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Assessing motives for Corporate Entrepreneurship : Case study on established Nordic companiesESBJÖRNSSON, PER, SARRI, MARIA IOANNA January 2018 (has links)
Due to constant disruption, companies need to embed innovation into their everyday activities in order to cope with competition and be successful. Corporate Entrepreneurship is playing an important role in fostering innovation and is needed to avoid disruption. However, companies have also different motives when handling CE as well as various ways of implementing it in the organization. This study investigated the motives of CE among large companies and the various implementation efforts. Therefore, the research question is: Which are the motives for CE? and the sub-question is: How does that lead to variation in CE implementation? The focus of the study was large companies which headquarter in Nordic countries and belong in different industries. Therefore, nine semi-structured interviews were performed and after, the data from the interviews were analyzed with thematic analysis. The results showed that the companies have different reasonings about their CE efforts and the CE implementation varied depending on the companies’ motives. However, these factors may not affect directly the organizational maturity. Therefore, companies can have their motives and support their CE efforts in different ways without influence negatively the maturity of the organization.
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Development of a Complete Minuscule Microscope: Embedding Data Pipeline and Machine Learning Segmentation / Utveckling av ett Fullständigt Miniatyr-Mikroskop: Integrering av Dataflöde och MaskininlärningssegmenteringZec, Kenan January 2023 (has links)
Cell culture is a fundamental procedure in many laboratories and precedes much research performed under the microscope. Despite the significance of this procedural stage, the monitoring of cells throughout growth is impossible due to the absence of equipment and methodological approaches. This thesis presents a low-cost, power-effective and versatile microscope with small enough dimensions to operate inside an incubator. Besides image acquisition, the microscope comprises other functions such as a data pipeline, implemented to save the images on the user’s computer via a server whilst also offering storage of the images on an integrated micro SD-card. Furthermore, a machine learning algorithm with a human-in-the-loop approach has been trained to segment the acquired images for cell proliferation and cell apoptosis tracking, and yielded promising results with an accuracy of 94%. For comparison, conventional segmentation techniques using operations such as the watershed function were deployed.The microscope described is versatile in operation as it offers the user to utilise one or more functions, depending on the purpose of the imaging. / Cellodling är en grundläggande process i många laboratiorium och föregår forskning som utförs under mikroskop. Trots inkubationens betydelse har övervakning av celler i detta skede inte varit möjlig på grund utav avsaknaden av relevant utrustning och metodologiska tillvägagångsätt. I denna examensuppsatts på avancerad nivå presenteras ett lågkostnads-, energieffektivt och versatilt mikroskop av centimeterstora dimensioner anpassat för användning i en inkubator. Förutom bildtagningsmekanismer erbjuder mikroskopet olika funktioner som till exempel ett integrerat dataflöde som möjliggör sparande av bilder på användarens dator via en server samtidigt som den erbjuder sparande av bilder på ett integrerat minneskort.Utöver detta har en human-in-the-loop maskininlärningsalgoritm för segmentation av celler implementerats i syfte att övervaka cellernas celldelning och celldöd. Denna algoritm påvisade goda resultat med en nogrannhet på 94%. I jämförelsesyfte har även en traditionell watershed-baserad cellsegmenteringsteknik utvecklats.Mikroskopet kan kallas versatilt då det tillåter användaren att anpassa dataflödet och välja vilka funktioner denne vill nyttja, allt utefter bildtagningens ändamål.
