização. Os resultados obtidos certamente ampliaram o conhecimento sobre os solos presentes no entorno de lagoas salinas, uma vez os estudos disponíveis na literatura são baseados quase que exclusivamente em dados de campo. Mostrou-se que o controle do Ca2+ das águas mais salinas está sendo realizado pela formação de calcita e dolomita em nódulos, enquanto o controle do Mg2+ e do Si(OH)4 está ocorrendo pela formação de esmectitas magnesianas do tipo saponita e estevensita. Estes processos são provavelmente os responsáveis pela alta variabilidade entre as águas doces das baías/vazantes e as salgadas das salinas/arredores, conforme hipótese lançada em literatura. Assim, o presente trabalho fornece fortes evidências de que a presença de sal nas águas das lagoas salinas da Nhecolândia é atual ou, ao menos, tem contribuição de processos atuais. Por fim, mostrou-se ser possível a formação conjunta de ilita, glauconita e mica glauconítica e de esmectitas do tipo saponita e estevensita pelo mecanismo de precipitação diretamente das águas ou soluções em ambientes sujeitos a concentração evaporativa. / A distinctive feature of Nhecolândia, a sub-region of the Pantanal wetland, is the presence in close proximity of freshwater and saline lakes with a huge chemical variability. The salt has been generally attributed to Pleistocene processes, but recent studies have suggested that saline waters arise from present-day concentration of freshwater by evaporation. The chemical profile of saline waters would be originated by chemical control of Ca2+, Mg2+, and Si(OH)4 as the water becomes more saline. Two processes would be responsible for this control: formation of carbonates and formation of Mg-silicates. The presence of whitish nodules and clayey horizons in soils associated to the saline lakes would be evidences of these processes. In saline-alkaline environments, carbonates such as calcite and dolomite are commonly formed by chemical precipitation, but the mechanisms responsible for Mgsilicates genesis are still under debate. The objectives of this research are: a) increasing the general knowledge about soils associated to Pantanal saline lakes through a detailed characterization of the soils located around a representative saline lake of Nhecolândia (\"Salina do Meio\"); b) identifying the processes involved in Ca2+, Mg2+ and Si(OH)4 control from saline waters, through the study of relationships between waters and minerals present in the soils around \"Salina do Meio\"; c) identifying the specific mechanisms of authigenic genesis of the minerals possibly found around \"Salina do Meio\". Soils were sampling along a toposequence and submitted to physical (particle-size), chemical (ICP-MS, pH, EC, total carbon, inorganic carbonate, exchangeable bases, and soaking in H2O, HCl 1N, and NaOH 4M), and mineralogical analyses (XRD and TEM-EDS). Water was collected along a transect involving the lake and submitted to pH, Eh, EC, temperature, titration with HCl, ion chromatography, and ICP-MS analyses. The studied soils are sandy, structureless, and present, in general, high values of pH, CE, CEC, and Na+ saturation. Prevailing of Na+ in the waters and exchangeable sites and dominance of extremely high pH strongly suggest the general action of solonization in these soils and its influence on the following processes: organic matter translocation toward deeper horizons, precipitation of carbonates (calcite, dolomite, and nahcolite) in nodules, precipitation of amorphous silica, and authigenic formation of smectites and micas. Different authigenic smectites occur along the toposequence: a) in the zone hardly reached by the lake level variation, the smectite is classified as ferribeidellite-type, present an interstratification with mica and vermiculite, and has similar amounts of Fe3+ than the Fe-mica present in the soils. These characteristics suggest that this ferribeidellite-type mineral originates from transformation of Fe-mica and that vermiculite may be an intermediate phase in this transformation; b) in the zone of seasonal lake level variation, the smectites are classified as saponite- and stevensite-type minerals. Low REE amounts in the samples enriched in saponite and stevensite, geochemical control of Mg2+ and Si(OH)4, saturation with respect to Mg smectite in the more saline waters, and presence of Mg-smectite where the maximum of evaporation is expected, prove that saponite- and stevensite-like minerals originate by chemical precipitation from the water column of the saline lake. The micas present in the studied soils are classified as illite-, glauconite- and glauconitic mica-type minerals. They present 20% or less smectite layers and seem to be associated to amorphous materials. Synthesis of micas available in the literature shows that water conditions similar to the study area allow for dioctahedral mica crystallization from initial precipitation of amorphous hydroxides. Therefore, it suggests that micas of study area are neoformed. The results of this dissertation contributed to a better understanding about the soils associated to Nhecolândia saline lakes, since most of the published researches are based on field data. The control of Ca2+ from more saline waters occurs by formation of calcite and dolomite in nodules, while the control of Mg2+ and Si(OH)4 occur by formation of Mg-smectites classified as saponite- and stevensite-type. These processes are probably responsible for the chemical variability between freshwater and saline lakes, as supposed in a previous research. Therefore, the present work gives strong evidences about the current origin of Nhecolândia salt water. Also, it showed the possibility of genesis of illite, glauconita, glauconitic mica, saponite, and stevensite minerals through direct precipitation of waters or soil solutions under concentration by evaporation.

