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Towards Understanding of Selectivity & Enantioconvergence of an Epoxide HydrolaseJanfalk Carlsson, Åsa January 2016 (has links)
Epoxide hydrolase I from Solanum tuberosum (StEH1) and isolated variants thereof has been studied for mapping structure-function relationships with the ultimate goal of being able to in silico predict modifications needed for a certain activity or selectivity. To solve this, directed evoultion using CASTing and an ISM approach was applied to improve selectivity towards either of the enantiomeric product diols from (2,3-epoxypropyl)benzene (1). A set of variants showing a range of activites and selectivities was isolated and characterized to show that both enantio- and regioselectivity was changed thus the enrichment in product purity was not solely due to kinetic resolution but also enantioconvergence. Chosen library residues do also influence selectivity and activity for other structurally similar epoxides styrene oxide (2), trans-2-methyl styrene oxide (3) and trans-stilbene oxide (5), despite these not being selected for. The isolated hits were used to study varying selectivity and activity with different epoxides. The complex kinetic behaviour observed was combined with X-ray crystallization and QM/MM studies, powerful tools in trying to explain structure-function relationships. Crystal structures were solved for all isolated variants adding accuracy to the EVB calculations and the theoretical models did successfully reproduce experimental data for activities and selectivities in most cases for 2 and 5. Major findings from calculations were that regioselectivity is not always determined in the alkylation step and for smaller and more flexible epoxides additional binding modes are possible, complicating predictions and the reaction scheme further. Involved residues for the catalytic mechanism were confirmed and a highly conserved histidine was found to have major influence on activity thus suggesting an expansion of the catalytic triad to also include H104. Docking of 1 into the active site of the solved crystal structures was performed in an attempt to rationalize regioselectivity from binding. This was indeed successful and an additional binding mode was identified, involving F33 and F189, both residues targeted for engineering. For biocatalytic purpose the enzyme were was successfully immobilized on alumina oxide membranes to function in a two-step biocatalytic reaction with immobilized alcoholdehydrogenase A from Rhodococcus ruber, producing 2-hydroxyacetophenone from racemic 2.
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Rekommendationer och risker vid prehospital helkroppsimmobilisering av misstänkt spinal skada : En litteraturgranskningStrömberg, Michael, Löf, Andrea January 2016 (has links)
Bakgrund Idag används olika medicinsktekniska produkter för helkroppsimmobilisering vid misstanke om spinal skada prehospitalt. Valet av immobiliseringsutrustning som skall användas görs av ansvarig sjuksköterska på plats. Den vanligaste utrustningen är ryggbräda, vaccummadrass, Kendric Extration Device (KED-väst) och nackkrage. Då utbildningen Pre Hospital Trauma Life Support (PHTLS) varit en del av specialistutbildningen för ambulanssjuksköterskor under en längre period har det funnits lite anledning till att ifrågasätta helkroppsimmobilisering och dess utrustning. All immobiliseringsutrustning klassificeras under klass 1 av Läkemedelsverket, vilket kan innebära att få vetenskapliga studier har gjorts för att utvärdera immobilieringsutrustning. Patientsäkerhetslagen ska efterlevas vad gäller vetenskaplig och beprövad metod i omvårdnaden av patienter med misstänkt spinal skada. Syfte Att genom en litteraturgranskning undersöka rekommendationer och eventuella risker med helkroppsimmobilisering vid misstanke av spinal skada prehospitalt utifrån patientsäkerhet och ett historiskt perspektiv. Metod Studien genomförs som litteraturgranskning med artikelgranskning och ett retrospektivt, deskriptivt perspektiv. Resultat Forskning rekommenderade helkroppsimmobilisering på traumapatienter där det fanns misstanke om spinal skada. Behandlingsriklinjerna följde nuvarande forskningsrekommendationer. Forskningskvaliten hade blivit bättre över tid och resultaten hade ökat i trovärdighet. Flera forskare påvisade risker med helkroppsimmobilisering. Riskerna var relaterade till dagens immobiliseringsutrustning. Ett antal alternativ till dagens immobiliseringsutrusning fanns beskrivna, men användes inte och var inte omnämnda i behandlingsriktlinjer. Slutsats Forskning rekommenderar helkroppsimmobilisering på traumapatienter där det finns misstanke om spinal