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Ritual Incubation in Graeco-Roman Egypt / Rituell inkubation i Grekisk-romerska EgyptenGutierrez Haddad, Christie January 2023 (has links)
This essay explores the divinatory practice of incubation in ancient Egypt during the Graeco-Roman period with a particular focus on the magical and religious significance of the practice. Two main sanctuaries, Abydos and Deir el-Bahari have been investigated with a focus on the gods Bes and Osiris in the former and Amenhotep and Imhotep in the latter. The study has mainly examined surviving epigraphy and the ritual and cultic elements of the sites in relation to physical space as a prerequisite for ritual incubation. In addition, this study has related Greek influences on the practice of incubation in Egypt as a potential source of origin but has also investigated indigenous Egyptian traditions both for questioning the origin of and placing the practice into context. / Denna uppsats undersöker den spådomspraktik så kallad inkubation i Antika Egypten under dess Grekisk-romerska period med ett särskilt fokus på den magiska och religiösa meningen med praktiken. Två primära helgedomar, nämligen Abydos och Deir el-Bahari, har undersökts med ett fokus på gudarna Bes och Osiris i den förra och Amenhotep samt Imhotep i den senare. Studien har främst undersökt kvarlevande epigrafik och den rituella och det kultiska elementet av platserna i relation till fysiskt utrymme som en föregångare för rituell inkubation. Dessutom har denna studie relaterat grekiska influenser på inkubation i Egypten som ett potentiellt ursprung men har även undersökt inhemsk egyptisk tradition både i frågan om dess härkomst och för att ställa praktiken i sin kontext.
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Mineralization of Nitrogen in Liquid Dairy Manure During StorageHu, Yihuai 15 July 2019 (has links)
Loss of nitrogen (N) from dairy manure during storage is an issue of economic, environmental, and social concern for farming communities. The lost N 1) decreases the value of manure as a fertilizer and is an economic loss because supplemental inorganic N fertilizer is purchased to meet N needs on farms; 2) produces the potential pollution for water and air systems, thereby damaging the associated ecosystems; 3) causes challenges to human health. Thus, it is vital to manage and use N in an efficient and eco-friendly manner. N mineralization is a pathway in the N cycle, which converts organic N to inorganic N that is more susceptible to loss. The objective of this study was to conduct lab-scale experiments to assess the effects of temperature, manure solids content, using manure seed and autoclave sterilization operation at the start of storage, and storage time on the N mineralization and the associated microbial community during the storage of liquid dairy manure. Manure scrapped from the barn floor of a commercial dairy farm and diluted to make experimental stocks with high (46 to 78 g/L) and low (19 to 36 g/L) total solids (TS), to simulate what is typically transported to the manure storage pit was used. The manure was incubated in the laboratory at three temperatures (10, 20, and 30°C) for two storage periods (60 and 180 days). Manure samples were taken at different storage time for analyses. The results showed that temperature and using sterilization operation at the start of storage had significant effects on N mineralization for both storage periods (p < 0.05). The highest N mineralization rate occurred at 30℃, which rate constant (k) was 0.096 week-1. While, the lowest N mineralization occurred at 10℃, and its corresponding k was 0.013 week-1. The concentrations of mineralized N (Nm) with non-sterilized (R) manure were significantly higher than that with sterilized (R0) manure (p < 0.05). Compared to that with high TS (H) manure, the concentrations of Nm were significantly higher with low TS (L) manure after 180-d storage (p < 0.05). Raw manure augmented with manure seed (MS) had significantly higher Nm than the manure seed only (SO) (p < 0.05). In order to investigate the changes of microbial community in manure, samples were collected on days 0, 30, 90, and 180 for the 180-d storage experiment, and days 0, 30, and 60 for the 60-d storage experiment, and then manure DNA under different condition was successfully extracted from collected samples and used for 16S rRNA sequencing. This study provided a more comprehensive understanding of the impact factors for manure storage, and was expected to clarify the relationship between N mineralization and the associated microbial community. / Master of Science / Loss of nitrogen (N) from dairy manure during storage is rooted in the process of degradation via microbial activities. During storage of dairy manure, up to 60% of N can be lost to the environment (the air, rivers, groundwater, etc.), causing damages such as global warming and water pollution. However, it is challenging to manage and reduce the N lost during manure storage because of lack of comprehensive knowledge of the complex microbial activities in manure storage structures. Thus, the long-term goal of this study is to discern the interactions of the physical, chemical, and microbial processes that affect the N transformation. The generated information will help to mitigate/minimize the loss of nitrogenous gases during storage of dairy manure. The specific objectives included: 1) to evaluate the effects of selected factors (including storage time, temperature, manure solids content, using manure seed and sterilization operation at the beginning of storage) on N mineralization during storage of liquid dairy manure and determine the associated N mineralization rate; 2) to reveal the microbial communities in stored liquid dairy manure under different conditions (listed above). The outcome of this study could be used to refine N mineralization input parameter of manure storage submodules of the process-based models such as Manure DeNitrification-DeComposition model (Manure-DNDC) and Integrated Farm System Model (IFSM) with the goal to improve their accuracy of estimating or accounting for the fate or cycling of N in dairy manure during storage.
