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Stratégie de maintenance centrée sur la fiabilité dans les réseaux électriques haute tensionFouathia, Ouahab 22 September 2005 (has links)
Aujourd’hui les réseaux électriques sont exploités dans un marché dérégulé. Les gestionnaires des réseaux électriques sont tenus d’assurer un certain nombre de critères de fiabilité et de continuité du service, tout en minimisant le coût total consacré aux efforts effectués pour maintenir la fiabilité des installations. Il s’agit de trouver une stratégie, qui répond à plusieurs exigences, comme : le coût, les performances, la législation, les exigences du régulateur, etc. Cependant, le processus de prise de décision est subjectif, car chaque participant ramène sa contribution sur base de sa propre expérience. Bien que ce processus permette de trouver la « meilleure » stratégie, cette dernière n’est pas forcément la stratégie « optimale ». Ce compromis technico-économique a sensibilisé les gestionnaires des réseaux électriques à la nécessité d’un recours à des outils d’aide à la décision, qui doivent se baser sur des nouvelles approches quantitatives et une modélisation plus proches de la réalité physique.
Cette thèse rentre dans le cadre d’un projet de recherche lancé par ELIA, et dénommé COMPRIMa (Cost-Optimization Models for the Planning of the Renewal, Inspection, and Maintenance of Belgian power system facilities). Ce projet vise à développer une méthodologie qui permet de modéliser une partie du réseau électrique de transport (par les réseaux de Petri stochastiques) et de simuler son comportement dynamique sur un horizon donné (simulation de Monte Carlo). L’évaluation des indices de fiabilité permet de comparer les différents scénarios qui tentent d’améliorer les performances de l’installation. L’approche proposée est basée sur la stratégie RCM (Reliability-Centered Maintenance).
La méthodologie développée dans cette thèse permet une modélisation plus réaliste du réseau qui tient compte, entre autres, des aspects suivants :
- La corrélation quantitative entre le processus de maintenance et le processus de vieillissement des composants (par un modèle d’âge virtuel) ;
- Les dépendances liées à l’aspect multi-composant du système, qui tient compte des modes de défaillance spécifiques des systèmes de protection ;
- L’aspect économique lié à la stratégie de maintenance (inspection, entretien, réparation, remplacement), aux coupures (programmées et forcées) et aux événements à risque (refus disjoncteur, perte d’un client, perte d’un jeu de barres, perte d’une sous-station, etc.).
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Investigation and development of an advanced virtual coordinate measuring machineHu, Yang January 2010 (has links)
Dimensional measurement plays a critical role in product development and quality control. With the continuously increasing demand for tighter tolerances and more complex workpiece shapes in the industry, dimensional metrology often becomes the bottleneck of taking the quality and performance of manufacturing to the next level. As one kind of the most useful and powerful measuring instruments, coordinate measuring machines (CMMs) are widely employed in manufacturing industries. Since the accuracy and efficiency of a CMM have a vital impact on the product quality, productivity and manufacturing cost, the evaluation and improvement of CMM performance have always been important research topics since the invention of CMM. A novel Advanced Virtual Coordinate Measuring Machine (AVCMM) is proposed against such a background. The proposed AVCMM is a software package that provides an integrated virtual environment, in which user can plan inspection strategy for a given task, carry out virtual measurement, and evaluate the uncertainty associated with the measurement result, all without the need of using a physical machine. The obtained estimate of uncertainty can serve as a rapid feedback for user to optimize the inspection plan in the AVCMM before actual measurement, or as an evaluation of the result of a performed measurement. Without involving a physical CMM in the inspection planning or evaluation of uncertainty, the AVCMM can greatly reduce the time and cost needed for such processes. Furthermore, as the package offers vivid 3D visual representation of the virtual environment and supports operations similar to a physical CMM, it does not only allow the user to easily plan and optimise the inspection strategy, but also provide a cost-effective, risk-free solution for training CMM operators. A modular, multitier architecture has been adopted to develop the AVCMM system, which incorporates a number of functional components covering CMM and workpiece modelling, error simulation, inspection simulation, feature calculation, uncertainty evaluation and 3D representation. A new engine for detecting collision/contact has been developed and utilized, which is suitable for the virtual environment of simulated CMM inspections. A novel approach has been established to calculate errors required for the error simulation, where the data are obtained from FEA simulations in addition to conventional experimental method. Monte Carlo method has been adopted for uncertainty evaluation and has been implemented with multiple options available to meet different requirements. A prototype of the proposed AVCMM system has been developed in this research. Its validity, usability and performance have been verified and evaluated through a set of experiments. The principles for utilising the AVCMM in practical use have also been established and demonstrated. The results have indicated that the proposed AVCMM system has great potentials to improve the functionalities and overall performance of CMMs.