skada. Immobiliseringutrustning har bevisligen flera risker för patienter, vilka orsakar allvarliga konsekvenser för hälsan. En lågt sittande ryggskada kanske inte behöver helkroppsimmobiliseras. Det kanske räcker med halvkroppsimmobilisering för vissa patienter. / Background Today, there are various medical devices for full body immobilisation in cases of suspected spinal injury prehospital. The choice of immobilisation devices to be used is the charge nurse’s on site. The most common equipment is back board, vaccummadrass, Kendric extraction Device (KED - West) and cervical collar. Because When training Pre Hospital Trauma Life Support (PHTLS) has been part of the specialist training of ambulance nurses over a longer period , there has been little reason to question full body immobilisation and its equipment . All immobilisation devices classified under Class 1 of the Medical Product Agency (MPA) , which may mean that few scientific studies have been done to evaluate immobilisation devices. The Patient Safety Act must be complied with in terms of scientific and proven method in the care of patients with suspected spinal injury. Aim Through a literature review examining recommendations and possible risks of full body immobilisation on suspicion of spinal injury pre-hospital based on patient safety and a historical perspective. Method The study is conducted as a literature review with the article review and a retrospective, descriptive perspective. Result Research recommended full body immobilisation on trauma patients where there was suspicion of spinal injury. Treatment guidelines followed the current research recommendations. The research quality had improved over time and results in increased credibility. Several researchers demonstrated the risks of full body immobilisation. The risks were related to today's immobilisation devices. A number of alternatives to current immobilisation devices was described, but was not used and was not mentioned in the treatment guidelines. Conclusion Research recommends full body immobilisation of trauma patients where there is a suspected spinal injury. Immobilisation devices has proven more risks for patients , which cause serious health consequences. A low sitting back injury may not need full body immobilisation. It might suffice with a half body immobilisation for some patients.
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Active targeting with controlled delivery of therapeutic agents to bone is an ideal approach for treatment of several bone diseases. Since bisphosphonates (BPs) are known to have high affinity to bone mineral and are being widely used in treatment of osteoporosis, they are well-suited for drug targeting to bone. For this purpose, bifunctional hydrazine-bisphosphonates (HBPs) with spacers of various lengths and lipophilicity were synthesized and studied. Crystal growth inhibition assays demonstrated that the HBPs with shorter spacers bound more strongly to bone mineral, hydroxyapatite (HA), than did alendronate. HBPs were also demonstrated to be non-toxic to MC3T3-E1 pre-osteoblasts. The targeted delivery of the HBP-conjugated model drug, 4-nitrobenzaldehyde, was demonstrated through hydrolysis of the hydrazone linkage at the low pH of bone resorption and wound healing sites.
In another series of experiments, a method to orient proteins on HA surfaces was developed to improve protein bioactivity. Enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) and β-lactamase were used as model proteins. These proteins have a Ser or Thr at their N-terminus, which was oxidized to obtain a single aldehyde group that was subsequently used for bonding HBPs of various length and lipophilicity through formation of a hydrazone bond. The amount of protein immobilized through various HBPs was determined and found not to be exclusively dependent on the length of HBPs. The enzymatic activity of HBP-immobilized β-lactamase, measured with cefazolin as substrate, was found to be higher than β-lactamase that was simply adsorbed on HA.
In a third set of studies, HBPs were evaluated for delivering parathyroid hormone (PTH) to bone mineral to enhance cell responses for bone formation. PTH was oxidized and conjugated to HBPs, followed by targeting to bone wafers. In vitro bioassays demonstrated that HBP-targeted PTH stimulated greater synthesis of cAMP in pre-osteoblasts compared to surfaces with simply adsorbed PTH. HBPs were also found to have similar pro-apoptotic activity to widely used alendronate.
Overall, HBPs can be used for drug delivery to bone and oriented immobilization of proteins and peptides, with or without anti-osteoclastic action, for a variety of applications including bone tissue engineering.