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Comparison between the subsurface environment of brown trout (Salmo trutta) redd and nonredd sites in two North Carolina streamsPorter, Pamela E. January 1985 (has links)
The gravel environment of 30 brown trout (Salmo trutta) redds and adjacent nonredd sites in two western North Carolina streams were studied during the incubation period in 1979-1980 and 1980-1981. Intragravel water temperature, dissolved oxygen concentration, and percent oxygen saturation were highly correlated with surface water measurements, indicating that intragravel water is of surface origin. Permeability ranged from 250 to 149,350 cm/hr and averaged 6,150 cm/hr. Apparent velocity varied from 0 to 1,000 cm/hr and averaged 30 cm/hr. Permeability in redds was significantly greater than at nonredd sites. No significant differences in apparent velocity were found between redd and nonredd sites. No consistent differences in permeability or apparent velocity were found between streams or over time. Permeability and apparent velocity decreased significantly with depth.
Freeze cores were collected from redd and nonredd sites and divided into three 10-cm layers for analysis. Geometric mean diameter, sorting coefficient, fredle index, percent fines <2.00 mm, and percent porosity were highly variable and averaged 11.8 mm, 2.8, 4.2, 17.0 percent, and 19.0 percent, respectively. No significant differences were found among factors tested. Correlations between these gravel indices and permeability and apparent velocity were low. The gravel and intragravel environments appeared to be adequate for larval survival. Measurements did not reveal any clear trends during the incubation period. Brown trout did not by choice or redd construction appear to select or create (by redd construction) a subsurface environment different from the surrounding stream bed. / M.S.
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Development of a Cost-Effective Miniaturized Microscope for Incubator Cell Culture Monitoring / Utveckling av ett kostnadseffektivt miniatyrmikroskop för övervakning av cellodlingar i inkubatorNissolle, David January 2024 (has links)
A key component of biological research is cell culture technology, which allows researchersto examine the behavior and functionality of cells in controlled environments. Conventionalcell culture monitoring frequently necessitates taking the cultures out of their incubators tomake observations under a microscope. This exposes them to pollutants and changes in thesurrounding environment and may jeopardize the integrity of the experiment.This thesis presents the development of a cost-effective, miniaturized microscope designedfor imaging of cell cultures directly within incubators. By integrating simple, inexpensiveglass lenses and 3D-printed components and focusing on the ESP32-CAM module for digitalimaging, the project explores various optical setups to optimize image quality while minimizingdisruption to cell environments.Central to the research was the identification and testing of diverse optical configurations todetermine the most effective arrangement for both brightfield and fluorescence microscopy.The design features a baseplate for stability, a filter plate for fluorescence imaging, and afocus adjustment mechanism using magnets. Iterative enhancements led to a side illuminationtechnique using an economical LED, removing the need for a beamsplitter and simplifying theoptical path.The final microscope demonstrated successful brightfield imaging and weak fluorescenceimaging of Madin-Darby Canine Kidney (MDCK) II cell cultures marked with Green FluorescentProtein (GFP), using a magnification ratio of 2.5:1 through an infinity-corrected optical system.The findings illustrate the potential of developing an economical, functional microscope thatcan be readily replicated and scaled for use in cell culture technology. / En central del av biologisk forsking är användningen av cellkulturer, vilket tillåter forskare attutforska beeendet och funktionerna av celler i kontrollerade miljöer. Konventionell bevakning avcellkulturer kräver ofta att de tas ut från deras inkubatorer för att observeras under ett mikroskop.Detta kan utsätta dem för föroreningar och förändringar i omgivningen vilket kan