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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


BERTOLA, VALENTINA 23 March 2015 (has links)
Il presente lavoro offre un’analisi linguistica dell’implicito nei racconti "Drakon" [Il drago], "Peščera" [La caverna] e "Mamaj", scritti da Evgenij Zamjatin tra il 1918 e il 1920 e noti come ciclo di Pietrogrado. Il tema è motivato sia dalle caratteristiche di questi testi, in cui il riferimento al contesto post-rivoluzionario e la critica alla rivoluzione sono molto chiari, ma del tutto impliciti, e il lettore può solo inferirli partendo dal testo e dalla conoscenza del contesto condiviso con lo scrittore, sia dallo studio degli scritti di Zamjatin sulla prosa, in cui emerge che l’implicito è uno degli strumenti principali con cui egli realizza la sua concezione di opera letteraria, frutto della cooperazione fra autore e lettore. Per l’analisi abbiamo utilizzato gli strumenti offerti dalla teoria della pertinenza, elaborata a partire dagli anni Ottanta da Dan Sperber e Deirdre Wilson, e più precisamente i concetti di implicatura ed esplicatura; essi risultano particolarmente produttivi rispetto a quelli della retorica tradizionale, i quali illuminano la fattura del testo, ma non spiegano come da essa il lettore arrivi a comprenderlo e interpretarlo, come avvenga, cioè, la collaborazione creativa che Zamjatin pone al centro della propria estetica. / The present work offers a linguistic analysis of implicitness in the stories "Drakon" [The Dragon], "Peščera" [The Cave] and "Mamaj", written by Yevgeny Zamyatin between 1918 and 1920 and known as his Petrograd cycle of stories. This topic is justified not only by the peculiarities of these texts, whose reference to post-revolutionary context and criticism of revolution are very clear but quite implicit, and the reader can only infer them from the text and the context he shares with the writer, but also by what Zamyatin stated in his essays on prose, where implicitness is one of the main instruments for achieving his idea of literary work as the result of the cooperation between author and reader. The analysis proceeds by applying the elements provided by the relevance theory which has been developed by Dan Sperber and Deirdre Wilson since the eighties, and particularly that of implicature and explicature; they are more fruitful than traditional rhetorical categories, which shed light on the way Zamyatin’s texts are built, but do not explain how the reader understands and interprets them, that is, how the creative cooperation pointed out in Zamyatin’s aesthetics takes place.

The relevance of the speech act theory to Buzani Kubawo

Scheckle, Linda Ann 10 1900 (has links)
Austin's Speech Act Theory is a valuable tool for the analysis of a literary text. In interaction, the intentionand purpose-success of linguistic communication can be gauged by establishing whether participants have met felicity conditions and have respected maxims. When the Co-operative Principle is ignored, special effects are achieved and receivers can only make sense of utterances through implicature and inferences based on background knowledge and mutual contextual beliefs. In the drama, Buzani kubawo, characters interact on four levels of time in space and place. They reveal themselves and convey theme through their speech and actions. Conflict is entrenched by lines of force drawn between opposing characters and between sub-worlds contrasted. Cohesion, determined by plot structure, and form, expressed on the endophoric and exophoric levels, give meaning to the drama. The micro-analysis of the wedding scene illustrates how communication can misfire should the playwright allow it! / African Languages / M.A. (African languages)

The relevance of the speech act theory to Buzani Kubawo

Scheckle, Linda Ann 10 1900 (has links)
Austin's Speech Act Theory is a valuable tool for the analysis of a literary text. In interaction, the intentionand purpose-success of linguistic communication can be gauged by establishing whether participants have met felicity conditions and have respected maxims. When the Co-operative Principle is ignored, special effects are achieved and receivers can only make sense of utterances through implicature and inferences based on background knowledge and mutual contextual beliefs. In the drama, Buzani kubawo, characters interact on four levels of time in space and place. They reveal themselves and convey theme through their speech and actions. Conflict is entrenched by lines of force drawn between opposing characters and between sub-worlds contrasted. Cohesion, determined by plot structure, and form, expressed on the endophoric and exophoric levels, give meaning to the drama. The micro-analysis of the wedding scene illustrates how communication can misfire should the playwright allow it! / African Languages / M.A. (African languages)

