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Hypoxia-selective targeting by the bioreductive prodrug AQ4N in patients with solid tumors: results of a phase 1 studyAlbertella, M.R., Loadman, Paul, Jones, P.H., Phillips, Roger M., Rampling, R., Burnet, N., Alcock, C., Anthoney, Alan, Vjaters, E., Dunk, C.R., Harris, P.A., Wong, A., Lalani, A.S., Twelves, Christopher J. January 2008 (has links)
No / PURPOSE: AQ4N is a novel bioreductive prodrug under clinical investigation. Preclinical evidence shows that AQ4N penetrates deeply within tumors and undergoes selective activation to form AQ4, a potent topoisomerase II inhibitor, in hypoxic regions of solid tumors. This proof-of-principle, phase I study evaluated the activation, hypoxic selectivity, and safety of AQ4N in patients with advanced solid tumors.
EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: Thirty-two patients with cancer (8 glioblastoma, 9 bladder, 8 head and neck, 6 breast, and 1 cervix) received a single 200 mg/m(2) dose of AQ4N before elective surgery. AQ4 and AQ4N levels in 95 tissues (tumor, healthy tissue) were assessed by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. Tissue sections were also analyzed for AQ4 fluorescence using confocal microscopy, and for expression of the hypoxia-regulated glucose transporter, Glut-1.
RESULTS: Activated AQ4 was detected in all tumor samples with highest levels present in glioblastoma (mean 1.2 microg/g) and head and neck (mean 0.65 microg/g) tumors; 22 of 32 patients had tumor AQ4 concentrations > or = 0.2 microg/g, levels previously shown to be active in preclinical studies. In 24 of 30 tumor samples, AQ4 was detected at higher concentrations than in adjacent normal tissue (tumor to normal ratio range 1.1-63.6); distant skin samples contained very low concentrations of AQ4 (mean 0.037 microg/g). Microscopic evaluation of tumor sections revealed that AQ4 colocalized within regions of Glut-1+ hypoxic cells.
CONCLUSIONS: AQ4N was activated selectively in hypoxic regions in human solid tumors. Intratumoral concentrations of AQ4 exceeded those required for activity in animal models and support the evaluation of AQ4N as a novel tumor-targeting agent in future clinical studies.
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Kovalente Inhibitoren: Modellierung und Design / Covalent Inhibitors: Modeling and DesignEndres, Erik January 2024 (has links) (PDF)
Kovalente Inhibition stellt einen effektiven Weg dar, die Verweildauer des Liganden innerhalb einer Bindetasche zu erhöhen. In dieser Arbeit wurden theoretische Methoden angewendet, um die Reaktivität und den nichtkovalenten Zustand vor der Reaktion zu modellieren. Im Rahmen einer Fallstudie zu Cathepsin K wurden nichtkovalente Modelle von kovalenten Inhibitoren generiert. Für verschiedene Komplexe aus Cathepsin K und einem kovalent gebundenem Liganden wurde der Zustand vor der Reaktion modelliert und dessen Stabilität im Rahmen einer klassischen MD-Simulation überprüft. Die Stabilität des Warheads in der Bindetasche hing hauptsächlich vom gewählten Protonierungszustand der katalytischen Aminosäuren ab. Für eine Reihe von Inhibitoren der ChlaDUB1 wurde ein Protokoll aus quantenmechanischen Rechnungen genutzt, um die Reaktivität verschiedener Warheads abzuschätzen. Die erhaltenen Aktivierungsenergien korrelierten mit experimentell bestimmten Raten zur Inaktivierung des Enzyms. Im Rahmen eines Wirkstoffdesign-Projektes zur Deubiquitinase USP28 wurden von unpublizierten Kristallstrukturen ausgehend erste Docking-Experimente durchgeführt. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass ein literaturbekannter Inhibitor von USP28 mit einem Warhead so modifiziert werden kann, dass die reaktive Einheit in direkter Nachbarschaft zu einem Cystein positioniert wird. Für diese Warheads wurden ebenfalls quantenmechanische Rechnungen zur Bestimmung der Aktivierungsenergie durchgeführt. Um besser nachvollziehen zu können, warum bei einem Photoswitch-Inhibitor der Butyrylcholin-Esterase der cis-Zustand des Moleküls besser inhibiert als der trans-Zustand, wurde eine Docking-Studie des Zustandes vor der Reaktion durchgeführt. Es konnte ein qualitatives Modell aufgestellt werden, das zeigt, dass der trans-Zustand aufgrund seiner längeren Form mit wichtigen Aminosäuren am Eingang der Bindungstasche kollidiert. / Covalent inhibition is an effective way to increase the residence time of a ligand within the active site. In this work theoretical methods were used to model the reactivity and the noncovalent pre-reaction state.
