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Management Information System Challenges, Success key issues, Effects and Consequences: A case study of FENIX SystemKornkaew, Artit January 2012 (has links)
During the growth of a competitive global enviroment, there is considerable pressure on most organisations to make their operational, tactical, and strategic process more efficient and effective. An information system (IS) is a group of components which can increase the competitiveness and gain better information for decision making.Consequently, many organisations decide to implement IS in order to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of their organisations. However, a lack of awareness of numerous and varied challenging issues surrounding the implemenation process could be problematic for the whole process. Furthermore, the problem of a lack of key success issues seems to be a serious obstacle for the management information system (MIS) implementation process. Additionally, MIS implementation has effects on an organisation and these effects are related to the consequences of the business processes. Consequently, this issue is critical and crucial for an organisation to consider when they implement a new MIS. The main purpose of this thesis is to present the MIS implementation challenges or problems together with identifying the key issues to successfully achieve implementation. Such challenges and success factors are conducted based on a research framework. In addition, this research accesses descriptions of implementation effects and consequences which impact the organisation and its processes.This thesis has been conducted by studying the theory divided into three parts including:general background literature of information systems, implementation aspects, and organisational impacts literature. The methods that were used to successfullly accomplish this study were a case study of Fenix System, collecting data by personal interviews with respondents who were involved in Fenix along with internal documents.The analysis of the research framework and empirical findings has contributed to adescription of the main challenges and key success issues regarding MIS implementation, together with an identification of important effects and consequences when implementing MIS. This thesis’s main results show that MIS implementation issurrounded with challenges which mainly concern management, adminsitration, and people issues involved in MIS implementation process. Additionally, it was concluded that the key issues which the MIS implementation project should be presented with primarily focused on the project team and their team work. The last main finding is concentrated on effects and consequences and it found out that MIS implementation mainly affects business process which lead to change, for instance jobs, routines, and so forth.
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The Use of Patterns in Information System EngineeringBacklund, Per January 2001 (has links)
The aims of this dissertation are to investigate the use and usefulness of patterns in Information Systems Engineering and to identify future areas of research. In order to do this there is a need to survey different types of patterns and find a common concept of patterns. A pattern is based on experience found in the real world. A text or a model or a combination of the both can describe the pattern. A pattern is typically described in terms of context, forces, problem, and solution. These can be explicitly expressed or implicitly found in the description of the pattern. The types of patterns dealt with are: object-oriented patterns; design patterns, analysis patterns; data model patterns; domain patterns; business patterns; workflow patterns and the deontic pattern. The different types of patterns are presented using the authors' own terminology. The patterns described in the survey are classified with respect to different aspects. The intention of this analysis is to form a taxonomy for patterns and to bring order into the vast amount of patterns. This is an important step in order to find out how patterns are used and can be used in Information Systems Engineering. The aspects used in the classification are: level of abstraction; text or model emphasis; product or process emphasis; life cycle stage usage and combinations of these aspects. Finally an outline for future areas of research is presented. The areas that have been considered of interest are: patterns and Information Systems Engineering methods; patterns and tools (tool support for patterns); patterns as a pedagogical aid; the extraction and documentation of patterns and patterns and novel applications of information technology. Each future area of research is sketched out.