äventyra helaexperimentet.Det här examensarbetet beskriver utvecklingen av ett kostnadseffektivt, miniatyriserat mikroskopanpassat för att avbilda cellkulturer inuti inkubatorer. Genom att integrera enkla, billigaglaslinser och 3D-printade komponenter, samt ESP32-CAM modulen för bildtagning, utforskardetta arbete olika optiska system för att optimera bildkvalitet och minimera störningar i cellernasmiljö.En väsentlig del av forskningen involverade identifiering och testning av olika optiska konfigurationerför att bestämma det mest effektiva arrangemanget för både brightfield- och fluorescensmikroskopi.Designen inkluderar en basplatta för stabilitet, en filterplatta för fluorescensavbildning ochen fokusjustering som utnyttjar magneter. Iterativa förbättringar ledde till utvecklingen av enbelysningsteknik med en billig LED, vilket tog bort behovet av en stråldelare och förenkladeden optiska banan.Det slutgiltiga mikroskopet uppvisade framgångsrik avbildning med brightfield och begränsadavbildning med fluorescens av MDCK II cellkulturer märkta med GFP. En förstoringsfaktor2.5:1 användes genom ett oändlighetskorrigerat optiskt system. Resultaten demonstrerar potentialenav att utveckla ett ekonomiskt och funktionellt mikroskop som kan replikeras för användninginom cellkulturforskning.
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The effect of beach renourishment on sea turtle nesting and hatching success at Sebastian Inlet State Recreation Area, East-Central FloridaRyder, Cheryl E. 19 September 2009 (has links)
In April of 1990 the Sebastian Inlet Tax District received a long-term (25 year) permit to conduct maintenance dredging of the navigation channel at Sebastian Inlet, Florida. Approximately 105,150 cubic meters of sediment will be removed every two years and pumped to a feeder beach immediately south of the inlet. The renourished beach, a high density nesting beach for loggerhead (Caretta caretta) and green (Chelonia mydas) sea turtles, is within the proposed Archie Carr National Wildlife Refuge and will play a critical role in the long-term maintenance of Sebastian Inlet as a navigable waterway. A turtle monitoring program was implemented by the District at the request of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. The monitoring program was designed to investigate nesting behavior, reproductive success and physical characteristics of the nesting habitat on the renourished beach at Sebastian Inlet and on a control beach (Wabasso Beach).
Daily nesting surveys were conducted to record all sea turtle nests and non-nesting emergences in each study area. All nests were marked, monitored throughout incubation and inventoried to determine hatching and emergence success. Data on physical parameters were collected in monthly profiles of each beach. Compaction values were recorded with a cone penetrometer along transects from the dune to mean high water line. Temperature of the ambient beach was recorded at 30 and 60-cm depths along two transects from the dune to mean high water line. Moisture and sand grain analysis were conducted monthly in 1991. Sea turtle nesting and hatching success were similar on the renourished and control beaches in 1990 and 1991, suggesting that renourishment had no adverse effect on sea turtle reproductive success. Nesting success on the renourished and control beaches, respectively, was 42.0% (N = 104) and 45.0% (N = 65) in 1990, and 62.9% (N = 165) and 62.4% (N = 118) in 1991. Hatching success on the renourished and control beaches, respectively, was 80.7% (N = 85) and 79.3% (N = 59) in 1990, and 69.1% (N = 118) and 66.7% (N = 102) in 1991. Compaction values averaged 500 PSI on the renourished beach, while values on the control were approximately 250 PSI. The higher level of compaction on the renourished beach resulted in a lack of complete nest covering, and aberrant nest chamber configurations on the renourished beach. Grain size and moisture content were similar on the renourished and control beaches. Compaction levels were not related to incompatible fill, implying that the manner in which the material was deposited resulted in the increased compaction. Beach temperatures measured at 30-cm and 60-cm depths indicated that the renourished beach was consistently 0.5°C warmer than the control beach.