Noncovalent models of covalent inhibitors were generated as part of a case study of Cathepsin K. Several complexes of Cathepsin K and a covalently bound ligand were modeled in their state before the reaction, and their stability was assessed by classical molecular dynamics simulations. In most cases the warhead was positioned in close proximity to the catalytic unit, remaining there for up to several hundred nanoseconds. This stable positioning was largely dependent on the protonation state of the catalytic amino acids.
To estimate the reactivity of a series of ChlaDUB1 inhibitors, a protocol of quantum mechanical calculations was adapted. The obtained activation energies correlated with experimentally obtained rate constants of enzyme inactivation.
Using unpublished crystal structures, first design steps for the inhibition of the deubiquitinase USP28 were performed. Docking studies showed that modification of a literature-known inhibitor of USP28 with a warhead allowed to place this reactive unit close to a cysteine. Activation energies were also obtained for these structures via quantum mechanical calculations.
To better rationalize the differences in inhibition between the cis- and trans-state of a photoswitch inhibitor of butyrylcholine esterase, a docking study of the noncovalent state was performed. The different ring conformers and stereochemical properties of the photoswitch were critical for a sensible model of the ligand. A qualitative model could be obtained which explains that the cis-isomer is more active than the trans-isomer due to a steric clash of the latter with amino acids at the entrance of the pocket.
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An assay for quantitative analysis of polysialic acid expression in cancer cellsGuo, Xiaoxiao, Elkashef, Sara M., Patel, Anjana, Ribeiro Morais, Goreti, Shnyder, Steven, Loadman, Paul, Patterson, Laurence H., Falconer, Robert A. 27 January 2021 (has links)
Yes / Polysialic acid (polySia) is a linear polysaccharide comprised of N-acetylneuraminic acid residues and its over-expression in cancer cells has been correlated with poor clinical prognosis. An assay has been developed for quantitative analysis of cellular polySia expression. This was achieved by extracting and purifying released polySia from glycoproteins by mild acid hydrolysis and optimised organic extraction. The polySia was further hydrolysed into Sia monomers, followed by fluorescent labelling and quantitative analysis. The assay was qualified utilising endoneuraminidase-NF to remove polySia from the surface of C6-ST8SiaII cancer cells (EC50 = 2.13 ng/ml). The result was comparable to that obtained in a polySia-specific cellular ELISA assay. Furthermore, the assay proved suitable for evaluation of changes in polySia expression following treatment with a small molecule inhibitor of polysialylation. Given the importance of polySia in multiple disease states, notably cancer, this is a potentially vital tool with applications in the fields of drug discovery and glycobiology.
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Corrosion Mechanism and Prevention of Wire Bonded Device in Microelectronic Manufacturing and Spectroscopic Investigation of Copper Etch Chemical Equilibria for High Density Interconnect ApplicationAshok Kumar, Goutham Issac 12 1900 (has links)
In the first part of this dissertation work, Al bond pad corrosion behavior was investigated in the presence of common industrial contaminants such as chloride (Cl-) and fluoride (F-). Al corrosion while in direct contact with Cu displayed rapid hydrogen (H2) gas evolution and dendrite propagation. In contrast, Al without bimetallic contact showed only minor surface roughening. This observed difference in the corrosion mechanism between Cl- and F- is attributed to the solubility of the corrosion products (AlCl3 vs. AlF3) formed on the Al surface. Our subsequent work explored corrosion prevention inhibition of wire-bonded devices (WBD) in the Cl- environment. Our research shows that the Al bond pad was protected against corrosion by chemically modifying the surface of the Cu wires, thereby preventing the H2 evolution. The inhibitor was observed to be highly selective, thermally stable, hydrophobic, and cost-effective, making it viable for industrial application of this coating for Al bond pad corrosion prevention. In the second part of the dissertation work, we utilized a novel approach of using ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy (UV-Vis) as a chemical-sensitive monitoring tool of the chemical environment in Cu etch bath. The UV-Vis technique illuminates the roles of H+, Cl-, Cu+, and Cu2+ to the etch bath while also providing a means to monitor the Cl- in the broad UV peak at 250 nm. The UV-Vis probe successfully demonstrated the etch rate difference between the two etch bath solutions and help in the restoration of the etching bath. Additionally, the proof-of-concept experiments (POC) to investigate UV enhanced etching for achieving anisotropic etching in PCB fabrication showed promising preliminary results with the need to develop additional etching techniques.