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La nouvelle régulation des systèmes éducatifs en Afrique subsaharienne : analyse historique et sociopolitique des cas du Bénin et du SénégalTchimou, Doffouchi Madeleine January 2006 (has links)
Thèse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
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Tillsyn i teori och praktik : om statlig styrning och kontroll av socialtjänstens individ- och familjeomsorgHämberg, Eva January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to deepen the understanding about the function of control in the inspection process and to increase the knowledge about the legitimacy and impact from inspection on different types of social and welfare services. In the thesis the form and legitimacy of the inspection process are studied in two types of social services in Sweden: a less complex service where the task to investigate and make decisions about social care dominates (IAD), and a more complex service where the task to provide treatment interventions dominates (TI). The data consists of policy documents, inspection reports, casefile documentation, and interviews with inspectors, politicians, managers and social workers. The inspection process is discussed in relation to theories about control systems and legitimacy processes. Inspection is a policy instrument whose standards are derived from legislations and where those subject to the inspection are obliged to meet the demands made by the inspectorates. This form of disciplinary control has been questioned given that its complexity makes it hard to regulate the practice of social work through detailed rules. By including a less disciplinary form of control the instrument’s ability to impact on more complex aspects of social services are expected to increase. The results show a difference in how the inspection process is set up in the two types of services. In the IAD services the process takes the form of a disciplinary control system, whereas the process in TI services initially takes the form of a non-disciplinary system. In spite of the differences observed in the initial stages of the process, the results show that the judgments of inspectors in both types of services are almost exclusively based on information about concrete and detailed aspects. This entails that the judgements of inspectors in both types of services mostly take the form of statements on simple observable and concrete conditions, whereas judgments about more complex aspects are rarely made. The study also shows that although the propriety and relevance of the inspectors’ judgements are questioned more in TI organisations inspections seem to have greater validity and impact on TI than on IAD organisations. The results of the thesis point to two explanations. One explanation is that the costs of dealing with the problems underlying the identified deficiencies are lower for TI than IAD organisations. This in turn leads to greater acceptance of carrying out the proposed measures in TI than in IAD organisations. Another possible explanation is that the potential sanctions are greater for TI than IAD organisations.
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En lärande besiktningsprocess : -Erfarenhetsåterföring med hjälp av digitala verktyg / Learning through inspection processes : -Experience feedback using digital toolsKarlsson, Fredrik, Johansson, Patrik January 2016 (has links)
Abstract Purpose: Contractors usage of inspection data for the purpose of experience feedback in order to improve the production processes is unusual. The usual procedure with the usage of inspection protocols is to use them as a tool for correcting building errors discovered at the time of the inspection. This report highlights the opportunities and challenges regarding a computer aided inspection process by studying what different people in the industry think about these issues. The aim of the study is to present a proposal on the structure of a program that handles inspection data in the purpose of experience feedback and statistics. The structure shows an example on how the information from inspection statements can be sorted. Method: The authors conducted a case study of a company that works with offsite construction. The data collection was performed through semi structured interviews at the company the study focuses on and also on another company in the same industry. To be able to conduct the interviews in a satisfying way the authors conducted a document analysis of previous inspection protocols as well as a literature study through which the authors became acquainted with the current research frontier. Findings: The data collection with following analysis, among other findings, resulted in that a digital inspection process would make the categorization of errors standardised which in