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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Informacinių technologijų įtaka nuotolinių studijų kokybei / Influence of information technologies on the quality of distance learning

Krutikovienė, Neringa 02 August 2012 (has links)
Lietuvoje informacinių technologijų nuotolinėms studijoms teikiamą naudą tyrinėjo daug mokslininkų, tačiau apie pačias jų panaudojimo nuotolinėse studijose sutinkamas problemas, užsimenama nepakankamai. Siekiant išsamesnių duomenų šia tema, darbe iškelta tyrimo problema – kaip informacinės technologijos įtakoja nuotolinių studijų kokybę. Taip pat iškeliama hipotezė – informacinių technologijų plėtojimas skatina švietimo įstaigų teikiamų nuotolinių studijų kokybės gerinimą. Darbo tikslas – atlikti informacinių technologijų įtakos nuotolinių studijų kokybei tyrimą, atskleisti ir pagrįsti informacinių technologijų plėtros svarbą. Darbo tikslui pasiekti, įgyvendinti šie uždaviniai: 1) pagrįstos informacinių technologijų, nuotolinių studijų, studijų kokybės sampratos; 2) panaudojant statistinius duomenis, aptarta ir išanalizuota informacinių technologijų įtaka švietimui; 3) apibrėžta informacinių technologijų teikiama nauda nuotolinių studijų kokybei, atskleistos jų integravimo į švietimo procesą problemos; 4) panaudojant anketinę apklausą, atlikta informacinių technologijų įtakos nuotolinių studijų kokybės gerinimui analizė. Uždaviniams atlikti, pasirinkti metodai: 1) Dokumentų, statistinių duomenų pagal temą analizė (Lietuvos informacinės visuomenės plėtros strategija 2011- 2013 m, valstybės pažangos strategijos „Lietuva 2030“ projektas, Lietuvos ir užsienio mokslinių tyrimų statistika, Lietuvos statistikos departamento ir Pasaulio banko duomenys); 2) Edukologijos... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Although the benefits of information technologies for distance learning have been researched by many Lithuanian scholars, but the problems that are encountered when using these technologies in the distance learningare mentioned insufficiently.In order to get comprehensive details on this topic, the following research problemof this thesis was raised: how doinformation technologies affect the quality of the distance learning. Moreover, the followinghypothesis arouse: development of information technologies encourages improvement of the quality of distance learning offered by educational institutions. The aim of the thesis: to carry out a study on the effect information technologies make on the quality of distance learning, to reveal and justify the importance of information technologies development. In order to achieve the aim of the thesis, the following tasks were implemented: 1) the concepts of information technology, distance learning andeducation quality were justified, 2) the impact of information technology on education was discussed and analyzed using statistical data, 3) the benefits of information technologieson distance learning quality were defined, andthe problems of their integration into the educational process were revealed, 4) an analysis onthe impact information technologies haveon the quality of distance learning was implemented using a questionnaire survey. Methodschosen for the implementation of the tasks: 1) Analysis of documents and statistical databy... [to full text]

Elektroninio parašo naudojimo efektyvumas XXX organizacijoje / Digital signature's usage efficiency in XXX organization

Laucius, Tatjana 17 January 2007 (has links)
Informacinės technologijos ir Interneto tinklas įsiterpė į mokslą, gamybą, ekonomiką ir valstybės valdžią bei pakeitė mūsų pasaulėžiūrą – tai kas buvo neįmanoma dar prieš dešimtmetį, tapo realybė. Sąskaitų apmokėjimas Internetu, sutarčių pasirašymas, paslaugų užsakymas ir apsikeitimas kita informacija tarp privačių asmenų, valstybės institucijų ir verslo organizacijų vyksta „online“ (tiesioginio laiko) režimu. Tačiau kuo daugiau atsiranda naujų galimybių siunčiant duomenis Internetu, tuo sparčiau auga elektroninių nusikaltimų skaičius. Elektroniniai nusikaltėliai siekiant savanaudiškų tikslų gali pasinaudoti konfidencialia informacija, pakeičiant tik vieną simbolį, pavyzdžiui, sąskaitos numeryje ar kitaip iškraipant informaciją, gali atnešti nuostolių asmenims ir organizacijoms. Tačiau nepaisant visų grėsmių Interneto tinklas yra iki šiol greičiausiais, patogiausias ir populiariausias, tačiau nepatikimiausiais būdas siųsti duomenys , todėl reikėtų naudoti informacijos apsaugos priemones. / Information technologies and internet has interfered into science, production and government. Our world-view had definitely changed – what was impossible just a few years ago now became a reality. Paying bills by the internet, signing contracts, ordering services and exchanging information between private clients, governmental institutions and business organizations and other operation are making online. Number of electronic crimes rises directly proportionally to opportunities increasing in sending information by internet. Electronic criminals to suit their own aims can use confidential information by changing single symbol, for example in account number, or by distorting information in any other way may cause incur losses to users and organizations. However, despite of all the disadvantages, internet is the fastest, the most comfortable and popular, but the most insecure way to send information, that is the reason why we should use secure means of communication. The main object or this graduation thesis is explore digital signature as one of the newest secure means of communication . The main functions, usage singularity are analyzed in this work. Author direct attention to digital signature legal power which has been accepted by government. Digital signature is equivalence to hand-made signature. Also, have made an observation on cryptography’s (data coding) scientific methods for digital signatures functions ensuring. Separate part of work is divided to projects and... [to full text]