Корпоративные университетские издания как инструмент продвижения: редакторский аспект : магистерская диссертация / Corporate university press as a marketing tool: the editorial aspect

Бочарова, А. И., Bocharova, A. I. January 2018 (has links)
Цель магистерской диссертации заключается в выявлении редакторских маркетинговых стратегий наполнения университетских корпоративных СМИ с последующим составлением рекомендаций. Редакторский подход к изучению проблем функционирования корпоративной прессы и, прежде всего, создания качественного контента определяет новизну исследования. Работа проведена на примере русскоязычного и испаноязычного изданий, что обусловило введение в научный оборот нового корпуса текстов и позволило определить эффективные стратегии формирования материалов корпоративного издания в разных лингвокульутрах. В исследовании на разных этапах был использован следующий материал. Для понимания процесса и тенденций моделирования коммуникативных стратегий и тактик в вузовских, российских и зарубежных СМИ методом сплошной выборки было проанализировано свыше 1500 текстов разных жанров из газет «Уральский федеральный» и «Gaceta UNAM» из 80 номеров за 2016–2018 г. Для уточнения портрета аудитории был проведен опрос, результатами которого стали 438 реакций 100 респондентов. Также материалом для исследования послужило свыше 1500 структурных элементов (заголовочный комплекс, концовки) журналистских материалов газет «Уральский федеральный» и «Gaceta UNAM» для анализа архитектоники СМИ. Магистерская диссертация состоит из введения, двух глав, заключения и библиографического списка. В первой главе рассматривается место корпоративных СМИ в системе инструментов брендирования и продвижения вуза, теоретические подходы изучения аудитории СМИ, в частности, через результаты опроса раскрывается образ целевого читателя университетской газеты «Уральский федеральный». Его основные характеристики были распределены в четыре обобщающие группы по степени важности для участников социологического опроса. Во второй главе представлен анализ коммуникативной, тематической и структурно-содержательной стратегий формирования контента корпоративных университетских изданий. В процессе исследования было выделено две доминирующих коммуникативных стратегии «свой круг» и «апелляции к ценностям», которые были подразделены на тактики. И газета «Уральский федеральный», и «Gaceta UNAM» стремятся к позитивной самопрезентации. К общим относятся тактики «свой-чужой», «территориального признака», «аббревиации», «кооперации», у которых, однако, иногда может быть разная подача в зависимости от издания. Например, «Уральский федеральный» описывает своего через местоимение мы, а «Gaceta UNAM» характеризует других. То же касается и импликатур, которые в газете «Уральский федеральный» отталкивают читателя от чужих, а в газете «Gaceta UNAM» привлекают к своим. «Gaceta UNAM» обладает индивидуальными тактиками, отличающими ее от газеты «Уральский федеральный». К ним относятся тактика формирования активной гражданской позиции и тактика постановки гендерного вопроса. Таким образом, мексиканский университет стремится объединить аудиторию еще и рассматриваемым кругом тем. Проведенный анализ заголовочного комплекса в газетах «Уральский федеральный» и «Gaceta UNAM» позволяет судить о наличии четырех характерных элементах: заголовки, подзаголовки (надзаголовки), вставки, рубрики. Газета УрФУ стремится к сочетанию информативных и эмотивных составляющих заголовочной системы, использует в качестве наименований цитаты, вопросы, а также иллюстративные и оценочные высказывания. Газета UNAM избегает использования экспрессивных заголовков, из чего становится видно редакторскую политику, а именно стремление позиционировать СМИ как деловое издание, представляющее аналитические материалы. Концовки текстов поддерживают заданный тон изложения. У материалов UNAM всегда есть подведение итогов, финальное мнение и оценка. А в «Уральском федеральном» частотна концовка-напоминание, а также концовка-отсылка к информации на других ресурсах. В проведенном исследовании также предложен общий алгоритм работы современного редактора над материалами вузовских медиа и индивидуальные рекомендации для каждой рассматриваемых газет. / The purpose of the master's thesis is to identify editorial marketing strategies for filling the University corporate media, followed by recommendations. The editorial approach to the study of the problems of the corporate press functioning, and, above all, the