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Torkat bioavfall som jordförbättringsmedel / Dried Biowaste as a Soil ConditionerBlad, Sofia January 2007 (has links)
<p>The main project Dry preservation of source-separated organic household wastes involves a new technique for treatment of biowaste through drying. Investigations are going on to determine how the dried biowaste best can be used to close the natural circular flow of nutrients. The objective of this degree project is to determine if the dried biowaste can be used as a soil conditioner. By restoring the nutrients in the material to the ground, the natural circular flow is closed. A declaration of contents, including the nutrient levels, C/N ratio, pH and the electrical conductivity of the dried biowaste, was constructed and a germination test was done to make sure that the material did not inhibit sprouting. Further on a method was developed to study the decomposition process, and in particular the nitrogen mineralization of the dried biowaste. This method was then used practically.</p><p>The results of this degree project indicate that the decomposition capacity of the dried biowaste is very good. The germination test showed that the material in a diluted form (up to 50 % dried biowaste) did not inhibit sprouting. The examination of the nitrogen mineralization showed a fast liberalisation of nutrients available to plants, with only a shorter period of nitrogen immobilization. Together these results imply that the dried material could function well as a soil conditioner.</p> / <p>Projektet Torrkonservering av matavfall från hushåll innefattar en helt ny teknik för behandling av bioavfall genom torkning. Undersökningar pågår angående hur det torkade bioavfallet bäst kan användas för att sluta det naturliga kretsloppet. Examensarbetets huvudsyfte var, som ett led i dessa undersökningar, att utreda om det torkade bioavfallet kan användas som ett jordförbättringsmedel. Genom att tillföra bioavfallet till jord så återförs näringen i materialet till marken och kretsloppet sluts. En varudeklaration, med materialets näringshalter, C/N-kvot, pH och elektrisk konduktivitet, togs fram och ett groningstest utfördes för att kontrollera att bioavfallet inte var groningshämmande. Vidare utvecklades en metod för att studera det torkade bioavfallets nedbrytningsegenskaper i form av dess kvävemineralisering. Denna metod användes därefter praktiskt.</p><p>Resultatet av detta examensarbete tyder på att torkat bioavfall har mycket goda nedbrytningsegenskaper. Groningsförsöket visade att materialet i utspädd form (upp till 50 % torkat bioavfall) inte är groningshämmande, och mineraliseringsförsöket visade på en snabb frigörelse av växttillgängligt kväve, och en immobiliseringsperiod på ett par veckor. Tillsammans indikerar dessa resultat att det torkade materialet kan fungera väl som ett jordförbättringsmedel.</p>
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Ethanol Production from Cellulosic Biomass by Encapsulated Saccharomyces cerevisiaeTalebnia, Farid January 2008 (has links)
Unstable oil markets with rising environmental concerns have revived widespread interest in production of fuel ethanol from renewable materials. Cellulosic materials are abundant and prominent feedstocks for cheap ethanol production. However, due to recalcitrant structure of these materials, pretreatment is a prerequisite. Depending on the biomass, pretreatment and hydrolysis conditions, a number of degradation products and/or toxic components may be released that show strong inhibitory effects on the fermenting microorganisms. This thesis deals with application of encapsulation technology to ferment the highly toxic hydrolyzates without further pretreatment. Free cells could not tolerate presence of 5 g/l furfural in defined medium, and inhibitors in wood and peel hydrolyzates in batch mode of operation and fermentation failed. Continuous cultivation of wood hydrolyzate was only successful at 0.1 h−1 and the majority of cells lost their viability after 5 retention times. Encapsulated cell system could successfully ferment the synthetic medium containing 5 g/l furfural during sequential batch cultivations with ethanol yield of 0.41-0.42 g/g. Cultivation of undetoxified hydrolyzates was also carried out, where glucose and mannose were converted within 10 h without significant lag phase. However, a gradual decrease