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In vivo- und in vitro-Funktionsanalysen von Bax Inhibitor-1 bei humanen Karzinomzellen / In vivo and in vitro functional analysis of Bax Inhibitor-1 in human carcinoma cellsKang, Tae-Won 03 May 2007 (has links)
No description available.
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Optimalizace expresního systému HEK293 buněčné linie pomocí regulace buněčného cyklu a apoptózy / Optimization of HEK293 cell line expression system by regulation of cell cycle and apoptosisPoláchová, Edita January 2014 (has links)
Transient transfection of mammalian cell lines is an effective approach for recombinant protein production, which can provide milligrams to grams of proteins in two weeks from cloning of the corresponding cDNA. Native glycosylated proteins prepared via this approach can be used for various purposes in molecular biology, immunology or pharmaceutical industry, i.e. initial phase of pre-clinical therapeutic protein research. One of the most used mammalian host cell lines is the human embryonic kidney cell line, that can be easily cultivated and chemically transfected. The amount of proteins produced by transiently transfected human embryonic kidney cells can be enhanced by a whole range of factors, i.e. co-expression or direct addition of acidic fibroblast growth factor to the culture medium, co-expression of cell cycle regulating proteins or anti-apoptotic proteins. Expression plasmid pTW5 was prepared and further modified by gene insertion of aFGF, cell cycle regulator p18, p21 or p27 (cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors) or apoptosis inhibitor bcl-2 or bcl-x. These plasmids were then used for optimization of HEK293T cell line expression system. The impact of every single regulator and their combinations, including hitherto undescribed effect of combination of cell cycle regulator and anti-apoptotic...
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Vers une meilleure connaissance des pathologies vasculaires placentaires / Towards a better understanding of placental vascular pathologiesBarjat, Tiphaine 15 September 2017 (has links)
Les pathologies vasculaires placentaires sont fréquentes et graves. La forme maternelle prédominante est la pré-éclampsie et la forme fœtale le retard de croissance intra-utérin. Les questions posées autour de ce sujet concernent tout d'abord la prédiction de la survenue de ces pathologies suffisamment tôt afin de permettre une surveillance rapprochée, une administration de corticoïdes et une prise en charge dans une maternité de niveau adaptée. La prévention de la survenue et de la récidive ainsi que le traitement de ces pathologies la phase constituée sont aussi des problématiques encore non résolues. Notre objectif était de travailler sur ces différentes questions pa l'intermédiaire de trois études : l'étude ANGIOPRED), l'étude VOLUPLA et l'étude GROWTH. Les résultats de ces travaux et une revue d la littérature mettent en évidence une perturbation des facteurs de l'hémostase et des facteurs angiogéniques dans la pré-éclampsie et dans le retard de croissance. L'association des facteurs maternels, échographiques, angiogéniques et sériques constitue un modèle prédictif efficace principalement du fait d'une excellente valeur prédictive négative. Le volume placentaire est corrélé au taux de D- Dimères et est intéressant pour la prédiction des pathologies vasculaires placentaires. De nouveaux travaux devront poursuivre l'étude d la prédiction, de la prévention et du traitement des pathologies liées au placenta. Le traitement est notamment l'objet de l'étude Growth qui vise à évaluer l'efficacité de l'énoxaparine dans le traitement du retard de croissance vasculaire constitué. / Placenta-mediated adverse pregnancy outcomes are frequent and severe pathologies whose predominant maternal form is preeclampsia and fetal form, intrauterine growth retardation. The questions asked about this subject concern first of all the prediction of the occurrence of its pathologies in a sufficiently early way to allow for close monitoring, administration of corticosteroids, and management in an appropriate level of maternity. The prevention of the occurrence and recurrence and the treatment of its pathologies in the constituted phase are also unresolved problems. Our objective was therefore to work on its various questions through three studies: the ANGIOPREI study, the VOLUPLA study and the GROWTH study. The results of his work and of the literature show that the factors of haemostasis anc angiogenic factors are disturbed in preeclampsia and in growth retardation. The association of maternal, ultrasound, angiogenic and serum factors constitutes a predictive model that is effective mainly by an excellent negative predictive value. The placental volume is correlated with the D-dimer level and is interesting for placenta-mediated adverse pregnancy outcomes prediction. New studies will have to continue the exploration of the prediction, prevention and treatment of this pathologies related to the placenta. The treatment is notably the object of the study Growth which aims to evaluate the effectiveness of the Enoxaparin for the treatment of constituted vascular growt retardation.