If the physical parameters of a subsequent renourishment project are within the findings of 1990 and 1991, there should be no adverse effect on sea turtle nesting and hatching success. The results of this project cannot be applied to other beach renourishment projects however, but should be restricted to future dredging projects at Sebastian Inlet. Although the results are not applicable to other locations, the methodologies developed to study the effects of renourishment on sea turtles could be applied to other beach renourishment situations. Future research should focus on how the physical parameters of a renourished beach affect the micro-environment within the actual nest chamber and embryonic development. / Master of Science
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Effekter av höjd inkubationstemperatur på ventilationshastighet, som ett mått på metabolism, hos öring (Salmo trutta) / Effects of raised incubation temperatures on ventilation rate, as a proxy for metabolic rate, in brown trout (Salmo trutta)Vernby, Andreas January 2019 (has links)
The average global temperature is expected to rise by 3-5 °C at the end of the century, as a consequence of global warming. Negative effects are expected on poikilothermic animals, including fish, with changes in their physiology including metabolism. Metabolism has earlier been proven to have an association with propensities to migrate, which might be affected by raised temperatures as a consequence of global warming. The purpose of this study was to investigate if raised temperatures during incubation of eggs has an effect on metabolism in a partly migrating species of fish. The hypotheses for this study were: (i) ventilation rate (VR) will decrease as a consequence of warmer incubation temperatures, and (ii) offspring of anadromous parents are expected to have a higher VR compared to offspring of residential parents. VR, as a proxy for metabolic rate, was measured on young-of-the-year brown trout (Salmo trutta) during trials in respiration chambers. Fertilized eggs from four different crossings of parents (anadromous x anadromous, residential x residential, anadromous male x residential female, residential male x anadromous female) underwent incubation in normal and warm (normal + 3 °C) water temperatures respectively. A Two-way ANOVA showed a significant interaction between incubation temperature and crossing on VR. Warmer incubation temperatures in 3 out of 4 crossings resulted in a higher VR, except for individuals with two anadromous parents. Individuals with an anadromous father had a higher VR than individuals with a residential father. Evidence that partly supports both hypotheses was therefore found. Metabolism might have a strong genetic component, and other factors that might have an effect on metabolism and VR are epigenetics, stress, egg size etcetera. Studies of this kind will be of importance in getting a greater understanding of the effects of global warming on migrating species of fish, and on poikilothermic vertebrates in general.
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Produção autogestionária de janelas e adequação sociotécnica. Caso: Marcenaria Coletiva de Mulheres, assentamento rural Pirituba II, Itapeva-SP / Production of self-management windows and adequacy sociotechnical. Case: Woodwork Collective Women, rural settlement Pirituba II, Itapeva/SPGavino, Everton Randal 24 April 2013 (has links)
Os estudos e práticas em iniciativas econômicas solidárias consideram diferentes dimensões da economia solidária: autogestão, gênero, empoderamento, participação de entidades de apoio e fomento e adequação sociotécnica (AST). A AST constitui-se neste contexto como mecanismo, método e ferramenta para alcance de objetivos relacionados à autogestão. Autogestão abarcada neste estudo como processo educativo. O objetivo principal da pesquisa é identificar e examinar os fatores que mais contribuíram e mais dificultaram a produção autogestionária de janelas de madeira ao longo do processo de incubação de um empreendimento econômico solidário. As estratégias gerais da pesquisa foram: pesquisa de levantamento pós-fato, estudo de caso e pesquisa-ação tendo como elemento favorecedor do estudo a participação do pesquisador como assessor do processo de incubação da marcenaria no período de 2006 a 2010. O objeto empírico da pesquisa é a produção autogestionária de janelas de madeira na Marcenaria Coletiva de Mulheres do assentamento rural Pirituba II, Itapeva/SP. Os procedimentos de coleta de