in cell activity was observed in sequential batches. Continuous cultivation was more successful, and wood hydrolyzate was fermented to ethanol by encapsulated S. cerevisiae at dilution rates up to 0.5 h−1. More than 75% of the encapsulated cells were viable in the worst conditions. Ethanol was produced with yield 0.44 g/g and specific productivity 0.14–0.17 g/g•h at all dilution rates. Contrary to wood hydrolyzate, where there is no preference for permeation of sugars or inhibitors through the capsules’ membrane, encapsulation technology was applied to eliminate inhibition of limonene in fermentation of orange wastes to ethanol. The capsules’ membrane, of hydrophilic nature, is practically impermeable to hydrophobic compounds such as limonene while allowing penetration of nutrients and products. While presence of 0.1% v/v limonene in the medium results in strong inhibition or even failure of cultivation with free cells, using this technique allowed fermentation of a medium containing 1.5% v/v limonene. The impact of encapsulation on the anaerobic growth pattern, morphological and physiological changes of S. cerevisiae over long-term application was investigated. The growth rate, total RNA and protein content of the encapsulated cells decreased gradually over repeated batch cultivations, while stored carbohydrates content increased. Within 20 batch cultivations, total RNA and protein content of encapsulated cells decreased by 39% and 24%, whereas glycogen and trehalose content increased by factors of 4.5 and 4, respectively. / <p>Akademisk avhandling som för avläggande av teknologie doktorsexamen vid Chalmers tekniska högskola försvaras vid offentlig disputation den 18 april 2008.</p>
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Studies on Human and Drosophila melanogaster Glutathione Transferases of Biomedical and Biotechnological InterestMazari, Aslam M.A. January 2016 (has links)
Glutathione transferases (GSTs, EC. are multifunctional enzymes that are universally distributed in all cellular life forms. They play important roles in metabolism and detoxication of endogenously produced toxic compounds and xenobiotics. GSTs have gained considerable interest over the years for biomedical and biotechnological applications due to their involvement in the conjugation of glutathione (GSH) to a vast array of chemical species. Additionally, the emergence of non-detoxifying functions of GSTs has further increased their biological significance. The present work encompasses four scientific studies aimed at investigating human as well as fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster GSTs. Paper I presents the immobilization of GSTs on nanoporous alumina membranes. Kinetic analyses with 1-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene followed by specificity screening with alternative substrates showed a good correlation between the data obtained from immobilized enzymes and the enzymes in solution. Furthermore, immobilization showed no adverse effects on the stability of the enzymes. Paper II presents inhibition studies of human hematopoietic prostaglandin D2 synthase (HPGDS), a promising therapeutic target for anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory drugs. Our screening results with an FDA-approved drug library revealed a number of effective inhibitors of HPGDS with IC50 values in the low micromolar range. Paper III concerns the toxicity of organic isothiocyanates (ITCs) that showed high catalytic activities with GSTE7 in vitro. The in vivo results showed that phenethyl isothiocyanate (PEITC) and allyl isothiocyanate in millimolar dietary concentrations conferred toxicity to the adult fruit flies leading to death or shortened life-span. The transgenic female flies overexpressing GSTE7 showed increased tolerance against PEITC toxicity compared to the wild-type. However, the effect was opposite in male flies overexpressing GSTE7 after one week exposure. Notably, the transgene enhanced the oviposition activity of flies with and without ITCs exposure. Paper IV highlights Drosophila GSTs as efficient catalysts of the environmental pollutant and explosive 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene and the related 2,4-dinitrotoluene degradation. This result suggests the potential of GST transgenes in plants for biotransformation and phytoremediation of these persistent environmental pollutants.