Mokymo sistemų su generuojamais uždaviniais programinės įrangos tyrimas / Software research for learning systems with generating tasks

Ruseckas, Darius 01 June 2004 (has links)
Software research for learning systems with generating tasks was formulated in this document. The analogous systems were analyzed and possible solutions reviewed. By this assay, were designed tasks with generating propositions, which will resolve the problem of creating difficult tasks and improve the skills of checking. The software differences were analyzed in the plenty learning systems. The merits and demerits were determined. The best technologies for this project realization were choused. The created software system was tested and the quality analysis was made. Finally, the experimental research was transacted. Research results showed that selected methods were suited way to resolve the raised problem.

Teisinių procesų sisteminimas informacinėmis technologijomis / Systemization of legal processes using information technologies

Kabašinskas, Dominykas 18 May 2005 (has links)
Baigiamajame magistro studijų darbe teoriškai įrodyta, jog fiziniams asmenims internetu galima teikti aktualiausias teisines paslaugas, lygiavertes, teikiamoms tradicinėmis formaliomis priemonėmis. Pristatyta tai įgalinančios atlikti sprendimų palaikymo informacinės sistemos koncepcija bei pateiktos tyrimo metu empiriškai nustatytos fiziniams asmenims aktualiausios teisinės paslaugos – paskolos sutarties teksto parengimo – susistemintus teisinius procesus vaizduojančios schemos, kurių pagalba paskolos sutarties parengimo paslauga gali būti teikiama elektroninėje erdvėje. Įrodyta, jog minėtose schemose vaizduojami teisiniai procesai yra išsamūs ir pagrįsti galiojančiomis teisės normomis, todėl šiuo būdu suteikta teisinė paslauga yra lygiavertė suteiktai tradicinėmis priemonėmis. / In this work the author proves that it is possible to provide the topical legal services for the natural persons on-line. The presented results of the sociological research indicate that the conclusion of the credit agreement is the most popular legal service for the natural persons. Due to this fact the service of conclusion of the credit agreement was chosen as the sample legal service for the presentation of systemization of the legal processes. The author presents complete schemes of the systemized legal processes that allow the service of the conclusion of the credit agreement to be provided on-line through the specially developed concept of the decisionsupportive information system. It is also proved that such services are legally reasoned, concluding, services based on the decision supportive system that are being provided in the method of systemizing the processes are equivalent to the ones provided in traditional ways.

Tekstūrų reagavimo galimybės Action Script 2.0 priemonėmis / Texture drafting possibilities in Action Script 2.0

Zajančkauskas, Renaldas 22 May 2005 (has links)
Modern head in these days can‘t even imagine his life without a computer. Since the day of the first computer was created software companies like Microsoft, Apple and other are trying to make computer software faster, more stable, reliable and easier to understand. Faster micro processors enables graphic projection, three dimensional modeling or just graphical edition programs to run fast enough on home computers. System and graphical processors are getting faster and faster. In our days the ability to draw very complex three-dimensional worlds in the real time became a reality. Everyone knows that such worlds are made of many models coated with textures. There are many texture generation, creation and edition programs in today’s market. Textures are very popular between web and all other graphic and computer model creators. Texture makes a big sense in web design and computer model creation. Wrong texture color or pattern can make a website or a computer model look poorly. The same texture could look differently according to the properties, that have been applied to the surface of an object. If bump map property is used, we will get a different looking object. These palters are used in new games, who exploits much of the graphical card features. Reaching to find out better graphical object creation possibilities, it’s visualization and concretely – textures, I was working on two-dimensional and three-dimensional modeling programs. In analytical part you can find some... [to full text]

Nuotolinių studijų panaudojimas mokant mokinius hipertekstų ir multimedijos / Using distance studies in teaching pupils hypertexts and multimedia

Petrauskas, Regimantas 28 May 2005 (has links)
Nformation and communication technologies which are used at schools in distance learning courses are analyzed and evaluated in this work. Also attention is paid for the distance learning creating process. On the base of information and communication technologies the distance learning course “hypertext and multimedia” is created for XI- XII formers from Lithuanian Republic secondary schools. For those who chose the expanded module of information technologies course is prepared the plan for supporting learners and tutorials for users. During this distance learning process pupils are taught to design and create Web sites with multimedia elements. The course is created in virtual learning environment WebCT. Also the graphic models created with TestTool are used.