turn would lead to better usage of the information provided from inspections. It was also found that companies within the industry wants to use a digital tool for experience feedback. Especially for, but not limited to, the ability to get statistics over what areas in the business that need improvement. The result most closely related to the aim of the study is the points the authors believe should be included in a specification for a digital tool, for managing inspection protocols and using them for experience feedback. These points are: minimal changes by hand, easy to navigate, the ability to keep statistics over inspection findings and the possibility to adapt the structure of the digital to the specific company or inspector. Implications: The core of the problem that the report intends to investigate is the weaknesses in how industrial contractors use the information from inspections. The result indicate that a digital tool may be part of the solution. With such a tool developed, with above mentioned points in mind, many of the reoccurring errors found through inspections would be made visible through the easy access of statistics. In this way companies that uses a tool like this would have an easier time to introduce changes in their operations to minimize errors. Limitations: The report is limited by the fact that it only targets companies that is working with offsite construction in an industrialized fashion and therefore only is privileged by their views of the issues. The inspectors, whom also would be affected by such a tool, is not included in this study. Keywords: ICT, experience feedback, offsite construction, inspection process, requirements engineering. Content is described in Swedish below. / Sammanfattning Syfte: Att industriella byggföretag använder sig av besiktningsprotokoll för erfarenhetsåterföring med syfte att förbättra produktionsprocessen är ovanligt. Det vanliga förfarandet handlar närmast om att använda protokollen enbart som åtgärdslistor för de fel som uppdagas vid besiktningstillfället. Denna rapport belyser möjligheter och utmaningar med en datorstödd besiktningsprocess genom att utreda vad olika personer i den industriella modulbyggbranschen tycker i dessa frågor. Arbetets mål är att presentera ett förslag på struktur för ett program som hanterar besiktningsanmärkningar för erfarenhetsåterföring. Strukturen ska visa hur informationen från besiktningsutlåtandena kan sorteras. Metod: Rapportförfattarna har utfört en fallstudie på ett företag inom industriellt modulbyggande. Datainsamlingen skedde genom semi-strukturerade intervjuer på företaget fallstudien fokuserar på och på ett annat företag i samma bransch. För att genomföra intervjuerna på ett bra sätt genomfördes en dokumentanalys av slut-besiktningsprotokoll från tidigare färdigställda projekt och det gjordes en litteratur-studie där rapportförfattarna bekantade sig med den nuvarande forskningsfronten i ämnet. Resultat: Sammantaget resulterade datainsamlingen, och analysen av denna, bland annat i att en digitaliserad besiktningsprocess hade kunnat göra kategoriseringen av fel standardiserad och att man då i högre grad kan utnyttja informationen i besiktnings-protokollen. Det visar sig också att de industriella byggföretagen i branschen vill använda sig av ett digitalt verktyg för erfarenhetsåterföring, framförallt men inte enbart för att få statistik över vilka områden i verksamheten som behöver förbättras. Det resultat som närmast svarar mot målet är de punkter som rapportförfattarna anser bör ingå i en kravspecifikation för ett digitalt verktyg för hantering av besiktningsprotokoll och erfarenhetsåterföring från dessa. Punkterna som rapportförfattarna kommer fram till är: minimal handpåläggning, lättnavigerat, möjlighet att föra statistik över besiktningsanmärkningar samt möjlighet att anpassa strukturen av det digitala verktyget utefter krav hos det specifika företaget eller besiktningsmannen. Konsekvenser: Kärnan i problemet som rapporten ämnar utreda är brister i hur industriella byggföretag i dagsläget använder sig av informationen i slut-besiktningsprotokoll. Rapportens resultat indikerar att ett digitalt verktyg kan vara en del i lösningen på problemet. Med ett sådant verktyg utvecklat efter ovan nämnda punkter som grund skulle många återkommande fel som idag upptäcks på slutbesiktningar synliggöras genom lättillgänglig statistik. På så sätt kan företag som använder ett sådant verktyg lättare införa förändringar i verksamheten för att minimera fel. Begränsningar: Rapporten begränsas i den mening att den endast riktar sig mot företag inom industriellt modulbyggande och då enbart deras åsikter i frågorna. Besiktningsmännen som också skulle påverkas av ett sådant verktyg ingår ej i studien. Nyckelord: ICT, erfarenhetsåterföring, industriellt byggande, besiktningsprocessen, requirements engineering.