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Vliv terapie metodou Vojtovy reflexní lokomoce na funkční schopnosti imobilních seniorů / The influence of therapy by Vojta reflex locomotion method on functional abilities of immobile seniorsČerná, Gabriela January 2008 (has links)
This project assesses effects of four -week active rehabilitation combined with Vojta reflex stimulation on mobility of bed-bound seniors. Sixteen female patients were divided into two groups of eight members, i.e. tested group and control group. Both groups were put through training focused on self-support, maintaining or enhancement of range of movement, strengthening of weak muscle groups, stability training, practicing sitting up and lying down from sitting position, and walking in the high walking frame in the case of stronger patients. Besides that the tested group underwent Vojta reflex stimulation (global model of reflex turning), coordination and stability exercise and exercise with rehabilitation tools (elastic band, over ball, small ball, water bottle). In the beginning and in the end of the project the EMS (Elderly Mobility Scale), BI (Barthel Index), and MMSE (Mini-mental State Examination) scales were tested as well as ability to turn from back to side and stability in the sitting position. Statistical comparability of both groups was proved true in the beginning of the therapy by Mann-Whitney test. There was a noticeable tendency towards higher probability of enhancing measured scores in the tested group compared to the control group after the therapy. In case of the EMS this probability was...
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Triagem de compostos orgânicos para incorporar matrizes híbridas baseadas em sílica pela técnica sol-gel / Screening of organic components to incorporate silica-based hybrid matrices by sol-gel techniqueMartin, Lucas Serra 23 October 2015 (has links)
O presente projeto teve como objetivo selecionar componentes orgânicos para obtenção de compósitos híbridos pela técnica sol-gel utilizando como precursor tetraetilortossilicato (TEOS) visando avaliar o efeito do agente orgânico na evolução do sol para gel e nas propriedades finais dos suportes para imobilizar a lipase microbiana de Burkholderia cepacia. Foram testados três compostos orgânicos ?-ciclodextrina (?CD), carboximetilcelulose (CMC) e hidroxietilcelulose (HEC) e os resultados obtidos foram comparados com o comportamento já estabelecido para o polivinilálcool (PVA), tanto em termos morfológicos como atividade catalítica em meio aquoso (hidrólise de triacilgliceróis) e meio orgânico (síntese de éster de cadeia curta e longa). A motivação do estudo está diretamente relacionada com a elevada afinidade do suporte híbrido SiO2-PVA pelo glicerol, sendo uma das limitações do uso deste suporte para imobilizar lipases com finalidade de aplicação em reações de transesterificação conduzidas em fluxo contínuo. As características morfológicas e estruturais dos suportes resultantes foram determinadas empregando técnicas convencionais, indicando similaridade das propriedades estruturais, fornecendo suportes com áreas superficiais entre 361,6 a 529,7 m2 g-1 e morfologia amorfa. A diferença marcante entre os suportes foi verificada quanto a capacidade de adsorção do subproduto da reação de transesterificação, sendo verificado que a substituição do polivinilálcool por ?-ciclodextrina reduziu em até 50% a habilidade do suporte hibrido em absorver glicerol. Os componentes derivados de celulose apresentaram resultados similares aos obtidos com o polivinilálcool. Em termos de afinidade pelo glicerol os resultados obtidos permitiram a classificação dos suportes híbridos na seguinte ordem crescente: SiO2-CMC > SiO2-PVA > SiO2-HEC > SiO2- ?CD. Quanto a afinidade dos suportes para imobilização da lipase de B. cepacia, os valores de atividade hidrolítica dos derivados imobilizados, nas condições adotadas, revelaram que todos os suportes tiveram o mesmo tipo de interação com a enzima resultando em valores de recuperação de atividade na faixa de 56 - 63%, valores próximos aos normalmente obtidos pela matriz de SiO2-PVA (68%). Os parâmetros cinéticos (Km e Vmax) determinados indicaram que a lipase imobilizada nos diferentes tipos de suporte, apresentou