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Short-term Attachment Outcomes of Infants in the Child Welfare SystemMarkowitz, Tracy 01 November 2015 (has links)
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Systemic Conditions and Developmental Defects of Enamel in a Cohort of VLBW and NBW InfantsShim, Hun, DMD 13 September 2016 (has links)
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Mödrars upplevelse vid amning av sent prematurt födda barn under barnets första levnadsår : en litteraturöversikt / Mother´s experience of breastfeeding late preterm infants during the infants first year of life : a literature reviewAbera, Queen, Ismail Taleb, Zahra January 2022 (has links)
Globalt födds varje år 15 miljoner barn prematurt före gestationsvecka 37+0.Barn som födds mellan gestationsvecka 34+0 – 36+6 benämns som sent prematurt födda. Sent prematurt födda barn kan bedömas både som låg vårdkrävande och högvårdkrävande. De kan både vårdas på en neonatalavdelning eller på ett barnbördshus. Mödrar är inte alltid förberedda att ta hand om sitt sent prematurt födda barn eftersom det sker ett avbrott i mödrarnas omställningsprocess från graviditet till moderskap. Amningen har många fördelar för de ammande mödrarna och barnen. Amningsprocessen kan skilja sig vid amning av sent prematurt födda barn i jämförelse med fullgångna barn. Syftet med denna litteraturöversikt är att beskriva mödrars upplevelse vid amning av sent prematurt födda barn under barnets första levnadsår. Metoden som tillämpades var en icke systematisk litteraturöversikt. Databassökningen i databaserna PubMed och Cinahl genererade i 14 artiklar som besvarade arbetets syfte. Även en manuell sökning utfördes, vilket genererade i en artikel. Totalt inkluderades 15 vetenskapliga artiklar av kvalitativt, kvalitativt ansats samt mixed metod. Med hjälp av en kvalitetsbedömningsmall har artiklarnas kvalitet granskats och därefter har en integrerad dataanalys använts för att besvara arbetes syfte. Resultatet presenterar tre huvudkategorier och åtta underkategorier. Resultatet visade att mödrar till sent prematurt födda barn upplevde en önskan och längtan om att få amma sitt barn, de förstod bröstmjölkens betydelse för det prematurt födda barnets utveckling. Amningen upplevdes som en känslomässig period som ingav känsla av glädje, harmoni och avslappning. Men amningen orsakade även känslor av stress, utmattning och ångest främst på grund av utmaningarna som tillkom vid amningen. Fysiska utmaningar både hos barnet och mödrarna var återkommande. Behov av stöd, undervisning och uppmuntran från anhöriga och sjukvårdspersonalen var betydelsefullt för mödrarna och amningsutfallet. Slutsatsen i studien indikerar att mödrar till sent prematurt födda barn upplever amningen som utmanande men betydelsefull. Under amningen upplevs starka känslor. Mödrars anknytning till barnet och barnets bindning till mödrarna stärktes genom amningen. Behov av stöd och undervisning under amningsperioden identifierades som kan underlätta amningsutmaningar och främja fortsatt amning. Arbetet belyser vikten av undervisning och stöd från sjukvårdspersonal, bland annat barnmorskor, som arbetar nära denna patientgrupp. / Globally every year 15 million infants are born prematurely before gestational week 37 + 0. Infants born between gestational week 34 + 0 to 36 + 6 are referred to as late preterm infants. Late preterm infants can be assessed both as low care- requiring or high care-requiring. They may require neonatal care or care in a maternity unit. Mothers are not always prepared to care for their infant due to early interruption in mother´s transition process from pregnancy to motherhood. Breastfeeding has many benefits for both the breastfeeding mother and the infant. The breastfeeding process may differ when breastfeeding late preterm infants compared to full-term infants. This study aims to describe mothers' experience of breastfeeding late preterm infants during the infants first year of live. The method applied was non-systematic literature review was. The databases PubMed and Cinahl generated 14 articles. A manual literature search was conducted, which generated one more article. A total of 15 scientific articles of quantitative, qualitative approach and mixed method were included. Using a quality assessment templet of the articles and an intergrade analysis, the quality and results of the articles have been analyzed. The result presents three main categories and eight subcategories. The results of this study showed