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Efeito do inibidor de proteinase de origem vegetal EcTI, sobre a lesão pulmonar induzida pela elastase em camundongos C57BI6 / Effects of proteinase inhibitor from plant EcTI on elastase-induced lung alterations in miceTheodoro Junior, Osmar Aparecido 02 June 2014 (has links)
Introdução: As proteinases tem um papel importante no desenvolvimento, na destruição tecidual e na produção de muco causada pela DPOC. O inibidor de proteinase de origem vegetal Enterolobium contortisiliquum Tripsin Inhibitor (EcTI) inibe tanto as proteinases da classe serina quanto da classe cisteína. Objetivos: Avaliar os efeitos do tratamento com EcTI nas alterações pulmonares induzidas pela elastase em camundongos. Métodos: Camundongos C57Bl6 receberam elastase via intratraqueal (50 uL/animal, grupo ELA) ou salina (grupo SAL). Os camundongos foram tratados com EcTI (2mg/kg) nos dias 1, 15 e 21 após a instilação de elastase (grupo ELA-EcTI) ou salina (grupo SAL-EcTI). No dia 28 do protocolo, os animais foram anestesiados, a mecânica pulmonar foi medida e o óxido nítrico exalado coletado. Posteriormente, foi realizado o lavado broncoalveolar e os pulmões foram removidos para a preparação de lâminas de histoquímica e imunohistoquímica. Por meio de morfometria analisamos o número de células positivas para neutrófilos, TNF-alfa, MMP-9, MMP-12, TIMP-1, iNOS, eNOS assim como a fração de volume de 8-iso-PGF2alfa, fibras colágenas e elásticas, nos septos alveolares e nas vias aéreas. Também foram avaliados o número de células positivas para macrófagos nos septos alveolares e MUC5ac nas vias aéreas. Resultados: O inibidor de proteinase EcTI reduziu as alterações de mecânica pulmonar (Ers, Htis e Raw), destruição do septo alveolar (Lm) e o número de células no lavado broncoalveolar (células totais, macrófagos, neutrófilos, linfócitos e eosinógilos) induzidos pela elastase. Em relação a resposta inflamatória, o EcTI reduziu o número de neutrófilos e de células TNFalfa positivas no septo alveolar e nas vias aéreas além de reduzir o número de macrófagos no septo alveolar. Considerando o remodelamento de matriz extracelular, o inibidor de proteinase atenuou a fração de volume de fibras colágenas e o número de células MMP-9 e MMP-12 positivas nos septos alveolares e nas vias aéreas. Além disso, nas vias aéreas ocorreu uma atenuação da fração de volume de fibras elásticas, e nos septos alveolares uma atenuação da quantidade de células que expressam TIMP-1. Em relação a resposta de estresse oxidativo, o EcTI reduziu a fração de volume de isoprostano e o número de células iNOS e eNOS positivas tanto nos septos alveolares quanto nas vias aéreas. O EcTI também reduziu o número de células MUC5ac positivas nas vias aéreas. Conclusões: O tratamento como inibidor EcTI modulou a mecânica pulmonar e reduziu as alterações inflamatórias, de remodelamento e de estresse oxidativo induzidas pela elastase intratraqueal. Embora sejam necessários mais estudos para elucidar os mecanismos envolvidos neste processo, o inibidor de proteinase EcTI pode ser considerado como um potencial instrumento terapêutico para o tratamento da DPOC / Background: Proteinases play a key role on emphysema development, tissue destruction and mucus production. Enterolobium contortisiliquum Tripsin Inhibitor (EcTI) is a proteinase inhibitor from plant that neutralizes serine and cysteine proteinases. Aims: To evaluated the effects of the EcTI treatment in pulmonary alterations induced by elastase in mice. Methods: C57Bl6 mice received elastase intratracheally (50 uL/animal, ELA group) or saline (SAL group). Afterwards, mice were treated with EcTI (2 mg/kg) at days 1, 15 and 21 after elastase instillation (ELA-EcTI group). Control group received saline and EcTI using the same protocol (SAL-EcTI group). At day 28, mice were anesthetized, respiratory mechanics were collected, and exhaled nitric oxide were analyzed. Afterwards, broncoalveolar lavage fluid was obtained and lungs were removed to perform histochemistry and immunohistochemistry stains. By morphometry, the number of neutrophils, TNF-alfa, MMP-9, MMP-12, TIMP-1, iNOS, eNOS positive cells as well as the volume proportion of 8-iso-PGF2alfa, collagen and elastic fibers