afinidade semelhante pelo substrato azeite de oliva. Os valores determinados de Km e Vmax da lipase de B. cepacia na forma livre (Km = 410 mM e Vmax =12391 Ug-1) mostraram que independente do suporte, a imobilização reduziu aproximadamente 60% da afinidade da enzima pelo substrato. Em meio orgânico, tanto as reações de esterificação como de transesterificação mediadas pelos derivados imobilizados apresentaram desempenho similar com atividade de esterificação da ordem de 118 ?M.g-1min-1 e rendimentos de formação de ésteres etílicos da ordem de 98,30%. De uma forma geral, os resultados obtidos foram promissores e permitiram selecionar o composto orgânico ?CD para substituir com vantagens o polivinilálcool no preparo de matrizes hibridas para imobilização da enzima lipase. O menor poder hidrofílico desta matriz em relação às outras matrizes testadas pode ser creditado a estrutura cíclica da ?CD que reduziu a capacidade do suporte SiO2-?CD em adsorver glicerol, principal subproduto da reação de transesterificação. Testes em processos conduzidos em fluxo contínuo são sugeridos para comprovação da eficiência dessa matriz. / The objective of this work was to select organic compounds for preparing hybrid composites by the sol-gel technique using tetraethylorthosilicate (TEOS) as precursor aiming at evaluating the effect of the organic agent in the transformation of the sol into gel and in the final properties of the matrices for immobilizing lipase from Burkholderia cepacia. Three organic components ?-cyclodextrin (?CD), carboxymethylcellulose (CMC) and hydroxyethylcellulose (HEC) were tested. The organic component polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) was used as control taking into consideration its morphological properties and the catalytic activity of the immobilized derivative in aqueous medium (triacylglycerols hydrolysis) and organic medium (synthesis of short and long chain esters). The motivation of this work was directly related with the high affinity of the matrix polysiloxane-polyvinyl alcohol (SiO2- PVA) by the glycerol, limiting the use of the immobilized derivative in the transesterification reactions running on a continuous flow. The morphological and structure properties of the resulting matrices was determined using conventional techniques, showing similar structure properties, with surface area values between 361.6 and 529.7 m2g-1 and amorphous morphology. The main difference among the matrices were observed regarding their ability to adsorb glycerol, the main byproduct of the transesterification reaction. It was verify that the replacement of the polyvinyl alcohol by ?-cyclodextrin reduced in about 50% the hybrid composite capacity to adsorb glycerol. On the other hand, the cellulose components showed similar results as the polyvinyl alcohol. Considering as an evaluated parameter the glycerol affinity, the achieved results allowed classifying the hybrid composites as follows: SiO2- CMC > SiO2-PVA > SiO2-HEC > SiO2-?CD. The performance of the hybrid composites for immobilizing lipase from B. cepacia, through the hydrolytic activity reveal that all the matrices show the same interaction with the lipase, resulting in activity recovered values between 56-63%, which is close to the value attained by SiO2-PVA matrix (68%). The kinetic parameters (Km and Vmax) values determined for free lipase (Km = 410 and Vmax = 12391 Ug-1), showed that independely of the immobilization support the affinity of the enzyme for the substrate was reduced by 60%. In organic medium, all the immobilized derivatives showed similar behavior on both esterification and transesterification reactions attaining esterification activity of 118 ?M.g-1min-1 and ethyl ester yields of 98.30%. Overall, the results were promising and allowed selecting the organic component ?CD to replace, with advantages, the use of PVA for preparing hybrid composites. The lower hydrophilic capacity of this matrix compared with the others matrices can be explained by the cyclic structure of the ?CD that reduced the capacity of the SiO2-?CD matrix in the glycerol adsorption, the main byproduct of the transesterification reaction. Assays carried out in packed bed reactor running on a continuous basis are propose to confirm the efficiency of this matrix.