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Acceptance Tests – FAT & SAT : An Empirical Case Study of Utility PolesAl Farra, Hussni January 2016 (has links)
The overall purpose of this project is to devise improved quality acceptance procedures to examine quality characteristics of utility poles at the factory of the supplier (FAT) and on-site upon receipt by the customer (SAT). To that end, the thesis draws upon available standards, literature, and industry practices regarding wood, fiberglass and steel poles. As far as the design of the research, a single case study of a major power company was chosen. Then, a data collection plan was developed in order to build upon the existing knowledge found in the literature, and upon the data that can be collected from three of the Company’s suppliers, in addition to the Technical Research Institute of Sweden (SP). Documents’ analysis, interviews, observations, and a survey were the tools of that plan. It was found that criteria, inspection and test methods of wood poles are all sufficiently covered in the standards and the literature; for wood is the most commonly used material for utility poles. Next, in coverage of research, are the steel poles; while there is currently no standard that covers fiberglass utility poles. Indeed, quality characteristics, criteria, and acceptance procedures can altogether form parts of a sustainable solution, as long as the quality is managed as a process whether at the Company’s end or at the fabrication sites; that is especially true if there is some form of backward partnership between the Company and its suppliers.
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Česká inspekce životního prostředí / Czech Environmental InspectorateBeranová, Lenka January 2014 (has links)
This thesis addresses the problem of Czech Environmental Inspectorate and the general protection of the environment. I focus on the history of the protection of the environment, both at international, European and national. Further, I develop inspections in our area and grounds of Inspection, its scope (both substantive and territorial) and its competence in all major components. For comparison, I also deal with environmental protection in other European countries (I chose two Western European countries, which have a relatively long history of environmental protection). Most, however, devoted to the performance of supervision, both in general and specifically as one of the powers of inspection to all five areas. At the end of the deal by providing information and differences in process the individual laws. The aim is to introduce the reader to general environmental protection, and especially with the functioning of Inspections and its importance.
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Svensk Bilprovning : Omregleringarna och dess effekterNorén, Pontus January 2017 (has links)
The Swedish motor-vehicle inspection has worked very well and was monopolized in 1965. After the monopolization, the company AB Svensk Bilprovning was formed and had a monopoly until 2010 when the bourgeois government deregulated the monopoly for the motor-vehicle inspection services. It had been discussed earlier around the 1990s but the planned deregulation of the service did not occur. The main reason for the deregulation was for the service to act on a competitive market which would improve it in several aspects. One of the main aspects were the availability. The deregulation in 2010 had positive effects and mainly the availability increased throughout Sweden. In year 2014 the social-democratic party were not satisfied before or after deregulation even though it improved the service. The bourgeois on the other hand were very satisfied of the results.
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Vybrané problémy normativní regulace školství / Selected questions of normative regulation of the Czech educational system.Fořtová, Michaela January 2012 (has links)
TITLE: Selected questions of normative regulation of the Czech educational system AUTHOR: Michaela Fořtová DEPARTMENT: Department of Social Sciences and Philosophy SUPERVISOR: JUDr. Stanislav Sádovský, PhD., LLM, MSc ABSTRACT: The thesis is devoted to the problems of normative regulation in the sphere of the Czech educational system. At the very beginning it defines regulation and its influence within the framework of jurisprudence in the form of normative regulation. Therefore the dissertation deals with the term of legal standard, its structure and the types of legal norms. It indicates normative regulation in practice, thus in selected laws. Thereafter it performs classification of normative instruments in education, which is made on the basis of law sources difference. The end of this thesis is dedicated to normative regulation of the educational system, which is illustrated by selected documents. Then regulation is evaluated and possibilities of its improvement suggested. KEYWORDS: school system, rule-making, law sources, self-government, inspection
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Zprávy České školní inspekce jako zdroj informací o porušování právních předpisů v oblasti bezpečnosti a ochrany zdraví žáků ve školách a školských zařízeních / Czech School Inspection's reports as a source of information on breaking the legal requirements of safety and welfare of students in schools and educational facilitiesBukovská, Zuzana January 2013 (has links)
The diploma work is focused on the field of security and health protection in the school facilities. It is based on the analysis of the legal regulations and it compares them to the information published in the inspectional, annual and thematic reports of the Czech School Inspection. The research part deals with the analysis of the public and closed documents of the Czech School Inspection. It refers to the most common abuse of the legal rules in the comparison to the facts published in the mentioned reports of the Czech School Inspection. The diploma work contains the total view of the legal regulations targeted on the field of security and health protection and determines the duties which are obligatory for the headmasters. Focused on the documents the work finds out the most frequent mistakes and examples of breaking the rules, it searches for the cause of the cases and sugests the ways how to prevent from the mistakes.
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