dados foram: a observação direta, análise de vídeos e fotos, a sistematização de conhecimento referente ao processo de incubação e a análise de documentos. Em suma, trata-se de um estudo descritivo, exploratório e aplicado no qual foram examinadas variáveis relacionadas à autogestão e à AST. Resultados alcançados pela pesquisa foram: a caracterização da produção de janelas na Marcenaria Coletiva de Mulheres integrada a descrição do contexto histórico do empreendimento e da descrição das trabalhadoras a partir da noção de identidade social, linha do tempo com variáveis e hipóteses explicativas para exame da autogestão considerando grau de identidade do grupo em torno de valores de cooperação e solidariedade no trabalho, participação democrática nos processos decisórios, fundo coletivo e posse e cessão de uso dos meios de produção e linha do tempo com variáveis e hipóteses explicativas para exame da adequação sociotécnica considerando autoria de projeto e fabricação de produtos, capacidades adquiridas, equipamentos e dispositivos e parcerias realizadas. Como conclusão geral do estudo foi verificada a autogestão como processo de transição e avanço gradativo na prática do empreendimento. / Studies and practices in economic solidarity initiatives consider different dimensions of social economy: self-management, gender, empowerment, participation of entities from support and promotion and adequacy sociotechnical (AST). The AST is in this context as a mechanism, method and tool for achieving goals related to self-management. Self-management embraced this study as an educational process. The main objective of the research is to identify and examine the factors that contributed most difficult and most self-managed production of wooden windows in a supportive economic enterprise in the incubation process. The strategies of the research were: survey research after the fact, case study and action research as having element to facilitate the participation of the study the researcher as an advisor of the incubation process of the woodwork in the period from 2006 to 2010. The object of the research is empirical self-managed production of wooden windows in Woodwork Women\'s Collective rural settlement Pirituba II, Itapeva / SP. The procedures for data collection were: direct observation, analysis and videos, the systematization of knowledge regarding the incubation process and document analysis. In summary, it is a descriptive, exploratory and applied in which were examined variables related to self-management and AST. Achievements of the research were to characterize the production of windows in Joinery Collective Women integrated description of the historical context of the project and the description of workers from the notion of social identity, timeline with variables and explanatory hypotheses for examination of self-management considering the degree of group identity around values of cooperation and solidarity in work, democratic participation in decision making, and collective fund ownership and right of use of the means of production and timeline with variables and explanatory hypotheses for considering the appropriateness sociotechnical authorship of the design and manufacture of products, acquired skills, equipment and devices and partnerships undertaken. As a general conclusion was verified self-management as a process of transition and gradual advance in the practice of development.
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Métodos para condicionamento fisiológico de sementes de cebola e influência da secagem e armazenamento. / Priming on onion seeds and effects of drying and storage.Caseiro, Roseli Fátima 13 February 2004 (has links)
A pesquisa foi conduzida nos laboratórios de Análise de Sementes do Departamento de Produção Vegetal, USP/ESALQ, e do Departamento de Horticultura e Agricultura da Universidade do Estado de Ohio, Columbus, OH, E.U.A. O trabalho procurou avaliar a eficiência de diferentes processos de condicionamento fisiológico de sementes de cebola, bem como estudar o efeito da secagem e do armazenamento sobre o potencial fisiológico das sementes condicionadas. O trabalho foi conduzido em três etapas; na primeira, utilizandose 6 lotes de sementes do cultivar Granex 33, avaliaram-se três procedimentos para o condicionamento fisiológico: a) hidratação das sementes entre folhas de papel toalha, durante 48 e 96 horas, a 15ºC; b) osmocondicionamento em solução de PEG 8000, sob potenciais hídricos de -0,5 MPa e -1,0 MPa, durante 24 e 48 horas, a 