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Bioprocessos fermentativos, purificação, caracterização e estabilização de peptidase secretada pelo fungo Aspergillus terreus / Fermentation bioprocesses, purification, characterization and stabilization of peptidase secreted by the fungusSiqueira, Ana Claudia Rodrigues de 15 March 2013 (has links)
Os fungos filamentosos são utilizados em larga escala na produção de produtos biotecnológicos na indústria devido a sua versatilidade e um dos exemplos são as peptidases que representam uma das principais classes de enzimas hidrolíticas. As peptidases são hidrolases que catalisam a quebra das ligações peptídicas das proteínas e que nos microrganismos são responsáveis por funções fisiológicas e patológicas, além de ter muitas aplicações em diversos campos industriais. Neste estudo foram analisados diferentes bioprocessos fermentativos para produção de peptidases pelo fungo Aspergillus terreus. Este microrganismo foi capaz de produzir peptidases em ambos os bioprocessos, sólido ou submerso, obtendo melhor performance e o pico de produção no bioprocesso fermentativo sólido de valor 677U/mL, nas condições 5g de farelo de trigo, 72 horas, 30°C e 75% de umidade. Utilizando o bioprocesso fermentativo submerso também obtivemos resultados satisfatórios com pico de atividade de 360U/mL, nas condições de meio padrão suplementado com Caseína 0,5%, 72 horas e 35°C. A caracterização bioquímica parcial dos extratos dos dois bioprocessos mostrou semelhanças entre algumas características das enzimas produzidas como a faixa extensa de pH ótimo abrangendo regiões ácidas, neutra e alcalinas, temperatura ótima pontual de 55°C e perfil de inibição pelo PMSF e EDTA. Contudo, os perfis de estabilidade (pH e temperatura) e comportamento frente a adição de íons apresentaram respostas diferentes entre si, o que sugere a produção de enzimas diferentes produzidas pelo mesmo fungo em meios distintos. A microencapsulação por Spray Drying como processo de estabilização foi satisfatória obtendo rendimentos de 37,5-58,2% e com níveis acima de 50% de atividade enzimática. Em contrapartida, a imobilização enzimática demonstrou ser eficaz na etapa de ligação ao suporte, mas não foi capaz de estabilizar a enzima presente no extrato, o que ficou caracterizado pela perda de atividade proteolítica. / Filamentous fungi are extensively used in the production of biotechnological products in industry because of their versatility and one of the examples are peptidases which constitute a major class of hydrolytic enzymes. The peptidases are hydrolases which catalyze the cleavage of peptide bonds of proteins and microorganisms that are responsible for the physiological and pathological roles, in addition to having many applications in various industrial fields. This study evaluated various bioprocesses for fermentative production of peptidases by the fungus Aspergillus terreus. This microorganism was able to produce peptidase in both bioprocess, solid or submerged, achieving better performance in the solid bioprocess with peak of production of 677U/mL under the conditions 5g wheat bran, 72 hours, 30°C and 75% humidity . Using submerged fermentation bioprocess we also obtained satisfactory results with peak of activity of 360U/mL with conditions of standard medium supplemented with 0.5% casein, 72 hours and 35°C. Biochemical characterization of the two partial purified extracts showed similarities between some characteristics of the enzymes produced, as large optimum pH range spanning regions acidic, neutral and alkaline point temperature optimum of 55 ° C and the inhibition profile of PMSF and EDTA. However, the stability profiles (pH and temperature) and behavior in addition ions showed different responses to each extract, which suggests the production of different enzymes in different ways. Microencapsulation by Spray Drying and stabilization process was obtaining satisfactory yields of 37.5 to 58.2%, with levels above 50% of enzyme activity. In contrast, the enzyme immobilization step was effective in bonding the support, but was not able to stabilize the enzyme present in the extract, which was characterized by the loss of proteolytic activity
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Imobilização de lipase em suporte magnetizado: desenvolvimento de técnicas de imobilização e aplicação na síntese de ésteres alquílicos / Immobilization of lipase on magnetized support: development of immobilization techniques and application in the synthesis of alkyl estersMijone, Patricia Daniela 14 March 2014 (has links)