content in alveolar septum and airways walls were performed. In airways walls, we also analyzed the number of MUC-5 positive cells and the number of macrophages. Results: The proteinase inhibitor EcTI was able to reduce the pulmonary mechanical alterations (Ers, Htis and Raw), alveolar septum disruption (Lm) and the BAL cell count (total cells, macrophages, neutrophils, lymphocytes and eosinophils) induced by elastase. Regarding the inflammatory response, EcTI also reduced the number of neutrophils and TNFalfa positive cells in both alveolar septum and airway walls, and also reduced the number of macrophages in alveolar septum. Considering the extracellular matrix remodeling, the proteinase inhibitor attenuated the volume fraction of collagen fibers, MMP-9 and MMP-12 positive cells in both alveolar septum and airway walls. Besides, in airway there were attenuation in the volume fraction of elastic fibers, and in the alveolar septa a decrease of the amount of the cells expressing TIMP-1. Regarding the oxidative stress response, EcTI reduced the volume fraction of isoprostane and the number of iNOS and eNOS positive cells in both airways walls and alveolar septa, Finally, EcTI reduced the number of MUC5ac positive cells in airway walls. Conclusions: The treatment with EcTI modulated lung mechanics and reduced inflammatory, remodeling and oxidative stress alterations induced by elastase. Although more studies need to be performed to elucidate the mechanisms involved in this process, we may considerate EcTI as a potential therapeutic tool for COPD management
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Efeito do inibidor de proteinase de origem vegetal BbCI, sobre a lesão pulmonar induzida pela elastase em camundongos C57BI6 / Effects of proteinase inhibitor from plant bbci on elastase-induced lung alterations in miceReis, Rafael de Almeida dos 17 February 2014 (has links)
Introdução: As proteinases tem um papel importante no desenvolvimento, na destruição tecidual e na produção de muco causada pela DPOC. O inibidor de proteinase de origem vegetal Bauhinia bauhinioides Cruzipain Inhibitor (BbCI) inibe tanto as proteinases da classe serina quanto da classe cisteína. Objetivos: Deste modo consideramos relevante estudar os efeitos do tratamento com BbCI nas alterações pulmonares induzidas pela elastase em camundongos. Métodos: Camundongos C57Bl6 receberam elastase via intratraqueal (50 uL/animal, grupo ELA) ou salina (grupo SAL). Os camundongos foram tratados com BbCI (2mg/kg) nos dias 1, 15 e 21 após a instilação de elastase (grupo ELABC) ou salina (grupo SALBC). No dia 28 do protocolo, os animais foram anestesiados, a mecânica pulmonar foi medida e o óxido nítrico exalado coletado. Posteriormente, foi realizado o lavado broncoalveolar e os pulmões foram removidos para a preparação de lâminas de histoquímica e imunohistoquímica. Por meio de morfometria analisamos o número de células positivas para neutrófilos, TNF-alfa, MMP-9, MMP-12, TIMP-1, iNOS, eNOS assim como a fração de volume de 8-iso-PGF2alfa, fibras colágenas e elásticas, nos septos alveolares e nas vias aéreas. Também foram avaliados o número de células positivas para macrófagos nos septos alveolares e MUC5ac nas vias aéreas. Resultados: O inibidor de proteinase Tese de Doutorado Rafael Almeida-Reis BbCI reduziu as alterações de mecânica pulmonar (Ers, Htis e Raw), destruição do septo alveolar (Lm) e o número de células no lavado broncoalveolar (células totais, macrófagos e neutrófilos) induzidos pela elastase. Em relação a resposta inflamatória, o BbCI reduziu o número de neutrófilos e de células TNFalfa positivas no septo alveolar e nas vias aéreas além de reduzir o número de macrófagos no septo alveolar. Considerando o remodelamento de matriz extracelular, o inibidor de proteinase atenuou a fração de volume de fibras elásticas e colágenas e o número de células MMP- 9 e MMP-12 positivas nos septos alveolares e nas vias aéreas. Em relação a resposta de estresse oxidativo, o BbCI reduziu a fração de volume de isoprostano nas vias aéreas e o número de células iNOS positivas tanto nos septos alveolares quanto nas vias aéreas. O BbCI também reduziu o número de células MUC5ac positivas nas vias aéreas. Conclusões: O tratamento como