that mothers of late preterm infants experienced a desire and longing to breastfeed their infants because the mothers were aware of the importance of breast milk for their late preterm infant for the infants’ development. Breastfeeding was considered as an emotional period which was experienced as joyful, gave harmony and a feeling of relaxation but also feelings of stress, exhaustion and anxiety was experienced mainly due to the challenges that emerged during breastfeeding the late preterm infant. Physical challenges for both the infant and the breastfeeding mother were recurring. The need for support, education and encouragement from relatives and healthcare staff was significant for the mothers and the outcome of breastfeeding. The conclusion of this study showed that mothers of late preterm infants experienced breastfeeding as challenging but significant. Strong emotions were recurring during breastfeeding. Mothers’ attachment to their infants were strengthened through breastfeeding. The need for support and education during the breastfeeding period was identified to facilitate breastfeeding challenges and promote continued breastfeeding. It is essential for healthcare professionals, as midwives, to have an understanding of breastfeeding experience of mother of late preterm in order to offer adequate care and support.
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Treating seriously disabled newborn children : the role of bioethics in formulating decision-making policies in interaction with law and medicineKeyserlingk, Edward W. January 1985 (has links)
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Risk factors and an assessment of control strategies for iron deficiency anemia in children in northern EthiopiaAdish, Abdulaziz A. January 1997 (has links)
No description available.
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Effects of novel ingesta from novel presenters on food acceptance in infants of different agesJohnson, Lera Joyce 21 October 2005 (has links)
The present study investigated food acceptance/ingestional neophobia as a function of distal and proximal sources of stimulus novelty in human infants of two ages and evaluated the utility of the two-stage model of ingestion (e.g., Garcia, Hankins, & Rusiniak, 1974) in understanding the role of novel cues in food acceptance.
Thirty-two infants (6- to 12-months-of-age) and 32 toddlers (13- to 24-months-of-age) received a familiar or a novel food from a familiar or a novel presenter during lunchtime at a day care center. The measures of performance were latency to the first and second bites, percentage frequencies of gustofacial expressions, behavioral indices of food rejection, such as spitting out the food, pushing the food away and upper body flexion, and percentage intake.
Reliably longer latencies occurred to the novel than to the familiar presenter on first and second bites for both age groups. No reliable effects were found to the appearance of the novel food on latencies to the first bite or to the taste cues of the novel food on latencies to the second bite for either age group. Combinations of novel presenter and novel food cues did not produce reliably longer latencies to the second bite than did mixed combinations of novel/familiar cues. However, infants, but not toddlers, showed reliably longer latencies to the novel than to the familiar presenter in the novel food condition prior to the second bite. No reliable age differences were observed in negative gustofacial responses to novel foods.
Latencies to the first and second bites were reliably correlated with percentage intake and behavioral indices of aversiveness such as upper body flexion and pushing the food away. These data suggested that demonstration of neophobia may be an indication of aversiveness of novelty.
Finding that ingestional neophobia occurred to novel presenter cues supported the view of the two-stage model that distal cues influence approach behavior and the start of ingestion. However, the model was net supported by data for the second bite. Failure to find reliable effects to food cues in latencies to the second bite did net support the view that proximal food cues influence the continuation of ingestion. The prediction for greater neophobia to combinations of novel cues was not supported. Reliable differences in latencies to the second bite for infants, but not for toddlers, who received a novel food from a novel presenter suggest developmental differences in ingestional neophobia. / Ph. D.