Engineering Properties, Micro- and Nano-Structure of Bentonite-Sand Barrier Materials in Aggressive Environments of Deep Geological Repository for Nuclear Wastes

Shehata, Asmaa January 2015 (has links)
Canada produces about one-third of the global supply of medical radioisotopes. The nuclear power reactors in Ontario, Quebec and New Brunswick have generated about 17 percent of the electricity in the country every year (NWMO, 2010; Noorden; 2013). Since the 1960s, more than 2 million used (or spent) fuel bundles (high-level radioactivity) and 75,000 m³ of low- and intermediate-level radioactive waste have been produced, which is increasing by 2000 to 3000 m³ every year after reducing the processed volume (Jensen et al., 2009). More than 30 countries around the world, including Canada, have proposed construction of very deep geological repositories (DGRs) to store this nuclear waste for design periods 1,000,000 years. DGR concepts under development in Canada (the DGR is likely to be constructed in Ontario) are based on a multi-barrier system (NWMO, 2012). A crucial component of the multi-barrier system is the engineered barrier system (EBS), which includes a buffer, backfill, and tunnel sealing materials to physically, chemically, hydraulically and biologically isolate the nuclear waste. Bentonite-based material has been chosen for this critical use because of its high swelling capacity, low hydraulic conductivity, and for its good ability to retain radionuclides in the case of failed canisters. However, the presence of bentonite-based material in DGRs, surrounded by an aggressive environment of underground saline water, nuclear waste heat decay, and corrosion products under confining stress, may lead to mineralogical changes. Consequently, the physical and physiochemical properties of bentonite-based materials may change, which could influence the performance of bentonite in an EBS as well as the overall safety of DGRs. The objective of this research is to investigate the impact of the underground water salinity, heat generated by nuclear waste, and corrosion products of nuclear waste containers in Ontario on the engineering and micro-/nano-structural properties of bentonite-sand engineered barrier materials. Free-swelling, swelling pressure and hydraulic conductivity tests have been performed on bentonite-sand mixtures subjected to various chemical (groundwater chemistry; corrosion water with iron as a corrosion product) and thermal (heat generated) conditions. Several techniques of micro- and nano-structural analyses, such as x-ray diffraction (XRD), X-Ray microanalysis (DES), surface area and pore size distribution analyses (BET, BJH) and differential gravimetric (TGA and DTG) analyses have also been conducted on the bentonite-sand materials. Valuable results have been obtained for better understanding the durability and performance of the bentonite-sand barrier for the DGR which may be located in Ontario. The obtained results have shown that the groundwater chemistry and corrosion products of the nuclear containers significantly deteriorate the swelling and permeability properties of the tested bentonite-sand barrier materials, while temperature has little or no effect.

The application of illite crystallinity, organic matter reflectance and isotopic techniques to the exploration for sedimentary-hosted hydrothermal ore deposits, southwestern Gaspé /

Duba, Daria. January 1982 (has links)
No description available.

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