Lietuvos miestų ir rajonų informacinių technologijų plėtros skirtumai / The differences of Information Technologies in Lithuania’s cities and countries

Žižys, Paulius 21 December 2006 (has links)
The middle of the last century witnessed the beginning of information revolution, which since then has radically changed the life of the society. The information was identified as one of the most important resources for producing goods or creating services. Information technologies as well as information movement are not only important in developing economy but in other spheres of life too. The governments of developed countries understood that and made efforts to act the implementation of Information Technologies. European Union, that defined the priority for itself not to be behind the USA, has adopted the Lisbon Strategy, which one determinated the importance of the Information technologies either in private and public sector. These purposes are in the first place nowadays in Lithuania, it is planned to induce the spreading of the information technologies in the lasting work strategies, a big attention is given for increasing the number of personal computer and Internet users. An effort does not go wastles. According statistic, in the last six years increased the number of household that owned computers more than five times, the Internet users - seven times. However, there are still increasable big differences between cities and regions in Information Technologies. People that lived in village had three times computers and five times internet less then in city in 2005. In the result these difference between country and city are influenced, firstly, on the... [to full text]

Exploration Of Factors Affecting The Execution Of International Design Projects

Figlali, Umut 01 March 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Economic instabilities in our country over the past few decades and improvement in communication technologies, have encouraged Turkish construction firms to utilize business opportunities in foreign countries. However, working abroad brings with it certain risks and problems. The aim of this thesis were to define and clarify problematic factors during the design stages in international design projects (IDP), to collect relevant suggested solutions and to try and determine the sources of these factors. The survey starts with general problems and/or factors which affect international projects and continues to examine whether these problems are the same as those faced in the architectural field. Also, the place of the Turkish construction industry in the world market, the reasons for the increase in international projects and the problems which might be faced while executing IDP have formed the scope of this thesis. To this end informal interviews were carried out with managers and design professionals of architectural firms, based in Ankara, which were involved in international projects, in order to determine types of problems encountered in execution of IDPs. The first questionnaire was based on insight gained from these interviews. Thereafter, the results of the first questionnaire formed the basis of the second questionnaire, which was delivered more extensively. According to the research carried out in this study, the major effective factors in execution of IDPs could be listed as, cultural differences, communication within the project team, information technologies, standards and regulations, client and local authorities and economical situation of target country.

A Contribution to the Empirics of Development and Globalization

Lohmann, Steffen 08 May 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Tecnologias da informação no cotidiano escolar: ressonâncias na gestão educacional. Análise micropolítica de uma escola em Barcelona / Information technology in school life: resonances in educational management. Micro analysis of a school in Barcelona

Alexandre dos Anjos de Oliveira 19 June 2007 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / O presente trabalho tem como objetivo analisar micropoliticamente a utilização das chamadas tecnologias da informação e comunicação em um Centro de Educação Infantil e Primária (CEIP), estabelecimento da rede pública de ensino da cidade de Barcelona, evidenciando seus desdobramentos no modo de gestão das práticas escolares e seus efeitos no processo de saúde/adoecimentos dos educadores. Para isso será considerado tanto o referencial produzido através do conjunto das análises bibliográficas sobre a temática, como do acompanhamento das atividades realizadas no/pelo grupo de Desenvolvimento Humano, Intervenção Social e Interculturalidade (DEHISI), da Universidade Autônoma de Barcelona, no referido estabelecimento. O trabalho realizado na escola a partir o projeto Shere Rom na Escola visa, para além do fomento à utilização das novas tecnologias como mediadores do processo educacional, abordar questões evidenciadas no cotidiano escolar, como fragmentação, isolamento, dificuldades de trabalhar a diversidade e de produzir uma articulação entre a comunidade escolar: professores, alunos e responsáveis e a comunidade de entorn. Se, por um lado, a introdução de computadores e softwares como dispositivos inovadores da metodologia educativa foi rapidamente assimilada pelos alunos, dificuldades foram encontradas ao considerarmos o corpo docente e de pesquisadores no tocante à utilização dos equipamentos, pela falta de dispositivos que permitam efetivamente a discussão das práticas e questões do cotidiano da escola. Neste sentido, o projeto se constitui como um desafio rumo à coletivização das ações e uma gestão participativa da escola. / The purpose of this project was to analyze micropoliticly the use of communication and information technologies at a Nursery and Infants Educational Center (CEIP), which is a public education establishment in Barcelona. The consequences on the way the educational activities are managed and its effects on the teachers health-disease process is also mentioned. To achieve these objectives, the intellectual support achieved with the bibliography studied about the subject, as well as the participation of the author at the activities developed by the Human Development, Social Intervention and Interculturality (DEHISI) a research group of Barcelonas Autonomous University at the CEIP are considerate. The project developed at the school by this research group is called Shere Rom at the School. It had the objective of using new technologies as mediator of the educational process, as well as dealing with schools quotidian matters, such as fragmentation, isolation, difficulties on dealing with all sort of differences and difficulties to provide links between the members of schools community (teachers, students, parents or students responsibles and the people that live at schools neighbourhood). The students easily accepted the implementation of computers and softwares as a new educational methodology. However, some difficulties related to the use of the equipment were observed when teachers and researchers adaptation to this new reality was analyzed. These difficulties were an effect of their lack of strategies to discuss their practice and the schools quotidian. In that way, this project constitutes as a challenge to collectivize the activities and to implement a participatory management at the school.

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