15ºC e c) hidratação das sementes com utilização do método do tambor, a 15ºC e 25ºC, em que as quantidades de água adicionadas e o período de hidratação foram variáveis entre os diferentes lotes. A segunda etapa constou do estudo de diferentes procedimentos de secagem após o condicionamento fisiológico. Para tanto, após o hidrocondicionamento entre folhas de papel toalha, por 48h, seis lotes do cultivar Petroline, foram submetidos a secagem rápida (em estufa com circulação de ar) e a secagem lenta (em câmara a 20ºC e umidade relativa de 50%-55% durante 72h). Foi também, avaliada a influência da incubação pré-secagem, utilizando-se: a) soluções de PEG 8000, a 8ºC durante 24, 72 ou 120 horas; b) banho-maria a 40ºC, durante 1, 3 e 5 horas; e c) em estufa, a 35ºC, durante 24 e 48 horas. Na terceira fase da pesquisa, avaliou-se o potencial de armazenamento das sementes, de quatro lotes de sementes de três cultivares (Petroline, Primavera e Crioula Mercosul), submetidas ao hidrocondicionamento e secagem rápida; as sementes foram armazenadas em câmara seca (50% de umidade relativa do ar, a 20ºC) e em ambiente de laboratório, durante 9 meses. Os resultados permitiram concluir que: a) o hidrocondicionamento, envolvendo a embebição entre folhas de papel toalha, constitui procedimento adequado para o condicionamento fisiológico de sementes de cebola, beneficiando principalmente a velocidade de germinação; b) a definição de procedimentos para o condicionamento fisiológico deve considerar o grau de umidade das sementes após a hidratação, não sendo recomendada a embebição durante período pré-determinado; as sementes de cebola devem atingir grau de umidade de 44% a 49% após a hidratação; c) o processo de secagem rápida, em estufa com circulação de ar, a 35ºC-40ºC, é mais conveniente para a secagem de sementes de cebola condicionadas, tornando-as tolerantes à dessecação e d) o desempenho das sementes durante o armazenamento após o condicionamento fisiológico é dependente do genótipo utilizado. / This work was carried out at the seed analysis laboratories of the Department of Crop Science, Escola Superior de Agricultura "Luiz de Queiroz" (USP/ESALQ) and of the Department of Horticulture and Crop Science of the Ohio State University. The objectives were to study different methods of priming for onion seeds and also to verify the influence of drying and storage on the physiological potential of primed seeds. The research was conducted in three phases. First, using six lots of onion seeds (cultivar Granex 33), the effects of three priming techniques were compared: a) hydropriming, through seed imbibition between layers of paper towel, for 48 or 96 h, at 15ºC; b) osmopriming, using PEG 8000 solution with osmotic potentials of - 0.5 MPa and -1.0 MPa, for 24 and 48 h, at 15ºC) and c) seed hydration by the drum priming technique, at 15ºC and 25ºC, which the optimal amount of water added and imbibition periods were variable among seed lots. At the second phase, drying procedures after priming were tested. For that, after hydropriming (between layers of paper towel, for 48h), six lots of "Petroline", were submitted to fast drying (in an oven with air circulation) and to slow drying (in a chamber at 20ºC and 50%-60% relative humidity, for 72h). The influence of pre-drying incubation was also evaluated by using: a) PEG 8000 solution, at 8ºC, for 24, 72 and 120h; b) waterbath at 40ºC, for 1, 3 and 5h; and c) incubation in an oven, at 35ºC, for 24 and 48h. In the third phase, the storability of four seed lots each of three cultivars (Petroline, Primavera and Crioula Mercosul), hydroprimed and fast dried, was evaluated; samples of those lots were stored in a dry chamber (relative humidity around 50%, at 20ºC) and in the laboratory environment, during 9 months. The results showed that: a) the hydropriming, between layers of paper towel, is an adequate procedure for priming onion seeds, with beneficial effects mainly on speed of germination; b) for choosing the physiological conditioning procedure, the seed moisture content should be considered after hydration, its not being recommended the imbibition during pre-determined period; the onion seeds should reach moisture content of 44% to 49% after the hydration; c) the process of fast drying, in oven with air circulation, at 35ºC-40ºC, is convenient for the drying of primed onion seeds, inducing desiccation tolerance and d) the primed seed performance during storage is dependent on genotypes.
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