O presente projeto teve como objetivo sintetizar matrizes magnetizadas para imobilização da lipase de Burkholderia cepacia para aplicação na síntese de ésteres alquilicos. Foram testadas duas metodologias para síntese de compósitos formados por óxidos magnéticos dispersos em matriz de sílica, a saber: a) matriz polissiloxano-álcool polivinílico (SiO2-PVA) dopada com Fe3O4 e ?Fe2O3 e b) matriz polissiloxano-álcool polivinílico (SiO2-PVA) sintetizada com incorporação de Fe3O4 e ?Fe2O3. As matrizes polissiloxano-álcool polivinílico (SiO2-PVA) e partículas de Fe3O4 e ?Fe2O3 foram usadas como controles. As características texturais e morfológicas das matrizes magnéticas e não magnética foram determinadas por microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV), difratograma de raios-X, espectroscopia no infravermelho (IV) e análise de tamanho de poros (BET). As partículas de magnetita (Fe3O4) e maghemita (?Fe2O3) apresentaram comportamento superparamagnético. A lipase de B. cepacia foi imobilizada nas quatro matrizes (magnetizada e não magnetizada) por adsorção física e ligação covalente e os rendimentos de imobilização similares obtidos sugerem que as partículas de ferro não interferiram na interação enzima-suporte. Entretanto, os parâmetros cinéticos (Km e Vmax) determinados indicaram que a lipase imobilizada nos suportes magnetizados tem menor afinidade pelo substrato. Os valores determinados de Km e Vmax da lipase de B. cepacia na forma livre (Km = 400 ± 32 mM e Vmax = 16019 ± 749 Ug-1) mostraram que independente do suporte a imobilização reduziu aproximadamente 50% da afinidade da enzima pelo substrato. Os derivados imobilizados obtidos por ligação covalente foram selecionados para mediar reações de transesterificação do óleo de coco pela rota etanólica e demonstraram eficiente desempenho, fornecendo conversões praticamente totais em ésteres de etila entre 72-96h. A menor velocidade de reação foi verificada para a lipase imobilizada em partículas de Fe3O4 e ?Fe2O3, provavelmente devido à interferência negativa do óxido de ferro que reduziu a afinidade da enzima pelo substrato, corroborando com os parâmetros cinéticos Km e Vmax. As amostras purificadas apresentaram propriedades que atendem às especificações exigidas pela Agência Nacional de Petróleo (ANP) para uso como biocombustível, incluindo: pureza elevada em ésteres etílicos (mínimo 96%), densidade (873-876 kgm-3) e viscosidade cinemática (3,76-3,93 mm2s-1). / The objective of this work was to synthesize magnetic matrices for immobilization of Burkholderia cepacia lipase to be used in the synthesis of alkyl esters. Two methods for the synthesis of the magnetic composites dispersed in silica matrices were tested: a) matrix polysiloxane-polyvinyl alcohol (SiO2-PVA) coating with Fe3O4 and ?Fe2O3 and b) matrix polysiloxane-polyvinyl alcohol (SiO2-PVA) synthesized with incorporation of Fe3O4 and ?Fe2O3. The matrix polysiloxane-polyvinyl alcohol (SiO2-PVA) and the composite Fe3O4 and ?Fe2O3 particles were used as controls. The morphological and textural characteristics of the magnetic and nonmagnetic matrices were determined by analysis of pore size (BET), scanning electron microscopy (MEV), X-ray diffraction and infrared spectroscopy (IV). The magnitete (Fe3O4) and maghmitite (?Fe2O3) particles showed super paramagnetic behavior. The lipase B. cepacia was immobilized in the matrices (magnetized and non-magnetized) by physical adsorption and covalent attachment and the similar immobilization yields obtained suggest that the iron particles did not affect the enzyme-support interaction. However, the determined kinetic parameters (Km and Vmax) indicated that the lipase immobilized in both magnetized SiO2-PVA matrices had lower affinity for the substrate. The Km and Vmax values determined for free lipase (Km = 400 ± 32 mM and Vmax =16019 ± 749 Ug-1), showed that independely of the immobilization support the affinity of the enzyme for the substrate was reduced by 50%. The immobilized derivatives prepared by covalent attachment were used to mediate the transesterification reactions of coconut oil by ethanolysis route. All immobilized derivatives were efficient in the ethanolysis of coconut oil attaining total conversion to ethyl esters in 72 hours, with the exception of the immobilized lipase on Fe3O4 and ?Fe2O3 particles, which provided total conversion in 96 h, probably due to the negative influence of the iron particles on the enzyme. The purified product samples (biodiesel) were essentially odorless and translucent appearance. The purity of the ethyl esters was high. In addition, other properties such as density (873-876 kg m-3) and viscosity (3.76-3.93 mm2 s-1) meet the specifications required by the National Petroleum Agency (ANP) to be used as a biofuel.
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