inibidor BbCI modulou a mecânica pulmonar e reduziu as alterações inflamatórias, de remodelamento e de estresse oxidativo induzidas pela elastase intratraqueal. Embora sejam necessários mais estudos para elucidar os mecanismos envolvidos neste processo, o inibidor de proteinase BbCI pode ser considerado como um potencial instrumento terapêutico para o tratamento da DPOC / Background: Proteinases play a key role on emphysema development, tissue destruction and mucus production. Bauhinia bauhinioides Cruzipain Inhibitor (BbCI) is a proteinase inhibitor from plant that neutralizes serine and cysteine proteinases. The present study evaluated the effects of the BbCI treatment in pulmonary alterations induced by elastase in mice. Methods: C57Bl6 mice received elastase intratracheally (50 uL/animal, ELA group) or saline (SAL group). Afterwards, mice were treated with BbCI (2 mg/kg) at days 1, 15 and 21 after elastase instillation (ELABC group). Control group received saline and BbCI using the same protocol (SALBC group). At day 28, mice were anesthetized, respiratory mechanics were collected, and exhaled nitric oxide were analyzed. Afterwards, broncoalveolar lavage fluid was obtained and lungs were removed to perform histochemistry and immunohistochemistry stains. By morphometry, the number of neutrophils, TNFalfa, MMP-9, MMP-12, TIMP-1, iNOS, eNOS positive cells as well as the volume proportion of 8-iso-PGF2alfa, collagen and elastic fibers content in alveolar septum and airways walls were performed. In airways walls, we also analyzed the number of MUC-5 positive cells and the number of macrophages. Results: The proteinase inhibitor BbCI was able to reduce the pulmonary mechanical alterations (Ers, Htis and Raw), alveolar septum disruption (Lm) and the BAL cell count (total cells, macrophages and neutrophils) induced by elastase. Regarding the Tese de Doutorado Rafael Almeida-Reis inflammatory response, BbCI also reduced the number of neutrophils and TNFalfa positive cells in both alveolar septum and airway walls, and also reduced the number of macrophages in alveolar septum. Considering the extracellular matrix remodeling, the proteinase inhibitor attenuated the volume fraction of elastic and collagen fibers, MMP-9 and MMP-12 positive cells in both alveolar septum and airway walls. Regarding the oxidative stress response, BbCI reduced the volume fraction of isoprostane in airways and the number of iNOS positive cells in both airways walls and alveolar septum. Finally, BbCI reduced the number of MUC5ac positive cells in airway walls. Conclusions: The treatment with BbCI modulated lung mechanics and reduced inflammatory, remodeling and oxidative stress alterations induced by elastase. Although more studies need to be performed to elucidate the mechanisms involved in this process, but we may considerate BbCI as a potential therapeutic tool for COPD management
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Efeito do inibidor de proteinase de origem vegetal BbCI, sobre a lesão pulmonar induzida pela elastase em camundongos C57BI6 / Effects of proteinase inhibitor from plant bbci on elastase-induced lung alterations in miceRafael de Almeida dos Reis 17 February 2014 (has links)
Introdução: As proteinases tem um papel importante no desenvolvimento, na destruição tecidual e na produção de muco causada pela DPOC. O inibidor de proteinase de origem vegetal Bauhinia bauhinioides Cruzipain Inhibitor (BbCI) inibe tanto as proteinases da classe serina quanto da classe cisteína. Objetivos: Deste modo consideramos relevante estudar os efeitos do tratamento com BbCI nas alterações pulmonares induzidas pela elastase em camundongos. Métodos: Camundongos C57Bl6 receberam elastase via intratraqueal (50 uL/animal, grupo ELA) ou salina (grupo SAL). Os camundongos foram tratados com BbCI (2mg/kg) nos dias 1, 15 e 21 após a instilação de elastase (grupo ELABC) ou salina (grupo SALBC). No dia 28 do protocolo, os animais foram anestesiados, a mecânica pulmonar foi medida e o óxido nítrico exalado coletado. Posteriormente, foi realizado o lavado broncoalveolar e os pulmões foram removidos para a preparação de lâminas de histoquímica e imunohistoquímica. Por meio de morfometria analisamos o número de células positivas para