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A Contemporary Six Sigma and Lean Integration : Towards the Ideal State / En Modern Integration av Six Sigma och Lean : Mot det Ideala StadietWenchert, Jonn January 2017 (has links)
A new reality, where human labor is replaced by automated machines is causing production management to rethink how they can steer the production to meet their customers demand. There is a gap of values, techniques and tools to communicate with the processes existing in the new modern factories, where data sometimes is the single output. This thesis purpose was to develop a model out of Lean and Six Sigma, as an answer to how modern factory could work with an information system, reaching the ideal state. Through a theoretical analysis, Lean and Six Sigma differences in values, techniques and tools were weighted by the ideal state and recommendations from literature. Through a unstructured interview and system design review with a logistic group at a Swedish Modern Factory (SMF) a concept of an information system was developed. A project to test the model was initialized, where Define, Measure and Analyze phase was conducted. The model was thereafter modified from the projects implications. The result was a Lean Six Sigma model which values are customer focus, ideal state, result orientation, committed leadership, education and involvement. The technique follow a DMAIC cycle and continuous improvements through a current to future state approach. The used techniques were considered Six Sigma heavy, where Leans principles are considered into the models values. The information system supports the model in setting the processes of the factory in either stability or potential state, where they differ in Measure and Analyze phase. The test at SMF developed several assignable causes to variation on the component As lead time. The model adapted after the test to involve a Measurement System Analysis (MSA), before setting the next current state of the process. / En ny verklighet där människor byts ut mot automatiska maskiner får produktionstekniker att fundera hur det ska styra produktionen för att möta kunders behov. Det finns en brist av värderingar, tekniker och verktyg till att kommunicera med processer i de moderna fabrikerna, där data ibland är det enda att analysera. Examensarbetets syfte var att utveckla en Lean och Six Sigma modell, som ett svar för hur moderna företag kan arbeta med ett informationssystem, för att nå det ideala stadiet. Genom en teoretisk analys har Leans och Six Sigmas skillnader blivit vägda mot rekommendationer från litteraturen och det ideala stadiet. Genom en ostrukturerad intervju och en genomgång av systemets design hos en logistikgrupp, på ett svenskt företag (SMF), har ett koncept av ett informationssystem framtagits. Ett projekt för att testa modellen påbörjades, där Define, Measure och Analyze fasen var genomförda. Modellen blev därefter modifierad genom de implikationer projektet stött på. Resultatet av den teoretiska analysen gav en Lean Six Sigma modell, vilka värdering är kundfokus, ideala stadiet, resultatorientering, engagerat ledarskap, utbildning och medverkande. Tekniken följde en DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control) cykel och kontinuerliga förbättringar, från nuläge till ett framtida tillstånd. Teknikerna blev Six Sigma tunga, där Leans principer var beaktade i modellens värderingar. Informationssystemet var en supportfunktion av modellen och skapar en status för fabrikens processer, antingen i stabilitet eller potential stadiet, där de skiljer sig åt i mät – och analys fasen. Testet på SMF genererade flera grundorsaker till variation för komponents As ledtid. Modellen anpassades till att innehålla en mätsystemsanalys (MSA), innan nuläget av processen bestäms.
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Metodika implementace systému pro finanční plánování / Implementation methodology of system for financial planningHorváthová, Vladimíra January 2008 (has links)
Connections of the World of Information Technologies and its surroundings are increasingly growing and nobody can be surprised that the key success business factors are, for instance, correct and consistent processes supported by informational system. To implement this kind of back-office system doesn't already mean to get a competitive advantage, so therefore systems which support a decision making (also noticed as MIS, management information system) are becoming a standard. Implementation of any information system in a specific environment is a complex process which contains a lot of methods, procedures and tools which are called together as a methodology. The main aim of this work is the concept of the implementation methodology for financial planning and controlling software. This concept is based on the exact software which is already implemented and used in practice all over the world, but its implementation is always a matter of the particular provider. However, the output of this work is the methodology which is used as an internal material in a company I work nowadays for, it can be also an inspiration or a formal order of the implementation of similar system. Whole work could be divided into three components which are leading to reach the main aim. First two fragments are introducing systems which support decision making, and they are also informing about current market situation and requirements of planning and controlling upheld by these tools. The third part is concerned with the implementation of information systems and it is introducing existing methodologies which are used within MIS implementations. The last part is fundamental and practical, it contains actual concept of the implementation methodology with its practical example.
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Analýza vybraného rezervačního systému / Analysis of selected reservation systemMajer, Patrik January 2014 (has links)
The diploma thesis focuses on the analysis of requirements of a selected reservation system. In particular, it concentrates on the reservation system used by the National Heritage Institute. In the thesis introduction the author describes basic functionality of this reservation system as well as its way of use within the National Heritage Institute. Furthermore, the thesis introduces an empirical research whose purpose is not only to determine necessary system adjustments but also to verify hypotheses outlined by the author. The main part of the thesis deals with a proposal how to solve particular system adjustments which emerged from the survey data.
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Informační systém pro výživovou poradnu / Information system for nutrition counselingŠvimberský, Jan January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is the design and implementation of web based individual information system for nutritional counseling organizations. This work is divided into several parts. The first part is devoted to the description and evaluation of applications available to support nutrition counseling organizations with reasoning why these applications are not very viable option. The second part is devoted to the analysis and design of the system in terms of vision, specification of functional and non-functional requirements, description of use cases, screen designs and architecture design using conceptual data schema and sitemap. This section is written according to the modified methodology MMSP. The third section demonstrates the implementation of the system on code written in ASP.NET language for three selected webpages. These pages are about dealing with the list of values and creating food recipes. The current version of the information system is added as an attachment.