creation of high-quality content, determines the novelty of the research. The work is carried out on the example of Russian and Spanish-language publications, which led to the introduction of a new set of texts into scientific usage and allowed to determine effective strategies for the formation of corporate publications in different linguocultures. The following material was used in the study at different stages. To understand the process and trends of modeling communicative strategies and tactics in higher education Russian and foreign mass media, by the method of continuous sampling over 1,500 texts of different genres from the Newspapers «Ural Federal» and «Gaceta UNAM» of 80 numbers for 2016-2018 were analyzed. For determining the profile of a typical student of the Ural Federal University a survey has conducted, the results of which were 438 responses of 100 respondents. More than 1500 structural elements (headline complex, endings) of journalistic materials of the newspapers «Ural Federal» and «Gaceta UNAM» for the analysis of architectonics of mass media also served as a material for research. The master's thesis consists of an introduction, two chapters, conclusion and bibliography. The first chapter displays the place of corporate media in the system of branding tools and promotion of the University, theoretical approaches to the study of the media audience, in particular, through the results of the survey reveals the image of the target reader of the University newspaper «Ural Federal». Its main characteristics were divided into four generalizing groups according to the degree of importance for the participants of the sociological survey. The readers of the University media consider the communicative and cognitive needs to be fundamental for a typical student, therefore, the speech impact will be effective and communication successful if the corporate media will take into account certain interests during preparation of the materials. The second chapter represents an analysis of communicative, topical, structural and content strategies of corporate University publications, as well as a general algorithm of the modern editor's work on the materials of University media and individual recommendations for each of the examined newspaper. In the process of the research two dominant communicative strategies “the circle” and “appeal to values” were identified and subdivided on tactics. Both the the corporate newspaper of the Ural Federal University («Ural Federal») and the National Autonomous University of Mexico («Gaceta UNAM») crave for positive self-presentation. The common tactics include “friend-stranger”, “territorial attribute”, “abbreviation”, “cooperation”, which, however, can sometimes have a different presentation depending on the publication. For instance, the “Ural Federal” describes us through a pronoun we, and “Gaceta UNAM” characterizes others. The same applies to implicatures, which in the newspaper "Ural Federal" repel the reader from others, and in the newspaper "Gaceta UNAM" attract to theirs. «Gaceta UNAM» has individual tactics that distinguish it from the Ural Federal newspaper. These include the tactics of forming an active citizenship and the tactics of raising the gender issue. Thus, the University of Mexico seeks to unite the audience with the range of topics covered. The analysis of the headline complex in «Ural Federal» and «Gaceta UNAM» newspapers makes it possible to judge about the presence of four characteristic groups of elements: headings, subheadings (overheads), insertions, headings. UrFU newspaper strive to the combination of informative and emotive components of the heading system and uses quotations, questions, illustrative and evaluative statements as titles. UNAM newspaper avoids the use of expressive headlines, from which it becomes apparent editorial policy, namely the desire to position the media as a business media presenting analytical materials. The endings of the texts maintain a given tone of presentation. UNAM materials always have a summary, final opinion and evaluation. And in «Ural Federal» ending reminder, as well as ending, sending information to other resources, can be encountered frequency. The study also proposed a general algorithm for the work of a modern editor on the university media materials and the individual recommendations for each of the newspapers, which were taken into consideration.

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