neutrófilos, TNF-alfa, MMP-9, MMP-12, TIMP-1, iNOS, eNOS assim como a fração de volume de 8-iso-PGF2alfa, fibras colágenas e elásticas, nos septos alveolares e nas vias aéreas. Também foram avaliados o número de células positivas para macrófagos nos septos alveolares e MUC5ac nas vias aéreas. Resultados: O inibidor de proteinase Tese de Doutorado Rafael Almeida-Reis BbCI reduziu as alterações de mecânica pulmonar (Ers, Htis e Raw), destruição do septo alveolar (Lm) e o número de células no lavado broncoalveolar (células totais, macrófagos e neutrófilos) induzidos pela elastase. Em relação a resposta inflamatória, o BbCI reduziu o número de neutrófilos e de células TNFalfa positivas no septo alveolar e nas vias aéreas além de reduzir o número de macrófagos no septo alveolar. Considerando o remodelamento de matriz extracelular, o inibidor de proteinase atenuou a fração de volume de fibras elásticas e colágenas e o número de células MMP- 9 e MMP-12 positivas nos septos alveolares e nas vias aéreas. Em relação a resposta de estresse oxidativo, o BbCI reduziu a fração de volume de isoprostano nas vias aéreas e o número de células iNOS positivas tanto nos septos alveolares quanto nas vias aéreas. O BbCI também reduziu o número de células MUC5ac positivas nas vias aéreas. Conclusões: O tratamento como inibidor BbCI modulou a mecânica pulmonar e reduziu as alterações inflamatórias, de remodelamento e de estresse oxidativo induzidas pela elastase intratraqueal. Embora sejam necessários mais estudos para elucidar os mecanismos envolvidos neste processo, o inibidor de proteinase BbCI pode ser considerado como um potencial instrumento terapêutico para o tratamento da DPOC / Background: Proteinases play a key role on emphysema development, tissue destruction and mucus production. Bauhinia bauhinioides Cruzipain Inhibitor (BbCI) is a proteinase inhibitor from plant that neutralizes serine and cysteine proteinases. The present study evaluated the effects of the BbCI treatment in pulmonary alterations induced by elastase in mice. Methods: C57Bl6 mice received elastase intratracheally (50 uL/animal, ELA group) or saline (SAL group). Afterwards, mice were treated with BbCI (2 mg/kg) at days 1, 15 and 21 after elastase instillation (ELABC group). Control group received saline and BbCI using the same protocol (SALBC group). At day 28, mice were anesthetized, respiratory mechanics were collected, and exhaled nitric oxide were analyzed. Afterwards, broncoalveolar lavage fluid was obtained and lungs were removed to perform histochemistry and immunohistochemistry stains. By morphometry, the number of neutrophils, TNFalfa, MMP-9, MMP-12, TIMP-1, iNOS, eNOS positive cells as well as the volume proportion of 8-iso-PGF2alfa, collagen and elastic fibers content in alveolar septum and airways walls were performed. In airways walls, we also analyzed the number of MUC-5 positive cells and the number of macrophages. Results: The proteinase inhibitor BbCI was able to reduce the pulmonary mechanical alterations (Ers, Htis and Raw), alveolar septum disruption (Lm) and the BAL cell count (total cells, macrophages and neutrophils) induced by elastase. Regarding the Tese de Doutorado Rafael Almeida-Reis inflammatory response, BbCI also reduced the number of neutrophils and TNFalfa positive cells in both alveolar septum and airway walls, and also reduced the number of macrophages in alveolar septum. Considering the extracellular matrix remodeling, the proteinase inhibitor attenuated the volume fraction of elastic and collagen fibers, MMP-9 and MMP-12 positive cells in both alveolar septum and airway walls. Regarding the oxidative stress response, BbCI reduced the volume fraction of isoprostane in airways and the number of iNOS positive cells in both airways walls and alveolar septum. Finally, BbCI reduced the number of MUC5ac positive cells in airway walls. Conclusions: The treatment with BbCI modulated lung mechanics and reduced inflammatory, remodeling and oxidative stress alterations induced by elastase. Although more studies need to be performed to elucidate the mechanisms involved in this process, but we may considerate BbCI as a potential therapeutic tool for COPD management
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