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Reflexive conversations with bereaved mothers: a feminist and contextual perspectiveFarnsworth, Elizabeth Brooks 14 August 2006 (has links)
In this study, the experiences and perspectives of 10 bereaved mothers were investigated. The research was guided by a feminist and contextual perspective. A contextual theory of stress supports an examination of the perspectives of individuals in families regarding the impact of stressful circumstances. Individuals are assumed to be both active and responsive to the social system which includes individual, dyadic, familial, social, community, and cultural levels of analysis. A feminist perspective emphasizes reflexivity, collaboration, emotionality, and accessibility in the process of research and focuses attention to broader cultural ideologies which influence the lives of individuals. Women's lives carry with them the assumption of motherhood and the protection of children. When a young child dies, mothers find themselves in a marginalized social category / Ph. D.
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Young infants' attention and emotional responses to dynamic and static bimodal displays of affectParker-Price, Susan 07 June 2006 (has links)
This experiment was designed to elucidate the function of adult facial and vocal behavior for infant perception and expression of affect. Nine infants were studied longitudinally at 2 months and at 3 1/2 months using a dynamic visual display that consisted of a videotape of a woman moving her face while expressing happiness or sadness. A second group of 10 infants were studied similarly ina version of this procedure that used a static videotaped display of the woman's face in which she showed fixed expressions of either emotion. Both types of visual displays were accompanied by a soundtrack playing either affectively matched or unmatched infant-directed (ID) speech.
Infant visual fixations of the display area were determined during the experimental session by a trained observer who was kept unaware of the stimuli being presented. The sum of these fixations for infants in the Static condition was greater than that of infants in the Dynamic condition. A similar analysis of the average length of infants’ visual fixations revealed no significant results.
Analyses of infant affect and "interactiveness" were also conducted by having trained raters score videotapes of each session using one of 4 rating scales. According to 2 of these measures, infant facial affect was more positive during displays that contained happy elements than during matched sad displays, and 3 1/2-month olds were more frequently rated as More Happy during matched happy displays. Thus, infants showed different affective responses to the 4 face-voice combinations, even though they did not attend differently to the displays. In addition, infant facial affect was more positive at 3 1/2 months because smiling at displays was more reliable at this age. The analysis of infant "interactiveness" revealed that 3 1/2-month olds in the Static condition were more "interactive" than those in the Dynamic condition.
A supplementary analysis of a questionnaire that was designed to measure parents' perceptions of their infants showed that almost 1/5th of the attrition at 2 months could be accounted for by infants' tendencies to respond negatively to novel experiences. The results of this study are discussed in terms of their implications for future research in infant perception. / Ph. D.
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A comparison of techniques for identifying recurrent patterns of behavioral state in neonatesMarshall, Timothy R. January 1985 (has links)
While a variety of researchers have identified periodic recurrences in infant behavioral state with various time-series techniques, the appropriateness of techniques which identify periodic recurrences in all infants at all ages have been questioned. The purpose of this study was to compare the utility of four time-series techniques used in the analysis of periodic recurrences in the behavioral state of 21 newborns during a 2 hour observation period. For quiet sleep, active sleep and awake states the period length of the major rhythm was estimated by 1) binary spectrum analysis, 2) binary autocorrelation, 3) renewal time analysis, and 4) kappa analysis. Repeated measures analysis of variance showed that the period lengths identified by renewal time analysis were significantly shorter than those identified by the other three techniques for quiet and active sleep. Further, the kappa analysis and binary autocorrelation showed that awake states were significantly shorter than both active sleep and quiet sleep. Pearson product-moment correlations showed that the relation between the periods for a given state identified by each analysis ranged from .01 to .83. The results indicate that 1) renewal time analysis is more sensitive to state interruptions than the other techniques, 2) awake states may have a different period length than either quiet sleep or active sleep, and 3) although the four techniques identified state recurrences in almost all of the neonates, only a smaller subgroup of neonates displayed a pattern of technique agreement that would indicate a clearly rhythmic pattern of states. / M.S.
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