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Zhodnocení přínosů ze zavedení manažerského informačního systému (na vybraném podniku) / Evaluation of the gains of introduction of management information system (on the selected company)Bajer, Zdeněk January 2014 (has links)
The thesis "Evaluation of the gains of introduction of management information system (on the selected company)" examines the success of introduction of management information system. Theoretical part is focused on information systems, especially on life cycle, required features, settings and areas of management. Practical part describes complete research: characteristics and analysis of the company, creation of survey and the results. All the gains are identified in the results of the survey. This research extends theoretical area of management information systems and it helps the supplier as evaluation of completed implementation.
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Informační podpora laboratorních žádanek v nemocnicích ČR / The information support of laboratory requisitions in hospitals in the Czech RepublicFišerová, Marcela January 2012 (has links)
This thesis deals with the information support of laboratory requisitions in medical facilities in the Czech Republic. Its aim is to analyze the usage status of electronic request systems and their integration into hospital systems in practice of Czech medical equipment. Further, on the basis of the survey, the thesis draws conclusions about the overall state and an assumed development of such systems. The analysis was conducted by means of questionnaire survey in a randomly chosen sample of health facilities in the CR. The study results can serve both to the actual respondents who participated in the study for comparison with the competition and to IS / ICT companies for the eventual development of application software systems to support the analyzed area. The work is divided into a theoretical and a practical part. The theoretical part is based on the available research, literature and electronic sources concerning information technology in health care. The practical part deals with the research study - a questionnaire survey, analysis, and interpretation of results.
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Projekt výběru personálního informačního systému na příkladu konkrétní společnosti / The project of selecting the human resources information system presented on the particular exampleNáhlovská, Klára January 2014 (has links)
The Master thesis The project of selecting the human resources information system presented on the particular example is focused on the selection of a suitable personnel information system (PIS) for Jan Becher Karlovarská Becherovka a.s. company (Jan Becher). The main objective of this thesis is decide upon the best supplier of the PIS whose offer will be the most suitable for the requirements specified by Jan Becher company. In order to achieve this main objective of the thesis, there are the following targets. The first one, and most important, is to analyze and comprehend the way the human resources activities are currently being done. Based on the analysis the system's functional requirements will be specified. In addition to this, the selection criteria and desired target conditions will be set up. The second one is to carry out an IT focused research. This is done in order to address potential suppliers and obtain and assess the given quotations. Thereafter, the decision on the most suitable supplier of PIS for Jan Becher will be taken. The thesis is divided into the theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part is to define terms such as human resources evidence, human resources information system and a model of selecting and deploying PIS. In the practical part the company Jan Becher is introduced. Subsequently, the reasons laeding the company to a change in the current PIS are listed. Especially this part is focused on the analysis of the current situation in the company, market analysis of the information and communication technologies, assessment of the quotations and selection of the suppliers of PIS for the Jan Becher company.
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Conceitos e aplicações de um sistema gerencial de apoio a decisão aplicados a sistemas de distribuição de energia elétrica via internet. / Executive information system: concepts and application for utilities.Adriano Galindo Leal 13 July 1999 (has links)
Nesta dissertação, são discutidas as vantagens e dificuldades de um Sistema Gerencial de Apoio a Decisão em um ambiente Intranet/Internet, sua execução, bem como a utilização de aplicações de bancos de dados na web. Um sistema dessa natureza, denominado SAG (Sistema de Apoio Gerencial), foi concebido para dar suporte às atividades de gerência, supervisão e controle da rede de distribuição de energia elétrica da Eletropaulo Metropolitana (São Paulo, Brasil). O SAG possibilita o estabelecimento de uma sistemática de supervisão, visando, a partir da análise das condições atuais da rede de distribuição e em função dos recursos disponíveis, permitir o acompanhamento da evolução da qualidade do fornecimento de energia elétrica. Disponibilizando informações que irão orientar ações para corrigir os possíveis desvios inadequados e fixar políticas e diretrizes a serem seguidas nos níveis gerenciais. Como resultado, é esperado tornar mais ágil o processo decisório, bem como o acesso a dados técnicos e de carregamento dos equipamentos da rede de distribuição. / In this dissertation are discussed the advantages and difficulties of an Executive Information System (EIS) implementation on an Intranet or Internet environment, as well as the use of Database applications on the web. An Executive Information System named SAG was implemented at Eletropaulo Metropolitana (São Paulo, Brazil); it was conceived to address maintenance, operational and engineering departments\' needs. The System allows the establishment of a systematic supervision to attend the quality of the electric energy supplied. The analysis of the actual distribution network conditions, the available resources and the electric energy supplied quality will guide the actions to correct possible inadequacies as well as set and fix policies and guidelines to be followed on a manager\'s level. As a result it\'s expected faster decision-making process and access on distribution network equipment\'s technical data and load.
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